Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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SUMMONS, Builder and Contractor, HAKIN, MILFORD HAVEN. W. MCKENZIE, PIANOFORTE TUNER & REPAIRER, 7 years at Messrs Broadwood & Son, also at Collard and Collard, and Chappels & Co., of London, 4, RAILWAY VILLAS, HAVERFORDWEST. IMPORTANT. To those who suffer from Bilious and Liver Com- J- plaints, accompanied with Sick Headache Giddiness, &c., try Rees's special Vegetable Liver Pills, Price Is. lid., and 7 id. also Rees's Indigestion Mixture, Price Is. 9cL. and 2s. 9d also Rees's well-tried Neuralgic Mixture. Price Is., and Je. 6d. TESTIMONIALS INNUMERABLE. Note the address — I W H. REES, Chem Bt, 36. High Street Haverfordwest. TONE. MARBLE, AND MONUMENTAL WORKS. EVAN JONES BEGS to announce that he has purchased of MR -D JOHN HARRIES, hie business as a STONE, MARBLE, AND MONUMENTAL MASON, which be tiaq carried on for manv vears at CAMBRIAN PLACE, HAVERFORDWEST, and hopes by strict attention to all orders entrusted to him, combined with moderate charges and excellent workmanship, to retain the public patronage so long extended to his predecessor. All kin is of Monumental Work executed. A good stock of worked stones oil the premises. JiVITCES VAUGHAN, HAKIN, MILFORD-HAVEN, Auctioneer, Valuer, and General Commission Agent The prompt settlemen of at claims, and the most punctual attention to the interest of those who may our J. V. with their support may he implicitly re- lied on. Second Hand Furniture, &c., Bought and Sold; Large Quantity always on hmd. Strictest privacy relied on. Gentlemen's Wardrobes, purchased in strict confidenc NERVOUS AND PHYSICAL DEBILITY— A Gentleman, having tried irr vain every adver- tised remedy, has discovered n simple means of self- cure. He will be happy to forward the particulars to any sufferer on receipt of a stamp and directed en- velope.—Address Mr J. T. SEW ELL, Brook Villa, Hammersmith, London. ESTABLISHED 1835 STEEL'S GOU1 & RHEUMATIC PILLS. The STEEL'S GOU1 & RHEUMATIC PILLS. The only cure. May be obtained of NEWBRRY and SONS, BAKCLAT and SONS, and of all Chemists in B xes Is. lid., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., and lis. Postage for one extra stamp. Prepared only by FRANK W. STSEL, M. PH.S. 288, Liverpool Road, London. N. BILIOUS and Liver Complaints, indigestion, Sick headache, Loss of Appetite, Drowsiness Giddiness, Spasms, and all Disorders of the Stomach, and Bow els, are quickly removed by that well known remedy FRAMPTON'S PILL OF HEALTH. They unite the recommendation of a mild operation with the most successful effect; and where an ape- rient is required nothing can be better adapted. Sold by all Medicine Vendors, price Is. 1^3. and 9d. per box. ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B41 PILLS IS warranted to cure all discharges from the Urinary Organs, In aither sax (acquired or constitutional), Gravel, and Pains In the Back. Guaranteed free from Mercury. Sold in Boxea, 4B. ed. aach, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the World; or sent to any address for sixty ■tamps by the Makers, TN Liircour XN MI8L*XJ> COUXTIM P*vq Ooktxmy Lincoln. Tinlriili ■•-u, —R f ALL INVESTORS SHOULD READ THE |tfinancial^| [(TIMES]] ■^ABSOLUTELY TRUSTWORTHY/B ilyid- SEND FOR SPECIMEN COPY FREE TELEGRAPH STREET, LONDON. Death and Disablement BY ACCIDENT. RAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE COMPANY Assures JE 1,000 at death and full Benefits at £4 per annum. Hon. EVELYN ASHLEY Chairman. Annual Income £ 250,000 80,000 Annual Policyholders. Invested Capital and Reserve Fund £ 285.000. COMPENSATION PAID £ 2,750,000. WMT-END OFFICK :-8, GRAND HOTEL BUILDINGS, W.O., HKAD OFFICE :—64, CORNHILL, LONDON, E.C WILLIAM J. VIAN, Secretary GLIJK-GMJIOAHSLBGFL GRATIS.-Sent by Post to all parts of the World on receipt of Two Stamps to prepay postage. A POSITIVE CURE FOR DEBILITIES and Derangements of the Generative and Nervous System, Nervous Debility and Exhaustion, the Re- sult, of Over-Taxed Energies, is GIVEN IN THE BOOK OF POSITIVE REMEDIES.' This Book gives a POSITIVE REMEDY for all DISEASES. The Names of all medicines are given ( in English. Cases and Testimonials, with means used, in each case It is the Guide to the Self-treat- ment of all Disease-, and should be Consulted by all who require medical treatment. Notice.