Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

6 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



WHITCHURCH, WREXn AM, MOLD, AND I CO.N.NAll'S QUAY J LECTION KAIL WAY. (Incorporation of Compint/. Tviicr to male a Tiailwtfy /?-<?. ????MM! ?') join ?<' 7i'?7'? ?;'? <?KCA' Q?y llaihmy at 77M??-?/. with Branches /J Frood u*d Mo&$ <!M? to ??rra'?, 't?J ?/?<'<?!.? !r? tha Shrewshnru and 6/?<<.7' lit«neh ? ?t; Great //?/M ?!:i'f?/. at or near ll,* Wrexham Station, and u: C; the Chester <tK??/c/?7?Y<M? 0/c ??(S)'C/' f7??7/e??<'fT.-?7?t?- uay near ? 7T?.? Station, r<?? a ?'?7???/ from Wrexham ? .?? ?? Owcslry, KlUsin*rc, 0?7? Whit- church llitd'w.ij', at or hear IktSrj.L ld; and also « Jia>lway from Park Eyton to IVr'.xham, (running jmc<:r.s crcr the Jiwktry and Cometh's Q-tdff Itcaluwy the Chester a»d Sio'd liu'lvay the Mad and Dy-abujh. liad'ii-ay the Vtdc of Ctnyd and the Os'Cfstrj', EUe.ttr.cre, and Whitchurch llaiUvtty. J'uwer to ilUtlo. arm lyemcah vith the «b<ve Contpmiet to 1 vy Tolls; Amendment if A els, and other pur- poscs). "\TOTlCB IS HEREBY GIVEN-that an a?j»lieaUo:i •i.'H is be ma I* to I'arlia taunt in the next Sisdon i-r an Ait to; nil iw s-jiud If the following purposes ytiiat is tn .ssy) — To iworpuvto a Company, Lo'- ouiuf l.r called The Comimny," and lo enuoio tito Compiny to inithe add maintain t'a foll»vi lug Hail -.vays or eo.ns or one of tl-em, with all proper and necessary station?, woik-, and con- veniences connected therewith ( is to Say) KAILWAV No. 1. A "a;v.-iy (hereinafter calico railv. iy Nv, 1) com- mencing by a junction with the Shrewsbury and Chester 1Jranch ot the Great "Western Hallway at or utir the centre of the down pas-cngtiE platform of their Station at Wrcsham, in the parish of Vv'rexliaa:, in the county of Denbigh, passing thence fiow, iu, through, or into the aeveial parishes, townships, cxtia-psrochial, and other lilaee3 fallowing, t r some of them, that is to say: Wrcxbanj, Wiexham Abbot, Wrexham Regis, Acton, Stansty, Gresford, Brm^iitou, Urymbo, liersham, C. worsylit, Cymmau, Lla:, otlurwise Lay, ia tbt,. (:ounty of Denbigh; Hope, Hope Owen, Ceiuybedd, Caorgwrle- LtJn, llbaubcrfedd, Uwehymynyud uclia, Uwehymyr Tiydd issa, Kinneiton, Tryudyu, Llanfynydd, liighe, Kannertcn, Lower Kinnerton, Mjnydd Lychnn, Ashton, iBanncl or Kan el, BretU.n, Broad Lane, Broughton, Uwloe, Lwlou Town, Lwlae Wood, Haivard*n cr l'en- arlag, Euckley. Buckley Mountain, A'aneoif, Manor and Hake, MouTe, rentribyn, S'dliieT, Sraiaud Sholioa, Khordicy, L''<'Sv/' od, Cojdllai, Ncnjuis, Ilurtbh-tth or Yr Orsedd, lj';zs! re, rcl "uNvetit, At- ?'fL*, Hc¡;J!c1iiifa, Dcddlu;toll, dl in C.o c? oniy of ?'Itnt )?d D-ddleaton p?rtty m the I (.anty of Uh;:<\icr,! ?ud pMtly )n Um county of i'lint, ?'d toimnati:? Ly a junction with the C'??r smd .Mold ?MUL'h ..f t')? <Jhest«T a'.d Holyhead Kaihvay at or near a point being 520 yards towards Mold fVcia the dis!:irice signal Post oxi the West side of tile liole S.;itioa on the last men- tioned railway. 1. KAIIAVAY No. 2. I A Jia^way (iirre;nalUr eallod ra'ray Ao, 2), com- I mc-ncii y by b junction with the s lici Chi'st M- and ilcld i', alid ?lc? l l I' r,,iiicli tl-.