Papurau Newydd Cymru

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EPITOME OF NEWS. Lord Roden has made a. permanent abatement of £ 5 per cemt. on existing Isaacs. The 44 turf black list" is announced for publica- tion on or about the 23rd 01 the month. In Chiii great excitomtnt prevsdLa owing to tlia failure of uiu Penes Conference recently hdd. The owners of the Dsnahy Main Collieries have gin II nearly 1,000 uita and boys fortnight notices to V-ve. Mr. Herbert Gladstone, M.P., as on? of the in-une Minister's secretaries, is on duty at Down- ing-treet. It is stated that Mr. Richard Moon is about i < ■ mir« from ths chairmanship of tbn Great Western ju'ilwiy Company. v-jry kind and sympathetic letter has been iccived by Mro. Mark Firth from his Royal High- ness Priace Leopold. fba Comte de Chambord has subscribed a thousand francs to the fund for the relief of tin dispersed religious orders. There are 6,700 candidates for the Cambridge University local examination this month, of whom 4,027 are boys and 2,693 girls. Mr. U. O. Trevelyan, M.P., Parliamentary Secre- tary to the Admiralty, has accepted Mr. Gordon K Voules as his private secretary. Th* Grand National Hunt Committee hold a meeting in London on the 13th, and will decide totbw locok of their annual fixture. The Royal Agricultural Commission has resumed its sittings in London, and meets on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday in each week. Private Hugh Morpn, 77th Regiment, the best shot of the army for the year 1879-80, has been awarded the prize of £20 and the silver medal. An artilleryman belonging to the 12th Regiment blew out his brains on Friday week in n, resuuirint on the Boulevard St. Martin, after having dined there. The London Gazette contains a declaration be- tween Great Britain and the Swiss Confederation for the reciprocal protection of manufacturing and trade murks. The Hon. Alan Herbwt, brother of the Earl of Carnarvon, has recovered from the attack of typhoid fever from which he has been suffering for some weeks. William Miller, a warder at Parkhurst Prison, was last week remanded on a charge of obtain- ing a sovereign from the wife of a prisoner by means of a forged letter. Thi Oldham Anti-Ritualists hav-o issued a mani- festo, in which they speak of the Ritualists as perjured law-breakers,and as being guilty of spiritual Pamellism." Endeavours are being made by the Argentine Republic to start a British colony in the Rio Negro, and President Roca offers to giant land free for 5,000 Irish immigrants. The new wing recently added to the Soldiers Daughters' Home at Hampstead was opened on hridav afternoon in the presence of a number of t he n lends of the charity. A London correspondent states that M. Gustare Do re is engaged in illustrating an edition of Shakespeare, and that it will be found to contain some of the best work he has yet accomplished. Cardinal Manning will proceed to Rome shortly ■if er Christmas, on business of importance con- nected with the Catholic Church in England, and is not likely to return to this country before tester. Two parishes at Bridgnorth—Quatt and Quat- ford-nave discovered by the Ordnance map that are not in the municipal boundary, and refuse now to pay the rates, which they have paid for a considerable time. Karlv on Sunday morning the extensive works of !ie Lonsdale Bleaching Company, situate about ace miles from Paisley, were totally destroyed by i*. The damage, estimated at £ 20,000, is partially red by insurance. The Canadian and French Governments have •^ranted a subvention for the establishment of a line of steamers, under the French flag, between Havre and Canada (Quebec and Montreal). The nne is to commence running in March. Russian newspapers affirm that in the present viai no more tlian four political criminals have "oeen executed in Russia. All the remainder—and here are a goodly number—have been exiled to -■ebcria by commutation of their sentence. intelligence received at Lloyd's from Faro, "t.d the 28th of November, states that tii ••iitinck, Hritkoh steamer, has been arrested at m.aroo. ten bales of tobacco having been found on ,I),rd. The master has been ordered to gaol. The trial of Monsignor Cotton, Bishop or \l«nce, for alleged insults on the Minister and rnder-Becretary for Public Worship, took place in i'aris on Friday week. The Court, after consulting for an hour, returned a verdict of acquittal, without costs. The marriage of the Hon. William St. John F. Brodrick* M.P., eldest son of Viecaunt Middieton, j.nd the Bon. Hilda Charteris, youngest daughter pf Lord Kk^ho, M.P., was