Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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A. Certain Cure for the Nervous and Debilitated. GRATIS, a MEDICAL WORK, showing \JT sufferers how they may be cured, and re- cover health and vitality without the aid of Quacks, with recipes for purifying the blood and removing skin affections; a'do chapters en Happ* Marriages When and Whom to Marry: The Temperaments; Stammering; Vital Force; How Wastedarcd How Preserved; Galvanic Appliances; and the Wonders of the Microscope in Detecting Various Complaints. Post free fir two stamps. Address, Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Bir- mingham. E 30 < A '<■ > A X*" UK* T ,wt>i l.'ii-.nalriis, ligation, E.C PIJRCTJAI>E8 AND SALKS ON » nr>st A b'-nns in ItAil trays, Forest M;n«?s, and Securities of '!•orix>rion either for I>'vssT.ur:r >r £ pKct7LAT ION. ?*B Unroaric^taMp Hn'ir.o wi i at' tiorv ami' A^iDlj'NfT COMiJ "["NED. .1. I.. U jl,'j j>J A' Oeath from any ww, -.vith Vr.ati. £ oC0 t'erm.irt'n? Tot-ii 1) .-abVioetit, £!C6 On Permar-en4: Partial Disablement. £ 5 Weekly d'lr'us T«npow*r? Disablement. \niinri! -A.»» 30 -til 8s. 9(1 LOZroON'KDf^BViiiiK •«, i-*O0W V V-ril.VN'CE Go.Ld. lion \on OiX yi: 110 f! sn'i ••»":« Street, W, i.FiirU; A. liO'.VStvl, Manager. j\ jj A S') M J 0 A'alSNELtAL LtFt: AS.SU". -4'• RANT'S l Office, 9. Xev Bridg", I ,¡:f'" ,LOlHlo;¡,¡'; \~»:\ra'.tae of all descriptions cffeoteil. -.n revr;.?inin. or nn re:l or Auaa^j'-s grantf.-l. Ai»t»ly to A TO SI Manasrtnar Direo;- r 1\T AETL'^JTN7E old Coarr.YC iiliANDI J.7i « 3ill(, |jabel 4 yeari old. tioU 'aM 7 „ White Label 10 K.ii U?t of Auunts and '.Vh .legale tonus apply to the S >: 0>n« ,?n«os W. IS. CHAPLLV¥ GO 10. Vi?l>er.s St. (&:J? I), fcT-.r/: I London. — .-ip'' Bj"U -s t) tri /LASfiOW.—THE GRANT) 1 £ 0X151 '-J:f f'ii-ijt-olas.s; au.rgo3. Contains 300 Apartm • ••=. ?v ;i.TunijH(i brail its P urot > bo most >;le.<»atand m >st, aomf'»rt^ble ltot^l ia fti-isgoy. W. tt. JMVTOSON", Manage PURE OLD' TN VEH'NJKSS.— Fb'RGTTSON & Co., H«?hKnd t J- (Established 3726.) 31/- per (HUon. ia Cu-tV. MAT.T I Jar or Bottle. Pac.t»<y-i4 meludcdf 5 (tellon* m-1 upwar&i Carriage piiti to any -itation. All or-it. 'I'OKY.' to b a<wompam«i.I J>y_a n;imt- anc» or refere ic«. VVrOOL-OROWER-5 CAN HAVE THEIR WOOL mriTiaf iotured into Goods for own vme by sending' it to ROBERT HOUSTON 8c SOKS. Estd. IVsO. I ann?vr, if., WBSTBLACKH VLLST., &KOCIOB4SKMI:J,S, WJUJiJN Exch Lot is kept Htpa.Ue. Exch Lot is kept Htpa.Ue. HOMESPUN TWEEDS rr.amtfacta-id at trotu 1/6 to 2/- >.«r 5 "rd, also Winneys, Blankets, &c. Write for patterns, &<. Vzrriafe of Wool per Goods Conrey&ncf. payable by R. H. & S BEST ENGLISH sprung- DRESS I' FABRICS. 100 pieces REAL ALL WOOL BEIGES itT)!t VTGUNA CLOTHS, 6;:1. and 8|d. per yard. Usual prioo, lOid. and 1/0:1. Pattern?" tr e. 100 New Printed sad Woven WASHIN'J FABitlCS from 8d. per yard. IRAKElt & C'lt[SP, lflg, R"gent Street, London. W. 1? IMMEL's AROMXTTC oi75N (Z the eflioient and agwpab'f.! -Pf.'ift .