(! Ch^tor and Hidyi-end Kail'.vay, at, or near to the tcrDtiiiation of railway No. 1, as af-m^-tid, passing, thence frum, in, through, or Ïi:t(. the several pH ihc, townships., tstr«-t».iiochu.l and c'ler places lollnwinj/, (tr toiue of them that is to say Uwcn, lliiriiilicrtcdd, Estyn, Shordley, Higher Kinner- ton, Jjowcr Kincert'jn, Asu n, Bannei, oti.i-rwisc iiaaei, Krctloi:, Brt/adlane, Brr.v.g.tffi, Ewloc, Ewloe Town, Ewloo Wood, Hawardtn or lVi.ada: Sianeott, JJaaor and Hake, Muorc; Bcntrobyn, bi.ltney, rfealnud, ShJton, Mold, Argued, Arddynwyut, Bronooed, Ilaits- licath otherwise Yr Orsedd, llcadre Bilfj, Lees wood, liuckley, Buckley Mountain, Cold Harb^J, all in the county of Flint, and terminating by a junction with the authorized lino ot the Buckh-.y siid Counah'sj Quay Ksihvay, at or about 100 yaiis North of the Bridge tinder the said Bail way, which crosses the Tramway leidiDg to Messrs. Davison aud COIDfauY'd Ewloc Brick AVorki, at, or near Buckley, in thu parish cf Hawaiuen aforesaid. RAILWAY No.3. I A Railway (hereinalter tailed railway No. 3), com- jneonirg in the pariah of liope, in the county uf Flint; by a junction witli the proposed rajl»vayNo. i, in a held called the Big l'iold, belonging to Uic llvVorend J.iliii Henry Kirwaa AVard, and ia tho occupation of iiugli llu^he- situated on the r.rtli side of tiie roi.d leading lroill the Hope Station of the Chester and Jdold Branch of the Chosier a:id Holyhead Ka lw.iy, to i'outb.'y.idyn otherwise Buritbloidoyn, ir. tuvvr^liip of jjope h "1 I ¡ Owen, :n the faid parish of Jlyj-o, r.&ssii! ihenco iroxo, ir:, thiyujih, or into tha sttcrai parishes, townships ami tiiia-paiocliiai, aud u L-er plsc-a ioiiov/ing, or zoill.) ot them; that is to stv: Hope, Hope Owen, i-iold, Haw- arden, Bannel otherwise .B:ud, end termiubting by a junction with the proposed railway No. 2, in a field called the Willow or Withy Field, in the township of Bannel, otherwise Banel, in the parish of Eawaraeo, in the county of Flint, belonging to Sir Stephen Itichard Glynne, Bart., and in the occupation of Thomas Wright, and situate bot, or about 410 yards to the northwards ol tho distance signal post, on tho Mold sidu (;f tho taij liopo Station. KAIL WAY No. 4. A Railway (hereinalter called Railway No. 4.) com- mencing by a junction with the hereinbafore doseiibed Itailwav iNo. 1, at, ornoar the point where it is proposed thut such last mentioned Railway should ciois the Turn- piko Railing froui "Wrexham to -Mold at, or bout 00 Yfir's to the North or :.lo; l side of the secona iiiju stone from Wrexhau, marked "Mold, U miles" in the township of Uv.erdyllt, in I tie parish of Gresford, in the county of Denbigh passing thence from, in, through, or into the several parishes, ownships, extra-parochial and other places following, or eome of them, that is to say Broughton, Gwersyllt, Gresford, Llay, Stansty, Wheutsheaf, all in the county of Denbigh, and terminatlug in a field oa the east side and adjoining tho said Turnpike Itoad leading from Wrexham to Mold, and called the Pinfold Fk-id," the property of Thomas Randall Wheatley, Esq., and