Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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ESTABLISHED 1837. WILLIAM HUGHES AND SON, "THE OLD PORK SHOP," i "WILLIAM HUGHES & SON beg to inform the public generally that theyhave purchased 34 horse power r; Otto Silent Gas Engine,' and a Gardener's Simplex Silent Sausage Machine," which they have placed in the Shop, where customers cnn see the quality of the Meat used, and the chopping of same. This will prove a novelty, and will ensure the puritj and excellence of thp Meat used COME AND SEE THEM MADE. E V E R Y B 0 D Y StiOU1,D 'I'ITY T 14 1,1 It &Oel GELEBRA-FED SAUSA UES! F ESH EVERY !VIORNING. lei 259 & 261 HIGI-I-STREET, BANGOR. QEGETASLE roNC 6,1 1c, ANALYSTS CHEMI T -q- SUITABLE FOR SPRING. SUMMER, AUTUMN & v;iNT E R THIS preparation is now extensively têlken throughout -L the country by pniiouts suffering from debility, ner- vousness. and general exhaustion, and if any value be attached to human testimony, the efficacy of this medicine has been successfully established. Its claims have been tested and proved by the medical profession and others. and corroborated by the written testimonials of eminent men. The Quinine Bitters contain not only a suitable quantity of Quinine in each dose, but the active principles of the following well-known herbs—sarapurilla, saffron. gentian, lavender, dandelion, and burdock. The use of Quinine is well-known, but it has never been satisfactorily com bi ncd with these preparations, un'il, a.fter overcoming considerable the Proprietor was allle to secure a perfe riy uniform preparation, combining all the essen- tial properties of the above plants in their greatest purity and concentration. It is now established as a family medicine, and is increasing in popular favour the more it is known and tested. Uwilym Evans's Qnirrine Bitters is a tonic 1'ick-md-up," scientifically mixed in happy proportions. GWIL YM EVANS' Q UIXIX E BITTERS, Being a vegetable 1'iok-me-up," is strongly recom- mended for nervous diseases, such as undue auxiety, despondency, fainting fits, neuralgia, and nerve pains generally. Ifns hren taken with gteat perrmmont results for INDIGESTION IN ITS DIFFERENT FORMS such as sick head-ache, heartburn, cramp, flatulency, sense of fulness and opprcsioll after eating, drowsiness, and pains in the region of the heart. Has successfully treated (after all known preparations had failed) severe cases of affectiíJIIS of the chest, such as common colds, bronchitis, asthmatic col¡:ls, shortness of breath, spitting of blood,&c. Mr Gwilym Evans can supply by post the names of patients in almost every district in Wales aed West of England, who have tried his Quinine Bitters, and who are glad at any time to give full particulars of th benefits they have themselves received. Be not persuaded to try any other preparation, as there are numerous imitators of all genuine and success- ful medicine. NOTE.—The name GWILYM EVANS, F.C.S., M.P.S., on Stamp and Label. Sold by all Chemists in 2s 9d and 4s Gd Bottles, and Cases containing three 4s 6d Bottles, at 12s 6d per Cafe I or from the Proprietor, 4s 6d bottles and 12s 6d Cases carriage free Parcels Posts, under cover. P r ,LLA EL -Rr t*' G W I LNf i"l EVANS, F.C.S. ESTABLISHED 1832. WILLIAM JONES, TAILOR AND DRAPER, CASTLE S Q UAEE, CARNARVON "tVrlf'blAM JOXIvS wishes to return his sincerest W thanks to his numerous Customers for the, Sr.\JY}v patronage they have bestowed upon him since lie took. SINGLF; i GO0 over the above Establishment, and hopes to receive the ^*8, 1 0V~ s i;ne f.iv.jiir in the fat-ire. WILLIAM JOXES has a| p.. large assortment of Cloths of the best quality for j ^Ts, l' Or, SC.