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DISSOLUTION OF PARLIAMENT. GENERAL ELECTION. RECEPTION OF THE SEWS IN WREXHAM. I THE DENBIGHSHIRE BOROUGHS. THE TWO CANDIDATES IN THE FIELD. The announcement of the dissolution of the pre- sent Parliament, made by the Chancellor of the Exchequer on Monday night, was telegraphed at once, as may be expected, in every direction, and was received in Wrexham by the active agents of both parties a little before eight o'clock the same evenin". Trus intelligence o set the electoral machiiTe in motion at once, and vehicles and messengers were soon flying about in all directions in making necessary preliminary arrangements in the interests of their respective candidates. On Tuesday morning, a meeting of the suppor- ters of the Hon. George Kenyon was summoned for eleven o'clock at the Wynnstay Arms, when there was a large muster, and after a.sittin(t of an hour and a half's duration, it was adjourned to the evening. Mr Kenyon visited Wrexham and Holt during the day, and actively commenced his can- vass. A telegram was received during the morning from Sir Robert Cunliffe, who was absent in Lon- don, stating his intention of being in Wrexham by the train arriving at ten o'clock that evening, and a meeting of the Liberal Association was called at the Association Rooms for eight o'clock. There was a large attendance, the room being literally crammed, and a most en- thusiastic feeling prevailed. several addresses were delivered, and it was resolved to go up in a body and meet Sir Robert at the station. This was done aud on the arrival of the train Sir Robert was greeted with great cheering. On the march down to the rooms the crowd was greatly augmented, the cheering being continuous. Sir Robert from one of the windows delivered a short address, thanking the electors of Wrexham for the warm reception they had given him, promising that no exertion would be spared on his part in securing a victory for the Liberal party and on Liberal principles. Sir Robert urged upon all interested in the coming struggle the importance of leaving no stone unturned, but to make their victory a decisive verdict of censure upon the policy of the present Government. Amid the cheering in front of the Rooms were soon heard the discordant groans of some from the opposite camp, and on Sir Robert bidding them good night many of those assembled wended their way to the front of the Wynnstay Arms, and here the groans soon became the mast powerful, Mr Kenyon failing to get a hearing. We regret this early importation of the groaning element, and would counsel all to hear both sides. Nothing is gained by not giving can didates a fair hearing, whereas the moral force I of an election is lost by such rowdyism. On Wednesday evening upwards of two hundred active canvassers of the Liberal party met in the Public Hall and having divided into groups accord- ing to their districts, carefully went over the books of the different districts, the result so far as the canvass had progressed, subsequently an- nounced to the meeting, being of the most satisfac- tory character. Subsequently addresses were de- livered by Sir Robert Cunlitfe and several others on the various business points connected with the con. test. The greatest earnestness and enthusiasm prevailed. The canvass was actively carried on during Thursday and yesterday on both sides. TORY MEETING IN THE PUBLIC HALL. I On Thursday evening a meeting of the Hon. G. T. Kenyon's supporters was held in the Public Hall, which, both on the basement and in the balconies, was fairly well filled by eight o'clock, a considerable number of ladies occupying that portion of the gallery Immediately over-looking the platform. I)r. Edward W illiams presided, and in addition to the Hon. G. T. Kenyon, there were on the platform a large number of the leading Conservatives of the town and district. About ten minutes past eight, as there were no signs of any speakers putting in an appearance, and the audience became impatient, Mr Edwin Harris relieved the tedium of waiting by play- ing "Rule Britannia" on the pianoforte, when as the audience begun to join in the refrain, Mr Kenyon, the Chairman, and a number of other gentlemen as- cended the platform amidst loud cheers, and the proceedings commenced. The Chairman, in opening the meeting, said he regretted that circumstances had caused Mr Kenyon to be somewhat late. He had been engaged making an active canvass in Denbigh, and he hoped when they heard the result of it they would be well satisfied. I (Hear, hear.) They were present that night to in- augurate a political campaign and to array themselves for the struggle before them. It would be almost unnecesssary that Mr Kenyon should enlarge upon his political sentiments. He stuck strenuously to the old maxim of Church and Constitution.—(hear, hear) —and was a firm adherent of Lord Beaconsfield. (Applause.) It was impossible to enlarge upon the difficulties which the present administration had had to contend with during their term of office. Various troubles had crossed their path, and it was only by great assiduity and great cleverness that they had been enabled to stem the torrent which had threatened to overthrow them upon various occasions. Sir Stafford Northcote, in his address, had made the encouraging statement that the amount of the National Debt had been reduced IS millions. (Applause.) It was due to the present administration that they had steered the good old ship through the storm, and kept them safe from the ravages of war; and England now occcupied a position far better than she ever occupied before, and this through the firmness and decision of Lord Beaconstield, who had taught Russia a lesson she had never been taught before. (Hear, hear.) Russia was under the impression that British pluck had all died out, and in that idea she was firmly supported by Mr Gladstone's addresses on the Bulgarian question- (hisses)—and also by the action of those two timid ministers who occupied important positions in the ¡ Ministry—Lord Derby and Lord Carnarvony-(renewed hisses)—and it was a happy thing for the country when they vacated the positions they held. (Ap- plause.) After referring to the Berlin Treaty, and the peaceful settlement of the question through the interference of Lord Beaconsfield's Government, the Chairman proceeded to allude to the Zulu and Afghan war. which were a legacy left by the late administra- tion, who, had they only acted with