Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

15 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



WORK TO BE RESUMED AT ONCE. ^5? raptured negotiations between ftnd men in the South Wales tin-plate of Were resumed on Monday at a meeting toCoaviliation board, which is formed of Plate and Steel-makers' Associa- te a,D(l representatives of the four men's ggii on the wages and disputes board, to- U k r a few elected delegates of the men. wen tacitly agreed that the last con- was mismanaged on both sides. The "fcd Probably no basis but an argumenta- Im. one for the advancement without due a demand for an abolition of the always made the masters for in the mills; and the masters on jjj* »ide were so annoyed at the sudden and ^?nable demand for some £ 12,000 a year against their own original demand involv- Ofj. the outside £ 500, that they peremptorily «0n the hen to withdraw all their claims, Can f6 the masters' terms respecting and doublns, or there would be no 6r discussion with them. It is quite the a that there waa some mismanagement of t- debate on both sides. A stoppage of works (Ut Place thereupon. The men since that toL aTe »«en tha; it is not to their interest j^dYance big denands merely for the pur- Mtfc argnment and illustration and not *iivJany Practical hope of suocess, and have n the demand respecting the two 'or » *0r wastage thus leaving the way open Qiip ,nrther negctiations on the original anf,8ti°ti—that of paying on area for doubles Canadas, whch the masters regarded as first essental question for settlement ,"Lr'O proceedinr to other items. c°nciliati<n board meeting was pre- over by Mr. E. Trubshaw, of Llanelly, jjJ0 *as supported by nearly all the executive kr 1:1:1 ere of the employers' association, viz., T.r' Beaumont Thomas (vice-chairman), O^nelly, and lessrs. Joseph Maybery, Old jjtle; George lowe, Forest and Worcester; fi.ement, Beaifort; F. Gibbins, Eagle; H. i^ooins, Ferry aid Eagle; T. Davies, Cambria; I *iforri8, Bagln Bay; E. Earle, Cwmavon; j^jUiams. Clapton; T. Davies, Ffrwdwyllt; fiarrop, Groesend; J. Bright, Fairwood; Paityffynon; and J. Gray, Raven kP'is. The me were represented by Messrs. j*- Tillett (mo occupied the vice-chair), «^e8 Wignall, Howell Lewis, Harry Orbell }r°<&ers), John Hodge and George Lewis vr^l Smelters) Jvor Gwynne (Tin and Sheefr ^Imen), and "V. Thorne and Victor Morgan Worker8)- together with about v twenty represenatives. debate w.s not without ite dangers. iJ?, original qisetion yet remained to be and evn now that the two sheets v^tage matter on which alone arguments heen expeded in the interim, had been ^tidrawn, it 'as still clear that if the 2^ters persietd in their last demand that the other chms of the men be withdrawn, that the; agree forthwith to work aQd Caadas on area, it did not leave over t the men but an unconditional r**iender at te outset. This difficulty wa> °ided by the -ank agreement of the masters «?^CePt arbifation on everything. jl^-ae moet retnt proposal of the men was considere, viz.That payment for ^^adas and ouble3 remain as at present; claim forthe abolition of 2 per cent. e,?*te be withcawn; all questions raised by ^tfier employes or employes be submitted fcWj0vestigatioiof. equal numbers of employers workmen, yith a Board of Trade official ^8«t as umrre failing an agreement." 4,*f, Trubshar communicated to the men I e decision ( the masters, which was in t?Y°nr of a ommittee of investigation on J^ese points. Te men were reminded that they •ja<l Professed o be in favour of arbitration 11 other occaions in the past, but when if to ths pint had refused to carry out t?at principl. The masters were willing -aat the wh(e subject of Canadas and roubles and ae other outstanding matters Bould be reerred to a sub-committee to iit those subjects must include r*e question I oil sizes, on which the masters sacrifics when the last arrangement come to. maatei retired and left the men to ad we understand that there wa« for over an hour. The eetinj, wae pronounced against the