Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

14 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



Sulphate of Ammonia, Superphosphate, I Basic Slag. 0 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY FROM a < Hartley's Grain Stores, 13, QUEEN STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. James Morgan, FRUITERER AND FLORIST, FISHMONGER AND^POULTERER, II, Tier Street, Abcrystwyth, EGGS. EGGS. EGGS. Bouyht in any quantity for Cash. fa™—'™ AGENTS FOR CA.RTBR TESTED Garden and Agricultural Seeds T. Powell & COJ, MARKET STREET, ABERYSTWYTH, and Commerce House, LLANGWYRYFON. e22 SHAFTESBURY TEMPERANCE HOTEL, MOUNT PLEASANT, LIVERPOOL. About Five Minutes' walk from Lime Street and Central Stations. Mount Pleaoant Cars from Landing Stage Stop at the Door. Telegrams: "Shaftesbury Hotel, Liverpool." Home-like and Moderate. Welsh spoken. SSBD. For Autumn Sowing. CABBA-GE-All Varieties. ONION—Red Italian tin,1 Giant Rocca. LETTUCE—Cos and Cabbage. C. WILKINSON & SON, SEEDSMEN, telephone 88. ABERYSTWYTH. GEORGE FELLOWES, Baker and Confectioner, CENTRAL CAFE, NORTH PARADE, HIGH-CLASS RESTAURANT, having Seating Accommodation for 200 Persona. -1 DINNERS PROVIDED DAILY. TEAS, etc., prepared at all times. i 4Tue Business will be carried on in connection with that established at 19, TERRACE ROAD which is noted for the Quality of HOME-MADE WHITE and PATENT BREAD and CON FECTIONERY and GENERAL GROCERY Agent for Dr. Allinson's Whole-Meal Bread; also Daren and Hovis Bread. Made Daily under Model Hygienic Conditions ffiu KNSUBI CUSTOM- b86 Mole Trappers, Gamekeepers,, Marine Store Dealers, and others. SEEK SAFETY FIRST. HAVE YOU JOINED our ever-increasing Army of satisfied Trappers w-o consign their MOLE FOX, OTTER, HARE. RABBIT. and CAT SKINS TO US; also PHEASANT TAILS, FEATHERS, PLUMAGE, HORSE- HAIR, etc., etc.? If not, why not? New Customers Edrolled Daily. Highest prices and. prompt payments guaran- teed. Latest price list now ready. Write us before sending elsewhere. Note our only address :— K. WAIS014 and Co., PrONEERS of the MOLE SKIN Industry OLDEST and LARGEST CASH BUYERS IN THE WORLD Newcastle St., London, F.C.4. Rankers: Capital & Counties, Ludgate Hill. Telephone: Central, 5,317. a790 ^ARROTINE W^R^BUTTER COLOURING thi strongest and mst. Oomm 1'107' goiow* rut flurrfMiu. HWyliVl 'JVOMtfAMa TMtt MUX Of BVTTUn. .TV»i! ,al aottiM, m., At-, ai- P-t «Ma, M, 1/a, and 3JS FJOHN W. "StMIS. GIMHIII. LOUTH. Urn. I THE CKEAf WELSH REHtOY RELIEF FROM COUGH IN 5 MINUTES "TV rrr-ria'u For Coughs, for Colds, for V 1-Eio o Asthma, for Bronchitis, for Hoaiseness, for Influenza, forCoughs, for Sore Throat, COUGH Most Soothing, Warms tUe ^r»TT/^ xi Most Soothing, Warms tUe I\j U U It 11 Chest, Dissolvesthe Phlegm For Singers, for Public Speakers. By Chemists TVT T YTF D i-,every where, 1/3, and 3/ J-T-L1A.1 U postage 3d. Proprietor HUGH DAV1ES4 Chemist, MACHYNLLETH. MOLKaT the Poison f r Moles II Speakers. By Chemists MIXTURE everywhere, 1/3, and 3/ J-T-L1A.1 U postage 3d. Proprietor HUGH DAVIES, Chemist, MACHYNLLETH. MOLKaT the Poison f r Moles II Put Earthworms in a pot aud sprinkle the Powder | over them, then plnce in the path of the Moles. 8 In Packets, Is. 6d. each. (Proprietor—Hugh Davies,Chemist, Machynlleth. Aberystwyth Agents: Wynne & Sons, Chemists .Boys', Youths' & Men's I I SUITS I READY FOR SERVICE. I I ALSO A CHOICE SELECTION OF ratterns for Bespoke Clothing AT LOWEST CASH PRICES AT DANIEL THOMAS, ( 22 & 24, LITTLE DARKCATE STREE Aberystwyth. Pan werthir yr wyau yn bedwar am 'chwech,' Fe fyddai yn fendith cael rhywbeth yn drech N'a'r 'ciefyd' bryd hynny,—ond ofer i gyd Hyd yma fu meddygmiaethau y byd; Ond mwy os yn bendrist, heb flas at ei bwyd. Yn cwato'n y cornel yn Jle myn'd i'r glwyd Y bydd Mrs. Dicen,—tra bo ynddi chwyth At DAVIES Y CHEMIST prysurwch yn sytb. THE CLEFYD POWDER FOR POULTRY In packets at Is. 6d., postage 4d., or three for, 5s. post free from the Manufacturer— John J. Davies, M.P.S., DISPENSING CHEMIST and PHARMACIST, LLANYBYTHER. —————-—————————————————— RICH -» WKkiM&r OALDIN BkiL puTTER SILVER. I f—CHURN 1 i Gpfe Provides a perlectly safe means whereby the British maker can impart to his butter just the golden colour- ing which will commend it to the eye, as decidedly as its quality will commend it to the buyer It is the successful survivor of severest tests at the principal shows, where it has sained First Class Awards for 30 years. It has won high praise in the numerous dairies where it is regularly used. These competent approvals are due to the absence of any unevenness or muddi- ness in the colouring, and to the fact that the use of "SILVER CHURN BUTTER COLOURING does not affect the buttermilk. The butter itself is not iniured in the process it is improved. Its delicate creamy flavour is enhanced. "SILVER CHURN BUTTER COLOURING; is a vegetable product. entirely free from any aniline dye. It may be obtained from Chemists atid. dairy supply men in 7.1d., is. 3d.. 2s. "d.. 5s. fid.. 10s. 6d„ and 21s. bottles. Free trial samples from the manufacturers. OLDFIELD PATTINSON & Co.. MANCHESTER. ■i:md:i=« m EA D I FOR INSECT BiTES. Pain Disappears when 71 Touches I I I T Mark 40 VAirs' Refutation. the Spot UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIAL A sample of hundreds of letters we receive I am very grateful for the Homocea. I have found it good for nearly all ills that flesh is heir to. It is greatly bene- ficial for Colds in the head—a little rubbed in the nostrils and on the brief.. of the nose is most effective." Sergt.-Major Batty, General Headquarters, British Army in the Field You can zet it of all Stores and Chemist*. Price 1/3, or 3/- (large hex). A MAGIC HEALBR. tll ,■.1 i„t


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Y Golofn Amaethyddol,

Outspoken Fact.



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