—The POfi- tivo Medicines given in the book of Positive Reme- dies are the Medicines used by Du. SMITH for over Thirty Years. By the aid of this Book invalids may form A correct knowledge of their malady,^ND find a Positive Bempdy for the cure. The names are pub- lished in EN«;li?h, to enable Invalids to Select the Remedy and^Oifre themselves without consulting a Medical Man, making a written statement of Case or paying Consultation Fees. Send two Stamps for,the Book of Positive Remedies which contuins 244 pages, and gives a Cure for all Diseases. Post free on receipt of Two Stamps, direct from H. SMITH & Co., Positive Remedy Laboratory, 26 Southampton Row, London, W.C. Marvellous Remedy fir Coughs, Cold Hoarseness, Asthma, Bronchitis, Consumption tad all Cheat Affections. -A- PEOTOKINE. Void by art Chemists, ;11 bottleX, at Is ljd, 2. 9d I; 6d, and 1 I J each. Sent hy the proprietors aDonrnocipt of stamp. FOTI Rev. i. STONKUOUSE, St. Saviour's Vicarage A-o!tingt!am. August 1«74. DILAR SIR,- -a strongly recommend your PEC' .)ae as an invaluable Cough Kem«dy. I iiave given ftitir tlial i" my own family, and have also SIIYPIIE it to persons suflsring from Cough in my parish, and in every instance it IIIIS given immediaie relief. in some cases, alter PASEIN; sleepless nights, one or iwo J'jscc o llhe Pectorine biiv had such a gocd effect that per- sons havo got a gor' night's rest hnd tho Cough ha.- eoecuitydisappearea. Mr A. KOLFK, St. Ann's Square, Manchester, SAYS:—*« OUR i'ectorine 5» SUPERIOR to any Medicint I nave ever tried for.Coughs or Colds. ECTORINE 'tres the worst forms of Coughs AND Colda •ECTORINEcures aoarsenoss PECTORJNE gives immediate relief in Bronchitis PECTORINE is the best niedit ine for Asthma PECTORINE cures whooping Cough PECTORINE will cure a troubl etome tickling Cougu, PncTORlNE is M valuable in ilie Early Stages 01 C'In' BU :U puoil ■PECTORINE relieves all AFF'oetioff RI THE CHE«T Lungs, and Throat. PRAPM-TTDONLY SMITH CLARKE Moanfactu ring CbeiaietB, Park Street, coin. Vice Chancellor Sir C. Hal G D TT De,, petua injunction, with costs, AG^.NST .taor, C: emis > other ham, for using the wot K. PJ; e.' Bold by 1'. M. J^liUiipg. C¡.t:D;> C^T!T £ Q ar P;«T«fordwe»T. t' .'1, BRIGSTOCKE'S BOOKSELLING, STATIONERY, MUSIC AND FANCY WAREHOUSES, 6, and 7, Market Street, Haverfordwest. :fo — :o:- For Pianofortes and Harmoniums Go to Brigstocke's For American Organs and Cabinettos Go to Brigstocke's For Accordians and Concertinas. Go to Brigstocke's For Violins, Banjos and Flutes. Go to Brigstocke's For Sheet Music, Tutors, &c Go to Brigstocke's For Books, in Great Variety. Go to Brigstocke's Fcr Fancy Goods, Suitable for Presents. Go to Brigstocke's For the Best Circulating Library in the County Go to Brigstocke's For Water, Oil Colours, Brushes, &c. Go to Brigstocke's For prompt and regular delivery of Magazines and Peri- odicals Go ta Brigstocke's For Bookbinding, Engraying and Die-sinking. Go to -Brigstocke's For Stamping Paper and Envelopes with Monogram, Address, or Crest die Go to Brigstocke's For Stamping Leather Goods in Gold, with "Tame or Initials.Go to Brigstocke's 11 11 —I—A il M tn RW SUPPLIED TO | oAVU RY & The ROYAL NURSERIES, and conta&ING lafaliTi] The HIGHEST AMOUNT of NOURISHMENT IT UNUNJ The MOST DIGESTIBLE & CONVENIENT FORM. ILLINFTK* MMFFL TTA MOST PERFECT SUBSTITUTE FOR HEALTHS ITI U U KIL S MOTHER S MILK. IN Tins 1B., AS., 6s. and 10.. EACH. I IFTIIU:?il SAVDRY& A S^HMA, and DIFFICULT BREATHING arising from flections of tha Respiratory Organs promptly IV'WIIIWIW reliercd and paroxysms averted BY DATURA TATULA INHALATIONS, prepared as Oigari and Cigarettes, and in the FERM OT TOBACFLO> AL,° pastilles and powder tor burning. NSFFFFNMQQR^C 143, NEW BOND STREET, LONDON, HBMMM AND OF CHEMISTS, Ac., EVERYWHERE. J. A. RE11), COAL AND HAY MERCHANT, St. Thomas Green and Railway Station, H. West, Has always a Large Supply of Best House, Smiths' and Steam Coals, and Finest Park Culm, which he is prepared to deliver in Town or Country at Moderate Charges. zn AGENT FOR THE BRAICH-Y