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PREPAID TARIFF wow SMALL ADVERTISEMENTS SOUTH WALES DAILY U U<TO« 111 j Daily News WORM. I One Three Six & 0:i«e in (Insertion. Insertions. Insertions CardiU i Times. a. d. s. d. I II. d. s. d. 0 6 1 0 1 6 2 0 t1 W orLÙ I 0 9 I 1 6 I 2 3 I 3 0 86 Words j 1 0 ) 2 0 3 0 4 0 iftWorda 1 1 3 2 6 3 9 5 0 1 6 ) 3 0 4 6 ) 6 0 £ «oh extra. I I | line of>0 3j06J0 9jl0 9 Words) 5 1 These charges apply only to the classes of advertise- Blent -peifieti below, and are strictly coanned to th- se Which are-ordered ior CONSBCUTIV* iO>lert,o¡¡, and PAID FilII. to iS«BRnon if either of these conditions ia iot compiled with, the advertisement will be eiiar^ed by Use Business se^'« :— Apartmbsts Wastsd. I Horses TO bb LBT. JLP* ErMSNTS TO LK?f. if SRT WAITED. AKTICLII8 Low. MONBY TO ^.BTICLK, Found MISCSLLASSOVS WAHTS. ÐU8rgs8!1:" FO& DlSPOiAlfc I BosiNKsaes WAKTIB. PARTNERSHIPS W A>TSD. ttOCSaS TO LBT. SITUATIONS WAXTKD. fiOCSM WAJTTBD. SITUATIONS W'ASTKB. Person* 3.u.:¡wer:r.:r Advertlsenent* in the South Waist PaUy Seici are requested to attei.d t* the folio-winy ex- tolaimtiuns: .B AaU:css to an ;or numoer) at if twe mean* eat application nruit u« by Utter oncy, uireeteu to the itia, or cumber the VaUy ± tun omce aa A. B. U, Ikr No 123, Daily > iw* Office). „ \i>p y at the L-any 'tc* utbce" means that pergonal uvvlxcation l*» made at the Daily .> cuu Office, where the adure,» of ti.e AdTerf.sei'w,u ba giv-;n. Persons answer ii? Advertisements are strongly ad fiseJ not to gflnd oruinai testimonials, but cor:as 8ti.)ns sendinar Advertisements in Manuscript may getimate the srace they will occupy by cai-uiating Bljrht Words to, anJ twelve to an incn. W.i.le we ue our utmost enoeavuuis to insei t Adver- Maemeuts on toe dates ordered, we cannot guarantee feat t)ii<4 will be done. Great care is also taken to secure (lie correct printing of Advertisements, jut we cannot be (lie correct printing of Ad vertisellJenw. Jut we cannot be twjK>n.s:b:e for inaccuracies, or for any consequences riuiir, therefrom. Cheques aa i Post-office Orders to be made payable to D. DUNCAN & SuNS, 75 4 70, ST, MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. 80 whom all Business Communications shl)u,d be ad. dressed. Letters containing ICWS ur LITKRART COXTRI- T1(j"h shouiu be addressed: Tub fc-Liioa, Wait* P<juI'j em, GFXEPAL ADVERTISING TAHTF?-. Noncus, Qownraent Annou ;cementa, And Parliamentary Elections are charged One Shilling toer for eaeh insertion. Prospectuses or Pabiio t'nipanies are charged Ninepence per line for each fcsertMn. Public, Legal, Municipal, Pirojhiai, and fechoo, Board Notices, Tenders and Contracts, Ac., are piiar-^ed Six^>«iice per line for each insertion. Auction fiotices are charged Sixpence per line, and all other iiusses of Adverusements Fourpence per line per inser- tion. Th- ohar. es are, however, subject to reduction III accordance wltá õbe number ot insertions ordered, -p;¡,rtieuJa.n may be olibined at our Chief and Branch Ortlces. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. I LETTEHS IN REPLY TO ADVERTISEMENTS. 4dverttxra are informed, that in order to remedy the inconvenience that has arisen throUlh the Post Oldce authorities re/using to receive letters addressed <0 intiwl\ figures, or fictitious names at the variout toost-ojfiues, that arrangements have been made for ifce receipt of such letters at our Cardijf, Swansea, or iiewport iJjica. AdveHwrs may, therefore, direct the replies to fkexr cvireHisevient* to be addressed to exther our Chief or Branch Offices, as follows :— CABDI?? OrFiCKa 75 and 76, St. Mary-street, BwASSZA OFFICES College-street, KBWPOET OnlcE3 10, Great Dock-street, tphe>t they ttnU &< retained in save cv-stody until for. This convenience uill be ent>rdy free of $h urge, and, toe believe, will greatly promote the con- riience of persons wanting situatijns, of employers iting cusutanti, and also of koust-agenis, and When, -—————————— MTJSICALT~ llTR F. ATKINS, ilus. Bac., Oxon, Teacher of the ijJL Pianoforte and Sinaring. 21 years experience in Kne art of teacbiny. Term8, 30s per qU3.rter. -Address fe iiiey House, Canton, Cardiff. 41S88 EDUCATIONAL A FRENCH Protestant LADY, good musician, de- sires HOLIDAY £ NGAGEJfENT. Good reference pv. u. Laundry and travelling expenses required. Dis- ,ng-a,geJ irow July the 29tb.—Mademoieeile, Taylor's Linrary, Tenby. 1,26 CAREFUL ELUCATION AND SEA BATHING.— A Superior Hiiiue and HLh-class Tuition are offered Ca Younyr LiJy, between 14 and lo, as AH TIC LED PI PiL in a Fuuiiied School of g' 0 i standing, ex- plosive y tor boaners, situated on an eminence in one en the rno-t healthy watering-places neal Exeter. As Jhe domestic Com o-Cd are liberal, and ll1'st,rat masters attend, the arrangements would be iound well suited to JDeet, the requirements ,f parents seeking an establish- ment for & itl cate daughterneeding careful 8upervision, where she could obtain a solid and accomplished educa- B<m at a moderate c'St.—Address, '• Oevon," care of C. perry, 29, Paternoster-square, London, E.'J. 1503 DOMESTIC SERVANTS. XT ANTEV good FlaTn C' OK, or GENEBAL Y SERVAN1. — Apply to Mr- Fassett, Bryn Fiynnon, PoDHpriiid. 1507 v. JjOiiuoii, V>. 1540 ptIWO steady GENERAL SERVANTS wanted for sinar'e 1 Gentleman in London. > nelose envelope.-Mrs G'ifrty. 118, Park-street, London. 1540 Al'-Y HELP required to Assist in Education of chil- Ju dren o nfortai/le home liberal salary. ilii a 'p- — Mrs G.'dfrt-y, Pai k-jtreet, London, W. 1540 A RESPECTABLE MARRIED COUPLE wanted to jC3l_ take charge of offices. Liberal terms.—Mrs Godfrey, IlS. t ark-street, London, Vk 1540 "V'Sr ANTED an Vnder CHAMEERMAIH, and a younsr W active ijiRL to assist in tne Kuc ien a so a a Bit'dard .V.a. ker, and to make himself hseiulAppiy Peuarth Hotel. 1543 •m'IT ANTED, a Good General SERV AN F.—Apply at f f London and Pr. vincial Bank. Cowbridye. 