Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

23 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



c CHURCH ARMY HOME. a New Building In?-" t d at j r- &t ( owanse?. 1 Society's Quiet But Brilliant Works Described, Opening by the Bishop of St. David's. I "The Commits hope in the futute to pre- sent .annual report* Thus began the repon 4 of the coTOBiittei ol t!i? Cliuv^h Ari^v Laboiu and Lodging He>m<os for the fear' 1902-3. and judging by the excellent work earned on in the past —work that h-a.» culminated in the Erection of the new hcwwHo that were opened on Thursday by the Lord Bishop of ,t, David's—■the Counii-tt«e s hc)! is likely ?:.e justified. Till the present this «dnurabM> social work lues been urned on in FisUor street, where in two years a less on working ha.s been incurred of something like £ 3P& This apparent set-back, however, has its good results, for both officer* -md com- mittee liave been si> encouraged with w-h»t could be done under more ad%antag<*>us ok- cumstar.ees that they embarked upon ?^ie 2Cew Houifs lu Rutland-street'. A GOOD SOCIAL WORK. Before describing these, ju.,t a \vor4 may k said iis to the mature tit the "Wink, 'carrieH on in the Clmnh Army Labour Hows. Per- haps- this can best he summed ttp in the Army's own words:—"far 'greaK:r Miccees has been achieved than was ever anticipated, and our system of takiiig men eiff the rates, soaking titem ratepayers, and. we trust, citi- yeiV h f\"¡!<f>ol World, now waits only the *iy funds for such extensive develop- s&*ikt u& will convince men everywhere th?t the N»«r>»Ei] 'Llif.rch, with her provincial diocesen and |>im>civinJ organisation, is cap- able oi .leJtlinf etf^gtuaUy with the most piss- ing sucKikprotfieiit-* of the times." The gitlil ing prima$e in tlie conduct of the Homes— ire now .-peaking of the labour, and riot the lodging s ( f the work, the two being «|tiitee distrikt i.- "if any would not work, ■neither should b- eat.r A ntan is j_n -need of work -and .slif-lt'T. temporarily, and he applies .at one of the Church Army Labour homes, And he j* admitted. Straight war he is w.tsheel «3id fed, and then set to work at wood- chopping, window cleaning, and so on. For this work, he i- paid wages, and at the end -of tfcc week he has to pay for his board and lodging .at the nominal rate of 6s. per week. Mis earnings over and above that sum are Siven to him, <"r put by till th? time he has pcidesd to leave the Homes, having probablv ctbbined by this time ordinary employment. 'Chough 'the wcrk is one of dwritv--for it oasts the Chuech Army a big sum of money to run the—yet it will be seen that it does not jjauperj^e a roan. At the .same time the "hea'lthy a-tme-sphere which surrounds the individual, morally, as well as physically, -♦end* towards the uplifting of those whose lot it is to need the conifort., of a home. Nearlv ISO ■men pa& through the Swansea Homes last year, of these 73 obtained sitmtions, three joined the Army or Navy, two were re- viewed to friends, and 55 left to find work. Whft' »hall say that by far the m-ajoritv of these men ha ve not been given a fresh start ia life ? THE s nr LABOUR HOME. The writer was recently shown over the new Swansea Homes by Capt. T. H. Spicer, the officer in chatge, and found that these when completely furnished n-Ji give the Com- mittee it fine -c< pe for carrying on th egeod tverk. Cost ins; some £ 2,250, tlie build- ing is faoed with -cone and brick. and is of "we sti.'revi. Yoa enter the Labour Home frcwn Rutland-stieet, and to the left is the ♦>fficer's win. Adjoining this is a sp.tclous xeading-room (kindly furnished by Col. LI. fw the men's use, and "fmther on *tillyuu come to the kitchen and dining-room, lwthjs and":lavatories, and into the yaid at the fear. where tliere is -erected a large wftrkshop for Wpod-Citoppmg, etc.. and where an elec- tnc motor is being fixed up for the ptupricsas 11 es .ei driving zi, -aw. On the first Hoot a,re lthe apauroents, which Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Eden have furnished. Adjoining these is a room set apait for a chapel, which the Committee have nnmed the "TaJbnt Chapel," in recognition of the generous support given fcy laibot to the bu'lding fund. °Xicc fittings and furnishing of this chapel, includ- ing? two beautiful stained glass windows, have fxeen provided by an anonymous donor. The »e-cond Moor contains the