Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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ESTAHISllLD 1860. SECURITY IN CREDITING. FLINT AND CO.'S BRITISH AND FOREIGN COMMERCIAL INQUIRY OFFICES. Bead Offices 58, Cheapside, and 1, How Lane, E-C. Branches-Man Chester, Ktf, Meeely-street, and OJ 8, and 10, Bond-Street; Blackburn, 3, Tacketts-stri-et Leicester, 42, iicivoir-street Edinburgh, 72, Princes-street; New- castle, 53, Grey-street; Glasgow, 3a, UeDiield-strcet, ArRvie-street; Cork, 70, South Mall; Dublin. 10 Henry- Itreet. I t. the interests of trade, and at a heavy ex- penditure of time and capital, these Offices been established. Tl r; Agents and Correspondents, both British and Foreign, have been selected with care. Constant communication is maiatained with the Various Bureaux des Renseiffnements of the Con- tinent, the Intelligence Offices of the United s'atea, and the British-American, Indian, Aus- I'ulian, aud other Colonies. A trusted confidential vehicle of information; plain answer to a plain question is given. Truth in the report, safety in the transaction, IS the end desired and sought for. TERMS £3 29., 1:5 5s., and £10 10s. and upwards, per annum. H,B.— Banks and their branches contracted for. All telegrams, Accounts tor Collection, Com- mercial Inquiries, and all other communica- tions to the London Office only. Drafts crossed National Provincial Bank of Eng- land, to FLINT & Co., London. TITLED To-40 Inquiries on Great Britain- 1 three stamps each Inquiry —evt ry inquiry sent to three or four cor- respondents. „ Gazette weekly, and index quarterly (register contains over a million names.) „ Any additional number of Inquiries at Is. 9d. each. „ Legal advice at any time, or any num- ber of times, tree of charge, on any commercial question. „ Debts applied for subject to the follow- ing commission Õ per cent. from A;2 tu £20; H per cent. from 1;20 to £100, and if per cent. beyond or subject to prior special arrange- iutnt. „ Monthly settlements. Facts for II/embers 'this Office make each and every inquiry (no matter how closely it lollows on R previous inquiry) the subject of a fresh investigation. References to more than 10,000 firius. Our xystpm of Debt Collecting is much approved: 1. Our Registers and Reference to Correspond- ents at once show Debtors ability to pay. ?• No spending good money after bad. Si. Special facilities in County Courts. Judgment against Debtor in 12 days. iL Attendance to prove dlbt unnecessary. 6. Commission, 5 per cent. under 120, 2 1 per cent, above. 7. Prompt HI mittance. Carefully revised list of Swindlers, with their latest aliases kept at this office. •'cation j-romp, *Ub»cril « iu LI Country I-L, uctio, cutaxy out any «ary. 31 ICE.— la this office, a Debt, after ap- is made, is not left to die a natural death. efficient, and voluntary advice is given to )prs as to best means uf recovering same, ondon, a clerk wuits upon him (in the by post) and obtains from him such in- is as will enablo us to recover debt with further truuble to Subscriber, and with- atteudance ù1 bubscrib- ki being neces- NEW~WOIIK BY DR. SMITH. QUII Vj In IIRNHY The i> i L' I L special T "eryaua! J'°n of thi impaired aiu# in t Selt'-i ^«fs, Lo Kill lilJouiald trl two pt "Int ^hoicc Educafcu Health interest May .t, I To i health' •>*8 jost 'ished sc the cure Gotettct ADDR^A, Just published, post free for Two Stamps, I )F, TO IlEALTIl or ADVICB AND struetiena for the cure of Nervous Debility. 