Papurau Newydd Cymru

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ECONOMY IN HORSE & CATTE FEKDJC .HrEMtFS PATENT HOR8P: AND CAT. TLE FEED.. cold w. tth Guaranteed Airalysi?.—Agent for Wrexham: XItEDEItICK ROBERTS. STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN. LJVERPOOL AND CANADA, AND THE UNJTED STATES OF AMERICA, Ya rORTLAXD AKD THE GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Under Contract M<</t 77«y 111 o/esly'g Pr01}incial Goventment for the C01lveyuU{e.o/ the illails.) ]861———WJNTEK Alu{AGl<MK'l' ]862 TLe JJontreal Octnn Steam-fhip Cutnt'any's Brst-elass, powprtnt bcrew Stean-crs KOInn:IGIAN. C'aj.tain A. M'MASTER III ]IFI?N I AN, 'Yo GRAKGE NOItTli BRtTON, nORIAD llALLA!'TI="E lioIIEMIA-N, A il'i ON ANGLO ::i. X0N (" B A H A.-[ KORTH. AMEKICAN, L'UltGE6;3 JURA, —— fre tended to fail from LIVERPOOL TO PORTLAND EVRRY THURSDAY Ca!!in? at MOVILLK LOUGI! FOYLE. on FmDAY, to embark I'asf.frff'rfind Her 1\hjP,tl'" plaits; And PORTLAND 10 LIVERPOOL e\cry SATUR- DAY, cfllirp at .]OYILLE to iaud \<aiis ard pa<ent'rs. Bate of Freight to Portiand <.0s. p''r Ton illeafure- tneBt, and 5 per cent Pnmagc. lYtii;Lt gut'jcct to z greemfBt. C-hin Pzi-;sege-Troir;cv to PORTLAND, EIGHTEEN GUINEAS and Fli'rhKN GUINEAS, tndudina'Provi- eions but not wines or VCluùn, "hich c tn be obtained on boprd. Stecritze Pasgage Morcy to rORTLA.NLI), SEVEN 4GUINEAS, iaciudmg a plentiful bUVlly of cooked Pro- 'vsions. By arrargcments mde with the Crand TJUI,k EaU'vay Company of Canada, BiHs of Lading :)nd P:)S6a::f Ti'-ktts will begraaicd in Liverpool, for tl;e cociveyaiiee of Gonds and Pa;:co¡':ffS at Yt'ry mode)atethrouohr.i!cstoa'lthe principal towns in Cauada. For Freight or Passage aprly. in Glasgow, to JAMES and ALExAKDER ALLAK, 70, GiMt Clyde ;.trlet; it' London to AIO.NTGOAIFIIIF, and GitEY.Nlioi?N-r,, ] 7,Grfct:church-Nt. or to ALLAN BHOTHEKS, and Co., WfaVM-buiJdiDgs, 13ruDswÏi k-st., LiVCTTOrl. ras!:engcrs must providt' thfD :t-\Vl' with Fa'.f- item the AutLorities of ttKir res) enive CounthM, 'vised by a!Hims<er<'r Consul ottteUrnted States. MJSTRALlA, TASMANIA ANI) iN LW ZEALAND. RLACE BALL LINE OF BPITISH AND AUSTRALIAN EX.ROYAL MAIL rACEETS Al\D F.} bLB LINE OF rACEETS. AlLIG moM LIVERPOOL FOE MELBOURNE On t! c 5th SBd 15th of e\ery ino! th. This hue c< is t(n:l,(cd of the ]a'ge!-) ai.d mfat tucdttn Sttum at.d Ciippn St.i;'=, whose WeM ttied nipejriutity have distitmuitind thcni thlOlJhw cut the woild. They are charödtri!'ld by the qui<k'-6t yaefagee on r(ccid,and the rinagriiii(-eiice of their chtet cabin aceommf datiou. It is ntao the oniy liue wbif'h bai- tad the distinguished honour ot a visit tioEt Lcr A!njcbt) the Qut etj. For Melbourne.! Cspt. Date. Jtfarco Ptdo. ]f.25..4f00 D. Jobnstf.n othDt-c. CityotAldtlaide V40.. 2l 00 Dav'd MOJl j, i>th Jan. Ocean Chitf. 104 6..2LOO Drown.. OLh Feb. FOR SYDNEY, DmECT. FROM LOKDOX. TUCM LIVEITYOI, L. CaingOJm X'thDfc. JndiRnOn-an..?5h.Nov. Caur'gf)!!a .Q.. t'Ei?