Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

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iJttsnusB ^fctirfssfs. XSTOP ONE MOMENT "Oh, dear doctor, mast my darling die? /V "There is very little hope, but TRY ONE OF THE MOST REMARKABLE REMEDIES OF THE AGE. X CDOR WILLIAMS PATENT JgALSAM OF HONEY, Thousands of children have been saved from an uniimalv death by the prompt use of TUDOR WILLIAMS' BALSAM OF HONEY. IF* Mother should neglect to keep this Infallible Remedy in the house ready for any emergency. Remember that it is wiser to check a slight Cough at the commencement than to allow it to develop into a ingering complaint Ask distinctly for Tudor Williams's Balsam of Honey, and see that you get the right article. Thousands of Children Cured from Whooping Cough and Bronchitis wbap all other Remedies fail. Pewous suffering rom Difficulty of Breathing should igive it a trial. LARGEST SALE OF ANY COUGH MEDICINE iN THE W'ORr,T> OVERWHELMING 'l'K.^Tl.VjONV ACCOMPANIES EVERY .BOTILS. Proving ohij to b the GREATEST MEDICINE E\ 1m DISCOVERED Hum sands of Testimonials cO hlitii from all partd of the GLOBE. CURES EXCEPTIONALLY BAD CASES READ ON FURTHER. 0*QtrrA(71IQUS TESTIMONY WORTHY OF YOUR CONSIDERATION. 30, Kutiia:-»arileus, Cardiff, Feb. 9, 1334. 2>e*r Sir,—I have great pleasure in recommending sow Tudor Williaiiis's Patent Balsam of Honey for Coughs and Colds, whieli we give to ouv children with ie*iatectory result. The children are foml of it. It merits the high reputation it enjoys. Yours respectfully, merits the high reputation it enjoys. Yours respectfully, RYAN OWEN, Esq., J P. Urn. in the South Wales FeriziAuaiiz Fund. j Sold by all Chemists and Stores all over the World atls ll,ild, 2 9d, and 4s 6d per bottle. Sample bottle sent (post paid) tor la 3d, 3s, and 5s from the Inventor, D. rjlUDOR yy ILLIAMS, MEDICAL HALL, ABERDARE. I 14256 ioe—117? FURNISH ON THE DixiS NEW I SYSTEM FROM THE SOUTH WALES -1 7 FURNISHING CO., 31, CASTLE-STREET OPPOSITE THE CASTLE CARDIFF. NO OBJECTIONABLE HIRING AGREEMENTS. aousES OR APARTMENTS COMPLETELY FUKMSHED ON A NEW SYSTEM Adopted solely by us, whereby all publicity and inquiries usually made by other firms are dispensed with. WE HAVE AN IMMENSE STOCK OF ii OUSEHULDF UltiNITURE, Cheap and Superior Quality. All goods sold on the Hire System at READY-MONEY PRICES. NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR CREDIT. All Goods Sent Hom in a Private Van Free of Charge. MO STAMP OR AGREEMENT CHARGES MADE. NO BILL OF SALE. EVERYTHING PRIVATE. Arrangements completed without delay, and being Manufacturers we guarantee Quality, and will undertake to supply Furniture, &c., equally as good at 10 per cent, less than any price list) issued by any Firm in Cardiff. FIFTEEN ks HOWROOMS. CALL AND INSPECT OUR IMMENSE STOCK, And Compare Prices before Purchasing elsewhere. We will Supply JB5 WORTH FOR Is 6D WEEKLY. £6 WORTH FOR 2s 6D WEEKLY. £10 WORTH FOR 4s OD WEEKLY. jBIS WORTH FOR 58 OD WEEKLY. f,20 WORTH FOR 6s OD WEEKLY. And so on in proportion. SPECIAL TERMS FOR LARGER QUANTITIES. PHASE NOT* OUR ONLY ADDKKSS— SOUTH WALES FURNISHING CO., 31, CASTLE STREET (OPPOSITE THE CASTLE), CARDIFF. 