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?- "? ■Business aatrrssrs. FOUNDED 1850. FOR LARGEST SELECTIONS AND ABSOLUTELY LOWEST PRICES FOR EVERY DESCRIPTION OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, CARPET. FLOORCLOTHS. LINOLEUMS PIANOFORTES. &c, GO fO BEY AN AND COMPANY, (LIMITED), REGISTERED AS THE CARDIFF FURNISHERS Whose uninterrupted Trading for nearly Half a Century and whose immense and ever- growing Business throughout the Principality and West of England afford the strongest possible proofs of highest satisfaction being given to the many thousands they serve every year. DINING, DRAWING, AND BEDROOM SUITES FROM 3J TO 50 GUINEAS PER SUITE AN UNRIVALLED SELECTION. DELIVERY FREE. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES GRATIS AND POST FREE. VE TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. BY GIVING YOUR ORDERS TO BEYAN AND COMPANY Whose only Addresses are as follow DUKE STREET AND j OPPOSITE CLARENCE STREET AND ST. MARY STREET, I TOWN HALL HANBURY ROAD, CARDIFF. NEWPORT. PONTYPOOL PRESENTATION PASSES TO THE CARDIFF THEATRES. By arrangement with Mr Edward Fletcher, the enterprising lessee of the Theatre Royal. Cardiff, and with Mr. Clarence Sounes, the rew lessee and manager of the Grand Theatre, Caclitf, we are emableel to present to our sub- 'w(' scribers free passes admitting two persons to each of the above places of amusement. DOUBLE TICKETS FOR THEATRE ROYAL.. As given by Mr. EDWARD FLETCHER, the enterprising Lessee. DOUBLE TICKETS FOR GRAND THEATRE. ia giren by Mr. CLARENCE SOUNES, the uev/ Lessee and Manager. SUCCESSSFUL APPLICANTS. The following persons will, on calling at the "Evening Express" Office, 56, St. Mary- ttreet. Cardiff, receive the gift for which they applied. If messengers are sent they aiust be provided with written authority to rsceive the gift. The full name and address of applicant must in all cades be given. Successful applicants residing at a distance must forward 3d. m stamps to cover :9Ost of postage. All gifts must be claimed within Three Days of announcement or they will be for- feited. Armtey, O. J., 105. Cairns-street, Caihays. OUT ninsr, W. B., Wfstgate-nhamhers, Cardiff. Cooper, J., 6, Knmilly-rrescpnt-, Canton. Uarris, E. H., 52, c'ottrell-road. Roath JM'Oart-hy. H., 48. Mount >hiai t-srp.are, Cardiff Cunningham. 181, Cairns-street, Cardiff. Hill, Queen-street Arcane, aCVdcff. Singer, J., 40, Eisteddfodd-street, Cardiff. Bf.dulich, E. G.. 123. Carlisle-street-, Cardiff. Harrison, 18, Rennie-street, Carton. David. F.. 7, Windsor-road, Newtown, Austin, Maggie. Caerphil1y. licwis, F., East. Moors. 0- T.. 36. Uttfe Goug-h-street, Cardiff. JJEECHAM'S PILLS. JJEECHAM'S PILLS, EECHAM'S PILLS. Worth a Guinea a Box. EECHAM'S PILLS. For Bilious Attacks. EECHAM'S BILLS For Nervoua qU orders. BEECHAM'S PILLS. For Indigestion in all its forms. EECHAM'S PILLS. For Wind and Paias in the Stomach. BEECHAM'S PILLS. For Sick Headache. PILLS EECHAM'S PILLS Have Saved the Lives of Thousands;. EECHAM'S PILLS. For Giddiness. BEECHAM'S PILLS. For Fulness and Swelling after Meals. EECHAM'S PILLS Are Worth a Guinea a Box. EECHAM'S PILLS. A Wonderful Medicine for Females of all Age EECHAM'S PILLS Are Adapted for Old and Youns. SUPPORT HOME INDUSTRIES ? Why Pay Higher Prices for FOREIGN MANUFACTURED GOODS WHEN BRITISH GROWN ROLLED OATS AND OATMEAL, Of Superior Quality and Flavour, can be Readily Obtained ? CAREY "THOMAS'S ROLLED OATS ,GROATFLAKE). Made Solely from Home Grown Grain, SOLD BY ALL GROCERS IN CABDB«ABD BOXES OF ILB., 2LBS., AND 3LBS. fe4025 ARTIFICIAL T IE IF, T R. COMPLETE SET ONE GUINEA. SINGLE TOOTH. 