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LLANGOLLEN WELSH WESLEYAN BAZAAR. Will be held in THE ASSEMBLY ROOMS, LLANGOLLEN, IN THE MONTH OF AUGUST, 1882, UNDER THE DISTINGUISHED PATRONAGE OF SIR W. W. WYNN, BART., M.P., THE RIGHT HON. G. OSBORNE MORGAN, M.P., GENERAL YORKE, C.B., S. G. FELL, ESQ., J.P., J. C. EDWARDS, ESQ., TREVOR HALL, CAPT. PAULL, PENTREFELIN. REV. W. THOMAS, CHAIRMAN OF COMMITTEE. TREASURERS. MR. JOHN PARRY, 14, Church Street, MR. JOHN JONES, 10, Regent Street. SECRETARIES. MR. JOHN P. DAVIES, Draper, MR. C. H. HUMPHREYS, Market Stores. (1040) NEW YEAR'S PRESENTS, &c New M^W YEAR I \| YEAR CARDS. I ^1 CARDS. An Extensive Assortment, well worthy of the attention of intending purchasers. BOOKS suitable for NEW YEAR'S PRESENTS, &c.—By far the Largest Stock of Books in town to select from, suitable for Drawing Room and Home Reading; Books of Travels & Natural History, Tales for the Young, &c.,in handsome bindings. New Books added to Stock weekly. ALMANACKS, DIARIES, ANNUALS, and YEARLY VOLS. received as issued, any of which may be procured im- mediately. SPECIALITIES.- RIMNEL'S LUCKY SHOES, HAT BOXES, CIGARETTE CASES, XMAS HAMPERS, PICNIC BASKETS, FANCY BASKETS, STILTON CHEESE, &c., filled with perfumes. Note the Address- H. JONES, "Advertiser Office, 17, Castle-st., Llangollen. H OLDEN'S STOMACH JYJTXTURE PURIFIES THEHBLOOD, CURES INDIGESTION, CLEANSES FROM DISEASE, REMOVES SICK HEADACHE, CURES BAD BREATH AND GIDDINESS. HOLDEN'S STOMACH MIXTURE.-In con- firmation of this, Dr. T. F. Ker, surgeon, &c., 12, York-street, Ardwick, Manchester, says :—" Tour celebrated Stomach Mixture is deserving of all the commendation which I can bestow on it. From my customers' experience of its excellent qualities I have frequently recommended it, and shall do so again to 'ft7'hr\. ^t»nrn l'nrliffOoflAtt THE AERICAN JJAIR -RESTORER. PRICE Is. PER BOTTLE. FOR RESTORING THE HUMAN HAIR TO ITS NATURAL COLOUR. Never known to fail in restoring tlio Uoii- 1" or ten days. It promotes growth and prevrats its falling off, eradicating Dandrift,and imparting vitality to the roots of the Hair. Daily application of this preparation for a week or two will restore faded, grey, or white hair to its natural colour and^richness.11 properly applied it never fails, but it should be well shaken before using. IT IS NOT A DYE, nor does it contain any colouring matter hence it doe- not soil the head, the scalp, or even white linen, but produces the colour within the substance of the Hair. When the original colour has returned THE AFRICAN RESTORER should be applied about once a week, which will be sufficient to sustain it. N.B.-See that the words THE AFRICAN HAIR RESTORER are on every bottle, as that is a Trade ^Sold by Chemists and Perfumers at Is. per bottle. Sold wholesale by the Proprietors, Me-srs. Pilling and Graham, 8, New Bailey-street, Manchester, and all Patent Medicine Houses. SAVED BY A PINCH OF SNUFF. Dear Sir,—I had Tic or Neuralgia in my head for about six weeks, and was as near out of my mind as possible-so far that I was determined to put an end to my existence. A friend who had been nearly as bad as myself, and was cured by your snuff, told me of it. I came to your shop with great prejudice but, marvellous to say, I was cured in less than three minutes, and there are no signs of its returning, and that is two months ago.-I am, yours faithfully, J. W. A. MARCHANT. Newcastle-on-Tyne. TTANDYSIDES'S ELECTRIC NERVINE H SNUFF, CURES TIC, TOOTHACHE, NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM and PAINS in the HEAD IN TWO MINUTES. yy M. HANDYSIDES, PATENTEE AND MANUFACTURER, 28, GRAINGEB-ST., WEST, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE, And of all Chemists and Patent Medicine Dealers. SOLD IN BOTTLES AT Is. lid. EACH, OR POST FREE, Is. 3d. Sold Wholesale by Messrs. Pilling and Graham, 8, New Bailey-street, Manchester, and all Patent Medicine Houses. THE NORTHERN CURE. A Single Bottle of this Remedy for RHEUMATISM Completely cured a well-known Newcastle gentleman Particulars can be had of Mr. PROCTOR, chemist Dean-street, Newcastle. THE NORTHERN CURE contains no Oil. Price, Is. lid. per Bottle. Sold by all Chemists. Sold Wholesale by Messrs. Pilling and Graham, 8, New Bailey-street, Manchester. (850) FOR SALE, DEYEY'S No. 1, EXPRESS 54 INCH. BICYCLE. Stanley Head, inch Tyre, Ball Bearings to both Wheels. Everything complete. Only run one season. A reasonable offer not refused. For information, apply to the office of this paper. Satisfactory reasons given for parting. (1053) O ST0CKS & SHARES often cC'J-" yield returns five to ten times the amount invested in as many days. Two UNERRING RULES for TO success in Explanatory Book, sent free. Address, GEO. EVANS & Co., Brokers, Gresham House, Old AljUUU Broad-street, London. (1047) rpo BE LET, FURNISHED, for the Winter JL months, a HOUSE, pleasantly situated, com- manding beautiful scenery. For particulars, apply at this