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FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. I -I AMERICA. ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMSHIP ETNA. I [TELEGRPH COMPANY S EXPRESS.] I CAPE CLEAR, Wednesday.-The Liverpool, New York, and Philadelphia Company's screw steamship Etna, from New York on December 19, has passed Cape Clear. Having thrown telegraphic despatches over- board, she proceed ell immediately for Queenstown and Liverpool, all well. She brings the United Stales mails, 21 cabin and 89 steerage passengers, and has 674,000 dollers in specie on freight. NEW YORK. Dec. 19.—A lvices from the army of the Potomac state that a strong body of Stuart's Con- federate cavalry made an attack, on the night of December 17, on the Federal advanced posts guarding the bridges at Pape's Run, on the Orange and Alex- andria Railroad. A number of the Federals were made prisoners but the Confederates failed in an attempt which they made to burn the bridges. An attack made on December 14, by General Longslreets's troops on the Union forces at Blair Station, the Confederates captured I 22 loads of qurrterniasters' stores. Fighting was going on Blair's Cross Roads. It is stated that during General Longstreet's retreat his ammunition train of 40 cars and two locomotives was run into the river at London, to prevent its falling into the hands of the Federals. Chattanooga despatches state General Wheeler nas rejoined General Hardee at Dalton. There is no later news from Knoxville. General Burnside was expected to arrive at Cinccinnati on the night of December 18. The latest, news from Charleston is to Dec. 15. Another explosion had taken place in Fort Sumter, most probably caused by one of the Federal shells dropping into a magazine. One of the Confederate floating batteries had gone ashore near Folly Island. The city of Charleston was being shelled from Port Putnam. Furious gales had broken and removed many of the Confederate obstructions in the harbour. A fire and explosion had taken place at Yorktown, in which 25 per- sons were more or less injured, and about 1,000,000 worth of property destroyed. A satisfactory arrange- ment is said to have been made between Lord Lyons and Mr Seward respecting the disposition of the steamer Chesapeake, captured in British waters. -1 [REUTEH'S TELEGRAJI.] NEW YORK, Dec. 19, Morning.—Advices received from Charleston announces that the Federals threw a large number of shells into Charleston on the 10th, pro- voking a heavy fire from the Confederate batteries. A severe gale had seriously injured the Confederate ob- structions in Charleston harbour—it was believed suffi- ciently to render them ineffective against the Federal fleet. The official repors of the coinmanders of the monitors during Dupont's attack upon Charleston, now published for the first time, show that all the monitors received severe damage, and if the attack had been con- tinued they would have been disabled. One commander says he was disappointed beyond all measure at the ex- periment of monitors overcoming strong forts, and con siders it was a fair trial. Hardee's army is estimated at 35,000, and is at Dalton, with pickets extending to the Tunnel. Wheelers is organising cavalry at Dalton for an active winter campaign. Grant and Shermau have left Chattanooga for Bridgenorth. The guerilla General Morgan has escaped southwards across the Tennessee river, 60 miles above Chattanooga. Sixteen of his escort were cptured. The New York Tribuae" asserts that as the Chesapeake was capture 1 in British waters she will be delivered to the British autlioiities but it was not believed the pirates would be allowed to put to sea again. Mr Seward has had a friendly inter- view with Lord Lyons on the subject. The Federals are falling back in East Tennessee before Longstreet, who has turned against his pursuers. The New Orleans papers contain an improbable report that the Mexicans had recaptured Puebla. DEC, 19, Eleven a.m.—Considerable anxiety is evinced by the public to learn the true situation of affairs at Knoxville. The statement in the despatch from Cutnherlond Gap on tlie lgtli to the effect that the Union citizens were leaving Knoxville leads to the belief that Longstreet is about to besiege the town. Guerilla at- tacks upon the Mississippi river steamers continue. The Brazil was fired into near Roomy on the 11th, and three woman and one man were killed and several wounded. The Jaimsch was burnt on the 6tli, but it is not stated at what point. I THE POLISH INSURRECTION. CRACOW, Dec. 29.-Advices from Warsaw state that the agents of General Berg- in that city have commenced enforcing the signature of addresses expressing toya. tv to the Czar. The first address submitted to the inhabit- ants for signature was taken round in the Jewish quarter of the town. Mgr. Rezewenski, the substitute of A rch- bishop Gelinski, was required by an agent of the Govern- ment to issue a pastoral letter recommending the signa- ture of the addresses, but he refused to comply. BRESLAU, Dec. 30.