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THE ABEROARE ELECTRtGAL Go. Ltd M?T!r? MECHANICAL AND ELECTRtCAL PRACTICAL ENGtNEERS AND CONTRACTORS. "Maintenance of Plant and Repairs a Speciality. Complete Installations for Lighting, Heating and Power, Telephones, Bells &,c. Armatures Re-wound. Contractors to all the Local Governing Bocf/es. A large variety of Lamps, Shades, Pendants, Brackets, and other Accessories always on view at oar Showrooms :— 4 H!GH STREET, ABERDARE. Ring up Aberdare 79, in case of Breakdowns. We employ only Experienced Workmen, and always guarantee all work done by us to be reliable and honest .value. MOUNTAIN ASH URBAN OtSTRtCT) COUNCIL. TO HAULAGE CONTRACTORS. fmHE Council invite Tenders from JL haulage contractors for the' scavenging and team work required to t be dome in the Abercynon and Ynysy- bwl Districts for three years from the 1st day of April, 1913. Specifications may be seen and Forms of Tender obtained on application to the Surveyor'6 Omce, Town Halt, Mountain Ash. Tenders, prepaid and endorsed "Abercynon Scavenging" or "Ynysybwl Scavenging" (as the case may be) to be sent to me so that they may be re- ceived not later than 10 o'clock in the forenoon of Tuesday, the llth day of March, 1913. The Council do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. By Order, H. P. LINTON, Clerk to the CouncH. Town Hall, Mountain Ash, February 18th, 1913. New Theatre Abefdtu*e. The Cavaliere F. Castellano Crand Opera Co. From Drury Lane Theatre, London. For SIX NIGHTS and Matinee (Thursday) at 2.30. Monday Evening, February 24. at 7.4r)- "CARMEN." Tuesday Evening— FAUST." Wednesday Evening- !L TROVATORE." Thursday Matinee— at 2 30— v FAUST." Thursday Evening at 7.45— "CAVALLER!A RUSTI- CANA" & "< PAGUACO." Friday Evening— RIGOLETTO." Saturday Evening- MARtTANA." Will be sung in English. NMte may now ha becked. T<<. No. 135 NOTICE. J. A. Bosher, M.t.M.E-E. Consulting EtectHca! & Contracting Engineer. Address: 24 Canon St., Aberdare, Town and CoHtefy Installations. SpocMoationa Compited and Eatontatea Free. IMPORTANT NOTICE. J. VINCENT, FAMILY BUTCHER, from 16 Whitcombe Street, HAS OPENED AT 22 CANON STREET, ABEMDARE, with a Large Supply of Pf!me Ox Beef, Mutton, LaMb, & Dairy-Fed Pork. Small Goods a Speciality :— SAUSAGE, PRESSED BEE[, BRAWN, POEK PIES, POLONIES, A-0. J C» I141e I!!i' VILIX (Beg. Troide Mark), Gives Safe and Speedy Relief to COUGHS, COLDS, SORE THROAT, TIGHT CHEST, tNFLUENZA, &c. SOLD IN BOTTLES, 1/1; & 2/ EACH. Prepared only by- WALTER H. JOMES, M.P.S., Phtn*Ht<tcaut!otti Chemist, 3 Victoria Sq., Aberdare. (Established 1826). The" ABERDAB.. LEAD.R haw tb< J\ews1>&J)er in the Aber. VtUev paranteed largest circulation of amy NOTtCE. T HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that I _B. shall not be responsible for any debt or dehts contracted by my wife;, Martha Maria Morris, 32 Oxford St., Gadlys, Aberdare; on and after this date. (Signed) SAMt'EL MORRIS. Feb. 17, 1913. MISKIN CLUB. SALE of FURNITURE AND Efms by Public Auction at the OLD BUSH HOUSE, MISKIN, 3 p.m., Frtday, 21st February. Brand Theatre, ABERAMAN. Leaaee John R. Poole. Manager Robert Tebbitt. TO-NIGHT AT 7.30. Doora Open at 7 o'clock. The EnortMousty Sucoessful MMStc&! Comedy— THE GAY GORDONS. Book by Seymour Hicks. Music by Guy Jones. PuH Chorus. Augmented Orchestra. Stalls and Front Row of Circle, 1/6; Circle, 1/ Pit. 9d.; Gallery & Back Pit, 6d. Seats reserved at 1/6, without extra charge, from 10 to 1 <& 3 to 5 daily. 'Phone 15 Aberaman. fftpOd 8mM AOwafttMWtMtt Inserted at the following epeoiaUy low rate*: One waek 4 wkt. 18 wk*. d. <. d. t. d. 20 worda 0 a 1 8 a 8 Is „ 0 9 2 g e 0 '8 „ 10 8 0 7 6 Theae chargea apply only to the fotiow- iag daMea of hdverMtemente :—Apart- ment*, tjituatioM (Vacant or Wanted), To be Let or Hold, Loet or Found, and Miscellaneous Wantw. Remittance* may be made by Powta! Ordera or half-penny <tamp<. If not prepaid double rate will be charged. Advertisement and Pubiithing Omcet, Cardiff Street, Aberdare. SITUATIONS WANTED. TJIGHLY respectable young person, JLJL giving up nome? seeks engage- ment as housekeeper to respectable widower or bachelor. Thoroughly ex- perienced. — Apply, H.R., ''Leader" Office. LOST." THROWN Bag, initials E.V.H. Please U communicate with E.V., 1.4 Jen- kins Street, Aberdare. TO LET. fTpO LET, 1 Sitting Room and Bed- -L room, unfurnished or part furn- ished. T.V., "Leader" Omce, Aber- dare. TTTOUSE AND SHOP, double-fronted JLJL In good position on Gadlys Road, Aberdare. Fittings and electric light. —Apply, D.F.S., "Leader" Omce. t) OOMS to Let, furnished or un- furnished; nice position; central. —Apply, H.T.C., "Leader" Omce. TT OCK-UP Shop in best position in JLJ Cwmaman. Immediate possession may be had. Suitable for any business. —Apply, XY., "Leader" Omce, Aber- dare. ID OOMS for one or two respectable -L? young men. Central position in Aberdare. Bathroom upstairs, h. and c -Apply, L., "Leader" ORice. FOR SALE. RIUMPH Motor Cycle, 1910 Free _L Engine Model. Perfect condi- Any examination. tW.