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TEA CHEAPER THAK EVER. STT>0>-& 3LACK TEAS It, Gel.. !8.. ta. 6d. TXBT EXCKI.i'NT BLACK TEA i« nowonlyM per pound. FHILUPS & CO. TEA MERCHANTS, •«. ilMi WILLIAM STRElfy CITY, LONDON E.C. RAIL. CHOICE OE.N LINE COFFEE, ig. 4d. p«r pound. A PL/CE CC*.K £ VR **• 41 HAKKET PEICM. fHIZLIPS or AUrkei^fran(l carriage free to En^nj'ireiand* feVoMSi «*» «. connection with FREE. £ Ufc> and ,/YCTV WjBTRY^nd'sW J»CS?nrvan<1 ^oult de 90<e- ?OH2L^A^VE5(»L^JtDGA^ HILL. LONDON. 5O0 BLA^NSSIEKS,Post-free. T»R mr^it Indies should Saint Paul'sChurch-jd.,E.C. i^ark. LHOIS-—<wfor tie above before pure basing. \^OW^L A WAShing MACHINE, WRINGER, £ 4 IBB. od. 2w. Thames Street, (late TluiJ rim^court Jn^ut> 98 Lpper fumers to Her Maj eatv ^J^rabard Street), per- Vruly marvellous tluid,»hi^ ^aduaflvr» r t0 the Public thil Wits pristine hue-no3t°r^y «»tores the human hair has none of the property of dyes; it, on the A,^ua Amarella Octal to the system, and whenthe hair f'iie =onlraryu^ plication per month wn keep it in ww^ restored one &p- Suinen per bottle; half botU^, l(fc „oolour-, one Bstes of the highestorder, and from in,liIeftl!T0nial8 f01^^ respectability, maybe inspected. ^^iduals of undoubted have been appointed perfumers toH.R.if^S" Gosnell„ti"(i £ o- /^OIU>IN(«^GUn^aL^?SS'. „ Cor,llni'* 8K,iVr" tUAL Cording's Ashing Boots and COBDi.VG'S, 28? Stranrf0 EyFSTAS^AWp^gf; >QTPT^ ENT LOTION'.» speciflc in all caseT^lv w «■ n » and K iLOTRICHOS, a tombi natioo o? p„of the Hair falling off; JOHN GOSM!LL"a^a%o^-p'AT^lS TRICHOSARO.Y, 0r newly-inv^VV" S PATENT the peculiar mechanical construction% HAIB.-BRUSH, the two operations of cleansing and TJV ,which accomplishes —Red Bull W harf. 93. t' Ttiamo. ^'whing simultaneously. DAJANIAB#M LOOM. vi r.^v l A V Ivr — Calicoes, Flannels, Blankets. & Print*in to any part of the United Kingdom s,„n^1uantity, forwarded of SO yard* and upwards. Carriage P»i,T.Pes P°st free. Parcels Address—CHARLKS IVIMY, 23, pi rdfa,t,0 any Railway Station. SWEET BUEATir=|g^E^aa^ K-7 OCSfor correcting the Breath o* b <^A^±1* made in 1840, by HOOPER, chemift iter Smoking, 4c., first are the original, and are still acW'mr°,n<loQ Bridge, E. C., Sixpence per box. post free for 7 «to^, e"sed to be the best, respectable Chemists and Tobacconi., P8V, Sold a'»o by molt the address London Bridge" on t>,„ v Be careful to observe W. M. y^1SK?nd-COTS May be had of the leading bot,t.i«~ construction. The new Illustrated po?1? maker'8 principle of improvements, post free. 74. ChariotYf °&ue'8hewin5 recent CALLARD & BOWSER'S TJ UTTER SCOTCH, a JJ Sweetmeat, 6<1. a packet. Sold b» n and wholesome Wholesale of the Manufacturers si- V?fectionerg ft Grocer*. aai^ INDIA EUBB ERi, c TNDIA RUBBER MACmN# A Tvmq X Bert and Cheapest; Whole^. fiANDb. IWDIA RUBBER COMPANY'S Warehoui- ^1ly at the NATIOWAI. l-oniion. K.C. Wir i rTT.iiPM, Gresham Street, -XAWNMOWlRS^S"Z' BOYD'S Brush Lawn d Be8tl a to Cut. Sweep, and RoU the (^ are warranted operation. Testimonials free. JOKv^v^et or at c!™relmey's^p^ BUILDINGS. S THE SILICATE ZOPISSACompositions. effectually prevent Decay o/Voorf ^'RAN,?TIC COMPOSITION Mres. Successfully used at the nm fr or Iron struct~ the redccoration of St. Paul's Cathp^?.6 °f Westminster, and ft CO., ^A, King William St., «ty t^S1- AJ>P^to SZEKELMEY T H A-on-^onoJ £ cfsJ I N E » DIP. The best composition for dipnini'»pence per pound. Cure for Scab, and deadly to \ooS Pounnt Sheep. Certain other parasites. Free from ever* nS' ai{8' Ticks, Lice, and all live stock. DoKS .NOT DISCOLOUR Tuf,on detrimental to man or growth and quality. aB WOOL, hut improves the Pamphlets treating on the sneoi«i Dip containing Testimonials and of tbe "Glycerine" ■.nil a Sample Keg of Twenty Pounrio ?°P8>10 be to any Railway station for io« fid wei«ht sent Carriage free HARbWICKE, GUERIN, Md CO 52pl3tio5^° r |heir local agents. Ar.t.NTu STRAXD, London, or rpHOMSON^a ^OWPitting CORSETS THOMSON's PRIZE MEDU CRINOLINES TiS>S:Mr. htps. lead, lime, and sewage from wa?Si wS?.?n'y one tb^ removes i-,T ±E2gpectU8 post-free. XHXCELSIOR PRIZE MEDAL FAMILY X!i SEWING and EMBROIDERYMArmv™ "7^ ftc., complete, price £ 6 6s.; CAearmif l ES. with Staiids, WEIGHT ft MANN", 1«, HOLBORN g f^Xok "ifstf fre7 \\TAXKER'S^RYSTAlTcXSE WATCHES gCojnh.1'. E.C. ^^ent^W^tf;"1^^ CbScS?S™mW" ?• NI^EY'S Refined ■teel, without waste or Just. Sold ^ei7where bv'aU ShoHkil6*1 ^1"d'^1' ft^-pktg- cO'mting-house. 12. Soho-sq., London". TA EXTRACT of MEAT (Extractum Twos ^onomical stock for beef-tea ^%irV Wni' • 801(1 by Fortnura & Mason; wholesale 43, Mark lane. None genuine without the inventor's certiflcate. T AMPLOUGH'S PYRETIC SALINti ia a v CHOLERAIC rel^v^16' SoT^^y\HeT^emista, and°^h^eSManiiScturer16^ WLamp'oagh^orn-M.^next Itatton Gardm, London, E.(j! HY SUFFER RHEUMATISM GOUT UNIVERSAL EMBl?ot\VmU>^eiterTall^lpniu^^ rernedy. Sold at is. Ud. E^r^RSES,l.e?intIe^yalSS?CdATi' wounds, sore backs and shouliers broken knees, cuts, fJlHE ALBERTVETERINARY COLLEGE President:—His Gk J^ ^NI)0N. Principal:-rRop/f* ?* NEWCASTLE A- SILBERBERG supplj^ rte ftt the smallest possible' CIG4;ILS 4 TOBACCO His price* are so ttariiinn pom^rlrtf?.?p0n tlle original cost, hitherto paid for the w«TfeiWft T\At pu.bli^;hJT-? XI000 to any person who can erov?V h„, he offers to forfeit sold at his establishment^'oat any Cigars or Tobacco iT 8. will supply any S ^f th?