Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

14 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



THE REV W. 0. JONES. SLANDER ACTION. A., j art ion for slander was tried at the Live r)vol Arizes on Wednesday, before Mr Just .••<, Wills and a special jury. The plain titi was the Rev W. O. Jones, B.A., piin of the Welsh Free Church, and the > i-ndaut was the Rev Owen E. Owen, a nun -ter, without charge, of the Welsh Caivmiotic Methodist Church. Mr Taylor, K.C (;vith Mr Tobin and Mr Morris) ap- peared for the plaintiff, and Mr Pickford, K.C j-nd «Dr Thomas for the defendant. Tt < ase for the plaintiff, as submitted by IV i r 'aylor, was that a gross slander had been < v.ered against him by the defendant, who w" an officer of the WeLsh Calvinistic Chui at Anfield, Liverpool. The answer of tl,,< efendarst, to the action was that if the ;rds were spoken they were spoken on a privileged occasion, and without any malij-e or ill-feeling. That allegation was bii.^ei. i, part upon certain conclusions or nn^lL which a committee of inquiry came after having inquired into the eond ► of the plaintiff in the early part of 1901 t'hey found as follows:—(1) We are oonv, d that, Mr W. O. Jones fails in truth: less. (2) Proofs were received that '¡ W. O. Jones sometimes went to re- ligioi aieetings in his own church smelling of in seating drink; but although we have ueeived a considerable number of charg<v •onoerning him on specifie occasions by br "ren whom we were satisfied were bring chem honestly and oonscientioasly, we wi not satisfied that the effects upon him woy-> such as to give good foundation to th;, barges that he was under the in- huente ..f drink in the fulfilment of his I officer 8i minister. (3) It was proved be- yond '• >hut to us that Mr W. O. Janes -.vas in.the 'bit of taking intoxicating drink for years .vh;Ie at the same time professing to be a "onl abstainer and a Good Templar, and h; with his own hand written his name 1 the head of the temperance book of his t .urch. The proofs are equally in- disputlhie that he has often been guiltv cf drtnki'.u-- co excess, and of doing that some- times I;P to the point of intoxication. (4) We w re convinced that Mr W. O. Jones had )-m -? i guilty of falling at times into in- decent and lewd conversation, and if his own words are to be believed—words which were rep(.rtod to us in his presence —he must have at times led an unclean life Ail th.-sc allegations were disputed by the plaintifL They were based in a great mea3U>v 1-ID hearsay evidence, but in the end he wa; dismissed from his position in the Welsh «"•< :vinistio Church. He had behind him aj: irimense body of supporters who took tl'e view that he was a wronged man. Counsel then stated in detail the wav in which llu' slander was uttered. Mrs Wil-- liams. « -r dow, and her four daughters had ceased r > i-P members of the Anfield1 Church and had abtaohec themselves to the plain- tiff'a fe,flowing. The defendant and Mr William Evans w?re deputed to wait upon Mrs W and family with the object of I getting h im to return to the fold they had left. h«»n the Ùnendant and Mr Evans called Mrs Williams and the eldest daugh- ter were ,JUt, Th?y therefore addressed themse' v to the young daughters, the eldest 'wing a gin of 18 or 19. In the course )t the conversation the eldest girl said she dd not agree with the findings against M r Jones, md it was in answer to that s atPment thtt the defendant made the assertion which formed the ground of the act having neen given for the plain- tiff, Mr Pickford' addressed the jury and sut)mitt that there was no malice on the defends r-. s Bart, aid that therefore he was entitleu tr: their verdict. The question, he said, wis :tot whether what the defendant asserted 'oV;},S true, but whether he honestly believed t to 1-0 true. The rI/i': ndaIt and ether witnesses gave evidence :1. to he origin of the story which the def -n Lant iiad told to the injury of the plaintiff epui ati on. It W<-I,'¡ admitted by counsel for the de- fendant t Lat the latter had acted impru- dently and tha'; there was no foundation for g the storv. All the same be claimed that his client had act-td honestly and was entitled to a vecrdi'-t. The ,nr", after a few seconds' consulta- tion, foutta for the plaintiff, and gave him £50 damages. There was an attempt at a cheer when the verdict was announced, but the Judge shortly stopped it. "No, no," he said, anybody who does that will be sent to strong iod,;inga The MIne jury was then sworn to try a second action in which the Rev. W. O. Jones was again the plaintiff. This time the action was against the Rev. T. Gwynedd Roberts, of Conway It was alleged that whilst tra veiling m a railway carriage in company with five- other persons, all being lay officers or miners of the Welsh Calvinistic Church, he, in answer to a question, said he,-had that the plaintiff had been drunk ami called before the officers of his church ,md disciplined, and that the Free Church was going down. The defendant alleged th-at he added words to show that be had no evidence in support of the ru- mour. Tiere again Mr Pickford pleaded that th;- occasion was privileged. The Judge ihoi rrht that while the conduct of the def( d: nt was not justifiable it was par donable under all the circumstances of the case. There was a legal argument as lo whether r not it was actionable to sav that a clergy ruaa or m:nister had been drunk on an odd > • sion nnd not whilst in the per- formative of his office. Mr Taylor cited authorit y n support of the negative view, but the .judge brushed them aside, remark ing tliii they must be old authorities, coming fr. a tha times when it was rather a complm,- at than otherwise- for a clergy- man to gov drunk—it sho wed he knew how to empty h's bottle. His Lordship refused to aooepr tue view that it was not action. able to srv of the minister of any religious bodv ths+ 'ie had been drunk, because it MuAt invni .e hii dismissal. The Juq^ij advised a settlement, and after Mr PicI [ had withdrawn all imputations Against ihe plaintiff and expressed a —il- lingn-ess t1 leave the case in the hands of the court lordship said he thought th:5, ought t< b a drawn battle, that ('nch side should pt- ialf the special jury's fees, and that a ;r- « should be withdrawn. This was assenvd to by both parties, and the oaSe end'^t. 0^0


North Wales Calvinistic Methodist…


[No title]







Family Notices