&LA?D, FOH Qr:EYiL.AD, l(jlŒTo LAY, t' C!i.]FTON" tosa;I I t-'i! h E nibc-r. :MOTl\10R1:.CY" to tail15tllÜLllIl.bcr. 6 FACKEI FUH THE .jb DECEMBER. To 5:11 9th Dec., FOR MELBOURNE. Taking '-Victory F.ssage Wairania" and ".Bounty Ticket." The celebrated Frigte-built CFpcr Ship 14:JYI:.A.RCO :p o r. o. "5'1:onb ltegister, 4000 T(-ui3 LLlti.CD. C.- p D. n ?625 Ions Register, 4000 Trna ButheD. C.p:. D. H. ThMfar-JampdClirperis (t-it-bTrf(!d for having bffti 1he FierLei t)f tijezkttstra:ian Pt.6S!T ger Trhdf,at:d nrak- ing tolme uf the nfost v oilderful i-oyagts on rt.c.jtd; her vuyage itom livi-rlorl toMe!bou!ne andbfrk, iuciuuing tilltrticn alrcatl, in 5 months arx! 21 ftaye; ardher two yojagea to Melbourne and beck within 12 months lave ne'vtr Lietn suipa*Etd. She has also continued to retain her world iQe nputation, and l,as just come out o f Do(k,rc-cttssed, if-col pered, Md fitted in the mot <3it)ieBt manner, and offtrs to intending Passengers nud Sbippets the meet dfsiraMe (onveyance. Arply to C1BBS, BRIGHT & CO., :Nonh Jobn &trtet, or JAMFS BAIKES & CO., Water-st., Livers). Or to Mr. AhTHTJU. CLAKEE.BRYjSYFFYNKON TERRACE. WhEXHAM. ROWLAND'S STOMACHIC DIGESTIVE PILLS. fT?HESE PILLS are prfpMcd from the prescription of T a late eminent physician, aud wili be found a most 'valuable remedy for all disorders of the Stomach_ impaired digestion, Batulence, acidity, deficient appetite for food, pain in the stomach after meals, head-ache or ner- Tousness, and for females before and after confinements They do not contain a particle of mercury, or any of its preparations being composed entirely of vegetable ingredients; and their continued use will not weaken or in any way injure the system, but from the tonif property which they contain, will have a atrensthenins aad invigorating enect. A more valuable family medi- cine cannot be obtained. Sold in boxes at 84d, Ie lid, and 2s 9j by the pro- prietor, MR. W. ROWLAND, DisrENsiNG CHEMIST, High-street. Wrexham. ROLLOWAY'S OINTMENT biseases of the STein. 'Univeraa! approbation ha8 been awaidfd to this famous 0!nttBect for its enicieBcy in rei-iovirig diseases of the skin. For BcrofuJa, scurvy, scald hends, and ail eruptions of the skiu, both in infancy and maturer years, no remfdy can te applied which so quickly cutes as Hol'cway's <'int. ment. luthe cursfry it should always be at hand to cage the n any skin actions to which the majority cf children sre!iah)c, Jnt!t heat and tooth rashes, the 'Ointment is wonderiully cocltng and curative. To soldiers, sailors, tninets. rtrid travellers in foreign lands, it is invultmble. Sores, TVaunds, Bad Breasts, Bad Legs. In thie etass of maladies, an improvemeiit in the ap- I)enrRT)ce of the dii-ease oi the patient, foUovs the Bret dre'sing with the Ot'.tment. It must not (.t.y be sheared on the wound, or sore, but he D-it.kty ruhbed tor some icche'< round about tt e dis- eased tw. Hen or paiufu! pn-is. It wiH penetrate to the b)ood vca.els. r erv( F, and aod even to the bone aBdw))lnt.rc)fe)).e Bto-t?)i..].6u..te hewing and purity: Jcg pow(r ov, r (:Vei,v tisstli- repara- tion. i:(. ciT. ct oi the <'i):i. (.ut i& i: crM'ud by fomect- jlug vrh Ni;jylll )uH.