^L\ represented, at 10s. to 15s. per box lens thL iviJT' brand) and qualitie» A Sample Box of every kind of Ciear^^l^obtained elsewhere, paid to any part of the kingdom on ,i acco sent carna«e WsSilbMberg,HabanaCila?Co of for £ 1 to The Trade. Clubs, Si HotPls ^nT.nli^'l^eap^nle, London, E.C. i mirnn -fi- _vtL~-?i'olesale & for exportation. jrUTTER FROM Iw^ET^MTLK in to be hid at ^IVE MINUTES, ATM08PH^LBL^PAn LIMITED, gEWING ^HINEr^r'pLORENCE K_7 it executes in a superior »«,. Ane required in a Family. Makes fon r Ji!? 811 kinds of Sewing ever reversible feed motion, fastens nfr ;» ent stitches,has patent No other Machine has these late 8eam without stopping. ifedal was awarded by the CommiT, enifn^> f°r which a Gold the late Exhibition of the AmpriroifT0n Sewing Machines, at with every well known Machine} i~.rln Institute, (in competition wSPpBSE" ASKif.< «a>fa«^™««a]S5?, ra C0MPiNT_ AND AT 19 AND 21, BLACKJ»I»» LONDON, Mead Illustrative Prospectus n"«, MANCHMTBK. SW00L~Flj-irgTTTTpy BANKS'S PATENT ^-vi^ into a Seat and Table. Th. Convertible Estimates given for the ent? cheapest and best made. Complete Catalogues sent on «, f. Furnishing of Schools. SIDEBOTHAM Vfratioato Parsonage Works, l, Albert iiKs- AND CO., ^selections, in Wood Mdw? 8 noted growth and beverage for family use. **■««. Recommended as a general V1NEGAK, of Henley ft 8„-v, made, in Wood and Bottle. ToWv team Works. The purest byALEsTnTsTOUT.0ttt« London Cooper in Bottle. *• AlUopp'g, Guinness"s and tlie Sole Agents for Arrol's Alloa 8eo»«v «■. in even variety. °w>»ch Ales. Wines and Spirits Central Office and Dep6t, J«jw. c m#r 8t.,Toolev St, London S.E. 18s.* J^Ti?a§6sES-. rfgg Post Orders on *5? INCLUDED. • CHAEL^|p"iS1> SON, n^c M A Y F A I R,^CHANTS. WL Very Choice Souchong,2s.I0 £ j_ Pf*Mle Strong Rich Congou, ls.6d.. Black Teas from Is. Gd. toj>« ij^e assortment of well selected riage paid to all parts of Engl'anV Vrders for £ 2 worth sent car- -s=*7=vt> CWW RT3 Wales. Scotland, ft Ireland. rS^^nfNi^B^McDOUGALL'S The safeat^jtoQs DIPPING COMPOSITION MoTSq^y~5P^t effectual dressing. ClRB0LIC (^rlc^TS0AP For TOILET PUBPOSB^ £ *>■ that infest the human hait^ .1 the Feet, to destroy Insects *n WflTJSEHOLDS, 8lPir for Cutaneous Diseases. 111 UU rfi»%Vc« JOOMS, 4c., tot cleansing and jy BUGS, FLE^a ?<fP08e9- >3? Pot wAsBaio'ia'fS.I1,3E0T3 a",r»1"1 SoldbyChetnigt. it is the best. McUOVGALL B, Oilmen, ftc. P TI R E ^yT^-iffldon and Manchester. (REGISTERED AS SAPq nfATR S^OAP TTITS SOAP 18 nnri_^BONis DETERGENS.) „proved byabunaSjUedaa a SKIN SOAP infectious disea^' wepreve^eflicaltestimony. By daily use ance imparted irp'h >la^d a clear and healthy appear- by all CHEMlg.*? ln tablets at 6d. and is. each, W. v WRIGHT and CO.jj a. (1 wholesale of W^^OB^ATJD^ST^cturing Chemists, London. TIIASTATIZED iffiANIC MEDICINES. U the System- 2»- jrnr for Strengthening BAUDEINS, m0Sf « ,7 r Asiatic Cholera, Yellow efficient remedy for GoU-medal awarded oy the FrenSj- Dysentry, and Diarrhoea, t-ot .na. lis.; Met-'vim size, 4s. Government. Large size ail Chemists. Role agent for £ nJ Stnall size, is. lid. Sold by CH. LANGE, "'I. Moiir.ell Street, and the British Colonies TMjVGBS, COWSTSSlf^^ ATT^TTPAT' V,' OTA, ftc—D". J, collis NEURAL- » tmb.u 'y SI:^nowiea?ed bv thf °?^NE'S CIILORODYNE Of rn# <4«y to 0'- >aogt effectn.i0'' eminent Physicians CAb'TlOlS.-W-ir,, t0 Ahtain TS. rewedy ever discovered. CiiLOfiOI'TJrS. 'Ph.. wonderfni J COLLIS BROWNE'S riven rise to nTim^ous pirapip«a« f?ail,i for this remedy has 1«. !id.,2s fld-tnc 43. gd. by «n p?11 deceptions. Sold in bottles, L0Sa S Tick awp. •" » Specific" fct Sieep* „ Lotion" for Ply and Foot Rot. THOROUGHLY EFFECTIVE AND NOT POISONOUS. T Testimonials sent on application. Wholesale s-s Ransom* ft OO., Essex Street, Strand, BRISTOL STEAM CABINET WORKS. r AVE R TON AND C O.'S i J PRICE CURRENT for the COMPLETE FURNISHING if nn EIGHT-ROOX"ED HOUSE,in a neat and respectable style, vith pood Modern Fumitura, Carpets and Curtains, &s., Kitchen, Jail. Dining-room. Breakfast-room, Stairs, Drawing-room, best ?edroom, spare Bedroom, and two Servants' Bedrooms. EVERY AKTICLE "WARRANTED. £ s. d. £ s. d Deal Table 0 8 6 Large one-flap ditto • 0 12 6 ?our strong Chairs, at 3s. 6d. 0 14 0 Large Clothes Horse, 7s. 6cl.; Small ditto, 5s. 0 12 6 Xnife-box ■ •0 5 6— 2 13 0 HALL. ,ay seven yards 4-4 Oil Cloth at 2s. 9d. 0 19 3 Cocoa Door-mat and Stair Foot ditto ..086 CmLreIIa-stand and Hat-rail.. 1 5 0— 2 12 0 DINING-ROOM. )ne set of Damask or Moreen Window Cur- tains,3! yards long. fringe drapery, polished mahogany or gilt 6 feet pole 3 10 0 J iper. Brussels Carpet, 18 by 151 feet, 42 yards 7 7 0 Hearth-rug to match .110 Mahogany Sliding Table, with extra leaf, to dine eight 4 15 0 ,ix solid Mahogany hair-seated Chairs, stuffed with horse-hair 4 10 0 Mahogany Sofa, hair-seated .550 Mahogany Pedestal Sideboard, 5ft. 6in. 5 10 0-31 18 0 BREAKFAST ROOM. iuper.Kidderminster Carpet, say 5 yds by 4 2 10 0 Heiti-th-rugto match • 0 14 0 Mahogany Pembroke Table, 3ft. 6in. square 1 5 0 Six imitation Mahogany Chairs, cane-seated 1 4 0— 5 13 0 STAIRS. :trong Dutch Carpet, say 20 yards at Is. 4d. 1 8 Thirty-six Stair-rods and Eyes 0 15 0— 2 8 DRAWING-ROOM. Super. Brussels Carpet, including making, 18ft by 15Aft., 42 yards • • ..770 Hearth-rug to match • ..110 Two sets rich Damask Curtains, 3j yards long, Window Drapery, and two 6ft. gilt poles 7 0 0 Rosewood Cheffonier, plate glass back and marble top 5 15 0 Chimney Glass in gilt frame, best British plate, 40in. by 30in. 4 10 0 Rosewood Loo Table 4 15 0 Rosewood Couch in damask, to match Curtains 4 15 0 Six solid Rosewood Chairs, ditto .6 0 0—42 3 0 BEST BEDROOM. Mahogany Four-post Bedstead, with cornice, poles, rings, &c. 4 10 0 Moreen or Damask Furniture, with fringe dra- pery, complete 4 15 0 Mattress ■• } 5 0 Good Feather-bed, Bolster, and Pillows 5 15 0 One pair best Russia Sheets •• 0 18 0 Three Blankets. 