2s. 6d. Five Years' Warranty. Prize Medal. GOODMAN" AND CO., 10, DUKE-STREET, and 56, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. ARTIFICIAL TEETH rAfXLESSLY FITTED by Atmospheric Suction, at one-third their usual charges. No Extractions necessary; perfect and per- manent life-like appearance; special SOFT PALATES for Tender Gums; perfect for Mastication and Speech. COUNTRY PATIENTS SUPPLIED in ONE VISIT, and Railway. Fare allowed. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO REPAIRS, EXTRACTIONS, STOPPINGS &c. TESTIMONIALS. Dr ANDREW WILSON (late R.N.) says :1 can recommend Mr. Goodman as a very skilful and humane Dentist. His reasonable charges should attract to him all e!a«ips." Mr. Po VYSE, of Plaistow, says:—"I am very well pleased with the attention I have received from you. The artile.ial teeth supplied have given me perfect satisfaction, as a previous set I had from another dentist wrv by no means comfortable. X am indebted to M Siulrcw Wilson, editor of 'Health,' for recommending me to your establishment." Consultations Free. SPECIALITY in WHITE ENAMEL and GOLD FILLINGS, AMERICAN DENTISTRY, and PLATELESS PALATES. Pefore entering look for the name— 11 U U D M A M AND CO. 10. DUKE-STREET, and 56, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. PCNTYPRIDD: 86, TAFF-STREET (over Glamor- ganshire Bank i. NEWPORT: 28. HIGH STREET SWANSEA: 15, CASTLE-STREET. I Hours: 10 to 3, Consultation free. MR. GOODMAN ATTENDS PERSONALLY AT 56, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. THE GREAT SUMMER NQRINK IMITATED, BUT NOT EQUALLED TESTED. TRIED, AND PROVED TO BE SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS BEWARE OF SPURIOUS IMITATIONS. LEWIS'S LIQUID ERB JGEER JJXTRACT Makes the Most Delicious TEMPERANCE I BEVERAGE of anv yet introduced. HEALTHY, REFRESHING, AND NON- I INTOXICATING. V 6d. BOTTLE MAKES EIGHT GALLONS. Sold in Bottles at, 6d. and Is. Each by all Grocers and Chemists. FACTORY: LAKEtUTJEU Sold in Bottles at, 6d. and Is. Each by all Grocers and Chemists. FACTORY: LAKEtUTJEU JESSE WILLIAMS'S SYRUP OF FIGS. SYRUP OF FIGS. SYRUP OF FIGS. The New Palatable Purgative. The New Palatable Purgative. The New Palatable Purgative. GENTLE AND EFFICIENT GENTLE AND EFFICIENT GENTLE AND EFFICIENT DOESN'T GRIPE. DOESN'T WEAKEN, DOESN'T SICKEN. PERFECTLY SAFE PERFECTLY HARMLESS PERFECLLY HARMLESS It is a Liquid Fruit Remedy. It is a Liquid Fruit Remedy. It is a Liquid Fruit Remedy. IT SUITS EVERYBODY IT SUITS EVERYBODY. IT SUITS EVERYBODY Children like it and ask for more. Children like it and ask tor more. Children like it and ask for more. EVERYBODY SPEAK WELL OF IT EVERYBODY SPEAKS WELL OF IT EVERYBODY SPEAKS WELL OF IT For every Age or Constitution. For every Age or Constitution. For every Age or Constitution. FOR CHRONIC CONSTIPATION FOR CHRONIC CONSTLP ATION FOR CHRONIC CONSTIPATION BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE. JESSE WILLIAMS'S SYRUP OF FIGS. SYRUP OF FIGS. SYRUP OF FIGS. In Bottles, Is. and 2s.6d. each (by post, Is. 3d. and Is. lOd.) From ^he Sole Proprietors: JESSE WILLIAMS & CO PARK HALL BUILDINGS, CARDIFF, r R.J.HEATH AND Sass CARDIFF, pONTYPRIDD, AND TT ONDON, piANOFORTE AND ORGAN lVIERCHANTS, CFROM "SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS," 9th JANUARY, 1894). "Verdict of Nine Hundred. "—Under this title Messrs. R. J. Heath and Sons, Queen-street, OardUT. pianoforte makers, organ builders, and music ware- houemen, have collected