11) SMITH, M.D. of the University oi Jona, Authoi 'olunteer's Manual," &c jF IO HEALTH is a New Medical Work ou th< reatiueiit ol all Di-cac of the .Nervous System, >«kility, Mental ami Physical Depression, 1 alp.ta heart Noise.. in the Head and tars, Indecision, Sieht and Memory, Indigestion, Loss ot Energy he Back, Constipatiun, Blushing, Hysteria, Timid- distrust, Dizziness, Love of Solitude, Groundless CHl Weakness, Muscular Relaxation, &c., resulting austion of Nerve Power. Illustrated with Testi- urn grateful patients. Sent Frte by post on receipt stamps. REVIEWS OF THE WORK. his work the Doctor gives Advice as to the of a Physician,' Importance of Physical )v.' "What to Eat, Drink, and Avoid. how to procurc it,' and other subjects of to man as well as woman."—Sunday Times, 1873. ill classes of the community a Guide to must be an invaluable mde-mrewm. Thit- been supplied by Dr. Smith, who has pub- ome excellent advice and instruction for of nervous debility.11—Naval and Military i, April 6, 1873. nr. H Smith. S. Burton-Crescent, London, WC H 0 L L 'WAY"7z- frttptl TM, ■1 <1r>rn< »"1 by (lc 'tions r .ore < h,|°iito bo fee Wo f..{ r (;e We fcilio ac: Th" tituti l'r,->tj.,n. r' r< li.t¡ d PuJ.¡Ji Jf>VV(--r of Kfiroas eo f,uiv ado, ™»ese Pit Lling at* ladi Der¡,;r thf-se Pin Tills J* rot, ^o. l{ a-Mcm)OCE>- Tity of the Blood.-Enfeebled Existence. modielne crabrwwN every attribute roqntrpd tn a ROMOCIV*; It rwerttirus the foundation of aiscn.-E iectivs frmil nixl impure nir. In obstruction or con- tf the liver. lun*r-i..bowels, or any other orpans, tno>e ^nediJty wrvio«iW« nnri nniinontVv sjjccessful. TltPY kept in rfiivdine^^ In every family, being a medicmc arable utility far youn- persons, particularly to those oouiUtutiuns. usneas, Loss of Appetite, Head-1 he, and Lowness of Spirits. =• Pills eJTeot ft truly wonderful chnnae in dcbiWuted nni, as the? create a healthy appetite, enrron mi ■m.-ire cxc<w< of bile, and overcome pddmess, neaa.icue, Uitioa of the heart. Mothers and Daughters. ere L; me thintr more than another for which the-e imnon*. it t-heir pnrifriiifr propertie<. {!vppjaJ1>' thdr clo(viitin(? f ie Wkxxi from all impurities, n-movhid thm- >ui, nud renowins «nsfwn<1e*1 Recretlons. 1'niv..r- as the <iw v-rtlTyi r^mr-ilv for eomivlnint-J, Is iie^er fail, never weaken the system, and alvraya .ut whtlt. is re(iiiircl. gestion, Stomach, and Liver Complaints. )M quffeti-mcr from any disorders of the liver, sumach. Drgaiw of drsrestinn, slfould have immediate rcnioui-e to m there is no modicini- known tliat acts ou tuosti r compUituU with mch certain suct* anl Ointment are MJrl at TVflff.«ser Tr-oi.i.oivAl 3, O* £ ord Stroet, Loirioo. nJ-<> hv neafiy l>«efcdhle Ven4or of Mrxlieino throughout Uic i:' BAS« arvi r«tn. at Is. 4. H. K* ta,it. The smnil(>-t B- of PAit r&rrtMHv- four ddzeu and the Eraalle*t Pot of Ointmeat one ounce. diroctimw are affVrod to esufa Bfir. and Put. End W in any ltinguiig«, even ip Turkish, Arutiic, Armoniuw, '\fsuui, or ttunewe. 1-4.1 11, Commercial-place, Aberdare, October 16th, 1875. MADAM, On FRIDAY Next, the 22nd instant, I intend RE-OPENING my SHOWROOMS with a Choice Selection of GOODS suitable for AUTUMN & WINTER WEAR. I would call your special attention to the Lines enumerated below, as I shall be able to offer them much under value. Thanking you for past favours, and honing to merit a continuance f, .w «/ x j i o oi the same, I remain, Madam, yours obediently, HENRY LEWIS. 