Papurau Newydd Cymru

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VIOLIN, gOW, AND CASE, EXTRA SET OF STRINGS. AND I PITCH PIPE, FOR 218. THE BEST VALUE EVER OFFERED. SEND FOR AND TRY IT! JOHN DAVIES, MUSIC WAREHOUSE, fS3 11, TREDEGAR PLACE, NEWPORT. SOUTH WALES CLOTHIERS, 98, HIGH ST., BARRY- |i ENLARGEMENT OF PREMISES. W. EVANS AND CO., } TAILORS, HATTERS, & OUTFITTERS, j IN THANKING our numerous Customers for past favours, we beg to inform them that we have made great ADDITION to our PREMISES, and are now able to compete witn the best houses in South Wales. INSPECT OUR SPRING AND SUMMER SUITINGS AND TROUSERINGS, MADE TO ORDER. SUITS FROM 30s. TROUSERS FROM 10s. 6D. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO BESPOKE TAILORING. WT7, /nO. have OPENED a FIRST- h. C CLASS HAIRDRESSING AND GENTS' MERCERY DEPARTMENT 5, ISLAND-ROAD, BARRY. cPECI\L SHOW OF HATS, TIES, &c., FOR THE EASTER HOLIDAYS. j TT A TRDRFSSIN G SHAMPOOING. & EVERY H' MQUIsiTEFOBTHETOJLET. [ oa PIANOS, ORGANS,1 PIANOS. I CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE TRADE. Pianos from 10s. M. Monthly, Organs from 5s. Monthly. The Public S,P> invited to inspect II. J. HEATII & SONS' I STOCK OF FIANOS, ORGANS, &C., l As pounds will be saved by plying their orders with them. Everv Instrument Gxuinxntee i and Kept in Tune One Year Free of Charge LARGE DISCO TOT FOR CASH. I HEATH & SONS, I PIANOFORTE AND ORGAN MERCHANTS, TUNERS AND REPAIRERS, 51, QUEEN STREET, CARDIFF, AXD 34, TAFF-STREET, PONTYPRIDD. BECHSTEIN PIANOS. Heath and Sons offer these magnificent Pianos on the Three Years' System and for Cash at most advantageous prices and terms. [20 JJECKITTS STARCH. I JJECKITT'S JJLUE. RECKirrs BLACK LEAD. [19 "FOR THE BLOOD IS Tii £ lCT,ABKES»fiaf] LD FA M E BLOOD PURIFIER iprXMD RESTORERj For clean sin? and clearing the Wooft from ati ;)- purities, it cauuot be too highly rccoaiiueuileu. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Ecscma, Pimplss, Skin and Blood Diseases, and Sores of all kinds, it is a nevcr-failii;^ and permanent core. It Cures Old Sores. Cures Ulcerated Sores on the iNeci. Cures Ulcerated Sore Cures Blackheads, or Pimples on the Face. Cures Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swellings. Clears the Blood from all impure matter, From whatever cftuso arising. It is a real specific for Gout and Rheumatic pair3. It removes the cause from the Biuod and Bcncs. As this mixture is pleftsant to the taste, and war- ranted free from anything injurious to the meat delicate constitution of either sex, the Proprietors solicit sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS From all Parts of the World. Sold in Bottles 2s. Od., and in cases, containing six times the quantity, lis. each — sufficient to effect a permanent cure in the preat majority of^ long•standing c»ses BY AXiti CHEMISTS and PATHN R MED:C.LW. VENDORS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD, or sent for 33 or 132 stamps by the Proprietors, THE LIS COLS AND MIDLAND COCHTIBS DUUO COMPAXY, Lincoln. CAUTION.—Ask for Clarke's Blood Mixture and do not be persuaded to take an imitation. L- Vil.tJAKLS DlSCOVKBY FOB TOB H AIR.—If JOVLT hii- is turning grey or white, or falling off, use "THE MEXICAN HAIR RENEWER," for it will positively restore in every cane Grey or TThile hair to its original colour without leaving the disagreeable smell of most ^I?