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PREPAID TARIFF I K MÄLtJ ADVERTISEMENTS I toil in iiounii WALES DAlLY NEWS. Il?,w' I | [Daily New* HUM OM Tbre« | Sis | & Qnmt ia t»*ert>ea..Inuertiun*. [Insertions I Csrdifl J j 1 TSmwv f II. d. j g. r1 cL I i d, 0 6 } 10 j 18 j 2 0 íi w;.w. I 0 9 I 1 6 I 2 3 ] 3 0 0 13 0 I 4 0 t 15 Words |13}26139150 ¡' U Word* j 1 6 1 3 0 1 4 6 < 0 gSri5u 3 ) 0 6 l 0 t it 0 I 9Wc,tA») t ""itiese apply only te the <ri fcdvtrt!«» SMnt speeded bsloar, »nd ar» strictly Mjnaad to those whiefc^re-ordorcd for cosnacuT'V* iiwsrtion, and riID R FMTKMM TO fNSJtRTioa '■ if 01 those. Conditions is lot complied with, the advertieemrat will be charged by •Jte BusWN8 1 If A*r*iKtrr» W ANTM. I Housas TO n LSI, IRTL'UKII) LKt. I MONKT WILTTSB, kkTMU^ MoNST TO Lsm Urneua SVy.iii>. I MISCKLLA«*OI'S WANT* SOWXWKKa roa DlSPOSAfc. I Miscsu»A:r»&us SALS*. IgiUXMM VVKKTWO. j PtRTSBRSHIKJ WA-Vrm*. Boosm TO -Lut. I Situations Wnrnen. Qoottxa W*>>fk»- 1Situations Wiirrn. GKNEUAIj ADVERTISING TARIFF. PA*MAMt»TART Not:c>.S, Government Anin>uncer.)onts, and rwlinmontarj Kl^i t ous are chareud Ono Shilling f r liue for each insertion. Prosj eotaees of Public uotnpar.lcs ar» charged Ninepence per line !or ea^i) Insertion. i'ublle, Leg»l, M-anicipal, laoehiil, and Bohool Doard Notices, Tenders ana Contracts-, &c., nre charged Sixponoe per lino for each insertion. Auction Notion Me "iliarged S .xp nce per line, and all (.-the? olasses or Advutisoment8 Fourpcnoe per Jme lier insei- tion. Sonio of these' charges are, however, to reductbo 1:1 acoordance with the number of Inle: tk'I;s ordered.—P&rtlonlars may be obtaino-i at CUT Chief and Braooh Offlcos. Aovgnr erRS whan sending nHreniwments in IDRUU. wefipt, may calculate words to a line, and 12 lines I to un Inch. In charging advertisements the lines are Hot countcd, but the advertisement, including larifS Hues, <behe.. aud whi øp:cc.. Ia measured, and the ipaoe occupied Is charged at the rate of Twelve lineR tC au locb. THE NEW POSTAL ARRANGEMENTS, Advertisers and others having occasion to remit small sums to this Office are requested to send POSTAL NOTES, INSTEAD OF STAMPS. The may be obtained at every Post-office in the kingdom for the following snina and charges :— Amount of Postal Note. Cost of Note, One Halfpenny. Ei^hteeni>eiice H I'fpeiiny. Hlr.a-c[ê)wn Onepenny. five shillii One penDY. &lveu shillings and sixpence Onepenuy. Ten shilling Tw>>pdi>e<\ Twalve sbillingp anù sixpence Twop.mœ. Fifteen gliiHiiijrs Twopence, Seventeen shiliiiin;a an I sixpence Twopence. Twenty 8hi:lin¡;s Twopence. The" Notes" 111 sy be transmitted just a. receive.1 from the Post Office; but if greater security is desired the nallle and Post Oiiiue at which it is in. tended to (uaka them payable (D. Duncan and Sons, Ca. ditl) may be inserted. As postal notes are only issued for the fixed luiiur above given, it will not always be possible, by sending one or more of them, to up the esact remittance desired. In such cartes the balance (which will always be less than a shilling) may be added in postage stamps. ( £ aucati<m;tf. W ANTD immediately, an experienced DAILY W GOVERNE33 in a Preparatory School for Young1 Gentlemen. Requirements, thorough English, Arithmetic. Music, and Drawing. -Apply S. S., Daily Hewa Office, Cardiff. 403 ZSfoVEKNEbS. — Re-engagement required for I y experienced Teacher, aged 25. English, brillÜwt wic, Singin. French, perfected in France, Ðraw,"&" Bi^hest references. Liberal salary.—S. H. B. "Daily Newst" Office, Cardiff. 51:>3J MR F. ATKINS, Mus. Bac., Oxon, kitenda cftm- D\euc¡w a Class in the town for the study of Counterpoint and Harmony, with a view to the next Examination of the Royal Academy of lIuio If utli. cient number enter their name the class wi11 meet. at once, Terms, 7s 0d for each term. Names may be left at Fernley ouae.orat Messrs Thompson and 4:883 Jen:antg. WANTED, a good PLAIN COOK to a Lady a.nd 1'1' Centieman, where two servauts are kept.I.I- dress UrsH. A. Latimer, 72, Mansel-terrace, Swansea.409 ANTEL> a Young Ciii, about 16, to assist in house work, — Apply at 14, Crockherbtown, Car- diff. 401 WASTED, in a tradesman's family, a Nurse; mast TV be a good needlewoman. Also a General Servnt. 8tate atfc, salary, and reference. A.Z., "South Wales ÐaiJ7 New," Office. 3..1 JUuations at¡tnt. WANTED, a (rood Hand tor the Manchester 1' Department,—Apply to John Jones, Manchcater Houae, Merthyr. 410 SHOW ROOMS.—B. Evans and Company, Swansea, bave vancies for young Ladies &CCUstometl- to a. lir,¡t- class SI tow-room trade.—Persoial applications necessary. 411 X EWI3 LEWIS, Swansea, haa vacancies for expe- IJ rieaced and Junior Hands for the Outfitting (WeWi). i0* ANTED, an expertcnced BAND to the Grocery ww aad Provision Trade. Knowledge 01 Drapery preferred. Also a JUNIOR, must be steady,—With full particulars to L. James, Bryniciwr. GROCKRY and PROVISIONS. Wanted, a Single Voung Man, Who has 1 a 1 tiiree or f<.ur years' e.xperi- »noe.—Apply, statins' age, salary, references, ami all tther full particulars, to Thomas Pbiuips, Bhcina, Mon. H. EVANS, Draper, Maestesr, requires a YUlJÑG LADY for Fancy Counter. Good saleswoman. Able to speak Welsh. 100 PAINTERS WANTED.— Only sober and good work- JL men need apply to W. Austin, painter, to., Unlon- itreet, Dowlais. 405 WANTED, young Lady, as ASSISTANT In General VT Drapery.—Apply to T. W. Tiotter, Coleford, Glouc. 394 TWO g >od TIPLATE~WORKER9 wanted.—Apply to J. R. Kees, 1 j, Strand, Swansea, 39S SM PORT ANT to Amateur Authors and other.—Solid JL address for particulars to C. V. Singleton, Secretary to "The Collector." 267, Hig-h llolborn, London, W.U. 0.01 ANTED, an OFFICE BOY. —Apply in own hand- VV writing to V., South Wales Daily News" Office, Cardiff. 3(j:) ANTED to MANAGE, a good retail Drapery TV in the Principality. A >om»« man who would be In a position to take it ultimately.