1552 1,0"0 SERVANTS in various parts of f England. Cooks, to ,£*0; Housemaids, £11 to Parlourmaids, £18 to £22 Nurses, to £2,1; f.icohemnaids, £ 13 to £ 13 General Servant-, £ 14 to £ 20. verjthiiig found. Also Lady's maids. Attendants, seve- ral Men Servants, and others. Special Register foi povernesaes an<i Lady Helps. Apaitments providod. Those wishing to better themseives should communicate, ■aiclos'iig stamped directed envelope, to Mrs Gadfrey, 118. J"ark,street. Grosvenor-sqaire, London, \V. 1541 WANTED an experienced GENERAL SERVANT.— t Apply at 18, i'umfries-place. Cardiff, CLERKS, ASSISTANTS, &o., -WANTED WANTED an ASSI-IANT, about 21.-Ah particulars to W, D. John, Chemist, Penarth 1546 r SITUATIONS VACANT. *• *▼ an IIId on -e.—Go id .lUNIO-i in Grocerv and W Trade.—Apply, by letter, Lewis Br rhers, Brynmawr. 1_558 A.* liEi. —A <ood steady TIN MA N, who thoroughly yf uuuer-tands the tinning of large sheets in all its branches. Permanent situation to a I'onvetf'nt man.— A.p'nv, givi'v.' rt cuiars as to experience, &c., P.H., '-d'y New Office. 1553 4 ¡, t'\r, bts H uTKs, Jlùr- | f r. -;uii. i Person to take ci>ar:;e of Cold Roils. rut bf tnorou.{hly competent, and a sober m>n.— pp'y to the Manager. 1547 *^K \P'r'.RY.—Lewis Lewis, Swansea, ha-: a vacancy for I J ;i Good JUNIOR, also a Sharp Youtll as an AP- PRENTICE (Welsh). i553_ DRAPERY, — Wanted immediately Junior YOUNG MAN, also a Yvung LADY.—Apply per- ilv, or give full particulars, to J. E. Davies, Tempie of 1"a.I\OIl. ,\Iertnyr. 1554 Git CEKY AND DRAPERY. —Wanted, a GEN URAL MANAGEH for the Co-operative Stor 8, DowUls Bocurity required, £ 500.—Ad li ess, stating salary and Bocurity required, £:;00.111: stating salary and references, the Cnairman, 1, Coedcae-street, Dowlais. 1535 WANTED, a strong JUNIOR HAND to Grocery r. a-id ready-m^ney. A so an AP- PR-NTL E-G. R. SEtiVICE APPOINTMENTS.—TUITION by j Correspondence, Gentleman studying f"r Govern- ment appointments. A Member of the ervis Prepares, through Post. Canciidates for the other <lppointmentd.-I..¡g, Linton-atreet, Islington, Loadon. 1538 ■^J-OTICE.- SMITHS, FITTERS, PATTERN-MAKERS. ^1 BOILER-MAKERS are reijueste<i to keep ►way from Pantear Steel Works, as a dispute is pending ►gainst extension of hours. 1517 WANTED, at once, a ood BREAD BAKER, to ma. e small goods as well; must 1 e well up ia fcotn, and g «<a character.-App y to David Lewis, J;o:er, Tredegar. 4.52* HILI-INFlR?.—Wanted a First Hand.—Apply statinjr .l' particulars, to E. Fowler and Sun, Poutypioi. 1493 AGENCIES, TRAVELLERS, &cT T) l:-ii ORTHRS, MANUFACTURERS, and others.— L .nooiijAgency wanted by a gentleman of ability au. experience. First class references.—Address Auram, ff, Antill-roa-l. London. E. 1557 "ir*ROFjTAFLE AGENCY-—India and China Pure Teia in qnatter anú half-pound bags, to sell from 6d DOt lb supp ied to agents at importers prices no «/^„jrrMii:red. Write for particulars and press opinions, toOiiver Oi ver, and Co., 'lea Importers, 231, Southgate- joad, London. *"34j, SITX ATIONS WANTED. "A S1MVPT ROY aced 16. seeks Work as HELPER, in- AT}?S%Zcr ±K*mr» T ( UUSKEEPER or COMPANION to a LadJ- VVanted II a Situation. Is domesticated, good need,ewoman. VoU'd be willinsf to make herself ganerall> usetal. Address, Miss Branch, The Barrows, Cbcitdar. 41oio MISCELLANEOUS WA.nTEO to BORROW, Two Thousand Pounds on a V ood oolliery deeds as security.—Address, J. P., News Oittce, Ca) dig. 1564 T>0<JK3 MUMcTPAINTiios. ic,, Purchased.— J r> F. Meohan, Bookselir, Postern, Swansea. 41730 LODGINGS, APARTMENTS. &0. "A "WIDOW Lady having a larger House th*„ stle ra- qu res, pleasant y -ltuateo. wishes to meet with a pauy s Din! anion, or Lady and Gentleman. Terms tao- er re-V f s rs-ouired. — Adurass Mrs W A farner, Po t Offlca, Newport. L. TO HE LET1.—HOUSES, uSd^&c. A GOOD Six-room HOUSE to be LET or SOLD by P ivare Contract.—Apply to W, Hoddock, 27, Fork-terraoe, Waun Wen, Swansai. 15t5 "dAUNDERSFOOT, TENBY.—PART of an airy, con- 15 venierit, furnished HOUSE TO LET. Dining, draw- g, (oar i>edrOo,m3, IWd kitchen. Within ten IIl",Ute8 oi beach and woodi.—A ay part cuiMw given, Urn i'&rry, Clifton House. 1640 íÕ be LET, Furnished, till Michaelmas, with immedi- I ate possession, GREEN COTTAGE, Ferry side, ^outainlng two sitting-rooms, three bedrooms, one dress- tng r sjn an i kitchen.—Appl/, IX, H. Jones, Ooai llershant. Ferrnido. Uwii r|10 LET, .diia'u CO AC U-LLO L' aE anu sTAliLE, oou- 1 r<enientiy situated in Ely-road, Canton.—Apply i. B. Chad wick aud Co., Docks. i'13o6 .) CAMBBUIAN-TERRACE, SAUNDERSFOOT.— A O, FURNISHED HOUSE to LET, facing: the sea; iar^ce drawing-room, dining, and Ave or six beurooms. Good cooking and attendance. Three minutes to the beach.-T.G. 1560 SHOOTIN-G IK SOUTH WALES. — TO be LET, distant about two miles from a railway station and ciose to the sea coast, about 2,000 acrda of excellent Partridge, Pheasant, and Woodcock SHOOTING, of which about 27u acres are woodland, with right of fishing in a celebrated salmon and trout stream. Use of keeper if required. Also, will be included in the letting about 20 000 acres of Common Lands, but the latter not exclu- sive a gentleman having already permission to shoot over these mountain lands. Comfortable lodgings may be had in the neighbourhood.—For terms and further particulars apply to Mr Thomas Griffiths, Estate Agent, Cardigan. 4-6^6 LAND to LET on Building Leases, for 99 years (for "cottages), at Westbury-terrace, leading out of Conybeare-road, Canton, and facing the Common.— Apply to Mr Davies, at Mr Cory's office, Church-street, Cardiff. 1530 rr ID WELLY'.—To be LET on Royalty, about Jour Acres vf good CLAY, also several Buiidmz bites, eligible for works of any description.— For parti- culars apply to Mr Henry Smart, Kidwelly. 1532 ri^O LET, KENFORD VILLA, The Walk, Tredegar- I Villi', Cardiff.—Apoly A. Spe r, Cleeve House, near R.J:th Court, Newport-road. 1513 BRIGHTON HOUSE, ROATH-ROAD, CARDIFF.— TO LET, several ROOMS, unfurnished, at the Yuuug Men's Christian Association.—For particulars apply to the Secretary, Captain MacGill, on the premises. 1514 TO LET, a capital family or professional RESIDENCE, Crockherbtown, Cardiff.