solemnised at St. James's Church, Piccadilly, on Saturday. The officers of the 2nd Battalion Scots Guards have placed a\brass cross in Holy Trinity Church, Vt indsor, in memory of the late Lieutenant Watkin Williams Wynn* who was drowned white canoeing upon the Thames at the Windsor weir. A citizen of .Strasbourg, formerly a Frenck officer, but now, by annexation, a German subject, hae been sentenced by court-martial to three years' imprisonment in a fortress for high treason, in communicating to the French Government plans of ThionviBe. It has been decided to introduce Mr. Fawcett's system of collecting savings by postage stamps into Switzerland by arrangement between the Federal Council and the .cantonal authorities. It will be tried first in Genevu, when, if found satis- factory, it will be adopted throughout the Con- federation. The Post Office authorities, have notified that certain Christmas numbers, such as the trrapJuc, Hustraitd Londm* New*, Pieteridi World, Whitehall Uviev, and P%wt^es Alwmmnr, aumot be classed as ewspapers, and can ontv be mat t:brough the post itUer in this country or to placet* abroad at the ■t ok-rate of postage. It is announced that Prince Gumiio Borghtæ, ftto formed pait of the Itnlien geographical ex- ploring party in Africa, is approaching Tripoli. He .s the tint traveller who, starting from Ovrfur, has ueceeded in reaching the North AMcac coast by way ot Wadai and Bornu. A young man named James Harnett, on Friday week, underwent the punishment of flogging in the gaol of Newgate, for robbing a lady in CleribvnweU. Although the Hogging ordered was vefy sfightt, the prisoner seemed to suffer a good deal, and rt wired lustily when only a few atrip* had been inflicted upon him. The cr^hier of a Berlin bank, who ahscondtfd some time ago with 190,000 marks, and has been soroly wanted by the German police ever since,, J has betn very cleverly eaptttred at Kiel, havmg betrayed himself m his endeavour to jain pos- i' session of the passport and papers of a Hamburg corresponde nt. A terrible log around Milan has caused a series of disasters. Five labourers, while escaping from z r;o»<ls train which they had heard but not seen, wers kilted by an equally unseen express running in r. contrary direction. A pointsman was .hortJy afterwards kill-d at no jreat distance from the '.ccne of the former accident. Arthur Scott, a potman, and Wm. Foster, a stoker, were^t theMaryletxme policc-court,on Friday wi<'k, committed for trial on a charge of having broken into the house of General Ashburner, in the Carhon-road, Kilburn, and stolen therefrom property to the value of £50. The prisoners were caught in the act by a policeman. Th-t rpvenue receipts up to December 4 wore £5Q,368,303. agtinst .€M.305,569. Customs, £ 12,894,000, agtvinet £13,040,000; excise, £16,344.000, • gainst. £16,.544,000; stamps. £7.866,000, against £ >7,406s000; post-office, £4.605,000, against 14.345,000. Balances at the Bank of England on Saturday last, JE3,847,251 Bank of Ireland, £ 724,746. Dr. John Hnllah's admirable History of Modern Music has been recently published by Ricordi, of Milan, in the Italian language, a compliment never before paid to any English writer on music. The Italian translation, which has attracted great attention among Italian musicians and the press, has been excellently written by Mr. Albert Yisetti, professor of singing at th3 National Training School 01 Music, South Kensington. The Registrar-General's returns for tha waek ending Saturday last show the average rate of ttiortality to have been 21 annually per L000. Brighton and Wolverhampton, 14; Bristol, 17; Sheffield, Plymouth, and Leeds, 18 Birmingham, 19; Bradford Mid Leicester, 20; London, Ports- mouth, Newcastie-upon-Ty*vo, and Glasgow, 21 Kdmbnrgh, Manchester, and Oldham, 22; Salford asid Liverpool, 23; Nottingham and Norwich, 24 Ilu.ll and Sunderland, 2S and Dublin, 30. AdttWMl Popoff is 80 satisfied with the type of the Uvadia that, in spite of the adverse criticism dsrccted against that vessel in Russia and Eng- 1.t.1..J.. lie has tUicidcd upon applying the principle to a new ironclad that is about to be built for the navy7. Designs for such a imn-of-war l«~ve already been in existence some months, but tu« cruise of the Czar's yacht to Ferrol has sy.g- geuccd some important improvements to Admiral Vopatf, which he intends inserting in a fresh set of jJvma. jJvma. A drpr.tation, consisting of the Irish eight, 'KiiunJ upon the Lord Mayor and the Dublin Town < >*(ncilon Monday, for tifo purpose of delivering :uK> tim custody of the Lord Mayor the Elcho I .Shield meeuUy won by the Irish Riflemen. Captain well, who, in th« absence of tlic Duke of f\ !inr<u>rit. headeu the deputation, said this was the t J, timo Irish team h;vd carried off the'shield. A • dilution of (XMt^ratuIulion was passed, and the '.