—Apply, llox 320, ,it; pe. Bristol. 310 AND MILLINERY. —- W, F. Barvey, I f Tredegar, requires iwwediateq a MILLINER, aCle Cserve throusfh in general Drapery. 375 WANTED, a steady, active YOUNG MAN for Dra- very and Grocery.—Apply persOi«Dy, or by letter, with iull particulars, Mrs Evans, Alma House, Rbayader. A Respectable Youmst Person Wanted for a Coffee Tavern, Mast have ijood references and be accus- tomed to counter business.—Apply between 2 and 5 afternoon, Coffte Ta\ ein, Theatre lloyal Building, St Mary-street. rilO XAII/OrtS.— Wanted immediately, a good _J|_ Gt-neral Hand, sober.—Apply to J. Thoma?, 7- Wmd-etrect, AberJare. a r»V> CLOGGKRS—Wanted, at once, Five Cloggera, to 1 break up timber.—Apply to James ileilin, Uollege- ttreet, Lampeter, Cardiganshire. 858 WANTED, thoroughly expetienced Sec nd and other V V BOIHuE HANDS; also, a good MACHINIST.— Apply B. Evans & Co., Swansea, 357 WANTED, ORGANIST (Gentleman) for S. John's W Church, Canton, Card III. in July next. Salary, £ 20 per annum. Apply to the Reetor. 51j10 To GKOCKliS and CHEESEMONGERS.- Wanted, a Siuation in the Eight years' experience. Outdoor.—W., 43, Henry-street, St. John's Wood, Lon. don. 353 WA*TKI». an accomplished young man to the DRAPERT must be stea^ly. Welsh.—Apply g. and J. Lloyd, Pentre. Pontypridd. 341 JUNIOR CLEKK.—Wanted in an accountant's office at CarduT, a Juiiior Clerk with previous experience. &ood peunian and quick at figures.—Address Alpha" Daily News." Cardiff. 322 ■ OWELL & CO., the Cardi'T Drapers, have, several 1 _J_ vacancies for ASSISTANTS, Applicants must five full particulars of all situations belo, and state lalarv required. 336 AM\Ti;('[i AUTHORS and POETS WANTED as A. CONTKIBUTORS. Magazine, with foii particu- lais, 3d. -Editor, 3, Leander-street, Liverpool. 268 A QENT.j Wanted in all parts; whole or spare time 8xlary and commission.—C. Chiiton, 2, Great John- itreet, M^uch^ster. IRON MONO EHY, Clocks, Timepieces, Jewellery, Furniture, &c. AGENTS wanted. Wholesale pataloguos, 300 iltubtrations fie<>.—Apply Henry May.181, Birmingham. a9t> WATCHKS, Rings,Jewellery, Electro-Plate,Cutlery holcsala illujtrated Catalogues free. Agents Wanted. James Simmons, Dudley-street, Birmingham. 1125 A G^'N'S WANTED (Permanent). Salary 35s per week aiid coinniission. Experience unnece.1^ Belville snu Co Faruworth, Manchester. 379 *~A GENTS WANTED to conduct Watch and Jewellery J\ CJutu throu^houc South Wales and Mi nmouth- ihire, for tl;e Mutual W atch Clubs As^ocjatiou.— For pontition- ic., apply to T, Price, 89, LVeweltyn-street, ?ontr Uhcrtid la, S .utU Wafe, 3,1 ■f I\ d\(\dk "AGENTS WANTED. —The 11 lustraW JLUiUl/Vf Lord's Prayer. Sample, la sumps, ferns, .3011, and Co., Portrait Painters, Merthyr 510&2 Gi>rs wanted to sell f KA, in packets, from Is 6d rV. per II>; French Coffee, in 1 lb, i lb, and i 'One and all Is Cocoa, in i 11) p icket^ Most pioutabre geucy in the trade. — Write to O.ivar, Oliver and Co )(>Uthgate London. 50137 L J-ITUNTICIV^ WIRUTTD. HOUIE and PARLOUR MAID, aged 21, wants Situa- tion town or country. Guod chara.cter.- Address, il K. Piaton House, Carmarthen. 390 WAMVI>, Situation as Timekeeper, Engine Driver, I,. <»r aoy pOSlltwn of rat. Address W., Great Western Coffee Tavern, Cardiff. 393 (lONl'ECriONERY or LUNCHEON BAR.—Young j L (tly desires re-en;ra.emen&. Four years' ex- penolw0, Good references.-Addresø S E., Lancaster Villa,Cathivs, Cardiff, 51t(jJ) >1^ PfefeUauwttiS 1.ttS. w- ANTEl)- to Rent or Purchase a DWELLING- V T HOUSE in Parade, South Grove, or Park-place. Must bave rtt least five good sized bedroell1"Particufars to CJarbon,ojutii Wales Daiiy News" OiBcc, Caroiff. K HJ fT>6 PRINTERS.—Wanted to Purchase, a DonMe 1, Royal or Double Demy Columbian Press.—S'-urh Wales l'rintii. Works. Car.iff. 3 d WAN;n:i., FLOUR, FRUIT, 80DA, and otuer "ARR1CLS—Dobson, So la and Dry Soap Woriis, ^ruttf- SI 33 4»8T4 VV AFLT1'>'1,ar-fl quantity of 3 inch White FH(E and lied RUILDiNO BRICKS. Gar- ■ant Tir,plate CO Limited. Cwmam-m. W ANTED immediately, a Jer7e7cOW.^irTfull milk! IW"toa U^'u^priC9 aQtl toA.Da.sett, WANTED to PURCHASE, sfetot Aucmt, House la neighbourhood of Northc«te-street.—Apply to C.. Olficeof this paper. 110 E'canittflS, gipattmcttta, &r. PKNARTH.—A Gentleman can be accommo<lated with a Dining Room and Bedroom, with the use of a 1 .athroom, in a respectable family. No children. About five minutes' walk from railway station.—Apply C., South Wales Daily News" Office, Cardiff. 378 A SINGLE GENTLEMAN can be accommodated with Dining-room and Bedroom.—Apply Mrs Simpson, Beivodere, Roath-road, Cardiff. 61139 bt et.-OUStS, and, r5"*y be Let, No. 30, Charles-street; immediate posses- j siou may be had.—Apply to Lewis Hopkins, Auc ti iiieer an.i Insurance Agent, 5. Queen-street, Caruiff.332 P"ARK-PLACE.—To be Let, a HOUSE in Park-place, c-.mtaining drawing, dining, and broukfast-rooms, loui be.irooms', two kitchens, two pmtries, bath, &c,; very good garden; rent £ 47.—Address in first place to "Park," fcou:h Wales Daily News" OiBce, Cardiff. 51447 MAESVCW'MMER, Via CARDIFF.—A semi-detached VILLA to LET, eight rooms, wide entrance hall; rent, moderate.—Apply to Rev. T. J. Hughes. 221 C' 1AEUPHILLY.—Desirable RESIDENCE, with large j garden, well planted. Ten minutes' walk to sta- p tiou.—Inquire Castle Cottage, Caerphilly. :76 8EV SIDE. Mumbles.—Furnished HOUSE TO LET, near L;:niland, for long or short period.—Apply «1. F iher-streut, Swansea. 5ióvl EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE TO LET, in Crown-street, Morriston.—Apply on the premises. 339 faW be llCT, the HOWDREF GNOL. FARM, about 2 X miles from Neath, with about 255 acres ofLand.— For further particulars apply to W. Nisbet, Gnoll Estate ■ Otlice, Neath. 51498 rJOWY FAint. PEMBREY.