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ON PREACHING WOMEN. That ssch a practice is not only discountenanced, but positively prohibited, by the Apostle Paul, see his first epistle to the Corinthians chapter XI, 6th and following verses; and chapter XIV. 34th and following verses. And steo in his first Pastoral Epistle :tœ Timothy II., 11th and following 'verses :— God, in Christ, featn subjected wome-,m- to man, and in particular'hath authorized men to teach them (women). The immodesty ot women appearing unveiled in the presence of men, the Apostle afSrma, w^s similar to their exhibiting themselves with a shaven or cropped head, stripped of that long hair given for a veil to conceal their beauty (where-such there be) from vitoton gaze. "Let your women keep silence in the churches for* it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under > obedience, as also sailh the law. And if they will learn anything, let them-ask their husbands at home for it is a shame for wosten to speak in the; church.' Observe how the God of order calls for order, and fielieb^in decency, especially in places where his re- ligious worship is celebrated. He has unwortny thoughts of God, that thinks him either -a patron of, or pleased i with, any disorder, either in civil attairs, or religious services. Conform to the custom of ail the Churches' Let the Woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer EOt a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, bin to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived but the womara, being deceived, was in the transgression."1—And let no woman dare to preach in public assemblies, or in any case usurp authority over her husband or his sex, but learn, acaerding to the dictates of nature and the law of Cod, to be duly submissive and obedient: for the woman being at first lormed after and out of the man, plainly intimated that she was made for him, not he for her, and that she ought to depend on, and be subject to him, not be to her. And being first seduced by the Devil, tiaat old serpent in Paradise, and-made the primary instrument to the ruin of mankind, is a farther reason for her hu- mility and subjection. Hew far the advocates for female preaching may be able to draw arguments in its favour from the 28th and verses of the second chapter of the book of Joel, I am not competent to guess.; but such could hardly over- fide-St. Paul's authori:y. DECORCS. HEALTH OF THE QUEEN.— Her Majesty has undertaken her journey to Switzerland, where she intends to stay for about a month, on the recommendation of Sir W. Jenner. We stated some months since that the Queen had been subject to fainting fits, accompanied by distressing attacks of sickness. Though these to a great extent have abated, she has felt very much the hot weather of late prevalent, and this, with the unusual fatigue she has recently undergone, have produced a degree of weakness which the proposed change, it is expected, will remove. On her return from Switzerland the Queen will spend some time at Balmoral.— The Lancet. REAPING BY KIGHT ON ACCOUNT OF THR HEAT. —-The Dutch journals mention the scarcity of water in the province of Trisia. 'ihat derived from rain costs 30c. the pailful, and from wells 5c. In the island of Voorne nothing is available except ditch 1 water, which is, of course, pernicious to health, 'i'he heat is described as tropical, and many persons have died in the fields. An enormous number of insects fill the air, numerous species of which are quite unknown to the oldest inhabitants of those districts. In many localities the reaping of the harvest goes on only at night. THE OVERWORKED DRESSMAKERS. Miss Hanneto Axford, milliner and dressmaker, 8, Arabella-row, Pim- lico, was summoned for permitting needlewomen in her employment to work after half-past four on Saturday afternoon, the 25th ult., contrary to law. Defendant pleaded guilty, but said that she had orders in the house to execute whichf obliged her to keep her young ladies at work. They,lbowever, left off at seven. Mr Arnold observed that her having work in the house was no ex- cuse. She was not to get a profit by breaking the law. The defendant had been cautioned, and ought to have attended to it. He fined her 20s, and 8s costs. A HINT TO LODGING-HOUSE KEEPERS.—It ought to be generally known by sea-side and other lodging- house keepers that letting lodgings which have been occupied by lodgers afflicted with contagious diseases before the said lodgings have been effectually purified is an offence punishable by law. The Sanitary Act of 18&6 (Vict. 29 and 30, c. 90, sees. 38 and 39) provides that—'If any person knowingly lets any house, room, or part of a house, in which any person suffering from any dangerous infectious disorder has been, to any other person without having such house, room, or part of a house, and all articles therein liable to retain infection, disinfected to the satisfaction of a qualified medical practitioner, as testified by a certificate, given by him, such person shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding JE20. For the purposes of this provision the keeper of an inn shall be deemed to let a part of a house to any person admitted as a guest into such inn.' ENERGY.—Energy in the social world "is well under- stood. When a man pursues his course undaunted by opposition, unappalled by obstacles, he is said to be a very energetic man. By his energy, we mean the power which he possesses of overcoming obstacles and the amount of his energy is measured by the amount of ob- stacles which he can overcome, by the amount of work which he can do. Such a man may in truth be regarded as a social cannon-ball. By means of his energy of character he will scatter the ranks of his opponents and demolish their ramparts. Nevertheless, such a man will sometimes be defeated by an opponent who does not possess a tithe of his personal energy. Now why is this ? The reason is that, although his opponent may be deficient in personal energy, yet he may possess more than an equivalent in the high position which he occu- pies, and it is simply this position that enables him to combat successfully with a man of much greater per- sonal energy than himself. If two men throw stones at one another, one of whom stands on the top of a bouse and the other at the bottom, the man at the top of the house has evidently the advantage. So, in like manner, if two men of equal personal energy contend together, the one who has the highest social position has the best chance of succeeding. But this high position means energy under another form. It means that at some re- mote period a vast amount of personal energy was ex- pended in raising the family into this high position. The founder of the family had doubtless greater energy than his fellow-men, and spent it in raising himself and his family into a position of advantage. The personal element may have long since vanished from the family, but it has been transmuted into something else, and it enables the present representative to accomplish a great deal, owing solely to the high position which he has ac- quired through the efforts of another.—Macmillan's Magazine,