*3''orers." It makes the hair charmingly beautiful, "veU as promoting the growth of the h:>ir on bald wher'J the glands are not decayed. Frv.e 3s. '3d. TV r an Oii to make the Hair soft, glossy, and ^x«-i*nt ask for "CARTER'S COLOGNE OIL." pri'e Is. of all dealers. Wholesale depot, o3, doa Road. London. GCPTURES. — HOW CURED, PEARCE & Co., j PPmoved to 14. STATION TERRACE, opposite | Taff Vale Railway Station. Cardiff. MAKERS of SOFT BAND TRUSSES, ARTI- FICIAL LESS. ARMS. EYES. LEG IROXS. SPINE SUPPORTS, BELTS, ELASTIC IFSYADDRET': 14, STATION TERRACE, CARDIFF. Opposite Taff Vale Railway Station. -r-fc I7PTURES, HERNIA. How can it be cured R Consult AtLEN PEARCE. Private rooms 13 T&k P ABADE, CABDIFF. Home 10 to 4. [23 v v Mayberry Williams, 79, TAFF-STREET, PONTYPRIDD IS NOW SHOWING TP YEI(Y LATEST NOVELTIES IN MILLINER f, MANTLES, J JACKETS, CLOAKS, ULSTERS, MACKINTOSHES, DRESS GOODS, FURS, &c. s ALSO Extraordinary Value in Blankets, Sheets, Quilts, Flannels, Skirtings, Umbrellas, Gloves, &c. NOTE THE ADDREoS l34 79, TAFF-STREET, PONTYPRIDD. low mom vm R-m a F -A'au iTHE BISHOP OF BAN60R! 1 Vatfinal Me* 5 tot.vince, el-en ia the u;rst possible old *ta*dina ca^s j %f *<*■«*<" throughout \j JOI1K LLOYD LEWIS, MANUFACTURING CHEMIST, AI»LRAYLO^, FA.W. ) -=. Q —————————————— STUDY YOUR HEALTH, BY DRINKING LEWIS'S ¡I DANDELION COFFEE, 1 It is a most Delicious Beverage. HEALTHY! REFRESHING and INVIGORATING For persons suffering from Weak Digestion. Bilious and Liver Complaints, Impure Blood, Hysteria, &C., it is the best Beverage, and should be used by everyone, in preference to Tea, Cocoa, or Ordinary Coffee. IT IS NOT A MEDICINE! BUT A DELICIOUS ARTICLE OF DIET. Patronised and recommended by the faculty. Sold by all Grocers in Tins, 6d., Is., Is. Gel., and 2s. each. Be sure to ask for LEWIS'S, and do not take any other. SOLE PROPRIETORS AND MANUFACTURERS— [37 JAMES LEWIS & CO., Ld., CARDIFF. _A_ -^7"oi3.ir3.03? £ -Lil I 0EiWs -[ For Bilious and Nervous Disorders, such as Wind and Pain in the Stomach, Sick I Headache, Giddiness, Fulness and Swelling after meals, Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold J Chills, Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Costiveness, Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all Nervous and Trembling J Sensations, &c. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. This c is no fiction. Every sufferer is eamestlv invited to try one Box of these Pills, and they will be acknowledged to be "WORTH A GUINEA A BOX." [- BEECHAM'S PILLS, taken as directed, will quickly restore females to complete 3- health. They promptly remove any obstruction or irregularity of the system. For a c Weak Stomach; Impaired Digestion; Disordered Liver; th»y act like maffic ■—ft few doses will vrorV. v."oruleri upon tlio Itftl Organs; Strengthening the mascuinr r. System: restoring ti«> long-lost Complexion brining back the keen edge of appetite, and arousing with tL J Ro HE BUD OF HEALTH tha WHOI.X PHYSICAL ENERGY of the huraan frame. Theso wo facts'' aibnittea by thousands, in all classos of society and one of tho best guarantees to the ^ervocs ana Debilitated is tna% thousands, in all classos of society and one of the best guarantees to the Ner.-ocs and Debilitated is thg4 Jieetham't I'ills hare the Largest ."ale of any Patent Medicine in the irovlJ. lull uircciirns with carli box. ,} prepareci only by THOMAS BEECHAM, St Hcicrts, Lancashire, Ensiand. 3 Sold everywhere in Bos: Old., Is. l^d., and 2s. 01. cacli. 