1 7 0 White Counterpane ■ ■ 0 14 6 Mahogany Washstand and Table .330 Dressing Glass, large size. 0 16 0 Mahogany Towel-horse. 046 Three imitation Mahogany Chairs, cane-seat 0 9 0 Mahogany Chest of Drawers, French polished 2 15 0 Bedround Carpet, yard wide 0 18 0 Mahogany Xight Commode 0 14 6—28 0 0 SECOND BEDROOM. Japanned full-size Half-tester Bedstead 2 2 0 Good Dimity Furniture, with fringe drapery 176 Mattress • • • • ■ ..110 Good Mill-puff Bed & Bolster, Feather Pillows 2 12 0 i hie pair Russia Sheets. 0 12 0 Three Blankets • • .140 White Counterpane • ■ .0106 Painted Washstand and Table.. 0 15 6 Chest of Drawers, large size 112 0 rwo Chairs • • .076 dressing Glass • • 0 10 6 Towel-horse •• .030 3edside Carpet, 8 yards 0 16 0—13 13 TWO SERVANTS' BEDROOMS. Two full-size double Bedsteads .110 MillpHff Beds, Bolsters, and Pillows 2 0 0 Two Pair Sheets 0 10 0 Six Blankets .1160 Two Colocured Counterpanes 0 10 0 Two Washstands 0110 Two Chests of Drawers 2100 Four Chairs 0 10 0 T",o Dressing Glasses .0 5 0— 9 13 0 £ 138 12 5 A SINGLE ROOM OR A SINGLE ARTICLE AT THE QUOTED PRICES. Sow Ready, L. & Co.'s NEW ILLUSTRATED GLIDE, with 306 Engravings and valuable Information for Furnishing various sized Houses, free bv post, or on application to LAVE'RTON & CO., HOUSE FURNISHERS, 36 & 37, MARYPORT-STREET, BRISTOL. 106 G- A- STONE'S FUNERAL FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT STANDS unrivalled for moderate charges, com- bined with Coffins, Hearses, Mourning Coaches, and all the necessary equipments for first-class Fune- rals of superior style and finish, and is conducted un- it :r the immediate superintendence of the proprietor. Kverything necessary for completely furnishing fune- rals kept on the premises friends of deceased persons aie thereby spared thetroublo of consulting any second person. The proprietor, keeping horses, hearses, mourning coaches, &c., can offer advantages for fune- rals of every description, at prices lower than any other house in Cardiff. Arrangements for graves, &c., also made by proprietor. Funeral, with best hearse and coach, pair of horses and hanging velvets to each, supe- rior black cloth coffin .r.chly nailed, metal breastplate engraved, flannel linings, mat- tress in bottom, flannel shroud, best pall, hatt,ands, and attendance to cemetery £ !) 10 0 2nd Class, with hearse and coach complete .400 3rd Class, ditto ditto 3 3 0 4th Class, ditto ditto 215 0 5th Class, coffin, pall, hatbands, superior cllrriageto take corpse and friends.. 2 0 0 6th Class 1 15 0 Walking funerals at extremely low prices. Children's coffins, covered with blue or black, from 0 4 9 Children's carriage funerals, from 0 9 6 The Trade supplied with Hearses, Coaches, Palls Hatbands, etc., on advantageous terms. Please note the Address 11, WORKING STREET (Opposite St. John's Churchyard), CARDIFF. Entrance to Hearse and Mourning Coach Department, Workshops, &c., by Hill's-terrace. N.B.—Licensed to let Horses, Cabs, &c.; Dog-etrt to let on Hire. 116 SPANISH FLY is the acting ingredient in ALEX. S ROSS'S CANTHARIDES OIL. which speedily produces Whiskers and thickens Ha'r. 3s. 6d., 5s. 6d., and 10s. 6d.; sent hv post for 54, 84, and 144 stamps. ALEX. llOSS, 248, High Holborn. London, Messrs. James and Williams, Cardiff, and all Chemists. J'ist Published, 2J.; sent by the Author for 3 Stamps, UGLINESS & BEAUTY; being a Pamphlet descriptive of articles and means used for improving -he appearance, by ALEX. ROSS, 248, High Holborn. London. ROSS'S TOILET MAGAZINE, Is- Sent free for 14 Stamps. AIjRTcURLING FLUID, 248, High Holborn, London. ALEX ROSS'S Curling Fluid curls Ladies or Gentlemen's Hair immediately it is applied. Sold at 3s. 6d., 5s. 6d., and 10s. 6d.; sent free for 54, 84, and 144 stamps.- Had of Messrs. James and Williams, Cardiff, and all Chemists. GREY HAIR, 248, High Holborn, London.— ALEX ROSS'S Hair Dye produces a perfect colour ira- mediately it is used. It is permanent, and perfectly natural in effect. Price 3s. 6d., 5s. 6d., and 10s: 6d sent by post for 54, 84, and 144 stamps; Messrs. James and Williams, Cardiff; and all Chemists. HAiR DESTROYER, 248, High Holborn, Lon. H don-ALEX. ROSS'S Depilatery removes superfluous hair from the face, neck, and arms, without effect to the skin. Price 3s. 6d., 5s, 6d., andJlOs. 6d.; sent for 54, 84, and 144 stamps. Had of Messrs. James and Williams, Cardiff, and all Chemists. 712 KA Y E' S WORSDELL'S PILLS.— K THE BEST REMEDY FOR INDIGESTION. jold by all Chemists, &c., at Is. lid., 28. 9d., and 4s. 6d. per Box. 107 KAYE'S WORSDELL'S PILLS.