•.rpu^ition, 0:1 leaving the council clfunber, was <i:' i> v choc red. I C.-ntra! News states tluit the Right H'>n. 5:r J eves TV". Colville, premier Loi'd of Appeal of Jiuiicial Committee of tIN Privy Council, died ktfT.iy at. his rusideno;, 8, Rutiand-gittc, on S»nd»y. lie sat on S»Uurday, with Sir Barnes J 5>;wv*is and R. P. Cutiior, to hear two ,arnl wa.s then suffering from a ctAigh, but of the slif^teM possible charac- t>r. »-> wwj ot- h?*s r.ently been i rixle, br liini. The sitting of the judicial eom- It. r»>r to-aay (Tuesday) has been SU6-1 A sad fcoatJng accident, which resulted in the loss oi two Iitjs, ceeurred at Warrington on Satur- day aft;vrrwX'n. Tbceo youtook a boat from the ?;erv:y Fiour Mitbi e» the- l>uiks of the river, for s. row. Some 20G er 399 yawis frwca the mill tliere i« a w^ir crjje+od to back up tiie water to enable t »w barges of 1-hs Rrldgw»t«r Navigation Company to get down to Warrington, and hy some means ttf boftt was drawn into tht weir, capsized, and t.vo of the occupants, named "5hiny and Wilkin- tr>B, about 15 years of age. wen: drowned. The I thac v«*ta acuuiagtd to clius to the bc-it and w-ji i1 I The Sportsman says a. strong probability exists of there being no more races at Bristol. The Marquess of Salisbury has forwarded a donation of .£50 to the funds of the Hackney Con- servative Club. The Japanese Minister to France, M. Sameshima, who is well known in London, has died in Paris of congestion of the brain. The Army and Xavy Gazette hears that a. court- martial on the grounding of the Iron Duke has been ordered to be held. The American Architect suggests that Temple U-.r might possibly be obtained and rebuilt in the '"entral Park, New York. A Russian Imperial ukase has been issued, which Kilishes the salt tax, an impost that has yielded !out 16,000,000 roubles. The Great Western Railway Company is about ■ introduce the electric light on board at least one •« its Continental steamers. large number of fictitious £5 not.!3, purportir;g ..iava been issued by the West Riding Bank, at a ke field, have been circulated in Hull. Lord Beaconsfield arrived at Windsor Castle on a "hurt visit to the Queen, having driven over to Windsor from Hughenden Manor, High Wycombe. William Barret, aged eighteen, was remanded on Monday, at the Mansion House, London, charged with wilfully damaging the Temple Bar Memo- rial. The French Government have decided upon pro- to sell the Crown jewels, as, in the opinion i i the Ministry, they do not possess any historical value. Mr. George Shaw Lifevre, the recently ap- pointed First Commissioner of her Majesty's Works, has appointed Mr. G. S. Gowlland as his private secretary. The Royal Court of Jersey has refused to register the English "Burials Act so as to give it force in the island. Tbe subject has been referred to the States Assembly. ± woman najaed Mrs. M'Dermot, residing at 8 Court, Dryden-street, Liverpool, has given birth to three children, two girls and a boy. The mother and children are doing well. The Central News" is informed by Messrs. J. P. Corry and Co., Belfast, that up to the present they have received no further information respect- ing their vesssl, the Star of Bengal. The High Sheriff of Bucks has called a meeting of the magistrates and gentry of the county with a view to giving a public welcome to the Duke of Buckingham on his return from India. The Aurora states that Dr. Macabe's visit to Rome has no other purpose than that of simply making his first visit ad limitia apottolorv.m as Roman Catholic Archbishop of Dublin. The Lord Chancellor, although the Hereford Town Council had passed a resolution that addi- tional magistrates were not required, appointed several new Liberal justices for the city. The Board of Trade have awarded a silver claret jug to Captain V. Pollick, of the Austrian barque Carmela, in acknowledgment of his humanity to the crew of the lost British barque Edgar Cecil. The London Financial Association have issued a notice that the Alexandra Palace and Park, a free- hold estate of about 470 acres, will be offered for sale by auction at the mart on Friday, February 11. It is stated that one of the first British burying places yet discovered in Gloucestershire has been brought to light in Birdlip Wood. Twenty-one skeletons and many interesting relief were found. The Rev. Samuel