66e A. W. S PEN C E R (Successor to Hy. Thomas) HAS OPENED HIS NEW PREMISES IN ST. JOHN'S CHURCH-SQUARE (Immediately opposite the Church) WITH AN 1NTIRKLY NEW STOCK OF SEWING MACHINES. KNITTING MACHINES. MANGLES WASHERS, PERAMBULATORS, MAIL CARTS, AND OTHER DOMESTIC ARTICLES AU the latest designs and improvements. Sole Agent for Cardiff for Bradbury's Celebrated 20e Sewing Machines. 7755 J^ADK'S ^^OUX & l^HEPMATIC j>PJ<a SUFFERED AGONY FOR THIRTY YEARS "EVADES OILLS. "30, Randall-street, Bridge ■li JL road, Battersea, S.W. TRADE'S OILLS January 27, 1892. gij XT **x)ear Sir.—Ifeelitmydutv TRADE'S "OILLS. to write and give you great Fj XT praise for introducing such a valuable medicine as your Gout Pills. Having valuable medicine as your Gout Pills. having SUFFERED UNTOLD AGONY FOR 30 YEARS. I can truly say I have never had anything to relieve my painso quickly as your Pills. I used to lay in bed for two or taree months at a time, but now I not only d 10CT get relief in a few hours, Ij but am able to get to woTk f» H BUM AT1SM in leas than a week. My com- IV plaint is the worst of all OUT Gouts, called Chalk Goat. I -jr Yours truly, ■ > HEUMATISM W. LITTLE JOHN i\, Mr G. E&de." TRADES ^J.OUT RHEUMATIC prrxs Prepared only by George Eade, 72, Gos weu-road, London, E.C. and Sold by all Chemists in Bottles, Is md aud 2s 9d. jgUDE'S Q.OUT <fc J^HEUMAHC jpiLLS THE BEST MEDICINE FOR BILE, THE BEST MEDICINE FOR WIND, THE BEST MEDICINE FOR INDIGESTION, IS }jADE'S NTIBILIOUS pILLS. They quickly remove tile irritation and feverish state of the STOMACH, correct the morbid condition of the LIVEK. relieve the system of all impurities, which, by circulating in the blood, injuriou-ly affect the action of the KIDNEYS, and, by removing the causes of so much discomfort restore the vital energies of body and mind. JgXDE'S A NTIBILIOUS pILLS. Sold by all Chemists in Boxes, Is l%d and 2s 9d, or mailed Free on receipt of remittance by GEORGE JtADE, 78, GOSWKIA-HOAD, LONDON, B.C EADE'S A NTIBILIOUS pILLS. 88-651e rjjlEETfl rjlEETH TjlEETH M A COMPLETE SET .ONE GUINEA SINGLE TO(Y-rki r.2/(; Five Years' Warranty Prise Medal GOODMAN & CO., G 10, DUKE-STREET, .AND 56, QUEEN- STREET, CARDIFF. ARTIFICIAL TEETH PAINLESSLY FITTED by Atmospheric Suction, at one-third the usual charges. No ractious uecessary; perfect ruul permanent; life-like appearance; special SOFT PALA.1E6 for Tender Cums perfect for Mastication and Speech COUNTRY PATIENTS supplied in One Visit, and railway fare allowed. Special atten iongiven to Repairs, Estractions,Scopping TESTIMONIALS.—Dr aNDREW WILSON (late K.N.) says I iaui recommend Mr Goodman as a very skilful and humane Dentlwc His rea- sonable charges should attract 10 him all classes.' Gewitaiioim b>c«.—^pecialicy in WHITE ENAMEL andGOLD FILLINGS, AMERICAN DENTISTRY and PLA'l'ELKSS PALATES. Before entering look for the Nme- GOODMAN t CO., afr^QUEEN-ST.. & 10, IHiKtC-STRKST, CARDIFF. WZWPORT-12, BRIDG E-STHE RT Opooidte Tredegar Chambers.) VONTYPRIDD.