office. (1051) CAPE of GOOD HOPE, NATAL, & EAST AFRICAN STEAMERS. The UNION S. S. Co.'s MAIL PACKETS sail from SOUTHAMPTON every alternate Thursday. and Steamers in the Intermediate Service every alternate Friday leaving Plymouth the next day. Apply at the Company's Offices, Oriental Place, Southampton, or 11, Leadenhall Street, London. ( BRASS,REED.STRINGH&DRUM&FIFE BANDS,PIANOS,ORGANS &HARMONIUMS at Whole. aalePrices at J. MOORE'S, Buxton Rd., Huddersiield. Prices with drawings of every Instrument post free. Music for any kind of Band. Bandsmen's Caps. Patronized by Army, Navy, & Rifle Corps, Second-hand Instruments bought or taken in Exchange COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, and NEURALGIA, DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE, A few doses quite effectual.—Caution.—The extra- ordinary medical reports on the.efficacy of Chlorodyne render it of vital importance that the public should obtain the genuine, which is protected by a Govern- ment stamp, bearing the words Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne." See decision of Vice-Chancellor Sir W. Page Wood, the Times, July 16th, 1864. Numerous testimonials from eminent Physioians accompany each bottle. From W. C. WILKINSON, Esq., F.R.C.S., Spalding. I consider it invaluable in Phthisis and Spasmodic Cough: the benefit is very marked. From, Dr. M'Millman, of New Galloway, Scotland. As a Sedative, Anodyne, and Anti-Spasmodic, I consider Dr.J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne the most valuable medicine known. Sold in Bottles. 1/1 i, 2 8, & 4/6 by all Chemists. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. THOMPSON'S BURDOCK PILLS purify the foulest blood, & remove every disease of the sto- mach,liver, & kidneys.Pure blood gives health. Thousands have been cured by these wonderful Pills whose diseases could not be reached byanyother medicine. Sold byall Chemists in boxes, 1/1J & 2/9; or from the establishment, 44, Oxford-st., Swansea, for 16 or 35 stamps. All sufferers are highly recommended to try them. YTJILLIAED BALLS, X,. JL* CHALKS, CUES, TIPS, and all other Billiard Table Requisites at O x O HENNIG BROS.' Ivory Works, 11, Hisrh Street, London, W.C. Old Balls adjusted or exchanged, and Tables Re-covered. 0 En! Price Lists, Cloth and Cushion Rubber mmr Samples Post Free. Established 186-2. I J* D U C AT ION in E NGL AND FRANCE&GER- MANY.—Captain Shirley Dumaresq de Carteret Bisson, M. his counsel gratis to parents as to the best schools for boys & young ladies, & sends a list with prospectuses post free. Captain Bisson is the Author of Our Schools & Colleges" (gra- ciously recognized by the Queen). 3, Berners-st., London, W. REAL SHETLAND SHAWLS. 100 dozen, two yards square, pink, sky, white, black, red, cardinal, grey, and other colours, post free for stamps, 2/4.- BAKER & CRISP'S, 198, Regent Street, London, W. AIM, REGENT STREET, LONDON. MOURNING MATERIALS from one shilling per yard. Crape, 2/9 per yard. Patterns sent postage free. MIL N E R S' gAFES. BEST and CHEAPEST SAFEGUARD against FIRE and THIEVES. PIANO £35 (Civil Service cash price)-Tricord drawing room model, repetition action, grand, rich, full tone, in handsome, Italian, walnutwood case, elaborately carved and fretwork front and cabriole truss legs. The usual price charged for this instrument is 50 guineas. Drawings of this beautiful piano sent post free- THOMAS QETZMANN & CO., 27, Baker Street, Fori-man Square. JpCCHANGE & JNYESTMENT jgANK. -Ht B. W. BLYDENSTEIN & CO, 55 & 56, Threadneedle Street, E.C. BANKERS Bank of England, London &Westminster Bank. THE STOCK EXCHANGE BUSINESS of this Bank is now being carried on in a Special STOCK AND SHARE DEPARTMENT, through which INVESTMENTS acid SALES of all descriptions of Sfooks and Shares maybe effected at a moderate commission. BARGAINS are quoted, if desired, as "business done" in the official Stock and Share list and in the daily papers. IN TEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS at call or notice. Terms ana .»cale of commission to be had on application. In their GENERAL BANKING DEPARTMENT the Bunk keep Current Accounts with Customers, nego- ciate Foreign Bills, collect Bills, Dividends, &c., grant Drafts on the principal Continental and American Cities; deal in Fo, eign BarkNotes & Coin, Bullion,Coupons,drawn Bonds.&o. T/fTATCB ES, JEW LLLJiixt x ▼ T COUNTIES WATCH COY. (Cheapest house in world). Ladies' or^??s FriieSil ver Crystal 25 Ladies' heavy cased Gold Levers, 70/ Gent s Do.,X) m SO/- Before purchasing send for Company s Catalogify beautifully illustrated, 500 fine oopper-plateen^avi^ Til# Press" universally recommend their £ Sent Gratis and P. ost h:ee .to any part of the )Vorld.pply to Company's Manager—S. Hissey, vyse St., Birmingham. LEANLINE S S." NIXE Y'S BLACK LEAD. NIXEY'S Has over THIRTY YEARS' 1^1 1A.XJ X O -World-Wide Reputation- J-TI flol A~hra,+fid polishes Instantly, equal to i BURNISHED STEEL. B TJsed without WASTE or DUST. LACK LEAD. <• CAUTION There are several Snuriava and Worthless Imitations, coia Ticverywuerw. w. ». NIXEY, SOHO-SQTJAB.E, LONDON. PILESandGRA. VEL. GEOBGEjS Pile & Gravel Pills. The Marvellous Remedy for PILES and GRAVEL, and all the disorders of the BOWELS. LIVER and KIDNEYS. No 1, GEORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS. > Of all Chemists No 2. GEORGE'S GRAVEL PILLS. V in Boxes, l/li& No'. 