the firmness of Lord Beaconsfield, would probably have prevented any war at all. They had now arrived at the impor- tant period of a dissolution, which, they had been long looking forward to, and they were prepared to meet their ad versaries in a fair and honorable fight. (H ear, hear.) They respected their neighbour, Sir Robert Cunliffe, personally—(hear, hear)—but they did not respect his politics—(applause)—and they were greatly grieved to think that a scion of the old family of Acton should have deserted the traditions of his forefathers! (Hear, hear, and "Good!") He believed the Conservatives were sure of victory if they worked with a will, as they intended to do, but to obtain that victory, let them not despise the enemy. (Hear, hear.) Nothing was so weak as that, but let them manfully exert every lawful expedient, and following the example of Liverpool and Southwark, and return Mr Kenyon by a triumphant majority as member for the Denbighshire Boroughs. (Cheers.) The Hon. G. T. Kenyon, who was received with loud and protracted cheering, then addressed the meeting at great length, observing in the course of his remarks, that although six years ago the Conservative party in these Boroughs were temporarily under a cloud, he thought they should now be able to prove that such was not the case at present, and that the spirit which had produced past successes still existed and was ready to be called into action and to prove to their antagonists that Conservatism was the opinion of the masses of this land. (Applause.) One preliminary word he would like to say before proceeding to the various topics of his address. He must say that he did regret —and lie spoke it with truth-that there so happened, upon the present occasion, to be opposed to him a gentleman for whose family he entertained so great and so real a respect. When nearly fifty years ago his (the speaker's) father contested the representation of that county, his right-hand man—the man who was ready to sacrifice anything for his support-was the grandfather of the present Sir Robert Cunliffe. (Applause.) He did, therefore, regret that to those principles which Sir Robert's grandfather had adorned which the family of Cunliffe had always asserted, he (Sir Robert) should, alas! be untrue; but he trusted that no recollection of that would induce him (the speaker) during the coming contest to say one word that would give a moments pain to Sir Robert Cunliffe, or to any other. (Hear, hear.) He had no quarrel with Sir Robert, but he quarrelled with Sir Robert's principles-(applause)-and he said it now, honestly, that if Sir Robert was prepared to-morrow to come out as a Conser- vative for the Denbighshire Boroughs he (Mr Kenyon) would at once retire! (Cheers.) Mr Kenyon then endeavoured to prove that the exer- cise of power on the part of the present Government during the past six years had been productive of real and genuine benefits to the country at large. I he Government, during its lease of power, had been both pure and painstaking. Could that be said of the Go- vernment which had preceded it? (No, no.) He did not mean to impute personal motives to any man who held office under that Government, but he did say there were grave scandals affecting the character of that Government as a body. Nothing of the kind, however, could be said of the present administration, ?nd when m his speeches in Midlothian Mr Gladstone said a poHticul job had been perpetrated in the person of Lord Hampden, he found it convenient shortly afterwards to write a post-card to the Times stating that he had been labouring ?nrtcr a mistake, and sub- sequently to write another post-card explaining his definition of the word job." (Laughter.) The Go- further rth^ T b^en painstaking, and sought to further the soc i a l con(l it- fnrZthe,ocal ndition of the people. He re- ferred to the ArtIsan's Dwellings Act, the Tt Act, and the Merchant 2Shinni% nc £ ll' wluch T rall Act, and the Shipping Bill which were all intenlled to benpfit the peoPle. The measures  Thero was ni» T.mderinmmaSrkead by impartiality. There  PS^°U would be extremely easy, and the measure afff?ectm^ intermediate education freknd I, a Tas £ e just and tolerant to all /A™, He (Mr Kenyon) h?d referred S' ? ?? 1?? meMures in his speech at Denbk'h V, siece he had  ?°  made that speech Sir Robert /ra made a speech, which ? ?L?r ????! ?K?.. oS peared to be entirely resume of his (Mr Kenyon's) prior address—in fact, he didn't think there was more j than half a page of original matter in the whole volume !—(laughter)—the only difference was that he- fore each of his (Mr Kenyon's sentences dealing with these particular questions Sir Robert had affixed the IPtle word not "-(renewed laughter.) With re- ference to the measures which he thought redounded to the credit of the Government. Sir Robert said it had been in contemplation by the Liberal Govern- ment some time ago to introduce such measures, and that the Liberal Government ought to have the credit for passing those measures, and the Conservative Government ought to have no credit at all That seemed to he a most extraordinary argument! Sir Robert had the intention of getting into Parliament— (laughter and No fears !but they would agree with him that the intention and the performance were two very different things (Applause.) Therefore, for the Liberal Government to take credit for their good intentions of bringing forward these measures, when they had been in office, before the Conservati ves came in, for the last forty years, was to him a very extraordinary piece of boasting. (Cheers.) It was, however, on a piece with Liberal policy, for he need scarcely remind them of the number of years during which the Liberal Government used to say they were going to bring in a Reform Bill. It was reserved to Lord Beaconsfield to bring in the reform which gave to the gentlemen occupying small houses in the Denbigh Boroughs that vote which they were now so worthy to exercise. (Cheers and Kenyon for ever! After alluding to the urgent need for a measure dealing with the land tenure and transfer question, the speaker advocated more repressive bankruptcy laws, and thought that the next Parliament should simplify the regulations relating to the land tenure and the transfer of land. Although no one deplored the sin of drunkenness more than he did, he could not give his assent to the Sunday Closing Bill, believing that it dealt unfairly and affected the liberties of