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PREPAID TARIFF Fn FMALI AIVVEETISEMENTS. SOUTH WALES 1.)AIL r NEWS. si* IIher- tlOns;n Daily Nows Wo»oi One Three Six & Once iu Insertion. Insertions. 'Insertions Cardiif 1 Times. |-8. d. s. d. s. d. 8. d. 18Words b-Ef 1 0 1 6 2 0 27 Wortis 0 9 1 6 2 3 30 36 Words 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 -t5 Words j 1 ) I 6 3 ) 5 0 54 Words 1 6 3 0 4 6 6 0 line of 1. 0 3 I 0 6 I 0910 9 Words) Th- charges apply only to the classes of advertise- Bient specified below, and are strictly co.lfined to those which are-ordered for CI);{SCUTIVK illsrtiuJ1, and paid FOil I rusvious *J WKKTIOX if either oî tilese couditious ij Oút complied with, the advertisement wiIi be charged uJ the Business scale :— AI'A'tTXST3 WAX~ SO, I TTorsss TO br IKT. ArAErMBNTSTO LJrr. f, IXF.Ï WANTED. AB.Tici.E3 L()"T. !O;f,Y TO Lx:;[). AkTICUeS I MI"C¡LLAXKOlr8 WASTS. BCSISBSSKS FOR DISPOSAL. I MISCELLAXKOUS SALES. BCSINRKSKS W.IrJW. PARTNERSHIPS VI AXr8D, TO LKf. SITUATIONS WANTXD. UOUAIW WAJW■ A SITUATIONS WANTKU "r;¡,jj .11;>werin" Advertisements in the South Tral. A ews are requested to attend to the following ex- ¡"dtÂlon8 Addr to an initial (or number) at the Office mean3 hat application must 0., by letter oiUu, directed to the nitial or number at the Daily A txcn Uiiice (all A. D. C., No 123, Daily el. Oliice). Appi) at the Va.t y Seus O:licc" means that personal wpplication mut oú madl1 at thl1 1Jmly ews Ollicc, where the addre-8 of ti o Advertser will oe zivcu. Peu3 answering Advertisements are strongly ad ri 1105 to send 1;11" iuaJ. testimonials, but. cont-s •ALT. Persons sen<}¡1J Advertisements in Manuscript may istiraate the sDaco thev wi.1 occupy uy calculating iijfht Words to a lin, and twelve lincs t-■ an inch. )V1\:lc We use l'ur ut¡¡¡()..¡t endcavours tu insert Advcr. Ù8eUl4.Ut:i on tlH. ( urdered, we cannot guarantee .ha.t this II Ul be done. Great care i!oj also taken to secure the correct prillliu of Ádvc,tI.Sel:LC1;ls, but we cannot Lc responsible for inaccuracies, or lur any consequence* arising therefrom. Cheques and I'o-t-o'Iiee Orders to be made payable to D. DUiiCAN & SONS, 75 & 70, ST..UARY-STREET, CARDIFF, D, DUiiCAN & SONS, 75 & 70, ST.lAItY-STREET, CARDIFF, to whom:<:¡ 13usillcs:; Communications s]¡ouiù oe ati. dressed. Letters c0lltainjn); In EWS or LITKRAHY CONTRI- BeTION, sh,.¡¡¡tl 00 addressed "TUB EDITQ&, couth Wales Daily ewe. CA!{DIFF." 44f!t!rlÙrs art informed that i71è postal ccaznorr- ties fwnJ recently instructed postmasters flot to deliver any letters addressed to initials, figures, or fictitious names at the Po#-ojice, but to send ihe 3H m.e at once, to the Drott Letter Ojjice. Advertisers are therefore recommended tv give i1' proper name. or to select S01lte other Ltd. dress for their letters. Lette1'su:ill be received for advertisers cU our chief and dUtrict offices (is heretofore. :r'. itnntt\t ^^RAPERY.—Wanted a YOUNG LADY experienced 9 in Millinery and DresolIJ3.king. Goo 1 reference knowledge vi Wc1h indispensable. Appl stating ary, to J. Hughes, Cross Inll, Carmarthen. 58r 7 VTOTICE.— MESSRS GEORGE and CO., -L' Old Porter Brewery, Bristol, have a VACANCY for a BUYING AGENT for the supply pi their old strong beers, ales, 3touts. anù bittor 3.1es for the Cardiff district. Securityanù g-ooo positieu required. Messrs Georc aml Cú. t:kc tlll opportunity of statin? that their beers, ales, and tout, &e., enn NO LONGER be OBTAINED from h Henry Butler, of Cardiff, but can be had direct irum the Brewery, Bristol. 39917 710D SERVATS-c\.NTIG PL.CES of any description, aaJ Houseiioiders requiring Servants, IHAULD ,.(h¡.t in the CARDIFF TLMKS. LO D G ING S ~ancl AFARTMEXTS nA1Tli, or to be LET, should be advertised in the O vaouc' TIMKH. O tt. 7-ROO.MED HoeSE t,) LET, Lower Church-road, near tne Rector,, Penarth. With back kitchcn, bathroom, "Ld la i;e g-a.rdeù. Apply to Paimer, Morjan an;l Cn" Cardirf. 5dJ CARDIFI-HOt3E aud SIU)P to LET; leading j thorow.çl.i:ue, centre of town: fixtures no in- ::oming.-Apply,8, Wellington-terrace. S31 CARDIFF.— SHOP in North-street, suitable for a Grocer.—Apply to Joha Jenkins and Co., Philhar- monic Chambers, Cardiff. 5814 jf^ARDIFF.—1'usiness Premises with Front SHOP on the East Wcarf.-Apply, John Jenkins anù Co., 1 Uilhannonic Chambers, Cardiff. 5315 OFFICES.—To be Let, two spacious ROOMS, on the fir3t fluor of the" South Wales Daily News" Clumoer3. Houses cr PREMISES to be LET, should be advertised in the Ci.Dl1?F TIMES. tpr Salt. CAB H'l:ouble-liccn3cd PUBLIC-HOUSE, in a populous neiglibourhood. Ingfoing £ 225. Fll11eit particulars on application to Messrs John Jenkins. Sun Fire Office, PhiilurIllOuic Chambers, Cardiff. 5770 AdtUTFF.— CONFECTIONERYi.nd BAKING «I SU NES., LEASE. Rent moderate good thorough- fare; premises wi;1 suit for grO\:ery.-Apply to Messrs Xiha Jenkins an:! Co, Public Accountants, Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. 5795 CAiWlfF,-Sing:e-licened PUBLIC HOGE. Flrst. chiss situation. Ingoing £ 450. Guod lease awl very iuw rent.— John Jenkins and Co., Sun Fire Office, Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. 5SW CAIU¡U"F,-Cu:UP3Ct Dvubk.liccnsd rublic House, j in a thriving neijhbourhcod, Skittle Alley and a Club attached. Rent very low. Incoming £ 300,—John Jenkins and Co., Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. 5529 CARDIFF.—Full-U^ensed PUBLIC-H"oUSE in a rising suburb. Good. trade; rent awl tcrm3 reasonable.—Apply to Messrs John Jenkins and Co., Philharmonic Chambers, Cora iff. 58li;i C-ÃRiHFF.=. first-class Commercial HOTEL, in very rising part of the 10\\U. Fully furnished. Incoming, long Lease, £ 2,10).—Messrs John Jerkins and Co., Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. 5834 DINING-ROOMS. Centrally situated. Well fitted up, and with immediate possession. John Jenkins and Co., Philharmvnie Chamber, Carl1iff. ")!5 F-Üt1':CL\SS l\()CDLE. LIC¡¡;XSE-DP{Jnuêo CSE 1 in all important suburb of Cardiff spacious and convenient; ingoing £ 2,000, WIt long lease and YPrY large inventory; ati3iactoy reaso s for tearing',—Apply John Jenkins aud Co., Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. 5300 '1.,0 DRAPEP-S,-For SALS, a STCCK (If General JL Drapery £ 150 to £ 200 forîy, L'. S., Ie i-'ai v News" ,nee.. 5803 ABERDEEN GRANITE MONUMENTS from £ 5. Carriage frej. Inscriptions accurate and beau- tiful.—Plans and prices frcm Legge, Sculptor, Aberdeen. 5670 A-rEiWEG:tANITE}ro:fiE-NTs from £ i. iii- .1:1 scrlptions cheap.—Drawings and prices free fnm J. Uobertsun an 1 Son, Holhu,-n, Aberdeen. 7073 C-ili-P-YOODFOa POULTRY. Com S:lmp:es, j Swocpin-'s, JJO, from Us per bushel. Maize, Darlcy, Wheat at low prices. Spratt"! Sicat Dog lllscuit3. Hihhert, 17, Angci-streat, Cardiff. 45!,5 HOUSES and PREMISES7 for SALE, should be "dverti3C11 in th" TIMES. O O U TII WALES PRr7Pi^R'i:Y KZ7 GAZETTE," a Monthly IlEGls1:ER of L'sivnis, Hoo:5i. 1.ANI): & to he LET 0' SOLO in Wales, Mon- Moutlishire, Wet of England, &0, 1,OCO Cories sent Montd.v, post-free, tl) the leading inhabitants or Wales and lonUlouthshiIe. jsertioni ree. Copies, pot Ieee, tNm Messrs. Hlm:t, Estate Agents, Auctioneers, tic., _ollibH Chambers, Cardiff 2444 \JU~ I L L I A M SANDERS, T T AeCTIOEER.. ERFTATE -AND INSURANCE AGENT, 28, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF, Has the following PlOPERTIE:3 for SALE :— RU fE DOCKS.—One house in Windsor K.plalla.<!e. ROATH. -Six hou e; in Peari-street. six in Helen- troot, six in Harold-street, seven genteel villa re3iùence!! iu Gold street, al1el six il1 Ieta.I-3treet. C.\ THA YS.- Twv housc3 in Lily-street, and four villas in Woodville-road. CATON,-Two eligible sites of building lanù, one 50 feet, find the other4J feet frontage, iu Conway -road, also t lot in King-road. GKANGLTOWN".—Corner shop in Bromsgrove-street, corne. shop and cottage ill llolmsdalc-strcet, anu six houses in LudJI;\H"treet. A liberal portion of the purchase money can be haù on mortgage. Aop y as above. 126 5 jiO\<: Y.- From £ 5 to £ 500, to all cbs gCS, without 1'- 1 publielty.