Thackrah, M.A., Trinity Col- lege, Cambridge, late headmaster of Dartford Grammar School, has been appointed general orga- nising secretary of the Church Defence Institu- tion. At Marlborough-street police-court. London, on Saturday, Thomas Titley, described as a chemist, was charged with selling a noxious drug for an unlawful purpose. Prisoner was committed for trial. The Provincial School Commission have recom- mended to the German Government the dismissal from their posts of two masters who have com- promised themselves by a display of animosity against the Jews. Mr. Gladstone, replying to a communica.tion from the Barns ley* Licensed Victuallers' Association. says that the recent change in the licence duty is founded on a carefully and well-considered report from the House ot Lords. It is reported that Mr. Scudamore, so long con- nected with the General Post Office, has been de- prived of his position under the Turkish Govern- ment as chief of the international postal system, and ia returning to England. The Harcourt memorial performance at Drury Lane Theatre on Monday afternoon was witnessed by a. crowded assemblage, and was contributed to by the most distinguished actors and actresses now in London. The money paid for admission amounted to j6420. The Northamptonshire Chamber of Agriculture has obtained the services of Mr. Buckmaster to deliver explanatory lectures in several agricultural parishes with a view to the formation of classes for teaching the scientific principles involved in agricultural pursuits. The Chinese Government is said to have just completed a bargain with the Vulcan Shipbuilding Company at Stettin for the construction of a double-turretcd frigate with five guns of about 32 centimetre calibre, and of the same class as the Preussen and the Gropser-Kurfurst. A correspondent of the Leeds Mercury states that considerable interest has been excited in the neighbourhood of Hawes by a. report that a paraffin oil well exists near to Stailing Busk. A greasy substance floats on the top of the water, which is supposed to be a mineral oil, as an offensive gaseous smell is emitted. The King of Norway and Sweden has sanctior the Customs tariff, as passed by the Rigsdag, witl, a slight modification which reduces the duty silk goods in conformity with the comuur. treaty with France. Dr. Forssell, the Minist-r Finance, has resigned in consequence. The abolition of the salt tax is heartily welconn by the entire Pre«< ca St. Petersburg. It is stated that the loss thus caused to the revenue, amomn- ing to 12,000,000 roubles, will be covered print pally by an increatje in the duty on foreign ma. fact ured goods and in the tax on patents. The Army ami ,N. Gasettt states that in regiment lately nearly the whole of the of;■ • and men voluntarily allowed themselves to c" tattooed on the left wrist with the regiment; 1 badge. Only three or four men out of some SOC objected, and these have all since deserted. An accident ocenrred on Tuesday morning on tho Lancashire and Yorkshire Raw way near Bury. The crossbar of the waggon of a coal train broke, leaving 25 waggons on the line, which were run into by a train coming up behind. The driver jumped off the eagine, and was seriously hurt. The Leicester Church Extension Society finds great difficulty in coping with the very rapidly increasing population of Leicester. The owners of Clarendon-park estate have given a site for a new church, and a handsome edifice will very shortly be built from designs by a well-known architect. Aft open competition has been held for two junior clerkships in the Colonial Office, with .salaries commencing at £25(} a year, and rising to £ 600. Five of these junior cierks have additional emoluments. The higher classes of clerkships, with salaries from £ 700 to £ 1,000, are filled by pro- motion from the junior class. motion from the junior class. Last week John Mackenzie, a cabman, was hirtid to convey a party to Glenurquhart, some distance from Inverness. On Monday the cab and horse were found in the Caledonian Canal, the horse being drowned. Mackenzie has not returned. Fears are entertained that all who were in the »cab have perished. According; to the present returns of the census just held throughout Germany, the population of Berlin, including the military clement, now num- bers 1,118,63d, or an increase of 154,390. The figures of 1875 were ionlr 964,240. Since 1360, when the census gave 528,900, Berlin has more than doubled the number of its inhabitants. The Consistory, which it was supposed would bs hold in Rome on the 6th of December, will not take place