-To LET. KEEP for X Colts and Cattle, for not less than three months.— Apply to Mr W. S. M .rsh. 0-t73 f J^O LET, with carlv possession, that desirable Country X residence, EASTBROOK HOUSE, near Dynas Powis, with stable, coacii-nouse, g-ardel1.4n1 orchard also one or two fields, if required. T rce miles and a half iroui Cardiff, and one mile from Penarth Dock Station. — Apply on the premises, or to Mr J. II. England, St. Mary-street, Cardiff, 51405 ESS US W. and S. HERNrJSstate Agents, Cardiff. BLRNHAM—Facing the Sea. Summer Residence. Kent only £ 28. CilE PSTOW—New superior Residence, 8 Bed- rooms, good sroundi. Rent „ £ 35 W. and S. Hern, n, St; hry.treet, Cardiff. 51109 be LET, I with immediate pOS8i(}n, this 1D03t desirable residence, replete \7ith every convenience, and having a large and well-stocked srar.len and a stable and coach- house.—For further particulars apply to the tenant, Mr J. EdwarJs Price, &olicitor. 61037 |or NE\Fo;rIO_\T>, CARDIFF.—For SALE, a VILLA RESIDENCE, containing 9 rooms, replete with every convenience. Larye garden. Pleasantly sltuated.- Apply to 11. Emery, 20, Qllen-street, Cardiff. 307 ME^SKS W. and S. HERN, 74, St. Mary-street,Cardiff, .1, beg to offer 9 PER CENT, on GOOD COTTAGE PROPERTY, all let and in fair repair. SJ PER CENT, on FIRST-CLASS SHOP PROPERTY centre of town, miin thoroughfare. In five years win be worth 15 per cent. RICHMOND-TERUACE, PARK PLACE-Excel- lent Ke-iueiice, price LLANDAFF (Near)—Good House and 14 acres ol land, price ;J?? RICHMOND-ROAD, CARDIFF—Good Ilouse io30 MOUTIMEK-KOAD, CANTON, CARDIFF.—Four well- built Houses, well let, in good order pay over 8 per cent. Large portion of money on mortgage. PONTOANNA-'CERRACE, near I!at:-way House, CAN- TON, CARDIFF.—Four convenient Houses, well built, all let. in good repair; pay over 8 per cent. A large por- tion of purchase money may, if desiied, remain on private mortgage, W. and S. Hern, Estate Agents, Auctioneers. 51110 f"l"^0 be SOLD by Private Contract, eight-roomed Houes JL with about eight acres of good Land, about five mile. from Cardiff. Several eight-roomed Houses with larure gardens and back entrance; lease 999 years. Eight Freehold Houses, including a Corner Shop, price Eight Freehold Houses, price £ 2,400. Five Freehold Houses, price .ei.oOO. Two Freehold Houses, price £500. Eight Leasehold Homes, rent £130 a year, price £1,400. Two Houses, including a Shop and Bakehouse, rents 2 year, price £500. Four Villas in KiagVroad, lease 999 years coula be sold in lots, price £500 for two or £1,000 for the four. Three nine-roomed Villas in Severn-road, price £1,2011. Two H uses, including a corner shop with Stable and ooach-house on the Lower Grange, price .£100 ROATH. —several Villas in Stacey-road. three Shcpt with the Houses, eight rooms in each with fixtures, Nos. 7, 9, and ll, Castle road; could be sold sinsrly. Three fiou-es, rems .£-i2 18a, price $150. Ten seven-roomed House price each. Eight seven-roomed Houses, price each. Six seven.roomed Houses, price .£200 each. Four seven-roomed Houses, price £WO each. Two sever.-roomed Houses, price £200 each. Ground rents, lease unexpired about 98 years. Ground rent, £O a year, lease unexpired about 96 yearsi price .£500. Ground rents, £16 year, lease unexpired about 97 years, price £:>75. All these ground rents will pay about £ 30 per cent when the leasee expire, when the houses will come to the owner of the ground. TO LET. Tnree large Shops with the Houses and cellars, eight rooms jn each, with fixtures and gas fittings, suitable for drapers, ironmon&,erl, druUi.t8, furniture shop, greeQ- grocer, pawnshop. Nine-roomed House in Davies's- crescent with gas flttings and w.e., and large garden and back entrance, and Venetian bltadsi Shop and bakehouse in ceutre of Canton. Corner Shop and a laige Bakehouse to sacks of flour, and stable, and room to put flour, on the Li pper Grange.—Apply to Mr Thomas Daries, Houee and Land and Life and Fire Insurance Agent, 34, Cow- DricL.c-r.iad. Cap ton. Cardiff. 40277 in tt.-u:Jint rtmiStS, &t. DOWLAIS.— Tin- Corner SHOP at Union-street having undergone extensive alteratious and additions, is now to LET, The premises is one of the best in town. Particularly suitable for drapery, outfitting, furniture warehouse, or manufacturing boot and 8hoemaker. The premie8 will be let complete, or witbollt opper storey.- W. Morgan, Sculptor, &c., Dowlais. EXTENSIVE Bminees Premises, lately occupied by W. R. Smith and Co., No. 24, Duke-street, to be Let with immediate posS888ion.-}'or pa"\iculars and to view apply to Lewis Hopkins, Auctioneer, Estate and Insurance Agent, 5, Queen-street, Cardiff. 329 O. 51, Crockherbtown, to be Let (now occupied by 1^1 Dr. Vachell) for business purposes.—For particu- lars apply to Lewis Hopkins, Estate and IllsuranceAgent, 5, Queeu-street, Cardiff. 330 nw be Let. larged commodious Business Premises, J No. 27, Delke-stred, Cardiff.—For particulars and to view apply to Lewis Hopkins, Accountant, Valuer, See, 5, Queen-street, rdill. 331 'ro LET. with immediate possession, House and Shop, X No. 62, Castle-road, Foath.—Apply to Lewis Hop- kilb, Auctioneer, Estate, and Insurance Agent, 5, Queen. street, Cardiff. 326 NO. 247. Bute-street, Cardiff, Bow in the occupation of Mr George Day, is to LET, with possession at Mid8ummer.-Apply to Mr Lewis Hopkins, Auctioneer, Estate Agent, &c., 5, Queen-stffoet. 327 fpO be LET, good DWELLING-HOUSE, SHOP, and I PREMISES, at the comer ot Cashedral and Cow- bridcre roads. Specially adapted tor a Greengrocery or Dairy business.—Apply to Joha Jenkins and Co., Phil- humonic Chambers, Cardiff. ri"V-> LET, capital PREMISES, good position, with large 1 Warehouse, Stablee, and Bakehouse.—Apply W. Read, 25, Castle-rcad, Cardiff. 373 WANSEA^—TO DRAPERS and OTHERS.—To LET, o excellent SHOP and DWKLLING-HOUSE, known as the London House, Castle-street. Best position.