(d in; bi.,t 1.1' r t.<. clen, d wi'h fpon.e r an.- else, as the vting anQ new fILzh which like; <-)Mth, would b'j "ashcrl wav Gout, Stiff Jr i,:tS. Tl,- one &ut}t:tiun t'r<'n.thtse !-a)nM "fiuíioDS ?houM :<he uns f-itrilyijig OitUment, a. it has rbcut'd thou.anda m'mali'e (f torH'.re, atternury cthrrmtanst.adbt-en ti-ic I in vain. The Oititu,ttit 6' tutd 't WLH rubbed into tLt skinot leaqt twlc(, i -.ifter it :S 1erD l>rol't'dy ('I1.iC.,tf d with Warm s:il;t aiid w;jtt.r, and tiried. Ttein- j..lllmlJtioD eoon J'ejJ,]s, End the "¡¡'Únt no h)t;ger heJl'!t:i;s, jesomt'a his occuj !ijn. Glandular },[Ui12jJS, <SOr;/ Tin-oat «/;J iptlnrire- To con-Ltt t!)eK' a;c"öef "I\h a retrcdy i.s re quired whiti; %ill .-ysft-m ttndf'r, jts contn.1. S fi. a y 's I"j,("\a < «intrn..t. -when rut.b.u ..r rt.¡n, )t a l ;h,h, :i"[! removes an: ), (, y he )n)j,.i- 4,m-, tt,eir b(- i; i: t. ,:t 33hii)SI)riDg <.j j! 1;,) li.,) -I, R" ?. litatter J'H¡tl'r, 1: U I sbovec!:)t.S(f':)-< )' t,. t! 1 4: jointly, w ii n;t ,t; < 1.10 m .(. cnrt8 jCo/A lite ¡',I!s .< i" Ù 'I ]3ad Lerot tadBttMH ButM Buni,.iis ]i¡k <tf l\fosrr.l'toes B..dS.ndi'het. Coco-bay I.U q{(,lot .;IUli, iPI'" C.)rf.s jt.(.:t) I ,¡.uJ :,I it i I,t, J'M t;.n) t'¡¡u::j'!lir S\t'elliD 1;: d;¡¡ti,t.t-Il .'t. ',t, les tJ.(: Î:1;o.I!i ? .& ?cUt\y >!)r;f.9 Tr.ur3 ??? 'J8 i y.n.. ?nif]:t1<'T'-?)?i''t'hu'?f"r)'rr:s?f?-j'o"?-'?. ?<<i..<)<Hr T ?');! n!)' ) ). ) t ?.. < _)t. i ? )t) j ) ,;s h ft..< "s- ,.< ? j t 1:i;¡Y,J'E;;Ji;L: 2:' 'l'¡!l;:t:('I; ¡ ttud .tu-? tM )'' t. *?''t )'r' .s .<'<<<t'av't; ? 1tt!<i;? ?..?t.r f?z's. ?J!.—l!ht''t!f'a&lui- ). ?u.U:u.(;u ??Lti??t?? it; en-ry dtb(.d to mcu p<,t. DR.DE JONGH'S .qhi of fhe Order of Leop oid of Belgium)I, LIGHT-BROWN COD LIVER OIL, Prescribed by the most eminent Medical :Men as the aafe&t speediest, and tnost effectu:! remedy for Cotisumption, Chronic Bronchitiv, Asthma,, (lou.flns, lU¡eu- matistn, 6'OM/, Generol}Jebilitfj, jJisease,8 of the Skin, Rzcket8, Infantile Wa8ti1zg, and all Scrofulous -dfec"Ow The invarmbie purity, p.tataMen?s, SP?Y ?acy.?d consequent economy of this., u]nri%.Rlled pr(,Iisration ?e ühtained for it tlw v4,iierql spprov:il and m,quahfit: Lvn- lidl'nee of the Frole.-?,i(,n,nod iiotwitl)i-tandiiig !he active and iii too Diany iI1taJlces t Df;cn¡puIOus oPPoslho.n .?-?e???/??????'??'P?e?? amouut of pubbo patronae, t DR D s.??????????? tberapp.'lt1C supcnorltf of Dit. e J ONOU'S COIl Liver Oil over eHry OUlI:' anctY' J mcolI- t?stabiy estabjished by the re<-ord<d opnnon!) ofti'e moat distinguished Physicians and :Surj("on n'a)] parts of the wortd. 