3, GEORGE'S PILLS for the PILES. J 2/9. By Post for 15 & 36 stamps from J.E.George, M.R.P.S., Hirwain, Aberdare. WHO WOULD BE WITHOUT W LAMPLOUGH'S PYRETIC SALINE? It forms a most invigorating Beverage bj the simple addition ofwater, and if taken as directed is the best preventive and curative of Smallpox, Scarlet Fever, and other diseases. Its effects are re- markable in cases of Blood Poisons, Biliousness, Constipation, Headache. Heartburn, Feverish Colds, and Skin Complaints. Prepared solely by H. LAMPLOUGH, 113, Holborn, London. HAVE IT IN YOUR HOUSES. rTlHE SOUTHWARK LEAD & GLASS Co., -1- ROSE ALLEY WAREHOUSES, PARK ST., LONDOS, S.E. LOWEST CASH PRICES to the Trade for Sheet Lead and Pipe, Sheet Zinc, Tin, Solder, British and Foreign Glass, White Lead, Oils, Colours, Varnishes, Plumbers' Brass Work, Wrought Iron Tubing, Rain Water Castings, &c. Prices Current on applicatlOn. BILLIARD & BAGATELLE TABLES. ALARGE STOCK of NEW & SECOND-HAND TABLES always on hand. Write for Price J'ists.^ EDWARDS, (Comer of Harwar St.), KINGSLAND BOAD, LONDON. THE WHITE the Latest Improved and Most Perfeot SEWING MACHINE Ever introduced to the English Market. MANUFACTURED BY THE WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO., At CLEVELAND, Ohio, U.S.A. rhas been pronounced by skilled Mechanics the Per- fection of Invention. It is quite Noiseless, Simple in Movement, never gets out of order. A Marvel of Easy Running; the Treadle movement so light that a. Child can operate it. See a "WHITE" before Purchasing. Warranted by Legal Guarantee for Five Years. 'Will Sew any Material. Do more than any other Machine. A great Variety of Attachments. Also the "PEERLESS" Hand Machine, The Best and Lowest Price American made Machine in the Market. Agents and Wholesale Dealers Wanted. Send far Circulars to the WHITE Masks GO, 19, Queen Victoria St., London, E.C. ROSALIE COUPELLE'S PURE LIQUID INSTANTANEOUS HAIE DYE, FOE producing any required shade, from Ligh- Auburn to Jet Black, in three minutes, so beautit fully perfect -as to defy detection by the closest observer. It is a clear, innoxious, agreeable fluid, which can be applied with the greatest ease; does not stain the skin; is permanent in effect; and has been pronounced unexceptionable by all who have used it. This Dve has been analysed by two eminent pro- fessors of chemistry; and is not only recommended, but used by several eminent medical men, who have uniformly testified as to its superiority and perfect freedom from anyinjuriousqualitJ Sold at 2s. 6d. per 6ottleby H. Jones, Castie-street, Llangollen. 0 0 P A C K!! W. A. HIGGS AND OOXFANT, ISLINGTON, LONDON, N. GAVE YOUR GAS BILLS. GET MORE LIGHT by using PEEBLES' PATENT AUTOMATIC GOVERNOR GAS BURNERS. SOLE MANUFACTURERS.—D. BRUCE PEEBLES & OO., TAT WORKS, BONNINGTON, EDINBURGH. TO BE HAD OF ALL RESPECTABLE GAS FITTERS, THE CLOTHING DISTRICT. WOOLLEN J- CLOTH & CLOTHING MANUFACTURING CO., GREETLAND, YORKS, having extended their order depart- ment, are prepared to receive orders for their celebrated first class Gentlemen's Clothing. Single Garments at Wholesale Prices. Write for Patterns and Rules for Self-Measurement. HARPERTWELYETREES'VillaWaslier. Great further improvements. Reduced prices. The most rapid, strong, and highly finished. Agents Wanted in every town. Very liberal terms. 80, Finsbury Pavement, London. "1710R CLEANING- LEATHER BREECHES, J- &c. PULLMAN'S IMPERIAL BLEACHING COMPO- SITION prepared solely by R. & J. Pullman, Leather Dressers, 17, Greek St.. Soho, W. Sold by all saddlers, brushmakers, &o. B LAKEY'SB OOT PROTECTORS. TO KNOW THEIR VALUE IS TO NEVER BE WITHOUT THEM. Boots never want soling or heeling if these protectors are used. SIXPENNY WORTH will save at least TEN SHILLINGS. They are no trouble to fix. Price 3d., 6d., 1/- per box. Do not be deceived by vile imitations. AGENTS WANTED where not already represented. JOHN BLAKEY, Leeds. PARALYSIS. LOSS of MUSCULAR POWER, &o. HALSE'S GALVANIC APPARATUS. Send3 stamps to Mr. Halse, 40, Addison Road, Kensington, for his pamphlet. r|YHE ACME SHERRY. APaleDry&Delicate J- Wine, possessing the character of the finest Amontillado. Price 30/- per Wilcocks&Co.,l Gt.Tower St.,London. "lyrACNIVEN & CAMERON'S PENS completely eclipse all others." Argus. Just Out. THE "BIG WAVERLEY," [ Sold by all Stationers. THE "BIG J" PEN, f throughout the world. They come as a boon and a blessing to men, The Pickwick, the Owl, and the Waverley Pen." Sample Box, with all the kinds, 1/1 by post. Patentees: MACNIVEN and CAMERON, Penmakers to Her Majesty's Government Offices. 