- K THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE. qold by all Chemists, &c., at Is. lid., 2s. 9d. and 4s. 6d per Box. STARCH MANUFACTURERS TO H.R.H. THE PRINCESS OF WALES. GLENFIELD" STARCH, USED IN THE ROYAL LAUNDRY. THE LADIES are respectfully informed that this STARCH is EXCLUSIVELY USED IN THE ROYAL LAUNDRY, and Her Majesty's Laundress says, that although she has tried Wheaten, Rice, and other Powder Starches, she has found none of them equal to the GLENFIELD, which is THE FINEST STARCH SHE EVER USED. WOTHERSPOON & CO., GLASGOW AND LoynoN. 101 WRITING AND COPYING INKS. GOOLD'S PATENT EUREKA BLACK INKS ARE acknowledged by all who have used them to be SU- PERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. The great merits of these Inks are that they are intensely black, flow freely, do not change colour, nor corrode steel pens. They are perfectly FREE FROM SF.DDrEST, being the only Inks that are a perfect solution, instead of a merely mechanical mixture. Sold in bottles, 3d., 6J., Is., pints Is. 6d., quarts 2s. 6d., gallons 8s. 6d. Copying Ink, 6d., Is., 2s., and 3s. 6d. EVERY HOUSEKEEPER SHOULD USE WALKER S PURE DISSOLVED SILVER or SIL- VERING SOLUTION, for instantly restor- ing all worn-off PLATED GOODS to their original ap- pearance, and keeping them equal to new. Directions with each Battle. Price Is. and 2s. WALKER'S NON MERCURIAL PLATE POW- DER, the best sold, and highly recommended. Price Is. WALKER'S MARKING INK cannot be obliter- ated; has stood the test of 20 years' experience. ôd. and Is. per Bottle. H. J. Walker & Co., Chemists, Bath, sole consignees. Lon- don Agents: Barclay and Sons, 95, Farringdon-street; Sut- ton and Co., Bow Churchyard. Bristol: Pearce and Co., Bridge-street. CARDIFF: D. DUNCAN, Times Office. „ JONES, Stationer, Duke-street. „ JAMES and WILLIAMS, Chemists, Bute street, and Arcade, St. Mary-street. MERTHYR: P.WILLIAMS, Telegraph Office. VEWPORT: YOUNG (late PHILLIPS), Chemist. MULLOCK, Bookseller. SWANSEA: ALLWOOD AND MORGAN. „ GLOVER. 1539 THE SMOKER'S BONBON. IT* FFE CTTJ ALLY removes the taste and fimell of tobacco I I A from Xlie moutii and breath, aud renders Biaokiug agreeable and safe. Xt is very pleasant and wholesome. Prepared by a patent process, frotn the recipe of an eminent physician, by SCHOOLING & CO., Wholesale Confectioners, Bethnal-green, London, in Sixpenny and Shilling boxes; post free, 7 and 14 stamps.—Sold by Chemists, Tobacconists, &C. 157 Bethnal-green, London, in Sixpenny and Shilling boxes; post free, 7 and 11 stamps.—Sold by Chemists, Tobacconists, &C. 157 KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES, which are recommended by the Faculty for cough, and all disorders of the lungs, chest, and throat. Sold in boxes, Is. l^d.; and tins, 2s. 9d., 4e. 6d., and lis. each, by T. Keating, chemist, 79, St. Paul's-churchyard, London. Sold retail bv all druggists,,&c. "USE M A Z 1 EN A AS A DIE T." Vide The Times, September 25th. Only Prize Medal Coin Flour Reported by the Jury "EXCEEDINGLY EXCELLENT FOR FOOD." F THIS SHOULD MEET THE EYE of any one troubled with Wind in the Stomach, Indigestion, or Biliousness, take PAGE WOODCOCK S WIND PILLS. Their world-wide celebrity proves them of sterling merit. Of all medicine vendor-, at Is. ltd., and 2s. 9d.; or free by post 2 for 14 or 33 stamps from Page D. Woodcock, chemist, Lincoln. Post free; 5 stamps, from the Author, Coombe Lodge, Peckham. ON CONSUMPTION. New Edition of Mr. GEO. THOS. CONGREVE'S Work, which has passed through 73 Editions of 1000 each This remarkable book treats of the causes, symptoms, and progress of this fell disease, through all its stages, and the TRUE TREATMENT. With interesting and extraordinary CASES OF CURE. Treats also of Asthma, Bronchitis, &c. EVERY ONE HIS OWN TEA MERCHANT.—APPLY FOR Shares in the National Tea Consumers and Trading Company, Limited. Capital, £ .50,0(K), in Shares of £10 each. The finest Teas are now being supplied. Prospectuses, &c., on application to the Secretary, 27, Birchin-lane, London. Agents wanted T. W. OrAll, Chairman. "yANKEE RELISH.—The Richest Sauce out. Yaxkee RELISH.- For all Purposes. Y AXKEE RELISH.—Everybody should taste. "yANKEE RELISH.—One Shilling a Bottle. "y ANKEE RELISH.—At all Grocers, ic. ~y AXKEE RELISH.—R. Letcliford and Co., London. THE BEST REMEDY FOR INDIGESTION. NORTON'S CAMOMILE PILLS, the Natural Strengthener of the Human Stomach." Sold Every- where, in Bottles Is. Hd., 2s. 9d., and lis. CAUTION.—Re sure to ask for NORTON'S PILLS," and do not be persuaded to purchase the various imitations. BAKER & BAKER'S Rich, Strong, Delicious, True Uncolouml TEAS are imported and sold free from all adulteration. They can, therefore, be relied on for uni- form good quality, fine flavour, and lasting strength. Sold in Packets from 2 ozs. to 1 lb., at 2s. id., 2s. 8d., and 3s. 4d. per lb. c Choice qualities, 3s. 8d. and 4s. per lb. By chemists,confectioners,&c. LIST OF AGENTS :— C'rdift—Morgan, James-street, Bute Docks. Llandafr-Williarns, grocer. Pontypridd- TAunas, grocer, Navigation. Aberaman—Williams, 12, Cardiff-road. Merthyr—Evans, Victoria-street. Aberùale-Dance, 2, Cardiff-street; Edwards, 1, Wind- street Thomas, Bute-street. Pontypridd-Davies, chemist; Davies,grocer,Mill-street. Abereanaid—Thomas, grocer. 