Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

22 erthygl ar y dudalen hon

General News.

Rhestrau Manwl, Canlyniadau a Chanllawiau

General News. ';1'lL!.](;F.C! h:¡.. been received at New York ,f caoi naiyinc of the steamer Empress of Imlm '? X?. Eighteen lives were lost. jnLake j/etersburg telegram states A that 1 j'1^ (i,rts!iakof fis no longer confined to  hb lu' js stj|j compelled to lie upon a couch, ?'?), the is less severe, the swelling and )Ilt;uue. ?.ener?lHit?ictf is better. ..j 1. I' I. t\ 'T' I ,t?'t;?'t'li?I in the Queen's B?m'h t 'I on Th,u*av» ^or lL (>^ ti> <[ua? h e< 1 An purpose ot beint{ quashed, an of ?Nti?1(ilesex for the de- jtrUC? H" ?f certain books aHe?ed to b? immoral. Jh'tlC I I ..1 t' \fa. g'rl.n tct A (,l,Linin= a conference iii Lnn- ,I, \e-ltli and the ="w?? of towns on Thurs- ¡' 0': I'" was very much i! the qne:;tl\\I\ of he:J.lth was very IllllCh "'? tctti' He looked torw?l to a day 'u<1 "t'i<,I\e of he:\lth \\TImId be an e:ssential ivher-1f' <Jier.ce of health wou l d be an essential p. ?.?, .? !?)ication. IKI]\t .'Jlt.)\£¡t re;uvns from the l?t April last to \1 I." f II 1" [t'c "1,,11 infant Lre as follo%v Receipts, the I't "1" fO '1' I I tilt, expenditure, £ 12,-105,418; ba l :mces, '11 h dcorrcspon I., o d o f 1 t S, io io correspond ing period of :Lt ?'?'r?'ciprs wcru .?11,0?0,7?, the expendi- ??\'if?,4?- ?? the b.d?nces £ 5,10(i,151. ^■.p."aMKli, the Liberal candidate for the se-?t ? ?ii?, v?'?'M by the de?th of Sir F. Goi?t- I • 1i,ar ?''?'? returned by a majority of 058 1111' I 11' the number pulled for Air Attenborough, '*f ^v.iiservative candidate. .\Ir !oil- ?f n\?. w'? the ??'? day declared elected for .t *f f iiil Universi t y. ?[?[),\Y:).fterno(m 100 boys m?de their ;>,>ni the Dalbeth ?cforni?.'ry. Some '• ,'¡.f,¡Ltien had recently manifested itself ?.t?f.K'ticn h:).d recently Dt.H't tc?ted itself  ?he youths in the institution, and they "t" lmYecilccted their escape by scaling 1)"Iigi-iit ?e:ireii i-, I)eiiis-r iii,t(te tor V!l' widl. Dilligent search is beimr made tor ■ .,nw;\y=*, !U! ni>I,l-s are entertained that they ';r,?!.t?r..L 11 a WLK-KMEX have bl'n seriously in- I  .i  :n d<? t'o?? ,'u'" n? ;:un h"l Ir'ii1v ? band of roug hs in Birmingham He i'i!V.uiing :o apprehend .-ome men conccrued I ?"?'? ?;,?'?t:u)nt'e h e;t d .?')nt']'tc)tc()nct.'rnt; d .?.?-)):?)n:??'therc?nst:c,w!to is now I ':l s" c I' c!' i'i V !-irerudition. Six or ?iieii \vure ll''1"l 'uS" y .r-ivted, among them being I brother   'tcd,:un'm?t!tC!tt!'ct'?:tt'r<'{;f)ur -.LN "(' who was c.\ccut?d ht?t.yc.n'  .j;. ;,fa policeman. r p f 1,•'<>> .??,?.,?.j.???!f?tc.'rresp.mJent it» r,1\l i ti,as another election will take :ei<tn.;«Wv t .lav in county l)o The 1 'r ""¡p \H' IJ. J itP c:„,ed by the eleva- it 14I'lill T;-t,N't I ",I 'i'"c\l;' .l!\ J,.1 .1'01', 11 .1" ti?n'?'?' \1 tl '('II' 'I .cr! I, >rd Arthur r 1 IS men-1 t,\ t.