23 to 33, Blair Street, Edinburgh. (Estd. 1770.) Beware of the Party offering imitations of these Pens. HAI! B iHAW 11 A.I i FARMERS, CONTRACTORS, & SHIPPERS should use the PERPETUAL BALING PRESS. Will bale TWENTY-FIVE Tons per day to a. Density of FORTY lbs. per Cubic foot, or will Load EIGHT TONS to an ordinary Railway Wagon. Presses are mounted on wheels, and can be worked by Steam or Horse Power. Send for Illustrated Catalogue to JOHN H. LADD AND CO., 116, QUEEN VICTORIA STREET, LONDON. THE CHOICEST FOODS IN THE WORLD. A MERICAN JJREAKFAST QEREALS, Being steam cooked and thoroughly dried oan be prepared for the table in 10 mins. A.B.C. Crashed White Oats (.Oatmeal), White Wheat, Barley- Food, Yellow Kaize. Cereals Manfg. Co., New York. Sold by aU Grocers, Wholesale of J. Ismay & Son, Newcastle, White, Son & Stratien, Hull, Felling, Stanley & Co., Liverpool, F. W. Godye, Bristol, and B. Lamps 44, Great Tower Street, London. \7|TATCHES! WATCHES!! WATCHES! FREE. H. SAMUEL, Lever Watch Factory, 97, Market St., Manchester, irlll send post free gratis on applioation, A Catalogue of his Magnificent E5 be. English Lever Watches at £2 12s. ed. jEC 5s. English Lever for F.2 12s. 6d. jEB 5s. Chronograph Centre Seconds for £2 ".10&. B8 8s. Lady's exquisite!- Engraved Silver batches, 2SU £ 3 3» Gentleman's Silver Wat;Jn for 251.. A Week's free trial witS. each Watcli. A Five Years' Warranty with each Watch. H SAMUEL oeing the Manufacturer, • supplies single Watch at Wholesale prices. Send for Catalogue at once to H.SAMT7BL,LeverWatcliFactory,97,Market St.,Manchester. RRVRNR RAILWAY FREIGHTERS' PRO- T TACTION SOOIETS^REIAESTS FL* ^gg^^tT^l^ldin^Lon^a "lp' London,E.G- St.B- t i3r..d' BsedtOt 4!ic One of the QUIETEST Hotels in London.—Charges Moderate "TNNS of COURT FAMILY HOTEL," High JL Holborn & Lincoln's Inn Fields, W. C. Dining rooms, &o., overlook Lincoln's Inn Gardens. Hydraulic lifts. Table d Hote. &LASGOW.—THE GRAND HOTEL.— First-class; moderate charges. Contains 200 Apartments. Pronounced by all its Patrons to be the most comfortable Hotel in Glasgow. W. G. DAVIDSON, Manager. T ONDON, EDINBURGH, & GLASGOW 1 J ASSURANCE COMPANY (Limited). London Office—110, Cannon Street. ACCIDENT DEPARTMENT.— £ 7 per week when Disabled and £ 1,000at I)eatli.^emiTjm,«3 ttTear.Ml amount of policy payable in case of permanent total disablement. Bonus of 12i per cent. to Accident Insurers after ThreeYeMt. Extra Bonus (20 per cent, in all) to total abstainers. WILFRED A. BOWSER, Actuary and Manager. "lVTASONIC & GENERAL LIFE ASSU. RANCE COMPANY—(Limited), Oiffce, .#, New Bridge- ltreet,London,E. C.-Life Assurance of all descriptions efleoted. Loans on reversions, or on real or personal security. Annuities granted^ Appl^to^^ Managing Dtreotor. ETCHINGS-Messrs. B. Brooks & Sons, E171 Strand London, supplies Painters'Etchings both dry point and stipple in Remark. Signed Artist-proof state the Cheapest Housein the World. The trade supplied. "\TOTICE.—50 Yards for 25f-REMNANTS of Buck and Colored Autumn and Winter best DRESS FABRICS, 50 yard parcels for 25/- and 35/ Sent for P.O. Order —BAKER and CRISP, 198, Regent Street, London, W. ONIC EYED NEEDLES. jCjL One of the greatest inventions of the Age." Save their cost in time! Save their cost in thread I r Make better work than any others! A REALLY USEFUL PRESENT One Hundred AGONIO EYED NEEDLES, in a beautiful Needle Case, sent post free for Thirteen Stamps by the INVENTOR AND SOLE MANUFACTURER, SAMUEL THOMAS, REDDITOH NEEDLE MILLS, REDDITCH. ^ITANZER V J- exhibited. Fnll lists free. The o-pWT-M-^ WANZER FAMOUS KILTERS OXJ Y* in FROM so/ 4, Great Portland Street, MACHINES. Oxford Circus, London, W. IMMEL's AROMATIC OZONIZER, the only efficient and agreeable Air Purifier for Bed-room, Sick- room, &c., in tins, 1/ by post, 15 stamps. 96, Strand, London. DOUGLAS'S LIME CREAM, FOR PRESERVING THE HAIR, the only known CURE FOR SCURF, promoting at all times a healthr action to the skin. It is strongly recommended by the most emmentphy- sicians,andhas been awarded a prize medal at the International Exhibition. Sold inBottles from 2/6 each, with directions for use. 21 & 23, New Bond St., and 99 & 101, Leadenhall St., City, London. LEWIN'S PERSIAN BOUQUET, an Exquisite Perfume of most rare description. Bottles, 1/6, 3/ & 4/ Of all Chemists, or direct from Lewm, Boston. London Agents, Barolay's, Sanger's, Edwards'. TEA W. and G. LAW I Request their Customers to addresslettell a post cards to An 104, NEW OXFORD STREET. W.O. ^M7ixnTnxn as all the houses in the street have been ■ 'UJc JJ Hi Hi. re-numbered. Kj 18 lbs, of TEA OARRIAGKE FREE. CHRISTMAS CAKES In every Variety, AT EDWARDS'S, CONFECTIONER. MINCE PIES, MEAT PIES, AND SAUSAGES Made on the Premis 's. JELLIES, CREAMS, AND BLANC-MANGES Made to Order. CASTLE STREET LLANGOLLEN. (1050) m Luu, C;6 LLI 2E 'Z LLJIIfi L'T FOB STOPPING DECAYED TEETE. MESSRS. GABRIEL'S WHITE GUTTAPERCflA