an imposing ARRAY of testi- monials and Press opinions relating: to the quality at the musical instruments supplied by them. The Arm. TA »o well known in Cardiff, and, indeed, throughout, South Wales and the West of England, that it is hardly necessary here to well upon its influence and commanding position. Thin collection of testimonials serves, however, to do something more than certify to the excellence of the instruments furnished q Messrs. Heath and Sons. It shows, in a sense, how steady is the growth among the general public of A desire for a knowledge of music, and how increas- mirly numerous, even in the homes of the working C»asses. are pianos, organs, and harmoniums, the great majority ef the letters in this list relate to pianos, and while many of them have reference to JNOKT costly instruments containing all the latest improvements, SUPPLIED to the well-to-do, the greater number related to serviceable instruments purchased FOR the homes of the wage-earning portion of th« community. This growing love for so refining an art as music is a most favou rable sign. For though in th-i Principality music has for generations been the chief recreation for the people, it has for the most part been choral music in connection with churches and chapels that has occupied attention. Instru- mental music is now, however, receiving its fair ■bare of attention, and all those in true sympathy with the art must trust that the movement will go steadily onward. These testimonials have been received from every quarter of the Principality, while net a few come from other portions of the United Kingdom, and some from South America, India, and other distant countries. All IIPUII: most favourably of Messrs Heath's business methodll M well as of their instrument*. R. J. HEATH AND SONS IKVITE INSPECTION. FULL n.U'tfl'KATKn LISTS AND VERDICT POST FREK. Grand Theatre Booking Offioe. ""(XTESTON.SUPERMARE HAR WF DELOT BOARDING-HOUSE, Close to Pier and Woods. Terms moderate and incln- "6195 t flutrtir Companies* The LIST of APPLICATIONS OPENED on TUESDAY, 21st day of May, and will CLOSE on or before THURSDAY NEXT, at Four p.m. QTRANAGHAN AND STEPHENS 0 STORES (LIMITED), CARDIFF (Established nearly 100 Years). (Incorporated under the Companies Acts, whereby the liability of the Shareholders is limited to the amount of their Shares.) SHARE CAPITAL JE61.000. Divided into 25,000 SIX PER CENT. CUMULATIVE r'i.H. r. r.M. I, -SHARES of £1 each, ranking both for Capital and Dividend preferentially to 35,000 ORDINARY SHARES of £1 each, and 1,000 FOUNDERS' SHARES of £1 each. The Preference Shares are entitled to a cumulative preferential dividend at the rate of 6 per cent. per arnum, and rank both for capital and dividend pre- ferentially to the Ordinary Shares. The Founders' Shcres are entitled to a moiety of the profits after payment of A dividend at the rate of 6 per cent. per annum on the Preference Shares and 8 per cent. on the Ordinary Shares. PRESENT ISSUE i;M,000, divided into 25,000 PRE- FERENCE SHARES, 28.000 ORDINARY -SHARES, and 1,000 FOUNDERS' SHARES. 4,500 Preference, 4,500 Ordinary, and 1,000 Founders' Shares have already HEM subscribed for by the Directors and others, and will he allotted in full. 20,500 Prefe- rence Shares and 23,500 Ordinary Sharce are now offered for Subscription, payable as follows:—6s. on Application, 5s. on Allotment, 10s. on the 12th (lay of June, 1835. DIRECTORS. JOHN HARRY HALLETT, G.E., Maindy Lodge, Cardlff, ChaIrman. J. 1,1 J, :■ F-'EUULER (ex-President of the Cardiff Incorporated Chamber of Commerce, Director of the Barry Gas and Water Co.), Messrs. Burnyeat, Brown, and Co. (Limited), Cardiff. RF.BKIO" AIY.N E R HO WRING, The Heath, Cardiff (Director of Messrs. William Hancock and Co., Limited, Brewers, Cardiff). RJCHARD ANDREWS FOSTER (Director of Bute Dry Dock and Engineering G*> Limited, and Messrs. Spillers Nephews. Limited, Cardiff;, Messrs. Foster, Hain, and Co., Cardiff. "ALFHED THOMAS STEPHENS, Beach-road, Penarth. 