\ 1:[1 I' [. t,' f tJ "t l in the t "five fol- tile ;C:,Lt ;)?rc l!?" tfhen Viicoiiu. ,.VT,ON resulted in the return ('oI'ST\ t' W' 1 '?'? "?.?-? Thev.-can.ywa.cau?d ¡ t.¡e \t .1 t: Mr S. IVa'.vford, Liberal, the -i ilVt.ioii le.u.i j forward ?.? ':k;t18'¡ tl,. iiihenvl.- Mr W. I) An d rews, {l{ If' Lihl't.l: of ab.«ut 12,000 nearly t ,J ,-titueucvof ab.t-!2,')00 nearly ,h 1' ll'Vi loi-.l fa'tloivadi lining returned ?' .Jd i,?)('a?Iei'ea?hbcm?r'turncd! WO.: l"I', 1 ,t!, I ?:?'?.J/,? \,?t,.unngham 1- I r: r ùl I, ?,"ii -'I'll I)ootiiia'?:cr, t,'IIlltr i,t the tv?"t'.ud)ow races, be- ,I"+;IL' ho.esu. Me.ul?dith.d 'Y tit tiil' llol'M'S fell. iU ailcgv.l it had ]). ?nd w?enti.etunmai and Its  1 I j»-[;i;'ikjiuf. reached the (Jiuiul I' „i'Va i[[.?t at him, and truek r:r::L'. l Ui" 0.- Lt iV> a- v'.ulted Mr Charlton, a member Jn'iiiiikt'r, who interposed ?" IJl't"'er\"e "1 'rV.r these nSclKVS Fawceto was on M 'n-  '1 >.1 l'lO ;s:i.l I' o.- ts. ''?'?? ??<?.'x? (;hill ?'? ?r of Üy ■Vt ?.t' h S.??'"? 1 uesday, there was 'I't:' I "? .?..? :?' severity of the weather, snow III 111" J. ç i? 'v, t. t!r ?c'?h of between three and four i!lIII some [liaees North of the Tweed, the Ie 11 LI., III ,¡n.' !¡(" -\01' 0, le wee(, Ie "J 'fv'-v veiHVu'd t"be as '"?'"? ? any ex peri-  nt' 'r;an' )  'il l!U;,j:l th" pa^t winter and in our own t?n?rth-vestcrly wmd w? unpleasant- ''jj snov.- f"l! on the Carnarvonshire hills. tiE 11X.M. :uid winding np meeting of the ro l' }' 1'] t ihu;¡"n Ilk' Indian Famine Fund commi_ t t ee ? • j'"?e'? Monday, Alderman Mil- 1 horns i(;hfe ).r?r-L;. Thebusn.e? was merely • 1 Ltfroi, tll(? -tti(llte(I accounts ..?,,ta! "i tlb,OO!) had been received, of t'jK'h JL''??? t'?d ?een remitted to Madras, th.!d'incc?t'i:? expended on advertisements, h'.?Mi?'m'' t? ecretary, cashier, &c. Some ..)i.r.tuiat?rv speeches h?n? been delivered, (if thanks passed to the bte Lord )[??r?r having initiated ?o successful a fund, ['??-iuittt-esep?rated. ?T.?(? FEAT of endurance has been i, n i,r,-T.- during the past week at the Agricul- nui HsH, London. On Monday week, two eight bicyclists entered the lists with ¡lj" dew of ascertaining who could cover the '-reat-t distance in six days. One of the and several of the bicycle riders retired I'fc'U-rrals during the week, and on Saturday t;, was brought to a close, Leon, the Mexi- -jJ 1i"ï,eU\,il, hdn; declared the winner, he distances Covered Pt^ive hicvclists who kept the track to the X; froin 734 miles to no miles. liS j[.IAY evening an alarming catastrophe lici'idie'i Colliery, arnsley, near Bri't»i. where a large number of hands are em- Three of the colliers were working to- d\¡r in Olle ¡I:\rt of the pit when the roof sud- il-iiiy fell •(>n then;. Information having been y their cz,iiirzt,les strenuous exertions were ilmde by all the pit workers assisted by volun- I)iit tliuir efforts proved iiiisuret-sfid til) to a ltte hour, and all rt-seuir. the fellows has been aban- .j,,ued, a< the r«« 1 falls in as fast as the rescuing I jiartv e;i ;¡H:r\l.rlt th,'m. An kxvAiii'.tuNAiiV riot, which at present ap- neai's te heeu {U'Kvoked only by a spirit of 1 H';t!!ti)ii mischief, iia.