until a later date, not yet fixed. The d;,la.y is attributed partly to the Pope's health, which is not sufficiently restored, and partly to the fact that the French Government has not yet forwirdfcd thl) nominations for vacant sees in France. The last of the Dundee fleet of whaling ships has arrived. Thirteen ships were employed during tœ year; neasly 90,000 seals were captured at Newfoundland and Greenland; irfd at Davis's Ptraits ovc-r 700 'whales. Nearly 1,700 tuns of oil w_*re yielded, ?nd 40 tons of bone. In round num- bers, the valuv of the fishing is £110,000, as against .i:130,OOO. The Admiralty having iss.ucd instructions for the new armour turrat ship Agamemnon, at Chatham, to be sent to ssa as soon as possible, some 800 men are now employed upon her daily. It is expected 3he will be ready to make a trial of her tngines, which are to be of 6,000 horse power. nt,xt month, and tliat she will be ready a month or so afterwards. A serious case of accidental poisoning has occurred at Stanhope House Industrial School for Girls, 26 of the inmates having been suddenly seized with symptoms of lead poisoning. Mr. Atchley, surgeon, and Mr. Davies, medical officer of health, were called in, and the children are all recovering. The death is announced of General de Reffye, the director of the Government cannon factory ;tt Tarbes, and the investor of the mitrailleuse. He was in his 60th year, and had suffered for fiftrer, months from a fall fcom his horse. To him mor. than to any other man are due the improvemei:' in French artillery since the war. At Solihull, near Birmingham, on Sunda, Irishman, whilst on the premises of a local boer- shop, was deliberately shot dead by a man >aiu to be a stranger to'the neighbourhood. Tho other men in the house refused to follow the ns*s-;in at the time, and the police nre unable to obtain any information from them which would assist them in tracing him. At the Birley Colliery, near Sheffield, on Monday, two miners, named Clayton and Walls, w.:re buried through the fall of a portion of the colliery. When dug out Clayton was found to be dead and his companion seriously injured. At the Nunnery Colliery a lad was terribly injured by being run over while at work, and little hope is entertained of his recovery. Tlv* following gentlemen have consented to act as examiners for the higher musical examinations of Tjnnity College, London, in January next:—The Rev. Sir F. A. Gore Ouselev, M.A., Mus. D.; Sir Herbert S. Oakolev, M.A., Mus. D.; Sir Julius Benedict, Mr. JcweptfBarnby, Mr. E. J. Hopkins, Mr. A. H. Mann, Mus. B., Dr. Gordon Saunders, Dr. Stesrgall, and Mr. E. H. Turpin. At the Liverpool policc-court on Monday," Capt. Lewis, of the vessel Summer Cloud, was sum- moned for contravention of the Explosives Act by not having a watch on deck, though the vessel had 65 tons of gunpowder on board. The offence being proved, a. iine of £5 and costs was inflicted, the Bench remarking tha.t it was a very serious offence, for had a collision occurred there might have been an explosion with serious damage to the .vca&tl iUKi UQi"i? It is rumoured that the plague has broken out in Moscow■. Russia has stopped the export of corn by raising railway freights. Mr. Cadman's health is still giving rise to great anxiety to his In seventeen weens the Great Western has acquired an additional traffic of £58,585. The Aberyst i; ii Town Council on Tuesday elected Mr. Arthur J. Hughes as town-clerk. M. Anderwent has been elected President, and M. Droz, Vice-President, ot the Swiss Confederation. Mr. Robert Buchanan has completed a new dramatic poem, which will be produced in London shortiy. The Earl of Duiferin, Ambassador at St. Peters- burg, with the Countess, left London on Tuesday for Russia. The Prince of Wales is spoken of as the probable president of the Electricity inhibition in Paris next August. The German Academy of Architecture has de- cSned to take in hand the completion of the Cathedral at Strasbourg. The Paris Municipality rejected on Tuesday, by 33 to 29, the Roehefort petition for a site ior a monument to the Communists. We understand that Mr. G. W. Hastings intends to kitioduce a Copyright Bill into the House ot Commons early in the ensuing session. In connection with the baptism of his lately born son, the Duke of Cumberland sent 10,000 marks for charitable distribution in Hanover. The revenue of the dominion of Canada during the m,e months ending in November last was $12,000,000, and the expenditure §9,114,000. We understand that Lord Herries is to be Lord- Lieufienant of the East Riding of the county of