cubicles—sixteen in jBtanber and tltese are light and airy, each waging a separate window and a bedstead and -flock bed. 1'he place is lit with elec- tricity, and nk-elv heated by mears -if radia- tors, This i> the Labour Home side, but, »efore pa-sing froui it, we mav add that Mrs' Picton Turberrlll Ins providEd t)te kitchen fttrmture, whit" Sir John and Ladv Liewelvn have given t ft.: i-ictines for the dining-room, and ilr. D. M. (rla-brook the office furniture.' TJ»e picture^ in the reading-room have been Ifiven bv th J',i,h^p 0f Wakefield. THE LODCilXO HOME. Tlie Lodging Home is quite distinct from *he Labour Home, and i", worked on the lines Of the Rowton Homes in London, Birming- 1". ete. Thete is a sepiirate entrance also from Rutlard-street, and excellent and moist cleanlv accoiiiniodation: is provided for single taen for the small sum of 6d. per night, or Sh. per we-ek. For this ch-arge, the accom- modation includes a separate sleeping room, tha n-e of cooking ranges and appliances fw the men, who dn not have the:r meals out, fining and i>ading-rcx>ms, and an unlimited AW-1 ot hot and cold water, and, at a nominal charge, the lh' ot a locker and hot and cold "'atRr ba.ths. Th:- ground noor comprises the *«adrag-rccai. a very fine kitchen, baths, etc.. "vhtle oi the first and second floors are the «*kvcles, which are 36 in number, each beinc v«ry clean, light and airy, and fitted witfi ♦apitfwte wirdf'w", and most cumforbllle beds. This side ct the work is purely commeTcial, 6Ild as the Lodging Home should bring in. a grw.,s revenue of soinc L200 a vear', it is hoped that t4:is revenue will help to j ay some of the standing expeoes of the Ho-mes." f. ,.0. ooaii. Ui- IHb UOAA I IOXS. lnconclusit>n, we may .s;ur that the building a'»-ii^rUC^ 'Kai been carried out bv Mr. Hv. Btllmgs, from the excellent designs of Mr. H. • the lion, architect. Tbeeleo- %riC3,l fittings were provided by ilr. T. Arthur J'a;rti. and Mes-rs. Legg and Son carried out the beating arrangements. Altogether, the tost of the Homes is £2.500. and' towards this Tie-:iriy £ 1,000 have been subscribed, the prin- <C)p<)!! donate" being Talbot. £ 300; Sir Juhn T. lJ. Llewelyn. Bart., £ 100; Sir tieo. Xewnes. Bart., M.P., 25 guinea's; Mr. A. F. Eden, el," late Mr*. Llewellyn, !rnd O}I. M. Morgan. £ 25 each his ({race the Duke of SJeiuforC (oi. J. R. Wright. M). Wn). WaI. lers. and"Mr. H. 8. Litullev 10 guineas each i»iwi Mr. E. f'l. Bath, Mr. Dd. (rlasbrofyk, Mr. ■3. Player, the iate C'ol. J. Crow Richardson. Mis- Thoma-, and Mrs. Pict en Turbervill. jBID ?I:\«.h. M»■■■<. Ebcirezer Davies i.s the hon. »oc.. a.nd thi> of itself is testimony that the work done by the Church Army, p'ai tieularly simnrg dischaiged prisoners is adiriiable in the extreme. On Thursday. 17tL and Fiidav, 18tli, Mon- day, 21st and T«o«day, 22nd, the Hom-es are «tpen for in-pectit-n hv the public. Capt. Js'ok-er will be in att?..itlance to sliow visitors over the building. The opening of the Swansea Churc-li Army labour Home. Rutland-street, CI.Jld derlication of the "Talbot'' Chapel of the Home bv the IViahop of St. David's took place on Thurs- day morning ill the pr <-cn<€ of a large aod representative company, which included the Miyor (Mr. Griffith Tlio-m'ts). the Lady Swan- «oa, the Hon. A. Vivian, iadv, Hevs. Talbot Rice a.nd Mrs. Rice! J. H. Wat- .Jones, T. Morris, ,T. Morgan and Mrs. Morgan, S>don Morgan, F. Lt.s. W. 1'. Watsrm, D. I. Preiser. Me^rs. Ei. Rice Daniel, J.P.. Joseph Hall, J.P.. Mrs. J. White, Dr. T-lbt-nezer Davies and Mrs. Davies, Mr. and Mrs. A. Ed-n.'Mrs. Picton 'turber- vill. M:ss DixMii, — Pritchard (;f)v--).For of the Oaol), Col. Morgan. Mrs. Otnld Ed..n. Miss Bun^rry, :11." BiU. Mr E. W. Joms. Mr. H. Portsmouth. Mrs. T. P. Ri< hards. Mr. T. M. Walker, Miss Prit^hard. Mrs. Peikins, Mis. Tuck v. iir. and Mrs. W A. lord. Mrs. Dr. Griffibhfi. Mtb! K. Fretinaii, Mis. S TTvoTa* Mi, Tin mas, Sist-ev Ciefd (Police Conrt Mi.