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.@@**@$*@*@*@*@* ft Business Enterprise. ff I HALL & SONS t 9, Cardiff Street, Aberdare, | H Have now opened their || 1 VICTORIA SQUARE SHOWROOMS I «» § £ 3> (OPPOSITE BLACK LION HOTEL). W V Newest Designs in Furniture. W | The LARGEST STOCK and the LOWEST PRICES in the Valley. | $SEE WINDOWS. i PUBLIC NOTiCE. On Tuesday, Nov. 12th, 1907, A WILL VISIT toted London W m ■ II I CHEMIST, Liio CnonialicT10> v,ctori/v SQUARE, r ir III||T|.Iflllal I where he will EXAMINE and kyli yUUUIUHU l ADVISE Free of Charge ■ all persons wishful of consulting him. APPOINTMENTS BOOKED IN ADVANCE. PALESTINE IN WALES. The Pavilion hlountain Ash, Jan. 21 to 28, 1908. Realistic Scenes of Eastern Life. Bedouin Encampment. Bridal Procession. Homes of the People. Street in Jerusalem. Models of the Tabernacle. Ancient Jerusalem. Solomon's and Herod's Temples, &c. Cinematograph. Lime-light and Costume Lectures. 450 Antiquities and Curios, &c., and a Large Panorama of Jerusalem. Prices of admission and train arrangements will appear later. House Coal! House Coal! THE INHABITANTS of ABERDARE and district are hereby informed that NANTMELYN GRAIG COAL (from the levels of Wm. Humphrey and Co.) is to be obtained ONLY from Messrs. RHYDDERCH & THOMAS, COAL, COKE AND FIREWOOD MERCHANTS, Taff Vale Coal Yard, Aberdare. Do not be misled. You CANNOT get Nantmelyn Graig Coal elsewhere. Nat. Tel. 99. Private address, 50, MONK ST., ABERDARE. Have you seen our New Show of Bedroom Suites All the Latest Designs. Just arrived. Take a walk and inspect the windows. VICTOR FREED'S, 3 and 4, Miskin Road, MOUNTAIN ASH.. The Up-to-Date House Furnisher. Reliable Goods. Price to suit you. —HAVE YOU A cough or a cold ? If so, get it cured. For a cough neglected might lead to consumptive trouble, and lung diseases very often arise from trivial colds. Don't delay-it is dangerous. But take THOMAS'S Cambrian Cough Balsam For it is a palatable and a most efficacious remedy. It relieves im- mediately, and very quickly effects a permanent cure. It is the Cough and Cold Remedy" par excellence. Get a bottle to-day-it will do you good. PRICE, Is. BOTTLE. I. E. THOMAS, CHEMIST, MEDICAL HALL, ABERAMAN. Auction Mart (Under Workmen's Hall), Abercynon. T. W. JONES Auctioneer, Abercynon. Begs to give notice that he has opened the above saleroom, where he intends holding sales monthly of all kinds of Furniture, China, &c. Goods taken in for Sale on Commission. tfext Sale, Tuesday, Nov. 12, at 7 p.m. PRINTING. Printing of every description done neatly and promp t iat the "Leader" Office. Coloured work a speciality. < WM. USHER & Co., ORIGINAL FINANCIERS, 14, Commercial Street, I ABERDARE. (Over Mr Lloyd's, Grocer). I LENT. I flo Fees. Personal attendance on Tuesdays and Fridays from 1 to 7 p.m. Or please write to Head Office: 14, Proton Place, SWANSEA. Merthyr Ethical Society. BENTLEY'S HALL, Sunday, Nov. 10th, 1907. LECTURES Will be delivered by Mr. HARRY SNELL, LONDON. Subjects:— Afternoon at 3—"The Religion of the Rationalist." Evening at 7.30—"The Ethical and Labour Movements as a Religion." All Seats Free. Doors will be opened half-an-hour before service commences. ABERDARE FAIR Wednesday, Nov. 13. CATTLE PLEASURE AND FLANNEL.. Prepaid Small Advertisements Inserted at the following specially low rates. One week 4 wks. 13 wks s. d. s. d. s. d. 