York, in the place of the late Lord Wenlock. Lord Colin Campbell has so far recovered as to be able to leave his room, though he is at present unable to attend to matters of public business. In the neighbourhood of Perlin, last week. eleven workmen were employed in excavating cellar when the roof fell in and buried them [[1;, Earl Cadogan, late Under-Secretary of Stat. the Colonies, has consented to open a Ccrir.r ■. tive Club at Bury, in Lancashire, on Friday uc.v. The era of Ministries may most properly uo reckoned from the day of the meeting of the Par- liament after the general election of 1698. Mtuxmlay. The Duke of Cambridge entertained General Sir Frederick Roberts and a party of military officers at a dinnar at Glo" .,è:ter House, Park-lane, on Monday evening. Her Majesty the Queen, accompanied by the Princess Beatrice, paid a short visit to the Metropolis QD Tuesday afternoon, leaving Windsor at half-past four. t It was announced at the Tenby Town Council on Tuesday that the Local Government Board had recommended a loan to the corporation of £1,500 for sewage \rorks. The British Consul at Sofia reports that the Bulgarian steamer Goluptchick has brought to Widdin by night a cargo of torpedoes manufac- tured at Rustchuk. The Portuguese Government is still treating with England respecting the construction of tilt- Indian railway, of Mormugam, a work of great importance to Portugal. The gossips of Bristol have had a windfall in the elopement of an office clerk with the wife of a respectable citizen. The guilty pair are believed to iiave gone to America. For several days past the Isle of Wight has been shut off from telegraphic communication with the mainland, owing to the parting of the cable between Ryde and Portsmouth. Of the 26,000 troops that are being added to the Gerw-an army, more than half are to be stationed on the Russian frontier. There will be no addition to the troops on the French border. On Sunday the Guy Mannenng. of Leith, came into collision with the Wistow Hall, of Liver- pool. in Lake Timsah, cutting five feet into the starboard quarter of the latter vessel. Founders^ Day was celebrated at Eton College on Monday. In the morning there was an early musical service, and in the evening the Provost and Fellows gave a dinner in the hall. The winter term of Mrs. E. M. Ward's art classes for ladies ends on-the 15th inst., and on that day Mr. Millais, R.A., will attend to examine the work done by the pupils since the visit of Mr. Calderon, R.A. In Edinburgh, on Monday, John Small, late assistant-postmaster at Meigle, Perthshire, was sentenced to seven years' penal servitude for steal- ing a registered letter, containing bank notes for £452. Her Majesty, accompanied by Princess Beatrice, on Monday visited the Empress Eugenie at Chisle- hurst, and went to St. Mary's Church, which con- tains the tombs of the late Emperor Napoleon and his son. It is said that Russia contemplates building gunboats of the Alpha type, for service in Chinese waters, the Celestials having several of these handy and powerful little vessels on the roil of their fleet. On Sunday, whilst out with the hounds, the Princess of the Asturias, eldest sister of King Alfonso, was thrown from her horse, but not seriously injured. The same evening the Princess went to the Italian Opera. Mr. Barlow, A.R.A., has nearly completed his engraving of the portrait by Millais of Mr. Glad- stone, which wae one of the chief features of last year's Academy exhibition, and the work wiH be ready early next year. Mr. George Morgan, inspector of graveyards to the Merthyr Burial Board, announced on Tuesday r/iat during the past month the interments had been 140, as compared with 95 in the correspond- ing month of last year. Advices from Ct ttinge announce tliat the Prince of Montenegro will shortly visit Dulcigno. A deputation of Mussulmans from Podgoritza has waited on him to express their gratitude for the amnesty granted to their co-rehgionaries. Important trials have been made lately on the Rhine, in ortler that navigation may be carried on at night by means of the electric light. It is hoped that results will follow which will develop an entirely new phase in river navigation. Colonel Burnaby delivered a lecture on Tuesday night, at the Town-hall, Birmingham, in connec- tiou with the Conservative Association of that town. The subject of the lecture was The Russian Advance towards Hindostan." Mr. G. Havdon Bennet ttaa been appointed lier Britannic Majesty's Vice-Consul for DelngoaBny. Mr. Bennet has resided for several year-, t>r, the Kaat Coast of Africa, and was