- occurred at a Worcester-1 shire vi)J;u'e caJJeiJ Hloelcley. A number of invijile. on lieiiiL.' tinned out 01 the public-houses | it cUsing time mi Saturday night, went in :1 I ■-■"•I'.vil tn the j <-lice-statioii shouting and yelling; i tVeat* against the resident police. Having; wrecked the d«»rs and windows, the 1110b dragged nit (1\" cuiistahies. line of whom they threw into t!«e circrchyard, while the other was thrown on the ground and nm>t bi ntally kicked and other- wiit maltreated, being rescued by some geiitle- w;: ••lily lit the risk of their own lives. t TF-MIM-MIS have found their way into the The case of Lees v. Maiins and IltheL; wa» before the Court of Common Pleas ■ii M 'liilay. This litigation arose out of (liffer- •'lite which had arL'en among the Cood Temp- j lir-, ;Yri the action v.'as to recover possession of '-Ii'i tlle ;iutillit ti) recover of :I (of the It i?-as .?? t'?a' -A!r ?ne of the defendants, had ? !??L'ht?M..t"tc!nplM'y"ir<?ni America, and !'f !?'j''?f'c)i -m'h?rised by the RI?ht W?rtliy? ''Will Chief Templar there to be the Grand 'j "]' '1' Worthy Chief Templar here. For several years lite; tlii:. he was annually appointed by the body "f this office, the last appointment being in Ajuii. About this time there were differ- pernliiig. and soon afterwards Mr Maiins that whieh it was said amounted to a ??ttiuiinf h)!)?etf from the Good Templars, the presant action was com- l! dti<i fitti ng the present action was corn-: '• •■ .?i. th-j.'t?.nt question being whet her an ?-"f -Air I,iitlleyall(-Ni-iti,, certain aHe-' -M?inth.—t:?n,entof claim should not be ?'?!))M ),r tu.,(tined. Mr Waddy, Q,C" and •'h F. Turin. moved for a rule to rescind the? 'I"" "1'\ 1 ') L' ( I 'f'w. awl M" h. Meymon)', Q.C., appeared to it. The court varied the 'ri[ "f ATr ■ht-tict Liiailey to the extent of ,If the statement of claim certain -"i.tiT. wIllet¡ were alleged to have occurred •!< {„ April, !?;. i °-,1'- i j J. .wr-s|;s Hi'.vwoon, of Manchester, have! ii a --}.vet containing a grajihic view of I.' "J' have jjiirchased if applied to peace pur^ '1'1,' 1 L The "11: is arranged 111 1,200 bags of each, and the following I 'd'jeecs the amount woutdhaveob- ??h- Ji'pla', :t each £ !f)ri,()00. .?'? '.t ailli'l each iMiMf.OIWf. j •( 'luills, :;t ,i;l(.h £ (i(i(l,(!'l!». ,.?.t: ,C,:¡ilO <?h. £iOO,Ii¡IO, 1 wa-'i-houses, at £ 5,UHU each. £ 41)0,(K)ii. '??'i?..??]?t???!t .i-)")". ;?'?.j.riM.t ?,Ut)!) each £ -10ii,li!HI. !;■  ?'?. ?t £ 5,Ml each £ JIO,III:II. • ;iji; life-linats and Stations £ 2(10,Mill. "?'??nm'si?ns £ 400,0<W £ 4'K),I!II0. £- II "J ,"?"??'i? ?, each £ 40i),(MN(. '?'