—Apply, Joha R. Jacob, 88, Dock-street, Newport. 1429 TO LET.—No. 11, Dumfries-place, Cardiff.—Apply to N Mr J. P. Lewis, 14, The \Y alk, Tredegarville, Car- diff. 412:28 per week,—'EHREE ROOMED HOUSE, S f>D healthy, situation, 15 minutes walk from Uiyh-street railway station, Swansea.—Apply W. C. A;:2, Colle<re-8treet. TO BE LET—BUSINESS PREMISES, SAUNDERSFOOT.—'TO BAKERS, &c.—To LET, with immediate possession, an eight-roomed HOUSE, witii large Bakery attached. Rent moderate.—Apply to Mr Sheldon, Saundersfoot. 1551 RARE OPPORTUNITY.—To be LET, with immediate possession, an old-established Wine and Spirits \ACLTS. A person without young children preferred. Satisfactory reasons given for leaving. —Apply for parti- cu ars to W. Evans, Black Lion H-tei, Cardiff. 1520 "XT EAT II.—TO LET. with immediate possession, double-licensed PUBLIC HOUSE, the Queen's Arms, in good business thoroughfare; capital business house.—Apply W. Snow, Alfred-street. 1509 "^TEATH. —TO LET, that well-known double-licensed ..l. PUBLIC HOUSE, the Talbot Arms, excellent position, good house of business.—Apply W. Snow, Alfred-street. 1510 LET, The Queen Adelaide Inn Free BEER HOUSE, I garden, large pig1?eriel, and brew-house; on Ilmg lease If required; rent and incoming iow.-AppJy Henry Hoider, Abersychan, Mon. 1533 TO LET, with immediate possession, a HOUSE and SHOP, with good Bakehouse, &c., in one of the principal streets in Cinderford.—Apply to W. Rhodes, Cinderford. 42531 TO LET. one Small SHOP and 4 sets OFFICES, in the Hayes.—Apply Geo. Hopkins. 42532 AtSTRAD RHONDDA.-TO be LET with immediate X possess on, HOUSE and SHOP, with warehouses and stabling, suitable for any business.—Apply to David Evans, Grocer. Ystrad Rhondda. 1539 BRYNMAWR.—To LET, with immediate possession, DOUBLE-LICENSED PUBLIC-HQVSE. Rentlow; doing a good trade.— Apply to D. Thomas, Auctioneer, BrYl1mwr. IS:¿9 TO BE LET.—A HAY and CORN STORER, with t Stable and yard,—Apply at 8, Southey-st., Roath, Cardiff. j I500 DOWLAIS.—HOUSE and SHOP TO LET, best part of High-street suit any business out-door beer licence on premises.—Apply to Mr Beirnstein, Thomas- street, Merthyr __1498 TO be LET with immediate possession, a HOUSE and SHOP, situated at Gadlys-road, Aberdare, suitable foi any sort of business. Rent moderate.—Apply D. T. Howells, Post-office, South r erndaie, near Pontypridd. 1492 CONVENIENT OFFICES to LET at No 6, Powell- place, Bute Docks, Cardiff.—Apply to Messrs Joseph Elliott and Sons. 42j09__ BUSINESSES FOR DISPOSAL. FOR SALE, an Ironmonger's BUSINESS, in one of the principal streets in Carmarthen. Incoming moderate; rent light. The present propiietor retires through o;d age.—Apply to Thomas Lewis, 8, Lammas- stre t. Carmarthen, BOOT AND SH'-E BUSINESS to be DISPOSED OF in the princi ial thoroughfare, with or without Stock. Good opportunity for a pushing Man. Satisfac- tory reasons given for disposing of same. Immediate possession if require'.—Apply to Messrs Owen and Bryant, Auctioneers and Business Agents, 8, Moira- terrace, Cardiff. A RARE OPPORTUNITY.—A Free and Double- licensed Road-side INN, with Stabling and Yard. Rent £18. A beer-ensrine and a few fixtures to be taken t).—ADplyto Mr William Elliott, No 192, King-street, Brynmawr. 531 m > LET, tbe BUTE ARMS, Bute-street.—Apply on 1 the premises, or to Thomas Bros., Old Brewery, Cardiff. 1516 MONE/-LENDING BUSINESS FOR SALE.-To be 1' SOLD by PRIVATE TREATY, the Business of the Newport and Pillfwenliy Co-operative Loan Society, including Good will and Book-debts amounting to £1,000. Apply to Mr A. J. David, Solicitor, Newport, Mon. 42522 TO be SOLD, by Private Contract or by Tender, in one or more Lots, all the STOCK of Haberdashery, 1oii, '5, St. John-street, C'ardlfr. V723 4&03 CARDIFF.—Single-Licensed PUBLIC-HOUSE in a populous neighbourhood. Ingoing £ 50.—John Jenkins and Co,, Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. 1560 CARDIFF.—Desirable BEER-HOUSE for immediate DISPOSAL; good Lease. Ingoing £140. -J,)hn Jellkil\!ld Co., Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. 1561 PONTYPRIDD.—Double-licensed House in good posi- Jt_ tion. Rent and ingoing low.—John Jenkins and Co., Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. 1502 CARDIFF.—Double-Licensed PUBLIC-HOUSE. Low rent; proof trade. Ingoiug £ 6"0.—John JenKllls and Co, Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. 1541 CiANTON, CARDIFF. — Eligible Corner Single- j Llcenied H. It: S1' lease; rent m, ,dera.tE" no reasonable otter wid be refused. Unexceptionable oppor- tunity ior IS person with small capitaL-Applv to John Jenkins and Co., Philharmonic Chambers, St. Mary- street, Cardiff, 1537 LARGE DRAPERY and GROCERY BUSINESS in a flourishing town for Disposal. Long leaae. Lease Rent £ 0.—Apply to Messrs John Jenkins and Co, Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. 1505 CARDIFF.—Single-Licensed PUBLIC BUSINESS in- going £.;00; lease 19 years.—John Jenkins and Co., Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. 1489 ^ARDIFI*. —Capital DOUBLE-LICENSED HOUSE 'J in business thoroughfare, doing a large and remu- nerative trade, for Disposal; good lease ingoing £1,200. —John Jenkins and Co., Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff, 1490 BUTE-STREET, Cardiff. Single Licensed HOUSE. Ingoing and Rent very moderate,—Apply to Join Jenkins and Co., Cardiff. 1491 FOR SALE, by Private Contract, an established BOOKSELLING BUSINESS, situated in Postern Buildings, and a1so in the Market, SW,WSIJa., in cOWIe- quence of the present proprietor removing from Swan- sea to superinten<1 his husiness in Bath,-AII particu ars may be had of J. F. Meehan, Postern Buildings, Swan sea. 42416 DRAPERS. TO DRAPERS DISPOSING OF OB TAKING A BUSINESS. APPLT TO CHAS. SIDNEY BEECROFT iliD SON. YALCB&S or Drapery, Ready-mades, and Fixture^ LOTOS and LONDON. HOW FOR SALE.