— Apply to Thomas Phillips, Victoria Bouse Noath. 371 PENARTH DOCK."—"SHOP"te~LET,'go^d position*. JL Rent lo"f.—Apply 4, Glebe-street, Penarth. 3S7 DRAPERY to Let at Dowlais; returns £2,500, and may be doub ed rent, .£4, best position stock, fixtures, and improV0mente at valuation.—Apply Mr John Lewis, Fairfield House, Swansea. 388 rpo DRAPERS AND OTHERS^—To Let, excellent X Shop and Dwelling-house at Carmarthen; best position fixtures, but no stock. —Apply to Mr John Lewis, Fairfield House, Swansea. 389 NEATH.—To LET, with immediate p >ssession, that- well known and most respectable iNN, called the '•Vale of Neath Arms," replete with every convenience, situate near the Guildhall, at the comer of and in the principal street of t te town. Favourable opportunity for persons with capital.—For terms, apply Mr David SUDS, Windsor-road, Neath. 363 LET, at Penarth, a large, BUSINESS PREMISES, X with 400ft. of plate-glass it front, suitable for any kind of business, with large cellar and outhouses, in the leading thoroughfare, between the Dock and Railway Station.—Apply to Mr Roberts, Britannia Hall, Penarth. 305 $M$ititfftf for fispsat. ri IIV PLATE WORKS, recently erected in Swansea X Valley, to be LET or SOLD.—Apply to Leysoc and Jones, Solicitors, Swanaea. 51546 RARK OPPORTUNITY,—"To Plumbers, Glaziers, House Decorators, and others.—To bo Disposed of. an old-est-vblished Business in a thriving market town iu Monmouthshire. Shop in main streEt. Present pro. prietor retiring.—Apply to Mr JamesStraker, Auctioneer, Sc., Abergavenny. 51519 1 EXCELLENT Family DRAPERY and MILLINERY It BUSINESS for DISPOSAL in July or August. Good double-fronted shop and showroom, with convenient house attached, in the High-street. Dest town In an agricultural county of South Wales. Capital markets and fairs. Stock by arrangement, or at T dilation.—Address B.. South Wales Daily News" Office, Cardiff. 3M far JM*.—% iv* 'tock..arrtl\JtS. A T GWAKTIN'S CLYTHA CARRIAGE WORKS, /JL Clareuce-place, Newport, now on Sale. Price. New Waggonette, with moveable head, convertible into a. Stanhope (three carriages in one) .£30 New Vis-a-vis Parisian Phaeton, with rumble 45 Ditto Ditto for pony 40 New Lorne Car, with lamps 32 New Dog C.irt, with hlliP. "The Doncaster" 32 New Walnut Wood Car, The Volantino 28 ew Rustic Gig lto carry two only) 25 New Pony Basket Trap, The Volantino" 22 New Shooting Cart, The NorfoJk OJ, 22 New P >ny Trap for small Mountain Pony 20 51453 FOIt SALE, PONY CARRIAGE and HAltNESS, verr cheap.-Ir LaDe. of Duck pool, <aerleon-road, Newport, offers the above; 39i 17TOR SALE, a most handsome 4-wheei Basket PHAE- JL TON. to carry four. Strongly made, and in good condition. Apply Jr Tom Jones, furniture broker, the Market, Newport, Mon. 356 AND (J-QtUeri) JUQNISITES. WAGONS for SALE, having fallen into our bands I by failure of Redemption Hirers, viz., 41 eight tona, two side and one enl door 31 eiarht tons, two side doors i>nly; 23 seven tons, two side doors only. Price £\2 to £16 each just as they stand.—Con be seen at our Works, K»,t Moors,Cardiff. Western Wagon Works Co., Limited. 49244 JAY iool: &r. '1'(J BOOKM AKERS. Vertical BOILER, 7ft, 4in. by JL 4ft, 8in. 7-inch Vertical ENGINE, with pug mill and rolis, nearly new, for SALS, together or separate &?, ?°«W. and 11 lb Tram-raiis Mortar Mil', btt diameter, for horse power.—B. Nightingale, SwaviS.'a. SwaviS.'a. t1l AHGYLE CEIENT ANI) PLASTER OF PAIUS I WORKS, SW ANSRA. FOR SALE, Brick Making Machinery, Pawnillf, Bar- rowtv&c. Alsot pair of 4-Joot French Burr MilUtones. I Smutter, Coj'per 4" Expanding Steam point. Hydraulic (three-throw) Pumps and Accumulator. Cheap an.1 in gootl order. Apply to Everard W. Jones. 51509 I30RTAliLE E>GINES, Mortar Mills, Saw Bandies, ) JL Centrifugal Pumps, Salo or Purchase Hire.— Fielding and Piatt, Gloucester. 51237 I PLANING MACHINES, Slotting Machines, Shaping Machines, Vertical and Radial Drilling Machines, Punching and Shearing Machines, Plate Bending Machines, Self-acting Sliding Screw Cutting aud Sur- faclO, Lathes >>( ii I siz ifl, either in stock or prores3. List of same and illustrated catalogue of machine tools on application. — W. Asquith. Highroad Well Works, Halifax, 50271 RC. BELL, POSTER AND DELIVERER, 17, WOOD-STREET, CARDIFF, Rents all tho Prinoipal and most Prominent POSTING STATION-i in Cardiff, and Roath. A Large Advertislnr; Van to parade the Bleats, with bnrl5 and dri\ t r, tc bd Let bv tho Pw Qt Week* Anpiy •a foe uxm?, JOHN JENKINS and CO.'S ANNOUNCEMENTS. J 0 H N J E N KIN Sand CO. AUCTIONEERS & VALUERS, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AU[)ITUIS. STOCK, INSURANC.E, MORTGAGE. AND BUSINESS mmKEIŒ, ARBITRATORS. H 0 U S B. LAND, ESTATE, FINANCIAL & GENERAL AGENTS. PHILHARMONIC CHAMBERS, ST MARY-STRKET, CARDIFF. Agents to the Sun Fire, Provident Clerk9' Mutual Life and Guarantee, and the Norwich and Lowton Accident anJ Plate Glass Insurance Companies, and the Protector Endowment, Loan, and Annuity Company. N,B.-J. J. antl Co. prefer personal interviews, but where thiS is not practic ¡ble, communication Illay bo made by post. in whish case two sbmp3 must bo enclosed tor reply. BUSINESSES FOP. DISPOSAL. EAST DOCK HOTEL. Tyndall-street, Cardiff.—This double-licensed public-house to be LET for 14 or 21 years, at a moderate rental.-Apply only ,to Messrs John Jenkins ami Co., Auctioneers, AC., Phllhannonic Chambers, C:\rùiff. CCOLLIERY.— House Coal Colliery, now nising about j 100 tons per week, held for a long lease on good terms, with 20 Coke Ovell and full plant as It stands, only £ 2,COO. outlay of about £ 1,000, in making a siding to adjoinin6 railway, it is estimated 100 tons per day ca be raised witb present plant, Nos. 1, ?, anti 3 Rhondda coal not touched.-John Jenkins and Co., Estate Agents, Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. 