CYMMER COLLIERIES. Marble & Monumental Works :0:- J- ZE3I -A."V\A-IR, ID, St. Martins Crescent, Haverfordwest. ,0:- HEADSTONES, T01\CBS~AN.C MONUMENTS, IN GRANITE, MARBLE, FOREST OR PORTLAND. -:0:- ALL KINDS OF ECCLESIASTICAL WORK EXECUTED FROM ANY DRAWING. Tablets, Crosses, Marble, Slate and Enamelled Chimney Pieces, &c., OF THE NEWEST STYLES. Designs Furnished Free on Applica n, and all Work Carefully and Punctually Fxeccuted Three Crowns, High Street, Haverfordwest. :0: WILLIAM MORGAN Begs to announce that he has succeeded Mn HENRY EVANS in his business as COAL AND CULM MERCHANT, At the Railway Station, and to respectfully solicit a continuance of the kind patronage which was for so many years bestowed upon Mr Evans. W. M.'s Coals are of excellent quality, and suitable for all purposes, and all orders can be executed on the shortest possible notice. W. M.'s Carting Arrangements are very complete, and Customers may, by arrangement, have the Coals delivered at their own residence. Sole Agent for the BRYNDU COAL & COKE COMPANY, PyU QUOTATIONS ON APPLICATION. Haverfordwest, February 25th, 1885. FOR COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. DR.- J. COLLIS BROWNE'S jrtgg||! CLFLORODYHE M § CHOLERA, from a firm conviction that itT^dcci- J. COLLIS BROWNE (late IARRHCS A, DYSENTERY. dedly the beat, and nlso from a sense of ? I f Army Medical Staff) DIS- JLP GENERAL BOARDof HEALTH, ANTY/WE ovre to the profession and the "COVERED a REMEDY to denote London, REPORT that it ACTS AT A E„?RE °ALM,0V THNT, ^,LC which he coined the word CHLORO- dose generallynufficient. ■■UTI'pj1 « ?NY other than Coihs PYNE. Dr. Browne is the SOLE Dr. GIBBON, Army Medical Staff Col- „n TH^T.LVNF H /RTTCHOF F \TRL INVENTOR, and, as the composition cutta, states: "SDOSES COM PLETE- "X "'0 !1 cheimst to gresrri ber of Chlorodyne cannot possiblv be dis- LY CURED ME of DIARRHCEA." X NO0' eojered by Analysis (organic substances From STHES FT Co.. Pharmaceutical ''3 defying elimination), and since the for- Chemist., Simla. Jan. 5, 1880. JI" mula has never been published, it isevi- TO J. T. DA VKWPORT, London. dent that any statement^to the effect Dear SIR, —We congratulate you upon 1 |R. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S ttiat a compound is identical with Dr. the widespread reputation this justly. JLR CHLORODYXE is A ]I']N:<L ME- Cnlorqdyne MWJ £ be false. esteemed medicine has earnedfor itself dicine which ASSUAGES X'AIN of This Caution is necessary, M many ALL OVE- THE KFTGT< AG A REMEdy of EVERY KIND, nfTords A calm, re- persons deceiTe purchasers by false general utility, we much question freshing sleep WITHOUT HEAH- I representations. whether a better is imported, and we ACHE, and INVIGORATES the nor- ^R J COLLIS BROWNE'S shall be glad to hear of its findinc- a jvous^ystem when exiiniisted. J CHLORODYNE.-Vice Chan- placeinoT^ry Anglo-Indian home. The "TT^LR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S cellor Sir W. PAGE WOOD stated other brrads, we are happy to say, are JJ CHLOUODVAK rni.i.liv RUTS publicly in Court tliat Dr. J. COLLIS Telegated to tbo native baiaars, GHORT AN at.tucks of BROWNE was UNDOUBTEDLY the and. judging from their sale, we fancy -LR^PIT,-F'PBY BPASJT^ ERR rr INVENTOR of CHLORODYNE. that their sojourn there will be but evanes- 1^' the whole Btory of the defendant Free- cent. WE could multiplyinstances ad -8LI PALPITAI'IUIN HI man was deliberately untrue, and he VT IT XIPORTANT CAUTION^ -?>, regretted to s»Y it had been sworn to.— « OS BROWNE S 8 IMItKNSE SAI.E of THIS t; r. II'F SEE The Txmrs, July lSlh, CHJ^O.