-OK TAFF-STRRET (ever Glamorgan- ihire Bank). 53e-1380 AND AT 15, CASTLE-BTRKET, SWANSEA. Consultations Free. Hours, 10 to 8. TV)N TL ORGI^THAT "VIRIDINE IS the CURE fer COR.NS.-Iliis gnwd discovery has led ma.ny to imitMe it, but without gaining for such preparation tne satisfactory results Viridina has secured. In bottles, Is by post. Is 2d. 4. XUXDAY, Chemist, 1, High-street, Cardiff. Hushuss ¡\bbrt!!i!íts. FOR LOVERS OF A REALLY GOOD CUP, PHILLIPS & CO.'S /J0 9S. TEA. A Woadarful Combination of Richusas and Flavour. Possesses the Fragrance of the Flowers. A Treab for Connoisseurs. FOR THE MASSES, PHILLIPS & CO.'S IS. 8D. TEA, Marvellous v»iu*, and a surprise even to the most expert Tsa Bionders. FOR ECONOMY, PHILLIPS & CÛ.'S: IS- 6D- TEA, Matchless for Point, Strength, Qualit.y. At the above prices we are offering Tens which rannot oe beaten in or oufc of London, Put its to the test, and see for yourself. j PHILLIPS & CO., | TEAMEN, 74, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. Telegrams, "Souchong," Cardiff. National Telephone, No. 446. SEND POSTCARD FOR VAN TO CALL. rjlEETH JQENTISTRY rjlEETH Prize Medal, London, 1862. Gold Medal, Paris, 1867. MR K E A L L SURGEON DENTIST (38 Years' Experience, 28 Years in Swansea), 199, HIGH-STREET, w AN SEA (Just below tue Great Wesrern Railway Station), 11 Begs to intimate that he can produce a perfectly fitting Set of Taeth in one clear day. The very best workman- ship guaranteed. Painless Dentistry by Gas, also by the Anaesthetics, Cocaine and Kther Spray. Partial Sets from 5s per 'tooth. Upper or Lower Sets from Two Guineas. KEALL'S TONIC AND NEURALGIC MIXTURE, Sure aud Speedy Cure for Neuralgia, Tic Dolorsux, Rheums, Toothache, and all Nervous Pains. Is lVijd and 2a 9d per Bottle. Through any Chemist. Cardiff. Mr MunUay, Chemist, 1, Duke-street; Mr Robb, Chemist, Koa: h. Newport Messrs Garrett Bros., Chemists, 171, Commercial-street. N-ath Mr J. G. Isaac (late Huymaii), Chemist. Llanelly Mr í Morgan W James. London Newberry and Son. 100 i 1 i DO YOU WANT TO KNOW A SECRET ? T. & H. SMITHS QOFFEE JgJSSENCE IVES joy and delight to the affairs of DON'T be without a bottle in the house. IT is the handiest thing in the world to use when a friend call3 o! an evening or for breakfast, supper, or after dinner. T* & H gMlTH & £ jo., EDINBURGH, LONDON, AXO 21, DUKE-ST 12, WORSHIP-ST E'C. 86e 15374b ■■ ■ — ENLARGEMENT OF PREMISES NOW COMPLETE. p E D L E R'S UMBRELLA FACTORY AND WAREHOUSE FOR ALL KINDS OF LEATHER GOODS. Umbrellas made to order in a few hours on the premises. Repairing and Re-covering on the shortest notice. Gold and Silver-mounted Umbrellas, Walking Sticks, Dressing Cases, fitted Bags, etc., suitable for presentation. Sole Agent in Cardiff for the celebrated Prince" Umbrella, the smallest folding and strongest made. Choice Stock of Gladstones, Portmanteaux, Dress Baskets, and Trunks, Ladies' and Gents.' Hand Bags Brash Cases, Purses, etc. 34, ROYAL ARCADE, CARDIFF. 