-for F-e 1-ioom, ?ick- lr<>tins, 1' by p>»t. 15 sia'irv- 3'5, Strand, London. ))0 L; GliAS'S LIM E CREAM. FOR PP.E^SrvVING THE HAIR, THE ONLY KNOWN CURE FOR SlTRF, promoting at all tinv, a heilthy action to tho sltin It is strongly recom- n".}t,lr,rl by the most eminent physicians, ard has been a'Tp.rdad a prize medal at the International Exhibition. Sold ill Battles from 2'8 each, with directions for use. 21 &23, New Bond Street, and 93 & 101,1.ea !•• nhall City, London. WATCHES, SILVER FRO M 12/ Ladiesi or Silver Dofiaace '-Va' hefl, 50s., Stiver EoarHsh Lorar Wfttchos from Mt. Silver Alberts, 5a. 6d,^ friiards. 451*. l Cntnk^iy with Test!-norirv!i free. >V & u 7)1 VIS, li, lli'roa nir.rii'Kham. ACrKNTS WANTKD. >:OOP\('K' CONGO of Extraordinary .Strength and Fl-iror (a. truism). 1/8 per lb. AOi-lNTS APPOINTED. W. A. II tOO3 & CO'\Il'ANY,n, IlishSt I.iuejton, London, V. Vtl A V E V 0 U H & AS BILLS. CrET M03K LIGHT by (wins pg'l"ILF.S' PATKMT t.,TITOXATIC GOVERNOR JAS S'Ji.TKSS, —D. BRUi't; I'ERBLE^ ft CO., TAY WORKS, liO.YNINOTON, KDINBURGH. TO 8S HAD OF ALL GAS FITTERS, I BLiASS.REED^STJLING JT) CJJMAFIFE LANDS.PIANOS.ORG ANS \R MONTUMSat- Whole- .tfl' PrK'3 at J. MOOKE'3, Bnatton Kd.. Ha VI' r.-fieM. Prices wii'idrsiwingg of every Instrument post free. M isie for any kind hi iiand. Band-men's Cap3. Patrouiiedby Aruy, Navy, & l!ifle Oorps, 8econ,-?-liaiid In<itrumor.fs bought or taken in Exchange HA R PE11T W K i i V ET It E S' Villa Washer: Oreat further i;nprovem"aiS. Re-laced rrices. 7'he most r.ipia, strong, and highly tinished. At-onts V'anted in every town \Vry liberal terni1;. Fin-s^urv Pavement, London. J^TTAKE Y'S JP^OTECTORS. TO KNOW THEIR VALUn IS TO NEVER HE WITHOUT THEM. I Bo-its riergr want moling or heeling if these protsotorB are used. SIXPENNiW ORTH will save at least TEN SHILLINGS. They £ .e no trouble to TEN SHILLINGS. They £ .e no trouble to Price 3d., OiL, I per t«ox. Do no'. i>t d'ceivA •'•</ v!le imit"ii'/ns. A' > KNT8 WANTED not already repr.sented. JOHN" BLAKIIY, I eirds. JpoRN3 CURED IN THREE LAYS VV WITHOUT PAIX. Tb#» abov^ WTaedy Ro:?t on rect-ipt of 33 tnan2n.v —Direct L. O., io, Kem^rtiU U >adt London, S. — PXJRK OWEfX^-3'il, lh. QAilj.rC. NEx^clilW & CO 12, owport Street. Loice.'tcr G 1. •« ■■>•/■ ii>cr nuy }io:2.«e io til Write for price !i.« Kn. *31 g. jK v Coujit.ry orJers of £ 1 cnrrlogre p,4. %r" 1, w-Ji f-M-oii rv iu^-rmation to Omt on' v ad .^ew is SMI-TJI. VKPIIKW vvl V/)., I Ji' 1*» r*^w-port l.'i.v'ter ;>i«nrb. lx»nuOii, r, 1 N'L)I<i"ESTION.~KAli FvAHIAN KISIEL iL I3 <1, Russiiii Remedy. Give it a tival and you. wilt never rqgret it. A» compare! with Patent Medicines it is infinitely otore effective, far l^ss co."lly. and ur.dfeniably the most deli- and b-> lily exhilarating Compound in the wide, wide World. A sample bottle, holding an Imperial Enalish Pint, sent fr-? for six shillings. Address, Proprietor of Russian Ijifjaears Depot. I'M, Q'.y-'u Victoria St: jot, London, E.C. I THE 1)RUM.M'.)ND WHISIVY, 12;- per JL ea. Chief Ofliaes, 7i,Mark Lan". A 2, Lor.don Street, E.C P.O.O'a._aml_Chequ-.M payable to A R. lirummond. .