'Will join the Board after Allotment. BANKERS. THE NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK OF ENG- LAND (LIMITED), Cardiff; their Head Office, 112, Bishops gate-street-, London, E.C., and Branches. BROKERS. J. W. COURTIS and CO., Bank-buildings, St. Mary- street, and Stock Exchange, Cardiff. AUDITORS.—WHITEHILL and WHITEHILL, Char- tered Accountants, 71, Temple-row, Biimingham. SOLICITOR.—R. W. WILLIAMS, 8, Charles street, Cardiff. SECRETARY (pro tem.).—H. S. THOMAS. OFFICES.—9, Castle-street, Cardiff. PROSPECTUS. This Company has been formed for the purpose of acquiring and working the well-known business of Stranaghan and Stephen", General Grocers and Pro- vision Dealers, and Retailers of Ales, WiniS, and now caried on at 9, CasUe-rtre.'t, Cardiff 56, Queen-street, Cardiff (kncwn AB the "Household Stores"); Glebe-street, Penarth; constituting one of, if not the most important under- takings of its kind, not only in the district, but in the whole of the Principality. The business, having been established as far tiack as 1809, is certainly one of the oldest businesses in Scuth Wales. The premises are excellently situated, two of the establishments being in the centre of the town, and one in tho chief residential suburb. It is helieved that the busincss can be advan- tageously conducted and extended by the Company. Mr. Stephens, who has for SOME years been the only active partner, has undertaken for two years at least to give it his continuous personal attention, and the service of the managers, VlZ. — Mr. Albert White (Manager of the Castle-street eftablishment), Mr..J. H. Beddoe (Manager of the Queen-street establishment), Mr. H. S. Wilkine (Manager of the Penarth e8W blishment), each of whom HI? been in the employ of Messrs. Stmnaghan and Stephens for upwards of nine years, have been retained by the Company for a period of seven years. An .trrangement has also been made whereby the Man:tgore an to receive at the end of their seven yea.-a' period of service certain fully paid shares, to be divided between them in fixed proportions. The shares will be imme. di?tfly allotted to trustees, to hold in trust for and to pay the dividends thereon to the Managers, until the end of the appointed time. The profits have been ascertained by Messrs. Wlntehill and Whitehill, Chartered Accountants, who report as follows: — "71, Temple-row, Birmingham, 17th May, 1895. "To the Directors of Stranaghan and Stephens Stores (Limited). "We have examined the books and accounts of Messrs. Straitaghan and Stephens for the period of E even years ended the 1st inst. "We certify that the net profits for such period amounted TO jE37,790 16s. 7d., or an average of jB5,398 12s. &d. per annum. "The amount of profits earned for the past year was £ 5,912 14s. Thp CASH and credit sales for the Tear pnded tbe first day of this month wem in excess of those of the previous year. "We are, gentlemen, "Your obpdient servants, WHITEHILL and WHITEHILL." Taking thp average prGfits only as a basis, and allow. ing for dividends as under: — £ s. d. 6 per cent. per annum on £ 25.000 