95e Etablisbed 27 years. 4469 STONE BROS., I (Sons of the late Aid. Gaius Angustus Stone), COMPLETE FDNERAL FURNISHERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Every requisite for Funerals of all classes. Proprietors of Funeral Cars, Hearses, Shilli- biers, and Coaches. Superb Flemish Horses, etc Price List on Application. Please Note the Only Address I 5, WORKING-STREET. Telegraphic Address :— STONE BROS CARDIFF, 951e THE SCHOLASTIC FJtRADING CO, SCHOOL BOOKS AND MATERIAL NOTE PAPER, Special Line, 6%d packet. WINDOW TRANSPARENCIES for Decoration, from 6d sheet. BIBLES from Is to 31s 6d. ACCOUNT BOOKS. SCHOOL FURNITURE ON VIEW, ALBUMS. INK. ENVELOPES, 6V2d 100. 463e ——— 3529 7, ST. JOHN'S-SQUARE, CARDIFF. HUGHES'S BLOOD 1 pILLS. I YOUR BLOOD IS BAD. TAKE THE GREAT BLOOD RENEVVER, HUGHES'S BLOOD PILLS, which have the Shape of a Heart on each Box). BAD BLOOD IN YOUR SYSTEM Is the Cause of your Suffering from SKIN DISEASE, HEADACHE, INDIGESTION, CONS IIPATION, BILIOUSNESS, TORPID LIVER, NERVOUSNESS, DEPRESSION, RHEUMATISM. TAKE HUGHES'S BLOOD PILLS Without delay, and you will soon get relief. THEY CURE WHEN EVERY. THING ELSE FAILS. I Suitable for Men, Women, Boys, I and Girk. They clea,nae the system from all impurities. Sold by Chemists nnd Patent Medicine Dealers at Is 1 d, 2s 9d, 4s 6d; or send direct to Maker, JACOB HUGHES, Manufacturing Chemist, Penarth. JJUGHES'S BLOOD PILLS. 1210-17e R J. HEATn SUNS- CARDIFF, PONTYPRIDD, & LONDON, I PIANOFORTE AND ORGAN MERCHANTS. LFroUl South Wales Daily Neivs, 9th Jan., 1894. VBRDXCT OF NINE Hiu.Nr)REt).Under this title I, Messrs R. J. Reatit and Sons, Qu«en-street, Cardiff, pianoforte makers, organ builders, and music ware- housemen, navy collected an imposing array of testi- monials anu Press opinions relating to the quality of the musical instruments supplied by them. The great majority of the letters in thi-i list relate to pianos, and while many of them have reference to most costly instruments, containing all the latest improvements supplied to the well-to-do, the greater number relate to serviceable instruments purchased for the homes of the wage-earning portion of the community. This growing love for so refining an art as music is a most favourable sign, r or though in the Principality music has for generations been the chief recreation of the people, it has for the most part been choral music that has occupied attention. Instrumental music is now, however, receiving its fair share of attention, and all those in true sympathy with the art must trust that the movement will go steadily onward. These testimonials have been received from every quarter of the Princi- pality, while not a few come from other portions of the United Kingdom, and some iron South America, India, and other distant countries. All speak most favourably of Messrs Heath's business methods as well as of their instruments. 