-Apply n. Levene, Manager, 30, Bute- Mrr:1.CC, C:"nlift. 7113 3>JSjû -F;'ÂiÜiEl1S, Tradesmen,, Iro nWGrkers, Col- l.ers, Cowkeepers, and others 3ccommoda¡;cd with GASH "DVANCES. xrom £ 5 t" £ 500, upon their own sc. curity, without delay or publicity. j'>ío law costs ur ice". Distance no object." A. & M." LYONS, Market-street, frederir; 2, James-street, and 2S, \iwmmereia]-stret, bw Vale. 58to FOR 40 YEARS TEA, scoured In Packets, 1 as bcen PREFERRED it is I ce ebratej FUR possessing great STRENGTH with cJe- Iici0U3 FLAVOUR. Write (lOr SAMPLE, which will ho nt GRATIS a s.l post free by Messrs Hormman, Tea Importers, Lou IUn. LOCWT. AGEYíS choin- Üowbis-Rhlge, chemist ist, 11, nute. Caaton Y (\r,lth, Post Office street I Bridgend- W Jlliams, Stamp „ Coleman k Co" Otfice chem sts Cowbrldge- Thomas, High- „ II we 1, 255, Rue street street Chepstow—Griffiths, Peau- „ Joy, 17, Dnke-st. fort-sqnnre Traherne, chemist Mountain Ash — White „ Anti.ony, SI Mary Pontypool—Wood, Stamp- „ Joy, 17, Dnke-st. ;ort-3qllTe Traherne, chemist Mountain Ash — White „ AntLony, St Mary POlltypool- Wood, Stamp- street office „ Kerniek, 23, Duke Pontypridd, James, chemist sir- ct Ro.:th—Hanecc'c, chemist „ Mumford, Spiott- Prust, chemist land | Peuurth—Proctor, chemist „ )fumf,)rd, Spiott- Prust, clemist lami | Pel<rth- PrOGr, c;hclI1Îst £ 055 gTARCH." "STI1!'JrS -STARCB." One Tril of tli -s I'. aut.lful Starch W1H prove ita superiority, Tft DR },fA RK, QUEEX B E3S." REGISTERED l; th APiIL,lB71. gTIFF'S gTARCU." "gfiFF=S-STAHCH. Sold by all Of()eers, Druggists, and Oilmen, 15275 and Wholesale at 29, REDC1FF-STREET, Bri3t.L -.u, DR ROBERTS'S Celebrated OIX TMEXT CABLED TIIS "POOR IA'8 FRIEND." Is confidently recommended to the public as an unfail- ing remedy for wounds of every de;cript:on, for t:ker- "tell Sore Legi, iî of twenty years' standing, Cuts, | Burns, Scalds, bruises, Chilblains, corblltic Eruptions, and Pimple in the Face, Sorc anù Inftmoo Eye-, ore Heady, Sore ltreats, Piles, F' ,4l'J., Ac. Sola in Pot; ac at l lid, 2s 9 1, lls, and 22s eaeh. A1so hi3 PILUL.E ANTISOROPHULrE, Confirmeù by 60' ex; erience t,) lee gl10lH CX: cp- tian one of the best alterative Medicines eve" compounded for p-rlfying the blcod aud assisting nature iu all her K#r;iti >ns. They form a mild and superior Family ): ieut tInt m;iy he taken at aii time;) wiêhout Cü¡LÍu(J- ) t or ehan: e of diet. ,1d in Bosca at L ld, 2s 0d, 43 IJd, 11", anl 2ZS I. <} by t1e Proprietors, BKACII and B VHSICOTT, at ..elr íJ>en3a:y. Briuport, aud by all n:3¡;cta.blc Madi- ue V 1#¡Jor;o. ubnc 0!utert;xuimeut5. I "VTEW THEATRE ROYAL, _Ll WOOD-STREET, CARDIFF. Lessee, ilr W. ll. DAW. Sole Manager Mr E. BULWBR. J ——— A A THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING, December 13th, M R LAST NIGHT BUT ONE OF E R MESSRS JARKSTJ and R E AUTuORISED AMERICAN COMPANY, I REAL FREED NEGRO SLAVES: la the New Version of N ftUNCLE TOM'S CABIN, As performed to overflowing audiences at A- the Princess's and Aquarium Theatres, !rr L London. M ——- P E JUBILEE SINGERS TO-NIGHT A liPLANTATION DANCES TO-NIGHTN BANJO SOLOS TO-NIGHTY S SLAVE LIFE REALISED TO-NIGHT TREMENDOUS SUCCESS 1 CROWDED HOUSES ENTHUSIAL-TIC APPLAUSE NIGHTLY! I The THEATRE WILL BE CLOSErTfrom SPECIAL the 10th to 23rd instant (inclusive), for NOTICE. Rehearsals of CHRISTMAS PANTOMIME, "ROBINSON CuUSOli." Doors open 7 commencing at 7.30. Carriages, 10.30. Priec" 3.3 usual. Box Plans at Ir W. Luke-street. PHIL HARMONIC THEATRE, JL CARDIFF. FRIDAY and SATURDAY, LAST TWO NIGHTS of the Great FHAYNE Kentucky Rifle Team. LAST TWO NIGHTS of the American Drama, I SLOCUM." LAST NIGHTS of the Greatest Shooters in the World, Mr FRANK FltAYNE, Mrs FRANK FRAY Ml, and Little FRANK IE FRAYNE. FRIDAY—BENEFIT of THE FRAYNES. See Bills an,1 Pictorial Il uslrations. SATURDAY, December V4tU—Great Programme, com- mencing half-ar.-hour earlier. Extra Drama, 'vc. See Bills. Positively the I,AST NIGHT o; the Great Mr GEORGE MELVILLE as OTHELLO" next MON- DAY, December 16th. EAST L YN: "nJxt TUESDAY and FRIDAY, Dec. lth amI Oth. Miss Marie Glyune, Ieaoling actress of the Theatre Royal, Plymouth, expressly el1;,¡a"d for Lady Isabel," iic. Mr A. EMM next WEDNESDAY, December ISth. Great Special Night. MELVILLE'S DRAMATIC COMPANY*Mr W. S. Hariv expressly engaged for" &e. THE PHILHARMONIC GRAND CHRISTMAS PANTOMIME in preparation. tluntton. CARDIFF. MRS S. J. DAVIES'S SCHOOL for YOUNG LADIES, will RE-OPEN on MONDAY, July 22nd, 1873,—29 Charles-street, Cardi f. 6074 LADIES' SCHOOL, HARROW HOUSE, DUMFRIES PLACE, CARDIFF. PSI\'C!PALS—Til E MISSES MARKS, Assisted by English and French Professors and Resident Governesses. Pupils prepared for University and College of Preceptors Local Examinations. The Term commenced September 14th, 1878. 4111 34320 SWANSEA- GLYN CERRlGTsCHOOL, MUMBLES, S tV ANSEA. The Term commenced September Btb. Prospectus on application to-Hev E. Griffith! 576\ 34300 BEDFORD. IlENCH PROTEST ANT COLLEGE, JU BEDFORD. HIGH CLASS EDUCATION FOR DAUGHTERS OF GENTLEMEN. The work of the whole College is tested annually by Examiners of the Oxford and Cambridge Examining Board. Since Midsummer, 1877, the College has won the following honours:—1 pupil bas passed the Cam! r'.dge higher examination fo, women, 1st class with honours; J. has passed the senior Oxford local examination 5 the senior Cambridge locai examination, one in honours with di3tincion in French 8 hve passed the junior Cam- bridge local examination, 3 in honours, 4 ùi.stiUb"1lished in Freneh, 1 in Scripture, 1 in music; 4 passed the senior examination Trinity Collegc of Iusic, London, and ti the junior examination, 3 honours. For prospectuses apply to Madame la Directriee, French Protestant College, Bedford. 6013 30131 GLOUCESTERSHIRE. jgUSSAGE HOUSE, NEAR STROUD. (Brimacombe Station, G.W.R.)—In a most beautiful and bracing but sheltered sitr ♦ion, jii a level with Minchiu- h:unpton Common. PRINCIPAL J. SIBREE, M. A. (London), assisted by Two Resiùem and Four Yi3iti¡¡g Masters. Preparation ior the LOI:do!1 and other Universities, and for Professional and Mercantile pursuits. Special attention is given to the Modern Languages, to Chemistry, and to Drawing as required in Civil and Mechanical Engineering. Thirteen pupils have matricu- lated in London dirdlll from this EstuMishnnent (Three in Honours and Nine in the First Class) and one at Trinity College, Cambridge and Two Lave graduated directly—one with High Scientific Honours (London), and wh03e name heads the Cambridge Natural Science Tripos List for IS74. Others have gained scholarships úr distinc- tions at the School of Mines and the College of Surgeons, and Oxford Local Examinations. IVO-THIRDS annually pass the G- vernmcilt Schools oi Scicnce and Art Exam- inations. Terms (which are moderate) on application. Commencement vi Second Term, Tuesday, April 30. 5157 jasurmm. PROVIDE AGAINST ACCIDENTS by taking t Puliev of the RAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE COMPANY. The Oldest and Largest Accidcntal A suranca Company The Rt. Hon. LOUD KINNAlltD, Chairman. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, ANNUAL A fixed sum in ease of Death by Accident, õl.wl:1. Weekly Allowance iu the event of Injury, may DC sct.:t1rt3Li 2;ot moderate premiuill3. Donus allowlIù to Insurers or live years' standing. ACCIDENTS OCCUR DAILY Apply to tlw Clerks at the Railway StatW¡¡S, tllp. Local Agents, or 61, CORNiiILL, LONDON. 3u53D—-4i)yS WILLIAM J. VIAN, Secretary. AnontW. Willans, 11, l!ar:rr-tr ct, 13ut Locks. Hotels. Q SULLY'S PRIVATE," COilME RCIAL, FAMILY HOTEL. 23, EUSTON-ROAD, CROSS, LONDON. Opposite the Midland and Great No.-them, and near the London and North Western Railway Terminus, and close to the King's CrJSS Station of til^ Metropolitan Railway. 312!) rfr¥™- Üo 0 il WATCH AND CLOCK MAKER. II TO TIIE QUEEN AND PvOYAL FAMILY And by Special Appointments to H.ILH TIIE PRINCE OF WALES, THE PRINCE OF WALES, H. I.M. THE EMrZRO?. PU33{A, Tlia MAHAGAJAH3 OF BUKDWAS AW JOHorB. PRIZE MKDAL3—LONIjpJl, DUBLIN, AXD PARI3. B E NSO N'S WATCHES GOLD AND SILVER Cx every description, su.t- .j- ^-p^. able for all climates, from LILILIAJK Y. 2 to 200 cruineas. 