^V" OVERCOATS, IJI( UVGS, SUITS, AND CA a SlU&t co^B' TROUSERS.! oMBt'AOlCET* BLl4S, Every Onk-r entrusted to him shall have his best atten- Cv tion. as lie superintends every department himself, thus Ltc. saving extnt expenditure. A good number of competent i workmen constantly employed. WANTED, a good second-hand Planing Machinc Write, stating size and full particulars, where t> be seen, and'lowest cash price, to B. C. D., Office of thi Paper. NEW P ArrENTS FOB, BRICKSIAKING ANI BRICKPRESSIXG MACHINES. WILLIAM JOHNSON nvites attention to his Patent Lever Steam Brick pressing Machine which, with two boys, will press 10,000 bricks per day equal to best handwork Also his Patent Brick-making Machine, which will make 10,000 semi-plastic bricks per day ready for kiln, at much less cost in wear and tear anti labour than any other machine made. OFFICE—QKJEEN'S-ROAD, LEEDS. THE BEST & MOST EFFECTUAL MFDICLYE for Preserving Good Health and Prime Condition in HORSES and NEAT CATTLE, is CUPISS'S CONSTITUTION BALLS FOR HOUSES, at a less cost than usual, because by the action of the Bails, the digestive organs are enabled to convert every particle of food to the support of the animal. TYFii V, M K X AI BllIDGE, ANULV.SKV, May 23rd. 1884. Drut Siii,— I beg to thank you very much for your valuable advice respecting illY Cart Nlitre, &e.. and we shall at once adopt your treatment. You are at perfect liberty to make any use you think well of my letter. Having used your CONSTITUTION BALLS fur nearly thirty years to Horses and Neat Cattle, it is only simple truth and justice to say, a safer or more efficacious Medicine for Horses and Cattle cannot be purchased. It cannot be too extensively known, for I am positive, every person that gives it a fair trial will never discontinue using your Balls, as occasion may require.-Yours truly, WM. EVANS. The CONSTITUTION BALLS are prepared by the Prili'i':etIJr, FRANCIS CUPISS, m R V C S., DISS, NORFOLK, Author If the Prize Essay on the Ijiscscs of th, Liver of th" Hors". Sold I all Chemists and Medicine Vendors, in Packets with directions at 33. (H. and 1.<1. 9d. each or 7 large Packets for One Guinea. or 7 small for Half-a- Guinea. Anv Gentleman using the Balis may consult the Pro- prietor gratuitously, it by letter, post paid. MR. E. WILLIAMS, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, AUDITOR, &c., } BRUNSWICK CHAMBERS, CARNARVON. i Agent to the Liverpool, London, and Globe Insur- ance Co., The Guarantee Society, &c. [ ILLUMINATED ADRESSES, and Illuminating in all branches, promptly and efficiently executed. HIGHEST REFERENCES AND TESTIMONIALS. REYNOLDS' QOUT SPECIFIC, lie Oldest, Safest, and most Effectual Remedy. REYNOLDS' GOUT nPECIFiC, FOR GOUTi REYNOLDS' qOUT gPECIFIC. FOR RHEUMATISM. REYNOLDS' QOUT gPECIFlC, FOR SCIATICA. REYNOLDS' (3 OUT SPECIFIC, FOR LUMBAGO. p^EYNOCDS' QOUT gPECIFICj;- FOR ALL NEURALGIC COMPLAINS. TV bHEVVbTEK, (for many years one of the leading V physicians in Paris) writes.—"I have prescriced KLYNOLDS GOUT SPECIFIC in a 11 cases of Kheumatic Affections, and find it an infallible Remedy. I have always had great pleasure in recommending it, and consider it a afe aull uluabJe Medicine." REYNOLDS' QOUT S PEUIFIC, E^'AliLISHED 70 YEARS Sold in Botie*. 2s Dd, and 4s fid, by MessrsHarclar and son, .1. t arrin^oa-street, E.C., ata.,l all chemists. A. W. MERRIDETV, FROM COVENTRY, WATCH MANUFACTURER, GOLDSMITH AND JEWELLER, 9, BRIDGE STREET, CARNARVON, DESIRES to inform the Nobiiity, Gentry, Clergy, and jty the Public generally of Carnarvon and the District, that he has Opened a Place of Business at the above address. He has a large and well-selected Stock of WATCHES, GOLD AND SILVER GUARD AND ALBERT CHAINS, BROOCHES, LOCKETS, EAR-RINGS, SCARF PINS SIGNET AND JEM RINGS, JET GOODS IN GREAT VARIETY, &c., &c. Old Jewellery Converted and Re-gilt equal to new. Bicycle and Tricycle Manufacturer, for SALE and HIRE. All Goods Manufactured and Repaired on the Premises under A. W. M.'s personal superintendence. The Cheapest House in North Wales, and the largest and best selection. A Written Guarantee given with every article purchased at this Establishment, if