-OX) M Diarihcea and IRIVI^I RISE to rannv liNsi I; T\ETjTcoEnTBEOWKE'« WTFS IMIPTION^ O, IC U TB.XTE ^WM.T&T^T^O^RRCD A I"' nader our parronol observation dmir.? IS-W-, 8V OJ an.. IS ,U. T^TETJKALiQIA, GOUT, CANCEB, Omtny YE?j:i. In Choleraic Diarrhce.'I. IIIM FACT! J&j TOOTHACHE.HHEUMATI3M.I antt even in the more terrihU- fornviJ.T.T)AVE>TO[t'r.r-r> !»:• ,> .v -=- >. <. I I BAD LEGS, BAD BREASTS, OLD SORES AND ULCERS. The healing properties of this extraordinary Ointment are marvellous, and it will cure any Old Wound, Sore or Ulcer, even if of twenty years standing, and when all other means have failed. The Pills should be taken in all such cases, as they purify the blood by expelling all noxious humours from the system. GOUT, RHEUMATISM AND STIFF JOINTS. This invaluable Ointment exercises a more obvious control over Gout and Rheumatism than any other medicine. No one need remain uncured, who will in good earnest make a vigorous application of this infallible remedy—according to the printed instructions affixed to each pot. All settled aches and pains will likewise be banished by the same treatment, including contracted and stiff joints. PILES AND EXCORIATIONS. These and similar diseases of the most formidable and chronic characters bave been cured by this wonderful remedy. Ulcerations and sores which had proved themselves incurable by any other known means have healed kindly under the purifying and regenerating influence of this Ointment. ■ SKIN DISEASES, SCROFULA AND SCURYY. I The beneficial effects of this peerless Ointment are truly wonderful in cases of Ringworm, B Sccrvy and Scrofula, or King's Evil, and its powers are adequate to the removal of the most B inveterate Skin Disease to which the human frame ie subject I DFSORDERS OF THE KIDNEYS, STONE AND GRAVEL, I In any of the above COMJ^WNTS more benefit may be derived in twei)ty-four hours, by adopt- H ing the following simple means, than could be brought about in six months by any other B treatment. In bad cases, if the ointment be diligently rubbed into the small of the back, over ■ GOUT, RHEUMATISM AND STIFF JOINTS. This invaluable Ointment exercises a more obvious control over Gout and Rheumatism than any other medicine. No one need remain uncured, who will in good earnest make a vigorous application of this infallible remedy—according to the printed instructions affixed to each pot. All settled aches and pains will likewise be banished by the same treatment, including contracted and stiff joints. ° PILES AND EXCORIATIONS. These and similar diseases of the most formidable and chronic characters have been cured by this wonderful remedy. Ulcerations and sores which had proved themselves incurable by any other known means have healed kindly under the purifying and regenerating influence of this Ointment. ■ SKIN DISEASES, SCROFULA AND SCURVY. I The beneficial effects of this peerless Ointment are truly wonderful in cases of Ringworm, B Scrrvy and Scrofula, or King's Evil, and its powers are adequate to the removal of the most B inveterate Skin Disease to which the human frame ie subject. I DFSORDERS OF THE KIDNEYS, STONE AND GRAVEL, I In any of the above COMJ^WNTS more benefit may be derived in twenty-four hours, by adopt- H ing the following simple means, than could be brought about in six months by any other B treatment. In bad cases, if the ointment be diligently rubbed into the small of the back, over ■ the region of the kidneys, it wm quickly penetrate and give immediate relief. Six or eight of H the Fills should be taken nightly according to circumstances. ■ I The Ointment and Pills are sold at THOMAS IIOLLOWAY'S Establishment, H 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (LATE 533, OXFORD STREET), LONDON; 1| ALSO BY NEARLY EVERY I'ESPECTABLE VENDOR OF MEDICINE, IN POTS AND BOXES, AT IS. L\D., 2S. QCI., 4J, 6D., )T lis., 22s., AND 33J: each. The 2s. o< size contains three times the quantity of THS smallest size; !§ the 4J. 6^. size SIX'; the lis. size sixteen the 22s. size thirty-three and the 33J. size fifty-two times || the quantity of the smailer Pots and Boxes. P| FULL PRINTED DIRECTIONS ARE AFFIXED TO EACH BOX AND POT, AND CAN BE HAD IN TNY LANGUAGE. RA N.B-—ADVICE GRATIS, AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS, DAILY, BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 1* OT AY LOTTER. H I RETAIL DEPARTMENT. I ELLIS AND COMPANY, Tea Merchants, Haverfordwest. -:0:- 1 WE are giving very Special Attention to the TEA TRADE, and fixing our piofits lower that ever. Our Blends are well adapted to the water of the district, and the flavour suited to the taste of Tea Drinkers. It would be easy to procure Teas to sell EXTREMELY LOW, buf they would not be reliable and sound. All we offer can be fully depended on as being good on their kind according to price. We begin with