the working classes. When he was asked to assent to measures which inter- fered with the freedom of the people-when he was asked to assent to a measure which treated a reason- able man as it would treat a ehilrl-he was obliged to pause, and to consider whether the remedy was not worse than the disease? (Hear, hear and "Well done !") He had intended to leave the subject of finance for another speech, but he had that very moment had had handed to him a telegram from London announcing the Budget for the year—(cheers)—and he thought it would be satisfactorv to them to know-only some two hours after the Chancellor of the Exchequer had made his statement—how he proposed to deal with the finances of the comintr year. (Applause.) The telegram he had just received ran thus The estimated expendi- ture for next year is nearly three millions less than the expenditure of the present year—( clieer--)-a small surplus is also anticipated—(hear, hear)—no additional taxation (applause) — £ S00,000 additional sinking fund is established to payoff present liabilities incurred by the recent Session." (Renewed cheering.) That, he thought, was a very satisfactory Budget and after all that had been said by the speakers in Midlothian and elsewhere about the state of the finances, he thought they might rest satisfied that, at the present time at any rate, the country was not quite bankrupt! (Applause.) Mr Kenyon then went on warmly to uphold the Government's foreign 18 11. 'I policy, which he deienciea at great lengtn, and which lie said was the key-note of the Premier's able manifesto and he believed that when the Government came to be judged by posterity it would he judged mainly by the successful issue of its foreign policy. (Hear, hear.) The Government had done two things-it had preserved, in the main, peace, and had maintained the interests of the country (Applause.) After alluding to the Afghan and Zulu wars, he maintained that it was much better to spend three millions in showing a. firm attitude, and so preserving peace, than pursuing a vacillating policy which would ultimately lead them into a terri- ble and disastrous war. He deplored the Zulu war, for which the Government were not responsible, but, once begun, he considered it was their duty to uphold their Commissioner. A war would doubtless have been .rendered absolutely necessary by so numerous and savage a foe on our frontier; and England should, at any rate, congratulate herself on having placed her South African possessions in a state of security. (Cheers.) The Afghan war, on the contrary, was forced on the country by the Ameer receiving the Russian ambassador and affronting the dignity of England by offensively declining to receive the British envoy. The war was in a great measure due to the impolicy of the Liberals in their former dealings with the country. Now, however, we had a scientific fron- tier, by which we should so reduce our military orga- nisation as to be able to devote a larger sum annually to social improvement in India. (Cheers.) He alluded in strong terms to the blustering but vacillating policy pursued by the late Earl Russell with regard to Den- mark, a policy which at last, in spite of treaties, per- mitted Germany to rob that nation of some of its possessions, and placed it in contrast to the firm and consistent adherence to treaties manifested by Lord Beaconsfield's Government. (Cheers.) He did not believe that a Liberal Government coming into office to-morrow would dare to reverse a policy which had received, not onlv the sanction of the Parliament, but of the people of England. (Applause.) He had been much amused by a remark made by Mr Osborne Mor- gan, when he said recently, in that room,, that "they must have that old man back again," (alluding to Mr Gladstone,) and that he and Sir Robert Cunliffe were prepared to bring him back into power." (Hear, hear, and laughter.) He (Mr Kenyon) was thinking, if they did not return him to Parliament, of changing his vocation. He had some little talent in the artistic line, and the first picture he should execute and present to the Academy would be one representing Sir Robert Cunliffe and Mr Osborne Morgan attempting to bring back the modern Cin- cinnatus in a wheelbarrow (Loud laughter.) Alluding to the idea of a European concert, such was entirely impracticable where the nations of Europe were of entirely different opinions, and although Sir Robert Cunliffe had taken him to task because Mr Bourke had said that somebody else had satd that somebody else said that France would be very glad to join in a concert—(laughter)—he did not think such an argu- ment as that was worth very much. (Hear, hear.) He (the speaker) stood there to exercise his own judgment in a free and independent manner—(applause)—and notwithstanding Mr Bourke, or Mr anybodyelse, he had a perfect right to his own opinion, which was that a European concert at the time it was suggested was utterly impracticable. (Cheers.) In conclusion, he urged that the country ought not to pursue the miserable policy of isolation ad vocated by the Liberals, but endeavour to repress the movements of such despotic and rotten states as Russia, and to further justice and liberty to the utmost of their power. (Applause.) As an unworthy supporter of the Govern- ment-(no no !-a noble supporter !)-he believed their actions were founded on the one great principle— Do unto others as y3 would they should do unto you! .1 Mr Kenyon then resumed his seat amidst loud and I continued cheering. Dr. Eyton-Jones moved the first resolution—"That this meeting, having heard the views of Mr Kenyon, who fought such a noble battle in 1874, pledges itself to use every effort and exertion to secure his return to Parliament as the member for these boroughs in the ensuing contest." He (the speaker) saw nothing, either in the conduct of Mr Kenyon, or the ministry he went in to support, to alter the opinions he held in 1874. England had too long occupied the position of simply taking care of herself, by her insular policy, and not helping other countries oppressed by the great Powers. All this, however, had been altered, and never had England stood so surely as the greatest power on earth as under the Government of Lord Beaconsfield (Applause.) Referring to the Premier's Jewish origin, Lord Beaconsfield had often been taunted with being a Jew, but they should remember that the Jews were the noblest race on earth, and were selected by God for the instrumentality