Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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TO PLANTERS. A GREAT 'variety of TREES,, from Ilwi* to Sevtfu Years' growth,-are now,011 sale, at u, rear Swansea they consist princiD.dlv ol F1U « ,A < II, CHLSNUT, SYCAMORE. ELM. and soir.t i iu, ohl fine OAK or'8 grown. Orders Sent (post paid) to Jauics Msurdy, Gardener at Skcity Hal!, will be exec.!led as sooa as received. N. B. Ahoui. 5000 vVhite-taoru Giants to oe disposed of.' PERSONS disposed to become- TENANTS & of such ol the FAUMS and LA-NDli of Sir WATKIN LEWES, IN the eountiC:. ot CAU:.IAUT!U;N, G ■> AMOUCAV, and PI-.MBK ;)icE, as will become vacant at MicinntUiia* next, are requested to apply to Mr.-Wilirams, Soutiianipion-budd- ings, London, who is properly authorised to let tile samc. Sottihainpioivbuiiduigs, Sept. 19, 1805. Theatre of Anatomy, Bimkeim-Slrcet, Great Murlbo- rough-Sireet, London. THE Autumnal Course of LECTURES on ANATOMY", PHYSIOLOGY, and SURGERY, Wlli commence on-Tuesday the 1st of October, at in the? Aliemoon, BYYvtR; BRODKES. Anatomical Conrerzationes will fee held weekly, whcel the different subjects treated of will be dbciisscd fanuharlv, and the. Students' views ionvarded.—To these Rone but Pupils can be admitted. Spacious'Apartmeats, thoroughly ventilated, and replete •with every Convenience, vyilt be open-in flic Morning, -lor the purposes of 'Dissecting and Injecting* where Mr. Brookes' attends, to direct the Students,: and. demonstrate' the various parts as they-appear on Disseclicn.. An extensive Museum). containing Preparations ))hfS)ra- the of every part, oi the Human Body, and its Diseases, I appertains to the Theatre, to ",¡¡ieh. Students will. have oc- casional' admittance.-—1Gentlemen inclined to support this School by contributing pre'terna' i or lorbid parts, Sub- jeers in Natural HisUiry, &c. (i y of little value to the p"ssessrm,,) lt'fay have the ill\fd'í'(' of seeing tliein preserved, arranged and "regit WHlI the names of the VI>l1or, The inconveniences usual! v attending Anatomical Inves- tigations, are Counteracted "by an Antiseptic Process, tile result of Experiments made by Mr. Brookes on Human Subjects, nt. Paris, ui the-year lftW the account ot which was delivered to the Royal Society, and read on the 17th. of June 1784. This method has. since been so far im- proved, that the florid colour of the Muscles is preserved, and ev. n heightened. Pupils may be accommodated in the House. Gentlemen established ill Practice, desirous of. renewing their Anatomical .Knowledge, may be accommodated wnh anapartlllenl. to Dissect in privately. "■ BRITISH -ici LONDON. INSUIlANCR granted on Houses, Buildings, Manufactories, Ships, and all ollicr Vessels, Goods, Merchandize, FARMING STOCK, and other Properly j lroiu Loss or Damage by Fire. Tbe unprecedented preference given to'this-Office by all description ot Insurers, the Directors flatter themselves'has arisen, riot-only fruiU the facilities adopted n).their IIn- proved plans and "simplified modes of'.Fire insurance,, but from their steady and uiiitonn conduct in the general con- cerns of the business. They are persuaded that adherence to principles and pru- dent caution are the best securities to the O;nceand to the Public, and that institutions of this nature can bn!y be be- neficial when date attention is parello reciprocal advantages. Agricultural Stock iu-ured at'is. 6d. per cent. Tiie oliio-e grams Insurances for Períod"nortüt' ¡¡,' Y car, and mn'res good loss by Fire from Lightning.. Insurances due at Michaelmas must be paid Oil or before the 14th day of October next. PWlJOSatfJ and ltatcs ot Insurance delivered Gratis. RUBER!1 SKELTON,,Sec, Mr. T. IIOWELL, AOENT at SWANS KA. W ESTMIN STER^"™ LIFE INSURANCE and ANNUITY OFFICE, LONDON. PERSONS desirous of providing for ~h( ir Fa- milies or Dependants may, by. an Annual Pay inent, secure to their Widows, Children, or any'other Person, ci. thDr an Annuity for the remainder of Life, or a gross bum to fee paid at their Decease. Insurances may be made for a variety of other purposes toprovide for Rene a i of IiU c ,~to see are Sums paid" for Places or Eiuplo\ n.