iu the occupation of Michael Humble, Esq., situate in the said parish or township of Gwersyllt, and at, or about iiOO yards to tho north east of the entrance gatea from tno said road to Gwtrsyllt Church. RAILWAY No.5. A Railway (hereinalter callud Railway No 5) commencing by a junction with the said proposed Railway No 1, at or near a point where it is pr-posod that the said last men- tioned Railway should croia tho public rjad iuaJiug from tho Cross Street Toll Bar, on the Wioxhaut uno „\iold Turnpike lod, to the Moss Valley at, or auvuL Ju yards north west of the said Toll Bar pacing thence from, ilt^ugh, or into the several pari.she?, township. ail-! CTktta-parochial and other places, folhi.ving, or tome of them, that is to Say Wivxhum, Gresford, Gwersylit, FiLod^ otherwise Ffrwd, all iu the county uf Lh'Ubi-b, and tor- ffiirutin^ at, or near certain coal pit?, namhered or col- led Bits number 4 and 8. at a Colliery, or Coal Works, belonging to lUoaru Chiytoi\ of situate at, or near the MOJS Jr'ovl.iu the tvw'nghip, parisJj, f-r place of Gweii v!lt, in tho eounty vf Denbigh, the re- piitt-d property of \Vi!li:im "iesui, jisq., ziua in t:w ) Lolding or occupation of tho said Thomas Chiytou, .Eùl. KAILWAV r.o. o. j A Railway (.V reir.urur t;u!;k;zi Railway Xo. G.) cum-1 jnoistiuj; ty a juueli.m v. illi the lea: mentioned Railway No. •>, at, ot' tie u' h poi: I in a Field, called -tlidule j now or htj the pioperty ol Miis Mary B am<.1!, in I 01 Ihu ruu^ly of De:ibi^i, aivl boiu^ yar*i^ thereahiu.i > e .^l. *.iivti of th' j.uWie-ls<-UA; called Fruod Ivu," pa«sij:g tbeneo, iu, throatl>, «r i:i"> tha avvcrai jiKr.obts, extra-pa;oehiai ami ot-ier piueca ioliMVwaa, • orM.n? o:c 0: !hCí¡:, '?..C 16 to C?. Wi'eii.ain, ';re-f01u t.Ycr?y! Uu'??'.?, j!J,'v.a!K' .U?? J .J I:; -J.J'. H.1- .Jo.u "V ali ''V oil r .y i'? !l ''? f 0'! v' 0! I)"n!gh, and tt ih-t c' ai ?;??,??,? I it of tise hi j nmuiiy C.d¡ll t.ju;).?', ;Lu?!?r.tthc) towr.s l ip ol Brou^hli.ii, iu the p.-n l.. Vf V» r^i-a -) t"?r.M?()! ?")Lt?)?..).,i.tttt, :?.)?.t?' .t).?:a.?, tbt-t-.?n.<y <)t D-ni.igi., 11. i-s .he fe,.id Clayton, !J(p, J., j I-IIUVIY V. A ?.u.M?y (Lcri.?im'?uI Ki'J ?:i:t' ?.<. 7'? u ) m"f:¡;í;a j':1 .:¡ai.¡ l¡,d" .?.n?.,[;?,??. Branch the tin:a: ,ti i \tl: t 'Ii" I! t. L 'a- I tr-" of thednwu 5.-a-i'"i i;i.o!n at t,¡ j;i .t. u- ;4 ,• ham, ia the p' oi >Vin, m ?tj c?.y o: Ha-| b'?! !-??- ?" ?" :.?t? a\l ,,?- rifhctownships, LX.ia-ia:t.<t! a, ji)- loVfUu, o: S'tue of til-.t-x. iv '!i.J!i, WraiLsm A!>boi, 'WTX.IA'.I   A- I iliirehwi. Abc!-«u:y Ja.M, ti i t;n, i Trehrys, J?t:)?u', l'a .)•- :iM. j mm, all in the c--iiuty oi l?e till.! i'?! l!:t'?r, !t':?-r-!&-j-cOL.), .jr D:it ;'H.' ha .eu. theuliury. 1 !:reipwu.jd, 0.<;i! ).?i':?.y? \V.!ini?. i •, b I" I, tll" I '1 bjoa^ht^i!, lia ii'^t Df.ju..H!?U,iJcCt.i?:J, Han.«t- hAd i'.t.l?', !jr!?t;?;:)./ ?.: PI.t.t., 'i-.hh?:j,t? T r-'ie'-t. C -p-iviuvy, Sto^s, ')n"  ?- rTf'" ,,¡,j t "}\n't:Y t;J"4 _(" 0..1, -1;1 ;¡ }'i" :l:<i:)/ r i l I u.. i i c !:r:v" :■ ,.■v.. ta i e■ ■ i :'V lit • .■ •. • •• 1 ¡:¡! • I !'t !.•!• ••' r J if..5 f |- r ■! .rial \¡ l;t)! ;t: ;l;j)1 ,i! h,!u"jy Ai;1' IV- ,;i iih- t. r: j '?' "?