required. MUSIC! -I/O MUSICI1 I/O MUSIC! ALL who wish to play the Piano, Organ, or Har- .H. monium at Sight, send this advertisement and 15 stamps to W. WALKER, 31, Grosvenor road, Bristol, for his MAGIC PIANOFORTE INSTRUCTOR (Registered). £ 10 for every reader of the N, iV, Observer and Express who fails to play by it immediately. The Lydney Observer, Ncwnham and Blakeney Herald, say anyone can play by this clever invention, without the assistance of a teacher, even though they have no previous knowledge of music ei of the instrument itself. The Oldhth:i Chronicle sln-s this is nu excellent contrivance, by which those who have never seen a piano can learn to play a tune in a few minutes, and costs but eighteenpence. The Foresters' Free Press says the arrangements are so simple that a child can instantly learn to play most difficult music. The Provincial News and Cycling Rccord says the Magic Pianoforte Instructor," published by Mr Walker, is a genuine affair. Those who cannot learn from ordinary systems will have no difficulty with this. 13 REDUCED PRICE 13 Aiip &WARD if rot! *tuT A CGQD | —— CRANE & SONS pay special attention to th c "Easy payment System," aud have sold thou- sands of Instruments throughout the country on these ad, antageous terms. The prices they charge on the Easy Payment System are, in most cases, consid- erably less than the prices asked for net cash by other Louses for inferior intstruments. CRANE & SONS buy for prompt cash, saving- Discounts, and therefore, offer to the Public Intru- mjnts in many cases, Cheaper than ordinary dealers have to pay for them, who sell perhaps one instru- ment in i week, and consequently must get as much profit on that one as Crane & Sons expect on Three Instruments. CRANE & SONS challenge this assertion, and will pay the Railway Fare of any person coming to Liver- pool, providing same does not exceed o per cent of the perchase money. This is a fair offer. One of the many Testimonials spontaneously sent to Crane & Sons;- Carnarvon, North Wales, August, 1883. GE:TLK:!IEN,-J cannIJt help expressing' my great satisfaction with the Instrument you have sent me. The sweetness and power of tone is always what has been wanted by me.—I am youis truly THOS EVANS. To Crane & Sons, Liverpool. tOOl ARE THE S £ S7 £ CHEAPEST £ V £ fi • I OFFERED THE PUBLIC • J I ~~rPR!C!fs WUL AS fONiSH^' 1 III ,1 e,' I t'? FOR Ji OR HI RE -J j-TomlO/-jnojithly — j SENT ^ALL^RTS j THE NORTH WALES OBSERVER & EXPRESS may be had in London at .the ;Establishmncnt of MR J. W. RAYNER, DEVEREAUX COl'IiT, ESSEX STREET STRAND. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTIONS PAID IN ADVANCE ¡ 1 Forwarded by Post,—One Year, Os. Gd.; Half-vear, 3s. 3d; One Quarter, Is. -Ad.: Foreign Postage extra. Delivered by Messenger :-One Year, is.. 4d, ;Half vear 2s. 2d.; OaeQ tarter, Is Id. TO ADVERTISERS. We beg to draw the attention of adver- tisers generally to the facilities afforded by the NORTH WALES OBSERVER AND EXPRESS for giving publicity to adver- tisements. The circulation of the OB- SERVER AND EXPRESS is larger than that of any other English p-aper published in North Wales. For the publication of announcements requiring to be brought before the eyes of the upper or middle classes there is not in North Wales a better medium than the OBSERVER AND EXPRESS. Advertisements intended for insertion in THE NORTH WALES OBSERVER AND EXPRESS can be received' at the Bangor Office, Yorh Place, LIJJ to the hour of Pub- lication, and at the Carnarvon Office, Neiv Harbour, up to 12 noon on Thursday. All communications intended for inser- tion must be addressed—Editor, OBSER- VER AND EXPRESS, Bangor. All 1 business letters to be directed, an remittances made payable, to D. Edwards, OBSERVER AND EXPRESS Office, Ban y or. TO CORRESPONDENTS. X.—Your letter was unfortunately mislaid, or we should have published it.




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