?.rs for ))m'p!e who now live in ''? 1:0U,OUU. ilf science ati(i Lrt, ,Lt 4L ""I: £:lOO,U,¡O, ;(,i,,nttiiis lor i.,ian :tiiii ctttle, V-rl • •••li £ 200,000. 4 hl.r;r; s, ;it f5,(l! 0 e;<cll £ ili;000. ?'??'!i).cnp!?t?Li):L\-e?-e?-]t.?'!),<)U)).! ?-?a)??'t.i',ta;)?-.t all temperance ,?'- ?U,UUC. [,M I-"1'1'•" t» tat; Iln tIh and Foreign j ?t.n?s,?. ? ? ?.?,,??  J J 7, rII Iieniile alive in the Chinese 'le £ £ 00,000. ??? .? < .? G O "'■• "1 lied", ,"),i'(IO,i'liO II)s of 4,fM?il,fli)O lbs of ,.11 ?'OOU.) Tntit! i'(i,(l;iO,IIOO I '?"?'T. was opened on Inesday M the  of th.j ??i<;tvof Artsto discuss the '?faf'n)j?,ph(;)?]? ??e t)f water; !f. | till-it to Iccoiiiit the ii.,itiij-:tl k"lrl' of tli., kiJ,lllJi\ al'l,lyill" them to the It"i n 4- 'l'b vsl'ccialities of different districts. The 1 ,?'?'?'??t]'?k-ttt'ra(!di'c'ed by t?e h;, "J:l1latl" IJI:\ dtel' m (l'e;e( J)' ,e V' -ides to the society. Sir Henry C?ie,? ?;i" )?-i()?. p?i)tt.?'n)tth:'t:Uth?!?h' '?'??''?'"n:n?h.wns h:Kl securcd an' Hi i' *u ''UM'U' yet <.hes])m!k? town!> WLre.iiel.ell(l""Lt oll acei f.ii <.ftcnn?uHic!ent f"r the purpose;; L"alth and ct?nh,?. H.-th.?htthatiu-, capital out of the countrv, with '?"?'"? its rcuurmng, a sum <,f .??ti- t??o .?t imi) wnnld be hettM M?Hed t? this -'■ purpose, and <t«uhtl? U? (.Vermont ""1Uu lle able t<> manage the tjnanc(' o as to ■ laiitu: a moderate interest. ('oll,idering that! :v!»'l'iilation doubled every twenty-five years "•re would be less clear water every year, and f fc'-sd more extensive arrangements \t ?u!d he 1 /?'L Papers were read pointing out the! "■ant: upply available in this country, ?nd' '-??? that tlie (Jovennnent w.?the<mh'])?\ver C Vi'U:h we ivnld look to solve the problem of Woper uti)is?tion. After a short ad journ- Illftt, th" Congress was resumed in the after- l i ?IrA. H. Urown, M. I rea d :t ;'aper. hi A.13rowll, read a pape. ill "m:,c t,f which he r'ferrcd to the Mxth ? the!;i\-c? PoHntion Commission ",HI  J'(:¡'f,t., <? medical officers of health, with the .h"w)!;?th:t in small towns andr?ra) ?. v<'hei'e there was no public water supply -condition was very nn.?ti.-hctnt'y.  .? ?'?'Ui..s!n follovred, and the .?ttjn? of the '?'?:?:i?j..u)'n?t till Wednesday, when a V" Mns adopted urging Covenniient to <r? fj, lier'uanent ?ur?u)? <?)ven)ine]ttto 'l:;t 11 pl'l"lJaneHt scieltin"c cOllJrni"ioJl to "è.:t" tlH' £:¡¡,t" Cfll¡lwctetl with w?ter?'p!y ?'' ¡) U n 't 'I ro d om, !nor'] er to '"•i'ii*"° ut'sation '-In;L('U)., In or( er ? tli" l¡t¡Jlat\IJn of the natIonal rCSOl1rCe¡; "h"I¿r "U¡'I'Iy for the benefit of the country as

i London Gossip. I

[No title]

i1, Foreign and Colonial.

[No title]

[No title]

The Court. - -

- - -_____- - -Military and…


[No title]

Trade Intelligence. - - -…

- - - - - - -.....-...-...-TRAFFIC…

[No title]


The Farm and Garden.



[No title]


[No title]

Fun for the Family.

[No title]