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Theatre Royal, Gacloxton. LESSEE AND MANAGES MR. YAL SIMPSON. LAST THREE NIGHTS OF THIS MOST INTERESTING- DRAMA, T A Noble Brother. DON'T MISS SEEING IT. Pronounced by Press and Public to be the Best Company that lias ever visited Cadoxton. NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, and SATURDAY, MARCH 2-. 25. AND 23. VICTORIA, THE STRONGEST WOMAN ON EARTH, AND SPECIAL COMPANY. Doors open at 7.13. Prices 2s., 1" Gd. and 4d. [828 MARKET HAIX, CADOXTOX. fNDER DISTINGrrSHED PATRONAGE. A GRAN iTCGNCERT Will be given by the j CADOXTON C II 0 R A L r X lOX, ON WEDNESDAY. MARCH 30TH. 1392. Is AID OF THE BARRY DISTRICT CRICKET CUT.. T'.is programme will consist of choice selections "from •' ESTHER," Glees. Quartets, Trios. Duets. and Solos. ARTISTES— Soprano t MiSS AftNIE WILLIAMS. Contraltos MISS EDITII JENKINS. MISS WENSLEY. Tenors MR. WILLIAMS. MR. G. H. SPINKS. Ilaritune MR. J- H. EVANS (Eos Wysg). B.'ss MR. JOHN PETTY. Accompanists MISS HOWE and MISS A. BAIISTOW. Admission ^s.. 1, 6.1. Doors open at 7. to commence at 7.30. [887 PRELIMINARY NOTICE. THE NEW W rSl-L-YAtil CHAPELi AT BARRY DOCK I WILL BE OPENED ox FRIDAY. APRIL let. THE REV. TEOMis CEAMPNESS Will Preach sr. 3.30 p.m. TEA AT 5. PUBLIC MEETING AT 7. SPEAKERS :— I;3\-s. T. CIIAMPNESS. P. NEVILLE-ANDREWS. And Other?. [885 TlT'.tR XOTIIIXr. SKR'iH SUTTH TO MEASCHK.—A? n 1' tes^ of samples cann. « be I!. \>:it a Pair (if Gent's T" -aseM we <lo uxtu-iUr «ive: ulso h wrv near jfirin? T" -aseM we <lo uxtu-iUr «ive: ulso h wrv near jfirin? a Suit Rwnv wJum w«» Mase t.-> Measure a Jlufli-class Navy Bine B-'r-.ri Suit", GertL's Size. fur 25s. tnnrnlur t'lUorV charge for s ,!i* 53J. or G0J.). \V:t.N rSuit # \v« actually Oive Away, »V>i;irelv Free. a Pair of ill ir's !l-al TwwI Anjroia. or Home- f*i»« ilVoitsiv.H. in H*? Xi-w-vs i' rot. or we. will (to prive an i i*. uf the quality »>: t'ie sa:o muke :• Pair of tile Serjje 'i' .users to Measure t'iv o-L T,:<-m- Trousers are til* same us t n!i ■>"< eharjre 13s. 6il. inr: they ar- made in clip very lies'. H;lass Tailor StvV an i ;•-■! i cut. If a Suit I i■ eyreil within Two ]><. sr-i: fA-st. in ensure (over ■Vie waistcoat). :iuil in.It- 2iu«u:v or !or Trou.-ers, give vM-r. fiii.l inside n.'r-asnv Ti *.he Oirt T»\m«erii are required (f.liey »r.> worcii 12s. 6 i. per pair), send 5s. o.iee, about colour WAUNINV, AXD ADVTCI'. Ti.r.'V.- warning! No v«u iiive :il s'-en tiiis Firm's a Lvo"iil« some tiiiir i:i :.o!k1o:i 1 Provincial Press. T;t»i; do nir. be ieil to imrcTnv-! inferior anl1 worthless cooils. Soe uH> Shut, the oiiiy a'lilrtw? ;s Vi^i'istone. Wo. have no j a ren's wh itevf r. Via ivsk yr.i to ci»»;>• luitterns, irive nti unier whi'ie you thÜlk jirujic-r. bat IIUIHI you maVe an agree- "1'1 let it lie t hat every farthing must be ietura.j.1 if von iii> not feci #■•• IsQoii with Ljoifis..This is fair i Uon- st' tnvibrj. We will arafxntsi:«•«.- to return every for vr«x»«ls rptn;p', t. for every Parcel is worth two j.