—Arrests continue to be made in Warsaw, particularly at the hotels. The National Government has made a fresh appeal to the insurgents in arms. Intelligence received from Radom states that Cbimielinski has been shot at that place. WARSAW, Dec. 30.—An order has been issued by General Berg that until the complete restoration of tranqnillity all the police authorities, including the bead of the police, shall be subordinate to the military authorities. The Cour-iier de W Ina of the 26th inst. announces that Lieutenant Dominique Malekki had been shot, having been found guilty of passing over to the insurgents. —— — I GERMANY AND DENMARK. Federal execution" in Holstem has now become a fact. The Saxon troops entered Altona on Thursday morning, and the Danes left the city as the Felleral forees appeared. The wishes of the people were unmis- takably expressed in the reception they gave the Sa';ons and the hoisting of German flags. A largo meeting was held in Altona during the day, and PrinceFre leri-k was popularly proclaimed. The members of the muni- cipal council and the magistrates take the same side, and even the military band of the Saxon troons played the Schleswig-Holstein national air. At night the city was illuminated. Notwithstanding appearaaces to the contrary, the proclamation of the Federal com mis- sioners declares that they assume the Government of Holslein and Lauenburg "without prejudice to the only temporarily suspended rights of the sovereign." They have warned the people in decided terms" against any premature mea-ures. They caution them not to proclaim Prince Frederick. Expressions of I sympathy, they say, they eannot suppr ss, but the Federal regulations must not be invided. The Federal commissioners havo ot over oue difficulty by directing that prayers shall be put up in the c urches for "the Government, its councillors, and servants." As the Danish forces retire, Duke Frederick is proclaimed in different places. Denmark is now in the midst of her troubles, internal as well external. The Ministry have resigned. The immediate cause of the rupture is said to be the pressure of England and Russia on the King. These Powers desire the withdrawal of the common constitution," and in his extremity the King wished to consult the Rigsraad. To this proceeding the Ministry were averse, and hence their retirement from office. They declared they would rather accept war, even should Europe leave Denmark isolated, than agree to a suspension of the constitution. Judged by the "Dagbladet," which has a semi-official p sition in Copenhagen, this is the feeling of the country. The Daghladet" is exceedingly bitter against the eonduct of England and Russia, the Victors of Warsaw and Sinope, of Copenhagen, in 1807, and Kagosima, and it declares that Denmark has no other choice but to make war." The latest news from Copenhagen declares that General Oxholm will undertake the formation of a Ministry, and the King has given up the idea of con- voking a Parliament. It is assertel at the same time that no withdrawal or postponement of the common constitution will take place. A Hamburg despatch says that Sweden, equally with England and Russia, urges the withdrawal of the constitution. I GREECE. A telegram with news from Athens show that the young King of Greece has, like his father of Denmark, found plenty of cares along with his dignities. Up to the present time Athens has been under the rule of the National Guard. Whenover the Government took any step that did not please that martial b dy, there were immediate threats of mutiny and counter-revolution. Of c urse, the work of Government could not go on under such circumstances, and the Ministers of King George wisely determined to break the power of the National Guard. It was resolved that the military posts of the city should be occupied by police and gendarmes instead of by the Guard. The latter conse- quently created disturbances, but the telegram leads to the suppositiou that the measures of the Government have been accompli hod. An address to tho King, requesting him to dissolve the National Assembly aud grant a new constitution, was circulating in toe pro- vinces His Majesty had received a deputation from the Ionian Islands requestiug him not to accept the union of the islands with Greece on the stipulated con- ditions. That is, he is begged to refuse the gift of seven fertile islands because he cannot have the fortifi- cations of Corfu as well. We suspect that the Ionians, so ready to demand that they should have a great I fortress, will not be quite so ready to find the means to irarrisoa it. The men who have already grumbled obout being asked to contribute £10,000 a-year to the King's civil list, willltardly agree to raise the hundreds of thousands a-year which the fortress now costs Eng- land. Corfu would be worse than a white elephant as ) a present for Greece. )



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