s. d. A Sound, Go 3D Flavour Tea 1 4 per lb. A Stronger and Fuller Flavour do. 1 6 A really Strong Rich Flavour do 1 8 A WONDERFUL TEA,-which we call our Speciality-A combination I of Fine Teas 2 0 A Mixture of Choice Teas—(India, Ceylon, atid China) 2 6 Cur Very Best Tea is simply GRAND, being a combination of some of the Finest Teas imported 3 0 We shall be pleased to meet the wishes of buyers who prefer a distinct kind, viz., Ceylon, India, or China. SAMPLES SENT ON APPLICATION. Haverfordwest, February 1889. ELLIS & COMPANY. WILLIAM JOHN, j (LATE GREEN & JOHN), I WHOLESALE AND FAMILY GROCER, CORN, FLOUR, AND PROVISION MERCHANT, HAVERFORDWEST. IMPORTANT TO ALL CLASSES. -:0: Mariners' Square, Haverfordwest. fo The Watch & Clock Repairing Establishment. :0: VV- iToo T T Begs to inform the Inhabitants of the Town and County generally that he has REMOVED to the above Address, and hopes by strict attention to Business to merit a share of public patronage. ALL WATCHES CLEANED BY W.N. WARRANTED FOR 12 MONTHS. New Ladies' Geneva TVatches from 158 upwards. Also all kinds of Gents' from 15s. to £5. TIMEPIECES AND CLOCKS FROM 3S. 6D. TO £ 2. WATCHES CLEANED AND REPAIRED FROM IS. 6D. TO 6S. CLOCKS FROM IS. TO 5S. SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL SIGHTS FROM GD. TO 3A. 6d. ALL ORDERS FROM THE COUNTRY PUNCTUALLY ATTENDED TO. FL"O¥A S' S~~ J TEA & GROCERY WAREHOUSE, TIPPER Market STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. -:0:- ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEARS. -:0:- GOOD STRONG TEA AT Is. 8d. PER LB. VERY FINE TEA at 2s. NONE BET fER TO BE GOT at the PRICE. One trial will prove the truth of this statement. SUGARS OF THE BEST QUALITY AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE. Coffee, Fresh ROASTED, Flour, Bran, Sharps. Indian Corn and Meal Bacon, Butter, CHEESE, POTATOES, WITH EVERY OTHER ARTICLE IN THE GROCERY AND PROVISION TRARN^S HUNTLEY AND PALMER'S CAKES AND BISCUITS. AKAUJWS- Hill St St Thomas Green, Haverfordwest. 9 WILLIAM REYNOLDS, Cabinetmaker, UPHOLSTERER, Paper, hanger, PAINTER, Builder, Under taker, &C. W.T' invites iri.-Vpect,.on of his Stock of T)inin-)oin, Dr,-twin-room, Berlroom, and other Bedroom 111 hlrch, pItch maple oalc, Cheap and RFood ironbfdsteadi in new designs, palliates, wool, hair, and spring mattr(.Ses. 1 APESTRY AND OTHER OARPETINGA, MATTING, MATS, KAMPTULICON, AND OTHER FLOOR CLOTH. Picture trames at reasonable prices 111 black and gold, Oxford <DLT &C Very cheap window poles, and brass cornices Venetian window hhuds. and Holland do, plain and striped' PAPERHANGINTRS at very low PRICES. Paints, oils, varnishes, glass, &c. Jobbing and repairs done with despatch and at low Prices o DISCOUNT FOIL CAFJ. <! r -a. GREENISH & DA WK INS HAVERFORDWEST. -:0:- GREAT SHOW NOW READY OF Toys, Fancy Goods, Christmas Tree Ornaments, &c., &c. -:0:- GRAND ASSORTMENT. S IMMENSE VARIETY. :0: Specialities in Bamboo Furniture at Exceptional Prices. -:0: DO NOT FAIL TO PAY AN EARLY VISIT. :0:- Splendid Selection of Christmas and New Year's I Cards. :0: — COMMERCE HOUSE, HAYEllF ORB WEST JOHN LL DAVIES A V CTl ONEER, Al -RAISEh ACCOUNTANT, AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT. OFFICES: HIGH STREET HAVERFORDWEST HAKIN MILFORD HAVEN Valuations made on Moderate Terms. SALES GUARANTEED IF REQUIRED; Clients Promptly settled with. NOTICE F. B. MASON, HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENT, TEN BY,' BEGS to inform Owners of Property in Pembroke shire and neighbouring Countiesthat he purpose issuing a MONTHLY LIST. Of Estates, Land, Residences, and Houses to be Sold or Let, Furnished or Unfurnished, and will be glad to insert particulars of any large or small Properties present for Sale or to Let, free of charge. Printed forms for supplying particulars of Estates* &c., with Terms of Commission, post free on applica- cion PHIENIX OIL MILL CO. LIMITED, Liverpool, MANUFACTURERS OF FEEDING STUFFS EXTENSIVELY USED 81 THE LEADING PEDIGREE STOCK OWNERS. "PH(ENIX PURE" CALF MEAL Per 17/6 Cwt Delivered at any Station. LINSEED CAKE i COTTON CAKE BOROUGH OF THE TOWN AND COUNTY OF HAVERFORDWEST. FAIRS FOR 1890. THE FAIRS for 1890 will be held as follows, un- JL less unforeseen