-' ? :i?? ,?. j i. t •-> ,i i a; «. t I IlilLWAf NO. 8. A Railway (hereinalter caUcd lliilway No, 8,) com- mencing by a juertioti with the Shrewsbury and Ches- ter Branch cf the Great Western Railway at or near the centre of the down passenger platform at their Station at Wrexham, in the parish of Wrexham, in tLc (wunty of Bcnbizh, t!:e::ce parsing from, in, through, or into the several parishe?, townships, extra-parochial, and other places following, or some of them, (that is to say) — Stansty, Wrexham, Wrcxhriss Abb: t, Wivxha-n Hegis, Aclon, Broughton ¡.n,1 B:-rshani, in the county of Denbigh, aud lerrr.iaating by a junction with the authorized Wrexham and Mii;era H:d." av, at or near a point on the sanao Hail- way three tiui twi) chz;s from the point of junction <;f the said last rcejitioried JaiIw;}y, \Vith the Great Western h'aiUv.iy, ai or near the Wrexham Work- house level erofsing on that Railway, as shown upon the plaus deposited in rcspect of the slid Wrexham and Miacra Railway previotuly to the Act of I'arliaineut aa- i thoriziug the coustruction thereof. RAILWAY No. 9 A Railway (r erenrdter t'idicj Rulw?yNo.9.) coaimcnc- iui' a 'or be r Pad- Hy'on a: a point, ou the Turrpike R?md leaning from Huabon to Ov. it.n, 20 yards or t':er?bcnth of n:c )/.j-t <'f!!f< and near a (arm c?tied Cae Bwydd. i, /1;0 p:iri^h of iirbi.-tock, jU t!le county cf lICn- bigis, pa<"i;i^ the-:c-e fiom, in, through, or into tiie t -,ttitl extra prochial" and ether places following or some of then, that is to ay: Wrexhaui, Wre-sham Y/resharn Abbot;, Ber- sham, ALer;ury; fawr, Marcliwiel, Sontley, Gyfclia, Erdd- i: GresfcrJ, Haled, iiiciushsia below, Mertoo, Morton Angiicorura, Merton Wa'.licorum, Morton above, Morton below, BsUaii, llafod, Hafoiiybweh, Kuabon, Hody!Itjn, Khyddi)ll>, Dynhynllc ijsa, Dyohyulle ucha, Eyton, Byton Piirk, Bark Eyton, Bang'-r, Bangor Mouachcrum, Bm- gor-is-y-coed aa J Erbktoi-k, all ia the county d Den- bigh, and Ahcubury Fechaa, iu the county of Flint, and terinin."ting by a junction with the Shrewsbury aud Cheitsr Branch of the Western Railway, at a point thereon near the contie of the down passengers' pliatforill I of tho Wrexham Railway Stqtion. To take powers to stop up, alter, or divert, whether temporarily cr parmanently all such Turnpike and other Roud?, Railways, tramways, streets, rivers, streams, Canals, reservoirs, navigations or briugo", aa it may be accessary to erosf, stop up, alter, or divert by reason of the construction of the said intended Kail ways, or any of them aud of t:1a works conucctod therewith. To tike powers to purchase lands and bandin5 hy compulsion or agreement lor the purposes of tho intended UaiBvays and 1!1t works coil c-,l therewith, and to "ary or extinguish ah cxi?tin? h?itts and priviL'?s in auy I manner eo.iLeete-l with the lands and b?ildiogs to be pur- ?h;m;;dtM the purports aforesaid, or which would in any manner impede or interfere w:t? the canetrnetion, main-I te auce, or it?e of tiio intended R?itways and works, and to ievy tcdls &nd dutiis upon ?r in respect of the intended K?ij?'ays, aud to alter existing