'I ho Latest Fashions. 2 to 200 cruineas. the Latest Fashions. CHRONOGRAPHS, BRACELEl'S, BROOCHES, CHRONOMETERS, EARRINGS, LOCKETS, KEYLESS, LEVERS, NtvCKLACES, CHAINS, PRESENTATION, RINGS. STUDS, REPEATERS, RAILWAY PINS, 'CROSSES, ETC., GUARDS', SOLDIERS',and ALMOIN DIAMONDS AN» WORKMEN'S WATCHES PRECIOUS STONES. OF EXTRA STRENGTH. | GUARDS', SOLDIERS',and ALMOIN DIAMONDS WORKMEN'S WATCHES PRECIOUS STONES. OF EXTRA STRENGTH. | English Lever, JB5 o3. (Warranted,) BENSON S Everybody's Silver Watch, Crystal Glass, £.3 3s. (Warranted.) BENSON'S CLOCKS SILVER AND Of all kinds at 1 to 1,000 ELECTRO-PLATE gumeL. For Presentation, itc, CHURCH, TURRET, DINNER SERVICES, CARRIAGE, CHIME, I TEA AND BREAKFAST DINING AND DRAWING- SERVICES, ROOM. CRUETS, BASKETS, nA LL,. SHOP, I INK-STANDS, CLARET LIBRARY, ERACKET, JUGS, ETC. SPOONS, FORKS, ETC. BENSON'S "Early English" Wood or Ormolu Clocks, decorated with Bluo China, Wedgwood, & from f-5 5s. Mule solely by Ben-sun. BENSON'S NEW ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS on TU RRET CLOCKS, WATCHES. CLOCKS, PLATE, anu I JEW ELLKRY sent Post Frop, 2 s tamps. Wat'hes sent safe by Post to aU parts of the World. Wathes rep ire 1 by skilled workmen. Plate, Jewel- kry, Watches, bought an 1 exchanged. Merchants, Ship- pei a, and Ciurs supplied. Ste:1.ITl Factory aj City Show-rooms, LUDGATE-HILL, LONDON. West-eud Est::¡,bHsh}1cl1 t, 2 5, OLD BONIi-8 T It EET. 7001 ESTABLISHED 1740. 33792 LS L Ailt-i -1 i- it IS50. V M. T It ESE D E R, UNION ROAD NURSi R-IES, CzUIDIi F, Now 10,000 BEDDING PLANTS, Of all the leading sorts in cultivation, comprising GER- *X*!L'MS, PETUNIAS. AGERAMUMS. VERB EN AS, ilEMOTROPIIES.CALCEO! ARIAS, Ac., c. -oi itoni.-n purchasing 1C0 can have 100 assorted Sealing rlats 101. 20,. Nu ch:1.rc for r3.Cj.a.c;j. Well-rooted FOREST T ,EES, mc!u;lin« Sr.otch S l^itch, Spruce, Silver Fir, lcceh, Oil:, Cic. | 1)R StandcrJ, Pynuui 1, sud Dwarf-Trained APPLES, gj FLUMS, CUKliniES. £ i". ff-OR well jrown PEACH, NECTARINE, AiRICOT, I1 CHERRY, PLUM, and PEAR TREES. I^ou FRUIT TREES OF ALL KINDS, |>,OR ALL NEEUFUL REQUIS1TJ-.S for the G .VUDEN, i apply to W I L L I A M T R I S E 1) E H, T'NIOM ROAD NUExE'UES, CARDIFF. 01 .¡TELL VTORI'HY Oi'' NOTICE T T AS A CERTAIN CURE For B:io us and Liver Cempiaints, Indigestion, V* ind, Sp.uji; s, Foul Breath, Nervous Depra.sio:i, IrrifcvbiLty, L sRude, Lo 3 of Appetite, Dyapcpota.;1, I.o.vnesj < f Spirim IV th aensat'on of fuiiness a.t the pt cf the stomach, Gidd Dizziness 0; Eyes, &c, DU. SCOTT'S BILIOUS AND LIVER PILLS STaNJ UXtttVALT.HD. As a General Family Aperient Medicinc they have no As a General Family Aperient Medicinc they have no equal, being mild iu t fcir peration, aud srateful to I the stomach, they give a. healthy tone and vigour to the diS rent scoitions, causing the necessary crgan3 of the Soomach and Liver to resume their activity, thus restoring the at>pt tite, promoting digestion, and str."ng-theuiq thc whole system. They can be ta'.ea at any time without restraint from bu-ines3 ur pleasure, hence they are J. most valuable domestic medieinc. They wili he found in s ight coses to restore health to the body with a. hanpy frame d mind. I Prpared only uy W. Lambert, 1A, Vere-stroet, Lon- don, W., in boxes, Is lill, and 2s Del or post free 15 or stamps, and by ail ciioaiiata, genuine are ia a lauare i!lCç: p1: IQG2 ?:,uõ1ic loti(e. G LA AIORGAN SH IRE. SOTICE IS HEREBY GrVE,-Th3.t the next Gen- eral (Quarter Sessions of the l'clce for the County of Glamorgan, will he holdeu at the Town of CARDIFF, in and for the said County, on MONDAY', the h'.th day of December, 1b78, a One of the clock in the Afternoon of the same day, when the Ju-tices then present will pro- ceed with the general business relating to the public and financial business of the county, and also to the constabulary. The Grand Jurors must attend on TUESDAY, the 31st December, 1878, at Ten o'clock in the Forenoon, when they will be sworn. All prosecutors and witnesses, bound by recognizance, from the several dLtricts of Cardiff, Caerphilly, Cowbridge, Dinaspowis, L'alldaff, Pontypridd, Merthyr Tydlil, and Aberdare', must attend on the same day, and at the same hour, and on WEDNESDAY", the 1st day of January, 1370, all prosecutors and witnesses, bound by recogni- zance, from the several districts of S;anea, Neath, Bridgend, Pontn.rdawe, aud GJwer, must attend at Te i o'elock in the Forenoon. All appeals must be entered before the sitting of the Court, on MONDAY, the 30th day of December instant, and the same will be heard. at the sitting of the Court, on the following day. A 1 jurors and persons subpoenaed, or boun I by recognizance, are required to attend such sessions at the days and times aforesaid. All claims on the county stock must be delivered at my office, on or before the 5th day of December, 1878. No costs will be adowed unless taxed at the same ses- sion. Depositions are to be sent me by the 26th day of De. cember, 187S. THO. DALTO, Clerk of the Peace. Cardiff, 2nd December, 1873. 7102 oal FJHOJIAS GILES, Deceased. PURSUANT to the Act of Parliament of the 22nl and 23rd Victoria, Chapter 35, intituled An Act to further amend the law of property, and to relieve trustees," NOTICE IS IIEKEBY LaVEN that all creditors and Ot11Jl" persons having any claims or demands upon or :.g linst the estate of TIICMAS GILES, late of 34, Elm, street, Roatb, Cardiff, in tiie county of GIaTJlt>I"¡pn, yeo- man, deceased (who died on the 21st day of September, lo78, aud whose wi I and codicil were proved in the Llandatf District Registry of the Probite Division of Her Majesty's Uigh Court of Justice the 10th day of October, 1S78, by ELIZAABETH taLES, JOHN HOPKINS, and WILLIAM JENKYN BROWN, the executors therein named) are hereby re.i,ired to send in lull par- ticulars of their c'atms and demands in writing to the said Executors, at the office of their Solicitors, Messrs GROVEIl and GRUVER, of 25, Cr .ckherbtowo, Carditf, on or before the 31st day of January Next, at the expiration oi which time the said Executora wili proceed to distribute the assets of the said Testator among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice, and the aid Executors will not be liable for the assets, or any part thereof, so distributed to any persoc of whose debt or claim they shall not then have had notice. Dated this 12th day of December, 187S. GROVER AND GROVER, 7131 Solicitors for the said Executors. (Tntte mut (!!nntral1. Q A R D I F F UNION. The Cardiff Board of Guardians are prepared to receive TENDERS from persons willing to contract for the supply of meat, groceries, cheese and butter, flour, potatoes, AU8kal¡an tinned meat, beer and porter, wine and spirits, drugs, clothing, flannei, boots, shoes and clog's, leather, coal, straw, btoiie3 (for breaking), and other articles required for the Workhouse, Industrial Schools, and Out-door Paupers during the quarter com- mencing 4th January, 1S70, and ending US .h March, 1870; also for the supply of milk and for sweeping chimneys during the year ending January, 1880. No Tender can bi received except in the legally author- ized form, which may be obtained on application at the Clerk's office, Queen's Chambers, Cardiff. Sealed Tenders to be sent to the Workhouse (accom- panied by, but not enclosed in, samples of the goods, where practicable) all or before Friday, 27th December, 18,S. By order, W. P. STEPHENSON, Clerk. Dated 5th December, 187S. 7127 39945 gubUatiau^ Price One Penny, oat.-free Three Half-penny Stamps. THB SORROW OF A SECRET. A CHRISTMAS STORY. FAMILY HERALD SUPPLEMENT, No. 23, contains a complete Story by the Author of OLD MTUDEI.TOS'S MOSEY," "NORA'S LOVE TEST," &c., entitled THE SORROW OF A SECRET. The Saturday Reoiew savs of trie Family- Herald''— Its novels and tales are quite as well written as the host circulating stories." W. STBVKNS, 421, Strand, London; and at all Kews- vendors. 