1" nuh.htthss instances, where other kinds (i; Cod tjvt'r OH had bc<'n long Liid eopiojsty administMed ""Ith htttcorno tt-h<-nt. Dr. dp Josh's Oit has product d alm\JII immediate rcti'-f. arrested disease, at,d restored health. SELKCr MEDICAL CPINiUXS:— ,-ITt JO-L"Ill OLJJtFf.M.D., Phv-iciau to the British !;nih-s<-y at J;aris -"1 J'i-iqtietiily pMScribt'd Dr, de .)'j)'<: h;s l.i!-Ist.Browii C'.d LtVcrUU, and I have every reason to he a(btÏl d Willi iLst'encficiai attd balutary eiyccts. MR ]"!t., L)i.1), tl.,}"id311 inUrdiu- ary to the Queen in Jr'iat.d.—I cnu:iider JJr. t!e Joile.11,6 (fd Liv<r Oii )o be a very pure 011. not. bkeJy j to ocatp disifust, f.t.d a therapeutic agt,ilt of tif'at vatuc. j t R. I.A" HAXCE, hysician to h.i:.B. the Duke of SaM- Co\:urA"/lIHI GotIHJ. I ijivariablv I)jt!scribe Hr oe Jullg:h'g U'tin pretnence to any oti (-r, iek litig assured that l&nt rf'conimcndm!! a ?cnuiu'' arttcie. andn'?ta. matmtaot.ureft j cciupcund m which the e?UciiCyottihMiuv.tluauieunttticlue f is itesLtoye(i." ? D't? ?THEBY, Medical Omcerof Hea)tb, and Chief At'myst tv the H'y of London.—" It is I behove ackt'nwi' dftcd th-.t Ur dc Jonah's ijight-Hrown Cod Liv-er Oit ha-s t:r(at therapeutic p.)Wcr attd trow lilY mvesttna.nous I i havo no duubt of its heiiig a puie and uuhduiteriitw ? JJF.. LA:NKESTER, F.R.S., Supehntendent of the Tood I COIILctloll, bouth KCIISilltou Mui-eum.—i cuusider the Cod Liver Oil ui,der DfdeJongh's guarltutl'B to t)«prefer- able to any other Kind aa resarda genuineness aud mcdiemat tUi'acy." I)ii. GEAKVJLLE, F.B.8., Author of the ''Spas of Gtrmati).— L)r UMi.viile has found that Dr. de dough's Li;:Iil-tirowii Cod i.ivM' Oil proouces the fiebiredettect in a.bhorterttmothan other Piniis, and that it doe:} not cause the lIausea auù itidineation too olten eouLcqueut on the aun!)h]!-t.).(tiou ot tue J'ale Uit." UK. BAIZI,O%i, S uior Piisiciati to Guy's Hospital.— 1 h:tv<' )r<qu(miy rccotitme''t.ett I)t,rsuii:s coliSUILiliK lue to make use .t' Dr de J oiiyii's Cun Liver Uit- i have heeu well II.Itti its ett'ett., a)'d buievo it to t'e a very pure Ui), weit lifted tor thoNu e.ised 111 Wtiicu. tim usa «f thaE sui)stalice )s indicated." Kit.s Professor of the Pritctife of Medi- cine at Hie LuuiVt'ri'ity of ii Lililiji. I hate m ttic course ot ny p!:tt.Un; cxl. n&neh ('n'i-JOHd lir cie Jou¡:Ü's Hfttt- .1:;ro\\ 'I (-t;Li Liver Uii, ItllI; iha.e no lWMtatlOU U] stmim; that J oc!id<;r ti.e t <Nt. the NpeciiijeUN ul'UU whtch hus LVcr eotjue uuucr my lIuLÏce.'J Dr. de J l J gh's Ligiit-Brown Ccd Liver Oil ij sOld ¡.W) ill hlJj CJ iai l\Jf-jJllIlS, :¿s ¡Al. j -rUILS, -1" "II. a':d i&bctibd with his &t<tmp and ti)ptl.ttlire, WIIL:At V'o.IJi<:h none can pOhsibiy be gt-nutneby V"pn.jst auu 1J1'UgglstS. 8U.LE (;O-"SiO 3BS .A,NS.Alt, HARjboUD & 77, STLIA.N,1), L.uisDON,W.C. C.A U110X.