—HOUSES, LAND, &c. mo LET, No, 2, Lanland Vila, Mumbles; detached; I 3 parlours, 8 bedrooms, 2 kitchens, scullery, con- servatory. lovely view, rent moaetate. mo LET, No. 1, Devon-terrace, Swansea S parlours, I 7 bedrooms, kitchen, butler's pantry, laundiy, scullery, good garden. X7TOR SALE, 6 HOUSES in St Helen's-avenue, respect- 1 ably tenanted. „ 1 iTOR SALE, 2 Semi-detached VILLAS, near \yn*?ne JT House, commonding an extensive view of the Bay and surrounding country. Tj^OH SALE, 2 HOI SES in Heath field-place, Under. r hill-street, very convenient, price low. TjlOR SALE, HOUSE and WORKSHOP in Rodney- JT street, ren- ch »ap. FOR SALE, 2 HOUSES in Walter-road, very con- venient, with bath complete. gits' AAA WANTED on Freehold and Leasehold v vf v Property in Swansea, 011 mortgage in sums from £ s'J0 to £ 2,000; all safe investments; can be confidently rccommended. Apply, FRED J. RAYNER, AUCTIONEER 61 VALUER, Castle Buildings, Wind-street, 42414 SWANSEA. T. be SOLD, by Private Contract, Ground Rents of US Houses hi the centre of Canton the ground rtsuts amount to £13.5 a year lease unexpired about 7d years price £3.500; the rents the landlords do receive is when the lease expires will pay nearly 26 per cent. A large Family Mansion in Pembrokeshire, with 168 &C189 0: nll. good fishing and shooting, and within two miles of railway lltation; price £ 5,600; will pay from 3^ to 4 per cent. A suiail Farm, with a House and Out-houses, within a mile and a-taif of Newport, 20 acres. Eight-roomed House, with alhut 8 acras of Land. aUoJ^' 5 mnes from Cardiff; several 8-roomed Houses, wita large gardens and back entrance, lease 999 years, prloe ±.tOO each eight Freehold Houses, including a Pi eight Houses, rents £ 124 10s, I price^ £ 1,300; thiee Houses, price £ 600 two House*, I including* Shop and Bake-house rent £ 52 a year, price £ 500. LOWER GRANGE.—Two Houses, incluu- uii i Tii T *1. 9 Coach-house, price £ 700. ROATH.-1^0 V, las in Broadway, price M60 kiw.Til1"ohiclngf a Shop, price £ 1,300 two Villas In Upper George-street, price £ 550 four Houses, with a lo*g lease, in the centre of Cardiff; four Houses, in. cmding » Corner Snop, price ten Houses, price £ 2,000 eight Houses, price £ 1,600: two Houses in Pearl-street, price £ 400 ten roomed Villa, with cellar bath-room, and gas fittings mostly in every room price £ 800, two-thirds of the purchase money could remain on mortgage.—TO LET, three large Shops in Castle- suitable for drapers, ironmongers, druggists, butchers, or furniture shops, all with Large oellars • several flve-roomed Houses, with large gardens, at Ely, rent 4s 6d per ek eight roomed Villa III DavW- crescent, with large garden, Venetian blinds; gas fittings, and w.c.; rent lSO a-year; only five minutes' walk to where the trams start. Several Farms to LET in Mon- mouthshire rent about £1 10s per acre. For reply please enclose a stamped envelope.—Apply to Mr Thomas Davies,'House and Land and Insurance Agent, 84, Cowbrtd^e-roa. Canton. Cardiff. 40277 G b SOLTV—Two |capital VILLAS, well situated, £ 350 and £ 325.—And to LET, wilh lmmeauto possession, Hereford Villa, Longcross-street, Roath near bicycle Ground.- Appy to Mr Kenway, accountants, Church-street, Cardiff. "W RVWITR. NR A VOETOWN. — Holmesdale-street. — L THPRIViTE U0CSE3 FOR SALE, separate lease for each, a.l .et. Apply to Mr Wm. Smith, Builder, Newport-street, Lower Grange, or at 19, Queen-street, Cardiff. 42o04 FOR SALE.—MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED, TENDERS for 24 Tons prime Meadow I HAY. and t4 Tons best CLOVER, to be delivered in wagons, at Ce ynen Colliery, Abercarn. at the rate of three tons of Hay and three tons Clover per fortnight; first delivery of each to be made on At 1st next.— Address Tender, Messrs Beynon and Co.. Newport, Aber- B.Y.S. Coal Comnaa*. Dock-atreei. Newport. Mon. TT^OR SALE, nearly new, in good condition, a { X; COTTAGE PIANOFORTE, with Robinson s patent Harmonium attachment; a bargain.—Apply Th¡> Rees, Royal Standard, London-road. Swansea. 1566 TO be SOLD, about 3 Acres of GRASS for mowing.— Apply to F. Primavesi, Pen-y-lan House, Cardiff. 1495 R SALE, a I'irst-c.ass BILIJAUD TABLE. —For r particu ars apply to N. Lawrence, Victoria. Rooms, bt, Mary-street. 42424 -2 FOR SALE.—LIVE STOCK, CAR- RIAGES, &c. J. T. HANDY, M.R.C.V.S., (Successor to Mr George Bodington), Late Inspector of Privy Council, and Veterinary Surgeon to His Grace the Duke of Beaufort, Adjoining the Western Mail" Office, ST MARY'S STREET, CARDIFF, And 34, A LB ION-ROAD, CANTON. N.B. -Professional Attendance and Medicine contracted for either by Month or Year. 7431-41247 COAL WAGONS AND COLLIERY REQUISITES. THE METROPOLITAN RAILWAY CARRIAGE and JL WAGGON COMPANY, Limited, SALTLEY WORKS, BIRMINGHAM, 1:iuccesON to MeS9M Joseph Wright and Sons. Manufacturers or RAILWAY CARRIAGES, TRAM- WAY CARS, WAGGONS, and RAILWAY IRON WOHK oi every descripuon. RAILWAY CARRIAGES and WAGGONS built for Ca-sh or upon Inferred Payments extending over a period of years. A large numl cr of crAL. IRONSTONE, BALLAST, and WAGGONS to be LET on HiRE. REPAIRING SHOPS at all important stntione. Manufactory add Chief t.—Saltley Works, Bir- mingham. London Offices — No. 85, Graceohurch-etreet, E.C., London. BRANCH WAGGON WORKS, EAST MOORS. CARDIFF. 41943 FOR SALE.—MACHINERY, m ■ FOR SALE,—An 8-horse Portable Double Cylinder, good condition also Boilermaker Ship, with tools complete, with steam power. Would suit a moulder or a builder.—Enquire at 33, Cowbridge-road, Canton, Cardiff 1555 FOR PALE, 1 10ft aad 1 5ft llin PIT SHEAVE. 1 7in Vertical ENGINE. 1 Diagonal AIR COMPRESSOR, lljin dia x ISin stroke, as g'uolas new. 1 Duubie lOiin Winding and Pumping ENGINE, with Locomotive Boiler, i)ft drum, and Pumping Crank complete, in thoroughly good order. 1 2 H.P. Portable ENuINE in good order. 1 Universa STEAM PCMP, 12in Steam Cylinder, and 7in Pump. Also the following Xew Machinery :— 1 Double 6in Ra.m Donkey ENGINE. 1 Single 4in" „ 1 Pair (or 2 single) 14in ENGINES x 2ft stroke. Patent HAULING ENGINES from single 7in cylinder to double 14in. 42472 The USKSIDE CO,. Newport, Mon. BOILERS ON SALE.