7129 "UNIVERSAL MUSIC," TWOPENCE EACH. Catalogues may be had on application to COOPER. COUTTS, and CO., Side Agents for G1:1n,organs\,ire and Monmouthshire jE3 PIANOFORTE a MUSIC WAREHOUSE, 50, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF. c SHIPPING AND MERCAN- \J TILE GAZETTE, Publifched every Monday Mornirg. Price 15s per annum, or by post lis. The CARDIFF SHIPPING AND MERCANTILE GAZETTE" contains a complete record of the Shipping business of Cardiff, Swansea, and Newport, and the Bristol Channel, and circulates among ail the Merchants and Brokers of the Pristol Channel Ports, and generally throughout the various ports of the United Kingdom. It is filed at Lloyd's, the L nr.bard, and most of the Chambers o Commerce, and is aiso sent to tte leading lrelgn Ports. CuiEr' OPFICBS—75 and 76, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. THE MATRIMONIAL NEWS,- A Weekly Family Newspaper, published every Sa- turday, price 3d., post free, Sid., euclosed as a letter, 4d., has now been established seven years. Over 10,000 airetdy married. 300 new candidates for Matrimony every week. All who wish tr, marry slwnJù read it. Published at 302, STRAND, LONDON, anti may be had through any Sew;ellt" The trade supplied on sale t'r retel-i-i 571 J^OTICE NOTICE NOTICE THE (jITY HAIR CUTTING SALOONS AND HOT AND COLD BATH ROOMS AtŒ NOW OPEN AT T E I G I L BUILDINGS. 52, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF. The above rooms are fitted with every modern t onve- tvence, and are so arranged that they must prove a boon to the general public. Cleanliness is particularly adopted, and a Chiropodistis always in attendance. TARIFF OF CHARGES Ilair Cutting, 3d; Singeing, 3d Shampooing, 3d Shaving, 1J<1, 3d :b:llnp00Ü!¡{, 3d Shaving, 1(1, HOT & COLD BATHS, CD & Is. In addition to the above, Gentlemen can obtain any I article in HOSIERY, SHIRTS, GLOVES, TIES, FACY GOODS, &c., at charges equally as low as any in Cardiff. The HOSIERY DEPARTMENT, tc„ has the special attention of Mr Adams, from the firm of Messrs J. ALLISON & CO.. 60115 —33357 IlEGENT-STRUET, LONDON. attention of Mr Adams, from the firm of Messrs J. ALLISON & CO.. C. 0-i IlEGENT-STRUET, LONDON. H Al\I:M:OND'S JL-L GLAMORGANSHIRE S A U SAG E S 7110 ARE DY FAR 39834 THE BEST, ACIC MAGIC — A Marvellous I -1-T-JL Novelty for this season. Performei shows two empty tumblers, inverts one over the other and covers with borrowed handkerchief, then smokes a cigar a long way off, and iu a few seconds uncovers and shows tumblers full of smoke, which is allowed to escape, aud immediately re;ieats expeiiment. Full instructions of this wonderful trick on receipt of post-ollicc order for Five Shillings in favour of L. CONRAD, 13, Albert Park-place, 5073 Ashley-road, Bristol HYSONS TWO GUINEA WATCHES. _*?•) 2s— Oar "SPECIAL" Quality -W & PRESENTATION WATCHES, at Two Guineas Full Gentlemen's size, massive sterling silver cases, stroTig crystal glass, jewelled in 10 actions (rubies) fully guaranteed for THREE YEARS. A very handsome aud Lgh class watch. 2s.—Ladies' "SPECIAL" PRE- OSJ' SENTATION WATCH, finest quality move- ments, fuil jewelled, beautifully engraved, silver eases, ments, fuil jewelled, beautifully engraved, silver case, and either white enamel or f .ncy dial. Warranted for THREE YEARS, A most beautiful ancl perfect little watch. The above watches are fitted free in richly lined morocco em s, oaJ sent, carriage paid, to any address, on receipt of money order for t2 2s. I Address, VV. and A. SYSON and Co 47, Newhall Hlil, Dirnl;;L}.(! Illustrated Catalogue, sent post free, of Clock;, Watches, and Jewel.ery. Established 1802. 703 T, LAY, 20, BUTE-STREET, CAR DIM', c-tablishe 1 30 years. Has on o7er well e: G.Led Flour from the best makers. Pure Bread sold by weight. Good cake made daily, at 4d and tld per lb. Good Tea without presents. A special sale day every Thu'sday of all state glJoJ, cleared out at a great reduc- tion, for ready money only. 0035 "pOR COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, and NEURALGIA. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLO- RODYNE. Vice Chancellor Sir W. Page Wood stated publicly i-i Cotir that Dr J. Collis Btowne was undoubtedly the inventor < f Chlorodyne. that the whole story of the defendant Fleer, all was (leiiberately untrue, and he rc,r:tted to say it had bien sworn to.—Sec Tue Times," July 13, 18(34. DR J. COLLIS BROWNE'S (IHLOnODYK E.— Tlio Right. II li. Ilirl Rus. ell communicated to the College of Physician. and J. T. Davenport, that he hud received information to the elTect that the only remedy of any service in cholera was Chlorodyne.—See Lancet," Dcc. 31, 18.8. H DR J COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE — Extract from^he "Medical Times," Jan, 12, 1806 ;—"Is prescribed by scores of orthodox practitioners. Of course it would rot be thus singularly popular did it not supply a want and fill a place. D-R J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE is the best and most ocrtuin remedy in coughs, colds, asthma, consumption, neuralgia, rheumatism, Lke. R J, COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE is a certain cure in cholera, dysentery, diarrhoea, &c. D'RTJTCOLLIS BROWNES CH I7O!TO_DY~NE. —CAUTION. —None genuine without the words '• Or J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne" on the Government Stamp. Overwhelming medical testimony accompanies each bottle. Sole manufactui er, J. P. DAVENPORT, 33, Great Husse¡¡.st.rt;t, Bioomsbury, London. Sold in bottles, Is ljd, 2s Sd, 4s G 1, and lis. 3J743 7057 HEALTH, TONE.~ANITVIGOU!L SWEDOUR S VITAL REGENERATOR. A safe, certain, and speedy cure for Nervous Dc. bility, restoring health, strength, and vigour in a short ¡ time. Price, lis and i:;3 per bottle, and £ 5 per c<1.e. j 4'. Barners-street, Oxford-street, LOilrlQU, W; i CutsalUtioas Ver¡¡"u;Jlf. 91" bj' kUur. 7083 nle by gutcUon. SALE OF FAT STOCK AT CANTON MARKET, CARDIFF. MESSRS STEPHENSON, ALEXAN- DER, and CO. will hold a Christmas Fat Stock AUCTION, on MONDAY, December 10th, at 11 o'clock preciselv, a quantitv of FAT SHEEP and CATTLE, At the same time and place, the capital Short-horn BULL Emneror," and a pure bred Short-horn BULL CALF. Pedigrees in future advertisements. 7126—39D2G AUCTION SALES OF CHOICE WINES, SPIRITS, AND CIGARS, At No. 16, ANGEL-STREET, CARDIFF, on WEDNES- DAY, the 11th, and SATURDAY, the 14th of Decem- ber. at 3 and 0.30 p.m. punclti illy all each day. MESSRS W. and S. HERN have been 1.J. favoured with instructions to submit to PUULIC AUCTION, as above, several Hundred Dozens of Choice Vintage WINES and SPIRITS also some 800 Boxes and Half-boxes of CIGARS, to which they beg specially to call the attention of connoisseurs, private families, and the tmàe. The Stock coitilrists:- PORTS, SHERRIES, CLARETS, CHAMPAGNES, BURGUNDIES, SPARKLING HOCKS, MOSELLE, &(, &e. MARTELL'S, OTARDS, IŒfAUL'l: and other BRANDIES, DUNVILLE'S IIUSrI Will KEY, &c., &c., &c., And several well-known Brands of CIGARS. These Sales present unusual opportunities to buyers, as the whole must be realiscd.