Prefe- rence Shares 1,500 0 0 8 per cent. per annum on JB28,000 Ordinary Shares 2,240 0 0 £3.740 0 0 there remains surplus of jBl.658 available for incieased expenses (if any), and towards additional dividend or reserves. Taking the last year's profits AS a basil, and simi- larly allowing for dividends, there remains a surplus of £ 2,172. The property taken over by the Company includes the valuable leases of the premises in Castle-street and Queen-street, Cardiff, and of the premises at Penarth, with unexpirel terms to run at low rentals. The term which the first-named hae still to run is 14 years, and the two latter 18 years, there being an ulvantageoua free option conceded to the Company of takmg leasee for 99 years, from the 1st August, 1874, of tne interest of the said Alfred Thomas Stephens ir. the Queen-street premises, Cardiff, and the premiæ8 at Penarth. The property taken over al.9o includes tho valuable 1 cences to sell alcoholic liquors, to he consumed off the premises, as well as an the exten- sive stocks, fixtures, fittings, and utensils, horses, carts, and vans, &c. And the book debts taken over are guaranteed to realise their scheduleci value. It ü; provided by the Articles of Association that no Debentures CIon he oreated to rank in front of the Preference Shares without tile cowent of three- fourths of the Preference Shareholders, at a meeting of the Preference Shareholders convened for that purpose, at which at least two-thirds of such share- holders are present in person or by proxy. It is also provided by the Articles that any Director must be tne holder of at least 5.10 shares. The re-election of one of the Directors will be in the hands of the Preference Shareholders. TH» price 00 he paid for the valuable lease8, the stock-in-trade, the book debts taken over, the good- will of the business. the licences, the fixtures, fittings, horses, and carts, and utensils of trade connected with the business, nap been fised by the Vendors at £ 50,000, payablo ss to £ 38,000 in cash, and AS to the balance in shares or caeh, or partly in cMh and partly in shares, st the option of the Company. The present issue provides for the sum of jB3,000 as and for addi- tional working capital. The business will be taken over as from the 1st day of May, 1895, and the plOfits from that date will belong to the Complmy. The following contracts have been entered into: — An agreement, dated 17th May, 1895, relating to the purchase and sale of the business, and made between Stranagban and Stephens of the first part, Alfred Thomae Stephens of the second part. and the Company of the third part. An agreement, dated 17th May, 1895, relating to terms and conditions of service, and to an allotment ot Shares M above indi. cated, made between the CompBny of Ute one part and Albert Whiie of the other part; the like between the Company and J. H. Bedaoe, and the like between the Company and H. S. Wilkins. The numerous other usual contracts relating to the carrying on of the bu..inet!8 cannot, on account of their length, he specified in detail, <?nd applicants for Shares shall be deemed to have waived the inser- tion of the particulars thereof, and to haye accepteci the above all a sufficient compliance with Section 38 of the Companies Act, 1867, and to have agreed with the Company, ae Trasteee for the Directors, or other persons liable, not to make any claim whatsoever, or 00 take any proceedings under the said Section, or under the Directors' Liability Act of 1890, in respect of any non-compliance with the said Seetion, or of ;>ny mis-statement in the Prospectus made in the bona fide belief that it is true. The report of MESSRS. Whitehin and Whitehill, together with the Memorandum and Articles of Asso- ciation, and the four agreements above mentioned, can be seen at the offices of the Company's Solicitor. The following approximate present market quotations are an indication of the appreciation in which invest- ments in successful retail businesses are held: — Harrod's Stores (Ltd.), formed in 1894, £1 Ordi. nary Shares. 