—FOUR GALLOWAY'S PATENT jL) BOILERS, SO ft by 7 ft, safe to work at 701bs on the square inch. TWO BOILERS, 32;'t by 7ft 6in, with two fluss through, to work a 75ibs on ke square illC;, p: ei8ure. TWO BOILERS, 24ft by 6ft 6in, two lfues through. TWO BOILERS, 20ft by 5ft, one flue through each, with three Galloway tubes in each Hue. ONE BOILER, one flue throusrl:, 13ft bv 5ft. BO ^v'y10 UESRY ^RKIN,ON, Foundry street, ON SALE, ONE lO-^orge power double cylinder PORTABLE ENGINE, for winning. ONE 12-horse power PORTABLE EN ■I>7E. ONE 10-horse power PORTABLE ENGINE. ONE 8-hoise power PORTABLE ENGINE. ONE 6-horse puwer PORTABLE ENGINE. Equal to new, and will be soil cheap. Apply to HENRY' PARKINSON, Foundry street, BOLTON. ON SALE, ONE Pair of 25-ln Horizontal WINDING ENGIN ES. ONE PUR of 13-in Horizontal WINDING ENGINES. TWO PAIR of 11).ln Horizontal WINDING ENGINES. TWO PAIR of 12-in Horizontal WINDING ENGINES. TWO PAIR of lJ-in Horizontal WINDING ENGINES. TWO FAIR or 3-in Horizontal WIN DIN G ENGINES. The above Er.¡¡-1110 are quite new, ami now ready for delivery, and will be sold it second-hand prices, They are fitted up with winding årmus aud brake gear. Apply to HENRY PARKINSON, Foundry-street, BOLTON. ON SALE. ONE PAIR of 13-!r. Ilorizonta1 WINDING ENGINES, with winding drum and brake gear. One Pair of 10-in, w,th -econd-motion gearing, for Hauling purposes or Underground work. Apply to HENRY PARKINSON, Foundry-street, Bolton. ON SALE, TWO very first-class CORNISH BOILERS, 80ft by 7ft, two fiuea through each, safe to work at cSOlbs on the square inch pressure.—Apply to HENRY PARKINSON, Foundrv-street, BuLTON. ON SALE, ONE new VERTICAL BOILER, double rivetted, Hit high by ift uiameter, three cross tubes in. THREE VERTICAL BOILERS, 10ft by Sit, two cross tubes TWO „ „ 9ft by 3ft TWO „ „ 8ft by 3ft „ ONE „ eft by 3ft „ Apply to HENRY PARKINSON, Foundry street, BOLTON. ON SALE, QNE 25-horse power double cylinder PORTABLE ENGINE. Also, 20-horse power double cylinder PORTABLE ENGINE. ONE 36-inch Beam CONDENSING ENGINE. ONE 23 inch Beam CONDENSING ENGINE. ONE 20-inch Horizontal RUNNING ENGINE. Several smaller HORIZONTAL ENGINES, down to 4 horse-power. ONE 10-inch HYDRAULIC PRESS, fcr Bale Goods or Oil. ONE Tank LOCOMOTIVE ENGINE, cylinders 13-inch each. 4 heeis coupled copper fire-box, and brass tubes. 'ONE 4 cwt. STEAM HAMMER, self acting; also a Quantity of STEAM WINCHES, with oubie cylinders. Several Treble anu Single PURCHASE CRABS. Apply, HENRY PARKINSON, Foundry-street, BOL- TON. DRILLING, SCREWING, SLOTTING, SHAPING, JLF and PLANING MACHINES of various sizes in stock and progress also, LATHES 7 to 14 inc'-es centres, with latest improvements.—JOHN SPENCER, Tool Maker, KeLjhley, Yorkshire S09 OS SALE, one strong, well-built Condensing Beam Engine, by a maker, equal to new cylin- der, 36-illch bore, S-fed stroke. Can be seen !óta.arlill?, and will be sold cheap. One close-built, self-contained Condensing Beam Engine; stands on independent bed on six columns; cyiÏr>cier, 2S-inch. bore, 4-i.5troke. Å9 good aø new. Can be en standing, and wiil be eold eheap.- Apply to Henry Parkinson, Foundry-street, Bolton. 7Q 1Č MISCELLANEOUS. KEPPLE & CO.'S Fur CHINA and GLAS' DEPOT, 3, Clare street, i_rl- /■. Newest Design!* Lowest Prices. KEPPLE .inco. OS-COTIAGE DINNER SETs/~Or« JTX ^Guinea. Cheapest and Best.—3, Ciare-street, KEPPLE & CO.S EARTHENWARE, for Kitche* purposes.-3, Ciare-street, Brisrol. KfPPXS~&~C6.-S"" ORNAMENTAL GOODS~~fo": WEDDING and OTfER PRESENTS. Immense Variety.—3, Ciare-street, Bristol. KEPPLE"&~CoT'S^Crystal CuVTABLE GLASS. Pes Stourbidge and Dudley make.—3, Clare-street Bristol, 41702 IS.-THE NEW TIMEPIECE.—Is. Keeps correct J_ time.—One shilli'g, post free 15 stamps. The FRENCH POCKET TIME INDICATOR (patented In England and France), 100,000 of which sold during the Exhibition, will denute correct solar time. Same size and shape as a watch co-ting 10 guineas; serviceable matal case, steel works, balanced action, enamelled dial, glass dome warranted for two years, Two necurely packed for 28 stamps; three for 40.- Obtainable only from the sole Agents, Godfrey and C," Park-street, Oxford-street, London. Testimonials received daily. 1542 WANTED.—Every Farmer that is in want of Ago ricultural Implements to appy tn Evan Davies Vicar's Mill, Clynderwen, R.S.O., for "TICKETS for the Great DRAWING of Agricultural Implements. Tickets (fyd each, or a beok of 22 tickets 10s post fre. Agents wanted everywhere. Liberal terms. 7570 41821 ASTROLOGICAL CHART, traced by a Clairvoyant. J* Send one stamp and an addressed and stamped (square sized) envelope for my Astrological Chart,— Address Madame Stoffer, Dorking. 1439 TO BICYCLISTS, &c. U you want a Bicycle of anymake at a discount, order from If you want a Tricycle of any make at a discount, order fro n If you wsnt a Mauumotlva Rowing Carriage, order from If yon want to Exchanp-è your machine, send to If you want your machine So.d, send it to If you want accessories of an.v description, order from If you want your machine Repaired, send it to 11 y, '11 want your machine Re-Painted, send it to It you want your machine or acoeasorlea sent carrie d, order them from JOHN C. MOilRIS, PONTYPRIDD, the largest, cheapest, and oldest established agency in South Wales. Present stock larger than that of all other agents in South Wales & Ided together. List <>' "0, and IlOOOud-hal.d machines, one stamp. 41721 WHAT IS YOUR MONOGRAM.—Send 13 stamps to GLASS aud Co., Cardiff, who will forward you 12 sheets of notepaper and 12 envelope* stamped in colour with any oue, two, or three letters, and any lady s name. Also COMIC PACKETS, containing 12 different dtl8igll8, sent post tree for 13 stamps, 5 quire. uf pape. aod 100 envelopes;d in any colour lor fo Hd. YOUR CARD. SIR ?—Send 4s 6d to GLASS and Co., Cardi.f, wbo will el1¡; Jour name ami print you 100 Ivory Cards, and forward them post free to any address. TO MERCHANTS, TR.UtESiii.N, and Others. GLASS'S Patent Endorsing Machines, engraved with your name; bu,¡ine8s, and addres8, from 1&1 8d. YOUR name engraved on a Enss or Zinc Slate for your door from 5s. GLASS'S Stencil Plates for larking Linen, Ac. Initials and name, 2s 6d; initials only, Is 0d, Sent post iree t-ù any address on receipt of iamp8 to GLASS s Co., EXQRAVEM CIESIXK- au, and Grrr/.RA'. PRATERS. CARDIFF1. 