NAM EL, One Shilling per Box. PREPARED ONLY BY MESSRS GABRIEL, DENTISTS, London Liverpooi,and Birmingham, Also the ROYAL TOOTH POWDER, One Shilling per Box. SOLD BY H. JONES, CASTLE-STBEET, LLANGOLLEN. (509) WATKIN &*DAVIES, pLUMBERS, QLAZIERS, pAINTE' HOUSE DECORATORS, SIGN WRITERS, GILDERS, AND PAPERHANGERS, CHAPEL STREET, LLANGOLLEN. (487) THE BEST AND CHEAPEST FASHION JOURNAL. CONTAINS: Cut-out Paper Pattern; Sheet of foil-sized PatterM. Coloured Fashion Plate. Fifty-two Pages Letterpress profusely Illustrated of Paris Fashions, Modes and Manners, &o. Price 6d.; per Post 8d. A. Goubaud & Son, 39 & 4°. Bedford Street, London, W,C. IF YOTJ WISH TO BE WELL & KEEP WELL TAKE BRAGG'S VEGETABLE CHARCOAL .D Sold in Bottles 3s., 4s.. 6s. each, of all chemists. BRAGG'S /CHARCOAL "DISCUITS W Sold in Tins, Is., 2s., 4s. each. 'DRAGG'S CHARCOAL LOZENGES Sold in Tins, '—* Is. lid.-of all chemists. ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS is warranted, to cure all discharges from the Urinary Organs, in. either sex, acquired or constitu- tional, Gravel, an.d Pains in the Back. Sold in Boxes, 4s. 6d. each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors; or sent to any address for 60 stamps by The Lincoln & Midland Coundes* Drug Company, "(Late F. J. Clarke), Lincoln." Wh olesale Agents,Braclay & Sons,London,and all the Wholesale Houses. (493) CYHOEDDWYD YN DDIWEDDAR, Pris Is. mewn amlen, a Is. 6ch. mewn gilt cloth, HANES PRYDAIN o'r Cyfnodau Boreuaf tl hyd y Flwyddyn 1878, GAN Y PARCH. OWEN JONES. LLANDUDNO. I H. JONES, ARGRAPHYBB A CHYHOEDDYDDR LLANGOLLEN. f510> ALWAYS BUY YOUR rpEAS & COFFEES, FRUITS & gPICES, AT J. ROWLANDS'S, GROCER, CHAPEL STREET, LLANGOLLEN. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. THE IMPERIAL ADVANCE BANK. THE IMPERIAL ADVANCE BANK was established in South John Street, in 1875. THE IMPERIAL ADVANCE BANK is now established at 70 AND 72 VICTORIA STREET, LIVERPOOL. THE IMPERIAL ADVANCE BANK is considered to be THE HANDSOMEST BUSINESS PREMISES IN LIVERPOOL. THE IMPERIAL ADVANCE BANK LENDS MONET TO THE FOLLOW NG PERSONS — Farmers, Shopkeepers, Private Householders (Ladies or Gentlemen), Car Proprietors, Licensed Victuallers, Cow Keepers, Tradesmen, School Proprietors, Clergy- men, Builders, Warehousemen, Professional Gentle- men, Clerks holding permanent situations, Persons about entering in Business and all other responsible persons. THE IMPERIAL ADVANCE BANK has the following amounts at its command, to lend to the above persons:—Twenty sums of X200 each, thirty sums of < £ 150 each, forty sums of £ 80 each, ten sums of £ 1,000 each, one hundred sums of £ 10 each, fifty sums of £ 30 each, thirty sums of X100 each, fifty sums of C50 each, ten sums of .£800 each, one hundred sums of < £ 15 each, forty sums of i860 each, twenty sums of .£250 ,ach, forty sums of .£70 each, twenty sums of .£300 each, ten sums of .£5 0 each, fifty sums of..£40 each, one hundred sums of X20 each, and various intermediate sums fr om .£10 to xiooo. THE IMPERIAL ADVANCE BANK requires NO SURETIES, but lends upon borrowers' own security. Easy mode of Repayments. Rent Executions and Loans paid out in any part of England and Wales.-Distance is no objection Applicants are cautioned not to be allured by a cunningly worded advertisement issuing from a disreputable office, when they can be accommodated on the most liberal terms by the Imperial Advance Bank. Call. at Bank, or apply by letter (stating amount required) to L. SIMMONS (Principal), (881 70 & 72, Victoria. Street, Liverpool. SELF CURE NO FICTION! MAR VEL UPON MARVEL! No SUFFERER NEED NOW DESPAIR, but without running a doctor's bill or falling into the deep ditch of quackery, may safely, speedily and economically cure himself without the knowledge of a second party. By the introduction of the new French Medicaments Therapion, Nos. 1, 2, and 3, a complete rev,°lution has been wrought in this depart- ment of medical science, whilst thousands have been restored to health and happiness who for years previously had been merely dragging out a miserable existence.. Therapion No. I.-A Sovereign Remedy for gleet and all discharges of the mucous membranes, whether of the urinary or other organs. Therapion No. 2.—A Sovereign Remedy for syphilis in its protean forms; skin diseases, and those compla^t mercury and sarsaparilla are popularly but erroneously supposed to cure. Therapion No. 3.