< ,i< or for the purchase of Life E.-tates ;—or in Aid ot At l auat-Oienrs but ween Debtor and Creditor, & c. &c. and VOtUNTEKRS ¡a¡iV, forasMnU PreiiiLttiiiV insure against Death'.from ASihtary"Accidents. Aun"ttif.;s are granted to commence immediately, or at any future period. Printed Rates ilnd Conditions of Insurance may be had Gratis, with the List of Directors as above. or or the Agents M'the BJUnSH ELItE-OFFICE ia the country, whÓ are appointed Agents for this Office. 1: ROBERT SKET.TON, Sec. '.CARMAPTTIIENSLIRRET TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, Some-time iu the tnonth of October or November next, SEVERAL'CAPITAL and very ELIGIBLE FAUMS, in the parishes of Bet.tws, Landilofawr, Lan- gadock, and Lanedi, in tlie-asid county, particulars whereof uiii, iii this paper before the Day oi Sale, and in the mean tUlle. may be known by applying to Messrs Lfavies and toti -ii •JJerrington, Attornies-at-Law, Swansea: = Bristol, Sept. £ 4,1805.. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION,- At the Merchants' Floating-dock, Hotwells. on Thursday, the 3d October next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, THE CARGO, of the Brig JOHN, from JL Pi'CTOXY, cutisisting of tbuiii 160 Pieces PtNE, 10 ditto P>ECH,fTinibe 6 ditto MAPLE, { 15- ditto OAK,' > 60(H) Feet'-PINE PLANK. 2000-HOGSHEAD and BARREL STAVES. Catalogues of which hmy be had by apnlvmf at the Oitire of J; BONBON I >. | ker. BRLCONSHtRE. 1 TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, On Friday and Saturday, the llth-and ISh days of October, 1805, at eleven o'Clock in the forenoon, at the House of Mr. Longfellow, the sigilof the Golden Lion, iil Brecon, tilifty-ilitie- Lots A Valuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, in Llan- Jl\< goi'se and Llanyihangel Tail_yn, sit.uate.. about five miles south-east troin Brecon, and six .miles from Crick- howell, in a pleasant vale near Langorse Alere, within a ehortdistaitce from the Brecon and Abergavenny Canal, and Twelve miles from Thv; comprising the'MANOR of THEWALTEK GoCH, and ion.! Acres of ARABLE, MEADOW, and 'WOOD LAND, divided into compact Farms, lying together. Also, u valuable i REEHOLD ESTATE, at Llaiivihangel iVautbraen, situate seven ruiles north-west from Brecon, arid the. like distance north-east troin Trecast'e contafwiag. 1376 Acres, or thereabouts, the whole Estate, very improveable. The respective tenants will shew the>, and print- ed particulars may be had at be rs of Messrs. Greene and Tennant, Gray's Inn, London Mr. Charles Deare, Harcourt-Baildings, luaer Tetuple, London; Mr. fcelwood, ^ot Abingdon, and Mr. Ward, of Fa'rriogdou, in l>er,vs; of Mr. Edward Jones and Son, of Liau'dovery Mr. john Joiies, of Penyhont, near Lampeter Pout Stephen, in Lm-dignnsbtre; ofMr. William Davies-, 01: LI wYllgoras, near Cardan; also at The Golden Lion Inn, Breconr September ^Oili, 18Q5. v FOR SALE 'BY'AUCTION, At the Castle Inn, in the lown aad ouutH-y of Haverfordwest, on Saturday tl'.w lyth day of October next, between the j .iiours oi three and five of the clock m the afternoon by ■virtue and in pursuance of