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News Gleanings .


News Gleanings A STJMMAKY OF INTERESTING ITEMS. ¡ Telegraphic a.nd Otherwise Obtained from a Variety of Sources. The Queen, of Roumania—"Carmen Sylva"— has presented the West Ham Library Commis- sioners with copies of all her works which have been translated into Enk'u.-h. Tfiie death 1m occurred of Mr. Charles Bulmer, at. one time Liberal registration agent for the West Rid lng, and for a quarter of a century clerk of the pea/je for the borough of Leeds. • • Vieto Hugo's grand-daughter, who obtained a divorce from M. Leon Dauber, son of the noveljst. was married 0n Wednesday m Pans by civil ceremony to Dr. J. B. Charcot, son of the late eminent physician. I An old Venetian rose point lace flounce, measuring three yards twenty-eight inches by fourteen inches wide, was sold by Messrs. Knight, Frank, and Rutley, at their Conduit- ctreet auction galleries, for 235 guineas. » » • At the instance of the Inland Revenue authorities, Henry By water, landlord of a I public-house in the Victoria Dock-road, wa., summoned to West Ham Police-court for dilu- ting beer. It was stated for the prosecution that the dilution was to the extent of two gallons in 36. The defendant was fined £25. » » At Liverpool Assizes, John Garner, owner of the steam fiat Eclipse, sought to recover I damages from the Manchester Ship Canal Company for negligence n the pare of its servants, whi<-h had, be alleged, resulted in his flat being sunk. The jury found that there had been negkgenco on both sides, and I gave a verdict for the defendants. # A project for the establishment of a number of creameries m England :s being promoted by the (Jo-operative Wholesale riocietv, who have twelve or fourteen in operation in Ire- land. A deputation from tfl8 committee of the society are now ascertaining the feelino- of farmers in Cumberland, where it is pro- bable a start will be made. » » # » Some prominent Free Churchmen in Edin- burgh, who are a.1;¡-0 promment Temperance reformers, recently set themselves to excavate in a. cellar in John Knox's house, in order to test an old &tory as to hi" having had a well there. They found no well, but only a semi- circular hole, the appearance of which sug- gests that it was the resting-place of a large wine-barrel' » # » Late on Wednesday night the wife of a well- Late on Wednesday night the wife of a well- known Yarmouth tradesman, named Howee, took advantage of her husband's temporary absence to inflict an awful gash in her throat with a razor. She died soon afterwards. < :\1r. D. J. Milling-ton, of Sfmpringham, near Billiagnorough, has lost by death the prize ram for which he paid 200 guineas ati Lincoln Ram Fair this year. The sheep, which was bred by Mr. J. Pears, of Mere, wa., a splendid speci- men of the true Lincoln sire. » The bust of the late Mr. Joseph Thomson, the African traveller, which Mr. McBride, Edinburgh, is executing is about completed, and the face is said to be an excellent likeness, It is expected that it will be erected on an early day on the site opposite the Morton Parish School, Thornhill. Mr. Gladstone's little grand-daughter, Miss Dorothy Drew, we are told by the "Young Woman," never wears shoes and stockings at all, either in the house or out of doors, excopt in town. where a barefooted child would attract observation, or at home when the roads are very wet and muddy. < Among the property of Sir John Pender which is shortly to be di-persed under tt e ham- mer is 'a set of Hansard Parliamentary debates frcm the library of the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone, with his MS. notes." It would be interesting to know under what circumstances Mr. Gladstone transferred this particular pro- perty to other hands, and the competition for this particular "lot" is certain to be keen. The Ameer of Afghanistan has been bitten by the evelmg craze. A cycle chair designed for his Highness'g use by Sir Aquin Martin is now on view in London preparatory tc ship- ment. It is finished in the mont elaborate Oriental style, with silver mountings. It is worked by two men over parallel hind wheels. As the Ameer evidently does not care about -pedalling, he had better go in for a. motor-car next time. » < Mr. John C. R/ichardson, wh was well known in the railway world, expired suddenly on Wednesday, at his residence in Newbury. His career commenced with the North-Eastern Company, after which he became manager of the Cornwall Mineral Railway. Later on he joined th« service of the Great Western Rail- way Company, and held the position of aseis- tant chief goods manager at Paddington- De- ceased's health gave way some time ago, and he retired. The Corporation of the City of London are wJsely taking advantage of the present •'boom'' in public-house property. Thus .he othe.r day tie twenty-one years' lease, at £ 700 per annum, of the Cock Tavern, ir the poultry and pro- vision market at Smithfield, was out up to public auction, and lealised a premium of £ 4,100; and now it is proposed, under the pc-wera of the Metropolitan Market Act, to dispose, in a similar manner, of the freeholds of the five public-houses that may be said to mark the boundaries of the market at