2,000 Yards of BLACK SILKS. FRENCH KID GLOVES, Is. iUd. per pair. BLACK & COLOURED SATIN SKIRTS. TAPliSTRY CARPETS, .'S. 7M. per yard. 3,U00 Yards of RIDliONS, in all the Newest liORROCK'S LONG CLOTIIS. Shades. Ladies and Gentlemen's iSILK UMBRELLAS. Taff Vale and Midland Railway Companies' Goods. WILLIAM D AV IES, CLIFTON STREET, Desires to inform the Tradespeople and Inhabitants of Aberdare that I lie has been appointed Agent to the above Companies. The most prompt attention will be given to the COLLECTION and DELIVERY of all Goods Parcels, and Empties entrusted to his care. Furniture removed to all parts of the town and district. W. I). will most willingly render any information respecting rates, &c. Aberdare, January 14th, 1S75. SAND. I White's London Cement, Plaster Paris, Alortar H air, &e., all of the best quality, at E V A N T 11 O MAS' 8, Ironmonger, and Miner's Lamp Manufacturer, .4 IS Si M SB elE MS JE. PRICE ON APPLICATION COIFINS COFFINS COFFINS SAMUEL MORRIS, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, 64, BUTE STREET, ABERDARE, BEGS to inform the Public that he is prepared to supply COFFINS of all kinds, at prices as low if not LOW'R than can be obtained of any other person in the neighbourhood. S. M. also takes this opportunity of thanking the Public for the support he has received during the past twenty years, and trusts he may merit a continuance of the same in the future. CEMENT. J 0 IlfjN 1) A V I E S, 9 BUILDEH, &c„ 10, SLYMOUR STREET, ABERDARE, Agent for the celebrated PIT CEMENT, for stopping leakages, &e., t, I OmLAND, ROMAN, PLASTEU OF PARIS, SAND, &c. The Pit Cement, used like mortar in the construction of Pit and Sea Walls, Wells, Cisterns, Tanks, &c., f flVctually stops all leakages. It has been tested and extensively used at the Powell Uufl'ryn and other Collieries in the county of Glamorgan and dsewhere, ..nd highly approved of STATIONERY & FANCY WAREHOUSE "ABERDARE TIMES" OFFICE, 31, Commercial Place, Aberdare. JONES & SON, PRINTERS, BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, &c., DESIRE to inform the PUBLIC LIUT.^V H VE in stock a large and varied assortment of PLAIN and FANCY STATIONERY and FANCY GOODS, suitable for 1 RESEN TS, &c., to which they invite attention. A large Stock of N'tusical Instruments, including Concertinas, Flutes, RANJOS", Tambourines, Drums flarmonicars. Mouth Organs, &c. The largest and best selected Stock in J own of HOME and FOREIGN MADE TOYS. Dolls in great variety, Chess, Drafts, and Draftboards, Dominoes, Roulette Games, &C. Workboxes, Money Boxes, Fancy Roxes, Rimmel'S Soap and Perfumery, Ink and Inkstands, Conversation Cards, &c. Combs and Brushes of the best quality Pipes and Tobacco Pouches, Cigar Cases. Ladies' Bags, Purses, Albums, &c., &c. -:0:- OBSERVE THE ADDRESS— "ABERDARE TIMES" OFFICE, 31, COMMERCIAL-PLACE, ABERDARE. LLYFIiAU CYMUEIG, AR WERTll GAN JONES A I M A B, 3 1, C O M M E K C I A L-P LAC E A B K I! D A t< E Pris eylioeddiedf*. PriR eynygedip £ s. d. £ s. d. Esooniacl nurIdtt ar y Testament Ncwyid 1 11 6 110 Eto, yn rhwym 1 10 0 Esboniad y Parch Christmas Evans ar Lylr Dadguddiad 0 2 6 0 2 6 Gtiriadur Duwinyddol ae Yfgryihyro\ ^an 3 diwtddar Parch J. T.Joi ee 0 G 0 0 G 0 fl,,ines y inef* a'r f)d.-ear. eto .0130 (,)] 3 0 Dacaryddiaeth Ysgrythyrol, eto 0 13 0 0 13 U Parhad mewn Grae, eto .0 6 0 U (j Hanea Alfred Fawr, &c., eto 0 1 J 10 Catecismy Parch. 