an order nv-ide by the Com- missioners in Pid by a CoiiuMisstou of Bankrupt awarded against JOHN WARLOiV, of the tovvu .and county of the town of Haverfordwest, Conuaon Brewer, Dealer, and Chapman, in such Lois as shall be thert declared.) THREE EIGHTH PARTS or SHARES of and in a certain .SLOOP or VESSEL called the LUCY of MILFORD, whereof Jo up E o war us now is, or lately was, Master-and of and in the atic said, Sloop belonging. And all that!anil those MESSUAGES or DWELLING- HOUSES and S rORE-HOUSES or WAREHOUSES, with the, backside, GARDEN,, and othqiwippurten'ances belc-ng- lng, situate at or near adjoining to the Quay, -called the Old o Quay, ill the parish of Saiiit,as, in (he town and COUIl- ty of the town, of Haverfordwest aforesaid, late 'id tiie pos- session of the said Jphii W arlow. For further particulars and conditicns of sale, apply tp M!r. Edwarct Stephens, Syiicitor, ismull-stteet, Bristoi;. TN-TERESTING TO- EVERY VOLUNTEER IN THE Kt?\"(jr y Spcedih; wili! J, A STAT'/I J v f"1 v c ♦ /1S relating to A. the Cil V ( Adjutant of t1 ( 1 it j i s) Buttalioa oi tu t l re Volu:i..vr^. By MAJOR STtiRAF, 1 i ~*l<ijtir of ti.c i.bjty» Battalion I Willi the etitii u t n pprobatioii;' and. at tlie request oi toe seuioi-Oiiu (.^ t titc )s, comprising the proceeding? ot a COURT OI J.N«U i «V., lieid at iiA\'Ki;Koiti)wi.sil OIJ t!<e mh oil'-Ma v» }§(;,», hv order of MAJOK-GENELI.VL GASCOYNE And the subsequent proceedings of the OiS.cers.of the Bat- talion, in consequence of the decision of the C.iuri: With the wnOD, ot theGoattHSvoNp-K-NCK, on fhissubieet. Irom personages of the vei^y highest MILITARY and m-vim AT. distinction wherein the nature of tlie VOMT VVICKH ESTA- BLISIIMKNT is more fully explained,.(fro,n (he i\ i • hi >hcH authority) and iu. a manner (hat has -never yet been dune. The matter contained in (his work ,wiii clearly swiv.llie ground on which the Volunteer .establishment is iormed, and to whom every -tirdividiia} eoujijosiiig it is to look up iOi ¡ sc iheir.sole controuf and manaiiemeitt. I BY RICHARD. I." STARKE. I 1st Major of the 4th {.DtirlUn) Battalion Cnrhiarthcush ire I'oluutecrs, Lieutenant of Division for the Hundred of U'iu Lh, To which will lJe subjoined, A COpy of a MEMORIAL i.^a tin? FIELD C) F f- .CEKS and CAPTAINS of. the said tSatfnliou as ad'ire ;«* j by 1\1:1 to hi; ROYAL illGHN ESS the C0MMAN iJ Mr mCHmF. Sold by every Bookseller iu England, and in tlie Princi- pality of W;des. €)imt gHsiiraiice,- '< \1.J v:v U 4. ::Y it. PALL-MAT, COIiktiLLT., and LOM'/iARD-STBEET^ !IRE, LIFE, and ANAUITIES. ;■ r ALL Persons whose Insurances with this Company become due at Mic'acima.s, .are. re'jueMj'd to ink? iioiice, dint Receipts for tlie renewal fhereof are now rc.-dy tor densely at the. Com may's Offices,and iu the luuids of (heir respe.cuv e A^euis in tue Country. pARiiiicc axoes is iusuit'd gcueralj-y. New Rates and Proposals for Lu uva.iice on Lives and.Siir- vivors!>ips, .Provision tt>r' nous, aud -securing Mar-, riage Portions for Daughters, on »licir respectively couiingof age and othef eadowinents,"and Tables tor granting imme- diate, deferred, allll progressive Anuuuies wiii be delivered gratis. i No Entrance -Money or' Admission Fees are required; aud Policies arc allowed gratis.' I By order oi the Board*. J. H. WiLKmSON, Sea London, Sept. 20,;l-805. -CGU1STY of. fhM'htiOKE. TAKE Notice, that an application- tftil be 1 made at the ne\( Aiectmg oi Parliamenl, that i^i Act of may be passed ioV the betier preservation of Oysteri, and all ot ;er ri; wi.hin the Harbour of alilvowl, in the county ol iAuiibroke, and the Sircaliis Riyc^s running into the saiu