- ines t he mowv. If yon think you cannot get your retnrnarf, write t-o the papers containing our inents. amt thev will refuse to print them. Tin- Htnnnr. Tif E.r -h.'ii a- ti,r! ilart s:vs our «ooiis are remarkable value for t*rve niouevit ;¡rril. Fi'ld, a.wi Fi>■<>■ says they a-lvlse :1.11 to t; one of our Serge Suits. Send a for pattern (none ne'nt v.-ithotlt). We are overwhelmed now with orders 1.300 s V: v.-ei-klv. We will send several sheets of printed Testi- monials iust reeeiveii. We r-Iso, suid with these Serge patterns. Black Diagonals for Coat ami Vest, also Suits, and A B 0 easy Self-measurement Forms. Xume palter when j ordering, for this appears in 130 London nnd Vrovine,i;il | papers. Our Factory employs nvor 3.C00 hands. Warning- Oar only Address SMYTH 6: COMPANY", WHOT.KSALK TAILOKS. MAIDSTONE. B:Uikfrs London aad County. C!ie»iu"s or Postal Orders. Kverv parcel carriage jiaid to your doors, anywhere in £ inland, Ireland, Scotland, or Wales. [a LAST FEW WEEKS OF SALE STOCK RAPIDLY SELLIXO OUT All ladies who intend purohasi::? ihcse heantifrd dresjes sooaW forvrar.l their orders at once: •! SPECIAL VALUE DUIUXG THIS MONTH NEW COLOURS FOR COMING SEASON Gi REAT SALE R OF ^PRING DRESS GOODS. XEWEST DESKrXS FOB THE SE.\S- FULL DltESS LEXUXHS from Ss. 61. CARBIAOE PAID. NEW SPRING PATTERNS NOW READY. WYI.WYRWELL GRRAT SALE f., ATH This cloth 13 too vLOixi. well-known to r-j-yairo description here. It is a el >th of which we have sold nearly half a million Dress rths. We will send a full dress length of this famous ci .:h, Carriage Paid to anv for 9s. 6d., Black i\ i t'sYt'ii^y eight lovely now colours to seloct from, c^nis !UtI\' lie had free. Ftill IDEAL CLOTH.^ Dt'e:s •; of Ideal Cloth, seat, for <an thirty sir /O»W» u-ir Sir'7 Similes 10 frl-ct from. h;ea'. Cluth is niauufactureil speciallv for Ladies' Spring Dressed We liave now re- ce.eil our ;ull stock of new c il -.urs, new designs, and new mixture: for the coming sea- s.»n, and v.-e invite every lc.dr to write for patterns of them. Ideal Cloth ;s light in weight, f.i.e in quality, strong and durable. FOR THIS MOXTH OXLY. In consequence of th<! v?ry mild season wehaveon hand over 250.000 DRESS LENGTHS or WYLWYHWHLL. IDEAL, AXD ZUPEB CLOTHS Wlticli weolFer at LESS THAX MAXUFACTUREIls' COST PRICH. Oisantic Sale of By. ")\KE t. ct- It, A SHKKTS. &e., &e. Write to- lb" for Patterns of the Cloth Dresses and Sale Price List. Racli Bargains were' never before offered. F,T ATU Zaper cloth is a new cloth only just ZLl'hiv C LOIH. brought out, and is manufactured v.-it; a loci* smooth fWi* ittirfacv. We have tlii* cloth in B.irk and twenty-eight beautiful new spring shades. Fuii dress lengths sent, Carriage Paid, for 17s. 6d. Write for patterns. SCOTCH TWEEDS AND HOMESPUNS. A v.-rv ^itecial line of excellent goods for Spring anil Summer D-ei We have them in lovely new designs for coming ■wsoii, Snovvflakes, Cheeks, Plaids, Stripes, Heather Mixtures, <V-• etc. Full <lrrx* h-d./th, *-»t Cnrrin'ji' Paid, for 16s. 3d. <<WY,V Fair (usual price, 21s.>. See patterns of these goods biT 're purchasing elsewhere. NEW COLOURS FOR WINTER SEASON. Oar cloth <lresses may be had in any of the following eo")I-ll..i they are all new shades, and several of them are now iut-oduced bv us for the lirst time, and cannot possibly be p-o.