Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

21 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



TilE SECOND WLbL. The } rennii have u habit of filling tluir .rwav carriages too full Tor comfort, and wheu my iriend ana mysc.f readied the station ia Paris to tab* the express tor London, ve foond aeariy every pi> e occupied. Twice we walked the lengrh of the tram, bat without seeiag a. jpot available for tux I asked ov »f the odk.-iais if they inte ivied to put n ano- ther carriage, out tie replied that there was "OCJm enough for ail who wished to go. Then. said I, ive shal: be obliged to you if yeuliiKl us two seats m the same compart- ptect. The official shrugged his shoulders aad said that we could easily find t-tw r<i if we looked ;or i-hem. Tins w..s about as much latisracti' ni as one can get out of a Fre-n^b Dffida-t, who does- now ri.ucii. anyhow, and aM-esless. Agam we walked the kngth /,1' the train and I aocieed one compartment :),it of t:)9 doot w indow of which leaned a very stout elderly gentleman. The curtain* on the two sine windows wers drawn, and we could not se* wn^the.r there ;vere vacant plaoev there or not. My fr?end. who is a very suave and polite gentleman.$»aul to th< e.deriy mar WiL. you -ixcuse me a jrootiiect?" aad he pro- leeded to open tne door. i "All the placcs h«re are taken. said the wferiy indivi<kiai. hurried1! v. that's jaat what I -vyrit to iee." sai.I rrtv friend, and g*nt!y, firmly, hut politelv, he >pened t-ue dix»r, to the jjreat dancer of the old itentlenwi failing out. A lady of perhaps 25 j,l,t ;en o■.> corner s*at: ail the other p!eg *-iire vacant, but piled with portjaaat^aux, ra ises, and wha.t not. "AM." said my friend, •' there seems to be vacant space here." I tell you," rephed the elderly gentlem-an, red ;n the face, 'mat ail these places are taken. There is party of us. aad I'm looking for the others, who may arrive at any fiaonxnt. You will miss your train if veil wait here, for you will undoubtedly btvr* to pt out. friend glanced up at the big rfoi_k placed in the centre of the arch at the ead of the àflge station, and said ° Tlie train ;aave-s m two miimtes. so it eeeois to me your p-wty is cutting it a little c'.ose." Hie- party is aU ri/ht." observed the eld ffent.eman. Te.srtijy. "Thev know that I am rvserrraar places for then;, and will be here in fI nty of time. The hu'Y in the vWTier smiled sweetly at hit ir-t nd, and ae with some reluctance closed the *osr, for there was neehin# more to be said, tjiowt ealhtrsr the old s^ntlemao a liar, w'h we knew very well that he wm Once tor -o we walked the whole length of the fcra-n. "I woulrJn t stand it, I sa^i unpatiently-, to" I aiway-s get <*B2Ty wiiea I see a man Ir., • '•[K>iizvn(T the except ,n I do it mysteli. "I .should have get in aod taken a p&oe m t.l»e oarner. F", is evi- aewtly waiting jk> party." "<ient!v. ?f«itiv said mv friend "all a f*od time. I wiii leave them naif a minute I csome. and then wc will qoktiv ú.1(:k to the oW dtifiFer's carriaige :1.'¥1 ?t«D in." We did this, and tsv frieod onoe more opened the door in apite "of the protestations 81ft the part of the occupant, who got redd** and red jer m the face as lie s&w the attempt force tile position. I I ten Yi/u," he satd, "that its no good, My party *-vl be here, and then you will I have to get out and you will miss v or 'I iyajD." We made up our minds to chance it," l my imperturbabie friend, as he proceeded to I'eaiove the ncpedameiita from the two i Looraer seats, and. spe;.1rirtg with the utnwwrt he 'ohtinned: If voar partv arrives 1 swea while the train is mov-unr out, we will jump o4'f and hr'd the door open for them to enter. I don • much mirxi niiasing a train ^ryseif. I oould do with aaothe<r in Paris. It's a most chanmng' The old man emmted. and the lady smiled »cr.