intro- "Ction time of the old question' of J. "jzes, ail determined to debar it from With regard to having arbi- ation on Gnadas and doubles there was a e diviaia of opinion, and this may be of aiQed b: the fact that only one section the tradt benefits by the enhanced prices Saw-*°r thee plates, and those Unions more ^„lcplarly concerned in these departments disindned to submit the matter to «Titration, contending that the custom of toll t^ade oould hold good. Ultimately the B}j ^solution was come to, but, it Vo^ 16 remarked, only on the casting „ tie chairman:— II ^e accept the offer of investiga- ut, failing settlement, with the 0f the committee to submit Ogettled matters to arbitration al lists, inolndin« Canadas and double* No new proposals [this alluded to the tl Sisee] to be entertained." Ifaetercand men again conferred at 5.30 ).111., anc after another half-hour's delibera- tion the lasters withdrew the question of oil 8tzes, an, the meeting arrived at an agree- ment whdi will result in the starting of the *°rka peding investigation. The resolution *an: Tha the question of payment for doubles "lld Caadas on area and the other matters in the list of June 24, 1903, be Je'erreito a joint committee for investiga- tion ail settlement, and, failing settlement, that tb matters be referred to arbitration, 'h the Went of the committee failing to *8ree n an arbitrator, that the Board of ^^de ie asked to appoint one. "Tha the terms of the year ended the 30th Jun, 1903, be confirmed up to the 30th of r*ae, 904, subject to the foregoing resolu- Thi sub-committee to consist of eight pPresntatives of each side, to be selected duecourse." reolution carries out what was fer- fcped for beforehand, but a careful aminaion shows that the men (who had at Ca* *as conciliation board decided that remain as at present) now agreed ti refei both these and doubles to arbitra- Orl "he fact of the close division shows tgat most nearly concerned somewhat wared be result of arbitration. The men gave j. y slightly for the sake of peace, and the ^Sfltersat the end did the same with respect jtheijnew demand re oil sizes. g.11 oiler to see what matters have to be it would be well to refer to the made on June 24. The employers j^^anted:—(1) That aoublee and Canadas be on area; (2) that the lis. 6d. per 100 S?Xe« fcr annealing be divided as follows: — (s. 6d. per 100, white 5s. per 100 boxes; J,.to (iscuss whether annealers be paid on or tin-house make; (4) making tin cases j* Mites packed 225 sheets per box to be oi the basis of Id. per box, and on all Of a8 P^ed 112 sheets per box on the basis fcitv' per box; (5) lopping to be id. per box, giins as No. 4.; (7) iron hooping to be 3d. foxes are full, id. when empty; (8)chang- rolls, a reduction of Is. 6d. per roll, where ij^dirds have not to be moved out; (9) c^ing to be 3d. per box. The men's (l^Ujs were as follows:—(1) An eight hours' ^0r toiler firemen engaged in tin-plate (2) that a claim of 2d. per box. gains, be made for making tin lined Ol168 in all works, with the exception of ia* ^a*tle (Llanelly) and Morriston and Mid- Works (Morriston; (3) the abolition of labour Jor millmen; (4) that fort- ta^ y pay be compulsory, and that 28 ^fe worked on weights be paid 1121b. THE GROVESEND DISPUTE. wjj^ith regard to the Grovesend Works, at jv^'ch there has been a strike since July, Mr. w^op at the conciliation board said he not pay the rates demanded for ^*«Ming. Mr. Will Thorne and Mr. Harrop j^ied on an animated discussion, Mr. Thorne j. Marking that if he would not pay the rates ^ould have to dint up shop, as the men ^jWd not work. A committee of four was Isolated on either side to settle the ques- in dispute. VIM IfOBBISTON AND MIDLAND DEFEC- TION. employers strongly condemned the of the Morriston and Midland manage- SJ^t in settling with the workmen outside general association. A QUICK RESUMPTION. ^lliers> Baglan Bay, Ferry, and Gwalia "Plate Works were re-started on Tuesday, tc- Inhabitants of Briton Ferry are in Wieg over the settlement.