-l'ïrJ1i(y attempts oftm made hy un- or sttbsfiti(tc, tt<;<:A « villc to 02, ettr(t I (,tiicrli-ejii,dr the ftileicious pielti,(.,e tlwl lit,I aic llie. -a))ic a3 hr. tie JO"!lh's, or t!ltially lilJitaewus. AGENT BY Arl)OI'niENT AT WRBXIIAM, MB. W. ROWLAND, DISPEN,ING (llEJd.I:H, liiGH LSTREET.- f?? ? UT& ? 'S'f??? ?- '? -????S??????? CORN FLOUR ?OMbt?ES <!?thR Nutritioaa quslitiesof the?M)! ? 7?<:<!<, with the best proptrties of the 6nf<.t ??'oMr?f'. DR. LETHEBY'S AXALYSIS Shows tha.t tre Co!n FIcur in g(r(,ral uc dcrs NOT (ODta:n ONE PER CIP-T. of CI?tiin(?,s vHtft "Jo/<M'! IVittritio?ls (on¡ Flur" f'r'ainf. t C1' cet¡(. or 14 I'JI'I 11"('11": t"l" bl!er 1\1.:0 CI J1Ia¡n 12 pPT CH.t. /A .tf'/(' th II f I¡Y ,hr; h IIPqllptly it is :\)¡,J ¡,t:11iJ1lUL' aru mere Y.A,.JLY JIJ(;t."fLlIlbm any other. spLp ];Y PARSONS, FLETCHE1:. & Co., 22, Bread Street, Cheapside, London, AND BETAti. BY W. OYERTON, Gncer, WRFXHAM, J. F. EDlSBUXY,Drupgi6t.Dnto. LEAKE & SMITH, Ditto, BRiDGNORTH. Dip Candles to Burn without Snuffing. PALMR & Co.'S YlCTOXIA SyrFPJ.EhS .Ftps. 8d. per !!). Manu'aetured of iwn.we,1 n."terials, free from smel), a food co)our, may be carried ivillic-ut }:utterin)?. bur)t loi)lztir than ordinary dips, f:ive a better liglit. PrffeTab)'for P)i\ate ramilies, and ihdttd f(,r the {;cut:ra.l u:.c otai). J"{"ld by 1111 (:UCHS and Canine DI ;¡Jprs, and whn]fsa!nt'v PAH)EK AXn t"o., thf PattUtees, StiI'luK STREET, CLBRK' CINW.ELL, LMfDOX. E.G. KAYE'S WORSDELL'S FILLS. TT'lC'HMS to INDIGESTION. NcrYousnpss, Physic T Debility, Bihous and Liver Comp)aints, Diseases of the Cheftt, Lunffs, and Throat, and all who desire to restore aud estabUsh their health with speed, certainty, and economy, should immediately use these woD(leriiil,Pills. Thev strike at the root of disease, purify the.Mocd, and streugthatid invigorate the < tJtire t-ystem. Prepared solely by John Kaye. Frq..Project naH Wood, aord, tatcot Dhiton Hai],ueaj Hudderstieid. Uum'reds of tascs of cure enclosed in each bf-x. So]d byaHChemtsts and other dealers in Patent Medicicr* at Is. I id 2s. Sd. t.nd 4s.6d. Wholesale Depot. 22, BREAD TBEET, London. BOROUGH OF WBEXHAM. JOIiy CLARK, ESQUIBE, MAYOR. T?TOTICE IS IIEEEUY G?VEN, that on and after JL?) the FifSt day of January, 1862, the whciu of the present Fairs in Wrexham (except the Cheese Fa]r-<) will be abolished, and that (from that day) the Fairs will be held as fo'lows :— On the Thursday after ? the first Wednesday in ? -? ?"' for Horses, Cattle, January. ) Sheep,P?s,&c. anuary c, Ou the Thursday after ? the first Wednesday in ? -? ?? <'oi IIor-&s, Cattle, February ) Sheep, figs, &e. ..L' e rua.ry. I A Fair for Horsey Cattle, Sheep, Pig?, Hops, Seeds, On the Thursday after ) and the lair to continue for the nrst Wednesday in ?- 14 days ('rom and inclu. March s:ve of'such tlay), forMer. ) (;ha.ndigc, and to be eaUud J the "March Fair." On th9 Thursday after ) the first Wednesday in } A Fair for Horses, Cattle, April ) Sheep, Pig?, &e. On the T)''ir°f!