72s. 6D—77S. 6d. -A H. Evans and Oo. (Ltd.), formed in 1894, £1 fVJinary Shares, 45S.—50S.; £1 Preference Shareo, 2^9 30s J. R. Roberts' Stores (Ltd.), formed in 1894. £1 Ordinary Shores, 25s.-30s. John Barker and Co. (Ltd.), formed in 1894, £1 Ordii ary Shares, 52S. 6d.—57S. 6d.; £ 5 Prefe- rence Shares, S6 15?.—€7 5s. The whole of the founders' shares have heen subecribed for, snd win be allotted in full; the expenses of and incidental to the formation of the Company up to the first general allotment of shares will be paid for out of the proceeds of the founders' shares, and, if such prcceeds are not sufficient, by the vendors. It is mtenrled to apply, in due course, for a settle. ment and quotation on the Stock Exchange. Arplicatiol18 shares should lie made on the form accompanring too Prospectus, and, ,1.8 indicated therein, should be forwarded, with the remittance covering the amount of the deposit, to the Bankers of the Company. Preference in the allotment of Shares will be given to ruwtoroers and employee of the bUI'ln..88. Prospectuses and Forms of Application can he obtained at the Company's Offices, 9. Castle-street, Cardiff, at the Branch Establishments, 56, Queen- street, Cardiff, and Glebe-street, Penarth, and from the Brnkeiv and Solidtor. Cardiff, May 18th, 1895. C R 0 S S B ROT HER S, WORKING STREET CARDIFF SPECIAL VALUE IN BEST GALVANISED 0ORRUGATED JRON SHEETS. TO COVER 2 FEET IN THE CLEAR. PRESENT CASH PRICES 5ft. long, is 2W each. I 8ft., 18 lid per sheet 6ft. „ Is 5|d „ 9ft., 2s 3id 7ft. „ is 8d „ | 10ft., 28 8d RIDGING, NAILS, WASHERS, and all neces- sary Fastening's a.t Reduced Rates. GALVANISED IRON CISTERNS, TANKS. INQUIRIES SOLICITED THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER- t THOMPSONS BURDOCK PILLS purify the foullest blood, and relieve every disease of Siomaeh, Liver, and Kidneys. Pure Blood gives Ilea lib. Thou- sands have been cured by these wonderful 1':1" V'T'-E disease could not be reached bv any other nx-.icinc. —Sold by all Chemists, in boxes, 18: LID. and 2s. 3d. each. Sent BJJ rail to nos aaddr- business; &fitjres$es. WHERE SHALL I BUY? AUT DECORATORS. W DAVIS AND SON, • PAINTERS, GLASS, OIL, AND PAPER-HANGING MERCHANTS, 11, QUEEN.STREET, ? -?-?- BABY CARRIAGES. SPENCER'S WAREHOUSE o ST. JOHN'S-SQUARE. The Largest Stock in Wales and the West of Eng- land t. Select from. BAKER. FOR PURE HOME MADE and JP WHOLE MEAL BREAD TRY MERRETT, 52, TUDOR ROAD. BOOTS. WO PEACE, FAMILY BOOT- T t W MAKER, BEDWELLTY HOUSE, 78, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. BRASS WORKS. PEWTEREH, AND BEER-ENGINE JL MAKER, 35, BROADWAY. Beer-Enginea. Mullers, &c., Repaired Equal to New. Beer and Spirit ('ocks Repaired or Made to Order. CHINA AND GLASS WARE. WDOBBS AND SON t V t OUR CELEBRATED GUINEA DINNER SET. 72, QUEEN STREET. CUTLERY. JITLOR GOOD CUTLERY GO TO D A. W. STANIFORTH, THE CUTLER," 6, CHURCH-STREET. Repairing and_Grinding (daily). CUT FLOWERS. CASE BROS.—OUR SPECIALITY J WREATH, 10s. 6d.. Superior Style and Quality. OVER 300 FIRST PRIZES. 