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EVANS & JONES, Plain and Decorative House- Painters, Grainers, Writers, Glaziers and Paperhangers, PATTERNS OF LATEST DESIGNS OF WALL. PAPERS ON HAND, AND ALSO A GOOD SELECTION IN STOCK. PRICES AND ESTIMATES ON APPLICATION. Note the Address— CASTLE STREET, (8209) LLANGOLLEN. J. B. STORRIE, OLD-ESTABLISHED SURGEON DENTIST, THE COTTAGE, CORWEN, ATTENDS AT LLANGOLLEN EVERY TUESDAY And by appointment, at THE VOELAS TEMPERANCE HOTEL, OAK STREET, LLANGOLLEN. CONSULTATION FREE. MONEY LENT PRIVATELY BY THE CHARING CROSS BANK (Estab liahed 1870). 110 120, Bishopsgate Street Within, E.G., and 28 BEDFORD STREET, CHARING-CROSS, LONDON. Assets £ 512,475 18 2 LSti™ 209,475 is 2 Capital and Beserve £ 303,000 0 0 ADVANCES IMMEDIATELY MADE upon ap- proved Promissory Notes. LOANS of £ 30 to £ 2,000 granted at a few houra notice in town or country, male or female, on mortgage of furniture, trade and farm stock, plant, erops, &c., without removal, and to assist persons into business. Also on deeds, policies, and reversions. Distance no object. Easy repayments. Strictly private. Call personally or write. Special facilities to all requiring Banking accounts. 2* PER CENT. INTEREST allowed on ttie Minimum monthly balances of^ CURRENT ACCOUNTS when not drawn below .£20. Deposits of XI4) and upwards received on terms SB under:— „ 5 per cent, per annum, subject to 3 montns notice of withdrawal. 6 „ » 6 7 » 12 Special terms for longer periods. Interest paid quarterly, free of Income Tax. i „ The Terminablo Deposit Bonda pay nearly nine per cent., and are a sat'o investment. Prospectus free. A. WILLIAMS, ) Joint H. J. TALL,$Managers. JOHN CLARKE, Iron, Zinc, & Tin-Plate Worker, 10, CHAPEL STREET, LLANGOLLEN. QBIMNEYS 4 WICKS, t EXTRA REFINED PETROLEUM OIL. Dealer in Iron Saucepans and Kettles, Galvanized Buckets, PadiB and Washups, and Tinned Frying Pans, Trunks, Bonnet Boxes, Shovels, &o. Enamel anti Oil Paints and Brumswick Black. (3639) tf ww W MV Mt BB t) a MB JB [lYofSl|j CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS are warranted to cure, in either fox, ali acquired orocnetitutional Discharges from Thu U inary Organs, Gravel, and Pains in the Back. Free from Mercury. Established upwards of 30 years. In Boxes, 4a. 6d. each, of the Chemists & Patent Medicine Vendors through- out the World; or sent for sixty stamps by the Makers, THE LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COUNTIES BM COMPANY, Lincoln. ,I N H UGH JON ES, Choice Selection of FANCY INKSTANDS. FANCY GOODS DEALER, Is now showing New Lines in all Departments. SOLID LEATHER WRITING CASES in great variety. BRUSH & COMB CASES. Note Address- "Advertiser" Office, Castle Street, Llangollen. 0. & J. ROGERS, GENERAL DRAPERS, AND GENT/S OUTFITTERS, CENTRAL BUILDINGS, CASTLE STREET, LLANGOLLEN. THE Abbey Road Restaurant, LLANGOLLEN 4 (OPPOSITE THE RAILWAY STATION). Picnic Parties and others will find good Accommodation at Moderate Charges. E. T. WARREN, Proprietor. ASK FOR WARREN'S Celebrated Home-made Ginger Beer. SEE YOU GET IT. (9921) PlUfi OYCLES *"■ th^ry mi> v W ■■ W FHEK LADIES A GENTLEMEN. 'd 10/A jKEBfiy Carriage Paid loallytrt j. lOlt EAJRR MU CASH OP. 12 MotUHLi UTHU. i JA. PAYMENTS. £ 7153.142) c "S3- 17/6 | I £ 11 OS. JO/. POST U,. M 21/J fc—vWr'ti; at on';e for NEW SEISO* LIST, over 300 }w.«w, and W over 600 illustrations, of J ITUO Cycles and luteri t'jrolln* Aoaeesorie*. at lower pric«s than any;other houso. Sent ,«»/ A«. "I, METROPOLITAN <ViA CHiNSiTS. Co., Ltd. (Jfrwt.a.) »S, Bishopsgate Street Without, Londoa, L.C., ^n> PiooADtu.* Craovn. lowcax, w. THE LADIES OF LLANGOLLEN, BY CHARLES PENRUDDOCKE. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. PRICE ad.; IN CLOTH, b. 3d. HUGH JONES, Publisher, Llangollen. Also on Sale at the Local Shops. Simpkin, idarshall & Co., Paternoster Row, London Southport Visitor Office, Southport. ILID H. THOMAS, ACCOUNTANT & ESTATE AGENT. BOOKS of Manufacturers, Tradesmen or others, posted and balanced. Rents and Debts Collected. Income Tax Returns prepared and carried through. Loans negotiated. Mortgages arranged. Debtors affairs expeditiously adjusted and settled. kgen for the Northern Accident Insurance Co., Ltd. Mr. THOMAS will attend when requested upon any person throughout Llangollen and the District. Prompt and efficient attention devoted to all matters, and will be dealt with in strict confidonce. Charges moderate. 1, CHAPEL STREET, LLANGOLLEN. ILLUMINATED ADDRESSES EXECUTED IN BEST STYLE AT HUGH JONES'S, "Advertiser" Office, Llangollen. LIST OF MUSIC. sozos. "AuldLang Syne," Brilliant Solo 2/0 Jennie Jones," Brilliant Sole 2/0 The esthetic Gavotte 2/0 Gordon Campbell March 2/0 March of the Pilgrims," Piano Solo, 23rd ed. 2/0 ,» Organ Voluntary. 2/0 „ Duet, easy & bright 2/0 „ Flute 0/6 Dora Nocturne" 2/fJ "Ravenspring March," easy and effective 2/0 "Florence Gavotte" (composed by R. Elliott Lath) 2/0 The Cloister," easy solo (èy F. O. Beazley) 2/0 SONGS. Raven spring; or the Voice of Many Waters" 2/0 It is only a. Lock of thy Hair, Mother 2/0 Mary Princess," in honour of H.R.H. the Princess Mary Adelaide 2/0 "Cambriana" 2/0 "Use your Judgment, Boys" [ 1/0 Whispering Flowers" 2/0 "Waiting for the Bridegrpota" (aacred) 1/0 "Alone," 33rd edition, with copies of letters from the Empress Eugenie and Her Majesty the Queen of Spain 1/0 MRS. S. PIIILLIS ATKINSON, HERNE VILLA, 22, CLIFTON VILLAS, CAMPBM SQUARE, N.W. "EIVION," pRIVATE HOTEL AND JgOAKDING HOUSE, 11, Bridge Street, Llangollen, Next Door to the N. # S. W. Bank. Picnic Parties, Choirs, &c., Specially Catered for. Fislfcers and Commercial Gentlemen will find every comfort and attention at moderate charges. JAMES CLARKE, Proprietor, N' HOUSE AGENCY. A List of Houses and Apartments to Let in the Neighbourhood kept. (F12346) PHOTOGRAPHERS TO HER LATE MAJESTY THE QUEEN. -< E. LETTSOME & SONS, Victoria Sq. & Castle St., BRANMM R UTHIN, RHOS A CORWEW. LLANGOLLEN, ARE prepared to undertake work in all J-TL branehes of PHOTOGRAPHY. PORTRAITS, GROUPS, RESIDENCES, ETC., Photographed on the shortest notice, and finished in all the latest proeesses as PLATINOS, CARBONS SEPIATYPES, etc. PRICE LIST FREE. DEVELOPING, ETC., UNDERTAKEN FOR AMATEURS. A WONDERFUL MEDICINE flE Are universally admitted to be worth a. Guinea a Box for Bilious and Nervous Disorders, such as Wind and Pain in the Stomach, Sick Headache, Giddiness, Fulness and Swelling after Meals, Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flushing of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Costiveness, Scurvy and Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations, &c. The dose will give relief in twenty minutes. This is no fiction, for they have done it in countless cases. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one Box of these Pills, and they will bo acknowledge to be WOIITH A GUINEA A BOX. WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For females of all ages they are invaluable. No females should be without them. There is not a medicine to be found equal to them for removing any obstruction or irregularity of the system. If taken according to the directions given with each box, they will soon restore females of all ages to sound and robust health. This has been proved by thousands who have tried them, and found the benefits which are insured by their use. BEECHAM'S PILLS. JgEECIIAM'S PILLS. JgEECHAM'S PILLS. For a Weak Stomach, Improved Digestion, and all Disorders of the Liver, they act like magic, and a. few doses will be found to work wonders on the most important organs in the human machine. They strengthen the whole muscular system, restore the long-lost complection, bring back the keen edge of appetite, and arouse into action with the rosebud of health the whole physical energy of the human frame. These are FACTS testified continually by members of all classes of society, and one of the best guarantees to the Nervous and Debilitated is, BEECHAM'S PILLS have the Largest Sale of any Patent