-uredelsewhere. Colours: Jet Black, Blue, Black, Xavy, llvi'tle Brown, Bronze, Olive, Cold, Creen, !:hv\ ^loss. Pink, Lfnd Heliotrope, Mauve, Stone, Reseda, Drab, Fawn, Sage, I, ..vender, Salmon, EmeraKi, PeaciKsk, Sappliire, Crimson, R-'liv, Claret, Mulberry, Crushed Strawberry, Oatmeal. Slate, s'i'ok'e, Huss'ar, Violet". Terra Cotta. Straw. Purple, Cardinal, F:e -trie, Old Bose, Tabac also in several very pretty new Hither'mixtures, ineluding four new stailw of Dark 0"v. Steel Grey, Mid Grey, Light Grey, Pink Grey, Green Grcvl Brown Grey. Emerald Mixture, Heather: several shade* 0« [.^Vns, Drahs, &c., ite. Altogether 85 shades to select from. \Wis the very best time to purchase your dresses for the COL im; season. Onr cloths are all quite fresh frolH tLe looms, ad, are in excellent condition. Thou.i'ind.1 of TeMimoniaU from oil partr. of the trorhl. We have purchaseil all enormous T>' •. yn pniJE quantity ot 1'i.lies' Silk Handkerchiefs. 4-buuon French Kid (Moves, Ladies' Silver Watches, &c., to be given awav +'9 snfl t,(> purchasers of our famous Cloth Dresses. EVERY PURCHASER re- TO BE GIVEN ccivcs a handsome present, and fail iw \Y liarticuliirs are enclosed with each set of i»atterns. )!'rit^ at one.. We invite every reader of Till-: AN INVITATION, sorrn WALKS STAH to write at .(. £ .,f •latterns of these Wonderful CJot-ii Dresses. The iir"'turns' will cost von nothing. All we ask is that you will 1-,d us vour name and address, and we will GLADLY send innenssnvtis and post free by return. Even if you do not at p'Vv-'iit require a new dress, you should write for patterns, as v.Vwish all ladies to see our new colours. You need not trouble U> return the patterns. With eacli set of patterns we send fashionable designs for cloth'dresses (specially designed for coming season): also copies of testimonials from many well-known ladies, opinions of the Press, full particulars about the grand presents, and several other interesting particulars. Write at once for a fuil a/ of patterns, and when you see them you will nor, only be as: wished, but you will be perfectly delighted with them. LUTAS LEATHLEY & CO., Dept. íi3, Cloth Dresa Warehouse, ARMLEY, LEEDS. a IMPORTANT DISPLAY OF CABINET FURNITURE, CARPETS, HOUSEHOLD LIIEIS, &o. B. Evans & Company ARE NOW SHOWING A MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF EVERY REQUISITE FOR COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHING, INCLUDING Cabinet Furniture FOR ALL KINDS OF ROOMS.* CARPETS, FLOOR CLOTHS, LINOLEUMS, CRETONNES, TAPESTRIES, VELVETS, TABLE COVERS, BEDSTEADS AND BEDBIHG, FURNISHING IRONMONGERY, UL 3 ri EARTHENWARE, CHINA AND GLASS; ELECTRO-PLATE, TABLE CUTLERY, HOUSEHOLD LINENS, CURTAINS, &C. g X^VANS & £ <0. cordially invite the Public to pay a special visit to their Extensive CABINET SHOW-ROOJIS, where, probably, they will be surprised to find displayed such a Grand Assortment at the lowest possible prices compatible with reliable quality and sound workmanship. LADIES' OWN ART WORK TASTEFULLY MOUNTED AND MA*DE UP. DETAILED CATALOGUE ON APPLICATION. TEMPLE STREET, SWANSEA. P:75 'Tis not in mortals to command success but we will do more;, we will deserveit," LLOYD AM COIPAET, The Largest Distributors of MEN'S, YOI TIlS', & BOYS' CLOTHING in the District, RF.SPECTFULLY INVITE AX INSrHCTrjX OF THEIII nBIEXSE STOCK OF FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, Made to Measure or Ready for Immediate Wear. Men's Suits. Complete, 12,3, 14'11, 15/9. 