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LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY.-Sermons in aid of; this Society were preached in the churches of St Mary, St Thomas, and St Martin's, on Sunday week, by the Rev J. H. A. Philipps, of Picton Castle, the Rev Charles Cooke, Association Secretary, and the Rev Dr James, of Panteg, the deputation from the Society. The annual public meeting was held on Monday evening at St Mary's Schoolroom, when admirable addresses were de- livered by the Rev J. H. A Philipps, (who presided), and by the deputation. Collections in aid of the funds of the Society were made at the services on Sunday and at the public meeting on Monday evening. HENRY'S MOAT.-Recently. the Rev C. H. Barham, with that liberality for which he is proverbial, entertained at dinner at the Tufton Arms, about 70 farmers, resident in the neigbbourhood of Trecwn. The rev. gentleman presided, and the duties of vice president was performed by Mr Ridet. The dinner was prepared with great liberality, and reflected much credit upon Mr and the Misses Thomas, of the Tufton Aarms. After justice had been done to the good things provided, the usual toasts were proposed,and some admirable observations were addressed by the rev. gentleman to the assembly. The health of Mr and Mrs Barham was pledged with great enthusiasm, and was very ably acknowledged by the president. The company also drank the health of Mr Rider, who responded in a neat speech. The company spent the evening in great conviviality, and separated at an early hour well pleased with their entertainment. WERLEYAN CHAPEL BUILDING.-The Rev W. Morley Punshon, it will be remembered, undertook to raise by personal effort ten thousand pounds towards building new chapels at favourite watering places. He gave himself five years for the task, which notwithstanding the interruption of severe and long illness, he has fully accomplished. The Wesleyan Methodist Metropolitan Chapel Building Society is going a head. Last year a few rich men subscribed £15,000, making the whole in- come JMO,000 this year Mr Sheriff Lycett has beaded a new subscription list with the noble gift of £ 6,000 to which the brothers M'Arthur have added £ 3,0C0, tha whole of this one list amounting to £17,000. But the sheriff does not stop here he offers, besides, JE500 each to ten new chapels, payable on their individual com- pletion.English Independent. HAVERFORDWEST RIFLE CORPs.-The contest for the prizes given by Col. Peel for attendance at drill in the months of May and June, took place on Monday evening. The ranges were 200 and 600 yards, five shots at each distance, Wimbledon targets and scoring. The following is the result of the shooting:— 200 600 Tl. 1. Private A. Lewis, (10s). 16 15 31 2. „ G. Davies, (5s) 12 14 26 3 „ John Morris, (4s) 14 12 26 4. Sergeant T. L. James, (4s) 14 12 26 5. Col.-Sergt. Morris, (3s) 10 14 24 6. Private R. 1. Jones, (3s) 14 10 24 7. Private D Phillips, (3s) 13 10 23 8. W. Rogers, (3s) 9 14 23 9. Col.-Sergeant W. E. Jones, (3s) 14 9 23 10. Private D. P. Davies (2s) 15 8 23 LAYING OF THE FOUNDATION STONE OF PRENDER- GAST CHURCH.—The foundation stone of this church was laid on Thursday in the presence of the church- wardens, Mr John Harvey and Mr Philip White, by Mr John Davies, builder, of Tower Hill, who has the con- tract for the restoration of the church. The stone con- tained the usual hollow, in which was placed a bottle containing the names of the rector, the Rev F. Foster, and the churchwardens, and several coins of the present reign. A statement was also inserted recording the fact that the church was rebuilt in 1867 by Mr Davies, and that nothing was found to indicate the date of the original structure. The church will be restored under the direction of Mr W. K. Ladd, architect, of Pembroke Dock, and the contractor (who has commenced the work with great vigour) antici- pates that it will be completed in about eighteen months. We should mention that the rector was unavoidably absent, and the ceremony was performed in a private manner. Later In the dav the men engaged in the work were provided with refreshments by the contractor. PRESENTATION TO THE REV J. B. ROWLANDS.— Last (Friday) evening a handsome silver salver was presented to the Rev J. B. Rowlands—[brother of the Rev W. Bowen Rowlands, Headmaster of the Haverfordwest Grammar School,]—by a number of the parishioners of Saint Margaret's. The salver was of elegant design, and bore the following inscrip- tion Thou has been a strength to the poor.' Pre- sented to the Rev John Bowen Rowlands, B.A., Oxon, by the congregation, as a mark of their appreciation of his untiring exertions in promoting the spiritual and temporal welfare of his parishioners, June, 1867. Rochester and Chatham Journal, June 22.