Ii- lington. • • Crichel, near Blandford, Dorsetshire, where Lord and Lady Alington will receive the Duke and Duohess of York as guests in January, iff remarkable for two features of its surround- ings. First, the miniature lake in from of I the house, where countless wild fowl breed and disport themselves without ever being dis- turbed by a gun; and, secondly, the White Farm, where every inhabitant is pure in com- plexion, from the cows to the pea-fowl, Lord Alington keeps up al' the traditions of country hospitality. There is always wha.t the Do:-set- shire folk call "a bite and a sup" for his neigh- bours. » » » • The Holborn Board of Guardians have dis- cussed a complaint made by a male pauper in the Mitcham Workhouse to the Local Govern- ment Board that he had been denied his breakfast he would not go into the dindng-hall when "grace before meat" was being said. )011. Walton said that the man was a Roman Catholic, and had conscientious objections, which he had a right bo have respected. Mr. Garrity: We might make a special "grace" to suit them all. viz., "For wfc?> we are about to receive the ratepayers had to pay." (Laughter.) The guardians in the end approved of the conduct of their officials. < <t » < At a recent TTniversalijrt; convention at Port- land, Maine, the Rev. Mr. Wells told a story of a bwyamist who had two wives. the one old, the other young. The young wife, not wanting him to look okl, pulled out his grey hairs, and the old wife. not wanting him to look young, pulled out his blaek hairs. So he became bald. "If this picking away of creeds doesn't stop, the general Church will be bald and have to wear a denominationaJ. wig," said Bro. Weils, and the radical contingent was swept back Amid the general hilarity. « • • In of previous returns, the finance .?- committee of the London County Council have prepared a report showing, for the financial year ended March last, the charge on each parish in respect of loans, the amount of loans for which each parish is liable, together with the -ate in the pound of the charge. London's debt, according to this document, amounts to £ 37,94-1,704, and involves a charge on the rates of £ 2.523.447, of which £ 1,217,437 is interest, and £ 1,306,010 repayment, e~ual to a rate cf 1:57d. in t'he pounJ. ♦ At Bloomsbury County Court, his honour Judg^ Pateivon claimed £ 1 16s. from Messrs. Cameron and Co.. amount of damage done to his brougham by reason of one of defendant's coal carts running ÍIlto it in Euston-road. HIS honour did lwt appear before his brother judgp, but sent his solicitor. Defendants contended j that the amount claimed was excessive.—Judge Bacon I think it's a moderate bill. I never yet knew of a coal-cart running into a carriage for less than 36.—Judgment for the plaintitf, with costs of three witnesses. if # At I.herpco] Assizes on Thursday Arthur Rue, ccuun.i.aion agent, who pleaded guilty on Monday tJ forging two bills oi exchange, by which he dbtained £180, was sentenced to four years' penal servitud'3. In passing sentence, Justice Bruce said he was satisfied that the charges to which prisoner had pleaded guilty were not the only ones of whilh he had been guilty. Roe was utterly overcome by the sentence, and was removed from the dock in a. stato c-f cohapse. • • • • Mr Richard Beavis, the painter, has died at his residence, Campden Hill-square, Kensing- ton. As late ad this spring two of his finest work- were exhibited at the Royal Academy, "Crossing the Sands, Holy Island—Sea Fog rolling in" and CampheJl." Apart from hi" talent a", an oil painter, he achieved I considerable distinction as a painter in water- oolour, contributing largely to the exhibitions of the Royal Water-colour Society, of whom he wad a member. He was born in 1824. The death has taken place at Wonersh of Colonel Henry James Jeif-Sharp, late of the Colonel Henry James Jeif-Sharp, late of the Scots Ftôélier Guards. He went through the Crimean campaign, and a>t home wad well known as an enthusiastic golfer, a. spIendid four-in-hand coachman, and a gentleman jockey. As a. yatchsman he won several races with his little yacht Blink Bonnie, and he was for some time master of the Fife Harriers. He was liktwise for some time master of the Essex and i Suffolk Foxhounds, and later cf the East Essex F oxhound.-1. •»**•* A. shocking caRe c'f assault upon a woman nt-med Donoughe, of Chatteris, Cambridge- shire, aged 60 years, at Hatfield, in July was investigated at the Herts A?sizes.Three labourers, named William Hedges, Frank Wat- fon. and William Wilson, of Hatfield, were con- victed. In charging the grand jury, Baron Pollock said that never in his 25 years' expe- rience throughout the whole of England had rience throughout the whole of England had he known such a brutal case. The jury found the prisoners guilty, and, in passing sentence of =even years' penal servitude, thE judge re- marked that within a very few years the prnishment foi such offences would be mucrt greater than this.






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"Express'' Football Competition.

?---- - -----? RUSSIAN WHEAT…



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parliamentary Notices*






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