Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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][.r" EDITORIAL. ...-...........-....-.........-.....-..........................-....--......................-.......,.......-....'-........-.................................................----…

carmarijien Borough Police…

!Carmarthen Volunteer Company.


. The Bishop of St. Asaph…


The Bishop of St. Asaph at Carmarthen. RE-OPENING OF THE ORGAN AT ST. PETER'S The orgm of St Peter's Church, Carmarthen, which has recently been renovated at a cost of about £500 by Hill, of London, was reopened on Sunday morning in the pretence of an immense congregat on, including the recruits of the Carmar- then-hire Artillery and the lociil Volunteer corj.8, both of which bodies assembled Wi.J1 their bands for church parade. Special music was rendered, the organist (Mr (i. F. Wesley Mai tin) conducting a recital in the afternoon with remarkable skill. The preacher for the day was the Lord Uishop of St Asaph (formerly Vicar of Carmarthen), wh) was warmly welcomed by his old parishioners. After preaching at St John's Welsh Church, Priory-street, at 10 o'clock, he proceeded to St Peter's, and there charmed the congregation by an argumentative sermon. His Lord-hip based his discourse on 1 Cor iii.. 9. and at conclusion he observed that the conception of prayer found in the text was a thought not inappropriate to the snvice at St Peter's that morning, when once more the generosity of Churchmen in the parish had ad led a tresh element of usefulness and efficiency to that eld and historic church, bound to all ot them—and to no one more than the bishop himself-by ail tics which rever- ence and affection could inspire. He had heard that there was stiil a small deficit lift, and he felt it was only necessary— at least, that was his experience— to tell the people of St Peter's what was wanted for the church, ar.d the thing would be d ne. He felt sure that their generous aid would be ready at hand to clear off whatever irdght be wanting to complete the work. And, I10 added, there is another though:. Ic is one r11 ,t comes home very much to me this morning in this old church. It is this the wod" of the church goes on Oll who comes here after an absence of some years is naturally better able to mark and gauge the pragTeas than those who arc themselves unconsciously floating with and swelling the stream. My eye wanders over the church I see cne improvement after another, and I feel what w„ndeiful power of life and adaptation there is in the Church; how we met, i or faithful children from one generation to anotirpr rising up resolved to meet the needs of the hour the work goes on. It is like the march of a grout victorious ermy the cause goes on. The soldier iray fall, but the army marehes on to victory. It is true, the ouldicr maiohos in battle beneath the streaming banner and to the sound of martial music, his heart nerved by love of country and duty; and we, as members of the Church of Christ, march on beneath the uplifted banner of the Cross ot Christ ard the lessons in the text brings very clearly before us how we must be resolved, each of us, in his generation to work for the good of the cause. His Lordship again preachsd at St Peter's in the evening, his text being taken from Acts v" 31. In speaking to old friends, he thoyght that an opportu- nity presented itself which would he most profit- ably uel in directing their thoughts to what was vital to all uf them. Such an occision as that was full of pleasant mcmorigs—to him, at any rate— memories of years among the very happiest of his life spent at Carmarthen in the work—work which was always alivo and interesting—memories of workers who were conspicuous for their readiness to help-memone Lfmany real and valued friend- ships begun there. As he looked round the church -1 church so familiar to him in every nook and corner—he saw familiar faces. During tlio few years that hal passed he last stood there many who were true frienda and helpers of the vicar in the parish had passed away, but he believed from all he saw that tho same spirit of kindliness and loyalty still lived on. lIe know that the Church schools still maintained their high level of dlidency. St Peter's, as ho knew well, was not a rich parish, and yet old organisations were carried on and new lines of ele-gy and work struck out They rejoiced that day over a \a'uaide and costly addition to the organ—;ui organ, Jf he might say O. with a personal history. The sirg'ng at their church did credit alike to the choir and its trainer. Th-oy would, he ww sure, forgive those crituivm from an old friead.

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