Medieine in the World. B EECHAMIS COUGH PILLS. JgEECHAM'S COUGH PILLS. B EECHAM'S COUGH PILLS. Persons suffering from Coughs and kindred troubles should relieve their minds of the idea that nothing will benefit them unless it be in the form of a lozenge or taken as a liquid. Let them try Beecham's Cough Pills, and they will never regret it. These Pills are made from a formula differing entirely from that which guides the manufacture of Beecham's Pills (Yellow Label), but like them will be found relieable. On tho first symptoms of a Cold or Chill a timely dose of Beecham s Coltglk Pills will invariably ward off all dangerous features. For years many families have used no other Cough Medicine. Every house. holder and traveller should avail themselves of this good, safe and simple remedy for Coughs in general, Asthma, Bronchial Affections, Hoarseness, Shortness of Breath, Tightness and Oppression of the Cheat, Wheezing, etc. Each box bears a GREEN label. Prepared only by the Proprietor, THOMAS BEECHAM, St. Helens, Lancashire, and SOLD by all Druggists and Patent Medicine DallIers everywhore. IN BOXES 18. lid., AND Sa. 9d. ——— (itOO) FFFM DIRECTIONS AM «HT.EN WISH EACH BOX. ESIABLIS-HED I860. THE LLANGOLLEN ADVERTISER AND NORTH WALES JOURNAL. (Enlarged to Eight Pages. Every Friday. Price One Penny. Delivered to Subscribers in Llangollen every Thursday evening at 4s. 4d. per annum prepaid. Posted the same evening to any part of he Kingdom for 6s. 6d. per annum.) The "ADVERTISER" has now been estab- lished forty years, and, being the only paper printed and published in the district it has enjoyed the confidence of the general public and the liberal patronage of adver- tisers. It assiduously maintains the privilege of independent criticism iu all local matters (which are fully and impartially reported), and as it is neutral in politics, it finds its way into families of all classes. The Valley of the Dee, being far famed for its beauty and ancient remains, is much frequented by visitors, a list of whom appears in the "ADVERTISER" during the season. CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS. Parliamentary, Government, and Chancery Notices, Election Addresses, Prospectuses J g^| of Public Companies, per line ) Legal Notices, Saks of Real Property,) » j Statements of Accounts, per line ) Scholastic, Books, Business Addresses, Enter- tainmente, and Public Meetings, Sales of i 3^ Farming Stock and Furniture, per line. ) ° Situations Wanted, Situations Vacant, Apartments to Let, Apartments Wanted, Houses to Let, Houses Wanted, Money Wanted, Lost or Found, and Miscellaneous Wants are inserted, prepaid, at the following low tariff, otherwise the usual rates will be charged :— One insertion. (25 words). Os. gd. Three insertions 2s. Od. And 2d. for each additiOBal line. Announcements of Births, Marriages, and Deaths with any remarks other than the simple facts, Is. IN MEMORIAM NOTICES are charged 2s. 6d. Special Scale for Trade Advertisements Sin.-It Column 1 insertion 2/6 per inch. 2 insertions. 2/3 per inser'n » „ <■> 2/- „ 6 1/6 » !> 113 1/- „ tW All Advertisements not ordered for a definite period will be inserted until countermanded, and Advertisers are requested to forward Advertisements as early as possible in the week to ensure insertion and correctness. Being weekly inundated with requests tor preliminary paragraphs of entertainments, &c., the Publisher wishes to state that the space at his disposal is so limited that, as a rule, he can only insert such notices when accompanied by Advertisements, and for which the Printing is done at his Office. GENERAL PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, OASTLE STREET, LLANGOLLEN. COMMERCIAL, GENERAL and FANCY PRINTING- On reasonable terms and on the shortest possible notice. CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS, MEMORANDUMS, TIME TICKETS, Check Books, Balance Sheets, CATALOGUES, CLUB RuLES, &c., &o., LJ LJ ET HUGH JONES, PRINTER & PUBLISHER. ADVERTISER OFFICE. ESTABLISHES 1888.