-y after the nrat Wcun:sday in A Fair for Horses, Cattle, May. ) Sheep, Pigs, &e. On t'ic Thurpd 'Y af:( r ) t'"e first W(, ;dt;ctdiy in A Ft.!r for HorscF, Ca.ttic, June ) &C. On the 11'u''itY a!("I' } A Fair f1' ll-rs ('attl 1 1' "e¡, (', t,¡e flret l:UIJ\:I¡;t)' 111 hl:llJ Pi" r. 1', Juty t ?' co', c\l., aliio a u y Yair. Un the Thu'l,:y af!fT AF. fur llUf"CS c.Ue h e t C .;L. .:¡¡, :a)' lil ) ;:)hc"j' "I' bu ') ;0 \uIIl"ir. < thc lhm. ..? ) !'C <ir.? \Jn?<?- in ??" '? J.or?.ratt! ?.l)tt-nt?r ) b?cLp, r .g., &L-. i L)..l thu T hms'yti'r ? AFd'rf)r!L.r9t-?.Catt!e, IInthc 1:hl1!¡;Y :,f:"r ¡A :d,ir f.,r :1¡¡rf; Cattle, ')?; i'i?., cc. al.o ;'M-b.r < ?.rh.t:.y.:(,i?.(;aJI<:d I 1 f '1:' (Jnth<- T'"?i.r. 'r ? I iu:icy F ?r." !-ho ?i!? W..?:i?d..y iu Ai?;rforn?gt;s,(?ft!p !.??<tt?r. ) M?'cr,Pig<,& <'n t?t,'?!?.'f)-t;v:.i:.t(- < ( 1 ) ")oJ '.Cr rh— '?..??.t.y -L'?"-?"r?.C<itt!c, Jl. ?i ? ??-i- ,i?,&c. .ó.. 't (" "'j-' 0" j 'i::? C?i<u Lft::s w:!I e"t!nue to be h:']J on t?Q c', f 1 j r? &t.c'i .ri uays ior uhici-. r.hty ?efe formerly appointed t'!i i "-i { in -'<' 'i.t.n t? Fairs X-r ChtL-?, be Fair' r ru"<-r &)td Hucun, aa d r.ihe' h: tides or lib, acsf-rip ;ioii. '.i.3(:ysouwhi)jh hm.h be held, ar t = 1..t;i- ''t. )hc fifff 'r¡ Apr.), ) :r, ? ''? ? ?. ?' Y'i i' .? nf. cf the i.t.'s < [_ h': mii-' 'rf r ?' '? k' '"H.t;, ,;u: .)A?iES, 6.h June, IS?i. luw? CLr?E. NEW CONFECTIONERY AND. G ROCERY. ESTWwul4FjXT& NO. I, ABBOT-STREET, WREXHAM. (Next door to Mrs. Price, Draper.) WILLIAM ICENDBICK; (Late FoMman to Mr. J OUcEBHFAD, High-street,) 'DECS B}ost rcspccKuDy to infotm the KoMity, Gtiitty, frd ?hft'itoBta pf W?rf <htm ecd eurroucding ne?h- _D- ?nof?,t?tt?<' irt<rds Otf?iBp ttp.a?fvp ptfmi?f fM S?T?PPAY KEXT, Ispvtmbfr 2nd, with an EN TJRELY NEW AKD C-D OICE SIIICT]Ols- CF t 01\h!.1](,N..liY iti prMt-rBrietyaTid flrflt-cla&.g quality that canT'ot he surpassed also, a choice ttKnion of 'leap, ( onets. Slices, and Gentitl Grocery lor lamil-y use to such qualit-,y, and at tuch pficcs, as <anBot fai I to give s8t!'factJon, W. K. haviDg scquircd a putect In(.wl,cdge of Me bMeinee!' by a 37-yefrs' Eeni.f'e wit Mr. O)}elbe ac), ."tUl!ts that .<.y (cimbiniiig ceie t! d tttntion with V-.uD(tualily to lUs1J1I8 eBd tiupptyicg evt!ry articje Mab(jvfj of Eitl]iDg quality ani at modetate pricee, to meut a 8hff.P cf public patrons. %e and sufpor't. g N.B.—No. 1, ABBOT-STREET. W REX HAM, OctobLr 25. 1861. MONEY LENT ON PERSON &L SECURITY. THE IWREXTIA 31 TOAN AD IN'V'ESTlU:EN:T COIFPANYD (LIMITED), A RE prepared to ttdvanco any sum from ?.5 to ?100, on persona! 01 < ?ther security. <M. twa! ve montha. teMv ¡ A able in weeHy. monthly, or quarterly Instalmenta, at a iow rate of i detest. Go.d BUta. ?Jiacouated M y. moderate terms. The atrictest conndence obecIVtJd.Applic.