tolls, rates, and duties, and confer exemptions trom payment of the a;¡¡o tad oiier I 'I rights kud privileges. And is is also proposed by tho said intended Act, to take power to enable tho Company to form junctions with the rails of the S h rows bury and Chester Branch 01 the Grer-t Western Railway, the Chester and Mold Raii wsy, the Oswestry, Eilesnie-e, and Wnitchuich Railway, the Buckley aud Connah's Ciuay Railway, and each or ei!hr of thorn, at tiie respective proposed points of junction with those Railways; and to enable the Company, and -.Il persons and corn nations lawfully using the whoic or any pun of the intended Railways of the Company, their ollieer. and servants, to run over, work, and usa with their eugiue^ and carriages, and for thu purposes of their trahio upon such terms (a default of ugreeojeut) as shall be bc-Hcd by the Board of Trade, or by arbitration, all or any puit of the lines of Railway, atations, watering places, sidings, works, and conveni- ences ot the Shrewsoury and Chester Railway Com nan r • the (.hester and Mold Railway Company", tho Moll ciid Denbigh junttion Railway Company; the Oswestry, E,lt,stiitfc-, anci Whitchurch Railway Company, and the Buckley and Connah's Quay Railway Company, or any or either of them, or of their or any of their lessees and assigns. And it is slt-o proposed by the said intended Act to take powers iur eifeetualiy sf-CUring tho duo interchange arj- couiniodation, protection, aud direct and speedy trans- mission of traffic passing to, from, or over all or any part of the eaid iniended Railways of the C impauy, or to, or over the Bailways of tho before-mentioned Companies r-rany or either of them, and for insuring all r.npiisite cr dojiah. faethfes t -r t.aaso purp?jsm :?I in dd.lult ot agreement tor rdcr; ¡"b ;o the Boird of Trade dci,iult ci iur ,o tit., B-,) ir(i of 'Urail(t, such inteiehaiig: aecorn.uodatioii, protection, transrais- sioa, and other facilities arc b he nhorded and effected and so far as may be necessary for the objects and purposes of the said intended Act; to alter the tolls and charges which the said Company or any or either of them are now authorised to take, and to confer, vary, or extinguish exemptions from the payment thereof, and to confer, vary, or extinguish other rights and privil- eges. And it is also proposed to take power to enable the Company and the before-mentioned Companies, or any or cither of them, to enter into agreements for the inter- chango of traffic, and for respectively working and using their respective lines of Railway and works, or any or oither ot them. And it is intended to incorporate with tha said Acts, The Companies clauses consolidation Act, 1845," "Tiie Lands clauses consolidation Act, 1845," "The Lands clauses c.'insolidtUioa Acts, Amendment Act ila:l-,IRays clause* consolidation Act, 1845," or some part (,r pa! ts thereof. And it is proposed for all or any of the purposes aforo- said, to alter, amend, extend and enlargo, vary or repeal all or some of the powers and provisions of the several local and personal Acts followiagl.or some of them (that is to a;-y)— Tho O:awestry, EUestnere, and Whitchurch Railway A. ct, 18öl, and the following Act3 relating to the Mold and lleabigh Junction Railway Company, viz. :-24 and 2o Vie. cap. 217; aud the following Acts relating to the Chester and Mold Railway Company, viz.