circumstances shall make an alteration necessary:— JANUARY Tuesday 14th FEBRUARY LLTLI MARCH 18th APRIL 15 TH MAY „ 13TH JUNE FOR WOOL AND STOCK „ LOR.H JULY „ 15TH AUGUST „ J2¡.J¡ SEPTEMBER SATURDAY 6 TH „ Tuesday 16th OCTOBER (Hiring) Monday cLh TUESDAY 21ST NOVEMBER LLIH DECEMBER 9th THE PIG FAIRS will be held on the day after the Cattle Fairs, Dealers and others attending the Haverfordwest Fairs are hereby cautioned against the practice of Lacerating with a Knife or other Instru- ment for the purpose of Marking any Animal and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, under the Statute 12 and 13 Victoria, cap. 92, all persons found Lacera- ting any animal will be liable to a Penalty of FIVE POUNDS. T. J, WHITE, Mayor. Haverfordwest, November the 12th, 1889. A WONDERFUL MEDECINE JgEECFAM'S PILLS, JJEECHAM'S PILLS JgEECHAM'S PILLS Arc universally admitted to be worth a guinea a box for Bilious and Nervous Disorders, such as Wind nnd pain in the stomach, Sick Headache, Giddiness, Fulness and Swelling sift r Meals, Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flushings of Heit, Loss ol Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Costivpnees, Sonny and Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreims, and all nervous and Trembling Sensations, &c. The first dose will give relief in twentv minutes. This is no fiction, for they have done it in coox.t- less cases. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one Box of these ?ills, and they will be acknowledged to be "Y^TORTH A GUINEA A BOX "TORIIl A GUINEA A BOX I "YyORTH A GUINEA A BOX. Fo- females of all ages liiev.are invaluihlc. X females should be without them. There is not a medicine to be found equal to them for removing anv obstruction or irr^ularity of the system. If taken according to the directions tiiven wi:.h each box, they will soon restore females of all age- to sound and .o- bust health. This has been proved by thousands who have tried them, and found the benefits which are Tsuvcd by their use. JJEECHAM'S PILLS EECIIAM'S PILLS JgEECIIAM'S PILL? For a Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion art' «li 1 ^orders of the Liver, they net like maeic, and <• few doses will be found to work wonder, on tile !i.tJ"t important organs in the human machine. They s )engthen the whole muscular system, restore the long lost com,,lesion, bring back ihe knowl-dgr or upl><-tiU>, anu arouse into action with the rosebud of health the whole physical energy of t]ae human fr ■. e Ihcse are facts testified eont nunliy bv members oi all classes of society, and one of tii.r- best. t- p7r T (TV0'J* Tl DeMl.t:.ted is, B KECH A L .L" have the Laryext Sale of an,/ Patent Medichu in the. wond. JJl'-KCHAM'S MAGIC COUGH J'ILL- |jjEECilAM'o MAGIC GOUG.T PILLS. EECIIAM'S MAGID cot. S-II PILi-S As i ec'y for Cousin in gen?rd, Asth::n 13 f "nch flection?. IIoarsenejf,Sliortno.« o< Br<1:: Tiijiiine nd Oppression ofthf CIH' Ac., pills ,tan(i unrivalled. They sre. tin- iiest eve- offered to tlie public, and wl'IL'- )ce,ii' .eve tin sense of oppression and 111tlk?nD v of hre thi.ig v. i nightly deprive the patient of re.t. Let pers give UEECllA^'S COUGH PILLS a trial,'fid the mOEt vio'ent cough will in A short time JVMOved. Prepared only, and S'.H Wh-.Ipsni.. mi Retail br the Proprietor, THOMAS BEKCliAM, Gt JM n. Lai cashire, and fcy all Druggists and ',ent p.ledi- Cine Dealers everv>v!ure. I Tv Box: S Is. lif4. AM) 2i. 9r. "ACII FL L DinEcuoxs AUK ci;*Fjr wrTit EAr ALL THOSE RERYJIRING KR«R V- TOEEONC-HANCT MI3ILJJJI.-V.IL'> r U, J.1JE&. ALL THOSE RERYJIRING KR«R V- TOEEONC-HANCT TABLES. REQUISITES, OR DONE, SLIOULD, BELORE POING ELSEWHER»W D FOR < NEW PRICE LIST, CLOTLI AND CUSLIIOI; L.UBBER SAMPLES, TO HENNIG- *». IJIOOASBURY, LONDOP.J.C- ) Cassell & Company's Magazines. XEW VOLUMES NOW COMMENCING. The Quiver. For Sunday and General Beading. 80 Pages. Illustrated. Monthly. Price 6d. Cassell's Family Magazine. For ever- -touseliold., Illustrated. Monthly, 7d. CASSELL'S SATURDAY JOURNAL. 24 PA? S >EKLY, ID.; AND MONTHLY, 6D. ILLUSTRATED. 'T ILLUSTRATED SERIALS NOW C" R TCISQ. The Picturesque Mediterranean. 