2100 MILLINERY BUSINESS, in full working order, with J.: a large and remunerative connection. Modern fixtures and utensils, about £ 100. Stock by valuation. An exceptionable opportunity.-Apply to John Jenkins and Co" Phiiharmoaic Chambers, Cardiff. FREE fuil-licensed HUU3E in Cardiff £ 500 to £ 1000 -1 ingoing. John Jenkins & Co., Philharmonic C11 ambers, (].2' P. ÃWNBl<OKIŒS' AND OUTFITTING HUSlNE3 in a goo,1 Town in the West of England. Ingoing about ,£6,0)(). Very olù established. Net profits £ 1,000 per annum. N,) g<.)odwill. Immediate purchase required. John Jendns and Co., Puilharmonic ()haIUber.Ca.rUilJ. C."1 \RDIFF. — Free Single-license,1 rUHLlC 110U:õg in j go id thoroughfare. JIr Jill;; £ 220.—John Jet-kins aud Co., Puilnaruionic Chambers, Cardiff. 1—114 l\.TEW INN, the Hayes, Cardiff. Good .-Situation. 1, Loug iea,:>Joha Jenkins al1d Co, Philharmonic Vlla¡¡¡Í¡ers, Cardifr. CARDIFF.—Capital Frje Douhle-licen&ed PUBLIC- HOUSE, in centre oi town. Hent and ingoillg moderate. Satisfactory re,">;li br leaving,—John Jen- kins aud Co" Philharmonic>er. ta -jiff, 1-113 ROATH.—Capital Double-licensed PUBLIC-HOUSE, in pnpuloui locality. Rent moderate. In-going, J.35->.—John Jenkins and Co"A'1ctiolleers, CardiC.l—111 NEWPORT. Capital Single licen3ëT-PUBLiC: HOUSE. Ingoing £ 150. Good Trade. -John Jenkins and Co., Auctioneers, Cardiff. 1—109 C{ARDTFF. — Singlediceiued PUBLIC-H OU!5E. in goo,1 thoroughfare. Ingoing £ 150.—John Jeukins anù Co., Cardiff. 1-110 CARDiFF,-BEERHOUSE In a large neighbourhood. Very low rent. IngoJlJg £::¡.:¡ or oífer. Suitable for a IUcchiLnic.-John Jenkins anl Co., Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff, l-ü2 -j p* TO 20 HOTELS and INNS, in or on tbe borders AO of the County of Glamorgan, to be DISPOSED 111 one or two lots. A lapre trade is now being done, from which a good income is" dcrt vable. Most 01 th houses are hel on very long leases. An opportunity for a Brewer or Spirit Mjrehaat to extend their buiIl¡'3.- John Jeukins anù Co" Liceilaell Victuallers' Brokers, Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. C1ARDIFF—Free Double-licensed PUBLIC-HOUS1S, ) old-established, and with ilrewery accommodation. -John Jelll{iu3 and Co., Cardiff. 1—91 DOUULE-LICENSED HUUSI, in a goxl business position in Cardi.f, to ue LET, Long lease. Very- profitable class tra,le.-John Jeukins awl Co., Philh3.r- monic Chambers, VardltI 1-80 SWANSEA -De.;irable compact HOTEu, with good Vault, on a long lease trade lare. Ingoing £ 1,200.— John Jenkins amI Co., Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. 1—09 I VRAPERY and GROCERY BUSINESS, in a capital Ijr manufacturing aud coIlibry dhtrict in bouth Wales. Lease of premises, wilicll hav lately been re- stored at great expense, £ 400; Rent, £ 50 Lease, 17 yeard; Returns, about £ 5,000, which can lJe increased Stock (low) at valuation.—John Jenkins alld Co., Phil- barmonic Chambers, Cardiff, 1-61 C1 ANTON. —Good Double-licensed HOUSE, ill cxcellent j position. Large Lrade; price moderate.-John Jenkins and Co., Pilllhmonic Chambers, Cardiff. 1-56 BUSINESSES WANTED. COUNTRY PUBLIC HOUS8, with a Smith's Shop, at a small ingoing.-Jolln Jeukius anu Co., Phil- harmonic Chambers, Varui1I. ( iOOD DOUBLE or SINGLE LICENSED HOUSE in X or near Bute-street or Hayes. Cash auout £ 500. -John Jenkins and Co., PhilharDlunic Chambers, 0¡¡fLIJIf. A FREE DOUBLE LICENSED Centrally-situated HOGSE, doing a respectable traùe. A good price given for a g-en uine concem. J olm J enkiuíl ami Uo., Philharmonic Chawl>ers, Cardiff. rI1wo BUSINESS PREMISES in or near Saint Mary- I street. Rent about £ d0 aid £ 100. Particulars to b'3 "eut to Jolm Jenkins anj C., Piiiiharmjuic Cham- bers, Cardiff. FIRT-CLASS COMMERCIAL HOTEL in a small town. Ingoing from £ 1,000 to £ 2,000,—John Jeukins and Co., Philhartüunic 0hamuus, Car JUI J OlINJENIN::) and CO. hare sevenl Clientii re- quiring small PUBLIC-HOUSES in Cardiff or immediate neighbourhood, ami will be pleased to receivc p:1ortJcu! oi any enlline concern for disposal. SMALL, respectable, PUBLIC-HOUSE in or near CM- uilI. Ingoing not to exceel1 £ 125.—John Jenkill8 and Co., Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. UOUi:LE or SINGLE-LICENSED llUUSE in a bUíly I thoroughfare in Cardiff, liute-streot pn,{erreù. ngoing £ 200 to £ 400.—John Jenkin5 aud Co., Phil- harmolùc Chamoer1&, Cardiff. BUSINESS PREMISES TO BE LET. S'" ANSKA.-SIIOP, particularly suitable for a Fish aud Game and Poultry Dealer. Good position; reasonable term_-John Jeukms and Co., Philharmonic Cha.muer8, Cardiff, 3—73 TENBY.—Roomy and convenicnt HOUSE, with showy double-fronted SHOP, in principal street, to be L'r. Kent £ 75 per annum, all of which can be by uUlÎer-Ietting in a short BUlJlIllCr seasoll.-John Jenkills and Co., PhiluarwoIllc C 111mbe.3, Cardiff. 3—72 REFRESHMENT flAltS at the New Theatre Royal to be LET.-Ar>ply to John Jeukius an,1 C > Phil- harmonic Cnambers, Cardiff. HOUSES, &0., FOR SALE. rt,UE W ALK.-One or Two ood HOUSE3 to be tOLD. 1 -Apply to John Jeukins anù C > Philharmonic Chambers, C:t.1'diff. VILLAS, in Riclimond-road, £ 330, £ 300, £ 420, £ 100, anù £ 500 eacll.-John Jenkins and VIt., Philhar- monic Chawl>er! Cardiff. 2-100-102 HAR LlJ-STREET, Broadway. Two good COT- TAGES to SELL forthwlth.-John Jeuluns & Co., Pniiiidrmonic Chambers, Cardiff. 2—104 D- IAMOND-STREET, Roath.-A good HOUSE for immediate SALE.-John Jenkins & Co., Philharr. mouic Chal>rs, .Caitf. 2—103 COTTAGES at Pontcanna, Glyn-street, Cathays and Lower Grange, to be Sold. -John Jenkins and (.;ompany, Philarmonic Chambers, Cardiff. HOP and HOUSE, situate 011 the corner of Cow- bridge-road and Lower Cathedral-road, occupied by AIr BenjlWlin as a Grocery and Provision Shop. GOúd and safe investment iIl shop property.-A:¡>ply to }Jcs,;rs John Jenkins and Co., PhilharmlJnic Chambers, Cardiff. OUNTRY RESIDENCE FOR SALE.