14 Certain Cure for Nervous Debittty. /pi RATIS, a MEDICAL WORK, sh nving sufferers how vlT they lna-y benured and recover Health aud Vitality without the aid of Quacks, with Recipes for purifying the Blood aud removing Skin Affections, Free on receipt of stamp to prepay postage.— Addre§3, Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham, 1124 SICKNESS OLD AGE, AND DEATH. .pi %> a at UBATII. for ONE SHILLING per Week. £ 95, at Death, for FIFTEEN SHILLINGS per week in Sickness, for SIXPENCE .£,10 at Death, or 5 6d per week in Sickness, for ONE PENNY per week, paid Monthly, by anv one about tte ages of £ o to 20, to the WESTERN PRO'vILENT ASSOCIATION. Es- tablished 1848. President: Earl Fertescue; Vioe-Presi- v, Lo^ Aberdare, Rev D. Howell (Wrexham), John Cofy, Eeq., J.I\ (Cardiff), &c. Other sums at different ages for proportionate rates. Upon examination, the foT,nd to be the best in exiitenee. SAFE ana Cheap. It has entered more than ELEVEN THOU- afxTV and hss tt en more tkan SIXTY-FIVE THOUSAND POUNDS in Benefits. It has pJTmitSr nwW 1Pv«8t«d w-r FORTY-ONE THOUSAND ruujius. Members incur no expenses, and are liable d. S*' °/ los8 time. Females may loin. Rulw 18 eaeh. ror further information, send stamp to Mr W. C. AMERY, 26, Stnyleton-terrace, Swansea 2148 LOST AND FOUND. FOUND at Ebbw Vale, on Saturday, a large FAMILY jt' BIBLE. Owner can have the same by paying expenses.—Apply at Victoria Inn, Beaufort pill. 42551 MONEY. CASH ADVANCED, from .5 to £100, on short notice, y on any tangible security.—Apply to the Agent, Mr Ichae;50n, 6. Flannel-street, Abergavenny; or 12, Orchard-street, Brynmawr. 42342 "^T"0 FEES.—Cash Advanced from £ 20 to £ 1,000 on borrower*' own security,- .1. M'Carthy, 44,Comr.ier- ciai-street, Sewport, Mon.—Prospectuses forwarded itratis on application 243G0 nA A A A in varii u? SUMS upon Freehold, Leasehold, Reversion, &c. —Apply to Mortgage Ofiee, 2, James-square, Monmouth. 42490 jr»-| rv AAA*—MoiieJf t0 Li.ND, in connection otlU'VwV with Life Assurance, for three year3 and upwards, at moderate rates. No office routine. Address, or apply, Manager, Assurance Office, 6, St. John's Square, Cardiff. 30924 K TO £ 1,000 immediately ADVANCED, to all ot O classes, Town or Country, on all kinds of secu- rity, repayable by instalments. Bills discounted. Writs E 1, and executions paid. Apply WILLIAM USHER, 13, Pict n-place, Swansea, and 33, Queen-street, Neath.42325 ^LERGY'MEN, Farmers, Clerks, Shopkeepers, and V/ Mechanics can receive ADVANCES upon FURNI- TURE, etc. (without removal), at once by writing to Mr J. J. Jones, 13, College-street, Swansea. Distance no object. 41213 MESSRS. W. and S. HEItN, Estate Agents, 15 Wortc- king-street, Cardiff are prepared to ADVANCE frow £ 50 tc Z5,000 oil Mortgage of Freenoid or Lease- hold Property and from ZW to £ 500 on perunal security. S56 A CAPITALIST offers to respectable Householders in j[\. town or couutry, at a day's notice, CASH ACCOM- MODATION on their Furniture, without removal, on easy terms of interest and repayments.-Applv personally, or by letter, to L. D. Lewis, 4, Calrert-street, Swansea. 41453 MIDLAND Loan and Discount Company are now advancing sums from £ 3 to £ 300, at a few hours' notice, for short or long periods to suit borrowers, on furniture, stock, Ac without removal, and if required without publicity.-Apl,ly to Mr L, Barnett. 49. J3\¡" street, Cardiff.42310 PONTMORLAIS LOAN OFFICE, MERTHYR —Money immediately advanced from Hi and upwards, by Mr W. R. Cohen, to Tradesmen, Householders, Far- mars, and others on their Stock-in-trade, Furniture. &c., without removal or inconvenience in any way. Repay- abl by easy instalments. Distance no object. All IIp- plications punctually attended to. Strictly private. None genuine refused—Apply personally, or by letter, to 20 and 21, Pontmorlais, Merthyr Tydlil. 19082 MONEY.-THE LONDON DEPOSIT BANK, 337, Kennington-road, London, S.E,—Advances fro.11 £11) to £ 1,000, in town and country, at a day's notice, on personal security, deeds, lease,, policies, also upon fur- niture, plant, crop3, or iarming stock, without removal or publicity. — Apply stating amount required R, PAENELL, Manager. N. B.—Toe public are cautioned again t long and alluriug advertisements in London and country papers. 42144 NOTICE TO BORROWERS. A to >°°° Advance i at a day's notice, in Town j or O untiy, to Male or Female, upon personal Becurity, or upon mortgage of furniture, stock, plant, crops, and farming implements, without removal. Also upon deeds of freenoid and leasehold property ?.t Z-, per cent.—Apply personally, or state amount required, to Mr Thomas Daviss, 84, Cowbridge-road, Canton, Cardiff. Stamp for reply. 41G92 B~ UrriSH MUTUAL INVESTMENT COMPANY, LIMITED. Capital £ 200,000. ADVANCES made from £:00 to £ 20,000 and upwards on Freehold, Copyhold, and Leasehold Properties, Reversionary In- terests, &-c. and from £ 100 to A,,000 on Personal Security, Life Interests, Reversions, Shares in public Companies, and other Securities, -Full particulars and forms of application may be obtained of Mr Samuel Hern, Estate Agent, 15, Working-street, Cardiff, 41463 ESTATES, Houses, Public-houses, Shipping, Shares in Companies, Life Assurance Policies, Works, Col- lieries, Railway Trucks, Reversions, Furniture, Plant, lieries, Railway Trucks, Reversions, Furniture, Plant, Crops, or Farming Stock bought or sold, or loans made thereon. ADVANCES made pending saine.-T. J. Buse, Swansea, Newport, Cardiif, Birmingham, Manchester, London. 33593 LION ROYAL LOAN COMPANY.