132 CORY BROTHERS & CO., AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF BROWN, LENOX, AND C O. S (NEWBRIDGE WORKS, PONTYPRIDD) CHAIN CABLES AND ANCHORS, PROVED TO ADMIRALTY TEST, SUPPLIED TI'ITH BOARD OF TRADE LICENSED CERTIFICATE OF PROOF, FROM THE "BUTE" CHAIN, CABLE, AND ANCHOR TESTING WORKS, (OLD CANAL, CARDIFF). Board of Trade License, No. 29. SANCTIONED BY LLOYD'S REGISTRAR OF BRITISH & FOREIGN SHIPPING." Rigging and other Chains, and Malleable Cast-iron Blocks &c., for Shipping, may be had at the shortest notice. 130, BUTE CHAIN CABLE AND ANCHOR TESTING WORKS, WEST SIDE OF GLAMORGANSHIRE CANAL, CARDIFF. BOARD OF TRADE LICENSE, No. 29. SANCTIONED BY LLOYDS' REGISTER OF BRITISH A-Nl) rUHEICrN SHIPPING." ERECTED BY THE TRUSTEES OF THE MARQUESS OF BUTE. CAPABLE OF TESTING UP TO Q30 TONS. Copies of the Regulations, containing the Government Proof and Charges, may be had on application at the Bute Docks Office, Cardiff. 1508 LANCASTER WAGON CO., (LIMITED). RAILWAY CARRIAGE AND WAGON BUILDERS, AND CONTRACTORS. This Company is prepared to execute Orders for RAILWAY CARRIAGES. AND -,I ON S WAGONS, And every description of RAILWAY IRON-WORK, For Cash, or on Deferred Purchase OFFICES AND WORKS LANCASTER. AGENTS FOR SOUTH WALES J. R. NICHOLAS AND CO., 100, ROTHSAY- TERRACE, CARDIFF. 527 BASS AND CO.'S AND AND ALLSOPP & SONS' PALE AND BURTON ALES. GUINNESS AND CO.'S EXTRA DOUBLE STOUT, AND BARCLAY AND PERKINS' CELEBRATED LONDON PORTER. Tn prime Condition, in Casks and Bottles, at FULTON, DUNLOP, AND CO.S, DUKE-STREET. CARDIFF. no LEA AND PERRINS' WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE, Pronounced by Connoisseurs, "THE ONLY GOOD SAUCE." TO guard against the numerous worthless imitations of this renowned Condiment, the public should ASK FOR "LEA AND PERRINS' SAUCE, And see that their names are upon the wrapper, label, stopper, and bottle. Sold wholesale and for export, by the Proprietors, Worces- ter; Crosse and Blackwell, London and by druggists, grocers, and oilmen generally throughout the world. LEA AND PERRINS'. 1456 B ENSON'S WATCHES AND CLOCKS. By Special appointment to H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES. Prize Medal, London, Class 33 Dublin, Class 10. Maker of the Gold Caskets presented by the City of London to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales and H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh. WATCHES.—Chronometers, Chronographs, Keyless Re- peaters, Levers, Horizontals, &c. CLOCKS.—For Dining and Drawing Rooms, Carriages, Churches, &c. JEWELLERY.—Specialities in Monograms, Diamonds, Crys- tals, and fine Gold for Bridal and other Presents. SILVER AND ELECTRO PLATE.—For Presentation, Racing, Dinners a la Russe, or Tea Table. WORKS OF ART, in Bronze, by the best Artists. PRICES and Descriptions of Watches, Clocks, Plate, &c., see Illustrated Pamphlet, post fiee. Watches, Clocks, &c., sent to all parts of the World. J. W. BENSON, Steam Factory and City Show Rooms, 58 and GO, Ludgate- hill, and at 25, Old Bond-street. Paris Exhibition, 1807.—English Section, Class 23. 1334 GIVEN AWAY, the new MEDICAL WORK entitled DEBILITY, ITS CAUSE AND CURE, or a Warning Voice to Young Men, on the Cure of Nervous Debility, Loss of Memory, Dimness of Sight, Lassitude, Indigestion, Dislike to Society, Local Weakness, Muscular Relaxation, Languor, Listlessness, Depression, &c which if neglected, result in Consumption, Insanity, and premature 1 death. This work is illustrated with hundreds of cases and I testimonials from patients, showing clearly the treatment by 1 which they were cured with plain directions for perfect I restoration to health and vigour. Sent post-free to any i address, on receipt of a directed envelope, enclosing two 1 postage stamps. Address, Messrs. SMITH, Burton-ctesceni 1 Tavistock-square, London, W.C 426 V. R EUROPEAN AND COLONIAL WINE COMPANY, 122, PALL MALL, LONDON, S.W. PRIT C H A.RD~~B R OTHERS, WHOLESALE GROCERS & WINE MERCHANTS, 20, DUKE-STREET. .L J (.. ESTABLISHED 1 For the purpose of supplying the Xobility, Gentry, and Private Families with PUILL-; WINES and SPIRITS of the highest character, AT A SAVING OF AT LKAST 3') VER CENT. FROM ORDINARY CURRENT RATES. ROYAL VICTORIA SHERRY. (The standard of excellence) 27/-per dozen. SPLENDID OLD PORT, 37/-per dozen, (Eleven years in the wood.) Pcr Per Buttie. Dozen. SHERRY. Prussian Sherry 1/3 151- Cadiz ditto 1/8 1 20/- Superior ditto 2/- 24/- Fiite Pale 2/U 33/- Yery Old 3/- 30/- Fine Golden 3/G 42/- PORT. Spanish Port 1/3 15/- Old Port (5 years old) '24:1- Ditto ( 7 years old) 2/3 27/- Superior ('J years old) 2/G 30/- Old Crusted. 3/G 42/- CLARET. Vin Ordinaire 1/- 12/- Medoc 1/0 18/- Boi-(ie,iux 1/3 20/- St.JuHen. 