—A very desir ble Country Resilience, with over 20 rooms, stand. iu in its own grounds, with lawn, shrub Oeries, orchard, walled garden, stabling for seveu hor:;e3, coach-houses, &c. About 11 miles froUl Cardiff, allll near t.) ôtatiolls 011 the Great Western aud Talf Vale Railways. Three packs of hounds hunt thc neighbourhood. Selling price only £ 1,500.— John Jeukius and Co., wnl and Estate Aöent3, Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. 2-90 fllREDEGARVILLE, Cfl_HDIFF.-Desirable Villa lte- X sidenoc for SiLle. Price £ 700.—John Jenkins alld CQ., PhilharDlQnic Chambers, Cardiff. 2-88 ENAiiTH.—TWO capital COTTAGES ,1 and 2, &10P: place or Salop-lane, Penarth. Well let for 12s per week, brrounù rent, £ 3 los per annum. Price £ 275,— John Jenj¡ill8 and Co., phililarmonie Chambers, C trdiff. 3-55 TI^WELVE HOUSES in Grangetown, at moderate I prices.—Jolm Jeukius and Co., Philharmonic Cham- bers, Caruiff. 2:-75 TWO HOUSES near Poutcanna, £ 150 each.—John Jeukins and Co., Philharmonic Chambers, CarlilI 2—74 FREEHOLD LAND, at Llantrissant, abuut five acres, very: suitable to iet for building, or to ùe 80ld III plots.-JoIlIl Jenkius aud Co., Phiiharmouic Cl1a.muer Cardiff, 2 80 IMPROVED GROUND RENTS, in good lettiug locality, to pay five per cent.—John Jeukins and Co., Phiiharmouic Chambers, Cardiff. 2-77 HOP PROPERTY tor Sale, in improving nelglibour- hood—John Jenkill8 and Co., Philharmonic Vhaw- ben, Cardiff. 2—78 ^APPHIRE-STilEET, ROATH; very desirable and compt private rdliide!1ce (Clifton-street end). Price £ 275.—John Jeukius and Co., Philharmonic Cham- bers, Cardiff. 2-73 OEVEUAL First-class COTTAGES .in a good letting IO neighbourhood, to pay about 8 per cent, clear, to be SOLD.-John Jeukius and 'Co., House and Estate Agents, Phiiharmouic Chambers, Cardiff, 2— £ 5 PEL'IAR1'H.-Fvw' COTTAGES, in good letting place, 17 teet frontage, good repair. Ground rent £ 810s. Price £ 700.—John Jeukius aud Co., Phübarwowc Chambers, Cardiff. 2-63 .l..j.,R1ŒHQLD RRSI PENCE and OFFICES, near Car. "'1 ililI, TO iJe SOLD, with 01' without a field near.- John Jenkins anu Co. Pliilharmonio Chambers, Car- diff. 2-60 M- ORT1MER ROAD, CANTON, CARDIFF.-Good ;"f letting Houses to be 80Id.-Apply to John Jen- kms and Co, Philarmonic Vhamb(;r5. t.ardilf, 46170 2-60 r|WO good llOlíES, in Lower Cathedrai-road, to be 1 SOLD, ter £ 050. For particulars apply to John eukin & Co., House and Eitate Agents, Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. 2-15 SEVERAL HOUSES in Brook-street, Cardiff. Moderate prices. Safe lettiu uel>;hùourhood.-JenkÜlII and Cu" PiiUiiarmonic Chambers, Cardiff. 2-35 IT^OUR very desirable HOUSES, let for £ 82 per year, lor £ 1,050,—John Jenkin3 and Co., Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. 2-21 HOUSES TO BE LET. CARDIFF. OàJdieIJ.street. Two semi-detached VILLAS at very low rentals. J olm J cukiIlíl and Co., Philharmonic Ciiamhers, Curdid, EIGHT-ROOM ED HOUSE, ill Woodville-road, Cathays, to be LET.-Apply to John Jeukins:wd Co., Phil- harmonic Chambers, Cardiff. APARTMENTS TO LET. I" OTH.Comforab!e FURNISHED APARTMENTS, ,tJ III a nice locality, aud ou lIlode1"atlJ terJIl.i. -John Jenkins and Co., Cardiff. WANTED TO PURCHASE. 1\TEWPOli'r-ltOAIJ or Richmond-road. Good resi- dence, witti three rcceptioll-WoillS.-Johu Jeukins and Co., Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. HOUSE in Green-8u:eet" or first part of Lower Cahe- dra.l-roaù.-Partl6wars to John Jenkins and Co. Pililliarwouic Chambers, Cardiff. A FREEHOLD or Long Leasehold PUBLIC-HOUSE.- John Jenkius and CO., Auctioneer Philharmonic ChIWlUC[S, Cardiff. ,MONBTAR 0~i A AA £ 2,000, and £ 2,500 to be Advanced on X; I .4-1M*. Mortgage of first-class Properties (trust tnntiaya.V— John Jeukms anù Co., Philliarmouic Chambers, Cardiff. » O f fk Trust Money to be Advanced on a good dbOvi/ Security in or near Cardiff.—John Jenkins and Co., Philharmonic Chamber. C¡,¡,riliff. £ t ;1A £ 125, £ 200, and other small sums waiting dwX-V vi 'or good securities.—John Jenkins and Co., rililharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. p ZSlfl to be advanced on a good Freehold Security. ptOvv—John Jenkins and Co., Philharmonic Cham- Dcr3, Cardiff. (f>Q A A £ 300, £ 300,—These sums to be Advanced on dtOv Vi eood Mortgages m Cardiff.—Johu Jenkins and Co., Philharmonic Chambers. Cardiff. LARGE SUMS tObe- adva.nCedon Le:\S8holds, Free- holds, Reversions, Annuities or Ground Renta.- Johu Jenkins and Co Mortgage Brokers and Financial Ageatfl Pjaiitocmaiuu Cl^tai^$uuU3t HAY FOR SALE.—Two Ricks of Prime Meadow Hay.—Apply, Whitchu ch Vicarage, near CaidiiT. AMERICAN ORGANS, from 6 guiueas 2 rows of reeds, 15 guiltca". HARMONIUMS, from 4 guineas 2 row" of reetl, 10 stops, 14 guineas.—J. Robinson, 23, Oxford-street, Swansea. 50")80 ELM TRAM PLANKS, 2i "er cuhi foot; coin boards, 208 per 100 feet super, on rail Newport. Hdve, turne,1 goods, and all killlÍi of English andlOreig-ll timber, at 1\ewport prices, at the mil!. S¡willg, ill soit or liard wood, ut Newport rates. PitwooJ, ISs Gù per ton illto trucks Bassaileg.—A. Tilney, Steam Saw Mills, Abertillerv, Mo 511 COPPERAS CASKS-for SALE, a'.i sizesT^Appiy D J. Jon is, cooper, 14, Adelaide-sti eet, Swansea. 05 A" RGYLE PLASTER OF PARIS AND CEMENT WORKS, SWANSEA.—Manufacturers of Patent Selenitic AnticorflJsive Cement Paint for Iron, Wood, c., any color. Quclncr cost of ordinary paint, easily applied, aud equally effective 11:1 a protector against weather to ordinary paint. Apply to Everard W. Jones. 51508 ARBLE-TOP COUNTERsTsCALESrwith all F-IT: 1. T1NGS for a Grocery and Provision Business also a large MIRROR,—Apply 112, Bute Docks, tff. 50814 Ui$tdll11tt01t$. GENTLEMEN'S LEFT OFF CLOTHING BOUGHT by AIr aud Mrs GKEEX, 2: Caroline street, Cardiff. 01210 unclaimed.