1). Davies, Pantteg, y dwsin 0 3 0 0 2 0 Eto, y Parch. W. Davies, Rliydyceisiaid, eto .0 3 0 0 2 0 llanes Bywyd Due Wellington, •• ..020 o 2 G Oratoria M or Tiberias 0 8 0 0 8 0 Eos Ceiriog, sef casgliad o Ber Ganiadau yr enwog Fardd IIuw Morris, gan y Parch. Walter Davies, Manafon, 2 gyfroi 0 12 0 0 6 3 Anianyddiaeth sefyllfa ddylodol Dr. Dick 0 3 6 0 3 u Cofialit y Parch. W. Havard 0 1 0 000 llanes Ninefcb, yn rhwym 0 6 0 0 6 o Athiuniaeth Trefn Iachawdwriaeth gan Walker, yn rhwym 016 0 1 0 Corfl'Buwinyddiaeth Brown, o Haddington 0 9 0 0 7 0 Eto, yn rhwym 0 9 0 Gwyndydion sef Awdlai), Cywyddau, Traothodau, &c., Eisteddfod Llan erchvmedd 0 2 G 0 1 :> Traddodiadau yr HynaGaid gaii. Caledfryn « 0 0 Hymnau Newyddion, gan J. Wilson ft Hanes Bywyd a CbyDgonon Meddygo! II. Jenkins, yi hwn a fu byw 1C9 o flynyddoed'l n 1 o o (■ Etc, yn Saesneg. JJi ddylai neb fou licl) hwn Moddyginiaeth Anifeiliaid IJowtlls, yn Saesneg t 0 16 0 10 Traethawd ai Swyddogacth Barn, a Dailelydd, gan y Pai-i!. \> Jonc?, Nefyn •• v ? Dryeh i Blentyn, gnn y diwed'Uu' LL Evans, Penygi'aig. j (l 0 Rliodd Mam, y dwsiu •• •• (' Ty Tad yr Itsu, neu olygiadau AR S NEF, J'D rliwym "NOR NOR Udgern Sion, (Llyfrau Tonau) •• •• • 2 0 0 2 6 Cloriany Cysegr J Eglwys Crist, gan y Parch. 11. Jones, CaerfyrJdin •• o i o o Traethawd or y Prynedigaeth gan Dr. Lewis •• 9 o Sylwadau P. Williams ar y Bibl •• .,0 6 6 0 3 0 Eto, yn rhwym 0^0 COMPTON HOUSE, ABERDARE. D. WILLIAMS I-I AS great pleasure in announcing that his SHOW-IIOOM will be OPENED on FRIDAY, the 29th Instant, Embracing all the leading NOVELTIES in MANTLES, COSTUMES, SKIRTS, LADIES AND CHILDREN'S STRAW HATS AND BONNETS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, &c., &c., &c. SPECIAL DISPLAY\)F/'MILLIEERY BONNETS AND TRIMMED HATS. ALL MILLINERY MATERIALS TO MATCH. Soliciting the favour of a call, I remain, yours obediently, D. WILLIAMS. ~~TU S T li E T U K N E D F RO M LONDONI ON AND AFTER SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30th, 1875, RHYS ETNA JONES WILL SHOW Aij IMMENSE VARIETY OF THE LATEST NOVELTIES FROM THE IMDOI MARKETS. TAILORING DONE ON THE PREMISES. BTAN" ABERAMAN, II AS just returned from LONDON with a large STOCK of DRESS GOODS, COSTUMES, SKIP.TS, AID KiLLIHEEY, AND ALWAYS HAS IN STOCK BOYS' AND MEN'S CLOTHING OF 4LL KINDS. TAILORING DONE ON THE PREMISES. NEW GROCERY ESTABLISHMENT AT 35, COMMERCIAL STREET, ABERDARE. D. L. PROJSEilT, of Cwmbach, "|3 EOS to inform his friends, av-d the Public generally, that he has just. OPENED the above 13 PREMISES (formerly in the occupation of the late Mr. DASCE), WITH a Large aad Superior Slock of all kinds of GROCERY and PROVISIONS. -:0:- THE LOWEST I'F>smn;,c TRICKS CHANGED rOR ALL OOODS. "WTLUAM JON 15 a, Auctioneer and Licensed Victuallers' Valuer, WIlITE UjIRT I.J-1.;Y, ABERDARE, DESIRES to inform all parties that wish Indispose ol (quick and quietly) their Stock-in-Trade, J! household furniture, or any other Property and Effects, should apply as above. P.S.-All private matters strictly a tended to. AUCTIONS! AUCTIONS! A UCTICI\S MICHAEL WELSH, AUCTIONEER -A. 1SJ" XD "V -A. IC XT E 3R. 25, BIG II-STREET, ABERDARE, BEGS to inform his Friends that he intends devoting his whole time to the AUCTIONEERING BUSINESS, and is open to BUY ar SELL OLD or NEW FURNITURE, &c-, upon the most advantageous terms. -:n:- SALES ON THE MOST SEASONABLE COMMISSION. TERMS ON AfPLtCATION. IMPORTANT NOTICE. REES EVANS, TAILOR AND DKAPEIl, 45, COMMERCIAL STREET, ABERDARE, BEGS to inform the PUBLIC that he has Purchased tho BUSINESS and STOCK-IN-TRADE of the late Mr. R. P. LARKK, Canon street. R. E. begs respectfully to solicit the Patronage so liberally bestowed On the late Mr. LARKR'BY his numerous customers, and hopes, by strict attention to all orders entrusted to his care, to merit a