2/- i 24/- CIIAMPAGNE. Fine Sparkling 2jo 29/- Epernay 2/7 31/- Verzenay 2/9 33/- Chansarel's (First quality) 3/9 45/- BEAUJOLAIS (the finest; imported) 1/8 20/- SPIRITS. (Of the finest quality only.) Cognac Brandy (5 years old)j 4/- 48/- Ditto (10 years old): 4/6 54/. Ditto (15 years old)l 5/4 64/- Colonial Brandy 2/2 26/- Old ditto ditto 3/- 36/- Schiedam Hollands 2/4 28/- Ditto ditto (De Kuyper's) 3/- 36/. London Gin 2/- 24/- Finest ditto 2/5 20/- Old Jamaica Rum 2/1 25/- Ditto 2/7 SV- Old Scotch Whisky 2/1 25/- Finest ditto 2/11 35/. Irish Whisky 2/1 25/- Finest ditto 2/11 35^. The Wines and Spirits will all bear the Trade Mark and Patent Capsule of the European and Colonial Wine Company and can be obtained of their Agents at the same price and quality as sent direct from the Company's Stores. SIITGLB BOTTLES ABB SUPPLIED. EUROPEAN AND COLONIAL WINE COMPANY. W AGENTS IN THIS DISTRICT, CARDIFF-Pritchard Brothers, 20, Duke-street. ABERGA VEX NY-Joseph Meredith, 5, Cross-street. CHEPSTOW—W. L. Hodgson, St. Mary-street. PONTYPOOL—Darid Jenkins, grocer. SWANSEA—J. F. Phillips, 74, Oxtoid-street. Books of Prices, containing upwards of 200 descriptions of Wines and Spirits, forwarded free, on application to the Company's Agents as above, and by whom the Wines and Spirits are supplied from a Single Bottle and upwards. TIPPING & CO.. Manager. 1507 PRITCHARD BROTHERS, 2.0, DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF, ARE AGEXTS FOR THE CELEBRATED DIAMOND IRISH WHISKEY, 20s. per Gallon, or in original Cases, 1 dozen Bottles, 42s. Single Bottles supplied, 3s. 8d. per Bottle. 910 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. JOSEPH GILLOTT, METALLIC PEN-MAKER TO THE QUEEN. BEGS to inform the Commercial World, Scholastic Insti- J_) tutions, and the Public generally, that, by a novel application of his unrivalled Machineiy for making Steel Pens, he has introduced a new srries of his useful productions, which, for excellence of temper, quality of material, and above all, cheapness in price, must insure universal approba- tion, and defy competition. Each Pen bears the impress of his name as a guarantee of quality; they are put up in boxes, containing one gross each, with label outside, and the fac-simile of his signature. At the request of numerous persons engaged in taition, J. G. has introduced his Warranted School and Public Pens, which are especially adapted to their use, being of different degrees ofnexibility, and with fine, medium, and broad points. suitable for the various kinds of Writing taught in Schools. Sold Retail by all Stationers and Booksellers. Merchants and Wholesale Dealers can be supplied at the Works, Graham-street, Birmingham at 91, John-street, New York; and 87, Gracecburch street, London. 1028 TOYS! TOYS! TOYS! JOHN OWE N, 49, SHUDEHILL, MANCHESTER, IMPORTER and DEALER in all descriptions of FOREIGN and ENGLISH FANCY GOODS. SPECIAL ATTENTION. — Shippers, shopkeepers, hawkers, auctioneers, and others, are requested to inspect the STOCK comprising toys, dolls, puzzles, concertinas, workboxes. desks, dressing-cases, papier machie, tables and trays, vases, lustres, fruit, flower, and bird shades, pipes, stems, cigar cases, per- fumery, combs and brushes, brooches, bags, purses, ladies' companions, arehery bows and arrows, targets, cricket bats balls, wickets, leg-guards, stumps, gloves, solid and hollow india-rubber balls, children's perambulators, rocking and shaped horses, &c. Cases of Goods always ready from t2 to X.5 and £10, up to £ 15. Terms, only for cash. NOTE — The Old-Established WHOLESALE TOY and GENERAL FANCY WAREHOUSE, 49, Shudehill, Man. chester, JOHN OWEN, Proprietor. N.B.—No Travellers or Agents employed—prices thereby reduced. 476 THE ELECTRIC AND TNTEKNAT10WAi7 TELEGRAPH COMPANY. (INCORPORATED,1846.) MESSAGES forwarded to all parts of the United King- dom and the Continent, by direct circuit, at greatly reduced rates. CARDIFF CHIEF OFFICES: i & 5, POWELL-PLACE, BUTE DOCKS. Open Day and Night. BRANCH OFFICES: SOUTH WALES RAILWAY STATION.—Hours of attendance: Week Days, 8.0 a.m. to 8.0 p.m. Sundays, 9"¡J a.m. to 10.30 a-in and 0. p.m. to 6.0 p.m. TOWN HALL READING ROOMS-Week Days only, 9.0. a.m to 9.0 p.m. BY ORDER THE LIFE INYESTMENTT^OI^GAGEr AND ASSURANCE COMPANY, (LIMITED.) Chief Offices-8, New Bridge-street, Blackfriars, London. 1,0CAL COMMITTEE FOR WALES Rev. J. Emlyn Jones, M.A., LL.D., Merthyr. Rev. D. Jones, B.A., Merthyr. Rev. D_ Thomas, D.D., Editor of the Homilist, Stockwell. Rev. C. Griffiths, Merthyr. Rev. O. W. James, Dowlais. Rev. J. P. Williams, Rhymney. Rev. D. Adams, Aberdare. Superintendent of Agents—Mr. T. D. WILLIAMS, 5, Romilly-terrace, Canton, Cardiff. AGENTS WANTED. 447 WIRE ROPES, FOR COLLIERIES. GEORGE ELLIOTT AND CO. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF PATENT WIRE ROPES, MADE FROM VERY BEST SELECTED CHARCOAL AND STEEL WIRE, Such as they supply to many of THE LARGEST COLLIERIES IN THE KINGDOM. MANUFACTORY:—BUTE DOCKS, CARDIFF. 185 THE WEST OF ENGLAND AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE COMPANY. STORES BRISTOL AND EXETER RAILWAY, NEW CUT, BRISTOL. THESE STORES are now OPEN EVERY DAY FOR THE SALE OF HAY, CORN, STRAW, AND ALL DESCRIP- TIONS OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE. From Six a.m. till Five p.m. H. T. SWAN, Manager. April 25th, 1867. 81)6 IF you suffer from Headaches, Bilious Com- plaints, Indigestion, Costiveaess, Rheumatism, General De- bility, Nervousness, Tic Doloreux, TRY KERNICK'S VEGET- ABLE PILLS. They are easy to swallow, being very small, require no confinement in-doors, strengthen the system, and have been tried by thousands, who pronounce them to be the best medicine in the world. The best aperient pills for ordinary use, in constipated habits, that I know."—DR. BALBIRNIE. Sold in boxes, at 7id., Is. ii(I., and 2s. 9d. each., WHOLESALE AGENTS.