—A Sovereign Remedy for debility, nervousness, spermatorrhoea, languor, incapacity for marriage, distaste for business or pleasure, love of solitude, blushing, indigestion, pains in the back and head, and all those disorders which the faculty so persistently ignore, because so impotent to cure or even relieve. Price 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., and 11s., of all Chemists. In ordering the above, the purchaser should specify which number he requires. Read the new descriptive Pamphlet, sent post free for 3 stamps, by Mr. Lawes, Medical Publisher, Hand Court, Holborn. The stamp, to imitate which is felony, bears the word Therapion," in white letters, by order of Her Majesty's Hon. Commissioners, who thereby secure the proprietor against infringement throughout the United Kingdom and the colonies. Sold by H. Jones, Llangollen. (689) -7*/ m. VY itin jcj ▼ » COMPLETE HOUSE FETR'N'ISITER, 131 to 139, NRWINGTON BUTTS, London. SECOND-HAND FURNITURE (an immense sto-k of). £ 40,OOO WORTH, NEW, at&REATLT REDUCED PRICES FURNISHING- DRAPERY and CARPETS CHEAP. BEDSTEADS and BEDDING of every description. QUEEN'S HOTEL, St. Martin's-le-Grand, Opposite the General Post Office, Xjondon. Family and Commercial, just refurnished. All Bedrooms (200) including attendance, 3/6. Sitting Rooms, 5/ General Tarifl equally moderate. Spacious Ladies' Coffee anid Drawing Rooms. Smoking, Billiard & Reading Rooms for Gtentlemen. All apart- ments are now under the personal supervision of Mrs. EAST. ECONOMY." JUST PUBLISHED, 1/ .i FREE TRADE is made clearui" ECONOMY," "LIFE," "MONEY," "MORALITY," or "BUSINESS," 1/ Mr. Platt, of 78, St. Martin's Lane, London, W.C., will send a copy of any one of the above, post free, on receipt of 1/- in stamps.-Should be in every tradesman's library. BEDROOM VENTILATION. B WARM AIR I A continuous and fresh supply of irorm, pure wr, by Gas or Paraffin. FTIAIT'S THERMIC VENTILATOR. JL MANTJFACTTJRFI'RS, RIOHD. H. TAUNTON AXTD HAYWAKD, HENEAG-E STREET, BIFtMINGHAM. Also MAKERS of all kinds of Iron TTJBE3 & FITTINGS. WATCHES, Excellent Silver, Ladies' or Gent's size, 21/- each. Silver Alberts with Appendage to match, 10/6 each. Electro-Silver Tea & Coffee Service, gilt inside, beautifully chased, from 20/t /ill exchange for better if not approved. Spoons, Forks, &c. I'ilustrated Catalogue free. JAMBS SIMMONS, Dudley St., Birred ngham. Established 1861. TEA at WHOLl'-SAI J]3 PRICES. NO RETAIL PROFITS. Broken leaf Congou, 1/4, Triturated Assam, 1/9, Good StrongCongou, 111,0 to 2/4. 121bs. Carriage free. DEALERS supplied with Indian Teas in packets. LONDON JOINT-STOCK TEA Co-l Limited, 84, Leadenhall St. MARli 1T-"with Crescent under and Star over. WE regret the necessity for cautioning the Public against being misled into the purchase of MACHINES FOR WRINGING AN D MANGLING made to resemble—and painted to resemble-our well-known manu- factures, and sold to, and by, dealers not our Agents, as 11 Bradford's." None are genuine wi bho ut our name and trade mark. Catalogues free by post. TH OMAS BKADFORDand Co Washing, Wringing, & Mangling- Machine Manufacturers, 140 to 143, High Holborn, London and Manchester. 140 to 143, High Holborn, London and Manchester. "CHALLENGE" JJICYCLES & fpBICYCLES. SINGER & CO., COVENTRY. VARIOUS PATTERNS. IMIfSDIATIE SUPPLY. FOR WroughtIroiTTubes & Fitt-ings. Apply JL- to Lloyd & Lloyd, Works. Birmingham and Halesowen. mHE VAPORlFEIVby SHEPARD, is JL A Bronchitis Kettle, Inhaler an d Vapour Bath combined, reoommended by the Lancet. British Medical Journal, as the cheapest ana most efficient apparatus invented. 5/- & 7/6. n Sold by all Chemists, or direct from the Patentees, ARNOLD & SONS, 35 & 36, West S'.nithfield, London. ROUGHING HORSES.—FKOST COGS, suggested by Geo. Fleming, Esq., F.R.C.V.S., and recom- mended by-the Society for the preventi on of cruelty to Animals. Price per set of two doze-J Frost Cogs, and two punches, complete, 10/6; Frost Coga per dozen, 3/ can be removed or revl"ced instantaneously. Sole Manufacturers and Patentees, ARNOLD and SONS, 35 a.nd 36, West Smithfield, London. "IRIQB BOLD Å DVERTISEMENT USE X TT.TTAMEL SIGNS t^ABS (CLARENCE or HANSOM) for SALE or ) HIRE very light, well built, superior finish. Large Stook of New and Second-hand. Designs and prices sent.- srrONEHAM. Bedford Bfc., Seymour St., Euston Sq., London. XlVIERICAL4 5s.,including provisions. Every -oL Thursday to New Y ork, Boston, or Philadelphia. Write to Manager,Continental Wail SteamshipOfh.ce,331, fatra nd,London SAVIOUR'S CANCER HOSPITAL, • Osnaburgh Street, Regent's Park, N.W. SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT WITHOUT THE KNIFE. Trained Nurses sent out, Terms, 30/- per week. TICTORIA ASSURANCE SOCIETY, Fins- bury Square Buildings, London. Est. 1860. Life & Old Age Assurances.—Premiums Monthly or otherwise. AgentsWanted. -E1MPLOYMENT. 1,000 AGENTS WANTED. XLL Splendid profit on Sales. ILLUMINATED LORD'S PRAYER, New Version. Sample 15 Stamps. Publishers, HARRIS, SON & Co., Merthyr. (UW| DOWN TO £ 20 Divided V/V "v every Month in Prizes all guaranteed by Government and paid in Cash. One shafce £ 1, Six shares £ 5. Every Share a bona fide chance to obtain a Prize. Apply to the Agency for Pubiic Funds (Case 72) in Geneva (Switzerland). Prospectus and Lists gratis. by Government and paid in Cash. One share .Sl, Six shares £ 5. Every Share a bona fide chance to obtain a Prize. Apply to the Agency for Pubiic Funds (Case 72) in Geneva (Switzerland). Prospectus and Lists gratis. Tn VCUJNU- & (JT-LIU V JlixC JL (LATE YOUNG & SMITH), LOCKSMITHS,BRASSFOUNDERS a ■nnTTTmTirjfnci WHOLESALE IRONMONGERS. A livillliavID patentees of thePALACE MOTION J3L. PENDULUM FL YG U ARD DE- AND TECTOR and ASYLUM LOCKS. W OLVERHAMETON. BTTTT.DE'R.S The above Locks ace in use on many u Public Buildings, Hotels, & M ansions and have stood the test of fifty years. XHMIGRA.TION—WHITE CROSS LINE". JCJ LONDON to NEWYORK. RedTiopdthird-classfares.BS via Antwerp. Departures Hull every Saturday, London every Monday.