2e K. J. HEATH AND SONS INVITE INSPECTION. I • Ulutmted List and Verdict Post free. 9491J fgusitttss JUtosses. JpURNITURE SALE OF 1894. ONE -j^JONTH'S CLEARANCE gALE Previous to Extensive Internal Alterations. THE ATLAS FURNISHING COMPANY. THE JJAYES, CARDIFF. Over £ 50,000 worth of Stock mast be cleared to make room for extensive inten?J alterations, which is abso- lutely necessary in older to cope with their largely increasing trade. ONE MONTH'S CLEARANCE SALE OF DINING-ROOM SUITES, Which we offer from £4. IF 6D. Half the usual prices. WE MUST CLEAR THEM. A FEW SPECIAL OFFERS. MASSIVE DiMNG-ROOM SUITES covered with Skins, Velvets, Mor-quetU, Ssdcllebags, Horsetail, and other Fabrics au-i La ail kinds of Woods, at half-price jy RAWING X>OOM gUITES, Covered with Velvets, Silk. Taps.jtry Saddlebags, and other materials, FROM THE SUITE. 1,V viTi! double. gED J|0°M U I T r, AA' From £ 2 17S GD' itil,.i,i Bedroom Suite regular price, One Hundred Guineas; will be old for Sixty. A _BURR WALNUT MASSIVE SUITE, price Ninety Guinea. reduced to Sixty. A MASSIVE AMERICAN WALNUT BEDROOM NUITE, our own make. Cost One Hundred Guineas Sale price, Sixty Guineas. JplANOS, jpiANOS, pIANOS. ja JL EIGHTY-GUINEA PIANO FOR FORTY-FIVE. SIXTY-GUINEA PI\NO 170R THIR Y. FURTY-GUiNrlA PIANO i O!t TWENTY-FIVE, TWENTY FIVE GUINEA PIANO FOR TWELVE. HARMONIUMS, ORGANS. &c., EQUALLY AS CHEAP. DONT LOSE THESE BARGAINS. J>ERAMBULATOES, L^JAIL 0ARTS AND A FEW BICYCLES AND TRICYCLES TO BE CLEARED AT ANY PRICE. Call and Inspect. 0 reasonable offer refused. BAMBOO FURNITURE, WICKER FURNITURE, FANCY FURNITURE. AT ANY PRICE. SUCH BARGAINS WERE NEVER BEFORE OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC. BARGAINS, BARGAINS, BARGAINS. ONF MONTH'S CLEARANCE SALE ONLY. ALL GOODS DKLIV-RFD FREE BY ROAD OR RAIL, DECORATIVE DEPARTMENT. We now employ an efficient and experienced staff of competent men. and we undertake the decorating and f furnishing of Ball-rooms, Concert-rooms, Halls, &c. SPECIAL FITTINGS FOR THE TOWN-HALL ASSEMBLY-ROOM, which we furnish and decorate ia a magnificent style at most reasonable prices. CHAIRS, TABLES, DECORATIONS, INVALID CARRIAGES, Ac, &c., LEXT OUT ON HIRE. NOTE OUR ONLY ADDRESS- rjlHE ATLAS JpURNISHING 0OMPANY, T IMITED, jLJ HAYES, ARDIFF. vy 40e-121 _——————————_———————————————————— S. ANDREWS AND SONS, FURNISHING UNDERTAKERS. Every Requisite for Funerals of 11 classes. OPEN CARS, HEARSES, BROUGHAMS SHELL3BIERS, BELGIAN HORSES Ac. Price List on Application. Chief Office- 30 and 31, WORKING-STREET (opposite the Monument), CARDIFF. Branches—The Mews, Castle-road, Roath, and 'Bus Office, Glebe-street Penarth Telegraphic Address-" Omnibus, Cardiff. 73el pi ANOS P I Å N VB. FROM 10S WONTKITC ORGANS 1 QHGANSJ FROM 513 MONTHLY. THE BEST STOCK IN THE KINGDOM TO SELECT FROM. SOLE AGENTS for Bristol and South Wales for th, Celebrated NEUMEYER PIANOS SOLE AGENTS FOR THE ESTEY ORGANS. rpHOMPSON & SHACKELL. T D. PIANO AND ORGAN MERCHANTS, QUEEN'S MUSIC WAREHOUSE, CARDIFF. ALSO AT NEWPORT, SWANSEA. MERTHYR PONTYPRIDD, PENARTH, CARMARTHEN, LLANBLLY, kc., Jl. Beautifully Illustrated Catalogue free by post n application Largest Discount for Cash. 46e r- -IHOAfPSO.LN'S BURDOCK PILLS. X THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER.—Purify the foulest blood and relieve every disease of stomach liver and kidneys. These wonderful Pills cur diseases which could not be reached by any other medi- cine. For Rheumatics, Lumbago, Piles, Gravel, Pains in the Back, Scurvy, Bad LefeS, Wouuds or White Swelling, Scrofula, Cancers, Blotches on the Face and Body, Swelled Feet, &c., Jaundice, Dropsy, and Fever of all kinds. In boxes 3L Is lid and 2s 9d -acii.-Sold by all chemists, or from the manufactory 4 Oxfoid S.reet Swansea Be MAKSll & COMPAN V. ADULTS FUNERALS -1st Clas with Best Hearse 1.1 d Coach, on the mos modern principle, with a pair of their weil-known Flemish-bred Horses to each, one-inch Elm Poliahei. Coffin, best registered Furniture, with elaborate name- plate engraved, fine satin-trimmed robe, and self attendance — £5 5 0 Marsh & Co.'s 2nd Class ditto, ditto n — 4 4 0 Marsh & Co.'s 3rd, with improved carriage 3 3 Q Marsh & Co.'s 4tli, ditto, ditto 0 CHUDREN'S FUNERALS. Including pair of Flemish-bred Horses, modem Coact with all the latest improvements, Polished Coffin, lined with fine flannel, and attendance- TInder one year -£1 7 6 Under two years 4' 1 8 6 One-horse Carriage, including coffin covered in black, bine, or polished, lined with flan- nel, modern coach, and attendance. Under six months 0 16 Under one year 0 18 Und rtwc years 1 0 0 And so on in proportion. Handsome Car, Carved or Plain Plumed Hearse Mourning Coaches and Broughams, Ostrich Plumes, Ac' ADDRESS: 34e SO. ST. MARY-STREET. CARDIFF. RITE for PARTICULARS showing f f how LARGE PROFITS can be made with a SMALL CAPITAL by DEALING in STOCKS and SHARES. Write for Noble's present Advice and Guide, post free. Established for several years at same address. Prompt settlements, losses limited, profits unlimited B5 covers 1;500 stock at 1 per cent., £50, £ 5,000,<fce.—A. M. NOBLE, Devonshire Chambers, Bishopsgate-street, London. Telegraphic address— "Perceive,' London. 103e B LECHAMS PILLS. JI>EECHAM'S PILLS. BEECHAM'S PILLS. JD Worth a Guinea a Box. BEECHAM'S PILLS. For Bilious Attacks. EECRAM 6 PILLS. > For Nervous Disorders. BEECHAM'S PILLS. For Indigestion in all its forms. BEECHAM'S PILLS. For Wind and Pains in the Stomach. EECHAM'S PILLS. JD For Sick Headache. BEECHAM'S PILL-q, Have saved the lives of Thousands. 1 BEECHAM'S PILLS. For Giddiness. BEECHAM'S PILLS. JL) For Fulness and Swelling after Meals. EECHAM'S PILLs! Are Worth a Guinea a Box. BEECHAM'SPILLS. A Wonderful Medicine for Females of all Ages. 148e GREAT AMERICAN PRESCRIPTION Twenty years' research has brought to light a guaranteed Remedy for NERVOUS DEBILITY Weakness, Dimness of Sight, Bladder, Gravel, Kidney and Liver Complaints. This Prescription in in the hands of a Minister, who will befriend anyone suffering from these enervating diseases. It has CURED THOUSANDS. Merely send self-addressed stamped envelope to the Rev. David Jones, Ray Villa, Lewes when this Prescription will be sent FREE of CHARGE liaise the paper.) 