<itlon to be ma<Io to the Secretary, Offices-Temple Plac Wrexham. THQU AS JONES, (Maces—Tcmpte Place, Wrexham. Accou"AxT. HPIORTANT  ¡:-è j??CAB?j? "TH'OLD E:SiADLlSH£f i -r,NTI4vrg N 0 T I C E ALTERATION OF DAYS OF ATTENDANCE IN -IVREXHAM. A'I1EDÂNCE IN NIBEXITAV THE ]sT j4ND SND fBIDAY IN EACJ I MONTH, AT JMES JONFS, i COMECTIONER, 5, liOPE.STRE.E.L DENTISTRY NOTICE. I?ESSRS.. GAB 1:1 EL, the dd EstabHsbed SURGEON DENTISTS, ? 'e the honour to announce jyi. ree?'sr Prf/csi.iona) Visits as above. Messrs GABBIEJL'S Self Adhesive MiBtraI Tec'hard Patent Coralite Gnm.Co?omf ed India Rubber Gnmaen- thetyeurerctde the ordinary II:t:thods, and are suppled without Sprier, Wues,or.M<.< ats.and without extrocMcg I tteth or Stumps. ? A rtorg the vote jnl,'Ottent advantages ohta:B&b!e by Messrs. Gabriel's Suction Fran es and Air Cells, ti-je M- towing unv beer.t:!r.t'rst<. <! :— M'atp fdgc? are Hi'irtty svoided a \\on(!er<ul)y iccrt-aM J amount of Suc<onisob. tained, iugttber viitb a }.!3S1]Clty hitherto unattaii!ab)e; a Fit perfected with th< most unerring accuracy and a dgree of 8t <abuit,u?, unrJe¡¡s¡.nIIJFS of tsstp and emeU being done M ay with by tha peculiar i.atnre of its preparation, the materials ustd bLiug of the very best description, the workmanehip of the Brst order. Attsgrs. Gabriel from beinK 111. oufactureta of every spedaHty appertaining of 1';he proC esaion, are enroled to make their charges less than half the 01l lmary fees. Pat.ents w;U thus be enabled to take advantage of the higher r- soufccs at the Dental Art, withjut t!h necessly of a visit to towa, or havicg top ty for hHt.ohtss workmanship the exorbitant charges usuaHv made. ? exorbitant charges usu;illy 'I'EPTil, from ft ? the set worrited. P.rtia, l sets ? pro pMt?'Whd. Ename &c.. at AMr- .UICA.V 11 INERAL Eve.y operation pertaiuin.; to the pr? ?ioa. ftOFp'ug Front wnh the c ?b??t.ed White Enamel, &c., at the a?o.e stric'!y niojtrate rate of charges. Gabriel's Tretrtise (new editiou for 18611. on 172e loss ami only Effectual morlc of \Cftmng the TCCC,4, may be had gratis on application, or wil. be sent direct three postal starups. Gabriel Treatise cieariy expiams thNf ) ystem, and shonid he read by all wh, o.. vali ue .tth. en- teeth.London fflornitay Berald. Gabrid'a System will save mnch money more annoyance, and sh.U ,.mnc. h more di sikppoint.ment. Their Treatise .houtd bp read before comulting a DenUst, a3 emaLa't. '3 Irom such a euurce it may be l MPSdendy relied on."— Ullited Service Gazette. 8 G A B R I E L, m E s s r, 1815, (see I)iploma) Surgeon Dentists, establishet) 1815, (Me Diploma) 134, DUEE.ST. LIVERPOOL, d2 and 34,I.udsate.Hil!, Ci\.Y, London, 27, HrIey-¡, treet, CavendMh square, and 65, New-at., Birmingham..Conaultat.ou Gratia. Messrs Gabrid'a ce!ehrat.d "BOYAL '100TH POWDER." as ). 'repared for Her Maj. '<<y and the Roy at Fami!y IsGdper box.—A)so the "PATENT WHITE GUTtA PEltC'! A .