Papurau Newydd Cymru

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^JJouurPjjjigfous, cor. BUr-F Leghorn. Orpinsrton, Ancona Chickens ?vei7 Thursday. Eggs. 7s 6d., 5s. dozen. ±racticaL Profitable Poultry Keeping," 7d. -Coaley Poultry Farm. Dursley, Gloucester- ^re- 52371 Magons anil €oilien> ^Requisites. RAILS.—For Sale, about Ten Tons Barlow Bails (SecoHd-hand).—Apply U oo, Western Mail. Swansea. 4596i31 ï;i-i.oo- New Ten-ton Wagons, ready for De- oV livery; 50 New Regulation Wagons, li years old; 10 New Regrulatiou Wagons, seven years old; 250 10-ton Old Regulation Wasrons ■ Wagons Financed and Let on Purchase-Hire — Apply J. R. Nicholas and Co., 15, The Exchange Cardiff. a209 QLEEPERS (any size). Tram Plank3, Curbs, t,i Uea|s- »nd Boards.—Address for low prices Edwyn cooKe and Co., Steam Saw Mills, Car- (lff' 4518p5, Tl;am Planks Colliery Sleepers. A^h XJ Planks, Ash and Elm FeUoes, Shafts, Stocks, low prices.—Clarence Wharf Saw Mills ^ewgort. 4404l31 Ð.Otítt5. EMIG-KATXO^ TO CANADA FREE GRANTS OF LAND IN MANITOBA. FREE fmAXTS OF LAXD OR CROWN" GRANTS AT LOW PRICES IN OTHER PROVINCES ALSO CHEAP I If PROVED FARMS. Classes Wanted.—Capitalists, persons with moderate incomes, Farmers, Married Couples, and Single Men willing to ensrasre as Farm Labourers, and youn" men nesirmsr to learn farming. Special arrangements for JJoraestic Servants. Canada. has g-old and other minerals in abundance: Mao immense forests, productive fisheries, important manufacturing- industries, the largest are* of fertile land available for settlement- in the world, and a growing import and export trade in all commodities. Pamphlets, Maps, reliable information and advice on all matters of interest to intending settlers, and an to the trade and commerce of the dominion, may be obtained gratia and post free on application to the Canadian government Asrent in "YVale-j "*0 The Wall* Cardiff, or to any of the Agents of the Canadian Govern^ ment m the United Kingdom Correspondence and personal interviews invited a2.08 Cratic Notices* ABT DECOSATOBS. -¡XT DA V-IS AND SON T t < PAINTERS. GLASS, OIL AND PAPER-HANGING MERCHANTS 11. QUEEN-STREET. DYEWOBSS, ETC., 4 IP YOU WANT yoTiR- CLOTHES JL NICELY CLEANED, GO TO hOBBS. DYER. 1. NELSON-TERRACE. FUBNITTJBE. EVAN & COMPANY, LIMITED THE CARDIFF FURNISHERS," JT- MABY-STREET AND DUKE-STREET. HATS. PARSLEYS HAND-MADE HATS, J- 2s. 9d. and 3s. 9d.-15. Wyndham Arcade tnd 40, Caroline-street. BUY FROM THE MAKER. e904 IRONMONGERY. THE INHABITANTS of ROATH and SPLOTT JL will do well to PURCHASE at W. MOORE, IRONMONGER. BROADWAY. re!0606d RHEUMATIC CURE. FOR FULL PARTICULARS APPL y-;¡;o- PHIL PHILLIPS, JL 24. ST. MARY-37KEET. 35l!S!ITf £ »5 StftreSSeSu AVEEY JMPORTANT QUESTION) s where to bny vonr Furniture I There is so nuch rubbish sold in these degenerate days that he greatest rare should be taken in selecting he Firm from whom you purchase. Now, irrow Å RE you o know unon whom you can rely? We submit hat th", experieni gained by the trading of learly half a century points most conclusively o the fact that no Firm on Earth can serve ou better or cheaper than EVAN AND ^JOMPANY (LIMITED), \,y are beyond all question the largest ,'in South Wales and Monmouthshire, defy a.ny competitor to disprove this at. ^HA.T gTRONGER "DROOF )e adduced to show that by entrusting your :rs to this large and old-established Firm will not only have the advantage of an selection, but that, both with regard *H-Iity and prices, you will receive the very G satisfaction? All goods are delivered rail or own vans, and the rail or own vans, and the TIRAIN FARE pAID cash purchasers of a reasonable amount. faf;-r 0 Olll IHninsr-roorn, and Bedro0!n Suites to Fifty Guineas per ja. Bedstead. Wire-woven Mattress. Wool erlay, Bolster, and Pillow completa for ,*8. 