- Catalogues are m course of preparation. For catalogues aud additional particulars apply to the Auctioneers, at their Offices, Masonic Hail Chambers; or at the Sale-rooms, No. 1C, Angel-street, during the Sale week. 7111—39862 TO SHIPBUILDERS, SHIPOWNERS, AND OTHERS. Important Sale of anchors and chains, shackles, blocks, sile lamps, running gear ropes, small chains, sails, compasses, cabin stove, rigging wire, spars, horse, trap and harness, anl a large stock of other effects ill connection with the business of a wrecker and general dealer. MESSRS. JOHN JENKINS AND CO. have been instructed by Mr VV. H. Caple, of the Pier-head, neer the landing stage, Cardiff, to SELL at AUCTION, on the above premises, on THURSDAY', the 19th day of DECEMBER, 1878. at 11 o'clock, prompt, the whole of his STOCK-IN-TRADE and Effects, comprising about 40 TONS OF TESTED ANCHORS and CHAINS, and 2,) Tons of untested ditto, from 5 to 33 cwts each, 20 CWTS OF SHACKLES, 500 BLOCKS of different sizes, quantity of Side Lamps nnd Globes, 20 cwt. RUNNING GEAR ROPES, SO cwt. small CHAINS, several COMPASSES. CABIN STOVE, 30 cwt. RIGGING WIRE. HAND TRUCKS. quantity of second-hand SPARS, 2 HAWSERS, about 40 SAILS of different sizes, in very good order, GAN- TREY WINCH, large WEIGHING MACHINE, and a large stock of gneml BUSINESS EFFECTS, also a hand- some DARK BAY COB, 7 years old, 14i hands hig-h, good in any harness, and perfectly sound LIGHT TRAP,and 2 sets c £ HARNESS, nearly new CRANK AXLE CART, See., &c. Ths Auctioneers beg to call attention to this highly important and genuine sale, Mr Caple having suddenly arranged to leave Carditf,has bis usual working fctock, which will be positively sold. On view oil the day previous, and on the nurning of the day of sale, until 11 o'cluck, when the auction must punctually commence to allow the whole of the loti to be disposed of in one day. bated, Philharmonic Chambers, 7125 39908 Cardiff, December 7th, 1878. (j AXD 27, THE HAYES, CARDIFF. TO FURNITURE DEALERS. PRIVATE FAMILIES, AND OTHERS. CLEARANCE SALE OF THE REMAINING STOCK-IN-TRADE. MR EDWIN T. LUCOCK has been favoured with instructions from Mr George C irp, to OFFER for PUBLIC AUCTION, on the Pre- mies as above, on December 18th and following days, the remaining portion of his STOCK-IN-TRADE, COMrRlS!N1 — Drawing and dining room suites, pianos, harmonium?, cabinets, gilt pier glasses, sideboards, 100 and occasional tables, cheffonnieres, sofas, couches, dining tables, chairs covered in hair, American cloth,leather, &c., &c., Ubrary tables, library chairs. Walnut, mahog:1.ny, and painted wardrobes, chests of drawers, washstands, half-tester and French bedsteads, toilet glasses, bedroom chairs, rocking chairs, kitchen tables, chairs, Sic. &c., 20 sets tea and coffee services (plated), together with carpets, matting, oil clush, 3 iron safes, 50 or 60 fenders, and a quantity of ironmongery, as also a variety of other a tides too numerous to par ticul arise. Sale to commence each day at 12 o'clock precisely. For further information refer to posters or apply to the Auctioneer at his offices, 19, Duke-street, Cardiff. Dated. Dec. lltb, 1878. 39951 The Premises to Let. 7130 ST. NICHOLAS FAIR. PRIME FAT CHRISTMAS BEEF. MESSRS THOMAS AND ALEXANDER have been instructed bj' tho Messrs. Jenkins, of Crosstown, and Llanbathery, to SELL by AUCTION, at the above Fair, on TUESDAY, December 17, 137S, at Eleven o'clock, 21 HEAD OF CATTLE. Comprising cows, oxen, heifers and steers. —Terms Cash. 7105 SA U S AGES, H. S. Hammond's NOTED GLAMORGANSHIRE SAUSAGES. MADE FROM CHOICE PORK. These Sau ages have now been BEFORE THE PUBLIC FOR THE LAST TEN YEARS, And the CONSTANT L Y INCREASING DEMAND, WITHOUT A SINGLE FAILURE, Prove their E';cel!cncc. The Laro-ett Stesni Machinery ttseu In the Munufaclur# of Sansages is Employed. WHOLESALE ORDERS SENT BY FIFST TRAINS. ADlm;:s H. S. HAMMOND, 5530 a), BUTE-STREET, CARDIFF. SOOil JJ OUSSHOLD jg R E A D. —— MESSRS. EVANS AND CO., Be" to inform their Friends and the Public that they lave OPE F, D A llAKEn Y, For th sunpiy of BEST HOUSEHOLD BREAD, And hope, by turning out a nice Loaf,, to merit a liberal idiare or patronage. Each of their Shops wili be supplied with Broad daily. CENTRAL ESTABLISHMENT 7, HIGH-STREET, C A P, I) I F ALSO AT 1G. BUTE-STREET. CARDIFF, 0, DUTE-HTiiEET, CARDIFF, STAR-STREET, RPLOTLANDS, CASTLE-ROAD, ROATH, ASSAid HOUSE, TA:F.F'j WELL. ;).1 GENERAL ENGRAVING AND PRINTING OFFICES FOR 1' OD 193 GLASS AND CO., ENGRAVERS, DIE SINKERS, LITHOGRAPHIC, COPPER-PLATE, AND GENERAL PRINTERS, ROYAL ARCADE, CARDIFF. Every description of Enzravinr Printing executed. A trial orJcr is respectfully solicited. lCO I?1 J. THOMPSON, BILL POSTER, TOWN CUIER AND KENT COLLECTOR, THE GRAIG. PONTYPRIDD. Orders promptly executed on the most reasonable Terms. THE GOOD RESULTS PRODUCED BY USING cu P I s SIS CONSTITUTION B A L L S. Mr P, S. KEARNEY, of Milton House, Clonmellon, writes:- My cclchrrde 1 Bull, Sir Cupiss Ball,' had that name given to him owing to your CONSTITUTION BALLS hvin, in my opinion, saved bis life. When a calf he was in a most delicate state, but after giving ths Ball. a short time he began t,) thrive, and I had no difficulty in rearing Lim, and never had an animal easier to keep in condition. I exhibited him four times, and he obtained Six First Prize-that i3, four firt as best of his class, and two first a; beot Hereford Bull shown." Mr VV. ARMSTRONG, late of Fairfield, Kendal, the Proprietor of the two famous Horses, "Cashier" and '• Banker," which have gained so many First Prizes at the Royal, Islington, and other Horse Shows, w rites :— "I have used your Constitution Balis f jr ihe last ten years, and found them the best Medicine for Horses and Neat Cattle I could procure, particularly SCOURING IN CALVES. I had one so affected that my Veterinarian gave it up and ordered it to be killed, but I tried Cupiss't' Balls and in Nine Mouths after the Heifer sold for £2J, being then one year old." The Constitution Balls are prepared by the Proprietor FRANCIS CUPISS, M. R. V. C. S. DISS, NORFOLK. Author of the Prize Essay on the Diseases on the Liver of tho Horse. Sold by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors, in packets with directions, at Is gtl and 3s 6d each or 7 large packets for One Guinea, or 7 small for Haif a-Guinea. Any Gentleman using the Falls may consult the Pro- prietor gratuitously, either personally, or by letter, post paid. 7i83 BRICKS, TILES, RIDGES, FLOORING JD SQUARES. IMPORTANT TO CONTRACTORS, BUILDERS, CARPENTERS. J. G. PINFOLD is prepared to quote low prices (for cash) for the following goods loaded, either in vessels or railway trucks all kinds of Patent machine made Bricks golid or perforated, plain or ornamented Single, Double and Triple Roman Roofing Tiles; single and double Angu- lar Pan or Plain Tiles all kinds of Piain and Ornamental" Ridges, Red, Dun, Grey or Glazed alsa 6, 9, or 12 inch Squares, red, black or frrey; Socket or Plain Drain Pipes, Malt kiln Tiles, Pressed Bricks, Coping Bricks. Goods guaranteed sound and of good colour Price List, &e, apply to J. G. PINFOLD, ST. MARK'S ROAD, EASTON, BRISTOL. 6044 ( THOUSANDS can testify tha the "EUROPA INFANTS' POW I\T"C A wt^1 DMI!S' are safer and more active -iNrAINlilS j than any yet introduced. For all J diseases of Children they are invalu- J able—They are free from OPIUM or POWDERS anything injurious to the youngest POWDERS anything injurious to the youngest j babe. Packets, Is l.Jd, by all «noc! QQia7 I Chemists, or from the Maker, B, A 4 UiEORGE. I'eutre. PotUmidd. Ui.1le?i. Wrt..cJ BOYLE & c0., iJ) LOOT MANUFACTURERS, AND IMPORTERS OF FRENCH BOOTS AND SHOES. 19, CHURCH STREET, AND 2, HIGH- STREET, CARDIFF. Our STOCK for the AUTUMN and WINTER is now replete, which for extent and variety is unequalled in the Principality, and never has the combinations of style, and durability, and comfort, been more exemplified than in the many productions of French and English Manufacture which we now submit for your inspection. BOYLE & CO., the fashionable BOOTS for this season are the PARISIAN. OYLE & CO., LADY'S HESSIAN, BALMOKAL, and BUTTON BOOTS. and BU'l'l'O BOOT: BOYLE & CO., to be had only at 2, HIGH-STREET, and 19, CHURCH-STREET. IB OYLE & CO., LADY'S CORK ('I,UMPED BOOTS B~"OYLE & CO., YOUNG LADY'S WALKING, HOUSE, and SCHOOL BOOTS. OYLE & CO., for GOOD WINTER BOOTS at Economical prices. B" OYLE & CO., for FELT BOOTS, SNOW BOOTS, and WARM SLIPPERS. OYLE & CO., LV.DIES Elastic CLUMPED SOLES, 4/11 to 5/11. OYLE (i CO., GENTLEMEN'S ELASTIC SIDE 5/11 and ti/11. OYLE & co, ELASTIC SID £ ,~cTuMPED J) HOLES, for hard wear. lOitS tJ 12/fi. OYLE & CO., GENT'S ELASTIC SIDE, for style and comfort. BOYI^TcdTGEXTS' FL A STICSIDE, f or durability snd elegance. B iind elegance. BOYLE & co.GENTS' BALIOHAL BOOTS for Winter Wear. OYLE & CO., GENTS CLUMPED SOLED WALK- ING BOOTS. jgToYLE & co7, GENYS' RIDING BOOTS BOYLE & co.GENTS' PORPOISE HIDE, SHOOT ING BOOTS. BOYLE CO GENTS' BOOTS Made to order. 