20 words 0 6 1 6 3 0 28 „ 0 9 2 3 5 3 86 „ 1 0 3 0 7 9 Remittances may be made by Postal Orders or half-penny stamps. If not prepaid double rate, will be charged. Advertisement and Publishing Offices, Market Street, Aberdare. SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED a smart boy—Apply, Vt Johnson Bros., Ltd., 49b, Com- mercial street, Aberdare. ST E. LLEWELLYN HUM- PHREYS, Chemist, Trecynon, Aberdare, has a vacancy for a well-edu. cated youth as apprentice. GIRLS wanted for Bookbinding. APP]y: Tyson, 18, Seymour street, Aberdare. ICYCLES.-Spare-time AGENT to take orders for us. Large profits easily made outside ordinary employ- ment.—Write for trade terms and par- ticulars, Mead Cycle Company, Agency Dept. 568Z, Liverpool. & J' TO LET. TWO ROOMS (top floor), suitable for offices, to let at 28, Commercia street, Aberdare.—Apply, Mason, Lewis street, Aberaman. TO LET, at low rental, Stable and Shed. Apply, 2, Brpndeg terrace, Aberdare. TO LET, Ivy Bush Hotel, Cwmaman. Apply, Thos. Jones, George Brewery, Aberdare. TO LET. The Brittania Inn, Gloucester street, Aberdare, For particulars, apply to Mr William Thomas, solicitor, Aberdare. r -H SIGHT-TESTING FOR || SPECTACLES.. I NO FEE FOR CONSULTATION. —°—Iggi c.t»o*» J; 01 \I "\1:'10"" "Fello, eci901 y' #oiaet 4 AT 49a, COMMERCIAL ST. ABERDARE. Cases requiring Medical attention are not undertaken but are referred to an Ophthalmic Surgeon. HOURS OF ATTENDANCE: Booklet: I 9.30 a.m. to 7.30 p.m. "The Eye, Thursdays, 9.30 a.m. to 1 p.m. its Value, Saturdays, 9.30 a.m. to 9 p.m. its Defects, or by appointment. its Care." Free on application. Piano and Organ Buyers who want the best possible value for their money should call and inspect, or send for lists of HARMSTON & Co's Large and carefully selected Stocks of Best English and Foreign Instruments. Lowest Cash prices. Easiest Instalments. Every Instrument Fully Guaranteed. Address- 7, Cardiff St., Aberdare. I FOR SALE. TT7HAT OFFERS ?—Piano, full tri- VV chord, check action, in walnut case. Cost £ 50.—Apply, A.B.C., LEADER Office. FOR SALE. A single horse cab. in good condition, to seat five. No reasonable offer refused. Can be seen at 71, Brynhyfryd, Cwmaman. FOR SALE, Cart with cover, and Oil- Tank; will hold 60 gallons. No reasonable offer refused.—Apply, 60, Gloster street, Aberdare. FOR SALE. Piano, cost 60 guineas three years ago. Will take half. —Apply, 2, Beadon street, Mountain Ash. FOR SALE. Gas Engine in good condition. Will sell at a sacrifice. —Apply, J.E.. Leader Office. WANTED. WANTED respectable young man t* share Bedroom and Sitting- room with another. Terms moderate.— Apply, R.Y.M., LEADER Office. MISCELLANEOUS. p HE QMATISM CURED.—Mr JLV Baring-Gould, Queenswood road, Mosely, Birmingham, strongly recom- mends wonderful and cheap rheumatism cure. Free information for addressed envelope. MINING Students and Officials, write for syllabus, Cambrian Mining School, Porth. Postal lessons. Geology, Mining, Mine Surveying, Elec- tricity, and Mining Mathematics. MADAME CLARK, the Parisian Phrenologist, Palmiste'andJLadies' Specialist, will give Scientific Delinea- tions daily at 40, Curre Street, Aber- aman, from 10 a.m. till 10 p.m. Please call early.


Letters to the Editor.


Air Rifle Matches.

The Priest and the Home.

Mountain Ash Jottings.

Penrhiwceiber Potions.

[No title]


Forthcoming RecitgLi.