^N-JtVANt^ V K \S I. THE GREAT BT.OOD PURIFIER. m 11OMPSON's BURDOCK PILT.S J- puruy tb foulest blood, remove ev< ry disease of the sto- maob,liver, & kidneys Pure bloud rji ves li<.j.lth. Thousands have beea cured by these wontl"rfj\ Pills who v diseases could not be HW<;bed byanyother medicine. Sold byall Ch ^rnintsin boxes, 1/1 i k i 9; or from the establi»hr.t ets t, 4*. Oxf.<i-st .Swansea, for 16 or 35 stamps. Ail amiorors ar. highly to try them. fftilE CLOTHING D1STRIC L'. WOOLLEN -1 CLOTH&C NOTHING l'AN"FAC !T RING Co.,GREET- LAND, VORKS.. combining the trades of Woollen Manufactu- ¡ rer. Merchants, Diapers & Tail-its in oti3.enabling customers to save at least 3O percept, l'-itt?rns. Sc., free. Any article not approved of is inirne<lia_f e > exchanged or money returned. WODA WATJEH ruACtllNElLV for maau- C? fa.ctorins ali Aerated Waters, Sy4>hon Bottles, Co Id's r-nt Bottles, and all connected with, this bnamess. 1882 Oavvoi'ie now ready, forwarded post fro"; for 1:. ia stamps. B A il :V I'.TTjV-POSTcK. ait'.Forston Street. London, N. COLDS, ASTHMA, V BRONCHITIS, and NEURALGIA, 11 L( DM. T. COLLIS BROWNE'S OHLORODYNE, i A few doses quite effectual.—Caution —The m'rx oi-^i- ry m jdical reports on the etlioacy of Chlorodyne render it of vita! importance th*t the niiblie should obtain the genuine, which is projected "by a Govern. ,< rn' bearing the words Or. J. Coilig Browne's decision of Vtc?-Ohanoellor Sir W Pa-e Wood, the 7m«.», Ja^ 16-a, 18.4 Namerous' testimonials trom eminent Physicians ac^omn^aT each bottle. y n.C.S Spalding. I co-Jbider" it'invaluable "iri Phthis.s and Spasmodic Cough 1^ bmefitU veiymarlced. Galloway, Scotland. „ tSorn i0r- M M li 1 \^ti-So 1-rnodic T insider Dr..J. ^aSedatlve.An«».iyn^aodAnt^v^li!HWein!.A.^ataowiL 'Aoid in ^^Tll>a.Hby,,aU B I NN 1 N G Af;Nv'>, CO., XLt» FOG MiSRCHANXS. ltr; if I' li B 0 Y~S P t0H.S; V A krv.ivl 'dr-i by C.ic larls ot f-tc.t- bi*t X' 1'—" ever ,U". 1. rn "1 "iIETIOED. TWO NEW sroKTE/i HaV/. JL ^oi'r.- of a penny A Specimen Copy will b< sent free on >•• nennv si it can bp 1 of atiy >ew.s j.; ««v rjr Wedn<»8dav. 0;ti-'e. x'i. Putter i^itne, LQ' Jf AN OF ACT "UBE RS ana MEBCWAlSlb Ai L may, at fttrifiins c.s*. s-^ '-re protection ui. 1 -IVARKS Kvr' Laws. In IIAHTUHOHAM'fi "TEAOh by »v.y different coun'ri^ -ire ref-r-1 to. \^Pp\ s -It 113, Chtncry Laii«». London. _1t<«."J_3- AM BE R G' SPA IE N T SYSTEMS OF letter FILING. R3''I-lTid?xir,fr -The befit 1:1 *he World. snytPLEi DURABLE: IXDISPENSABLE. o M EBON, AMBERO & Co.. 27. Little Brit-tin, Tendon. E.C To be obtained of all Sta'.ion.'is &.jinok -ellers. Blnsl rary<l PriceLiata on_applieation to27A^ Little Britain, B.C. flVH E west and JL M'.st Fashionable LADIES' EMBROIDERED O" -L 1R lor the Season. Perfect J ittiiig. Tr, b» hid of_ft!l the prir.cipnl Drapers^ -Itt,AttT, THE DIAMOND, THE j| qpAt~)Vj THK CT^TTB—Xftwe i i-.l niosl. fashionable Ri,in COrXAKS. perfect iitting: to' V'i. had of »n drapers—"B. & T. l £ Bdon. X? MFLOY5lENT FoPu EVERY MAN, J?/ o-unvs-'in"- £ 3 W»-e!sly. No risk, no e*t»ei 'enco required. 