3 PAPURAU CENEDLAETHOL ^JYMRU. Y GENEDL GYMREIU. Bob Dydd Mercher. Pris Ceiniog. jr.. Y PAPUR MWYAF A GOREU YN YR IAITH GYMRAEG. Yr unig Bapur ynff Nghymru sydd yn talu yr un sylw i'r De a'r Gogledd. Yr unig Bapur yng Nghymru sjdd yn Cyhoeddi s ARGRAFFIAD ARBENIG I'R DEHEUDIR. Yr unig Bapur yng Nghymru sydd yn rhoi bob wythnos ERTHYGL ARBENIG I'R GLOWYR A'R ALCANWYR. LLYTHYRAU O'R SEXEDD, gan T. E. ELLIS, A.S., a LLOYD GEORGE. A.S. LLYTHYRATJ I'R G-WEITHWYR, gan MABON. A.S. ERTHYGLAU GAX BRIF LENORION CYMRU. Y WERIN. •<- Bob Dydd Sadwrn. Pris Dimai. Y PAPUR DIMAI LLAWXAF 0 NEWYDDION CYFFREDINOL A DYDDOROL. Y GENEDL A'R WERIN YW Y PAPURAU GOREU I'R CYMRO, I'R GWEITHIWR, I'R TEULU, I BAWB. Y\ EISIEU, Dosbarthwyr a Gohebwyr ym mhob ardal. Ymofyper trwy lythyr— BERIAH GWYNFE EVANS, SWYDDFA'R GENEDL, CAERNARFOX. J. E. LEVERS & SON, j, HAY AND CORN MERCHANTS, OMMISSIOX AGENTS, &c., HAVE ALWAYS ON SALE AT THEIR] STORES ON THE MOORS-ROAD, CADOXTON. BARRY, VERY PRIME HAY and CHAFF, Also a Choice Selection of HORSE AND CATTLE FEEDING STUFFS Consisting of WHITE AND BLACK OATS, CRUSHED HORSE FEED, CRUSHED BEANS, SMALL ROUND MAIZE, BRAN, SHARPS BARLEYMEAL, &c. CALL OR WRITE FOR PRICES. SHOPS SUPPLIED. [71 WOODHAM AND SON, HIGH-STREET, BARRY, GREENGROCERS AND POTATO MERCHANTS. All Kinds of Fish Daily when in Season. GENERAL HAULIERS. f A Brake for Picnic Parties for the Summer Season. Dog-cart on Hire. r-7 L FURNITURE REMOVED AND WAREHOUSED EDGAR FENNELL Fishmonger AND Fruiterer. 84, TAFF STREET, PONTYPRIDD, BEGS to thank his numerous Customers for their kind Patronage in the past, and hopes by strict attention to business to merit theii favours in the future. Lazenby's and all kinds of Tinned Fish at the Lowest Prices. BEST QUALITY. POTTED CREAM FRESH DAILY In {lb. and Jib. Pots. 4 All Kinds of Fruit in Season. [55 PATRONJSB THE TOWN YOU LIVE IN, AND DON'T FORGET THE ADDRESS -— EBGAB, FENNELL 84, Taff-Street, PONTYPRIDD. OWEN'S HAIR DRESSING.—A Specific for Nourishing and Preserving the Hair. Renews the Hair in cases of Baldness. Stays the Falling Off. Restores the Hair to its Natural Colour. Produces luxuriant Whiskers and Moustaches. Sold in Bottles at 2/6 and 1/- each by OWEN, 27, EDWARD-STREET, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF; 151, Cardiff New Market Hall. Local Agents—J. Jones, Chemist, Holton-road, Barry Dock: W. R. Hopkins, Chemist, High-street, Barry; W. R. Hopkins, Chemist, Vere-street, Cadoxton; W. H. Key, Chemist, Taff- treet, Pontypridd, and all Chemists. [30 klTT & Co. ITT'S APID Q U E E. PACKAGES (with MIXTURE, PILLS, and LOTION) 4s. 6d. Cures in a few days all DISCHARGES, either Constitutional or Acquired, Kidney Troubles, Pains in the Back. CONTAINS NO MERCURY. LOST VIGOUR RESTORED KITT'S VITAL RESTORATIVE, THE GREAT REMEDY for MENTAL and PHYSICAL DEPRESSION. Invaluableto the Single and Married. 4s. 6d. The above can be obtained, post free, from KITT & CO., [53 MEDICATj HALL ,39, BUTE-ST., CARDIFF. ASK FOR THE SOUTH WALES CELEBRATED JAMS AND MARMALADES. gOUTH WALES JAM AND ]yj^ATt" MALADS COMPANY (LIMITED), CANTON, CARDIFF. [50 E. RAY, GROCER, TEA DEALER, FLOUR AND PROVISION FACTOR MAINDY HOUSE, VERE STREET, CADOXTON. PURE'HOME-MADF BREAD. [ 10 JOHN EDMUNDS, (Late with Morgan Bros.,) PAINTER, GLAZIER, PAPER-HAS0ER, AND GENERAL DECORATOR, 28, HARVEY-STREET, C ADOX TOIST-B ARLL Y. Estimates given for every description of work. Your esteemed Orders respectfully solicited. [237 ¥. jT ROBERTS," PLUMBER, GASFITTER. SIGN-WRITER, p HOUSE-DECORATOR. &c., 81, HIGH STREET, BARRY, Established 1835. rhousands of Pieces of Paper from 2d. per Piece and upwards always in Stock. Largest Establishment for PAPER HANGINGS and GAS FITTINGS in the District. Estimates given. [8 USE ONLY EOTHERGrlLL'S TOBACCO AND CIGARS. 