of giving us a Saviour! (Hear, hear.) If it had the policy in the past to condemn a Jew because his fore- fathers crucified our Saviour, let them now rejoice in the fact that the one at the head of affairs in this country was a good Christian—(cheers)— he was a good Protestant, and one who had laboured hard, not only for the benefit of the State, but for the establishment of the rights of the Church — (Renewed applause)—one who had endeavoured, not only to give increased suffrage to the working classes, but who had striven to raise the Government of the Queen of England high amongst the nations of the earth, to give them peace and contentment, and to hand down to their children that consolidation of the British Empire which now stood the highest in the world. (Cheers.) Mr Overton sect nded the resolution, which Mr John Lewis had much pleasure in supporting, and in the course of his remarks he said he must take the opportunity of paying off an old score he owed Sir Robert Cunliffe. (Hear, hear, and hit him hard ") Sir Robert upon one occasion in the Old Town Hall had taken exception to his (the speaker's) reading of English History, and had promised to send him n History of England for his own use, and for the use of the Constitutional As- sociation of Wrexham (Laughter.) He had been expecting to receive this history for a long time, but had not yet done so; if, hewever, he had received it, he should have returned it to Sir Robert, with another little present, viz., a pair of very clear and pellucid eye-glasses-(Iaughter)-by 1 • i_i. -? U-1:L L!_Ln_ '1) wnicn ne migiib rcitu juiiguau History witnoue its Deing distorted by Radical spectacles! (Renewed laughter and applause.) Both the candidates now before the electors were gentlemen of high lineage connected with the neighbourhood. He had a great respect for both personally. He was sorry Sir Robert had departed from the ancient policy of his family, although he honored the man who had the courage to honestly acknowledge a conscientious change in his opinions. (Hear, hear.) He had a very different opinion, how- ever, of the man who chopped and changed and played the weather-cock upon great public questions, as Mr Gladstone had done over and over again; and he sometimes suspected the motives of those individuals, without attributing any motive to Sir Robert Cunliffe than that of being actuated by a desire to serve his country. He could only say, that personally, he had the highest esteem for Sir Robert, and much re- gretted that he had deserted the old color. (Applause.) Mr Kenyon, however, came amongst them without having changed his colors-(hear, hear)—and he believed they should return him by a large majority. (Cheers.) Mr o. Yorke, Jiruaig, wno was received with tre- mendous .applause, and three cheers for j;he squire, warmly supported the resolution, observing that he had followed the example of his forefathers in being a Conservative. (Hear, hear.) Their present candidate was a great grandson of the Lord Chief Justice of England—(hear, hear, "and no half-blood !)—and if a horse performed well, when they knew that his sires had been winners of the Derby and so forth, they were net surprised at it! (Applause and laughter.) He wished his friend Mr Kenyon every possible sue- success, and hoped he would be returned as the Membes for the Denbigh Boroughs. (Cheers.) Mr Trevor Parkinsalso supported the motion, whieh, on being put to the meeting, the Chairman declared to be carried unanimously. The proceedings then concluded with a second edition of Rule Britannia." followed by the singing of the National Anthem. DENCIGH. It was close upon eight o'clock in the evening when the news of the proposed dissolution of Parlia- ¡' ment reached the Liberal leaders of this tows, and I although the gentleman to whom the news was met was away from home at the time, the word was'1 passed along the ranks by a lady of the house who takes as deep an interest in the question as her I father. The committee met the same evening and continued in earnest conference till far on in the morning's small hours. The result of this prompt action was. that all was in readiness and at eight o'clock on Tuesday morning canvassers were out and at work and by noon much of the work was actually done. Others who could not begin SO soon went out in the day and at night they met to com- pare notes and prepare for further efforts. The excitement in the town in the morning when the news became known, was intense parties of both sides were seen about the streets in knots convers- ing earnestly, or canvassing with equal earnestness. At Henllan too the work went on and although it was fair-day much of the business of the day was postponed or done in the interval of canvassing. The Liberal committee and canvassers met on Tuesday night at the rooms Chapel-street. Very nearly all the canvassers were present and gave in their reports. These were most favorable, full two to one in favor of Sir Robert in actual promises of staunch Liberals, most of whom understood that they were voting in favor of a change of Govern- ment, a change from a war to a peace spirit, from deficits to surplusses, from bragging to work, and from crackers to steam force capable of working the constitution for the benefit of the largest number and not the few. The greatestspirit and confidence prevailed and a determination to work hard and win. On Thursday the Tories were in high figure. Mr Kenyon and Sir Watkin Wvnn and Mr Charles Mainwaring were the principal visitors to the town, nothing like a public demonstration was however attempted, although the hon. gentleman shook hands very affably with everybody. The Bull is the principal committee room of the party. The Liberals hold nightly meetings, and are most energetic and excited. Amid the excitement and anxiety the Caledfryn Choral Society has a concert set down for next Friday, to which the names of distinguished members of both parties are attached as patrons, although possibly most of them will be listening to music of another sort. The Liberal committee has taken an empty house and shop at the top of Vale-street, opposite the Town Hall, for the month of the contest. This house was formerly occupied by the Wrexham Guardian as offices, and it will be an instance of the mutability of this world's things to hear Liberal ideas promulgated from whence Tory thoughts have issued. I RUTHIN. The Hon. George Kenyon visited this town on Wednesday, and had