8cnd at on(S> AM K R) C A CAP k or A us? n ALIA. SteamFarea from £ 316s. Apply Rotwrta, Agent.Union Jt^vejagfli -.1 VT, HT in the world don't you take Dr Barrfai^ye Antibiliaus Pills? That's wbat I take, I wiiys keep me in perfect tujic." Sold by all I' 0hemist in Box<&4 at 13Jd. and 28. 9(1 Box send r»06' tree on receipt of 15 or 35 stamps. Wm. Manner, Wlwlecale Druggist, Mauciieater. A G OOD PI. AN. OPTION doaliug in Stock Exchange Securities often returns five to ten times the amount invested in as many days. L10 to £1,000 realises same ratio of profit. Explanatory Book sent free. Address, GEORGE EVANS AND Co., Stock- brokers; Greaham House. Old Broad-street,, London E 246 "THE BRASS BAND NEWS." A MONTHLY PAPER ot Band News, de- v.ited entirel/ to t'ae iuterests and progress of Amateur Bandi. 0 PUBLISHED ON THE 18T OF EACH MONTH, Price 3d, by Post 3|1. May be had from Mr W. Jarrett Roberts, Br.dge-street, Carnarvon; or direct from the Pub- lishers, WRIGHT & ROUND, 34, ERSKINR-STREET, LIVERPOOL. 0955 THE FUiiNITUKK MART BANG-Uii. SPECIAL SALE. IMPORTANT TO PARTIES FURNISHING. MB JOHN PB1TCHARD begs to announce that his next sale is fixed for Tuesday, April 4th, 1882, at 12.30 p.m. prompt and will comprise several consignments for ab- solute and unreserved sale of superior and modem Household Furniture, including Handsome Walnut Drawing-room Suites, in velvet and green repp, and Dining-room Suite, in lea her. Several sets of Mahogany Ohaira, Easy Chairs, Sofas, Couches, Cheffoniers, Sideboards, B)ok Cases, Telescope, Dining and other Tables, Full Compass Cottage Pianoforte, Carpets, Mirrors, complete appoint- ments for Bedrooms in Braes, Iron, and other Wood Bedatends, Spring mattresses, Feather Beds, Mahogany and Walnut Wardrobes, Mahogany Ducbess Toilet Tables, Kitchen Furniture, and other effects too numerous to detail. N.B.—No further consignments can be received for this sale. Bodbyfr/d, Bangor. G 982 c CASTLE STREET, RUTHIN. SALE OF DESIRABLE FREEHOLD-DWEL- LING HOUSE AND PREMISES. MR T. P. ROBERTS hast been instructed to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, at the Cross Keys Hotel, Ruthin, on Monday, the 10th day of April, 1882, at two o'clock in the afternoon (subject to conditions), all that FREEHOLD HOUSE AND PREMISES, being No. Jl, Oaatle-street, Ruthin, with the Yard and Promises, lately in the holding of Mrs Sarah Jones (deceased). The situation being good, the Property forms a most-desirable purchase, eithar for investment or occupation. For particulars apply to Messrs Louis and Edwards, Solicitors, 9, Castle street, Ruthin. a 350 TO THE FREE AND INDEPENDENT ELECTORS OF THE CARNARVON- SHIRE BOROUGHS. GENTLEMEN, I thank you for the honour you have done by returning me as your representative my earnest effort will be to fulfil the trust you have confided to me. Youra faithfully, LOVE JONES-PARRY. TO CORRESPONDENTS. PltO BONO PUBLICo.-Your letter is too personal. J. B. (Gwerayllt).—We cannot undertake to eulogise everybody our correspondents take a particular fancy too. E. R. M. (Liverpool.)—Thank you fcr the com- pliment Mr Frinutonli4 lecture on the Messiah at Bala, Conway It?ms, Marriage of Mr R. D. Jones, &c arc held over for want of space.

ttflrtb Wales (fxpress