0054—39287 QHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS QHRISTMAS TEAS. CHRISTMAS RAISINS. CHRISTMAS CURRANTS. c HRISTMAS FIGS. QHRISTMAS PLUMS. c IIRIST-NIAS CAKES. £ JHRISTMAS BISCUITS. CHRISTMAS COSAQUES. c ALL AT REDUCED PRICES. (CHRISTMAS STILTON & CHEDDAR J CHEESE. £ JHRISTMAS HAMS and TONGUES. QHRISTMAS BACON. ALL OUR CHRISTMAS FRUITS, &c., &c., are of C the Finest Quality and specially selected. AGENT FOR HUNTLEY & PALMER'S CHRISTMAS BISCUITS and CAKES, and CROSSE and BLACKWELL'S TABLE LUXU- lUES. A Larg-c (Quantity of SPONGES at about Half-price, GEORGE PIKE, GLOBE TEA WAREHOUSE AND SUPPLY STORES, 26, DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. 7122 39801 E. SINGER AND CO., FAMILY GROCERS AND ITALIAN WAREHOUSEMEN, 10 AND 11, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF, Invite attention to their Stock of GOODS for the PRESENT SEASON. FRUITS IN EVERY VARIETY. HUNTLEY & PALMER'S ICED & ORNA- MENTED CAKES. SPECIAL CHRISTMAS BISCUITS, &c. A Choice Assortment of COSAQUES AND BONBONS. FINE RIPE STILTONS. HAMS, TONGUES, BATH CHAPS.. GERMAN AND OTHER SAUSAGES. E. S. and Co. supply all Goods at prices that will favourably compare with those of the Civil Service and other Co-operativo Supply Stores. The greatest cars is exercised in the selection of all TEAS 7124 sold at this Establishment. 39943 cx "RAND OPENING. CHRISTMAS DISPLAY SWEETING'S PANCY BAZAAR AND PERFUMERY ESTABLISHMENT, 13, DUltE-STREET, CARDIFF. THE ANNUAL SHOW COMMENCED ON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12th. THE LARGEST EXHIBITION OF FANCY GOODS, NOVELTIES AND, USE-1 VUL ORNAMENTS IN SOUTH WALES. PRESENTS, from Cd upwards. AN EARLY INSPECTION IS SOLICITED. 7132 i CHIt I S T 11 ASS HOW, —— STRANAGHAN & STEPHENS Ilcspe'HfuIly announce tlsat their ANNUAL SHOW OF FANCY ARTICLES,, Suitable for the Christmas Season, commenced Oil THURSDAY, December 5th. The Stock will include the following departments :— CHINA— TOYS— Wedgwood A largo display of the Douitou Newest Productions Chinese COSAQUES- ■jararicKe All the New Designs Flemish"0 JAPANESE LACQUER French, &c., &c. I WARE— BRONZES In Great Variety, And a beautiful, display of Sundry Fancy Articles. 18, ANGEL-STREET, CARDIFF. December, 1878. 7110-39860 SWANSEA OFFICE >0 OF TIlE SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS," No 2, COLLEGE STREET. All orders from NEWSAGENTS will receive prompt at- tention, and be executed upon the same terms as from the Chief Oflioe. The DAILY NEWS delivered to Subscribers early every inornintr in any part of the town. ADVERTISEMENTS received up to Seven o'clock will FC-ure insertion in the r.ext morning's issue of the DAILY NEWS. "13 ECKITT'S PARIS BLUE. -B V Used in the PRINCE OP WALES'S LAUNDHT. T>EClvlTrS~PARIS BLUE. Used In tho DUCHE33 OP EDINBURGH'S LAUNDRY. ECOTT'S PARTS BLUE. J-Is used by the poorest on account of its cheapness. Aud BY the richest MI aocouiit of its HCAUT3'.55Q5 RS. BLENKINSOPP (Late Gaisford, Church-street,) iRENOH STAY AND CORSET MAKER, 3. VICTORIA-PLACE, HAYE, Bet. to thank the Ladies of Cardiff and the Neighbour- hood for their liberal support during v-e last 21 years; ir tnd hopes by strict and prompt attention to business to merit a continuance of their patrollge, All orucrs by post attended to with despatch. A LAROE STOCK OF NEW GOODS ON HAND. Agenr. for A. I-Ian wO Sous' Self-adjusting Elastic Stay Laco, 3, VICTORIA-PLACE, HAYES, CARDIFF. 150 pOSTAL DELIVERY OF TILK SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS, The Proprietors of the SoUTH WALKS DAILT Nllwø bea to announce that by a special concession of the PostM Authorities the are enabled to despatch their First Edi- tion each Morning by tho Mails leaving Cardiff at 2.St am., and 3.45 Country Subscribers residing withia the limits of GLAMORGANSHIRE. CARMARTHENSHIRE. PEMBROKESHIRE, CARDIGANSHIRE, A* well as those jjortions of BRECONSHIRE and MON. MOUTHSHIRE oomtxesed withiu the Tredegar and Rhytnney Valley Postal Districts, may now have the ¡;I:TU WALES DAIJ,y Nitws delivered at their residencet daily by the some post as that which conveys their low Jon Letters. The SKOOND EDITION of the Soi:v:i A VALES DAILY NBWI IS forwarded, prejAid, to Residents of,the following and all other places within the Cardiff Postal District, in time for the first morning delivery I"~t Fagans | Sully Michaclstone-Ie-Vedw Pencoed J Courtyralfa Castletown 8 Bndea-8up.EIy | Dinas Powis Marsh field it Nicholas Cali oxton Penr-rth Bonvilstone Barry Landough 1'etei atone Caerphilly Lisvane LlandafT Bed was Llanishen Madyr Yst-d Mynich Whitchurch Uorganstowa Pwllypant Tltff's Well Melingriffith St Millions Tongwynlais Pentyrch Cefn Mably I Walnut Tree Bridge 6t Audrews LO.NDON an ljWost of England subscribers receive the& papsra ou the afternoon of publication. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, P* i QUARTSi, rosT-Fasa 0 9 < Pun HATIE-TUAR 0 19 a PEK YEAR 1 18 0 Rosidents in CARDIFF and its Suburbs receiving thefz pepoi-s by hand-delivery, and experiencing any difficulty in obtaining their papers promptly and regularly, ars requested to co-omunicate with the Chief Office, CardM BOJTU WATISS DAIIIY Nissvg OMCVS, 76 and 7(LS.t Magy-stre^t, Cardiff. -L gUlStlte.S'j ^(UlKSSCS. II 23 QPARTEES B EEF, HEAVY, 4D TO 8JD PER LB. 30 Å MERICAN SHEEP, It 5JD TO 8D.. 10 WELSH Yearlings' 8D TO 9b.D. (GEORGE TTOPKINS, Ir 34372 AMERICAN MARKET, HAYES, CARDIFF. THE N OHOR yANS." HOUSEHOLD GOODS REMOVED, by Road I or Rail, EFFICIENTLY. EXPEDITIOUSLY. ECONOMICALLY. WOO D B R O S., 84650 WEST CANAL WHARF. CARDIFF. 6828 I VISIT OF HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS V THE PRINCE OF WALES. JOHN EDGINGTON & Co., ESTABLISHED 1805, 48, LONG LANE, WEST SMITHFIELD, LONDON, CONTRACTORS FOR MUNICIPAL DECORATIONS, ILLUMINATIONS, & PYROTECHNIC DISPLAYS, Have on Sale or Hire a New and Select Assortment of FLAGS, BANNERS, SHIELDS, TRO- PHIES, AND VENETIAN MASTS. CRYSTAL ILLUMINATIONS IN ALL DESIGNS. Monograms, Mottoes, Prinoe of Wales' Feathers, ILLUMINATION LAMPS & OTHER DECORATIONS, For use at ROYAL PROCESSIONS, Rejoicings, &c. TRIUMPHAL ARCHES ERECTEDt JOHN EGDINGTON & CO. Supplied the Street Decorations on the recent occasion of THE VISIT OF H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES TO NOTTINGHAM, JOHN EDGINGTGN & CO. Supplied the MARQUEES, TENTS, DECORATIONS, &c, oir-the recent occasion of the COMING OF AGE FESTIVITIES OF LORD WINDSOR, GLAMORGANSHIRE. JOHN EDGINGTON & CO., 7117 Supplied the 39873 PAVILION FOR THE BETHESDA EISTEDDFOD. rjlHOMPSON AND gHACKELL, QUEEN'S BUILDINGS, CARDIFF. THREE YEARS' SYSTEM FOR PIANOS BY BROADWOOD, COLLARD, AND EHARD. rjlHOMPSON AND SHACKELL, 14, HIGH-STREET, SWANSEA. THREE YEARS' SYSTEM FOR PIANOS BY KIRKMAN, HOPKINSON, AND ALL LEADING MAKERS. THOMPSON AND gHACKELL, 111, COMMERCIAL-STREET, NEWPORT. THREE YEARS' SYSTEM FOR PIANOS IN BLACK AND GOLD, OF THE NEWEST DESIGNS. rjlHOMPSON AND SHACKELL 3, LANCASTER-BUILDINGS, TENBY. THREE YEARS' SYSTEM FOR ORGANS, HARMONIUMS, AND PIANOS, from 10s per mouth. THOMPSON and SHACKELL can with confidence recommend their new Prize Model Piano, as selected by the Cardiff Infirmary Prize Drawing Committee. This instrument, being manufactured by newly-improved machinery, is sold at least 20 per cent below similar Pianos by other makers, while the finish throughout is unsurpassed. In handsome Walnut, with richly-carved leys. Bath desk, gilt candclabra, extra strong- iron bolts and bracings, ivory fronted keys, and best action work. The touch and tone of these instruments is pronounced by all competent judges to embrace all the essential re- quirements of a good Piano. Price on Three Years' System, £ -i 3s er quarter. Drawings free on appli- cation. THOMPSON and SHACKELL'S New Price List of Pianos, Organs, Harmoniums, and other Musical Instru- ments, in handsomely-illuminated cover, sent by post to any address. 