Harbour. F- i, ve rit) i dc Si, pt. j" •' •• comfy, of-caUujgan* If f "MILITIA.' VTOTICE is hereby given, that a GENERAL MEETING of the' LLEUTENA'KCY of the County of CAHDIGAN will be holden atTheTtti)rc-hall, in die' town ofCardigalJ. (HlTu(",day,lhi:HU¡,(la,,v ""c.ober next, for the purpose ot carryiugtnti) ?XecntlOil t <"rst: section of the Act oi (he'4'iJd of his piroserit 'Majesty,' cnn. 9(;, nil j- iled, An Act for amending the Laws relating iwkie Miljiia in Eriglàlld, aud for augmc¡¡Üug lbe Militia. J. BOWENX Sept..14, 1805. C'erk to thie Lie>.Uena7^yj| ,;GLAMmTGA^^ | FO!! I III'. |;| ENCOURAGEMENT of AGRICVJ TUBE,$c. } rpHE next GENERAL MEETING wiille, JL at the .Bear-inn, at!Cowbridge, on Tuesday, fhAst of October next,'at. twelv e o'clock,\v.i',en the Canaidaielioi- Honorary Medals and Preniioins for the best- YeaMiug CHlts, Bulls, Raias;and Roars, are. desired (o produce them, |nd the-Members are requested to attend to adjudge .them. | Laninibangle, Sept. 23, IS05. E. 'PCTF-R. Se(| K3* WANTED, a MAN to CUT CHAFF. = COWBRIDCE TOWN.. NOTICE is hereby given, that a HIGH MARKET for the Sale of CATTLE, l^ORSES, and all other Conimodities usually exposed for %lc at Fairs, will for the future be annually held aad kepr an the said' Town, on the first Tuesday tuthe month of August, aud on the first Tuesday in the month of December, y Cowbridge, Sept. 23d, 1805. V FIVE HUNDRED l>0UNDs\ p. A Steady active. jNlan, of respectable\ccjh- riexions, perfectly conversant in business, and maAer or the routine of Olfi'-e Business, wishes to employ FI^E HUNDRED POL NHS in a respectable a'ntl well esta- blished business, in which las time as well as property mijiht be-employed to advantage. A situation on fhe Western Coast of South-Wales or the'West of EnglnndwoulJ be preferred. The advertiser would lliit approve, of a concern in which the sole motive of taking H pnn.<r is that of havrnga trJfdlllg addition of capital, but where tire, principal Wishes for a con- fidential and responsible person to take the clnef manage- ment of the business, audio 'enable him to relax'soincwhat from its fatignes. A speculative concern wiil not suit the advertiser. Letters, posi-paid, wiili real signatures, directed to A. P>. at Mr.Win. Wi'liaois's, Siationer, Merthyr-TidviJ, Gla- morganshire, Will meet due aitentio'i; No person need "apply whose ail'airs will not bear'strict scrutiny. Carmarthenshire and County of the Boroug/isof Carnbirthm Turnpike Trust. XTOTICE is hereby given, that the TOLT. JL7N. GATES belonging tQ the said Tuisf will be SI I at AUCTION, on Friday the mh of October next, at tLs:) Talbot in Carmarthen, between- the hours of 'ten and two irt 'the clock in the 'forenoon which Gates m'odui.e at ,pi %>e,(t the following Sum's Llandovery Gate £ !?'() 0 (.\ Ystrad, AbVrmarles, and GurryiH, <, .,<7 ;> 0 o Llandilo Waik and Rliiwradur Gates- K& 0 0 V Abergwilly (rate. t'k) (t 0 Royal Oak Gate w .Off) 0 0 St. Clear's and Maiswholand Gates. .15SJ- 0 0 The said Gates will be set up at the present rent, and let tor oue whole year, iomuieticiog the 1st o,f November lie to the highest bidder, who must be prepared • .with sureties for payment of the rent quarterly. By Order of the Trustees, CHARLES LEWIS Clerk. Carmarthen, 6th Sept ember, 1805. IS I RAY ED, from Swansea,about two months O since, (svpjMwd to be gone to the JlíU¡; in Brectins'iire.) n GREY'MARE,' about fhirteen bandsTiigb, bog mane, and marked with T- P. on the rump.. Whoever wiil give information of the said Mare, at the. Wheat Sheaf, in Swansea, shall be handsomely rewarded.

-,.....,-...... '

Family Notices

SH4F &EW&: ' ■'


To the EDITOR (f the CAMBRIAN.