an interview with some of his principal supporters at the Wynnstay Arms Hotel. Nothing of a public character was done, and the visit was only private. Canvassing was going on on Tuesday. On the same evening, a committee meeting of the supporters of Sir Robert Cunliffe was held at the Wine Vaults, Castle-street, con- vened by Mr Adams, the Liberal agent. A circular was drawn up to the Liberals of the town, and a strong and influential committee is in course of formation, among whom we notice the names of H. Powell Jones, J. J. Bancroft, Hugh Jones, John Jones, and many others. The prospects of the party in Ruthin are very good. MOLD. No intimation of the dissolution reached Mold before Tuesday morning, when the morning papers arrived. Nothing was done by either party in the early part of the day, but in the evening there was a very full meeting of Liberal electors held in the Market Hall, when delegates were elected to attend a representative meeting of the contributory i boroughs, should such a meeting be convened, and. it was unanimously resolved that their voice should be in favor of the present member. It was stated that everything was ready in case of a contest, the town divided into districts, books made out, and all arrangements completed, but it was felt unwise to let off any energy in premature canvassing, and the decision of the moment for action was left to the executive committee. It was also officially stated that all the other boroughs were in the same state of preparation, and that the prospect was ex- tremely encouraging. The usual vote of thanks having been given to the Chairman—Mr E. P. Ed- wards, the meeting broke up with three cheers for Mr Roberts. Wednesday morning opened with any amount of rumours, but there was nothing reliable. In the early part of the afternoon, a meeting of the lead- ing Conservatives of the county took place at the Lion Hotel, from which, as is usually the case, the general members of the party were carefully excluded. What passed at that meeting we have no means of knowing, and so far as we can learn those who had the privilege of being present have no definite idea on the subject—a sort of Yes, if that is, I think I may say yes," which means any- thing or nothing. It was said that Mr Humberston, of Glanywern, offered to contest the county against Lord Richard, provided he were acceptable to the party, but that they preferred Mr Hughes, of Kinmel, who, however, declined to stand, and then the names of Mr Peel and Mr Ll. N. Mostyn were mentioned, but so far as we can learn nothing definite was resolved upon. With regard to the boroughs, there was a unanimous desire that Mr Pennant should contest the seat, and we believe that he consented, but on certain conditions. Whether those conditions have been met we cannot say, not being of course in the secrets of the party. We believe that some capital was made out of the fact that a number of colliers had left Mold, which would seriously interfere with Mr Roberts' chances. The fact is that from 40 to 50 have left the town, but they can be found, and in the event of a contest our friends the Conservatives will be glad we dare say to renew their acquaintance at the polling booth. As we have said there were any amount of rumours flying about all day, but no reliable information. On Thursday, things appeared to hang fire, there being only a listless air about, and so far as we can learn, nothing was done, and though we are told we were to have a contest in the County and Boroughs, all was quiet, which led to the belief that up to that time at any rate nothing was de- cided upon. We may say that the Register of 1880 of persons entitled to vote for the County contains 4794 names, as against 4170, or 624 more than last year. The registration last year was extremely favorable to the Liberals, they claiming a clear majority of 430 on the year's work, which, with 330 gain on the previous revision, leaves to the Conservatives no very sanguine hopes of success. In the Boroughs, the numbers registered are 3S04 as against 3766 last year, an increase of 38 only. The revision here also resulted in a great gain to the Liberals, who are now thoroughly united and prepared, and in a very different state to what they were in 187S, at the bye election. We may say that in Mold the Liberals confi- dently count on polling 500 votes. In Flint they will poll more than half the constituency, and in a year or two, it is hoped to see Flint once more occupy its place in the van of the Liberal contribu- tory boroughs. Holywell, Bagillt, and Greenfield are also thoroughly organised, all preparations having been completed six weeks ago, and on the word of command being given, the canvass of all the Boroughs may be completed in three hours. At Caergwrle, a very satisfactory canvass has been completed, and well as the Borough polled for Mr Roberts on the last occasion, there is every proba- bility of its doing better on the next, so that whether there be a contest or not, the Liberal party at any rate will be found to be thoroughly pre- pared. Nothing seems to have come of the threatened op- position in the County, the courage of Conservatives has oozed out at their fin.-ers' ends like Bob Acres, and they are decidedly of opinion that discretion is the better part of valour. During the week an idle report has gone out that Lord Richard Grosvenor had been prevailed upon to contest West Cheshire in the Liberal interest leaving the County of Flint toMrW. H. Gladstone. We are in a position to say that the report is wholly imaginary and void of truth, and are positively instructed to contradict flatly, and to add that Mr W. H. Gladstone has been chosen Liberal candidate for West Worcestershire, which he will contest. We have the best authority for stating that the Muspratt influence at Flint will be thrown entirely on behalf of the sitting member, and that at the nomi- nation, he will be proposed by Mr J. C. Muspratt. The party, under these circumstances, look forward to a triumphant majority in the event of a contest. With regard to the Boroughs, the financial difficulty had not been overcome on Thursday night, and a meeting was convened to take place at Flint yesterday (Friday). In any case, the Liberal party is thoroughly prepared and united. ANGLESEA. The announcement of an immediate dissolution came upon Anglesea with some surprise. The Liberal Association, such as it is, pledges itself to support both Mr Richard Davies and Mr