continuancu of the same. THOMAS WHITSUN JONES, AUCTIONEER, HOUSE AND Commission AGENT, 35, COMMERCIAL-PLACE, ABERDARE. Auction Rooms and Second-hand Furniture Stores. WILLIAM DAVIES, S A D D L E R, II A It N E S S M A K E R, &c., 44, High-street, Aberdare, IN succeeding to the Business of Mr. B. BAI.LARD, hopes, by strict and prompt attention to all orders entrusted to him, and by moderate charges, to merit a continuance of the support which was given to his Predecessor. j June 2'2nd, 1874. WHEELER & WILSON'S SEWING MACIJINKS, < i M U J\. ? tf<BB 11 aa M w at 11)! B LOCK STITCH ARE TilE MOST PEHt EOT, SIMPLE, AND DURABLE. THE BEST IN THE WORLD FOR THE USE OF Ladies, families, Dressmakers, Needlewomen, Tailors, Manufacturers, & others. TREADLE MACHINE FROM 6 GUINEAS FOR CASH. Or on the New System of Ilire, «ith"Option of Purchase, at 10*. C 1. 01 21s. II< r month. A LARGE STOCK OF THOMAS'S, SINGER S, NEWTON &.WU.SONS,WE!RS, SEWING MACHINES, And all leading Makers, always on hand. H AIM D MAChlfMES FROM 42s. IINSTECCTIOAS GRATIS. criARLIS RE ED Iro} monger, 05, Cardiff-street, Aberdare. i GLENFIELD. GLENFIELD., THE QUEEN'S r LAUNDRESS SAYS THIS STARCH IS THE BEST SHE EVER USED. Q-LENEIELD. GLENEIELD. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. THOMPSON'S BURDOCK; PILLS. THE extraordinary power and medical proper- ties of the extract of Burdock surpasses everything yet known in medicines in its singu- lar influence over the blood, which it .mrifies, strengthens, and enriches, and thus gives health and strength to the greatest sufferers. The Bur- dock Pills remove all Pimples and Blotches on the body, and clear the blood frglll ttll impure matter, from whatever cause arising. THE BLOOD, STOMACH, & LIVER. In those Pills will be found a most efficacious remedy for all derangement of the digestive or- gans, and for torpid action of the liver and bowels which produce indigestion, and the several vari- eties of bilious and liver complaints. They speed- ily riniove the irritation and feverish state of the stomach —allay spasms—correct the morbid con- dition of the liver and organs subservient to diges- tion promote a due and healthy secretion of bile, and relieve the constitution of all gouty matter and other impurities, which, by circulating in the blood, must injuriously aSect the action of the kidneys. Thus, by removing the causes pro- ductive of so much discomfort, they restore the energies both of body and mind; and by the use of Burdock Pills the foulest blood is purified, and every disease of the liver, stomach, and head, is cured, and brought under subjection by the eX- traordinary curative power of the Great Blood Purifier, Thompson's Burdock Pills. PILES, GRAVEL, AND PAINS IN THE BACK. All suffering from those painful complaints should tie aware that they proceed from the fuji state of the blood, when the Burdock Pills shouia be immediately taken, as they speedily cure the most obstinate complaints after all other remedies have failed. COUGHS, ASTHMA, SHORTNESS OF BREATH, AND ALL COMPLAINTS OF THE CHEST AND LUNGS. Every disease of the chest and lungs may he truly attributed to the morbid matter existing in the blood, which devtlopes itself into incipient and pectoral complaints, and when neglected or improperly treated, their ravages are so rapid that-fatal diseases are the result, such as decline, asthma, bronchitis, or pulmonary consumption. The Great Blood Purifier, Thompson's Burdock Pills, fchould be freely taken on the slightest symptoms, as they go to the root of the diseases, by cleansing the blood and regulating the bowels, that life may be prolonged and illness prevented. FEMALE COMPLAINTS. The Burdock Pills are a medicine long known for their very uncommon virtue in removing those obstructions, and other disorders more especially incidmtal to the younger portion of the female sex. They remove all obstructions, heavi- ness, fatigue on slight exertion, palpitation of the heart, lowness of spirits, weakness, and allay pain, head-aches, giddiness, hysterical diseases, &c. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER CURES THE FOLLOWING COMPLAIN IS. Indigestion, wind in the stomach and bowels, palpitation of the heart, liver complaints, bilious obstructions, asthma, tightness on the chest, lum- bago, piles, gravel, pains in the back, scurvy, sore eyes, bad legs, sore throats, sore heads, white swellings, scrofula, king's evil, secondary symptoms, tic doloreux.retentionof urine, rheuma- tism, debility, dropny, jaundice, diabetis, female irregularities, weakness, worms, fits, St. Anthony's dance, and fevers of all kinds. Those Pills may be had from all Chemists, and Patent Medicine Vendors, in boxes at Is. I-Id. and 2s. 9d. per box, or direct from the estab- lishment, No. 34. High-street, Swansea, for 15 stamus. EKVOUS AND PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Resulting from errors or any other cause, not as treated by Quacks with mineral poisons and coloured water, but eflectuIIUy cured by a novel and hLhly successful mvde of treatment, discovered by the advertiser who after many years ot extreme sutlering was completely restored to sound health. Prompted by feelings of humanity, he thus makes known means by which every sufferer is enabled to cure himself perfectly AND AT the least possible cost, without hav- ing recourse to advertising empirics or their vaunted nostrums. lie will be happy to forward the particulars to any sufferer on rec ipt of a stamped and directed envelope. —Addrt-ssMr.J T. SEWKLI., 7, Musgrave Cresent, Fulham, London- The Marvellous Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Hoarse- ness, Asthma, Bronchitis, Consumption, Solid all Chest AHections. PECTORINE 1- Sold by all C'Jumists, in bottles, at Is. I jel., 2s. 'Jd., 4S. (id., and 11 rack. Sent by the Proprietors upon receipt of Stamps. From Rev. J. STOREHOUSE, St. Saviour's Vicarage, Nottingham. AUGUST,1874. DEAR S. n, I can strongly recommend, your Pectoiine as an invaluable Cough Remedy. I have given it a fair trial in uuy own family, aitd have also sapplied it tu persoiis suttoning from Cough in my parish, and in every instance it has given immediate relief. In some cases, after passing sleepless iiif<lit.s, one or two doses of the Pectormc have had such a good effect that persons have got a good night's rist, and the Cough-has speedily disappeaied. Mr. A. ROLFE, St. Ann's Square, Manchester, Says Your Pectorine is superior to auy Medicine I 1 have ever tried for Coughs or Colds." PECTORINE cwtos the worst forms of Coughs and Colds PECTORINE cures Hoarseness PECTORINE gives immediate r.IL.fin Bronchitis PECTORINE is the best Medicine for Asthma PECTORINE cures Whooping Cough PECTORINE will curl; a troublesome tickling cough PECTORINE is invaluable ill the Early Stages of Consumption PECTORINE relieves all affections of the Chest, Lungs, and Throat. Prepared only by SMITH and CLARKE, Manufacturiag Chemists, Park Street, Lincoln. Vice Chancellor Sir C. Hall granted a perpetual injunction, with costs, against F. Mason, Chemist, Rotherham, for using the word Pectorine." AGENTS: j T. W. EVANS, 14, Commercial-street, Aberdare, I AND J. RICMAUDS, 12 and 13, Cardiff-street, Aberdare. I HUNTER'S Special Lectures to Younn IJ Men,on HEALTH, ITS RESTORATION', AND HAPPY MARRIAGES.