^siomn) Shortly befcv3 11 o'clock tJ! Bishop or E-t. David's, by th Rev. W. Talbot i Tlioe. entered the "Talbot" Cliup.d, wliic-.h was fined to over-flowing. The service was a J 1 &hort vae, cui'-i h-'giii with flie singing of "Tiuv í hurch's "• h ,e fl)un;lntion," and the reading of _^»on (Kings I., viii., 22-35). The L-J% I'albot Rice said ;—"Reverend Father in <l0cv- n the name and on behalf of the. Church Army. I request you to bless this chap-i and to iedicate it to the service and worship of Al- mighty God. Bishop t-ien, after pravers, pronounced the dedication. In a brief a,ddres, before the close, the Bishop spoke of He who came to seek and Sxive that which was lost, and Gods infinite [ove. To seek and save should also be the object of similar sympathy, and love on the part cf all His people. If we loyt Him must strive to kee-p His comn\arar,h'.ni,, all(j I this was His commandment abcivc all. "Love one aiiotVivt, even I love you In dedi- cating this dwpd, let them think of th-at ati^ what a Valuable" help the Home would V. to woi-k for the object ior which Christ) came. The Bishop n-s/ked them to ienie^r the Home I'firticulftily in their fA'a^ers. Ever since he come to the former H'ovne, two years ago, ho bad not 1-ost the Impression then formed, that it was really doing Chnst's work —the •work in which CvVvh could lielp by their pr^vevs as well as ia other wavs. the service ch/s<-<\ with the blessing. !rr. Radcliffe foTganist at. St. Mary's) pr i\ded at the tvrgan. Subsequently standing on the landing tfut- side the chapel, the Bishop in declaririg the Institution. <ipen, said bow very glad lie was to go ever the building. Two years ago. when he visited "the old Home, he felt very strong- ly that 15". liel,pirig people to make a hvsh start in life, the influence of um ouiidhvgs was a verv important mitter, indeed, and though at tVifit time he thought how suitable Capt. Spicer and his wife wtr. for t'he work they hax1 to do in their devotion to the Juties and taviV skill he did feel the troilc could not very well lie done as it ought to be in a town like- Swansea, in the old building. H.—and he was sure others with him-—were thankful that a convenient and suitable house had be» u pro- vided. They recognised the Svlf-Sacrifice and the energy of the committee in bringing the present state of things about, and realised the great value of the services-of Mrs. Kbenezet* Davies. Mr. Arthur fY('n.'J\Ir. Portsmouth, Mr. Joseph Hall, Col. Morgan, and others, and he thought he was not betraying a secret when he stated that the heaviest part of the work had fallen upon Mrs. Davits and Mr. Arthur Eden. His Lordship referred to the numerous gifts bv friends, and instanced that the Bishop of had given the pic- tures in the reading-roon) downstairs. His Lordship understood that £1,30J had already been collected for the building fund, which was a good sum, but ht' also understood a similar amount was still further required though a little less than JEil.500 more would do. But in buildings there wtue always "extras," and he did not think it would be a. bad idea to have a little balance in hand. He hoped thev would bear that fact in mind, and, tliat in the course of the nest time or four years at the outside the debt would be en- tirely cleared away. He noticed in the ac- counts there was 'an unusual deficit, and the. headquarters of the Church Army made that up every year. But surely Swansea, was too great a town in every way to be helped from London in a work like that. The town was famous for its philanthropic institutions, and lie appealed to them to see tc it tliat Swansea Churchmen shouM not lie longo; under the reflection that they did not cover II the cost of that most valuable work yearly. In con- clusion, His Lordship asked those interested to support in the work in every way they could. After the pronouncement oi the bene- diction. The Mayor moved ill verv hearty vote of thanks to the Bishop for his presence, who had come, no doubt at great inconvenience, to carry out a labour of love. He was sure that they all recognised that in addition to being a great Churchman, the Bishop was also a f, greaf financier, and his Worship trusted the t wore' tliat had fallen would bear fruit. The Institution was a noble one. and deserved all the srpport of the people of the town of Swans.a. His Worship was sure they all de- sired those who had fallen once might not al- ways continue in despond, and the Home affordtd discharged prisoners and others who had fallen to commence life afresh. The motion having been carried, the pro- ceedings then terminated.

Mr, LI Phillips Funeral


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=----= Killay Right-of-Way…

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ISt. Gabriel's New Reredos.




"The Eternal City.

Borough Extension Proposed.