37, QUEEN-STREET. HIGHEST CARDIFF HONOURS IN JLJL Recent Years for BOUQUETS, WREATHS and CROSSES made by A. E. PRICE, PARK-HALL BUILDINGS. WILLIAM TRESEDER TV NURSERYMAN, CARDIFF. Wreaths, Crosses from 5s. 6d. each, good Talne for money. Prompt attention. CYCLES. T FREEDMAN, AGENT FOR ? < WHITWORTH CYCLES. NEW SHOP SOILED MACHINES ON HAND. CASTLE ROAD. KENNARD AND CO., Sole Agents J[Y Celebrated RALEIGH. CENTAUR. TURNER, AND OTHERS. INSPECTION INVITED. 20, CASTLE-ROAD. DOMESTIC MACHINES. SPENCER'S DEPOT ?3 ST. JOHN'S-SQUARE. The New High Arm Sewing Machine, with cover, £2 18s. 6d. cash. DRAPERY. GRIFFITH JAMES ?JT 15, HIGH-BTREET. Fresh Arrivals of Newest Goods Daily at Cash Prices. DYEWORKS, &c. ORCHARDS, THE BELGRAVE ?? DYEWORKS, ADAM-STREET, CARDIFF. Hat and Bonnet Makers. Ostrich Feather Dressers, Leghorn Hat Cleaners, and New Shapes Blocked. IF YOU WANT YOUR CLOTHES NICELY CLEANED, GO TO HOBBS, DYER, 1, NELSON-TERRACE. ELECTRIC APPLIANCEST~ TMADDREN & COMPANY JL W ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS, 47, CASTLE ARCADE. FURNITURE. BEVAN & COMPANY, LIMITED; JLF "THE CARDIFF FURNISHERS," ST. MARY-STREET AND DUKE-STREET. GENTS' UNDERCLOTHING. WHITE AND PRINT SHIRTS, W WINTER LATES, "CENTRE" OF ROYAL ARCADE, CARDIFF GROCERIES. DAVID JONES & CO.. LIMITED JL? THE PEOPLE'S FOOD PROVIDERS, The Finest Butter lOb. per Ib, Call at "VVIiarton -street. HATS. BUY FROM THE MAKER. PARSLEY'S HAND MADE HATS JL 15, WYNDHAM ARCADE CARDIFF also PONTYPRIDD. IRONMONGERS. WHOLESALE. ELIAS AND PARRY, f'J 22, CASTLE • ARCADE, MANUFACTURER OF WASHING BOARDS, &c. JOHN WILLIAMS AND SONS t? QUEEN-STREET, Cheapest House for Garden Tools and Hose Lawn Mowers, &c. LADIES' UNDERCLOTHING OSIERY, GLOYES & CORSETS, _[jL WINTER LATES, 27, 28, 29, 30, ROYAL ARCADE, CARDIFF. MILITARY OUTFITTER. E J. BAKER JCJ < HIGH-CLASS TAILOR, 33, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. Agent for Messrs. Habson and Sons, Military Outfitters, London. MILLINERY. MRS. WILLIAMS, BABY LINEN. UNDERCLOTHING, LADIES SHIRTS AND BLOUSES. 2o, 16 OYAL ARCADE. LODWICK'S REPOSITORY ?J LADIES' SHIRTS AND BLOUSES, AND CHILDREN'S OVERALLS FOR SUMMER. 25. CASTLE-ROAD. OCULIST-OPTICIAN^ YOUR EYES SAVED! JL BY WEARING PROFESSOR SCOTT'S SPECTACLES. 37, CASTLE ARCADE. RHEUMATIC CURE. FOR FULL PARTICULARS APPLY TO PHIL PHILLIPS JL 24, ST. MARY-STREET. TAILORING. GE 0 R > H I L L, ?? 3, QUEEN-STELE'" ARCADE. TRY MY 5Gs. SUMMER VUITS. Perfect Fit and Style Guaranteed. W WINDSOR, 3, GUILDFORD- • STREET PATTERNS AND PRICES ON APPLICATION. S FARMER AlSMD CT>~ k.3< FASHIONABLE TAILORS, OXFORD HOUSE, CASTLE-ROAD. Business and Holiday Suits, 50s. TR. JONES AND SON, JL M THE PRINCIPALITY TAILORS, 117, QUEEN-STREET. Solicit your kind patronage and recommcndatien. TEA. DAVID JONES and CO. (Limited) JL? FOR FINEST TEA IN THE MARKET. CALL AT WHARTON-STREET. THE CHOOLA TEA COMPANY, JL TEA GROWERS AND EXPERTS, PARK-HALL BUILDINGS, QUEEN-STREET TOOLS. OHN HALL. CASTLE ARCADE, t? HENRY DISSTON'S 26in. HAND-SAWS. No. 107, 4s. 6d.; No. 7, 5s. 8d.; No D8, 6s. 3a TYPEWRITING. MISS KENWAY, jL?JL 107, EXCHANGE. Typewriting neatly and carefully executed; terms on anDlication. 35ugmeste gftflregsesu HIGH CLASS HOTELS. ROYAL HOTEL JLLl ST. MARY-STREET. FIRST AND SECOND-CLASS BARS. CLIFTON HOTEL WINES, SPIRITS, CIGARS, BILLIARDS. CLIFTON-STREET. ROATH. ?JUbIit ;f1.