Morgan Lloyd, the present members, but it is rumoured that there is another candidate to fight for the boroughs in the Liberal interest. The candidates who are to be placed before the constituencies in the Conservative interest are Captain Pritchard Rayner and Captain Hampton Lewis, the latter of whom contested the boroughs unsuccessfully at the last general election. CORWEN. The announcement came upon us when we little expected it. Meetings in the Liberal interest are arranged to be held next week in all the polling places throughout the county. It is uncertain whether Mr W. R. M.Wynne will come out in the Conservative interest. We believe that a large majority of the electors and non electors of Merioneth do not approve of the Beaconsfield Government, whose "home policy has been written in water and their foreign in blood." CARMARTHENSHIRE. Mr H. H. Powell, Maesgwynne, has been adopted by the Liberal Committee. CARNARVONSHIRE. On Thursday, a private meeting of the Carnar- vonshire iiberal Association Committee was held at Carvarvon, wnder tke presideney of Mr Jarrett Nevin. It was stated that Mr Love Jones-Parry, the intended liberal candidate, was indisposed, and was therefore reluctantly obliged to withdraw from the contest, The meeting unanimously de- cided to invite Mr Watkin Williams, Q.C., M.P., to contest the seat against the Hen. Douglas Pennant. ,The hon. gentleman, who will not again seek re-election for the Denbigh Boroughs, has expressed himself at the disposal of the Carnarvon- shire Liberals, who are unanimously in his favor. CHESTER. The news of the dissolution found the Conserva- tive party looking for their second candidate. Several names have been mentioned, but that of a prominent member of a local Conservative associa- tion will most likely be selected. Mr H. C. Raikes, the present member, will again stand. The Right Hon. J. G. Dodson, and the Hon. Beilby Lawley, the Liberal candidates, had just concluded what they regard as a highly satisfactory personal can- vass. The Conservative canvass shows an equally favourable result for their candidates. Both parties are therefore confident of victory. On Wednesday a large and enthusiastic meeting of the Conserva- tive Association was held at the Association-rooms, when Major Sandys, of Braithwaite Hall, Lanca- shire, was unanimously selected as second candi- didate to contest the city in company with Mr H. C. Raikes. Major Sandys arrived at Chester from Euston by the half-past seven train on Wednesday night. He was met by a deputation of the Chester Constitutional Association. No attempt was made to give the reception a formal character, the in- troduction of the second candidate to the consti- tuency being reserved for the following evening. The expected arrival had, however, got noised abroad, and a crowd had gathered at the station and cheered Major Sandys as he walked, accom- panied by the deputation, to the neighbouring Queen's Hotel, which has been selected as his headquarters. CHESHIRE, MID. The iforthwich Guardian announces that Mr G. F. Wilbraham, of Delamere House, has declined to contest Mid-Cheshire in the Liberal interest. Mr M'Intyre has also been asked to stand, but his intention is not yet publicly known. The Mid- Cheshire Liberal Association has not definitely settled what its course of action is to be. The Hon. Wilbraham Egerton and Mr Piers Egerton Warburton, the sitting members will offer them- selves for re-election, and their addresses will appear in a few days. [ CHESHIRE, WEST At a meeting of the Liberal party of this division of the county, held at Chester, it was unanimously resolved to bring out two candidates to oppose the re- election of Sir Phillip Egerton and the Hon. W. Tollemache, and a committee was appointed to select the gentlemen most likely to secure the con- fidence of the Liberal party. We understand that the committee have been actively engaged in look- ing out for suitable candidates, whose names, we believe, will be announced in a day or two. I MONTGOMERY BOROUGHS.1 Mr Price Jones will come forward as a Conser- I vative candidate in opposition to Mr Hanbury- Tracy. MONTGOMERYSHIRE. Both parties in Montgomeryshire are busily pre- paring for the contest, which will be a very hard- fought one. Mr Stuart Rendel was a stranger to the county when he was selected as the Liberal candidate, but he has since become even better known to the constituency. He has addressed many public meetings, and has been everywhere cordially received. The Liberals are very sanguine of success. The Conservatives chiefly rely upon the influence of Sir Watkin Wynn, the Earl of Powis, and one or two other Conservative land- owners. I PETERBOROUGH. Captain Hampden Whalley, son of the late mem- ber, has announced his candidature for Peter- borough in the Liberal interest. Capt. Foote has withdrawn. Mr David M'Liver has also offered himself should Mr Raper, the Liberal candidate, withdraw. RADNORSHIRE. I The Hon. A. Walsh, Conservative member for the county of Radnor, having announced his inten- tion of retiring at the next election, Sir Richard Green Price, who has come forward in the Liberal interest, addressed the electors at Kntghton on Friday week. A vote of confidence in the candidate was carried. RHUDDLAN. "WCZSt I Considerable activity has been displayed in this little borough. Two or three committee meetings have already been held by the Liberals, and much of the canvassing has been done. Mr Roberts stands well at Rhuddlan. ST. ASAPH. I Quiet canvassing is going on here, but as yet nothing public has been done. The Liberals are con- fident without being jubilant, and many of the most clear-headed fories think it unwise to contest the boroughs. SHREWSBURY. j Mr C. C. Cotes and Mr H. Robertson, the sitting members, will be the Liberal candidates. Mr Scobell, an Indian barrister, will contest the borough in the Conservative interest. Major Meyrick is mentioned as the second Conservative candidate. SHROPSHIRE, NORTH. I The membera- Viscount Newport and Mr Stanley Leighton have issued their addresses. Mr Stanley Leighton again comes forward as an independent Conservative, but as a supporter of the foreign policy of the Government. A PREDICTION. I A writer in Fraser's Magazine for the present month speculates upon the prospects of the general election. He believes that fifty seats may be wrested from the Conservatives, but that the Liberals may lose some nine or ten, thus reducing the gain to forty. In