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OUR DOCTOR. Out- first duty is to become healthy,— Heine. Conducted by a Physician and curgeon. Correspondents are requested to state their questions as concisely as possible consistent with intelligibility, vddmg (1) sex, (2) age, (3) if married, (4) duration of tllncss. All letters should be addressed II,MEDICA.L," per Editor, WEEKLY MAIL, CardiJ. SICK HEADACHE. The juice of half a lemon in a teacup of strong black coffee, without sugar, will often ture a sick headache. HOARSENESS. For simple hoarseness, take a fresh egg, beat it, and thicken with pulverised sugar. freely of it, and the hoarseness will soon be relieved. WARTS. Warts can easily be removed in this simple Irnaiiiiei, :-I)I.ssolve as much washing soda as the water will take up, and wash the warts Gaily till the; disappear. How TO STOP A HICCOUGH. A very good authority gives a simple Remedy for hiccough—a lump of sugar satu- rated with vinegar. In ten cases tried as an experiment it stopped hiccough in nine. BLEEDING AT THE NOSE. For severe hemorrhage from the nose, try folding the arms of the paiient up over the *tead for live minutes at a time. A small Piece of ice wrapped in muslin, and laid afectly over the top of the nose, will usually give relief. DAMP BEDS. Those who may be in doubt as to beds not being well aired should put a large stone bottle filled with boiling water into the bed, *ePeaticg as often as it gets cold. Place the ottle in different parts of the bed or mat- tress. Lay bolster and pillow over the bottle for some little time also. By this simple Contrivance no one need fear a damp bed. A GARGLE FOR BAD BREATH. The following has been extensively quoted: -take of saccharin, bicarbonate of soda, and salicylic acid, of each one drachm alcohol, our ounces; and oil of peppermint, 30 drops. teaspoonfu! of this in a wine glass of water, and use several times a day.-Boston Medical qric* Surgical Journal. FRUIT EATING. Tiie berries, the peaches, the apples, and the plums—not only of these but of all others ~~eat freely as often as you can get them, here are only two restrictions. They should be eaten later than dinner time, hey should be eaten while fresh, ripe, per- and in their natural raw state, without ttulk, cream, sugar, spices, water, or any other *<iuid, within an hour afterwards. Fruits are Down to be cooling and healthful the reason Is their acidity, like that of some other articles, lniulates the separation of bile from the blood; this causes an "op-n'' condition of the system, the attendant of high hea th, an Active body, and a joyous heart. Hence, if *hat acidity is corrected by sweets of any kind In such proportion they fail of their natural good effects. THE ONION AS A VALUABLE MEDICINE. from a medical point of view, a recommends the onion to the notice "in • 6 w^° suffer from constipation. It is „ & valuable medicine in this respect, an will replace the pills and draughts to th suffei'era erroneously fly for the relief is not satisfying, and that, in any case, can never be of a permanent character. Liver troubles are much benefited by the free use daily of stewed onions, I should not like, he says, to dogmatise regarding the rationale of the onion cure of bilious troubles; but I Aspect the volatile oil of the onion possesses flacti°n on the liver itse'f, and possibly its nfluence on the intestines has also to be taken Qto account in relieving the liver. t, NATURE'S MEDICINES. Exercise is as essential to health as tem- perance. In fact, intemperate eaters and inkers sometimes stave off disease for many jews by using their muscles manfully. Asa e> however, your gornaandisers and Srzz'ers are indolent. There is a story in the Arabian Nights of a physician who cured sultan of plethora by introducing certain edicaments into a mallet, with which the Patient hammered every day until he fell into t, Pr°fuse perspiration, when the virtues of j?6 panacea in the mallet passed ur°ugh the fibres of the wood into pores. This is merely an allegorical way of enforcing the great lesson that bodily exert;on j8 beneficial to health—that exercise is excel- lent physic. Everybody who knows any- thing about the mechanism of the human frame sees, of course, that it was made to y^ork, and we may add that if it does not fulfil he conditions of its structure it is sure to orrode and drop to pieces prematurely. ,Xercise and temperance are nature's medi- and they have thi-i great advantage over 'others, that while they promote health *nd long life they seoure for all who put their trust in them the means of independence. INCIPIENT MELANCHOLIA. Melancholia is a grave disease, espeoially because of its strange and terrible tendency to induce suicide and homicide. As the patient's reasoning processes seem to be per- feotly clear, friends are seldom sufficiently on their guard, The danger is always present, however, nor is the highest degree of intel- ligence or of moral worth any safeguard 4gainat it. The New York Medical Journal has a report of a lecture on the importance of recognising melancholia in its earlier fctage by Dr. Burnet, of which report we jttake free use. There is a marked difference between sadness and melancholia," says Dr. Burnet. "In ordinary sadness there is a Cause oomprehensible to the individual, and he will seek to remove it. In melancholia Ahere is no apparent cause; there is some im- plication of the higher faculties, and the patient is usually indifferent to his oondition, Surroundings, and future progress." There are several forms of the affection; simple Melancholia, melancholia agitata, melanoholia £ ttonita, and melancholia with stupor. The first two are the most difficult of recognition, it is these that especially en- danger the lives of the patient and ilia friends. The first important symptom of simple melancholia is sleepless- ness, Another symptom of the greatest importance is a dull pain in the baok of the Aeok, extending to the back of the head. It *• only within a few years that this symptom been recognised. The third symptom is depression of spirits, accompanied by slower Cental movements and retarded speeoh and Sotions. When the first and the last symp- ioms are connected with pain in the neok, the diagnosis may be oonsidered as oonolusive. In Melanoholia agitata these three symptoms are very marked, but it ia not so diffioult to Idienm the disease, since the agitation i of itself » strong indioation, There are generally terrifying hallucinations, an utter indifference to oneself and one's surroundings, aversion to food and inability to sleep, except under the influence of drugs. The propensity to take life may come on suddenly, or be gradually developed. It is not uncommon to see melancholiacs whose morbid tendencies are first brought out by some suggestion. One such patient was thought to have the blues," and on his remarking that he wished he was dead a friend carelessly said, Go throw yourself over the stair railing." He acted upon the word, fell through three floors, and was killed. Every case of melancholia should at an early date be put into the hands of a competent physician, who can have the entire control of it.


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