-The same journal states in another paragraph that the rev gentle- man preached his farewell sermon on the evening of Sunday the 16th inetant. The text on the occasion being 4 Thou shalt be king over Israel, and I shall be next unto thee—and they two made a covenant before the Lord' 1 Samuel xxviii, 17-18." The disinterested character of Christian love, of which the conduct of Jonathan furnished a remarkable anticipatory example, was made the foundation of a comprehensive sermon, which though lasting nearly an hour and a quarter was listened to throughout with marked attention by a larger congregation than has been collected within the walls of the church for a very considerable time. ■MIDSUMMER QUARTER Scssio.s. -These sessions were commenced at the Shire Hall on Tuesday, before the Chairman, J. H. Scourfield, Esq., M.P., and a bench of magistrates. The usual reports were received and con- side fed. An order was made for the re-building of C wmmorgan Bridge and improving the approaches.—The application of Capt. Stokes that he be permitted to pro- mote the constable now acting as his clerk to the rank of Sergeant, was granted.-The court adopted the re- commendation of the joint committee appointed to enquire as to the right of the Town and County of Haverfordwest and the County of Pembroke respectively in the asylum building in St. Thomas Green. It will, be remembered that the committee recommended that a lease of the building should be granted to the County of Pembroke, and it should be used for militia purposes.- The motion of Mr. Harford that the county accounts should be published in the local papers, instead of being printed in books, led to some discussion, and was post- poned till next sessions.—The proposition made by Mr Harford that the pipes of the stoves should be removed from the outside to the inside of the Hall at a cost not to exceed Y,7 10s, was referred to the Hall Committee.- The police were empowered to require any person found fishing within the East and West Cleddy Fishery District and the Carmarthen Bay Fishery District to produce his license.-The court adjourned shortly after two o'clock. The trial of prisoners will commence to- day (Wednesday) at 10 o'clock. HAVERFORDWEST RIFLE ASSOCIATION. The annnal meeting of this association will take place in the week commencing the 5th of August. The shooting will commence on Monday, and be continued on the fol- lowing days. There will be an All-Comers' Prize of £ 20, divided into prizes of £ 10, £ 5, £ 3, and £ 2, shot for on the Tuesday at the same ranges as the Queen's Prize, and a prize open to the Pembrokeshire Battalion of Volunteers. The programme is in preparation, and will be issued as soon as the arrangements respecting the special prizes are completed. ROOSH PErTY SESSIONS. These sessiprs were held a', the Shire Hall on Satur- day before the Rev P. Phelps, Capt Child, and J. P. Jones, Esq. NO HAMS ON CART. James Richards was charged with using a cart without having any name painted thereon. The defendant (who did not appear) was fined 6d and CO its. ALLOWING AN ASS TO STRAY. John Thomas, of Denant Mill, was charged with allow- ing an ass to stray. The defendant said the ass was kept in a moor at Denant Mill. Some of the gentlemen who lived in the neighbourhood passed along the moor through which there was no public pathway; and the ass got out be- cause he could not keep a gate on the place. He did place a gate there, but it displeased his neighbours, and he removed it to oblige them. The police used the path too. P.C. Williams said the path was a public one. The defendant denied that it was, and he was in his present position solely through obliging his neighbours. The Clerk remarked that the gentlemen ought to sub- scribe to pay the amount of the fine and costs. The Bench fined the defendant Id and costs, amount- ing altogether to 7s 3d. STEALING MONEY. Morgan Diamond, a youth under 16 years of age, was charged with stealing 20s, the property of the Great Western Railway Company, at Llanstadwell, on the 16th of June. The prisoner pleaded guilty. In reply to the Bench, Mr Miles, Inspector on the Great Western Railway, said that the money bad been taken out of the booking office during the Clerk's absence. It was also stated that the prisoner's character bad been very good up to the commission of the present offence. The Bench ordered the prisoner to be sent to the House of Correction for one month. ASSAULT. Nicholas Grunnow was charged with assaulting Dan Bennett. Neither party appeared, and the case was struck out.




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