4, STUART HALL, HAYES, CARDIFF. [11 FURNISH ON OUR NEW HIRE SYSTEM. HOUSES OR APARTMENTS Completely Furnished on a New System ADOPTED solely by us, whereby all publicity, exposure, and enquiries usually made by other companies are dispensed with. WE HAVE AN IMMENSE STOCK OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE OF CHEAP AND SUPERIOR QUALITY. All Goods sold on the Hire System at READY MONEY PRICES. WE MAKE NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR CREDIT, AND ALL GOODS SENT HOME IX A PRIVATE VAN FREE OF CHARGE. No Stamp or Agreement Charges made no Bill of Sale everything private. Arrangements com- pleted without delay, and being Manufacturers, WE GUARANTEE QUALITY, And will undertake to supply Furniture, etc., At 10 per cent. less than any price list issued by any firm in Cardiff. ELEVEN SHOW BOOMS. Call and inspect our IMMENSE STOCK, and com- pare Prices before purchasing elsewhere. WE SUPPLY £6 WORTH FOR 28. 6D. WEEKLY. £ 10 W0RTH FOR 4s' WEEKLY- WORTH FOR KS. WEEKLY. dbiO Q WORTH FOR gS. WEEKLY. And so on in proportion. Special terms for larger •quantities. No objectionable agreements used. PLEASE NOTE THE ADDRESS South Wales Furqishiqg Co., 31, CASTLE STREET (Opposite the Castle), [236 CARDIFF. THE NEW VOX JJUMUNA A CCORDION. A New Instrument, with Two Draw Stops, one Imitating the Human Voice. Money returned if not approved of. Price, carriage free, 12s. 6d. Send P.O.O. to the NEATH j^JUSICAL SUPPLY STORES, WINDSOR-ROAD, NEATH. G. BRACEY, Manager. A Large Assortment of QRGAtfS, plANOS, m AN G L E S, SEWIKG MACHINES, For Sale on our New Hire Purchase System, 2s. 6d. Monthly. [48 ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS is warranted to cure all discharges from the urinary Orga ns, In either sex (acquired or constitutional), Gravel, and Vains in the Back. Guaranteed free from Mercury. Sold in Boxes, 1 4s. 6d. each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the World, or sent to any address for sixty stamps by the Makers, THB LINCOLN AND MIDLAND CofcN J IRS DUCA COMPANY, Lincoln. Wholesale Agents, B&ECLLY & tons, London, and all the Wholesale HQQlttL J A ME S P R ICE, 1 > >i 2 I- ;:0 ,¡:: :¡ z < '> < I- » ;:0 -I « (TI :) 4 o !< The Modern Bakery and Restaurant, Regent-street aqd Holton-road, BARRY DOCK. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BAKER, PASTRY- COOK AXD CONFECTIONER. PURVEYOR TO THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS THROUGHOUT THE DISTRICT. BREAKFAST ROLTÆ. FRENCH ROLLS. DIXXLRCOHS. VIENNA BREAD. DlaESTI VE BlmAD..JEWS' JlHEJ..TI. SANDWICH LOAVES (all siz«s). And a host of other Specialities Ihily. PRICE'S A 1 PORK AND VEAL AND HA M PIES An Ordinary daily at One. Private Sitting and Bedrooms. Tea, Coffee, Cocoa, Chops, and Steaks at all times. Finest Hungarian. English, and American Flour, Wholesale and Retail, at prices which cannot be beaten (for Cash), delivered at a few minutes' notice. Always a Large Stock of leading millers only to select from. I do not buy low-priced Flours. Huntley and Palmer's Biscuits—a great variety. Pattison's (the best) Sweets—a large stock. Cad- bury's Chocolate Goods—a varied assortment. Agent (either Buying or Commission), whole- sale only for fresh farm butter, new-laid eggs, home-cured hams and bacon, poultry of all kinds, kc., <fcc.,<fcc. [767 GEORGE'S COUGH BALSAM! A MALTVELLLOUS REMEDY FOR COUGHS COLDS, INFLUENZA, jjaOECHITIS, ASTHMA, &c., &c. When other things fail (those that are puffed the most are generally the greatest frauds), get a Bottle, take according to directions, and re- port its wonderful power to your friends. NOTE.