679 | Easiness ^&&resaes. A UTUMN AND WINTER, 1894-95 j REASONABLE AND SERVICEABLE CLOTHING. J, JJePWORTH AND SON, LIMITED, THE WORLD'S CLOTHIERS, Have successfully laboured to make their Clothing popular for all classes, and this winter's prepara- tions are good evidence of that being an accom- plished fact. THE EYE is called the window of the eonl Come and look in Hepwortha windows for some real eye-openers. Overcoats at prices that w make you wink. HEPWORTHB HIT HARD when striking ab big prices. They are useless lumber, and cumber the working man's heritage. No one wants them rich or poor but everyone wanta n EPWORTHS' 'WARM WINTER CLOTHING, NOTE THE A DDRESS- jyjARKET ENTRANCE, ST. MARY. STREET, ARDIFF. V/ 672e JJ A M S 1 JJ A M S HAMStlt J<L.NL DAVID JONES & CO. (LIMITED), The People's Popular Food Providets, Are now Selling THEIR LITTLE B T-VAT-TTIFS. m ILD CURED LEAN HAMS, 101b. to 121b. Each, at PER 6D, LB. NOTED MILD CXJRED JJACON PER ^JID Sift MILD LEAN SHOULDER BACON, PER 4 D. LB. NOTE- QUR ONTyl A DDRFSS- WESTMINSTRR GTORES, WHARTON GTRBET, 430. — SUBSTANTIAL AND Å RTISTIC JPTTRNTTURE. 147 ND 49, QUEEN-STREET, c ARDIFF. J^JOORE AND COMPANY Invito inspection of their entire NEW gTOOK at BEDROOM SUITES (in all wooda), DINING. ROOM and DRAWING-ROOM SUITES, OVERMANTELS, DINING TABLES, CABINETS, SIDEBOARDS, HALLSTANDS, PERSIAN and FRENCH BEDSTEADS. All are the very Newest Designs, Quality, and Workmanship, Reliable and Substantial. Oar Magoifioent Showrooms are now replete with the Season's Novelties in BAMBOO FURNITURE, OCCASIONAL CHAIRS AND TABLES OF CHOICE DESIGNS. A nice selection of BRONZES, MARBLE CLOCKS, VASES SCREENS, CARPETS, RUGS, CURTAINS, LINOLEUMS, to., ta See our Showrooms of Mail Carts, and Peram- bulators. 470* jy £ OORE AND QOMPANY, CABINET MAKERS ft UPHOLSTERERS, 47 AND 49, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. NO STABLE IS COMPLETE WITHOWT For SPRAINS and "LLIMAN'S SHOULDERS, SORE THROATS, S0BB BACKS SPRAINS. CUTS, BRUISES IN DOGS, 4c, "Exceedingly good lor sprains and cuts In horses. A TT and alio cuts in hounds' liV/ X feet'W. M. BMWNK(M^OT). Master of South Staffordshire Hounw. Sold by Chemists a*d Se d41«». Mee .la, M, 3s 6d. EMBROCATION. Prepared only by Elbman, Sonsr and Co., Slonch, finflaod. 502e r Jhtsiutss:AlI i)rtS5tS. ITEETH.-Complete Set, One Guinea. Five years' warranty.—GOODMAN & Co, 10 Puke-street, and 56, Queen-street, Cardiff. 12e G. Â. STONE & CO., UNDERTAKERS. ESTABLISHED OVER 30 YEARS. AT THE OU> NO ONLY AnDRRSS- 10, 11, &12, W ORKING-STREET, CARDIFF. UNDER -THE MANAGEMENT OF Miss STONE, assisted by an Efficient Staff. Telegraphic Address:- "Stone, Undertaker Cardiff.' lie—110E SYMINGTON'S DANDELION COFFEE. Persoas' of Weak Bigestian and those Suffering from LIVER COMPLAINTS and BILIOUSNES R SOLD HV ALf, (,,ROCr[tS




In Search of the New Woman.

,Bogus Clubs.





The Man About Town.



I Murder Confessed. 1







! Splitting of Rhymney Stock.…