6d. Organs and pIANOS JJALF pRICE. Carpets. Linoleums, and FloUt" Cloths of newest lesigns. and everv requisite for furnishing hroughout at equally low prices. gEYAN AND ^JOIPANr 21, DUKE-STREET, And 97, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF; 97, WIND-STREET, gWANSEA; OPPOSITE TOWN-HALL, j^-EWPORT NCE-STREET aad HANBURY-ROAD, II pONTYPOOL. WANTED IN EVERY DISTRICT. public Sinusements* CARDIFF. RP H £ A T R E O Y A L. Lessee and Manageress.Mrs. Edward Fletcher. LAST EIGHT NIGHTS OF THE ROYAL PANTOMIME, JGOBINSON CRUSOE, New Specialities bv the Beautiful Atalanta, JENNIE APPLETON AND DAVIE McNEILL. NEW SONGS. NEW DANCES. NEW BUSINESS. NEW BALLETS Time and Prices as Usual. MATINEE EVE AY SATURDAY AT TWO. Booking Offices at Messrs. Thompson and Shackell's (Limited), Queen-street, from 10 till 4. Telephone 521. a188 G H, A ITD T H E A T R E Lessee A Manager. MR. CLARENCE SOUNES LAST TWO NIGHTS AND CONTINUED SUCCESS OF THE GRAND GEORGEOLS PANTOMIME, ALADOIN. Unanimous Approval The Brightest and Prettiest Pantomime, And the Marvellous Specialities. MATINEE TO-MORKOW (SATURDAY), Jan. 1".1 29. at Two. Doors open 1..)(¡. Early Doors 1 Pantomime prices:—From 6d. to £1 Is. Chil- dren Halt-price. Second price at 9 o'clock. Early doors extra. Doors open 7; commence 7 15. Early Doors 6.15. [al87 Box Office at Mr. R. Lane's. 3. Duke-street. Monday next, Jan. 31. DRIVEN FROM HOME. 'Tis not in mortals to command success, but we'll do it." THE JJ M P I B K, Managing Director OSWALD STOLL. TO-NIGHT. ENGAGEMENT AT ENORMOUS EXPENSE of the G'UBMESE FJLROUPE OF REAL INDIANS IN THEIR NATIVE COSTUMES AND SPORTS, Twenty in number, who constituted the attrac- tion at the Crystal Palace in THE BURMESE VILLAGE. THE WOOD TRAVELLI TOIO. Variety Entertainers. WAL PINK AND COMPANY, la the Weird, Spectacular. Fancy, entitled— TWO WISHES. New Scenery and Music. PROF. JENNION'S MARIONETTES! The Merriest of Marvellous Mannikins. FRED NEIMAN. With his Animated Minstrels. MR. AND MRS. HANNAWAY ROWE, In their Beautiful and Picturesque Entertain- ment. Mr. Hannaway Rowe is the Original "Sequah." CHARLES VINCENT, Comedian. The Celebrated MDLLE. DE DIO! In her Remarkable Dances, Including '-She" in the Fire of Life. Next Week— BRISTOL'S EDUCATED HORSES. Box Office open daily from 10 to 4; Saturday*, 10 to 1. Also from 7 to 10 each evening for book- ings for subsequent dates. Two Complete Performances Every Evening between 7 and 9 and 9 and 11. NEWPORT. XHE E M P r R K. Managing Director OSWALD STOLL. TO-NIGHT. Xmas Sketch from the Cardiff Empire, JOLLY- BOY'S JUBILEE; or. The Phantom Bride. The Gaertners. Angeline, Premier Ladv Juggler. Macdonald Troupe of Dancers. Japa, and .Ta.po on the Wire. Master George Elliott. Professor Bristol's Horses. Ponies and Mules (ten in num- ber). Next Week:—THE CHARITY GIRL. H. YOEUM, NEWPORT. Proprietor MB. CLARENCE SOUNES THIS DAY at 2 and 7, and During the Week. JJOBINSON QTIUSOE Pantomime, including the Leopold Brothers. MATINEES THURSDAY and SATURDAY, at 2. Price. 6d. to £1 is. Telephone 158 (Nat.). Box Office open daily, 10 to 4, at Lyceum only. Doors open 6.40. Early Doors 6. Children Half-price to Matinees only. NEXT WEEK-ALLADDIN Pantomime. 