2s. 6d. 1 THE CABINET PORTRAIT GALLERY. MCNT'I- IS. TIE DORE GALLERY. II]USTRT.TIONS I>Y L>OK^ I» £ CNTLILYI 74. THE FAMILY PHYSICIAN. MONTHLY, 6D. PROSJ.ECTUTE* of the ABOV* post irce on applÙation. T CASSELL & COMTANT, LIMITHII, LUDPATE HILL, I UTEW ILLUS TP-ATEB SEKIAI.S.~ CONQTTEATA OF THE CROSS. MO-ITHLY, 7D. L CAENELL'S NEW POPALCR EDUCATOR. MONTHLY 6D. I THE "WORLD OF AD-RENTURE. MMTTHIV. 7D. I TBO PT OR^ OF THE HEAVENS. BY SIR R. E. BALI,. ICONMV. WL I C**SEH'». ^BOOJC OF TILE HOUSEHOLD, IFONTHLW :D I CAASELL'S PICTURESQUE AUNTRALAGLA. UVNTHHI. 7<L 1 THE DOR^ BIBLE. MONTHLYUJD.; AI»O WEEKLY 1 CATLIEDRALS, ABBEY#, AID CHUREH«>». IFONTKLN ?<1 » 5TE PEOPLES OF TNE WORLD. MONTHLY, 7I. J Protpectuscs at ah Eockaellert'. or pott fn from CASSKLTJ k OOMPAirr, LIXITBP, Bill, LoftdoS 'I £ DEW STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. CUTLERY & GRINDING ESTABLISHMENT MRS. MEEK, BEGS to thank the public for the support accorded to her late husband, and to announce that the business will be carried on as heretofore in all it branches. All work entrusted to her will be skii fully executed and she hopes by strict attention to all orders she may be favoured with, combined with moderate charges, to merit a continuance of public patronage. Lmbrellas Re-covered and Made to Order. TOWER HILL, HAVERFORDWEST. PRICE & RUSSELL, PAINTERS, GLAZIERS. PAPEB HANGERS AND GENERAL HOUSE DECORATORS, TAKE this opportunity of thanking their friend and the public sjeuerally for the support th« have received in the above branches of their Trade f several years past, and also testate that they continue to. execute every description of work at the most. Moderate Charges, in the newest stvle and finish, by which they confidently hope to merit a continuance "f pubhc patronage. QSince the decease of Mr. Price onr Stock of Paper HF-INGS has been thoroughly overhauled and sorted ready for Sale. In order to clear out there will be A GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES, and the public w:l] have an opportuninv of securing rare bar: gains in PAPER HANGINGS, &c. A Large AsS sortment of PAPER aiwavs in Stock. GLAZING in all IT> Branches. LE \D LIGHTS, I&&, for Churches or Chapels. WINDOWS MADE TO ORDER. Plain and Coloured GLASS at the Lowest REMU^ nerative Price WHITTINGTON LIFE ASSURANCE COMPAYR (Established 1865J 58, MOORGRN:' firreet. UFI: ASSURANCE. LOANS. REVERSION'S. „ ALFRED T. BI'WSER. MBTIRRIB ni-RRT/ir A gen TT Wanted. 'niLl.lAM H. PKRHATT. Secretary." IISD NI/UF H D E Dealers send for Maker's fiMiiuyyMiic <&&&&*•* HEPATONE. Do.. 8 tl"6, lB. lid..t 2B. lid. ea<:t, nf all Cllelninll and whoie -a.e. W. EDWAED. & SPA. 157. QUiten Tict-oria Btreet, Londoa -MBLODEOI-iS >CW Illustrated Price List, free COIRCERTINAE. ■N v.ti.i, & Co.. 116^ Trong»te, Gl«»GOW. "?>HIVING BANDS S?"* 1. ST T'niity, India KUB^ er and Canvas. 6N FOE- •: 4$iBcbes, endleaa, 6 >S.; 3;uo, CO feet x 5 iticbe«, 75s. Cash N-ith order. Carria»e paid- Everv Belt, puaraat-ecd to "vv>-«r -WT LL ai.1 be of the B««T jualitJ. R. A! TSTEIt & CO., Machine Band Manufacturers, DEB.SLEX. 1..R^ OFFICE ^73A. OUJlIfS.YI£:ron!A STRICT, B.C. T1 KION LINE FOR THE SOUTH AFRI- "J OAN GOLD FIK1.DS. The Royal Mail and Intermediate St-«-nTHors sail from SOUTHAMPTON EV»'RY Fridnr, lor CUPT* f'ofr.8. r111ino:- I.; f'1Io" Madeira, am1 Cannry ISLAIID*. (.(, the UX;O?( SHIT R- FJC*!JUTN. U S<>uituimpt-OB. and N: AF13 ^S I I5IT• R«'« T. Lo'uion. CASTLE WEEKLY SERVICE from LONDON ,HI': T TT^"P G0LD FIELDS of SOUTH APRICA iJA"* For Jtifoi fiation ai>fl-tetht Managers, DONALD CURRIE & CO.. H. SAVAGE S RUBBER STAMPS .t3. < UI AJ'SlJ>i:. JX)7iT)Ofi. EX. ONEY LENT PRIVATELY. £ 10 to JC2.<*«0 adrsnoed arrivate KROTLERITMNTO responinWci<era«H at a few hours' notice ON n"te of HAND alone, at rc-O»oiiat>le 1TJt.erest. Easy Caoital c..m re1<!llln if rtquirod. Ko publirity. DISTANCE no otiit^ct. Strirlevt priv»rr. T" H>trt tr. r,usme/l8, furniuJi yonr bouse, to pay ynuT dolus or rent. or ray out nn execution. ,0 genuine application ever R' FNSRD.- Avply JPERJMINALLY, or write to actual :ender. A. FiSHER. ;<■. FINSI.rHV CHHT«■ LOYPPX.K.C. R COLLECTIONS 0FVE8ETAB^S^^ I Arranged to prodnoe ■ continuous enpply R f I Vegetables ai. the year ronr^, for Gara*»ns V' I 58., 7.. 6d..1S1a. 6d., 1.58.. 