<:NAIIí1L," tile ouly c fective &Opp i ug fo r* <.aytd front teeth, Js 6dper box.—To be bad of Jlr. Bowlatid, C/¡emi"t# lYrcxltam. The davs of attendance in Wrexhami are Friday, Nov. 1st and 15:b. Jjuc. 6th and 20th. -And every Saturday at Shrewabuty, 48, Il1..h-8treet. G E N E R A L F URNISII IN Cx E S 'f l.\ n LIS H 1\1 E N r DRAWING AND DINING ROOM SUITES, IN WALNUT, ROSEWOOD, AND MAHOGANY BEDROOM DO., IN MAHOGANY BIRCH AND ALL PAIN- TED WOODS, IRON BEDSTEADS, FEATHER BEDS,HAIR, .WOOL, AND FLOCK, MATTRASSES, CHIMNEY, AND PIER GLASSES. ti e "v A j! CAR? RA,-COL OOLLr4, S JMM ENSE STOCK OF WJ LL PAPERS, JLTY.EJ!Y .H EDUCED pRjcrs, FELTS, DRUGETS, COCOA INDIAN AND HUSH MATTING, HEARTH RUGS, DOOR MATS, DAMASKS, CHINTZ, and a choice Selection OF UPHOLSTERY TRIMMINGS, &c., <&.c., &c. F. OWEN'S ExtfBMve Fhcw Born .-=, cf,y t)-c p!fB*ptt Tpr'fty m the rr)!)e!pa!i<y to pMctasent Telcles. Eatimatea given for the Furnifhing of Houses or separate Rooms. 1'umiture to any amount bought or exchanged. A large assortment of Second hand Goods <dwaya on Bale. 16, TOWN HILL, I (Late of the Old Shop Bridge Street,) I. GRIFFIN, MORRIS, & GRIFFIN S I A -Ur .r -r.T.M/CMT :.MANURES! Wheat Manure dE8 0 0 per Ton. Bean and Votch Manure < 8 o 0 „ Prepared Bones, for Seeds .0 7 10 0 „ Pure Bone Meal, for Pasture Land 7 10 0 n Delivered to any R&way S'vation. GRIFFIN, MORRIS, AND GRIFFIN, CERES WORKS, WOLVERHAMFTON. M; S'X Mi -1 S Ma T- 3D 1031- I; A T II 0 &rJONES, RHOS OANDLE WORKS. OFFICE & STORES BRYN-Y-FFYNON, W R E X H A M IN E W TMPLEMENT 'VARD. CHESTER-STREET, WREXHAM. A R T H U HC L A R K E QUrPLITS, at Ma!:e!'s rncfs, ACEJCUL'tUR?L 3MPLH!E??TS maBufactured by RANsoMEs & S.Ms, k? SAMTTH-ON, SMITH, & Ai-BLEY, R!CI:MCKD & CHANDLl.K, ClJLYT?N, SHUTT?EWORTH, OL Co., and all Other ti ai:u<acturprs. A(;L.NLT yOR—THE JLANCASHIEE MANURE COMPAKY'SNitrogenised Bone Manures. 'I'HE WEST OF _F.NLGLAND CATTLE QILS and Sheep Dipping Ct)mpoEition. TIlE CLYDI SI)ALE ]fEI:DING CONDIMENT, Cattle Food, &c. AGP,lC-LTURAL gALT, ard the celt-brfitf-,d CHEESE SALT, _BOGG'S SUCCES,FUL WASHING M ACHINES, Mark's and Wringing MachineM Waterrroof Cn-CH, &-< G¡rÙfI1 ftatf', Ho)]ers. Lawn Mowing' )lac1ÏlJe Wire ici.uEg ar.d Ntttiiig, rk;d snu G:;r<Hn Gattf, lluh.:1t'f;, hcu HuiMinge, RoLfing, &c. Ky. C' t'.} J 1 iIp. II :c'c n¡,¡j )( J: ill 0, mitL\\clk delle on the ShOlt8t notice. Office-Ilcnl,ld-f>trett, TwoDooje itocf Chcattr-stree'. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. E Z E K I EJL 31 A S 0 N QLOTHIER AND (? UT. FITTER, I???S to ?rfoTr ?'.s T'??r<'? rr<1 ir<' rrH!c tt:'t !( ?:)s ?tur?f) <rf? ??..<? ,< ? t i ? a.d .ore CO???DK? SPUMn?. ?<.h ?????'?? in 1'('l.!cr.t'Hre(t, ¡ ?? :?.:?; :?ir;?.??r" ?? ? "? ?" -??? ?'? ? ? -?? to 111m SI}.('r .J.' U.II,JJ1C1Tl'n,l'Ll. In bLU:U' ?..? ?? n?.i! ?H :t?.?.n 10 Li?.rgea?d cL?cestork or ???.u?de cluing°, ?h < ic, i.,6 li:rge Arid cheicesteel? rf 3 0 ? ————' REGENT-STREET, ? Q ? j