—A Register (IS81 edition), containing tiie names ot 41,000 persons who have beell advertised for to chim property and money since 1700. Post free 2s hl.-Dougal anù Co., 223, Strand. London 1051 A CERTAIN CURE for the NERVOUS and DEBILD TATED.—Gratis, a Medical Work, showing sufferers how they may be cured and recover health and vitality without the aid of Quacks, with recipes for purifying the bJ"ocl anl removing kin affectioh8; also chapters on Happy Marriages; Whea and Whom to Marry The Tem- peraments Stammering; Vital Force How Wasted and How Preserved Ga1\"anic Appliances; anJ thc Wonders of the Microscope ia Detecting Various Complaints. rost rce for Two St<llllpS, Address, Secretary oi Anatomy, Birmingham. 1004 A FORTNIGHT'S FAMILY WASH, in Four Hours by using "THE DOMESTIC combined Washer, Wringer, utili Mangier, carriage paid, and a free trial Ill1owed.-lIIustr..Leli prospectus post free.-Morn Bros., Pontypridd, and 1(5, Augei-street, Cardiff. 44216 <« ^AMBRTVST" BICYCLES AND TRlèYCLES Vy Eight patterns with novelties and improvements for 1S31, ° MORRIS BROTHERS, (Established 1372.) The only recognised manufacturers iu Wales WORKs-POSTYPJUOV. SHOW ROOMS AND OFHCK— 1G, ANGEL. STREET, CARDIFF. Price list now ready oue stamp. "100 Second-hand aud new machines by other makers, to be sold at unusually tempting prices. Machines ex- changed and accessories of every description iu Stock. Trust repairs to bom tide makers only. 49266 mvl «|ouml TEN SHILLINGS REWA ltD. Lost, Stolen, or Strayed, since Wedne-day ev.-ning, the 11th, from T) with Field, a Dark Bi.y MARE PONY, accompanied with a FOAL of a dusky coiour. Information to be given to Mr Yardsley, Llynvi Stables, Maesteg. 51576 LOST, on Friday, the Oth instant, near Cwmbwrla. JLj Swansea, a BAY MARE PONY, white spot on forehead.-Anyone bringing her to William Stamp, Lamb-street, Waunwen, will be rewarded. 404 FOUND, Russian light grey PONY (Iare), nbout 11 5^ hand" bushy m'lne. Ii not chimed within 10 days w¡¡loe solli to pay expouse9.-W..Mitchcll Vivian, Lian- trisaut. 318 nOntJ. J M P 0 R T A N T NOTICE TO GENTLEMEN, FARMERS, TRADESMEN, AXD OTHERS. A GeatleDUI1 having a 1arg sum of mon:-y at his dis- posal i" prepared to make ADVANCES UPON NOTES OF HAND or any NEOOCIADLE SECURITY. N.B.—TRADE BILLS DISCOUNTED upon terms. Communications Ùj post should be aeeomp3.uieù by two stamo9 fùr reply, but personal illteryiews woul i bJ preferred whenever practicable. Apply.—D. E,. Troy House, No, 18, Pembroke terrace Crockherbtown, Cardiff. 924í 508el WANTED, £50) on Mortgage of good Leiisehold Pro- perty security. Address W. J„ South Wale3 Daily News" Office, Swansea. JMPORTANT NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. MONEY ADVANCED AT A LOW nATE OF INTEREST, FROM £5 TO £500, To Farmers, Tradesmen, Householder^ and others, OX THEIR OWN SECL R1TY. For particulars apply to the Manager, 2, Bute-terrace or Bedford House, Newport-roid, Cardiff. I!>2v0 ^tLERGYMEN, Farmers, Clerks, Shopkeepers, and Mechanics can receive ADVANCES upon FURNI- TURE, etc. (without rcmo al), at ouco by writing to Ir J. J. Jones, 13, College-street, Swa.n3ea.. Distauce no object. 41213 AVON LOAN AND DISCOUNT COMPANY.—st Swansea.— £ 5 to £ 100 advanced upon application to Householders and others. No suretics required. Call or write any daJ-Oiliee hours. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 44232 £1 000 ) ri THESE and other Sums we have for X Immediate Investment on Mortgage L S °f Freeholder Leasehold Properties, — Price JE500 L and Daniel, Mortgage Brokers, Church-street £300 J Chambers, Cardiff. 50303 mo CAPITALISTS AND SOLICITORS.— Several good 6 Securities, Freehold and Leasehold, wanting Mortgages.—Apply to Price and Daniel, Church-street Chambers, Cardiff. 50809 fi K/v to £ 1,000 to be Advanced on Personal Security, Q\/ Reversionary Interests, Bonds, &e.—Apply to Price and Daniel, Financial Agents, Church-street Chambers, Cardiff. 60&03 FONTMORLAIS LOAN OFFICeTmERTIIYR. —Money immediately advanced from £ 5 and upwards, by Mr W. R. Cohen. to Tradesmen, Householders, Far- mers, aud others, on their Stock-in-trade, Furniture, &c., without removal or inconvenience in any way. Repay. ab'e by easy instalments. Distance no object. Ali ap- plications punctually attended to. Strictlv-]>rivats. None genuine refWled.-Apply per"o:n!1:o. or br letter, to 20 and 21, PonUnorlais, Merthyr Tydfil. 19082 GltEAT REDUCTION OF INTEREST. MONEV ADVANCED ON THE MOST REASONABLE TERMS, FROM .£5 To ,£1,000, To Farmers, Hauliers, Tradesmen, &c.. OIl their Stock, Crops, Furniture, &c. Apply personally, or by letter, to SIMON HARRIS, 47613 279, BUTE-STREET. CARDIFF. ThllEAL FOR BROWN BREAD. So highly recommended for its nutritive and dietetic properties, manufacture I by SPILLER and Co., frolll the finest Wheat (decorticated), also Wheatan Meal, specially prepared for PORRIDGE, Which is preferred by many to Oatmeal, may be obtained by cOlJsumers from the principle Provision Mcrchant3 and Flour Dealers in South Wales, Somersetshire, &c. Also thc 1ine"t PASTRY FLOUR, (Type Vienna), manufactured by a Now Patent Process. All the above packed before leaving the Mill, in bags of 141bs. and upwards. SEt: THAT SPILLER & CO.'3 9319 Label protects tile mouth of each bag. 50ï38 BROWN and POLSON'S PATENT JD CORN FLOUR Is equal to the fine2t arrowroot. BROWN and POLSON's PATENT JLt CORN FLOUR Has a world-wide reputation, B ROWN and POLSON'S PATENT j.) CORN FLOUR 39551 Is distinguished Lor uniformly superior quality, 2Zp FOR TRAVELLING AND BUSINESS PURPOSES WE MAlvE TO MEASURE DURABLE AND STYLISH SUITS AT 42s, 50s, 55s, aud TROUSERS, from Same Materials, AT 10s 6d, 13s, 1&3 6<1.. CALL FOR PATTERNS TO COMPARE. GOOD STYLE AND FIT. WAR RANTED. J^OYLIif AND £ JO., CLOTHIERS, HATTERS, and HOSIERS, CHURCH-STREET, CARDIFF. L51036 JWIADI MARI7| I HBAP. j J & J. £ jOLMAN, THE LARGEST MUSTARD MANUFAC- TURERS IN THE WORLD. ASK 1'0. QOLMAN'S J^JUSTARl). -LTA T3AD2 MARK," BGHL/fl HEAD. <3302 CHEERFULNESS INDUCED. 