—^When to wi h advice to those who contemplate marriage, pojn ing out certain impediments which rendci married life unhappy, and directions for their speedy removal. Should be read by all who v«lue health, strength, and manhood, and wish to attain a happy old age. — Post free on receipt o two stamps.-—Addreas, Secretary, Institute u Anatomy, Birmingham. SAFE A>TDEFFECTIVE DRESSING FOR SHEEP AND LAMBS.. The "Glycerine Dip, (HAWICK, GUERIN, AND CO.S.) THIS non-poisonous and disinfectant Dip is of nn- ri v«W efficacy tor the fcure of Scab, Foot- disease and complete destruction of a) iTicks, Lice, and Parasites. It is equally adapted for pouring or bottling' as for dipping, and being of an oleaginous nature, the 9eece is rendered impervious to cold wind, and- rain, thereby conducing to the comfort and thriving of the animal; it does not disturb the natural "Yolk" so essential to the wool, but feeds the fleece, main- tains its lustre, and promotes its growth in a wonder- ful degree, it also effectually repels contagion, cleanses the skin, and does not discolour the wool. N.BI—At certain seaso; s the Fly being troublesome the manufacturers of the Glycerine Dip prepare a NON.POISONOUS FLY POWDER to use with the' Dip; one pound of which they recotncMTid to every fourpaattdsof the Dip. 1, Full particulars, with Testimonials, to be had on application to the Sole Manufacturers and Exporters,' TOMLINSON, I-IAYWARD and PISHOP, LINCOLN, or their Agents throughout the Kingdom. Price Six- pence per pound in Tins and Drums of 5, 10.20,30; 40, 50, and 100 lbs each. RUTTER MAKING IN SUMMER. THE difficulty so much experienced at this season iri producing Firm and Sweet Butter, free from Rancidity and the unpleasant flavour caused by some herbages, wild garlic, excessive heat, &c., is entirely overcome, and the Churning quickened, by using TOMLINSON & Co.'s BUTTER POWDER. Sold by most chemists and grocers, in 6d., Is. 2s. 6d., and 7s. (id. boxes, with full directions for uSe. 7. W CLARKE, SURGEON-DENTIST, > 4, PARK-PLACE, CLIFTON, BRISTOL. BEGS to inform the Gentry and Inhabitants of, Ahertlare and the neighbourhood that he may be con-ulted on the first and third Tuesday in every month, at Mr. Richards, chemist, Cardiff-fctreet. 1. W. CLARKE'S lengthened experience' as a Dentist, enables him to guarantee the greatest skill in all dental operations and be trusts that atten- tion, strict integrity, and moderate charges will- secure for him a share of patronage. The follwin-J gentlemen have kindly allowed their names to be given as referees :-G. Greig, Esq.,1 M.K.O.TI.,K., York-place, Clifton E. Prosser, Esq 5, Brighton-park, Clifton (late of Pontypool) K. Peacock, chemist, 72. Stokes-Croft, Bristol W. H. Collins, Pharmaceutical chemist, 2, Royal Pro- menade, Clifton J. M. Shattock, Esq., ltunnington Lodge, Durdham-paik, Durdham Down B. Tiiomas, Esq., 7, Sherborne Villas, Clifton. IcstimonuiU. HaYing known Mr Clarke and his eon for many years as operating Dentists, and Been much of their work in making and fitting artificial teeth with every improvement, 1 have the greatest pleasure in bearing testimony toO the satisfaction expressed by MNNV of their patients in numerous operation*, and to DIE comfort they have derived from their mechani«AI work.