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Aberdare Brewster Sessions.


Aberdare Brewster Sessions. LICENSES RENEWED AND REJECTED. The adjourned Brewster Sessions were held at Aberdare on Tuesday. Sir T. Merchant Wiiliair-s (Stipeai- diary) staid that the Bench had visited the various public houses whose licenses had been objected to, and they had decided to grent the following renewals:— EOYIKL EXCHANGE, ABERAMAN. Renewal granted oai condition that the urinal be removed to the back. Mr C. Kenrbolle., on behalf of the licensee, said that they were prepared to comply with that condition. The renewals of the Full Moon, Tre- cyncn, and Crown and Ane-hor-repre- sented by Mr. Charles, Merthvr, and Mr. G T. Davies respectively—were granted. Mr. G. T. Davies appeared for the owner of the Royal Arms. Aberdare, and Mr. Kenshole for the licensee.—Renewal granted. HIRWAIN LICENSES. Mr. Kenshole applied for the renewal of the license of the Blacksmiths' Arms. Inspector David said that there were eight licensed houses within 200 yards to this place, supplying a population of 9,800. Mr. Kenshole held that there was fair a-ccomrnod-atian at this house, it was a. double licensed house, situated near the main road. There was no complaint against the tenant, the sole objection being that the house was unnecessary. Mr. J. W. Evans applied for the re- newal of the Crown Inn, Hirwain. Inspector David said that there were eight licensed houses within 120 yards. Mr. Evans: The house has been in existence for 100 years. I admit that it is in the Hirwain congested area of pub- lic houses. Mr. Kenshole applied for the renewal of the Mount Pleasant Inn. Inspector David said that it was a small beerhouse. The nearest licensed house was the Globe, 850 yards away. There were but few cottages in the im- mediate vicinity. Mr. Kenshole said that the nearest house in one direction was It miles away. It was a quiet watymde inn, and a free house. It was the nearest inn to about 40 houses. Stipendiary: We cannot renew these three licenses. They must be referred for compensation. COLLIERS' ARMS, CWMBACH. Inspector David said that in Cwmbach, with a population of 4,200, there were 11 licensed houses. Mr. Kenshdle, for the licensee, urged that the house was double-licensed and freehold property. It had been pur- chased for £ 970 by the Brewery, and was a good business. Recently there had been much building in the vicinity. The Bench decided to renew the license on condition that the house be enlarged. It had been well conducted. To this Mr. Kenshole assented, saying that plans for alterations would be sub- mitted shortly. CROSS KEYS, TRECYNON. Inspector David stated that Trecynon had a population of 6,100, and there, were 22 licensed houses there, seven being within 120 yards to this house. By Mr. Kenshole: There we,re no com- plaicfts against the licensee. » Mr. Kenshole said that there were in Bell-street ailone over a 100 houses. Mr. G. George: Oh, no, no more than 80. Dr. Jones: There are no more than 60. I know the district better than even Mr George. (Laughter.) This liceinse was also referred for com- pensation. ODDFELLOWS' ARMS, ABERDARE. Inspector David said there were ten licensed houses within 170 yards to this house. Mr. W. D. Phillips applied for a renew- al. He admitted that it was an old- frshioned house, but some people liked such places. Stipendiary: Yes, old-fashioned people. .Laughter.) Mr. Phillips held that the house was well conducted, and in the hands of re- spectable people. The Cwmaman motor service had brought as many as 4,000 people into town in one night, and they would all go down the Square. Referred for compensation. CARPENTERS' ARMS, MOUNTAIN ASH. To apply for the renewal of the Car- penters' Arms, Mr. Gwilym Jones ap- peared for the owner and Mr J. W. Evans for the licensee. The Inspector said that the Allen's Arms was right opposite, and the Cres- selly Hotel 150 yards therefrom. Moun- tain Ash, with a population, of 11,000, had 16 licensed houses. Mr. Jones held that the population of Mountain Ash was greater than that. Besides, omly one new license had been granted in Mountain Ash during the last 30 years, and that was the Duffryn Hotel. There were fewer licensed houses in Mountain Ash in proportion than there were in the upper part of the valley. The application was granted on condi- tion that certain alterations be made within nine months. THE ABERAMAN HOTEL AGAIN. Mr. Kensihole made another application for a license for the Aberaman Hotel, the prospective tenant of which is Mr. T. Howells. Col. T. Phillips opposed on behalf of nine chapels,in the district, Mr. W. D. Phillips on behalf of the Swan and Fforchneol Hotels,^amd Mr. W. Thomas for the Aberaman* Licensed Victuallers' Association. Mr. Kenshole said that there was now no question regarding the necessity for a hotel in the locality. In 1868 there were 315 houses within a radius of a quarter of a mile. In 1906 there were 1,003 houses, and a population of 6,518, which was an increase of 253 on last year. Stipendiary: The tendency of that is to increase the monopoly value. Mr. Kenshole did not agree with that. He explained that the proprietors had not tried to escape financial liability by converting the unlicensed hotel into a club, although their money had been lying idle for five or six years. Mr. Ken- shole held that the monopoly value was unreasonably high. The Bench had ad- mitted that there was need of a house there, and tha/t the Hotel had been sub- stantially built. With the monopoly value at that high figure anyone who took that house would have to make jei,300 a year before he could put any money in his pocket. Of la/te the value of public house property had gone down. What they wanted was a monopoly value which would enable them to get a reasonable return for their money. The Stipendiary: The majority of us are of opinion that it cannot be changed. That is final now. Col. Phillips addressed the magistrates with the view of proving that the house was not required, but the Bench decided to gramit the license.

Mr J. W. Harris'I Testimonial.

Tea and Concert at Penrhlwceiber.

Concert at Mountain Ash.


Mountain Ash DistrictII Council.…

_------After Three Years.


--__-----.__-Attempted Suicide.I



Cymsmfa Ganu at Cwmdare.

--__---Cycling Notes.