218.. ø. 111. l{.. ;¡ WEBBS' BOXES OF FLORAL GEMS, Containing Seeds of I-eautiftu Flowers, eMy of Culti- "atio¡¡, tor the Ga1"Õ.eIlll of ladies AND AMATEURS. Sa. 64., 18., 7S. 64., lOa. 6d., 168., & 21s. eaoh. I ..4U V«fjetablf and Flower Sud, I>*Uv«r*d Frtt. I Illustrated. Catalogue, Is. Abridged Edition, Gratii. IRON BUILDINGS Mission Halls, Class ani School Rooms, Cricket and Lawn Tennis Pavilions. Shooting Boxes, Farm Build- ings, &c. Roofing. NEW and second-hand. Estimates and ALL PARTICULARS FREE ON APPLICATIOX TO THE LOXDOX IRON BUILDING COMPANY. BATTEHSEA PAIlK. STATION, L._B. & C, Ry.. LOKDCY. FI W. £ I\TIRWELY SOLUBLE and NOT FAEINACT C 0 0 FOR INFANTS AND iNVAl Price Eie" i!1 81 and Bone- Per Bottle. forming Elemen roi THE HFAITHFUL REARING Of HAND-FED CHILDREN AKD THE PRESEKVATIOM OF INFANT LIFE. A sample sent post free 0:1 application to G. MELLIN. Marlboro' Works. Peckham. 8.E. I BO* ETTIIiPIKaa MD ROORIKO, K«W *n4 ..J INIR^I.O. Ctmsnd 4 School LT-MM*. I.«N Tcnniti, IT ^4.Cr-EKET PAVIJIONT., T' ■ *"• J'-• ? Iron »ti IAI SY* LIARI'I>n VIE*. I V" TMI of IROA ftoollQg to "*■=»-«. 7i N A K BRQW-6 WOKKS. BRIXTON S:gr-.OE, S W. TN CIELD'S H0UREH0LD FOLDING CHAIR& 1 for RKAICOK: 0-H.T ;Pnlect). £ A=B chair ttampwl. BM by al! FUNASUER*. I, i-.c. ISS'.ST OS EATIVO TEW. HUM WORKH, Li,d'wniHi, Mrxiiu-HWC. ABERDEEN GRANITE JTJL from £ 5. CARRIAGE r»td. lDrcrii>tionR»c«unitc «AD TAMTTSIL PLADF AND I'NRT N from J. VT. I.EIJG*. Scnlptor, ABBFTDKBJT. EST*3LISHEO 1833. F. MONBILJLA «SC GO» Contractors to Her MA esty'S Govenareat^ BVSH11.1. RUW. LONDOli,-d- LfPBJPOOi, Manufacturers and P«-TENTEE» OT R- ROOFING FELTS, » »S^S'™OTTN:DATION' & 3HBA.THIK3 FKUTS. A Discount aJlovred to the Trad*. Ult YA-RTLCULARB free by POIT J'°{^F-TTEY System "Of great ad- BF| IFF BB IF | V AI.tafrc to a strong memory; fncalctt- PSE .IC B?E W £ 1 ■ ■ iabio I.ID to a weak one."—Dr. Buckley. AI IC V CIV,, PIS; 1)[ book after reading it once.' —Rev. J. M. IDA -Ionaid. M.A. Its applications as numerous as the affiwrt of LIRE.—Rev. J. Amo*. M.A. (March, 1889). "Easily M. quired and very yiteresung. '—Rev. S. Bell. M A. (Feb. 1883). Ciire of mind wandering, and increase of ,T. >tacgregor, M.A "Top in examination.—T. Tut, VLJL Lessons HV Post ii. class al reduced fees. Prospectus Post Free. A. LOiSETTE, 37, New Oxford Street, London. ^| Insta^elief ■ll Bigii wMwMm -¿. I I.. K :*« A > "L.SLARI'FETSILKLKART KJ lat>«C!trofL N -.1,' CSIEAFKST FUR S.!L KLNDR O< MUCS, SI V.HIVETS, PIUSKES, IC., IN ECROPT. ;»M 3 I MILTRI TMRT FREE rnr 49 S SAMUEL LEWIS A CO., PROPRIETOR*. P T IT LI ¡1,,¡hnnl 11. IInc1 2.1t S. KN' N:RS: FIT.. V. T>^KI>OW\S MAGNETIC CUP I 1 Y iPvTJAMCSa. IACHI-S' »Q<J Cer.t. DELTIF.IR 1WT-sl £ ne»E, AND Nsrvousnest. P»nipbloi liA IWW St CO.43. v>«{ F TRAN'L London. B«t»bli» QP.TIflNS.|| Sale »a<5 reliable. FHII DFTAIU in EXPLANATORY and pi« £ fref-. AD.IRFES, O. KVANS FT C Hnqic. L.N^LNR, }<c. L'AMISLIEIL 1S.M. I~ RULL KING & Src'T C«J J J5 All Whalebone Corsets.- T- 5 5 ANDERSON, in !1R« vthno or. Ecr? IK I YA pr rr L.TR. »A.; srjfl ILIO IR^O*, S'i LMBYWJA J ■ WI'TINP, pric« is*. M.. A? »<Jvertis«»F ~W F MICPSF /C QU'E" .Sent t.iany Addreosvn RECEIPT' t 'v r->"V3S5F"A,»A 2 Orcer to SO. S5 Percy Street, llath'NJ: 0 '■ £ LI IT don, W. TIH'HC hipb-cl&»* Co' — —the L'"rfcr:ln- (,f r.R.. OPE?TJSTPLI.STERS, a safe and 81 contcht, ARthra*, and Brocchins. Of U1 RFE* p- • W, dicine Dealers. £ 11LL1NGHAM S AETIFICIAL LNR VLT SR„I ISKTr.T-'IICYTS. Illugtr«tioat free. CIMRT 4 FOLD SCREENS, aES? STOEPHTS WALNUT & A TRNAIMB M ft Hair Darken-»r. Kot A K^?TOR^ W4- »t toe form«r yontbfu* ecltmr <>i OREY H A TU. CK>IAEII« BIFRHT Brown, Dark mi D I'er • \f oHPHY'S~OI;IE^TAL DE" POWDER mncrea speed.! EWL EFLFCAR* TN* UP*, HANDS, and CHEEW G TI —R P JACKET. N.B.—'TeI3 Y>IU- or HAIR BOOT other than MORFST'I, or send PO«RML CRD-»R T<-> the MOF.^EY, Hair and Skin Spccial^S, 7O, South ANUIRV F UNION LINE—FOB SOUTH KBL&M7 RPIEB UNION 8.8. CO.% KAZI. > > I. GORTK*TR-!R,S F VFRY *♦»? TT: 1 VORTT. ILLIAIR .'IT J .»V>.>N AR.D MR.V LrJÙY N ÛlC ■ C-1'4' I>U>;I- AMPTO- or II. LFSDCUTIA IITRECT. A'1 NV.T;T'; ."VR- J -J. B.J!>. -.• A ::Ii IFIRWI Pac" .1 H*TO p"i8Ie., TFC B QUEEN IN .13R- THS ADROIRSU 5'<"3« RI* H ¡I -4