-Apply 66 Cwmaman Road, Godreaman, Aber- dare. tjlOR Disposal: Share in Mountain Ash .P Building Ctab; over .Et)0 in.— Apply Webb, G Gwern Ifor Street, Moun- tain Ash. CHICKENS.-Pure bred White Wy- andottes, First Cross Leghorn, Plymouth Rocks, and BuS Orpington. 7s. 6d. per dozen.—Davies, 13 Trevor Street, Aberdare, A ?300 Bond National Benent, J.TL Drawing Section. JE54 paid in. No reasonable offer refused. Apply, Oak, "Leader" Oince. Q HOUSES in Trevor Street, Aber? 0 dare.—Apply, D. R. Grifnths, Auctioneer ajid Valuer, Aberdare. T7< DISON Home Gramaphone and 88 JL? Records, both practically new; ?65, bargain.—Bevan, 108 Woodland zC5, bargain.—Bevan, 108 Woodland Street, Mountain Ash. '?7'ALLPAPERS from l?d. per roll. W Any quantity, large or small, supplied at Wholesale Prices. Our stock exceeds 250,000 rolls of all classes. Write for patterns stating what class you require.—(Dept. 147) Barnett Wall- paper Co., Ltd., Knott Mill, Manchester TO BUTCHERS. Ft?HE Simplex Sausage Machine for J. Sale (Gardener's Patent) tc take lOIbs. of meat.—Apply Doughton and Hughes, Ironmongers, Aberaman. &tTUAT)ONS VACANT. ?MAKT Young Lady Apprentice to ? the MiUinery Department. A?o for the Draper Counter.—Apply, J. M. Evans, Gadlys Road. A GOOD General; another maid J' kept. No washing. — Howetl Greenhill, Aberaman. '?UTANTED a General Servant. — W Apply, with references, S. Rich- ards, George Hotel, Aberdare. ?TtTANTED Good General Servant. W References.—Apply, Smith, 8 Canon Street, Aberdare. WANTED. T) ESPECTABLE Lodgings by voung JL\/ man, in Mountain Ash or Miskm. Apply, A.& "Leader" OSice. TDEQriRED, house in Aberdare, R with about. thref bedrooms. Rent about :30s. to aõs. per month.—"A.B." "Leader" OHice. SLEEPING Cot, loose sides, suit s child 4 years. State size and lowest price.—Apply by letter, 19, "Leader" Omce. TTJOUSE and Shop, in or near Aber- H dare. Suit Grocer. Low rent.— Apply, A.J., "Leader" Omce, Aberdare. MOUNTAIN ASH. SALE OF VALUABLE LEASEHOLD PROPERTY. MR CWtLYM A. EVANS inTAS received instructions to Sell by n Public Auction at the Oancynon Hote), Mountan Ash, on Wednesday, February 26th, 1913, at 7.30 p.m., subject to such conditions of sale as shall be then and there produced, and in such Lots as may be determined upon at the time of Sale, the following PROPERTIES. viz.:— Lot 1.—All that substantial and well- built Villa known as "Tanybryn," Aus- tin Street, Mountain Ash, in the occu- pation of the owner.—These premises are held for 99 years from the 2nd day of February, 1886, at the apportioned yearly ground rent of jEl 15s. id. Lot 2.—All that messuage or dwelling house known as No. 25 Toncoch Ter- race, Ceinpennar, in the occupation of Mr. Gillieiand, and producing the gross yearly rental of JE16.—These pre- mises are held for 99 years from the 2nd day of Juiv, 1893. at the yearly ground rent of 14s. 6d. Lot .-All that messuage or dwell_ irg-house and premises known as No. 7 Cilhaul Terrace, Mountain Ash, pro- ducing the gross yearly rental of jE15 2s.-These premises are held for 99 years from the 1st day of July, 1897, at the apportioned yearly ground rent of 16s. Lot 4.—All those two messuages or dvelling-houses, shops and premises known as Nos. 63 and 64 Glyn Gwyn Street, Miskin, Mountain Ash, as now in the occupation of the owner.—These premises are held for 99 years from the 1st day of May, 1865, at the yearly ground rent of'JE:! 8s. Id., which will be apportioned equally. Lot 5.—All that messuage or dwel- ling-house known as No. 37 Cadwaladr Street, Mountain Ash, now vacant, and estimated to produce the yearly rental of L16 18s.-These premises are held for the term of 99 years from the 2nd day of January, 1902. at the yearly ground rent of 16s. 6d. Lot G.—All those three messuages or dwelling-houses known as Nos. 83, 85 and 97 Clarence Street, Miskin, Moun- tain Ash. and producing the gross year- ly rental of £42 15s.—These premises are held for 99 years from the 1st day of Julv. 1904. at the vearlv ground rents 'of jEl Os. lid., £1 Os. 10d., and j61 Is. lid. respectively. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneer, at Ffrwd Offices, Mountain Ash, or to MR. CWtLYM JONES, Bank Chambers. Solicitor. Mountain Ash.

---__-The late Mr. James Bosher,…

._--_. Football.

Grand Theatre, Aberaman.