—One dose relieves, a few doses cure. In Bottles, Is. lld. and 2s. 9d. each. The COUGH BALSAM will be found pecu- liarly servica'ole for RELIEVING ALL PAINS, from whatever cause arising, such as Tooth-Ache, Ear-Ache, Pain in the Chest or Bowels. Diarrhoea, &c., kc. If Voealist*, Public Spi'-aker*, Clergymen, A-e., only take a small tea.ijwonful before exertion, they would ahvoya carry a bottle with them; it has extraordinary power in strengthening and clearing the voice. George's Infants' Powders Are universally admitted to be the SAFEST and BEST, containing NO OPIUM, or anything in- jrnious to the youngest Babe. For Teething. Fits, Measles, Scarlatina, and other ailments, they are a Sure and Certain Specific. A MOTHER S BEST HELP AND COMFORT In Packets, Is. ljd. each. MonlEX writes :-Your Balsam should be made extensively known, for as a remedy for a cold it is, I believe, UNRIVALLED. Frcm GEORGE PROSSER, ESQ., Lancillow Hall, Abergavcnny: Dear Sir.—Please inform James Hoddell, Esq. Walton, Clevedon, where your Cough Balsam may be had in Bristol or Clevedon. I have found your Balsam FAR SUPERIOR to any other I have ever ased for all kinds of Coughs. Dear Mr. George,—Your Infants' Powders are a boon and a blessing. They are true life preservers. I regard my little boy as a LIVING MONUMENT of their efficacy. One of their marvellons features is the certainty of their operation. Fits had never such an enemy. A stock is always kept in the house, as a wonderful sentinel to guard the safety of child life.—Yours sincerely, THOMAS RICHARDS. l tre, 11th March, 1891. Baptist Minister. GEORGES' BALSAM AND POWDERS Are sold everywhere, or direct from the Pro- prietor- B. A. GEORGE, MANUFACTURING CHEMIST, PENTRE, PONTYPRIDD, GLAM. [64 SEASON 1892. THE GRAND HACKNEY STALLION, "SUR PLAN TER," THE PROPERTY OF MR. ARTHUR BARNETT, GRIFFIN HOTEL STABLES, ST. U A R Y S T R E E T, CARDIFF, Will Serve a LIMITED NUMBER OF MARES during the Season 1892. The Groom (C. WILKIE, Colt Breaker, &c.), will specify places and dates of attendance. « SURPLANTER." He was bred by the Marquis of Exeter, and is by that celebrated Norfolk Stallion" Thornton," by the renowned Trotter Quicksilver," out of a illare bred by the Marquis of Exeter. He is a beautiful rich bay. with black points 9 years, 15.2, has plenty of bone and muscle, stands on short legs, has grand action, and is perfectly sound. He has proved himself a sure foal-getter, and his stock has taken prizes in very good company. The Owner will Rot be responsible for any accident which may befall Mares sent to his Horse, and all Mares tried by him will be charged for. FEE £ 1 5 0 Which must be paid on or before 24th June, or 10 per cent will be charge for collecting after that date. GROOM'S FEE 2s. 6d. To be paid at time of serving. All orders left at the Griffin Stables will be promptly attended to. WEDNESDAY, 4th May Newport and Machen. Sleep night. THURSDAY, 5th May Caerphilly and Llan- caiach, and home. FRIDAY, 6th May Home. SATURDAY, 7th May Barry and Cadoxton. TUESDAY, 10th May Cowbridge and Llan- trissant. The night. WEDNESDAY, 11th May Pontypridd and home. Will attend same round every alternate fortnight. ^7 br^)gden & co., 1G, GLEBE ST., PENARTH, GREENGROCERS AND JpOTATO lyjERCHANTS. ivil All Orders, Shipping or otherwise, promptly attended to, either at Penarth or Barry Dock. L197 PRINTING of all kinds, LETTERPRESS and LITHOGRAPHIC, done promptly at the "ST AR" OFFICE, VERE-STREET, CADOXTON.