1 Appetite restored and Digestion promoted by DR. SCOTT'S BILIOUS AND LIVER PILLS, Which, whilst warm and soothing in their effect, are cer- tain to give tone and vigour to the different secretions of the stomach, causing the Liver to resume its activity, alld stimulating all the organs of the body to a healthy action These Pills have now Deen before the public for over 70 years, and may be relied upon as a cure for BILIOUS aud LIVER COMPLAINTS, INDIGESTION, WINO, SPASMS, FOUL BREATH, NKUVOCS DF.PUBSSIO>», IRRITABILITY, LASSITUDE, LOSS OF APPETITE, DVSPKPSIA, HKATVTBITRN, SOCR ERUCTA- TIONS, LOWNBSS OF SPIRITS, with sensation of fulness at the pit of the Stomach, GIDDINESS, DIZZINESS Of THE EVES, anJ all thO&e other symptoms whieb none but a BulÏerer can describe. HEADS OF HOUSEHOLDS should always have a box by them to resort to on any slight OCcasioll of ailing 011 the part of those undr their charge, as by paying attention to the regular action of the stomach. LiTer, and Bowels, many a severe illness is avoided or mitigated. They will be found, in slight cases, by a smg-Ie dose, to restore health to the body, with a happy frame of mind. SOYE unprincipled vendors, in order tQ make a larger profit, will try to persuade you to buy medicine prepared by themselves do not do so, bu insist 011 having Dr. Scott's Billious and Liver Pill", wrapped in a square green package. These genuine Pills are prcpa-ed, without mercury, by W. Lambert, 173, Seymour-place, London. W., and sold in Boxes at 13d and is 9d, by all respect- able medicine vendors, or i>ost iree Cor Ii or ::4 stamps. l- J QRAND JQISPLAY OF pARIS jpiASHIONS SAISON D'ETE, 1 3 S 1 B. jgJVANS AND COMPANY Have the honour to announce their RETURN from the PARIS and other Markets, and that they are now making their PRINCIPAL SHOW OF FASHIONS FOR THE SUMMER SEASON. This Show includes the LEADING and most ADMIRED DESIGNS and NOVELTIES in MANTLES, COSTUMES, BONNETS, And every description of SHOW-ROOM GOODS; DRESS MATE RIALS, LACES, SCARVES, RIBBONS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, SUNSHADES, TRIMMINGS, &c. A Visit of Inspection is respectfully solicited. -B. EYANS AND QOMPANY, 1, 2, 3, & 4, TEMPLE STREET, 5, CAER STREET, & TEMPLE LANE, SWANSEA. BBOTT, ABBOTT, PAGE & CO.'S SOUND INVESTMENTS. PAGE, B m PtTELI?HED E\KiU- TUESDAY. Tiiis Circular is a thoroughly reliable guide, and should be consulted by AND RM, all intending investors. Some specially safe securities recom- mended, paying large Dividend art'! certain to rise from 100 to 200 mended, paying large Dividend art'! certain to rise from 100 to 200 STOCK cent. shortly. Send for the Prospectus of ,)nr„pS "MOUNTS RAY CONSOLS," IiLOK-M^, LIMITED. 42, The Shares are ilkely to ri3c 50 per cent, in ten uays. The List will close POULTRY, 111 a few day. ;;iid full particulars will be Tr»vr>n\T found in this week's issue of our LIOJMJUJN, Circular. 51314 r, I SENT POST FREE ON APPLI- .c.. CATiON. DYNE STEEL & CO., ENGINEERS, NEWFOPT (MON.),.AND SWANSEA, MANUFACTURING CONTRACTORS FOR CORRUGATED IRON ROOFS. Reference to a large number of CORRUGATED AND OTHER IRON RQOFS Erected by DYNE STEEL & CO. During the Inst Twenty Y crr:, at IRONWORKS, STEliL WORKS, COLLIERIES, TIN- WORKS, and GASWORKS In all parts of the South Wales District. FRAMED ROOFS AND GIRDERS. GALVANISED and BLACK PLATE ROOFS Fur Mills, Forges, Tin works, Sheds. Stations, Steel works, Collieries, Pitheid-, and Screens, &c., &,c. ERECTED COMPLETE BY CONTRACT. Designs and Drawings free. Twenty years' practical, experience in erecting roofs in South Wales. CORRUGATED IRON ROOFS Over Pithead and Screens erected for Harris's Navigation Colliery Co. l'eurhiwcciber Colliery Co. l'be Tredegar Iron Co. Coedeae Cotliery Mardy, Ferndale, Newport, Abercaru, and for Dowlais IronCo., f- wansea Blast Furnace Co., Llangennech Tiuplate Co., Messrs Chivers and Son, Kidwelly, And uiany others, by 40295 DYNE. STEEL AND CO. 0AVENDISH HOUSE,CHELTENHAM. The more advanced Fashions in Miliinery, Mantles, Costumes, Juvenile Dress, &c, arc now ready. £ :*• SPECIALITIES IN MANTLES:— JeiSey Jackets for Young i Brochd Mantles & Jackets, Ladies, from 21s. fiom 5gs. Tailor-made Jackets, from Spanish Net Mantles, from 25s 60. 93s 0d. Cashmere Jackets, trimmed Ulsters,several n;w shapes, Laec, from 39a 6d. from 21s. Satin Mantles, trimmed Waterproof Cloaks and Lace, from 84s, Mackintoshes,from 12s9d. Sketches, full descriptions, patterns of all materials, esti- mates and measurement form. by post, on application. 51077 DEBENHAM & HEWETT. EREFOPJ} —G7 E. PALMER. ljG, Church-street, Ilercford, snpplics tbe "'SOUTH WALES DAILY NENVS" early l-iacli Morning to Sub- scribers no charge for delivery. Advertisements re- ceived up to 7 p.m. will appear in the next morning's issue, without extra charge. y- PiT)Ty,„ f>ARlf3 LIFE PILLS maybe used Alvli K3 X with confidence in all cases of sick headache, indigestion, bilious, liver, and stomach complaints, habitual Li TTii.1 costiveuess, norvom affection?, &c. Iu most cases the sensation ot illness vanishes after twj or three pills have been takeu. PTT,T.C« Sold by all Medicine Vendors, ni AUUO, BoxeSi l3 iijt 2s 9d, and m Family I Packets, lis each. 50320 BORWICK'S BAKING POWDEA FOUR GOLD MEDALS. FOR WHOLESOME BREAD. BORWICK'S BAKING POWDER. JLP FOR PUDDINGS AND PIE8. Borwicvks"BAKINGTp'O WDER. FOR PLUM CAIvfl t)ORWICICS'BAKING POWDER. B FOR TEA CAKES AND SCONES. ORWICK S BAKING POWDER. 0 ZiiS *9345 FOR NORFOLK DUMPLINGS § Invaluable on Board Sliip. 01 Invaluable on Board Sliip. 01


Family Notices

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MONDAY, MAY 16, 1881. .

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