—Cecil Thompson & Co.,27, Leadenhall St., London. VERIT Y BROTHERS, Patentees & Makers of GAS FIRES with fire-clay burners^ OSBORNE COM- BINED BOILER AND COIL, COPPER CIRCULATING GAS BOILERS, AIR PROPELLER for ventilating purposes. Illustrated prospectus post free. Address: 1, Stanhope Street, Ruston Road, London. tJAPHAEL TUCK & SONS' DUDLEY GALLERY PRIZE EXHIBITION CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR CARDS. Judges in the competition:—Sir Coutts Lindsay Bart., H. ^eyMarks,Esq.R.A.,G.H.Boughton,Esq.A.R.A. All the snc- ful designs are now published in the highest style of Chromo- koerwhy & oan be procured from the leading STATIONERS r>g« and AST DEALERS in the Kingdom. POND'S EXTRACT Cures Rheumatism. Is a Oertain Oure for Pill's. All Chemists. Pric* 4s. 6d., to be had of all Booksellers. CONSUMPTION, JJRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, Sore Throat, Whooping Cough, Diphtheria, loss of voice, &e., and their specific Cure, by Dr. John Francis Churchill's Hypophosphites and Stoechiological Inhalants. J. W. Kolckmann, 2, Langham Place, London, W. Just Published, Post free and Gratis of Author. DEBILITIES&DERANGEMENTS ofthe GENERATIVE & NERVOUS SYSTEMS: their Nature & Cure by the Antiseptic Treatment. ByDr. Washington Evans, jlCambn-dgeSt.HydePk.Sq.London.Consultations daily 11 till 7 (JARD. mo ALL WHO ARE SUFFERING FROM J- the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, &c. I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a Missionary in South America. Send a self- addressed envelope to the Rev JOSEPH T. INMAN, Station D. New York City, U.S.A. ILITS MAGIC YERMIN KILLED JLIL Is certain death to RATS, MICE, ANTS, BE TJ ES COCKROACHES, and ALL KINDS of VERMIN They tumble over and die on the Spot, TK PACKETS post free for 4, 7 or 13 from EDWARD HILL, Wellington, Somer^t P WOOLDRIDGE, LYE, STOURBRIDGE. • Manufacturer of Frost Screws, Improved System of MEMPERED STEEL TFEOST MAILS. JL 3 doz. Steel Nails per post for 14 stamps, 1 doz. Steel Frost Screws per post for 20 stamps, 1 doz. Fleming's Cogs and Drift per post 30 stamps 1 doz. Concave Shoes per rail 30 stamps. "The best Concave shoe I have seen." T. A. Dollar, New Bond St., London. Veterinary Surgeon to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales. "I have used over 80 gross of your Steel Frost Nails during the last two winters and have found them the best and cheapest method of roughing horses I ever tried." J. Harrison, Manager to Manchester Carriage Co. Illustrated Price List on receipt of stamp. THE GREATEST BARGAINS IN JJLURS & SEALSKINS in ENGLAND. £25.000 WORTH of LADIES' FURS 40 per cent. less price than West-End drapers and furriers. 500 PERSIAN SEAL PALETOTS, and DOLMANS, 38 in. to 44 m. long, beautIfully lined satin :E5 to 96 each. 800 SUPERB ALASKA SEALSKIN PALETOTS & DOLMANS, £ 1.9 to £ 14 eaolx; all cut from Worth'sParis patterns. 8000 BLACK RUSSIAN FOX.deep liounoings, 10/6 to 18/-each 5,000 BLACK RUSSIAN FOX DEEP SHOULDER CAPES, S and M UFFS to match, 15/- the set. 160 SETS of REAL RUSSIAN SABLE, Sable Tail, Skunk, Beaver. Otter, Raccoon, Bear, Chinchilla, as also ani1 M-uffs in like furs, half price. 3,000 CARRIAGE WRAPPERS, 30/- to 45/- each; lined on ■fWe,? t ln Fox,Bear, Opossum, Buffalo, Wolf, Lynx, and Leopard. 6,000 HEARTHRUGS, 2 yards long, in every -variety of skins, from 20/- to 30'- each. 500 GENTLEMEN'S CLOTH OVERCOATS, lined with rich fur, great bargains, £ 4, £ 5, and £ 6 each. 6OO LARGE CHINESE HEARTHRUGS, 10/6 each. 5,000 DOOR-MATS & Perambnlator RUGS, 4/6 & 7/-each. LADIES' FUR-LINED CLOAKS from 36/- to 60/- eaoh. SPECIAL NOTICE, Ladies' Seal Jackets lengthened, re-dyed, made equal to new. Any single article sent on receipt of Post Office Order. Lll "OHILLIPS' CITY FUR Warehouse, • J-X* X. 52, NEWGATE ST., CITY. LONDOff. -J^-EW QROCERY ESTABLISHMENT, MARKET STREET, LLANGOLLEN. R. FRANCIS IS now prepared to supply the public with GROCERIES OP THE FINEST QUALITIES, at the most reasonable terms. FTRY THE 3/- TEA' One trial is sufficient to convince you of its SUPERIOR QUALITY. you of its SUPERIOR QUALITY. THE NEW GROCERY ESTABLISHMENT, MARKET STREET, LLANGOLLEN. Impurity of the Blood.