—EDWIN WHIKIKB, Ch6wist, Triangle, Bris:ol. have consulted Mr I. W, Ctarko, jun.. professionally, and I wai very lunch pleased with blisakill twid dexterity. I NHOULD ( only be too glad to avail myself of his ability as a Dentist, in the abnence of his lather, my Dentist, in whose skill I have the greatest couiidence, and to whom i confidently recom. rue.,t all my patients. I am confident lie will give satisfaction to all who may employ him. I have no doubt he will succet-d. in all bis undertakings as he J 11 is work well and thorough- ly,—V VI JFIMXN, curgeon, V, ork-place, Cliltoa, Utk 0" > Consultation Free. « TAOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE/1- F SEE Deuterftnomy, chap, xii., verfee 29. WORLD FAMED BLOOD-MIXTUR. Trade Mark, Blood Mixture." THE GREAT B100D PURIFIER & Rfi8TOfiEO CKIN DISEASES, Eruptions. BLKTEHCFIFTTIBCNUTFA ° Sore Legs, Old Sores, Glapdular FBRELLIFTFV Cancerous Ulcers, SpotsT Pimples, Puatulea,, Carbuncles, RINGWORMS, Scold Heads, • Sore Eycs, Erysipelas, Itcku Scotfp/'DMcotot' ations of THE Skin, li uinours and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name ot nature. are' literally carried out of the systeta to a short- time by the use of this world famed Medi-' cine. Thousands of- TestimmiaUi frtm aU fart*. for cieanMiig and clearing the blood from all imporitlw not be too highly recommended. For Scrofula, Scnrvy, Skin Diseases, and nor* of ITTHU* It is a never-failing and pertnanent core. U It Cures Old Sore Cures I'lcornted Borea on the Deck Cures Ulcerated Sare Legs I.- CQr. s B lackilekis, os Pimplee Q80 'ue Cures Scurvy Sores i Cures Cancerous Uflcer Cures Klood and Skin Ute««ses CURes Glandular Swellings C;lpll!:R the Ulood all impure Matte From whatever c-ure arising- As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, AND W» « ranted free from anything injurious to the raoo delicate constitution of either Bex, the IVEPNCOC solicits sufferers to give it a trial So teat its value. Thousands of testimonials frona all pana- Sold in Hottles, 2s 6d. each. and in eases, 0011- taining six times tho quantity, 11B each—Btiiffcient- to effect a permanent curo in the great m jority (If: long standing cases,—by all Chemists and 'Patent- Medicine Vendors- throughout the HALTED Klngtfmnt and the world, or sent to ANY address ou RECJELPT eft 3i> or L.V2 stamp* by ..>4 Wholesale All Patent Medicine Hetkeke London Depot I-50, Oxfr*rd STPFEG* I • W. livaus, 14, Comnierioak-stroot, ^BERDAW,. AXB V 1 1. J. RICHARDS, 1.2 and 13, Cerdiff-atreeG, Aberdare. it; c A. K. (The Lion, Not aud Moneeif POWELLts BALSAM^ ANISEED For Coughs I For Asthma For Bronchitis I For InflxiemsB, BOS. Tins OLD KSTAHJLISAKD ŒV A.I..UA.Rt.lII MRDIOIMSL has tho extr^prdiimry p/operty AT iranvadlately RELIEVUWF Coughs, COLDSJ HoarsonflBn, Difficulty ot BREATHING, Hanki-' NOSS in the Threat. UOporates by RLIWJ VINR »H« oouge&led. PhloKlJI, aud ttiarehy EAIWINS? FT froo OSP«CVI«*TIOO» I., ( IMPORTANT TESTIMONTAL. Dear Sir,-I mfty tell vou that I HWO TWED? Y^OI* BALAAM FTII- A vory ION- tune (Ixith for NVFI# my, family), I tliiiik it AN invaluable mexficino for mrnnbaw Of njy pro- fession, !UID )M,I,NIWS STRONG? roooimiiaa<L»4 it to my' liDther AND SI-^«R' ARTITITJ. If you think toetimozua.1 from ni,(t WOUM ho of any- aervioo. J08 AM tpty walaome to. make use of this. ) I AIU. dear Sir, SOURN-TRAJR. hloaisL BBODOH, QTOTO THOATROK ASK FOR POWELL'S BALSAM OF AIISEED. Sold by all chomista and madtciae VENDORF LLIRAURHTFA the'worldnt 1» LID FC 3d iwwl family DME par BATL* proprietor, TiiOilAB POWiiLIa. Blawfrwe