18/3, 19/11, 21/6, 25/ 27:S, 30' to 45 }Ipn'" Tweed unci Cashmere Trousers. 3/11, 4/11, 5/11, 6/11, 7/8, 8/3, to 15.11. Youths' Tweed Suits. 7;6. 7:11. 8/6, 811, 10/6, 12/6. 14;6, 18/8, to 30-. Boys' Eton and Ru?by Suits, 6/11, 7/11, 8*6, 8/3, 10/9, 11'6, 12;6, 13/11, to 19/o. Buys' Sailor, Jersey. Brighton, and Nori'ulk Ivnicker Suits, 1/11, 2/8, 2/11, 3 3, 3'11. 4/3, 4/11, 5/11, 6/9, 7/6, to 16/8 Men's. Youths', and Boys' Underclothing of Every Description in Endless Variety, at Popular Prices. IT AT AND CAP DEPARTMENT. Includes Gentlemen's Flexible Felt Hats (Fashionable ShtiTvs"). in Biack, Brown, Drab, Slate, Tan, &c. at 1/6. 1/11. 2/6, 2/11, to 5 11. 3 Men's and Boys' Fancy Tweeds, Cloth and Velvet Caps, in Most Approved Shapes, 2Ad., 4|d., Gjd., Ski., to 3ied. MECHANICS' DEPARTMENT. Is Composed of Tons of the Best and Most Reliable Ma Res in Cord and Mole Trousers. Cord and Mole Vests, Duck, Dmgaree, Drabette. Drill, and Serge Jackets and Trousers, &c., &:0. ONE TRIAL IS SUFFICIENT TO PROVE THE SUPERIORITY OF OUR ( -OTH1NG NOTE THE ADDIIKSS— 694 LLOYD & COMPANY, THE LEADING CLOTHIERS AND TAILORS, MAIN-STREET, CADOXTON. EDUCATIONAL. BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, RECTORY-ROAD, CADOXTON-BARRY. PRINCIPAL MISS SMALL. Prospectus on application. A Class for Little Boys. FRENCH, Spanish. Italian, German, Private Tuition, Classes. Special Classes for Commercial Correspondence and Conversation. Candidates pre- pared for the Medical, Law, Civil Service, Excise and Customs Examinations Scholarships through the post; Arithmetic, Book-keeping. Shorthand.—Mr. W. Haines. Public Translator, 25, Park-street, Cardiff. [830 8011001.. ADVERTISEMENTS. —Principals of lO Private and other Schools will do well to adver- tise in the South !)'«/<< Star, which circulates very largeiv in the South, East, West, and Rhondda Di- visions of Glamorganshire. Quotations for a series may be had on application to the Manager, at the Office. Vere-street, Cadoxton, Barry, or of the local representatives. ROBERT KIRKNESS CHEMIST, &c., HAS OPENED THE PREMISES 11, MAIN STREET, CADOXTOX, And is now pre pared to give every satisfaction to his customers. Whilst soliciting a share of the public patronage, he respectfully invites attention to the following short list of specialities Kirkness's Tic Powders, 9Jd. per box unex- celled for curing Tic, &c. Tamarind Cough Linctu8. Is. L;d. bottle for 9id.; pleasant and reliable. Dr. Drake's Tonic Health Pills, Is. Illd. per box, for Head, Liver, Stomach, tec. Mother Morton's Female Pills, Is. L.'d. per box. Compound Essence of Licorice for Coughs, &c., Is. U per Bottle safe for Children and Adults. Epidermine. the Corn Cure. 7ID. per Bottle 2 try this and limp no more. Effervescing Saline, Is. Indigestion Mixture. Is. 6d. Blood Purifer, Is. Hair Restorer, Is. Toilet Requisites, Patent Medicines, Special Coal Tar Soap, 3d. Choice Cigars. [659 EMPORIUM, HIGH-ST., BARRY. NOTICE NOTICE DIESTYN JONES begs to announce to the • inhabitants of Barry and the neighbouring districts that he Opened the above Premises ON SATURDAY, JAN. 30TH, 1892, FOR THE SALE OF FIRST-CLASS QUALITY OF GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS AT THE LOWEST PRICES. D. J. hopes he will merit a share of their Patronage. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. [811 Cadoxtoit Christian Bpssion (UN SECTARIAN), MARKET-HALL. SERVICES every Sunday as follows :— 11 a.m.; 6.30 p.m. SCHOOL, 2.30. Adults and Children who do not attend any School are earnestly Invited to Attend. MR. J. THOMAS, EVANGELIST. £ THE LEADING PENNY MAGAZINE IN WALES. THE MARCH NCMBER OF Y O U N G -YY ALES CONTAINS AX Ode by Lewis Morris, on the Death ef the Duke of Clarence, with photo. Photo and Biographical Sketch of Prof. T. F. Roberts. Principal of Aberystwyth College. Old Wales," a tale, by W. G. Williams (Glynfab.) Six Weeks in Saxony." by R. D. Chalke, 'A.C.P. Music, conducted by T. Price, A.C., Merthyr. Special Article, Welshmen and the State." Dewi Sant, the History of his Life, by the Editor. Science Notes. Correspondence, Jottings, Notes on the Month, etc., etc., etc. PRICE ONE PENNY. May be ordered at the Bookstalls, of Newsagents, or of the Publishers, EVANS SHORT, General Printers. Tonypandy. [882 SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR BARRY PARISH. ON EASTEiT MONDAY THE FOUNDATION STONE Of the above Building will be laid by THE LORD BISHOP OF LLANDAFF, In the presence of Lord Windsor and other leading Gentry of the District. There will be a I^UNCII EON at the BARRY-HOTEL after the Ceremony. During the aftf'rnoon there will be a MUSICAL TEA in the MARKET-HALL. BARRY, in aid of the Building Fund. Tickets, Is. each. r, IN THE EVENING A GRAND ENTERTAINMENT IN THE PUBLIC HALL. HIGH STREET. BARRY, Consisting of MUSICAL TABLEAUX with LIME LIGHT EFFECTS, interspersed with Vocal and Instrumental Descriptive Music. To conclude with a MUSICAL SKETCH. Tickets, 2s. and Is. Tickets to be obtained at the Shops of Mr. Hopkins Miss Johnson, Miss Blackmore, Mr Daunton, and the Patisserie Company. [871 M ARKET HALL, CADOXTON, BARRY. A GRAND EISTEDDFOD Will be held at the above place ON WHIT-MONDAY, JUNE 6, 1832 (MABON'S DAY). CoxDrCToit LLEURWG. ADJUDICATOR MR. DYFED LEWIS,R.A.M. CHlEl" CHOHAlj COMPETITION to Choirs not less than 82 in number. "OH. FATHER. WHOSE ALMIGHTY POWER" Qlfioi'lcl). Prize, £ 25 1:2 2s. to the successful conductor, and £ 1 Is. to all unsuccessful conductors. MALES VOICE CoMrnTiTDx. "C\VSG" (_G-wilym (RWHT), Prize £ 10., Also prizes for Ba,*S, Tenor. Soprano, and Con- tralto Solos Duet, Tenor and Hass Pianoforte Solo, Shorthand. Writing, and Literary Subject. Programmes will be ready on February 16th, and can be obtained, by including postage, LID., from Hon. Sec., E. LLEURWG MORGAN, 10. Windsor-road Barry. A GRAND CONCERT will be held in the even- ing. when a number of leading Artistes will take part.

Glamorganshire County Council…


Barry and Cadoxton Local Board…

Barry and Cadoxton Local Board…

Barry and Cadoxton Local Board.

!To the Electors of the Barry…


IBarry and Cadoxton Local…