-10 and 11 Vie, cap. 1G2; and 12 and 13 Vic. cap. 41; and the fol- lowing Act relating to the Buckley and Connah's Quay Railway Company, 23 and 24 Yie. cap. 89; and the following Acta relating to the Chester and Holyhead Railway Company, viz.—7 and 8 Vic. oap. 65; 8 and 9 Vie. cap. 33 10 and 11 Vic. caps. 147, 162 and 238- 11 and 12 Vic, cap. GO; 12 and 13 Vic. cap. 41; 13 and 1-.1. Vic. cap. Ill: 14 an(I 15 Vic. eap. -21 17 and 18 Vic. cap. 108; 21 and 22 Vic. cap. 130, and 23 and 24 Vic. c*i>. 14-9 and tht; lol!owin<j Acts relating to the Shrewsbury and Chester Railway Company, viz.—7 and 8 Vie. cap. y9; S and D Vic. caps. 4Z and 115; 9 and 10 Vic. cap:?. 250, 2-51, 274 ami 275 10 and 11 Vio. caps. 1H, Hand 13 Yiu. cap. 55; 14 and 15 Vic. can* 131 15 iiiid 16 Vie. cap. 146; 17 and 18 Vie. caps. 130 U/2 sue. 3 aud 222 21 aud 22 Vie, cap. 92, sec, 75, and a ay other Acts of the said Cotapany respectively; and !Itc! Act passed in the fifth and sixth years of the reign of King William the fouith, intituled "An Act for making a Jail way from JJristol t.. join the Xiondon and Birniing- haul liaitway near London, to be called 4 The Great Wes. tern Railway,' with branches therefrom to the towns of Bradford ana Trowbridge, in the county of Wilts; and the several other Acts relating to or alfsc ug the Great Western Railway Company And Notice is hereby further yiven, that on or before the 3Uth of day November, 1861o plans and sections of the pro;, £ >ed Railways, a book of reference to such plans a published map wita the said intended lines of Railway Ut:H! <t.cJ ilii-reuii, anJ a copy oi this notice as published iu tiie Lauuoa Uiaiotts' will be deposited t. r public inspection WI; n tho elf nc of t *e peace for the count" of ''¡i:I'" at u: ollijo iu Siuovvsbocy, with the clerk of tho pi ace lor 110 county oi Dousi'g;^ at his obice In Ruthin, ilt:¡ the chnk ,;t the pca^e ot Flint, at his Oflice in iiiold, and iviui tao clerk ot tho peace for tho county oi Ciie«>cr, at ins oiiL-u m Oh.- iiLer, and th'.t 0,1 or ituiotu the saia SOtli d-iy of Novwaat r instant, a t;t: v oi ?. loac h ot 'r; ?'u i ?i?,:s, ;j.  book of :(:I:(;J:l_l: '1: ':i?, :i_ '); '.uu ?itd ?'aiiM'jy '??? "? ?-! ?.?.; ):.?j;?? ?.' ?j ):?'.?? .? ;'t» lo^lher t> i*a a a. -Oii saai »\,#t.cj wi'i b- ?i?.:?t Wilu i.? a .i can; uf ca';U ???li ?;?rHt !•> '.? it?.?. l ;?';? ail 1 lu thu 'j.s i of ssx'r.t-jja.-a- jaaoea ?t(.J ih-j ?..?t..H c!c:? uf tno uaj;j; ;.ai !h ihaiiled Cvi»ivd ()f ]-r t-^osod ior thu ohj -c^.s bjieciliod in 1. ir -s-iJi-f it- -111 bet m the BilV-tJ Oidte ot tila if of LoVaau. ";L or t>rlo:e tuv 2.'irj > uy tlf DeCembcr ü""L. '.J I: :J i I' 1 ¥ i.1,; Oa;, 01. -.ut-eiaacr, THuMAS> A »: i> CIIAKLuiS Mia SHALL, q 'l' ;¡-û ;j.I;I.l."¡'" a^CD i'i^ViiRE.CfA. i'Ut.iil, Wu.r-r.rn, Salicitul' i' (Ill- lUL WTATT AKt? MKTUA!.}'? 2L., l'r;i?mt.?-?tt''?'\ '? t-Uti; f :=.. Ria l.lineatAiv Aw-cts. I I





[No title]