^ at us. It was quite evident that she was his second wife, and that tie hoaeyrnoan was drawing to a. otMe. It wax aiso evideni that the lÜ/ly was jatst a hide t»red of the old ipeBtleman, aad welcom^l &n «oc«fenk>a te the party, but the old man was ma.d clear tiirougb; anyone eeald see that He rootterad to hmwdf that it was an ontragn I MKi s-n^rht not to be pet-nutted. j),Bq wonld not be permitted in any civilised country. A man |ta«f a perfect right to a. eamage t&kea for his JineTi<is; this WM aiways recogniBed ra (England, asd no geotieowa. nor anyone o»U. fcg hniasel/ a gaatlea»an, wo«id foree his wa., tsto a eooq>artijueijt wkero k.mi net wanted, I qorto agree wVCh you," mM my mend I ks Mtnootnly as sweet oil '"It is an outrage. ) t asked the officials, or rasther my friend did, I whether they would not put on an extra cam- |tf". aadtbey refused r.o do so. In Eogiaod w« do these tkiags very much better, for such Mvr>,crowding of caniages woi*d nevar be per- (Bitted on any tirst-ckss hue. "I was not addressing vou, sir, said the *> man peevishly. J **0h. then, I beg yo«r pltràn: I though* Jou were, f hope you will excuse jnv, fwr I know how aanoying it is to be waitmg for a r»artr and then have the party turn up tee The la«?y smifed again at the polite yewai? I mas. aad tfT- o«d gentJemaa kept on matter- ing, b>* n«>t st» loud that we coittd heaa what he said. A gong elanped. and the porters ran hit- tmd thkher shouting to the pas«e*v?ers t» tak* •their seats. My in end put h s head out ci the vri»!ow a.nd eaikd: to one of the railway aaea; a cortcr came to the wi»ds>w. I .see, sir," said my friend to the old wuttemaa, that your party is going to be nft behind Now if you wiD. tell me wrweh I articles b^n- to them I will give them in oinrge of this porter who will return the Drtieiea to them when they arrive." He picked up the portmanteau which had been in t!*e place he now occupied, and th»n»t ft through the window to the porter. toiling tttt m French that a. party was coming who J •oald he left behind. "Will you ieave that alone?" cried the old gMtieman rising and snatching tlte baj^ace. "fkit, my dfar sir," .said my friend, pro- |f«fcingly, "you -*re rarely not ^-nng to carrv the other folks' luggage with you? Think jIIf Tihem left in Paris with none of the oom- titfta of life." They will come by the next train," said Jhe oid gentleman, placing the portmanteau up in m the ratck again. They may havp made up their minds to gtscv a wc. kr" said the young man. fhe !ady ptu the book she had been reading I 8p to her face and langhed outright. Her I husband looked at her with an exprtssion of 4isgust -jn hi.? high'y-ooloured face. "Ob is no tn>urble"to me at all." continued M»q voun<? man blarxJly. to rmt out the teggasre and g*ve it in charge of a. porter. It will be all right. I have seen it done a hun- dred times, and the train is just about to tteport. -Wd 1 yon oblibe me. by attending to yoor Mm busine^?" exclami^d the old gentleman. "Oh certainly," said the young num. jettling back into his place as the train moved •lowly out of the s*ation. TLore was a look I of baffled beitevoience. on his race that was most touching. But, voa see. I know what it is to be left without luggage and I merely wished to be of •ervioe to your party." Hang your service! I don't wLDt amy ef it." No, probably net; but those that are le^'fc itehiad, sir you should thiiik of them you shouLi indeed, sir; hot then it must be a toasolation for you to know that through your kindness two persons have obtained places m this tram;' ma.ny another man who Lad a party coming wenid have bundled us bodily iurt of the c-rnipartwst." It is what sho^iti have been done," «ried oki gentleman. } Oh, don't say that, I beg of you." said the I y^ujvg matt, k»okiag inexpressibly hwrt, bat J tiie old man was not to be drawn oat any J more. He t»>ok the English paper that he | had paid three times the London price for. j and began r<aading it. Tie young wan, after •• fruitless attempts to engage him in t Conversation and iearn some of his opinions on I the aerwa of the day, noticed that the second I Wife was reading a. i">ok whose pasres were un- set, tie he took from his inside pock-ct a. smali ivory pocket-knife that he always carried with hna and snttmg opposita-her offered her the pse vi it. !>he thanked him, and, <rreatlv to fi.e oW g»tlen>aa's annoyance, talked in a fri-e^idly n>anBej: with him until we came to Calais: where tV1 y<*wig man insisted upon tbaton? hands with: both or them, and again •neationeij hw d«et> "«rret that the party had been left behind '»it hi« expressions of sym- nafe* were entirely ttm>wr\ away, for Sh» aid gesitienvui took his second ;,me sder h"; -wing and ordering all the i" £ gga$e to be taken on the boat, departed. TSe seeew! wife kiokeri over her shoulder .1 «*T>i>d at tV vouTitr man. who) had helped ) I















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