Papurau Newydd Cymru

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Great itsun Show ? An F?ent of Intere8t t0 every lady who de gbts m *tew ?ashiOD?. W • We cordially invite you to view our Special Display this week of Costumes, Millinery, Blouses, Robes, Neckwear, See. J. PICTON DA VIES & Co., ThePenygraigDrapers, PEN YGRAIG. On WHIT-TUESDAY, MAY 13th, 1913. THE FAMOUS = = MID-RHONDDA HORSE SHOW President: D. A. THOMAS, Esq., M.A., D.L, Llanwern, Mon- Enormous Entries. The BEST HORSES in the WORLD WILL BE EXHIBITED AT THE Mid-Rhondda 4?/ef?c Grounds, ro?ypa?dy. ??p????"" Record Acceptances for Jumping, Trotting and Galloping. Record Acceptances for tTu ping, rotting and G iloping, CARDIFF HERBALIST'S CURES EXTRACTS from a few unsolicited JCj Testimonials recently received by A. E. Tiimnell, the Herbalist Moira Ter- race, Cardiff. "Heard great praise your Hairwash." Harconibe, Jan. 26, 1912.—" Miss recommended your Nervine to me." Birmingham, June 24, 1911.—41 Feeling better after having Indi- gestion flerbs. Lee(I. May 15, 1912.- "Your Pile Herbs did me much good Bramley, May 23, 1912.—" Recommending your Kidney Herbs everywhere." Eves- ham, Aug. 7, 1911. 60 page Herbal Book want post free. 1160 AZARIAH JONES, Architectural Sculptor, Jjgjp Monumental Works, Waunrydd Road, TONYREFAIL. Private Address 93. Primrose Street, TONYPANDY. -Rest Workmanship Guaranteed. Mr TPW Monuments, Tombs, Headstones & Crosses in Marble, Granite, Slate & Freestone. AV other descriptions of Stone supplied. Statuary Monuments, in Grey, Red, Blue, Black and Green Granites and Marble. Lettering Neatly Executed. Tomb Railing Supplied and Refixing done. Graves Bricked at the Shortest Notice. Grocers' and Butchers' Marble Windows, Table Tops, Fonts, Urns. Tablets, etc., executed to order. tatimates Given Free. Terms-Nett. Our Repiesentative will call on receipt of a Post Card. 2197 CALL AT A. Jenkins, I THISTLE CYCLE & MOTOR WORKS, 2. LLWYNYPIA RD., TONYPANDY FOR PLATING ENAMELLING & REPAIRS. Phonographs, Gramophones, Records, — Horns, etc., in a great variety. ON THE PREMISES. Depot for Athletic Goods. 8<.le Agent for RUDGE-WHITWORTH MOTORS AND CYCLES 2184 THOMPSONS Dental Surgery, PANDV SQUARE, TONYPANDY. lIIoaT UP-TO-D&TE SURGERY IN WALES. Revolution! IN THE Incandescent Mantle Trade. I MANTLES l At Unheard-of Prices. I Compare the following with the quota- tions of any other firms: — ( Upright Mantles, Finest Quality (Itamic), at 16/6 per gross. Finest Quality Inverted Mantles, at lf/6 per gross. Mantles for Blanchard Lamps, 300 C.P., at 4/6 per dozen. Largest Importers of Incandescent Mantles in Wales. D. MEYRICK & SONS CILFYNYDD Sole District Agents Blanchard Oil Lamps. Send Post Card and Traveller will call. Or ring up 169 National Telephone. Let the light shine upon yon through Meyrick's Mantles. 2101 1_- THINK I One dose of Davies's Cough Mixture In time may save your life. Davies's Cough Mixture The Great Welsh Remedy for Coughs., Asthma, and Bronchitis. NO MORE DIFFICULTY OF BREATHING. NO MORE DISTRESSING COUGHS. NO MORE SLEEPLESS NIGHTS. HUGH DAVIES'COUGH MIXTURE THE SAFE REMEDY. THE SOOTHING MIXTURE, THE PLEASANT MEDICINE, For ordinary Coughs, Colds, Difficulty of Breathing, DAVIES' COUGH MIXTURE never fails to give immediate relief, and n the most obstinate cases has proved to be a certain and speedy cure. Sold by Chemists everywhere, 1/1J & 2/9 HUGH DAVIES, CHEMIST MACHYNLLETH



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- I Hints for the Home.