Ireland he believes the Government will only retain thirty seats, and this according to his estimate will leave the Liberals with a clear but uncertain majority of seventy- three. THE ISSUE AT THE PRESENT ELECTION. I (From Truth.) It is customary at all elections to say that the issue is the most momentous that ever existed. Without asserting this respecting that now sub- mitted to the Constituencies, there is no question that it is more than usually important. Lord Beaconsfield, and those who act with him, have been endeavouring to subvert the Constitution. Abroad, they have dragged us into complications in which already millions have been wasted, and which, if persevered in, must so extend our obliga- tions that we must eventually fall beneath the weight of them. No part of the earth, however refftote, has been safe from our meddling, and by some strange fatality, we have seemed unable to act straightforwardly and honestly wherever we have meddled. Formerly the English name was a guarantee of good faith-now it is a synonym for irresolute bluster and organised hypocrisy. At home the rule of the nation, through its representa- tives, has become the rule of a Grand Vizier with- out the control of the representatives of the nation. Covertly, Lord Beaconsfield sneers at Parliament- ary Government. The clerks, whom he dubs Ministers, have systematized denial of what was intended, until it has been too late to hinder its being carried into effect, and a subservient pack of Ministerialists in the House of Commons, have ac- claimed all accomplished facts. France, after hav- ing suffered for twenty years the degradation of Imperialism, at length got rid of it at the cost of two of her provinces. We choose the very moment of her deliverance to take up the cast-off clothes of Caisarism, and to adopt this abominable creed as though it were the perfection of human wisdom. Sincerity and honesty of purpose have been jeered at as beneath the wisdom of statesmanship. Honor has become a term of reproach to denote stupidity. Every press hireling that could be bribed to rat from his former allegiance, and to curse those before whom he had cringed, has been bought with social recognition and promises of personal reward. For the first time during the reign of Queen V ictoria a Prime* Minister has dragged the naw-e of the Queen into the arena of politics, and asked the nation to bow down before him because the eye of Majesty rests with satisfactio* on him when he grovels be- fore the throne. Although Lord Beaconsfield has exercised despotic power for nearly seven years, he cannot point to one single useful measure that he has passed his rule has been one long series of wars and rumours of wars, of schemes adopted without due thought and relinquished without honor. Without being, perhaps, entirely respon- sible for the stagnation in commerce and trade that has weighed so heavily on all classes, much of it must be laid at his door, for millions cannot be squandered without the effect being felt, nor can trade nor commerce flourish so long as no one knows what to expect of the morrow. MR GLADSTONE'S MANIFESTO. The Press Association has received the followiEng° fall text of the address of the Right Hon. W. E? Gladstone to the electors of Midlothian Gentlemen,—I heartily rejoice that the time has at length arrived when you will be called upon to de- clare by your votes whether you approve or whether you condemn the manner in which the Government of this great empire has during these last years been carried on. This, gentlemea, is well, although, by a striking departure from established practice which must cause great inconvenience, a session opened by her Majesty with the regular announcement of its an- nual work is, without the occurrence of any parlia- mentary difficulty, for the first time in our history to be interrupted after a few weeks by a dissolution. In the electioneering address which the Prime Minister has issued, an attempt is made to work upon your fears by dark allusions to the repeal of the union and the abandonment of the colonies. Gentlemen, those who endangered the union with Ireland were the party that maintained there an alien church, an unjust land law, and franchisesj inferior to our own and the true supporters of the union are those who firmly uphold the supreme authority of Parliament, but exercise that authority to bind the three nations by the indissoluble tie of liberal and equal laws. As ta the Colonies, Liberal administration set free their trade with all the world, gave them popular and responsible Government, undertook to defend Canada, with the whole strength of the empire, and organised the great scheme for uniting the several settlements of British Isorth America into one dominion, to which, when we quitted office in 1866, it only rexiained fior our succes- iorj to ask the ready assent of Parliament. It is by Jt these measures that the colonies have been bound in affection to the empire, and the authors of them can afford to smile at baseless insinuations. Gentlemen, the true purpose of these terrifying insinuations is to hide from view the acts of the ministry, and their effect upon the character and con- dition of the country. To these I will now begin to draw your attention. With three score years and ten upon my head, I feel the irksomeness of the task. But in such a crisis no man should shrink from calls which his duty may make and his strength allow. "At home, the ministers have neglected legislation; aggravated the public distress by continued shocks to confidence, which is the life of enterprise augmented the public expenditure and taxation for purposes not merely unnecessary, but mischievous; and plunged the finances, which were handed over to them in a state of singular prosperity, into a series of deficits unexampled in modern times. Of these deficits it is proposed to meet only a portion, and to meet it partly by a new tax on personal property, and partly by the sacrifice of the whole of the sinking fund, to which five years ago we were taught to look for the syste. matic reduction, with increased energy and certainty, of the national debt. "Abroad they have strained, if they have not endangered, the prerogative by gross misuse; have weakened the empire by needless wars, unprofitable extensions, and unwise engagements and have dis- honoured it in the eyes of Europe by filching the island of Cyprus from the Porte, under a treaty clan- destinely concluded in