5713 33227 J-. E ON & co., CAILUITS, BREECHES MAKERS, AXO GENTLEMEN'S MERCER, 13, C II O C K II E RT OW N, CARDIFF. call special attention to theii very choicc selection of NEW ATTUMN and W!TEIW;OODS Splendid styles in SCOTCH TWEEDS and HOMESPUNS, which they are now offering a* great advantages to cash custo- mers. A new and large stock of SHIRTS, COLLARS, CUFFS, TIES, GLOVES, UMBRELLAS, &c., &0. NICI.O'IL'S REOISTEUHO OVERCOATS, NICI!OI,L''¡ LADIES' ULSrERS, NICIIOLL'S Boys' Suns, AND OTIIER GARMENTS. 7C J. NEWTON & Co, Sole Agents for Cardiff and District. 2.1-183—7005 RJLHE INDIA RUBBER, GUTTA PERCHA, AND TELEGRAPH WORKS COMPANY, LIMITED. MANUFACTURERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF INDIARUBBER GOODS, Suitable For MINING. ENGINEERING, AGRICULTURAL, SURGICAL, and MISCELLANEOUS PURPOSES. A Large and well-selected Stock of WATERPROOF CLOTHING, INDIARUBBER VALVES, WASHERS, SHEET, HOSE PACKING, GUTTA PERCHA TUBING, &c., Always on hand at No. 135, COMMERCIAL-ST., NEWPORT (lOX,) Price Lists on applicatioi WORKS SILVERTOWN, ESSEX LONDON, E., AND 1925 PERSAN, BEAUMONT, FRANCE. SANDERS' It is specially recommended by O0D Is pleasant to V-/ the Faculty, and ia regarded LIVER as a boon by all who OIL have tried it. EMULSION. Sold in Bottles, is 6d and 2s 6d each. N.B.—A similar preparation of Castor Oil, in Bottles Is each. SANDERS' Render certain and permanent relief FTLOOTHACHE The first JL because they remove the AND dose relieves the -CJk- cause and thus prevent EURALGIA pain, and succeeding .1. the effect. doses prevent fresh attaeks. PILLS. Testimony is constantly being borne to their immense value. In Boxes, la lid and 2s Od each. Prepared only and sold by W. J. SANDERS, FAMILY AND DISPENSING CHEMIST, 15, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF. 7047 7047 CHRISTMAS PRESENTS! NEW YEAR'S GIFTS IN INCONi BiVABLE VAUIBTY. ALL ORDERS EXECUTED IN 43 HOURS. JOHN OWEN, WHOLESALE TOY DEALER, 49, Shudehiil, Manchester. Overflowing Stock of Coa tin ental "d British fancy goods, Novelties of every description in workboxes, desks, dressing cases, tea-caddies, cutlery, jewellery, hair- brushes and combs. Owen's collection of glass orna- ments, lustres, vases, and shades is unequalled. Enchant- ing Christmas Presents, ladies' companions, &c. Every variety in purses, bags, albums, perfumery, and soaps, Noah's arks, dolls, drums, tops, building tricks, and puzzle3 of all kinds. Terms, Cash. Cases of goods always packed up to suit any trade, from £ 2 to £ 5, and £ 10 to £ 15, well assorted, of ail kinds. No travellers employed. Price Lists free on application. Note the address :— THE OLD ESTABLISHED TOY WAREHOUSE, travellers employed. Price Lists free on application. Note the address :— THE OLD ESTABLISHED TOY WAREHOUSE, I 49 and 51, tfaudebiJl, opp site Thomas-street, Manchester. JOHN OWEN. PTTORAIKTOH^ TQQ 0 uShtt. ¿\ddrtt" JQ ON'T MISS THIS! ENORMOUS COUPON GIFTS,, FOR PRESENTS, &c., FOR 2s. 6d. NEVER EQUALLED. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S. Expressly for the benefit of the Readers of the Cardiff Times. NOTICE. With every Gentleman's Gift this week will be presented gratis a splendid Set of Black Studs, and with each Lady's Pair of beautiful Black Star Garnet Earrings. Messrs Stewart, Dawson, & Co. have the pleasure to announce that on account of the Extraordinary Patron- age received during the last twelve months for their Watches and Goods from every corner of England, Ire- land, and Scotland, and the hundreds of letters received daily from all parts of Great Britain and Foreign Countries, has induced us to offer every one of our customers and readers of the Cardiff Times the fol- lowing MONSTER GIFTS OF JEWELLERY, Q For the small sum of 2s. 6d. each, From the position we enjoy as Manufacturers and Wholesale Jewellers, with a thorough knowledge of our business and plenty of capital at command, will enable us to make these gifts simply unequalled for value in the history of Advertising. Our facilities for despatching all orders by first return of post has gained us a world- wide repute, The exact number of Packages (including Watches) Posted by us for Great Britain, independent of other countries, from January 1 to October 1,1878, was 47,853. To those many thousands of customers we return our best thanks, and think it the best acknowledgment we can make them is by giving them in return these GRAND COUPON GIFTS. An opportunity of purchasing an ordinary retail 128 6d. worth of jewellery for the small sum of 2s 6d. Each of these gifts comprise six magnificent articles of the newest style, as stated below, and will be pronounced by all entirely without an equal. LADIES' GRAND PRESENTATION COUPON GIFT of the following Six Elegant Articles for 2s. 6d. Lady's Set of Magnificent Dead Coloured Gold or Silver Earrings and Brooch, newest style—honestly worth retail, 31 6(t, Lady's very handsome Massive Engraved Pen- dant for the Neck, and Elegant Neck Chain to match- the two are usually sold at 4s (id. Lady's Elegant Long Guard Chain to match the above—well worth, retail, at least 3s 6d. Lady's (new style) Motto Keeper Ring, with the words" Ever Thine" or "Forget Me Not"—cheap at Is 6d. GENTLEMEN'S GRAND PRESENTATION COUPON GIFT, of the following Six Beautiful Articles for 2s. Gd. Gentleman's Magnificent Gold Plated Albert, the New Fashionable Long Link Pattern, with Handsome Spade Ace Guinea Appendage—usual retail price 4a 6d. Gent's Elegant Set of Gold Cased Studs, including Collar Stud, very handsome, worth retail 3s. Gent's new style Beau- tiful Three-Ceil Snake Scarf Ring, plain or beautifully engraved, worth 2s 6d. Gent's Pair of Splendid Patent Spring Top Sleeve Solitaires, gold plated to match studs, worth retail, Is 6d. Gent's Elegant Coral Scarf Pin (new design), very select—worth retail, Is 6d, LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S GRAND PRE- SENTATION COUPON GIFTS. This Coupon entitles the sender, on the payment of 2g 6d (by P.O.O.), to either of the above Ladies' or Gentlemen's Gifts of Jewellery, or on the payment of 4s led. to both, to be sent safe and free by first return of post. P.O.O. payable to G.P.O., Liverpool, to Stewart, Dawson. and Co. Stamps taken if One Penny extra is sent for changing. Cardiff Times. Address all Letters STEWART, DAWSON, & Co., Park Road, Liverpool. P.S.—As the above gifts may not appear again in this paper, readers should secure one or more at once, by cutting out the above Coupon and forwarding it to us, together with P.O.O. or stamps, with name and full address written on piece of paper, saying whether Lady's or Gentleman's Gift is required, or both, As these are genuins Gifts in favour of our many customers, and readers of the Cardiff Times, no Gift will be sent with- out the above Coupon, except when 12s 6d. is remitted, the ordinary retail price. 7041 pOWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED, p OWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED, jyOWELLS BALSAM OF ANISEED, pOWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED, pOWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED, pOWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED, nnilE oldest and most effectual OOUGiî X REMEDY. H.M. Gunboat, Netley, Wick, Scotland. "Dear Sir,—Having had a most distressing and severe cough, which caused me many sleepless nights and restless days, I was recommended by his lordship the Earl of Caithness to try your most" Invaluable Balsam of Aniseed, and I can assure you with the first dose I found immediate relief, even without having to suspend my various duties, and the first small bottle completely cured me; therefore I have the greatest confidence in fully recommending it to the million. Signed, W. LINZELL, H.M. Gunboat, Netley." p OWELL'S BALSAM OF, ANISEED. J^XmMRDINARYCOUGIIREMEDY A lady writes:—"When you see Mr Powell, tell him that I would not be afraid to face a Rus- sian winter with his Balsam of Aniseed for a com- panion, although my lungs are most susceptible." An eminent clergyman in Lincolnshire writes :— Having found Powell's Balsam of Aniseed a most excellent remedy for coughs, &c., I have been giving away bottlo after bottle to the poor of my parish. p OWELL'S BALSA-N,L CfF ANISEED. TNVALUABLE for BRONCHITIS and L ASTHMA. The Rev Win. Lush