—London: Barclay & Sons; Sutton and Co. Newbery & Son. Bristol: A. & J. Warren; Colllins and Roper; Ackcrman; and Leonard & Robinson. 1366 HUGO (.late Surgeon and Medical Superinten- iyjL dant of Longwood House Asylum) may be con- sulted daily from 10 to 4 and 6 to 10 on all cases which Me daily advertised by ignorant pretenders, and at one-third "heir prices; also, on Tuesdays and Saturdays, on diseases of the Eye and Deafness. All communications to enclose itamp, and addressed to Mr. Hugo, Surgeon, 244, Bute- oad, Cardiff. Ill STEAM SHIP COMMUNICATION BETWEEN CORK, CARDIFF, AND NEWPORT. CORK STEAM SHIP COMPANY'S First Class Powerful AP ■■gvX; STEAMERS,—DODO, Capt. RAYNES, 1000 igC^ Tons, 300-horse power; CORMORANT, Capt. CROFT, 1,200 Tons, 300 horsepower; MINNA, Capt. HOLLAND 1000 Tons, 300-horse power, are intended to ply as underneath, unless prevented by any unforeseen occurence, with or without a Pilot, with liberty to tow vessels, during the month of June, 1867. TO CORK. From Newport Saturdav 1 4 mom From Cardiff. Saturday 8 9 mom From Newport Saturday 15 4 morn From Cardiff Saturday 22 8 morn From Newport Saturday 29 2 after riMM CORK. To Milford and Cardiff Wednesday 5 4 after To Milford and Newport Wednesday 12 11 morn To Milford and Cardiff Wednesday 19 4 after To Milford and Kewport Wednesday 26 9 morn FARES BETWEEN NEWPORT, CARDIFF, AND CORK. To Cork and back in Best Cabin (Tickets available for one month)..El 7s. To Cork, Best Cabin (no Steward's fee), 17s. 6d. Deck, 7s. Goods conveyed to and from Limerick at Through Rates via Cork. Horses, Carriages, Live Stock, and Goods intended for Ship- ment, should be alongside two hour" before the time of sailing. The Company also give notice, that they will not be account- able for Passongers' Luggage, unless the value thereof be de- clared, and freight paid accordingly, at the time of shipment; and that passengers from Newport or Cardiff must obtain their Tickets at the office before going on bORrd. For Freights, &c., auply at the Company's Office, Cork, or to their Agents, Mr. E. C. DOWNING, Ship-broker, Bute Docks, Car- diff. Mr. JAMES MADDOCKS, Cork Steam Ship Wharf, Pillgwenlly, Newport, Mon., and Messrs \VILSO;(, Sox, and WALTER, Corn Excha&ge, Liverpool. 108 BURN HAM TIDAL HARBOUR COMPANY. THE SHORTEST AND CHEAPEST ROUTE TO AND FROM THE WEST OF ENGLAND AND SOUTH WALES, LIVERPOOL, AND THE NORTH. HPHE Splendid PASSENGER LlH -L STEAMSHIPS of this Company are intended to ply as under, weather, &c., pcr- mitting, during JUNE, between BURNHAM AND CARDIFF. FROM BURNHAM. Ii FROM CARDIFF. 'I R N NN FARES FROM „ OA 1 | P"M" CARDIFF DOCKS 1 2 30 T"M" FABES FROM I 0 JO „ TN CARDIFF TO— __118 7 80 a.m. 4 5 4? Srdcls.ij t q n London 3rd cl. ( 9 SO n'vn fi 7 'Ut (Waterloo s. d. 5 { 7 m\Llall,dalf"' 0 ? on 13 6 6 e 15 KEWBRID-C 1 2 I in « lExetor.6 2 7 7 n ,-Aberdare..2 1 b 10 0 » 'PlvmonthlO 6| 8 7 SO JMURTOYR ..2 2 Falmouth 15 10 (Caerphilly 0 10ii ;10 | Penzance 17 2 in 11 sn i m ,'Hengoed..1 4 ) t) p.m. gaijsbury j 3 S JJ IS 12 30noon g g I'm 15 £ 10! 14 1 30 p.m. |14 5 15 „ iGuernsv I 15 { S 05 h15 7 30 a"m" Weymouth 8 9 8 SO p.m. | p00ie ..79 0 17 4 0 p.m. 17 7 30 „ rf. g 18 7 0 a.m. 18 4 30 „ 19 7 30 „ 19 4 45 „ PS | j 20 7 30 „ 20 5 30 „ < J: 3 121 7 30 „ 21 6 0 „ => m 00 c 7 0 „ 22 10 30 a.m. » A2> 10 80 „ co £ 24 7 30 a.m. eg 24 11 30 25 8 0 o s 25 12 Onoon 26 9 30 „ s o 26 1 30 p.m. 27 1C 15 „ 00., 27 1 45 „ 28{1130" 128 2 0 „ 5 30 p.m. ,29 1 15 29 2 30 „ BURNHAM AND SWANSEA. With Merchandise only.—Particulars of Sailing can be ascer- tained on application to Mr. Pockett, South Dock, Swansea, and at the Burnham or Highbridge Railway Stations. BURNHAM AND PORT TALBOT. With Passengers and Merchandise.—Particulars of Sailing can be ascertained on application to Messrs. Jenkins and Love- luck, Port Talbot, and at the Railway Stations, Highbridge and Burnham. FARES:—Saloon, 5s.; Fore Cabin, 3s. Return (available for one week), 7s. 6d. and 5s. Parcels, Goods, and Cattle for conveyance by this route will be received at any Station on tho Bristol and Exeter, Somerset and Dorset, London and South-Western Railways, and all packages should be plainly directed "By Steamer from Burnham," in order to prevent any improper charge being made. Further PRliiculars as to Freight, &c., may be obtained on ap- plication to the Goods Manager, Glestonbury, Burnham, or Cardiff; or of Mr. J. W. Pockett, agent, South Dock, Swansea; and of Messrs. Jenkins and Loveluck, agents, Port Talbot. ROBERT A. READ, Secretary and General Manager. Offices, Glastonbury, May, 1866. 234 THE WELSH EMIGKATION OFFICE. Y^7^k £ 5H PEOPLE about emigrating H to AMERICA or AUSTRALIA are in- formed that we book in Liverpool at the lowest ixLuiui rates, per steamers and sailing vessels and they are hereby cautioned not to pay any passage money to agents in Wales. If they do so, who is to take charge of them in Liverpool, where many make a liying out of specu- lation. Every information may be obtained by enclosing a postage stamp to LAMB & EDWARDS, Brokers, 41, Union-street, Liverpool. We, whose names are undersigned, request that all Emigrants from Wales entrust themselves to the care of the above-named gentlemen, inasmuch as we know they will have every fair-play whilst under their care. JAMES OWENS, Liverpool, THOMAS LEVI, Treforris, (formerly of Aberdare) DAVID SAUNDERS, Liverpoo Baptist Minister. I (formerly of Aberdare) NOAH STEPHENS, Liverpool, Calvinistic Methodis (formerly of Sirhowy) Ministers. Independent Minister. 