formerly jigcn! a: Lorenzo Marques for the Natal Governmei. The total exports from Melbourne, Ad^lakfo, ;:r d Sydney to Great Britain for the past month I. been:—W^ol, 146,000 bales; taUow, 7,600 copper, 1,525 tons copper ore, 2,600 tons wheal 32,000 qrs.; flour, 5,900 tons; tin, 28,000 ingats. It is reported from Hamburg that the North German Bank has resolved to forward the creation of a shipping line from Hamburg, via the Cape, to Australia. It is reckoned that the voyage will take six weeks, vid England or Antwerp, aod Cape Town. Thirty French engine-drivers and stokers had an interview with M. Gambetta on Saturday, and asked him to use his influence in hastening a Bill to define the relations of tiieir class and of the railway companies. M. Gambetta promised to do his utmost. At Bedford, on Saturday, a schoolmaster, named Larter, was committed for trial on the cliarge of attempting a criminal assault on two girls, aged nine and eleven respectively. The prisoner is a young married man, and master of the National School at Turvey. George Doulby, and Caroline, his wife, were on Tuesday committed for trial from Worship-street police-court, London, on the charge of beiug con- Ctrnod in the manufacture of counterfeit eoin. The prisoners were captured in their house in the act of fabricating false coins. Dr. Schliemann, the discoverer of Troy, and of the tomb of Agamemnon, at Mycente, has gone, accompanied by his wife, to the spot near Lake Copais, in the vicinity of Thebes, where once stood the city ofOrchomenos, celebrated in ancient times for its enormous wealth.* On the occasion of the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the November Revolution of the Poles, General Garibaldi setit a message of sym- pathy and congratulation to the Polish The Italian Liberator added that lie wished to see the Poles regain their independence as socn :1:: possible. The emigration statistics show that the number of ships which left the Men3ey in Xovembèr was 85, with 6,843 emigrants, of whom 7,918 were for the C nited States, 455 for British North America, 26 for Australia, 109 for South America, 244 East Indies, 29 West Indies, 10 China, and 52 Africa. Ot the total number, 3,591 were English and 3.846 foreigners, only 919 being Irish. the emigration of the month exhibits a decline of 5,852 on that of October, and of 1,298 as compared with November last year. A difficulty has arisen at Helston in consequence of the burial board declining to build two chapels, as demanded by the Church party, who are in a minority on the board. Negotiations have been going on since 1877 with the object of inducing the Church party to consent to the erection of one chapel common to Churchmen and Nonconfor- -1 s. The hostile parties, however, have failed to to -any agreement, and the bishop, conse- • 'i ly. has declined to consecrate the portion of v'ound set apart for the use of Churchmen. On Tuesday, in accordance with a very ancient civic custom, presents of black livery cloth of tho finest material, each 4i yards long, were forwarded on the part of the Corporation of London to the Lord Chancellor, the Lord Chief Justice, the Master of tha Rolls, the Lord Chamberlain, the Vice-Chamberlain, the Lord Steward, the Treasurer and Comptroller of the Household, the Ham" Secretary, the Foreign Secretary, the Attorney- General.'the Solicitor-General, the Recorder, the Town-clerk, and the Common Serjeant. A meeting of the committee of the Byron memoriid was held on Tuesday at the studio of Mr. Bell, the sculptor who has executed the work as far as it has gone. It was decided to proceed at once with the construction of the pedestal, to be formed of the marble which the Greek Govern- ment had sent to England for the purpose. The marble is a splendid specimen of Russo-Antíco. The pedestal will, ii is cxpected, be finished in February next, and the whole cost of the memorial will amount to aiiout £3,50C. Tlie quarrels between th-> Fins and Swec'es, Lets and Germans, Litinii*Rans and Poles, Turks and Christians, a.nd among th" various tribes and na- tionalities of the Caucasus in Central Asia, have all been encouraged hy Russia, and have all served in turn to her aggrandisement. If the Kurdish success continues Persia may in the end lose the fertile province of Azerbijan, which has long been coveted by Russia, and which, on the prin- ciple of her action in Kulaja, she might find her- st'li called ugon to occupy for the benefit of her .} lIJ.





















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------------MR, OSBO;;NI-:…




" EMM" " ON TOUR."