úttrt?. CCARDIFF GAS-LIGHT AND COKE J COMPANY. OAS CONSUMERS in tlw CATHAYS and ROATH PARK DISTRICTS are informed that W RORKLT- SOX, Meter Inspector, is NO LONGER in the EMPLOY of the ABOVE COMPANY. BY ORDER. ANNUAL AMATEUR ATHLETIC ?nL SPORTS AT ABERGAVENNY ON WHIT-TUESDAY, JUNE 4TH, 1895. OVER R50 IN PRIZES. EVENTS aud 440 Yards Half-mile Mile. Half-mile yele (scratch) Half-mile and Mile Bicycle. Programmes from Evans and Powel, Somerset, Aberguveuiiy. GRAND FETE at Abersarenny Castle on Whit- Mouday and Tuesday. Go and see the Condo Original Japanese Performers. Military Band for Dancing both days. Fireworks, &c. e4220 NOTICE OF REMOVAL. STEWART AND HARPER (Stewart late from Jacobus) Have REMOVED FROM No. 24 TO 27, CASTLE ARCADE, And are now Showing a First-class Selection of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS At most Economical Prices. Our Specialities are :— Business Suits 42s. Od. To Measure. Covert Coats 55s. Od. Trousers 10;s. 6d. pHIL PHILLIPS' RHEUMATIC CURE. PHIL PHILLIPS' RHEUMATIC CURE 24, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. PHIL PHILLIPS' RHEUMATIC CURE. CURES RHEUMATIC GOUT PHIL PHILLIPS' RHEUMATIC CURE SOCKS FROM 10s. 6d. PER PAIR. PHIL PHILLIPS' RHEUMATIC CURE CURES NEURALGIA. PHIL PHILLIPS' RHEUMATIC CURE. BELTS FROM 10s. 6d. EACH. PHIL PHILLIPS' RHEUMATIC CURE. WHY SUFFER WHEN YOU CAN BE CURED? PHIL PHILLIPS' RHEUMATIC CURE CURES SCIATICA. PHIL PHILLIPS' RHEUMATIC CURE WRISTLETS FROM 5s. PER PAIR. PHIL PHILLIPS' RHEUMATIC CURE. NOTE THE ADDRESS. HIL PHILLIPS' RHEUMATIC C'CRE. SEND REMITTANCE FOR APPLIANCES, PHIL PHILLIPS' RHEUMATIC CURE. PHIL PHILLIPS' RHEUMATIC CURE. Socks 10s. 6d. pair, Belts 10s 6d., Wristlets 5s. PHIL PHILLIPS' RHEUMATIC CURE. 24, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. PHIL PHILLIPS' RHEUMATIC CURE. HUNDREDS OF TESTIMONIALS. PHIL PHILLIPS' RHEUMATIC CURE. EVERY DAY COMPLETE CURES. PHIL PHILLIPS' RHEUMATIC CURE. 57158 I 1895. SPRING CLEANING. 1895 CARPETS BEATEN by GOLD MEDAL Process. Also taken up and re-laid by Practical Men. CURTAINS CLEANED and Tinted in our well known style, equal to new, from 9d per pair. WINDOWS CLEANED on Moderate Terms. Note Red Cross on Men's Jackets Mid on Trucks. WASHING LAUNDERED in a superior manner SHIRTS, COLLARS, CUFFS, &c., A SPECIALITY CARDIFF STEAM LAUNDRY, CARPET AND WINDOW CLEANING COMPANY (LIMITED), Postal Address and Office: 1, MINNY-ST REET CATHAYS. Penarth Onice 19, WINDSOR-ROAD POST CARDS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION 26213 fTmE CARDIFF MILK SUPPLY X COMPANY Are the largest retailers of milk in the Provinces. They deliver to all parts of the town twice a day. BUTTER. EGGS, RAW CREAM, AND DEVONSHIRE CREAM FRESH EVERY DAY FROM THEIR "MODEL DAIRY." Only the best of everything, so that the public can depend upon having good value.—Address, CASTLE-ROAD, CARDIFF. e4192 ROATH MACHINE DEPO T R 14, BROADWAY. Sewing Machines, Perambulators, and Mail Carts at lowest cash prices or on easy terms. All kinds of r2pairs. repairs. SPR ING CLEANING. BROADWAY FURNITURE STORES. Furniture Repaired. Upholstering- at Lowest Prices. S. J. MEWTON, 14 and 18, BROADWAY. IF YOU WANT A CHEERFUL AND ECONOMICAL FIRE, BUY -?.f Ink HOU' -FU:,gL, Small Blocks Sold by tale of 748 Blocks to the ton. NO WASTE. EASILY PACKED. Invaluable for Small Households. Supplied in any quantities from lewt. upwards. I THE CARDIFF JJOUSEHOLD FUEL COY., t- D. Works .—DUMBALLS-KOAD, CARDIFF. øw4 TRAIN YOUR MOUSTACHE IN TiECfi WAY IT SHOULD GO. WAr iL f JQGTK'A LANE'S AMBERETE for training, flxin?> and pro. rosite-sis: lllfll1 Hill SIRIY BY0SLTR0N' PRCPARED dresser. St. John's-square Price 2s. per bottle. Cardiff, Post free 2s. 3d. 3154 Telephone, National, &?2,; ^Mt-offlce, 96. Telegrams, Cardiff.