1151 LIVERPOOL, NEW YORK. & PHILADELPHIA S.S. CO. IN MAN LINE. CARRYING THE UNITED STATES MAILS. T1111 COMPANY'S FULL- A POWERED STEAMERS will be dos- patched as under:— FROM LIVERPOOL FOR NEW YORK. CITY OF LONDON Wednesday, June 26 EDINBURGH Saturday, June 2g CITY OF PARIS Wednesday, July 3 CITY OF WASHINGTON Saturday, July 6 And every Wednesaay and Saturday. Cabin Passage by the Mail Steamers sailing every Wednesday, 15, 17, and 21 Guineas, according to the accommodation. Forward Passage includes a full supply of cooked Provisions. Passengers for CANADA and the UNITED STATES booked through on very advantageous terms. For further particulars apply to WILLIAM INMAN, 22, Water-street, Liverpool; or to R. BURTON & SON, Cardiff. 775 STEAM FROM LIVERPOOL TO NEW YORK EVERY WEDNESDAY, AND FROM QUEENSTOWN EVERY THURSDAY. NATIONAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, (LIMITED). NPHE new full-powered British Iron Screw Steam-ships SHIPS. TONS. J SHIPS. TONS. Erance (building) 3200 Pennsylvania, Lewis 2873 The Queen, Grogan 3412 Virginia. Prowse 2876 England, Grace 3400; Denmark,Thompson 2870 Erin, Cutting 3200 1 Louisiana, Harrington 2266 Helvetia. Thompson 3325 I Will be despatched from Liverpool to New York as follows:— VIRGINIA WEDNESDAY. July 3rd ENGLAND WEDNESDAY, July 10th HELVETIA WEDNESDAY, July 17th And from Queenstown the following days. The Saloon accommodation on board these Steamers is very superior. Rate of Passage from Liverpool to New York Fifteen Guineas. Return Tickets, Twenty-Five Guineas. There is excellent accommodation for Steerage Passengers, and a full supply of cooked provisions served up by the Com- pany's Stewards. Passengers booked through to Aspinwall, San Francisco, the inland towns of Canada, and of the United States on favourable terms. For Freight or Passage apply to the National Steam Navi gation Company (Limited), 14, The Albany, Oldhall-street and 23, Water-street, Liverpool; to N. & J. Cummins and Bros., Queenstown, or to MESSRS. J. NICHOLAS AND CO., 100, Rothsay-terrace, Bute Docks. EDWARD JENKINS, Maesycwmur, Newport. 126 DR. ROBERTS'S CELEBHATED OINTMENT, CALLED THE "POOR MAN'S FRIEND," IS confidently recommended to the Public as an unfailing remedy for wounds of every description, a certain cure for Ulcerated Sore Legs, if of twenty years' standing; Cuts, Burns, Scalds, Bruises, Chilblains, Scorbutic Eruptions and Pimples on the Face, Sore and Inflamed Eyes, Sore Heads, Sore Breasts, Piles, Fistula, and Cancerous Humours, and is a specific for those afflicting eruptions that sometimes fol- low Vaccination. Sold in pots, at Is. qd., 2s. 9d., lis., AND 22s. each. Also PILULÆ ANTI SCROPHUL/E, confirmed by sixty years' successful experience to be without exception one of the best alterative Medicine ever compounded for purifying the Blood, and assisting Nature in all her opera- tions; hence they are used in Scrofulas, Scorbutic Complaints, Glandular Swellings, particularly those of the Neck, &c. They form a mild and superior Family Aperient, that may be taken at all times withoHt confinement or change of diet. Sold in boxes, at Is. 1M., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., lis., and 22s. each. Sold Wholesale by the Proprietors, BEACH and BARNICOTT, at their Dispensary, BRIDPORT, and Retail by all Medicine Vendors in the United Kindom, the Colonies, &c.— OB- SERVE !—No medicineis genuine unless Beach and Barni cott, late Dr. Roberts, Bridport," is engraved on the Govern ment Stamp. 1592 OHAND PUIUFlEH OF TUE BLOOD AND RESTORER OF HEALTH. SARSAPARILLA! CAIKD'S PURE CONCENTRATED SOLUBLE EX- TRACT has never been known to fail in perfectly furing every kind of skin disease, blotches, pimples, and eruptions on the face and body. In bottles, Is. 9s., 2s. 9d., Is. 6d., and lis. See the signature, "Alex. Caird" on the stamp over each bottle. Sir William Fordyce (" Mec1. Obs. and Inq. vol. 1, page 162) observes—" Sarsaparilla is the great restorer of appetite, flesh, colour, strength, and vigour." The great objects of this medicine are—To search oat and purify the blood from all bad humours and secretions; to cleanse the stomach and bowels of acrid humours, and' all effete, worthless matter; to set up an alterative action, whereby the vitiated blood becomes new and pure to cause the various organs to throw out all diseased, impure, and poisonous matter to give vitality and vigorous healty action to the arteries, veins, muscles, nerves, and pores of the skin. Prepared only by Alexander Caird, at his Laboratory, 51, Castle-street, Bristol. Appointed Agents for Cardiff: —MESSR JAMES AND WILLIAMS, Chemists and Druggists. Bute-street. 656 BONA FIUK MONEY SPECULATION. OOO OOO STERLING, guaranteed by Govern 5 > ment, are annually divided in monthly allotments in various sums upwards to £ 25,000 Sterling. An investment of £ nvay secure £ 20,000 Sterling. For prospectus (which will be sent gratis) apply to Fre- derick Sfntz, Banker, Frankfort-on-the-Maine or letters addressed to him at 8, Three King Court, Lombard-street, London, E.C., will be immediately forwarded. 1383


--JEntlhnm Cimc Rubles.—jfuiie.…