—The Parcels Post affording great facilities for cheap and rapid transmission of parcels, the Management will henceforth avail themselves of it to forward small parcels of circulars, <Src„ to their many country custom- ers. Orders executed by return of post when so re- ) quired SHAW AND SON. 1 AUCTIONEERS, ACCOUNTANTS, 1 HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENTS, AND J MORTGAGE BROKERS. | RENTS AND DEBTS COLLECTED UPON SPECIAL TERMS. ——— [80 OFFICES: 12, VERE-STREET, CADOXTON. DYERS & CLEANERS OF HATS, BONNETS, OSTRICH FEATHERS, LADIES' DRESS, AND GENTS' CLOTHING. ORCHARD'S, j 35, ADAM ST., CARDIFF. fl Hats and Bonnets altered or re-made. New Hats "W and Bonnets made to Order. *|| Leghorn Hats cleaned and made Fashionable 3 Shapes, like New. AGEYf AT BARRY— H. B. TAYLOR, Wool and Fancy Respository, DURHAM HOUSE, 111, HIGH ST. AGENT AT CADOXTOX- M. PHILLIPS, Wenvoe Bazaar, 76] (Near Railway Station) VESE STREET. « BEATING'S POWDER." Kills Fleas, iiugrn. Motha. Beetle*. "^EATING'S POWDEB." Kills Fleas, Bugs, Moths, beetle* « KEATING'S POWDER." Kills Fleas, Bugs, Motlis, Beet « pTEATING'S POWDER." Kills Flea*. Bugs. Moths, Beetle*. ITBATING'S POWDER." Kills Fleaa. Bugs. Motha. Beetle*. This Powder so celebrated, is perfectly unrivalled in destroying BUGS. FLEAS. MOTHS, BEETLES, and all Insects (whilst per- fectly harmless to all animal lite). Ail woollens and furs should BJ well sprinkled with the Powder before phtcing away. It is invaluaW* to take to the Seaside. To avoid disappointment insist upon having Keating's Powder." No other Powder is effectual. Sold o*lj! •» tint. Ad., Is., and 2a. 6d. Beware of imitation. Don't be deceived.. WORMS IN CHILDREN, WORMS IN CHILDREN, are eftsily. surely, and with perfect safety got rid of by mteff KEATING'8 WORM TABLETS. Nearly ell children suffer from Worms. If suspected, do not wait, you can with ease cure the cniW (has no effect except OA worms). Sola by all Chemists, in Tins, Is. 314* aach. SCHOOL ADVERTISEMENTS. — Principals of Private and other Schools will do well to adver- tise in the South Wale$ Star, which circulates very largely in the South, East, West, and Rhondda Di- visions of Glamorganshire. Quotations for a series ,.y be had on application to the Manager, at the Office, Vere-street, Cadoxton, Barry, or of the local representatives. JJEMOVAL OF JgUSINESS. 1 D. JOHN, FAMILY BUTCHER, HOLTON-ROAD, BARRY DOCK, Br'rS to inform his numerous customers at Uarry Dock that on and after TUESDAY i NEXT, the 28th inst., the business will be carried I on ut New Premises- I NEXT DOOR TO MESSRS. PARRY BROS., I BARRY DOCK DRAPERS, HOLTON ROAD [300 THE BON MARCHE FOR CHINA, GLASS, & EARTHENWARE* 111, QUEEN-STREET (Nest door to the Queen-street Post-office), CARDIFF. The Cheapest and Best House for USEFUL AND FANCY CHINA AND GLASS. [291 PRINTING of all kinds, LETTERPRESS and LITHOGRAPHIC, done promptly at the "STAR" OFFICE, VERE-STREET, CAD OXTO-N.-The Parcels Post affording great facilities for cheap and rapid transmission of Parcels, the Management will c henceforth avail themselves of it to forward small i parcels of circulars, <tc., to their many country custom- I ers. Orders executed by return of post when so 4 required. »