—Advances from £ 3 to £ 100, to Farmers, Cowkeepers, Tradesmen, Woikingmen, and others, upon Household Furniture, Stock, &c., without removal or inconvenience; from 420 to 4300, upon Deposits of Leases, Shares, Deeds, Patte, Jewellery, &c. MANAGER:—M. J, S. LYONS. Office, 9, Commercial-road, Tredegar; 2, James-street, and 2S, Commercial-street, Ebbw Vale. 41520 /Gentlemen, TRADESMEN, FARMERS, and others \X can obtain CASH ADVANCES, in sums from £ 20 to £ 1,C00, at a day's notice, without sureties. No fees charged. Prospectus gratis, by application, either per- sonally or by letter, to S. Biaiberg, 2, Bute-terrace, Cardiff. N.B.—Inte? dl .g applicants are reminded, that by app ying to thM oliice they are In treaty with a bona fide lender, who advances more than any two in the Princi- pality. 19200 THE SOUTH WALES LOAN COMPANY.—Advances from £ 5 and upwards to Householders, Farmers, and others, in town and country, on all kinds of security, repayable by easy instalments to suit the convenience of borrowers.—Appiy to the Manager, Isoac Seline. Attendance dully at the Ifeail Office, 39, Hiirh-street, Swansea, 8, Moderator-terrace. Watton, Brecon, Wed nesday; Temperance Hotel, 36, Queen-street, Neath, Thursday, 41514 MONEY WITHOUT SURETIES.—Before applying elsewhere for a Loan, send for a Prospectus of the NATIONAL MERCANTILE BAKK, Limited, 8, Great Charles-street, Birmingham, which will how where responsible Borrowers can immediately obtain money upon their own security, at a much lower interest than charged by Loan Societies or Deposit Banks. NO SURETIES, Law Costs, or unnecessary expenses re- quired, and the strictest secrecy can be .afely reiie i upon. Apply personally, or state amount required, and when. DAVID TURNER. Manager. N.B. Distance no object. The money advanced by the above Bank during the past few years exceeds TWO MILLIONS, g and no good application b "ve r,e.j. MONEY.—IMMEDIATE CASH ADVANCES, unda. 1., the New A"i, 1879. £2Q to £2,000 may now be obtained at a few hours' notice, upon Borrower's own Security, iu any part of England or Wales. To prove the genuineness of our system of biiglyiexx, all transactions are fully explained and completed by Borrower's Solicitor or any other, and n. Law Costs are charged unless the money is advanced. Apply by letter or personally to Mr J. H. EYLES, Manager, 44, Commercial-street, 40141 Newport. Mon. oL/tiuG/L ——— W VTED, 1st of October, a MASTER (married man preferred) for a Mixed Country School, viz., Boitonhiil. Salary e7)0 per annum with half Governmiilt Grant. House and Garden free. Grant earned ast year Z62 (s. Application with testimonials (stating age and certi- ¡ ficate) to be sent, on or before the 6th day of August, to J. 31. JOHN. C erk to Steyntou School Board, Bulford, Haverfordwest. g W A" N S E A. B. EVANS AND COMPANY'S FURNISHING DEPARTMENTS ADDITIONAL SPACE. For the information of Customers and otiiers, B. E, and Co. respectfully state that they now have NINE SPACIOUS ROOM AND BASEMENTS Apportioned tojthe display of FURNITURE AND FURNISHING GOODS OF ALL KINDS. These New Departments have been established in order to supply USEFUL, HIGH CLASS, and ARTISTIC PRODUCTIONS. At the LOWEST PRICES for "READY MONEY." Upholsterers, Planners, and Carpet Fitters of known merit are employed exclusively by B. E. & Co., and they guarantee all work done by them to be equal in sound- ness and finish to that of any London Establishment. B. EVANS AND COMPANY, HOUSE FURNISHERS AND GENERAL DRAPERS, 1, 2. 3, AND 4, TEMi LE-STREET, 5, CAER-STREET, AND TEMPLE LANE, SWANSEA. 42221 BEST SUMMER jyjEDICINE. K AYIE'S w ORSDEIVS PILLS. These Vegetable Pills are THE BEST SUMMER MEDICINE, Acting as a mild a, erient and purifying the blood. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS. Sold everywhere. Price Is l}d, 23 9d. and 4s 6d per box. 42^30—7733 EMARKABLE TES TIMON.T*Tfc R TS FAVOUR OF PARR'S LIFE PILLS. WBLWYN, Herts, September, 18, 1870. Gkhtlbmbs,— I shall feel obliged if you will forward to mo another supply oi P.t.R&'S Lifk PILLli for which I ell- close amount in payment. I have a good demand for your Medicine, and fre- quently hear of its curative powers; one case is really re- markable. About ten years ago a Tradesman in this Village, of regular aud temperate habits, suddenly lost appetite and strength, was under medical treatment for months with- out reUef, and appeared to be gradually breaking up. Having been Induced to try PARR'S Lirl PILLS, he was at once relieved, in a few weeks completely restored, and at the present time is stronger and more vigorous than at any previous period of his life. Youra respectfully, EDMUND LAWRANCE. Messrs T. ROBSRTS & Co. Chemist. Bold by appointment by al'Jrespectable Chemists and Medicine Vendors, in Boxes, Is lid, 2s 9d, and in Family Packets, lis each. The boxes at 2!! contain nearly three small, and those at lis contain nearly fire at ts 9d. Directions in fcpanlsb, Portuguese, French and English, are folded round each box when so ordered. 39129 A NEVER-FAILING REMEDY FOR LIVER COMPLAINTS. DR. SCOTT'S BILIOUS AND LIVER PILLS, Are prepared without mercury, invaluable to all who suffer from Bilious and Liver Complaints, Indigestion, Wind, Spasms, Foul Breath, Nervous Depression, Irrita- bility, Lassitude, Loss of Appetite, Dyspepsia, Heart- burn, SoUr Eructations, Lownesa of Spirits, with sensa- tion of fullness at the pit 01 the Stomach, Giddiness, Dizziness of the Eyes, and all those other symptoms which none but a sufferer can describe. For Habitual Costiveness, or for persons suffering from Piles, thev will be found most efficacious. As a General Family Aperient Medicine they have no equa). being mild in their operation, and grateful to the Btotnach. They give a hoA! thy tone and vigour to the different secretions, causing the necessary organs of the Stomach and Liver to resume their activity, thus restor- ing the appetite, promoting digestion, and strengthening the wholesystem. Prepared only by W. LAMBERT, 1A, Vere-street, Londo.i, W. Sold by all ChenrstS, Is ljd and 2s Od, or ing the appetite, promoting digestion, and strengthening the wholesystem. Prepared (,nly by W. LAMBERT, lA, Vere-street, Londo.i, W. Sold by all ChenrstS, Is lid and 2s Od, or post-free, 15 or 35 stamps. Tho g^nuiac are in a square crseu cackaae. Take no othec, 6Oaoi P. T H 0 3t A S BOOKSELLER, 90, ST. MAIIY-STKEET, CARDIFF, (Next door but one to the Town Hall). 