-Enfeebled Existence. This medicine embraces every attribute required in a and domestic remedy; it overturns the foundation of diseas laid by defective food and impure air. In obstruction or con- gestions of the liver, lungs, bowels, or any other organs, toes Pills are especially serviceable and eminently successful. J-nej should be kept in readiness in every family, being a memoine of incomparable utility for young persons, particularly to tnow of feeble constitutions. Biliousness, Loss of Appetite, Head- ache, and Lowness of Spirits. Thesp Pills effect a truly wonderful change in debilitated constitutions, as they create a healthy appetite, correct indi- gestion, remove excess of bile, and overcome giddiness, headache, and palpitation of the heart. Indigestion, Stomach, and Liver Complaints. Persons suffering from any disorders of the liver, stomach, or other organs of digestion, should have immediate recourse to these Pills, as there is no medicine known that acts on theae particular complaints with such certain success. Nervous Debility. Persons who feel weak, low, and nervous, may rest Bleared some serious ailment is looming in the distance, against wnw instant action should be taken. These renowned Pills present the ready means of exciting energetic action on the liver, liberat- ing accumulated biJf and lifting at once a load from the spin and expelling a poist x from the body. Holloway's Pills are the best remedy known in the world for the following diseases Ague Headaohe Stone and Gravel Asthma Indigestion Secondary Symp- Bilious Complaints Liver Complaints toms Blotches on the Skin Lumbago Tic-Doloreux Bowel Complaints Piles Ulcers Debility Rheumatism Venereal Affections Dropsy Retention of Urine Worms of all kinds Female Irregularities I Scrofula, or King's Weakness from Fevers of all kinds Evil whatever cause, Gout Sore Throats &c., &o. The Pills and Ointment are sold at Professor HOLLOWAt*# Establishment, 533, Oxford Street, London, also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine throughout the tJivilised World, in Boxes and Pots, at Is. lid., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., lis., 22s., and 33s. each. The smallest Box of Pills contains four dozen, and the smallest Pot of Ointment one ounce. Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pat, end can be had in any language, even in Turkish, Arabic, AnnaniM* Persian, or Chinese. No. N.B.—Advice can be obtained, free of charge, by applying at the above address, daily, between the hours of 11 and 4, or by letter. (489) TEA THE COFFEE TEA LIVERPOOL, CHINA, AND COFFEE TEA INDIA TEA COMPANY, COFFEE TEA LIMITED COFFEE TEA (Originally Established 1846), COFFEE TEA Having removed to new and COFFEE TEA commodious premises in Dale- COFFEE TEA. street, are now prepared, in ad- COFFEE TEA- dition to their extensive Whole- COFFEE TTT. A. oo.lo -to oupply families, COFFEm TEA and the public generally, with COFFEE TEA Teas and Coffees at the smallest COFFEE TEA per centage upon London COFFEE TEA Market Prices. COFFEE TOEA Samples and Price Lists upon COFFEE TEA application. Terms, Nett Cash COFFEE TEA on receipt of invoice. Carriage COFFEE TEA Paid to any Railway Sation on COFFEE TEA orders amounting to £ 1 and COFFEE TEA upwards. Cheques and P. O. COFFEE TEA Orders to be made payable to COFFEE TEA S. HAMILTON VEY, COFFEE TEA Manager, COFFEE TEA The Liverpool, China, and India COFFEE TEA Tea Company, Limited, COFFEE TEA Buckley's Buildings (opposite COFFEE TEA Moorfields), COFFEE TEA 40, DALE-STREET, COFFEE TEA LIVERPOOL. COFFEE (1012) MONEY! MONEY!! MONEY ADVANCED (from £ 10 to £ 1,000) at a few hours' notic with or witho it sureties. Cash also advanced on Deeds, S ;rip. Silver Plate, Diamonds, Pianos, Merchandise, and G-ooda of every description. Apply to N. S. HART, 52, TOWER BUILDINGS, WATER-STREET, LIVERPOOL. All letters immediately answered by return of post. (1016) AR WERTH GAN HUGH JONES, Llyfr-, 17, Heol y Castell, Llangollen. Llyfrau Hymnau y Bedyddwyr, Annibynwyr, Wesley- aid a'r Methodistiaid Calfinaidd, yn wastad ar law. Cyflawnder o Lyfrau at wobrwyo mewn Cyfarfodyda Llenyddol, Yr Ysgol Sabbothol, &c., ar law bob amser. Unrhyw Lyfr heb fod ar law a geisir mewn yohydig o ddyddiau. (677) R. HUGHES, Llangollen. R. HUGHES, VVATCH M ANUFACTURER CASTLE STREET, LLANGOLLEN, BEGS respectfully to call the attention of the public to his extensive stock of WATCHES AND CLOCKS, The lowest and best in the Principality. He is, therefore, able to sell as cheap as any house ill the trade. All Watches and Clocks are guarcmteed. A large selection of GOLD and SILVER CHAINS, at the lowest prices. Also, a first-class stock of every description of GOLD RINGS and JEWELLERY. Clocks and Watches repaired and cleaned. (491 Printed and published every Friday Morning, by the proprietor, HUGH JONES, at his Atmospheno Printing Works, 17, Castle-street, Llangollen, in the county of Denbigh, Jan. 6th, 1882. All orders» advertisements, and communication are requested to be addressed to the "Advertiser" Office, Llan- county of Denbigh, Jan. 6th, 1882. All orders, advertisements, and communication are requested to be addressed to the "Advertiser" Office, Llau- gollen.