violation of the treaty of Paris, which formed part of the international law of Christen- dom. If we turn from considerations of principle to material results, they have aggrandised Russia lured Turkey on to her dismemberment, if not her ruin replaced the Christian population of Macedonia under a debasing yoke and loaded India with the cost and danger of a prolonged and unjustifiable war; while they have at the same time augmented her taxation and curtailed her liberties. At this moment we are told of other secret negotiations with Russia, entailing further liabilities without further strength, and from day to day, under a ministry called, as if in mockery, Conservati ve,' the nation is perplexed with fear of change. "As to the domestic legislation of the future, it is in the election address of the Prime Minister a per- fect blank. No prospect is opened to us of effectual alteration in the land laws, of better securities for occupiers, of the reform and extension of local Government throughout the three kingdoms, of a more equal distribution of political franchises, or of progress in questions deeply affecting our social and moral condition. It seems, then, that as in the past so in the future, you will look with more confidence to the Liberal party for the work of domestic improve- ment, although the inheritance which the present administration will leave to its successors threatens to be one of difficulty and embarrassment without parallel. It is true that you are promised the ad vant- age of presence, not to say ascendency, in the councils of Europe." The word ascendency, gentle- men, is best known to us by its baneful connection with the history of Ireland. We must assert the co- equal rights of independent and allied powers but in the mouth of the present ministry the claim is little less than ridiculous. You may judge of our present ascendency in Europe from our ascendency in the councils of Turkey, where we recently demanded the dismissal of a minister who has not only been retained in office, but selected for special honors. There is, indeed, an ascendency in European councils to which Great Britain might reasonably aspire, by steadily sustaining the character of a Power no less just than strong, attached to liberty and law, jealous of peace, and therefore opposed to intrigue and aggrandisement from whatever quarter they may come jealous of honor, and therefore averse to the clandestine engagements which have marked our two latest years. To attain a moral and unenvied ascendency such as this is indeed a noble object for any minister or any empire. You have, then, gentle- men, great issues before you. The majority of the House of Commons, and all the members of the majority have, by their unqualified support of the Government, fully taken over upon themselves the responsibility of its acts. If the constituencies are well pleased with the results which, after six years have been attained, they have only to return again a similar majority, which will do its best to secure to them the like for six years more but let no indi- vidual voter who supports at the election a member of that majority conceal from himself the fact that lie is taking on himself both what has been done already and what may be done by the same agency hereafter. I have not a doubt that the county of Midlothian will nobly discharge its share of the general duty; and I have the honor to remain, gentle- men, your most obedient and faithful servant, "W. E. GLADSTONE. "London, March 11, 1880." The following is an alphabetical list of the Parlia- mentary Constituencies in this district, and the Members representing those constituencies, together with the names and politics of all candidates known to be seeking election or re-election. This list is be- lieved to give the exact condition of electoral matters at the present date, Saturday, March 6, 1880. Before each constituency is the number of members it returns to Parliament. Then follow the sitting members and their politics, and the candidates now in the field :— WALES. I-AngIesea arichard Davies, L Captain Pritchard Rayner, C (probable) I-Beaumaris, District a.VTorgan Lloyd, L Colonel Hampton Lewis, C (probable) I-Brecknock .aJ. P. W. G. Holford, C C. Flower, L I-Brecknockshire aW. F. Maitland, jun., L Hon. A. Morgan, C 1-Cardif f. E. J Reed, L A. Guest, C I-Ca.rdigan.aD. Davies, L l-Cardiganshire .aT. E. Lloyd, C L. P. Pugh, L 1-Carnarvon, District sW. B. Hughes, L.C I-Carnarvoushire allon. G. S. Douglas Pennant, C T. L. D. Joneg Parry, L I-Denbigh, District. Sir R. A. Cunliffe, L Hon. G. T. Kenyon, C 2-Denbighshire .aSir Watkin Wynn, C aG. Osborne Morgan, L 1-Flint, District .a.Ioan Roberts, L Capt. Pennant, C I-Flintshire "I"aLord R. Grosvenor, L H oUand, L Conservative candidate not yet announced —Montgomery, District aHon. F. S. Hanbury Tracy, L Pryce Jones, C I-Moiitgomeryshire aC. W. W. Wynn, C Stuart Rendel, L I-Pembroke H. G. Allen L T. C. Meyrick, C I-Pembrokeshire .aJ. B. Bowen, C W. Davies, L 1-Swailsea .aL. L. Dillwyn, L CHESHIRE. 2-Cheshire, East aIV. J. Legh, C aW. C. Brooks, C No contest expected 2-Cheshire, Mid aHon. Wilbraham Egerton,: LC aP. Egerton Warburton, C — M'Intyre, Q.C., L — Wilbr.,ham, L 1 2-Cheshire, West.aSir P. Egerton, C aHon. W. Tollemache, C dW. H. Gladstone, L 1 R. G. Grosvenor, L (pro- liable) I-Birkenhead .aDavid Maclver, C A. J. Williams, L 2-Cliester aH. C. Raikes, C aJ G Dodson, L Hon. B. Lawley, L -)Iacclesfleld .aW. C. Brocklehurst, L aD. Chadwick, L W. M. Eaton, C (probable) J. C. Mayne, C (probable) 2—Stockport aC. H. Hopwood, L aF. Pennington, L Conservative Candidate not yet announced SHROPSHIRE. 2—Shropshire, North .aStanley Leighton, C aViscount Newport, C 2-Shropshire, South .aJ. E. Severne, C aSir Baldwin Leighton, C Jasper More, L 1-Bridgnorth aW. H. Foster, C I-Ludlow. Hon. G. W. Clive, C S. Glynn, L -Shrewsbury &C. C. Cotes, L aH. Robertson, L Wenlock aA. H. Brown, L aC. T. Forster, C R A. Benson, C A Labor Candidate is also spoken of LANCASHIRE. II-Lancashire, N.E aJ. M. HoIt,C aJ. P. C. Starkie, C (tMarquis of Hnrtington, L R. W. Grafton, L 2—Lancashire, SE, .aHon. A. Egerton, C aE. Hardcastle, C The Liberals will contest both seats 3-r-Liverpool alord Sandon, C aE. Whitley, C &W. Rathbone, L Lord Ramsay. L 3-Manchester ajacob Bright, L John Slagg, L allugh Birley, C W. H. Houldsworth, C l-Warringtoll .aSir Gilbert Greenall, C John G. M'Minnies, L

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