Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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i»i6'.n?55 .ci^^i*?55'?0« ,r.r- STOP ONE MOMENT, UÜ. DEAR 3';OC'rCS MU FT "ViY DARLING DIE? THERE IS VERY LITTLE SOPE. BUT TRY rjlUDQE ^TiLLlAMS' JL PATENT jgALSAM OF -gONEY. A BAG of LETTERS in Every La and what they >av about. T5 — 5^ LITTLE MILLIE'S ERRAND rS -<> .-3- CC ————" 1- JZ. ■> A Eotiie of BALSAM OF HONEY. f please. 0 5r My father is eevsgiiing—he wants some I. >. release; O Tile winter is corning. the weather | grows coid, I grows coid, «_ Short days and long: nights ill effects 'I <-> they uniold. I Õ 68 My mother's bronchitis will not leave -5 I he' take rest. Z? And my brother Johnnv comnlains of J? his ones" 5 Cur dear little baby don't seem very — j bright. 1 = 2 He breathes very card, and is restless at night: — A Bottle of BALSAiI OF HONEY, please. en Q I don't want th9te troubles at home 1- tc increase. ^3 Remember. I. want "TUDOR C C1;) I iTOT-Ui!8' BALSAM." i. <— For I don't believe that no ethers are O3 -.vholetsorne. 5— ¡ We ;,r8 sure of Tudor's "—we have CC I tried it before. And during coid weathers ws keep it •- •+•* in store: — ^3 It soothe*, and it cares: it gives full — S «4_> relief; C 2h c £ It's the Kir.s of all Medicines—that a ■- p my belief; — So »'Te me a Bottle BALSAM OF ZD FONF.V. For "omfort at home :s mucn better >> <0 than money, f r SEE Yor OET- THE GENT T>;E ARTICLE. SO MANY IMITATIONS. Sold by aU Chemists and Stores in 1. 2s. 6d.. Und <=». 6d. bottle. Sample bottles sent fpost paid; for Is. 3d.. 08., >nd 5s. from the inventor. D. TUDOR. WILLI VMS. E7096 Medical Kail, Aberdare. LEWIS'S S: T A N DAK T> FURNISHING STORES,: ^UEEN-STREET, £ «ARDIFF ARE NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY A SINGLE ARTICLE. OR FURNISH YOUR HOUSE OR APARTMENTS THROUGHOUT, WITH SOUND, RELIABLE FURNITURE, ON THE FOLLOW- e; G REDUCED EASY TERMS: — £3 Is. 6d. Weekly £6 2s. 6d. Weekly. £ 10Wopch 4s. Od. Weekly. AND LARGER AMOUNTS BY ARRANGK- MENT. PAYMENTS CAN BE MADE MONTHLY OR QUARTERLY. NO LARGE DEPOSITS REQUIRED. loll Coeds Delivered Free in Privata Vans, or Carriage Paid Anywhere In South TVales. LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO CUSTOMERS PAY- EG PROMPTLY. fio not Buy Until yon See oar Stock, or Send ior New Catalogue (Free). 5vsta Only Address: — LEWIS'S S T A N D A. R D FURNISHING STORES ■J, ANDREWS-BUILDIXGS (NEAR THE EMPIRE,, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF \J 3S711 J-^ON'T DELAY. JF YOU FEEL 0 -CT OF SORTS." TAXE GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS, GWILYM EVAXS' QUININE BITTERS, WITHOUT DOUBT THE BEST REMEDY OF THE AGE, FOR INDIG ESTION. LOW SPIRITS yERVOUSYESS, SLE EPLEIH-SNESS. W EA&NK-S, CHEST AFFECTIOXS. GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS, GWILYM EVANS' QUININE BITTERS, THE VEGETABLE TONIC, 8RACES THE NERVES. FORTIFIES THE iruscLEa gOLD Everywhere Ia_ Bottles 2?. 3d. and 43. Sd. each. Avoid imitations. see the i-.ama Gwilym Brans ou I.&ha!. Stamp, and Bottle. SOLE PROPRIETORS! QUININE BITTERS MANUFACTURING COM P AN" (LIMITED'. LLANELLY. SOUTH WALES. e5147 ([r;1Gt t!OtliØ:S. ART DECORATORS. \Y Davis AND SON ,t VAINTEitS. GLASS. OIL, AND PAPERHANGING MERCHANTS 11, QUEEN-STREET. DYSWOBES, etc. FYOU WANT Y O UR RLOTHES 1 JL MCELY GLEANED. GO TO HOBBS. DYER, 1, NELSON-TERRACE. LADIES' TAILOR. j BH Y E 0~ • 44, LOWER CATHEDB AL-ROAD. COATS and SKIRTIS from 24 soineas. TXraSJ-ITTJUE. BEVAS AND COMPANY (LIMITED), "THE CARDIFF FURNISHERS" 8T. MARY-STREET AND DUKE-STREET. BEBUMATIC C'URE. FOR FULL PARTICULARS APPLY TO PHIL PHILLIPS. 