Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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'T'-M-:r'\'{-'.\ FR'\u T;I*:…


"■ 5 i w, August 6. T '-M -:r {- FR'\u T;I*: LO\ t,\ fidl Downing-street;August 6 —A. dispatch, of which the following is._ an extract, has. been this day re- ceived at the oiiice <?f the F.ur-1 of Liverpool, ad- uressed to bis Lordship by Ljcut.-Gen. Viscount Wellington, dated Quiuta de Joao, 18th July, 1811. Til Pi army of Portugal- broke up from their po- sition on the Gu'adiatia on the M-th ins!, and have moved towards Trusiilo. I liave not vet heard that any trnops had ui-ss-so.'i that town towards Ai iiia'raz; or tiiat thr-cavairy which !iad been alCmt Talavera" and Lobon, had retired iurlher ;han Meriua. They are fortifying the old castlc of Medelliii, as well as that at Truxillo. General B1 i-ke embarked his corps in the mouth of the Guadi inaon the (ith. As soon as Gcnc-r-d ,Blake's corps embarked, the body of tin,' enemy'* troops, I au'd had turned- towards Cartnja, retired from the frontier towards S't, Lucar. t I understand that the troops belonging to the •1th corps,, which Marshal Souit had- bnonght.i'ntd Estramadura- have marched towards Grenada. I'here is nothing new on the side of Valiadoiid, ex- I cepting that. Joseph Bonaparte had returned to Spain, and, it is said, arrived at Burgos v.,oh an escort of about 3,000 men on the 5th inst, Whitehall, d.—His Royal Highness the Prince Regent h is been pleased to grant to J. r MCdahon, Esq. the office of Receiver and Paymas- ter of the Royal Bounty .to Officer's' Widows, in the Toom'ofthe lion.II. E. Pox, deceased. f IVar O'jlice, Atigdi (>. — Ih-ewl,—Lieut.-Gci$i\nd Arduir ¥iscount ..VVclliiig-un, iv. 15. t<». be -Gener;d in I be-army in Spain r.ri.d l'ortaiid onl v.—Capt. I1'. Thaokcrnv, -of the JCn^inoers, M:i)>i2:c aras1, —Lieut.-Ci»l. J. H.C, t!c Benieviiz, of ti:e .Duky of Bruivstvick's Ligfti I' infantry, to have ifie lemporary fiatik (jt Coionei in l!u- araiy..•■• P. to Miihter-Geijeciil Ie the King's troops sewing- in t!io Ea^l. A. Nc,i)ltt, froiu. t'ie. Peras.ueiit Siaii' of the Qmirior-.Ma!»ler-Geneifil,. to be Dcuttty Qeai ier-^Iaster-Genera! to tho tro'ops serving ill the i\I,lritilsi-M¡jor}, ni('l;ol\ (,\ssi,¡all:-q'l'ier: to be Assistuijt-Qio.rler- AJaster-Gcnenb with the' Hunk oi iaout.;Co! in the .Aran-, viceNesbitt.—-Capt. J. I-Iaveriieid. froiu tlio 48th loot, in -be a I'eraiiinent Ass;stant-(Ji.itirier-ii]fister-GeiH*ral, witi, the fviuk of rdnjor, vice iiient,-Gol (Jiitbcart, appointed Deputy Qiiar'er-iMaster-Generai at Cadiz-.—Capt. F. W, Trench- tru-ii the 1st Ilogiiaent of l'oot Guards, to be a PerKiHOeiH" Asfi^tant (.juai-ler-Master-vienei'af, witll iiie Maak of Major, vice' Dickson, .promoted.—Major A. VVar- bin-ten; fronr the '.)'■ st foot, to he Inspecting Field'Offict r oi j tiie Mn.'ta in Quimila, with lhe ilank ot ijieut.-Coi. iu the arniy,-vice Thornton, appointed, to-Uie 54tli fnot. HospUul StojK—C. I-'urrei M. D. Staff Surgeon, Physician to. tLe Force?, vt.eeIrwiue, deeeased. A mail from Lisbon In-o. brougb.t letter-, and pa- pers to the 22dHit.—The last advices from ihcarmy state, t'n ,t ail is (inict, and that no Action seems likely to take place soon. A iotter from an t>dicer of the highest rank says—" The French have, been looking at its for some time, and the more they do b>ok 'he less an;uui:s do thfy'secrn to attack us.— Marmont, accordioaj'to letters from the'Alentejo. of the 1.7th, has actually begun to retreat. The difti- cuity of subsisting so .large' an army-in the Sanrls oi Estramadura, where'Bonaparte once said, none bur madmen like those who direct the affairs of Kn^i uul, wonlk risk the lives of its soldiers in the months of July and August," would, it was fore- seen, oblige Marmoul: and- Sou It to divide I heir- force. Here then,- if this intelligence be true, is payltl, superior skill and talcnts oHhe British General.— Blake is said to have reached Cadiz. llie booty by Mina is said f.O'have'been more considerable' than we.s at first imagined in gold and silver Jti millions of reals ami two in dia- monds; the greater part belonged to Joseph Bona- parte. Advice has- been received from Ilio Janeiro of tlte appearn nee of five French' frig iters on the coast o! Brazil, (supposed to he tiiose that escaped from iiochelort) where they had made several valuable captures.. Admiral PeCourcy had been in pursuit ot them, but. had returned without having had the good fortune to fall in with them. By a letter from 'Liverpool we learn that a vessel, calico tiie V enus, arrived at that port from America, which lel't oil ,I L it was currently reported, and generally believed, that Mr. Foster and air. Pmckney had both arrived in tire "United States. An idea seems to be entertained by some per- sons. that thepretended FfcmoIi."state Paper (noticed in our last.) was forged in'this country, and sent to America lor publication.- Tins, however, is not the fact. 'I'he forgery was neither committed in Eng- land, nor by an Englishman. We know the Au- thor, and are acquainted M'tihaH the circumstances attending the audacious imposture. If. was written, as vvell as published in America.—f Morning Post.)


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