10,000 VOLUMES ALWAYS KEPT IN STOCK. Libraries or Parcels of Books Bought or Exchanged. Old anu Rare Books supplied. s d Milmin's History of tie Jews, 3 vols, cloth 3 0 Howitt's History of Friestcraft, anJ Mill's Reply, 2 vols .40 Fuller's (Andrew) Wrrks, 7 vols, 8vo, boards ..10 0 Jahn's Hebrew Connionwealth, Koch's Revolu- tions in Europe, Monastic Life, imp. 8vo, half morocco .70 Thompson's (Abp.) Light and Life in God's Word, 8vo, cloth ..8 0 Fuller's Pisgah Sigh) of Palestine, 8vo, cloth 5 0 Luther on the Galatans, Svo, cloth 2 6 Do Psalns, 2 vols, bvo, cloth 4 0 Stiliingfleet's OrLims Sacra, 2 vols, 8vo, boards 2 0 Sharp's Sermons, 7 Tols, ovo, calf extra 7 6 Gill (Dr) on tbe Canticies, Svo, calf .2 6 Dodd on Dignities, Irivileges, and Precedence 2 0 Tne Chairman and Speaker's Guide 1 9 Penny Cyclopedia, Vels. 1 to 13, cloth 15 0 Mackintosh' History Jf England, vols 1 to 4, L.C.L 4 6 Wraxail's (S.W.) Hi»;ory of France, 3 vols, 4to calf, neat .76 Michelet's Priests, Women, and Families. 1 6 Bishop Ilopkin's Works, 2 vols. imp. Svo, cloth 7 6 Plcart's Religious Rites and Ceremonies of all Nations, thick 4to half calf, numerous plates 10 0 Cruden's Concordance, cloth 3 0 Coleridge's Notei or. Shakespeare 3 0 Roliwyn's Astronomy for General Readers, 8vo, cloth, plates .7 6 Garner s Theological Essays, cloth 2 6 Addison's Spectator, imp. 8vo, cloth, portraits 5 0 Foster's R mains .16 Cowley's Works, 2 vols, Svo, calf, many flue portraits. S 0 Todd's Complete Works, cloth, good as new ..4 0 Locke on the Human Understanding, good as new 4 0 Field (Dr) on the Church, 4 vols, 8vo, cloth 9 6 Holy Bible, interleaved, 3 vols, 4to, calf, gilt, very neat 11 6 Welsh Bible (P. Williams), 4to, calf, very neat ..12 0 Arnold's (Dr T.) Sern.ous, 2 vols, 8vo, half calf,very neat 8 6 Bunsen's Sigiii of the Times, 8vo, cloth 2 6 Newton 011 the Prophecies, ovo, boards 2 6 Pilgrim's Progress, STO, cloth, large type 2 6 Waving's Truth versus Shadows, 8vo, cloth 4 6 Lu¡l:ow' Heart of the C ntinent, thick Svo, cloth 6 0 Davidson's Biblical Dictionary, cloth 2 3 Select Thoughts on the Ministry and the Church, Svo, cloth 4 6 Freeman's Principle of Divine Service, Svo4 cloth.. 2 0 Sandioni's Parochalia, Svo, clot'i.3 0 Warden's System of Revealed Religion, 8vo, cloth 2 0 Loland's Deistical Writers, 2 vois, calf 2 0 Fitzosborne's Letters, v", calf „ 1 0 Draytons and the Davenants, Svo, cloth 2 6 Duncan's History of Russia, 8vo, cloth 1 6 Life of Judg-e Jeffries, 8vo, half-calf, neat 2 6 Potter's Antiquities of Greece. 2 vols Svo, boards.. 2 0 Power's Impressions o: America, 2 vols 8vo, c:oth 2 6 Naylor's (F. H.) History of Helvetic Republics, 4 vols Svo, calf, very teat .8 6 Jardine's Philosophical Education, Svo, half-calf 1 6 Tomline's (Bishop) Christian Theology, 2 vols Svo calf, neat .3 0 History of the Thugs, 8vo, cloth .16 Prieslley's (Dr) Lectures on History, 8vo, boards.. 2 0 Brand's Popular Antiquities, thick Svo, cloth ..6 0 Syntax's Three Tours, Svo, cloth.6 0 \alton &; C(\ttOIl'S An;Ier, 8vo, ha:rbound 6 0 Delolme on The Constitution of England, 8vo, half- calf .10 Lombarde's History oi Kent, Svo, boards 3 0 Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of Eng- land, 4 vols, S\ 0, .46 Crisp's Works, 2 vo's, Svo, boards 2 0 Temple Bar, 25 vols, unbound .25 0 Morris's British Birds, 400 coloured engravings, 3 vo s, cr. 8vo, cloth, good as new 36 0 Adam's (T.) Works, 3 vols, 8vo. cloth § 6 Clarkson's (T.) Works, 3 vols, 8vo, cloth 7 6 Swinnock's (G.) Works, 5 vols, 8vo, c'oth 16 0 Hall's (Dr. J.) Discourses on the Gospels and Epistles for the Year, 4 vols, 8vo, half cloth 8 6 Life of Cicero, 3 vols, Svo, boards .2 0 Lavengro or, The Scholar, the Gipsy, and Priest, 3 vois, half calf 4 0 Magce on Atonement and Sacrifice, 3 vols, boards 2 0 Senior's (N. W.) Essays, 2 vols, cloth 4 0 Do Journals, 2 vols cloth 3 6 Hanes Prydain Fawr gan Ellis, 3 vols, grained calf, new 18 6 Tavlor's (Jeremy) Sermons, 3 vols, boards 2 6 Hall's (Bishop) Contemplations, 3 vols, boards 6 0 Heeren's Historical Woiks, 5 vols, Svo, cloth 15 6 Tartt's E says, 2 vo's, cloth .6 0 Secret Correspondence of Madame de Maintenon, 3 vols, 8vo 8 6 Memorable Women, by Anderson, 2 vols, cloth 6 0 Newton's (Rev J.) Works, 8vo, half-cloth .2 6 Faher (G. S.) on the Prophecies, 3 vols, half calf 3 0 Unorthodox Loud n, by Dr C. M. Davies, 8vo,cloth 8 0 Cooper's Free Church of Ancient Christendom, 12mo, cloth .16 Life of Princess Charlotte, 8vo, calf, neat.4 0 Malcolm's History of London, 4 vols, 4to, boards 14 0 Berry's History of Guernsey, 4to, calf, neat 76 laine's History of English Literature, 4 vols, Svo, cloth- 18 6 Baxter's Saints' Rest, 8vo, calf 2 6 Henderson (Rev E.) on Divine Inspiration, 8vo, cloth 3 0 Sweet's ITortus Britannicus, 8vo, cloth 2 0 Mayor's British Tourist, 5 vols, 12mo, half-cloth 2 6 Chalmers (Dr) Sermons, 8 vols, boards .2 6 Faber (G. S,1 on the PatrTichal, Levitical and Chris- tian Dispensations, 2 vols, Svo half-calf.8 0 Scottish Pulpit. 5 vols, Svo, cloth .6 0 Guyse (Dr) on the New Testament, 3 vols, 4to, calf neat •• •• •• .8 6 Charnock's Works. 2 vols, folio, calf 8 0 Weekly Christian Teacher, 3 vols, imp STO,half-calf 6 0 Pool's Annotations of the Bible, 4 vols, 4to ..12 6 Ditto 3 vols, imp 8vo, cloth 22 6 Biniiing's Works, imp 8vo, cloth.4 0 Hunter's Sacred Biography, 5 vols, 8vo .46 Chalmers' Biographical Dictionary, 12 vols, 8vo, caif neat 12 0 Hervey's (J.) Works, 6 vols, 8vo, calf neat io6 Pascal's Provincial Letters 1 8 Shakspeare's Works, 8 vols imperial 8vo, cloth, s i,ew 42 6 Brtti-h Flora Medica, coloured plates, 8vo, cloth only fpub. 30s) 18 6 Joseplms' Works, 2 vols, 8vo, cloth (Pub 15s) 10 0 Plutarch's Lives, 2 vols, Svo, cloth (Pub 15s) 10 0 Willison's Works, thick imperial, 8vo, half calf 4 6 Buchan's Dom. 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WEDNESDAY, JULY 16, 1879.…

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