24. ST. MARY-STREET. THE GBEAT BLOOD PTJITLIFIF.S, THOMPSON'S BURDOCK PILLS Overcome the worst forms of disease*, and the foulest state of the Blood. Stomach, Liver, and Kidneys; they go to the core of every diss&se, where 110 other medicine has pWl1er to reach. In Boxes, at la. lid. and 3a. 9d. each. Sold by all ChemisM, or f"oa ths Burdock Pill Mjunn- iactory. 44, Oxford-street. Swansea. MANUFACTURER, HORSFORTH. OFFERS .1. HIS oyrN GOODS DIRECT from the LOOM at MILL PRICES, -IZ. — Serges, • Faneies, Cashmeres, B:eges. Meltons. Vantle CIotifl. :PI\.t.teí"Yl1S s«nt free 0U application. 8a»e sU.1 intertnediMe profit. Special Let •$i/rms Meltvnf. xli shadw, at ,a;1L 1 FOR f H, SAMUELS J5EAL VISIT STOCKTAKING ^7AL'JE SALE. V _LlJE I SALE. I.AUGUST AXD FINLST SELECTIONS OF SPLENDID BARGAINS, IMPORTANT REDUCTIONS. N'EWEST DESIGNS, HIGHEST QUALITY. THOROUGHLY RELIABLE aud TRUST- ) WORTHY conditions, assuring the fullest satis- faction to the purchasers. npHIS UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY for securing Goods of First-class Quality and Reputa- tion at Remarkably Low Prices is directiy to the mtere=?s of purchasers, and is unique in the Special and Valuable Advan- t:i?es t affords in return for only a very Moderate Expenditure. STANDARD QUALITIES AT S.L:<; PRICES. CLEARANCE REDUCTIONS. Hail-marked Gem Rings, set with real stones, 9-carat gold, 4s. 15-Carat Gold Rings, set with real diamonds, rnbies. pearls, Ac 10s. 6d., 153. 18-Carat Gold Gem Rin6"s, I 17, 195. 6d. Real Gold Alberi#, for GEM raXG3. llSfiSS jofciASort,. OOL1, ALBERTS. J%J»- <%J>- SILVER ALBERTS. T,A1,be-tr £ x Real silver Alberts, for GOLD BROOCHES. g^Iemsn, 7s. Handsome Real Silver SILVER BROOCHES. Brooche? (assorted) Is. Solid Real G(xd Brooches. SCARFPINS. I 6: bd, Recti Gnld Scarf Pins, I STUBS. 23. 6d.; Real Silver. 6d. Real Gold Studs 'sets of WATCHES. 6s. od., lCs., h"il- marked. SPOONS. Real Silver Studs (sets of 4), 2s. 9tl., hall-iEarlred. CUTLERY. Centre-seconds Watches. ó". Black Osydized TEAPOTS. Gun-metal Watches, 8s. 6d.. 10=. 6d. I CLOCKS Real Gold Watches. 2^3.; Real Silver Watches, ¡ KEEPERS. 5s. 6d. Electro-Silver Tea?r>oons, ?=. per half do^en. Tt>ble Spoons and Forks, 3s. per half dozen. Teapots, 5s.: Breakfast Teapots, c. Breakfast Cruets. 2s. 9d. I Table Knives, 39. per hatfdoxpn. I Levsr Clocks, Is. 6d. each; Alarum Clocks, Is. lOd. I Hall-marked Gold Keeper Rin?s. 9-carat, 3s. fid. I EVERYTHING- GUARANTEED ..i)J for Excellence and Endurance. H. Samuel's conditions of sale are the strongest iJ, the t1l1t'cha"ers' favour. A MONTHT* FREE TRIAL allowed. If dissatisfied the fttil amount retnriied. RAILWAY PARE PAID Tip to 30 miles to all purchaser? of goods amounting to 25s. and upwards during the sale. H. SAMUEL'S iarsre closcriptive Catalogue of Bargains, with 3,000 Illustration^, presented on appli- cation or sent to any address gratis and post free. I"1 jgAMUEL, ST. MAilY-STREET, CARDIFF. and at Market-street. Manchester. e7263 BEVAN AND COMPANY (LIMITED) ARE WALES' CHAMPION FURNISHERS CARDIFF. SWANSEA. NEWPORT AND PONTYPOOL I I f ♦ I I I i rF Tor SUFFER FROM BILIOUSNESS, i' HEADACHE, LIVER COMPLAINTS, IoDI, GESTION, KlDoEY TROUBLE8. CONSTIPA- TION, RHEUMATISM, OR TIC, TRY I "f^ERNlCK'S VEGETABLE ■piLLS They are easy to swaliow. beins very small, contain no mercury, and have been pro- nomifsd by thousands to be the best aperient medicine. Of all chemists, &c.p in 7jd., 13d., and 2. 