Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

6 erthygl ar y dudalen hon

/'Eonaou. ", ..


Eonaou. ;> JETI$g$--f^n)'|ibjiand. were vostirtidy-re-- V-o*V.ife3Tby->Ae^e^bwh-ajr1ve(i from Hoi- "If tfaeAuthority of which; ir-is• en is. jfcbottr-tt# throw her&ff ,tntöl ithe arms of Kance,; and tEat French-troops are to ¥e. adimttecHiito the Swedish. territories. which i>ave just- arrived. fro-m t^enhfgeii,- ir is4 StatedDayish seamen hav«^olaiit€cred to tring borne .ih^-n^aaUh: ,v«r4els*• theth^e^»d6tl "there/Jrp^lbfijwimljpr qiyoluuteers sent lforti hence -will,be yseif;ss.l It; is. sviso mentioned, upon the authori'y of those vess^s, -rhat several ;sbips'"had brought .provisions frpm and iMemef' '(4 our 'forcearC^ui^S'eh. Ah: order ween is? Admiral Gambler, bv tha Ire the Lords Commissioners of tfie ;\dmifSTty7 ^ctcd September '23, conveying to the Flaff^tain^-Coaunanders, Officers, ]j5edn)!&nf''asnd the Baltic fleet; his- Ma- jesty's most gracious approbation of'then- zealous and perseveftri fcxertious; and^. above all, their y. ^cordial, co-operation with the .army in carrying on the sjege oTC^'onhagen, which ;has added the "■<tikv%6XDjeftm%t6 that of the United Kingdom." .C.'t'he''Admiral has also seized the same'ocea- seiz' d tile fitiest, to express his sincere thanks -,tt) tile;) 4erg, &c. tor the prompt execution of all the commands by which he has been honon red .v ith the most §attering tes t imohy of his •Sovf^cigt^ appro&aitiou and he assures them, jtl^ifvih^aUiftot iail to convey to his M'«jesty, .[.the Adnttral's;iw»st^petfect- conviction, (that, the tthicrtty■ with-wlir^ -t^y. Hive^tied ont th^ Danish • iravy fO'rWa;'is-Vfnteaiinvpled ia history." • %co^K.;i2«wVmer«i4U' Code, thnlof Napdtechf -has the Mo- It is to su- -^pOTS^e%11:'0tBer .c%^ft^rci'al\aw.s in France, from » '"next.—It"regulates the distinction to be jifesgjyed between ujerchants aid ticôple who are- _»rere .jcta-ilai^ ol goods-enacts laws for partner- ships, anil'dictatfes-;th'e~1 niaTme/ in which 'the triT •frltnii fpr'-buiifctup^s is to proceeaiivitg inquiries'.— The whole Code i,s heavy and uoiaterestiug to.the English •■<' AQuebec paper of the.7th of lastiiiobth assets, th:rf .the v^ole-of^lie Indian nations jlave offered their services to the British Govjemruept, in case ckf, *-a^war with the tinted States.^The-latter seerii to £ }<§ extremely apupeftensive of art I tidian war. letters ironvTririrdad-, ■ of the 7fli ofSepvember, Slate, that the' C^iniBe Settfefs' had become dissa- -tisfied'•^kth'-th^i^ati<in,aad!wer«5^aJ[l.t6 coti^e to EngT&nd, t'ro|iirWUeji<ie tf±ey. are to be sent back to C h I :'L& The late overtaiiti dispatch from India ccntums. |he i^cH{.d|str^isiiag ^aiirits of- the consequences v? drought.iasev^fal distTictsr;par'ticularliy .11\, tb.e,hril$, I« one of the viilages iti ttiq Ghauts, *»earlyjv)wtfdre<i d%aid botties wre lVidg about the doop# of" their yac'aAt htju^es,. besides nurobers' on ;v the highway^WHd the tjaiiks of the Nuilahs$pd u to wfeich ^ey :Qad,in vain been attractedr '• Jj'y .tli^ Ifopes of obiainifrg- a draught 6f water. -i iffy accounts tVoift Htfrtdfe.fciuM, dated in February. it appears fhiit the' ffwoivg lortress of Chmnecr, ü. the the. irregula^xtroops, had.- been attacked' &y a tilt un alld carried by i&s&ok/*ftrt:0-deisp&Ttit8^ in which ttie ?whole garnsont: 'Anjo\rt .nearly ^oa nieny L'f w?S6/$aifce^; |^Tacferw^« l^,$y Uapt. 0ela- ••.fn'a'i'o iand. £ i en tfyawts,JVfeltgre^or, .»f. the 1 rth Infa-ntry, are *aid toihftve teea ki'Hedf With vftbjpdt ;4tt of-the 'Snropdii|fS ftfadjiiiitivpjc THe-Persikn Ajpbassa^p'tp ;thp3"t'sh Govern- "Jtvent in'Indi'i, is a|fo.v?'ed to: bieod;commerce with- '•;(1iploiKapy,,sjid,to .peteeiVe^ ifl c&itfpliment to ..his Court, exteusive-ixfasi&meAi £ 'dPi:i<>rehattdiBcf Iree ut duty.. j ',¿ 'i' "]

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