writes from Stixwold Vlc-irage, Horucastle For the put twelve years 1 have been in the habit of using myself, giving away, and recommending your Balsam. I should rot be exaggerating if I said I have never known it to fail. Whenever I have had a cough I use it in preference to anything else, and again and again it has cured me." FOR co UGHS, BRONCHITIS, iLUEN/SA. ioR COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, 1N- Jj FLUENZA, COLDS, &c. FOR COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, IN- FLUENZA, COLDS, &c. FOR COUGHS, li RON OH IT IS, IN- JL1 FLUENZA, COLDS. &c; -jLiOR COUGHS' BRONCHITIS, IN- JD FLULN 'A, COLDS, £ i«. imOR COUGHS, BRONCHITIS IN: X1 FLUENZA, COLDS, &C. pOWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED JL ILL LOOSEN the P]EILEGM ii-nme- Wdiately. diately. The Dean of Westminster's verger writes:— I wai advised to try the Balsam of Aniseed I did, ana have found very great relief. It is most comforting in allaying irritation and giving strength to the voice." Lionel Brougli, Esq., the eminent actor, writes I think it un invaluable medicine for members of my profession, and have always recommended it to my brother and sister artiste3." POWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED, JL for COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRON- CHITIS, &c. Mr Thomas A. Sheridan, of Elphin, Ireland, writes For three days and nights I was a Btranger to rest and sleep racked and almost killed with a hard cough. I tried all kinds of remedies, but to no purpose. At length a friend kindly Supplied me with a quarter of a small bottle of your Balsam, and told me to try it, which I accordingly did. The result has been miraculous. The cough has almost ceased, and I have oncc more found out (thanks to your Balsam) what it is to enjoy sleep and life." TRULY AN EXTRAORDINARY EX- PECTORANT. Mr Edward M. Uflett, of Bury, Hunts, writes to Messrs Palmer and Sons, Ramsey Having been in the habit of using Powell's Balsam of Aniseed for a great number otyears, I have great pleasure in bearing testimony to its incomparable eficcts as an expectorant. I always find a single dose gives immediate relief, and a small bottle effects a perfect cure." ION, NET, and MOUSE, TRADE MARK. LION, NET, and MOUSE, TRADE JU MARK. LION, NET, AND MOUSE," TRADE MARK. LION, NET, AII.F MOUSE, TRADE MARK. LION, NET, AND MOUSE, TRADE MARK. ION, NET, and MOUSE, TRADE JLJ MARK. pOWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISED: DUC DE MONTABOR WRITES :— Chateau de Montabo Areyron, "Sir.—Having uuifarsd for oi,,iie time from atk obstinate cough, accompanied with fever, con- tinuons headaches, and sleepless nights, I resolvod, after having vainly tried several ot.\¡er medicines, to have ecourse to your BALSAM of ANISEED. I cannit resist, sir, the of making you acquainted with the really mar- vellous result! which I derived frem it. F'^1'1 tho first dose I felt great relief, the baa symptoms grew feebler, tho irritation of t»e throat was calming down, and I recovered the sleep which nearly left me. The tlurd dose delivered me completely, and I am uuw cumple, cly restored to be& tb. ive, sir, with the expression oi my grati- tude, the assurance of my distinguished senti- ments. yv „ PIC bl! MONTABOR." OWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED, Sir.-I have for a,long- time suffered from a severe cpugh, and tried all ri aimer of remedies ? £ ,™recu advi,sed SWELL'S BALSAM of ANIsLED it cuied me after a few days. You arc at liberty to use this letter in hopes that others may benefit by it. « t i 1 atui Sir, yours, &c.t London. AUSBRT Coum PoiocKt. The effect of one teaspoonful taken in a little water on gotug to bed is extraordinary. No family should be without it in the winter. Sold by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors throughout the World, at Is 14d, and 2. 3d per bottle a great saving in taking family bottles, lis each Established over 50 years.—Prepared only by THOS. POWELL, Blaekfriars- road, London. SK FOR"L>OWELLISLL^AIROF7A.NI- SKED. SO L D BY ALL CHE Mis T S. Observe trade mark, Lion, Net, nJ. Mouse." waa :W39;l business ddrtt. POSSESSING ALL THE PROPERTIES OF THE FINEST ARROWROOT. BRONv'N & POLSONIS CORN jpiLOUR IS A HOUSEHOLD REQUISITE OF 226 CONSTANT UTILITY. 39557 LEA In consequence of Spurious -LJ & Imitations of Worcestershire Sauce T>ERRINS' LEA hand PERKINS J have adopted S ANEW LABEL, AUCE. bearing their Signature, which is placed on every bottle of -w- mi WORCESTERSHIRE JLd & SAUCE, and without which none is genuine. PWR PTKTQ' Sold Wholesale by the Proprietors, Jiiivrt Worcester Crosse & Blackwell, London; rN < TTRNN and Export Oihnen generally. SAUCE. Retail by Dealers throughout the KJ World. 33784-562 FOR WHOLESOME BREAD IT SE BOP-WICK'S BAKING POWDER FOR PASTRY AND PUDDINGS "jjSE BORWICK'S BAKING POWDER WARDED FOUR GOLD MEDALS. 600,000 PACKAGES SOLD WEEKLY. IT IS INVALUABLE ON BOARD SHIP. 7049 39621 loTH GLAMORGAN RIFLE VOLUNTEER CORPS.— All drills are suspended for the present year, and will re-commence the second Monday in January.—The an- nual Church Parade is fixed for December 29th; further particulars will be duly announced.—(Signed) J. H. SLADEN, Captain Commanding 16th G. R. Volunteer Corps. 10TH GLAMORGAN RIFLE VOLUNTEER CORPS.— Orders for the week commencing December 16th, 1878 Wednesday—Annual Dinner; muster at the Drill-hall, in uniform, with caps, at 6 p.m.; Band to attei-d. On duty for the week—Sergeant W. Howells, Corporals Lloyd and Gaskell, Bugler Wyndham.- (Signed)W. H. MARTIN, Captain Commanding 10th Corps. RAILWAY TRAFFIC RETURNS. FOR THE PAST WEEK. '1878 1877 In. De le. ic. 4. £ Rliymney 2142 2310 96 Taff Vale 9273 72S0 1S9S Vanarth Harbour, lie. 1351 1132 219 — Metropolian 1S5 — Great Eastern 86 — Great Western — — 2643 Londoii,Chatliam,& Dover — — 1;)(; — London & North-Western — — — "93 London & South Western — — 1(76 — Pembroke and Tenby 382 368 14 Mid-Wales G07 727 119 Brecon and Merthyr 1174 1139 35 South Eastern — — 1611 London. Brisrhton. & S. C — — — 365 Lancashire and Yorkshire — — — 3223 Midland 6::115 Metropolitan District. — — 20 SPECIAL CHRISTMAS STORIES. The CARDIFF TIMES & SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS For FRIDAY and SATURDAY NEXT (December 20 and 21) will contain the following SPECIAL CHRISTMAS STORIES:— No. 1.—" TWO CHRISTMAS EVES AT STORMOUNT" By Mrs R. S. Townsend Mayer. No, 2.—" HUGH'S CHRISTMAS BOX" By Florence HodgMnson, author of Why she forsook him," &c., &c. No. S. CAUGHT IN THE MIST": By Lindaxy Graham. Yo. 4. VEP.,EIS CHRISTMAS VISIT, and what came of it" By the author of Ali:e Desmond's Troth" &c, tbc. No. 5. TALES OF THE TELE- GRAPH Original Stories. No. 6.—EXTRACTS from the CHRIST- MAS ANNUALS, &c. Largest and Best Weekly Paper. Price 2d. Sold by all Newsagents. THE CASTLES AND ABBEYS OF SOUTH WALES & MONMOUTH. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. The Proprietors of the CAKDIPT TDDIB A" BOOTH WAMM WBZIUJY NKWS" have the pleasure of announcing that they have ma.dearrangementll for the publication of a series of POPULAR HISTORICAL ARTICLES Upon the principal CASTLES AND ABBEYS OF SOUTH WALES AND MONMOUTH, BY J. ROLAND PHILLIPS, Barrister-at-Law, of the South Wales Circuit, and A uthol. of the "Memoirs of the Civil War of Wales and the Marches." The Articles will appear weekly in the CARDIFF TIMES db SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS, and will include CARDIFF CASTLE. SWANSEA CASTLE. CAERPHILLY CASTLE. TINTKBN ABBEY. CARMARTHEN CASTLE. HAVERFORDWEST CASTLE, MARGAM ABBEY. CARDIGAN CASTLE. CHEPSTOW CASTLE, LANTHONY ABBET. NEATH ABBEY. PEMBROKE CASTLE. And various other Local Castles and Abbeys, THE DATES UPON WHICH THE ARTICLES APPEAR ARE AS FOLLOWS :— CARDIFF CASTLE FRIDAY, Nov. 22, CAERPHILLY CASTLE. FRIDAY, Nov. 29. CHEPSTOW CASTLE.FRIDAY, DEC. 6. TINTERN ABBEY.FRIDAY, DEC. 13. THE 'CARDIFF TIMES & SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS." THE GREAT WEEKLY PAPER FOR WALES. 72 Long Uolumns-Price 2d—72 Long Columns. L- -1

Family Notices