9d. box. or direct from | £ ER>TcK AND SON. (LTD.). CARDIFF. On vsceict of stitrnp* .73Zi. S itemed FURNITURE ON EASY TERMS. Before Seins Elsewhere Call or Send to the Borough Furnishers, L) (FACING ST. JOHN'S CHURCH). Wh;, undertake to Supply ±5 to X50 GOOD HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE BEDSTEADS or BEDDING from Is. 6d. Weekly. NO SECURITY. CASH PRICES. The only genuine firm in Cardiff who give value for money. Payments Weekly, Monthly, or Quarterly. NO CONNECTION WITH OTHER FIRMS. EVERY ARTICLE GUARANTEED. Terms—Goods Supplied at £ 3 worth Is. 6d. weekly. £ 5 2, 3d. £7 10s. 5s. 6d. £ 10 „ 4s. Od. £ 15 to £ 20 5s. Od. <, Our Only Address; — The Borough Furnishers 4. WORKING ST. CARDIFF. Faeins St. John's Church. Apply for Catalogues, Me!lti.)J.1. Pa¡¡er.) NOTICE. j-t ——— IR T heath a;ni) soNS' SOLE AGENTS FOR JOHN BROADWOOD ANi> SONS. OI AN OFORTES By Eroadwocd, Coll.ard, Erard, Scliiedmayer, Pleyel, Erirismead, Bsclistein, Steinway, and others. jj ii G A S S By Mason and Hamlin. Bell. Smith Doxalnion Or^an Company, and others. REDUCED INSTALMENTS. rjIHE l^EW JIpRE QfYSTEiT 25 PER CENT, to s5i PER CENT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH. Instruments beitiq Returned from Hire IVow Selling at Greatly Reduced Prices. Brcadwood rutd Other Experienced Tunera and Workmen Employed. TUNING FROM 3s. 6d. SHEET MUSIC 3d. IN THE is. DISCOUNT. 51, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. 70, TAFF-STREET, PONTYPRIDD 31, WINDSOR-ROAD PENTARTH MANUFACTORY; LONDON. R. J. l-IEATH AND SONS) jQON'T COUGH—USE y^ON'T COUGH—USE JQOJTT COUGE—USE There is absolutely no remedy so sjieedy and effectual. One Lozenge alone gives relief; can be taken by the most delicate. J^EATING'S COUGH LOZENGES jnL UEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES JiJL If you cannot sleep for coughing, one Xeating's Lozenj» will set you rifht. Any Doctor will tell you they are UTTERLY UNRIVALLED. ""jfTTTERLY UNRIVALLED. "JJTTERLT UNRIVALLED, Sold everywhere in tins, 13<d. each, or free it,n receipt of stamps from THOMAS KEATING, Chemist. London. PHIL PHILLIPS' TOOTHACHE CURE, pHIL PHILLIPS' is. Bcr Bottle. pHIL PHILLIPS' Sold by all Chemists. I PHIL PHILLIPS' Acts like Magic. pHIL PHILLIPS' For Neuralgia. pHIL PHILLIPS' ï. All d Toothache. Sole Manufacturer; — "OHIL PHILLIPS' n 24, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. PHIL PHILLIPS' RHEUMATIC APPLIANCES. PHIL PHILLIPS' Sock3, 10s. 6d. per Pair. PHIL PHILLIPS' Belts. 10s. 6d. PHIL PHILLIPS' Wrist-lets. 5s. per Pair. PHIL PHILLIPS' d Thousand-i of Testimonials. "OHIL PHILLIPS' Sand for Pamphlet, free. HILTPHILLII'S' When ordering send size of boots for Socks, for Belts size of waist, Wriet. lets size of wrist, to PhhTphillips' .3- RHEUMATIC CURE. 24. ST. MARY-STREET. CARDIFF. A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. JgEECHAM'S pILLS. gEECHAM'S piLLS jgEECHAM'S p>lLL« FOR ALL BDJOUS and NERVOUS DISORDERS, SICK HEADACHE, WEAK STOMACH, IMPAIRED DIGESTION, CONSTIPATION, LIVER COMPLAINTS, AND FEMALE AILMENTS. LARGEST SALE IN THE WORLD. In Boxes. 13;d. and 2s. 9d. each. HORTON'S ORIGINAL Only BENEDICT PILLS. Only for Females. for Females. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS HAVE 1- BEEN RECEIVED from all parts. Females of all ajres should take them. They at once remove all obstructions. In boxes. 71d., Is. tjd., and 2s. 9d. Sent Post Free, under cover Id. extra, direct by the nroprietor, G. D. Horton. M.P.S. (from th^ Birmingham and General Lying-in Hospital), Aston House. Aston-road, North Birmingham. Agents;— Cardiff: R. Mum- font Chemist, &c., Meteor-streec,, Splotlands, and Castle-road. Roath. Merthyr; Willis, Chemist, Georgetown. Swansea; Lloyd. Chemist, Oxford-street. Newport; Young, Chemist. High- street. Cannot be had from other Chemists. N.B.—None genuine unless bearing "G. D. Horton." in red, across each label. Letters answered free. e296i


[No title]

Family Notices







General News.i

£57 Stolen at Plymouth







Cardiff Railings Dispute

Burial Fees at Cardiff.