55694 B RECHAM'S PILLS ^GEECHAMS PILLS BEECHAM'S PILLS, Worth a Guinea. a Box. BEECH A MS PILLS, iD For Bilious Attacks. BKECHAM'S PILLS JD For Nervous Disoraers. ■ •E&CHAM'S PILLS, J_> For Indigestion in all its forma. BEECHA1\1}3 PILLS. J-) For Wind and Pain in the Stomach. BEECHAM'S PILLS. For Sick Headache. BEECHAM'S PILLS JO Have Saved the Liles of Thousands. BEECHAM SPILLS, JD For Giddintns. EECHAM'S PILLS. For Fulness and Swelling after Meals. EECHAM'S PILLS JL) Are Worth a Guinea a Box. BEECHAMS PILLS. JD A wonderful Medicine for Females of aU Ages EECHAM'S PILLS JD Are Adapted lor Old and Young. ———a———i—i JJEATH AND SONS jpiANOFORTES AND ORGANS BY ALL MAKERS. ENORMOUS DISCOUNTS DURING SUMMER MONTHS. Send for Catalogue and Verdict of 900. free. ———— Monthly. Gns. s. d. WALNUT CASE, FULL COMPASS, panel front, 3ft. 10m. high. 18 10 6 Similar Model, superior quality 20 11 8 YANDERBOLT MODEL, iron frame, full compass, trichord, check action, machine-covered hammers, 3ft. lOin. high 24 14 0 HEXRY MODEL, lin. higher, supe- rior quality 26 15 2 EMPIRE MODEL, full compass, iron frame. full trichord, check action, plated bolts, scunces, narqueterie and gilded oanel trusses, 4ft. high 30 17 6 BOARD SCHOOL MODEL, as sup- pl'e 1 Cardiff. Penartli, &c.. Inter- mediate and Board Schools 34 19 10 ASSOCIATION MODEL. 4ft. 2in. hish. burr walnut, prize medal design, with all the most modern improvements 38 22 2 ALEXANDER MODEL, ditto, 4ft. 4m. 45 25 3 5s. in the £ DISCOUNT for CASH. ALL GOODS SENT CARRIAGE PAID. ORG-VNS FROM £5. PIANOFORTES by BROADWOOD. COLLARD andCOLLARP. KIRKMAN, ERARD. &C„ tic. Now is the opportunity for acquiring a splendid instrument at the lowest possible price, either for Cash or on the approved Hire System, from 59. Monthly. CALL AND SECURE A BARGAIN. SHOW ROOMS: — 51. QUEEN-STREET. I 70, TAFF.STREET. CARDIFF; POXTYPRIDD; And 31. WINDSOR-ROAD, PENARTH. MANUFACTORY LONDON. Agencies at Aberavon. Cadoxton. Bridgend. Maesteg. Ac. Canvassers Wanted in All Parts on Good I Commission. [e53407 MANUFACTURER. RoRSFORTH. OFFERS .DJL HTS OiVN (;U()DS nIKh' l from the LOOM nt MILL PRICES. viz. — Serges, Fancies. Cashmeres, Bi«^ea Meltons. Man le Cloths. Patterns sent free cn application. Save all intermediate P?oil. Special Lot of Dress Meltons, all shades, a' pg- yard. -I THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER THOMPSONS BURDOCK PILLS Overcome the worst forms of diseases, and the foulest state 01 the Blood, Stomach, Liver, and Kidneys; they go to the core of every disease. where no other medicine has power to reach. In Boxes, at lB. ljd. and 2B. 9d. each. Sold by all Chemists, or from the Burdock Pill Mann factory. 44, Oxford-street, Swansea. £ tt3tntss :abbrt55rS. X READ THIS X rjlUDOR WILLIAMS* pATENT JgALSAM OF • RON E Y. AN ARTICLE THAT SHOULD BE IN EVERY FAMILY. A PREPARATION CONTAINING HONEY GATHERED ON THE MOUNTAINS OF WALES. AN ESSENCE OF THE PUREST AND MOST EFFICACIOUS HERBS. A REMEDY ALWAYS PLEASANT TO TAKE. "An Analytical Chemist" writes:—I consider Tudor Williams' Balsam of Honey the Best Cough Cure on the Market; thoroughly up to date, and contains no poison. ABSOLUTELY PURE. THEREFORE BEST. Thousands of Children Die Annually from Bron- chitis, Whooping Cough, and Croup. IT IS INVALUABLE FOR WEAK- CHESTED MEN, DELICATE WOMEN AND CHILDREN. It Cures Coughs, Colds, Asthma, and Tightness of the Chest. Loosens the Phlegm, and Promotes Expectoration. Produces Warmth and Comfort to the Chest, and Gives Refreshing Sleep when Nights of Rest have been Lest. IT CURES FOR ONE SHILLING WHEN POUNDS HAVE BEEN SPENT IN VAIN. LARGEST SALE OF ANY COUGH CURE IN THE WORLD. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS TO HAND. Sold by all Chemists and Stores in Is. ljd., 2s. 9d.. and 4s. 6d. bottles. Sample bottles sent (post paid) for Is. 3d., 3s., and 5s.. from the Inventor— D. TUDOR WILLIAMS, MEDICAL-HALL, ABERDARE.. [>29119 I SOLD IN BOTTLES, 11.: BY POST, It. Id. DAILY TESTIMONIALS OF THIS GREAT f CURE ARE BEING RECEIVED FOR TltE FOLLOWING :— FOR TOOTHACHE, FOR HEADACHE, FOR NEURALGIA, INFLAMED GUMS* FOR BOILS, SORE THROAT, CHAPPED HANDS, AND SORE LIPS, AND IT WILL CURE ALL KINDS OF PAIN IN FACT. A REALLY GOOD PAIN KILLER. AGENTS:— Cardiff: Anthony and Co., Chemists, St. Mary* street. i. Hicks a.nd Co. (Limited), Chemists, Queen street. „ Hieka and Co. (Limited), Chemists, Duke-street. „ Hicks and Co. (Limited). Chemists, Cowbridge-road, Canton. „ A. J, Bellamy. Chemist, 61. Paget- street. Grangetown. H Messrs. Due's and Sons, Chemists, St. John's-square. „ E. Edward*. Chemist, 2, Mackintosh- place. Albany-road. „ F, Millward. Chemist, 60, Woodvilla- road. Cathays. „ R. Mumford, 60, Castle-road. Roath. „ R. Mumford, 17, Meteor-street, SpJot- land. j. C. ClarkiN Chemist, 2, Coburn- street. Ca tbays. t* Howell Phillips, Chemist, 253, Bute- street. „ R. Prust, Chemist, 14, Broadway, Roath. Je??e Williams and Co., Chemists Queen-street. •• S Thomas, Chemist. Penarth-road Chemist, St. Mary-street rofuf ld' c^emist> 100■ Cowbridge- SOLD BY ALL CHEMISTS. Mr Owen Jenkings, Chemist, Cow- bridge-road. Richard Hughes, Chemist, 28, Splott- road. Aberavon: Mr. Thomas Nicholas Supply Stores. Water-street. central AHaIl Mr. Tudor Williams. Dentist, Medical AbergwynB: Richards and Son. Grocers ASt?resery' Morgan Bros" Carmarthen Batter Barry Dork: Hicks and Co. Chemists Blaenavon: Messrs. D. Davies and Co 130 Broad-street. Blaina: Jhomas Jones, Liverpool Stores Brecon: Mr. W. Tudor. Chemist. Brynmawr: Messrs. H. Connop and Sons Grocers. "■* Carmarthen: C. E. Davies. Chemist, 10 King- Penartli: Stranaghan and Stephens (Limited). Pembroke Dock- F. J. TaJlett. 14. Diamond- street Pontypridd.- Mr toe Prothero, Grocer, Ac. Pontypridd: W. H- Key, The peop]e'g Chemist. Porth: Messrs Thomas and Evans The People's Stores. Porthcawl: Mr. T. Langdon, Grocer, John- 1tre-et. Swansea: Messrs Taylor and Co. (Limited1 Wind-atrftet Tondn and Aberkenfig: Cooperative Sooietv (Limited). Trtieear: Mr C J. Price. Manchester House. Treherbert: Mr, Enoch Davies. The Stores. < Troedyrhiw: W Morgan and Co Cheltenham- Mr. J. James. 5. Promenade. ( Clarbeston Road: Robert Reid. Grocer, New Shop.. Cowbridg": Mr. J. G. Harold Bird. Ebbw Vale: Mr. David Hughes, Grocer, Victoria-street. Hereford: Messrs. Clarkson and Son. 9. High- terrace. Llantwit-Major: Mr. William Cummings. Llanstephan Evan T. Davies. The Emporium. Merthyr: Messrs. G. M. and R. Gunson, 67 and AA Higb-street. Morristott- r L Bevan, Medical Hall. Mr. C. Hutchins, Chemist. Newport: Nfpssrs. T. Cord..y and Co.. High-street. Newport: Phillips and Son, Drug Stores, 92, Commercial-street. Sole Manufacturer: — pHiL jpHILLIPS, 24. ST. MARY-STREET. CARDIFF. — .—— — j ^alr^ tin 8urtioiu j L gAML'EL. AUCTIONEER J RENT AND DEBT COLLECTOR, HAYES BUILDINGS. CARDIFF. Sales conducted at Moderate Rates. mpt settlements and cash advanced apon w goods or property consigned for sale. stents and debts efficiently collected on a ] low scale of commission. SettIemeBtf made promptly- t.t.f.—6031f f — I THE E X T INSTALMENT OF OUR JP O 0 T P. ALL STORY, ENTITLED, "THE CUP WINNERS," WILL APPEAR IN THE EVENING EXPRESS 10-MORROW (SATURDAY). 11

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Affairs of a Cardiff Timber…


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St. Neot's Poison Mystery


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