Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

4 erthygl ar y dudalen hon


[No title]

Serious Charge Against, a…


Serious Charge Against, a Head Milliner at Camartlicii. j r tauci Pe, y, a fashionably-attired young lady, said to be a native of Bristol, was charged at a spccial of the Borough Justices at the Car- marthen Police Station on Wednesday, with having stolen a quantity of silk, etc from Mr W II Edwards, the New Emporium, her employer. The magistrates on the 13ma;h were the Mayor (Mr II B White, the Grange); and Mr T Divieq, the Quay. Mr Jame* John appeared for t)-.e pros-cutio:- ;and Mr Thomas Wtllcrs for the defence. S,.pr. Smith spoke to aire ting the prisoner at Mr W R E iw .r:ia' establishment that afternoon. She saiJ, Thejbaby e. ire never did bdeng to you nor Mr WR Edwards." The cape and slik (producer) were handed to witntss on Saturd iv by Mr Edwards junr. He then searched prisoner's box in Ilyr presence, and found several articles which Mr W R Edwards identified as his property. IN-hilst the box was being searched she said the things did net belong to Mr W R Edwaid3 at all. Cress-examined by Mr Thomas Waiters, the Superintendent eaid that tho things fouMl in the box were ribbciu and remnants, and thiegs of that sort. He could not describe them exactly. Oddments," 1 suppose, you rail them r—Yes 8trail jieces of silk. The case was adjourned until the following morning. On the application of Mr T. Walters, she was admitted to bail (11 her own recognizances. I he adjourned case came up at ths Guildhall on Thursdiy morning, before the Mayor (Mr II IS White, The Grange) Mr C W Jones, The Terrace Mr Howell Howelis, Pcn'^a^reg Mr T Davies, The Quay Mr T E Brigstocke, Ki'ig-sticet and Mr W Morgan Griffiths, Lime Grove. The defendant, who appeared considerably agitated, was accommodated with a seat m the box usually allotted to d-fendfliits. There was a con- siderable struggle for places in court, hut when the space allotted to the public was about half-filled, Sergt Ilaraes and mother police officer—acting with the approval of the Bench —closed and locked the '.hor, There were motile dtm.mstrntior.s in cou-t if ti hto the prosecutor, but Mr C W Jones suid that the court would be cleared fit once if such, d sturbance were repeate The other magistrates concurred in this statement. Mr James John cpcntd the caic in a. somewhat lengthy speech detailing the fat of tlio C.HC. lie called as his lirst witness, Mr J. Lloyrl Edwards, a in the firm of W. 11 Edwards 1.1;ll Son, v. Lo said: The defendant has since Oct /oer last betn a milliner in our employment. Recently our suspicions have bfen proused that flic was taking things belongirg to us. These were ?roused especially when w>: saw her ie (I on Ssl'irday to 2') home f r her Whitsun holidays. 1 went on Momliy evening and lo ;ked in her room I was a"conpa«itd by my sister. I found the baby's cap (produced) under n curtain wh. re Mbs Perry is in Un; habit of hanging her dresses. Mr C. W. Jon?s How would oukmw where she was in the habit of hanging h~*r dresses ? Witness: I saw them limbing there when we went in. The cap is ours I also f-'ui.d the piece of silk produceel L-it-otit hall a yard] in the saffid place. The piece of silk is part of a piece we ha e in stock we had it in the millinery work-rco n, oi which sho was the chief. I s>.w some of it usu within the last ioitnight. It is the piavaee «nen such articles as these are # wanifii trimming hats that (he whole pieces ci- » up to the wiik-room. The pieces '0'h supposed to be sent back to the d.raitnie^t-Ahc they caajc as soen as they are» ^th. When asked by the Superintendent for tli. «hej, her box she gave it up without d«mur. y m>6elf, the 1Supormtendea, ami Ue tbe went up into her bedroom. vvn articles tho said, The cap l«ree number of your shop." I otl property, the articles m the bos; 0/a bed in The things identitied wcr djJ nofc idenlify. 0,1 r v -a C, These are mine." As to omer things V 3 ;,i nntlf-D" at all. It sald m her Preseuce property- All the thl»g5 nm-Wcd were fomtl in the defendant's box. The f uLfnlni [about y,«U »n,l It ««*») » our propertv. Its selling price is 1 Id per yard, I cannot say what the cost pries is. The lour-and- a-half yards of jet trimming produced are ours it sells at is (id per yard. This piece of groca btqusn insertion is ours it contains two-and-a-half yards and sells at Is 3d per yard The of corn- flower tulle produced is one yard and a half ill length it sells at Is per yard. I also identify 4 yards of green tulle—t.h.9 selling price being 4kl per yard. The piece of 1 ice produced is ours; it contains 11 yards aid the selling price is 2;11 per yard. I also identify the other piece of lacc P'oduced it contains G yards aud 41, inches it sells at 4il per yard. The piece of lace marked No. 7" contains 7 yards and it is wo: th od per yard. The lace marked No. 8 is S.1,1 yarus and worth 4 £ d per yard. I also identify 2 yards 12ins. of red embroidery ft1) 3il per yard 5 yards 12ius, do; at 3 £ d per yard 4 yards lOins. of blue embroidery at .er yard 2 yards SOins. of ribbon velvet (black; at 1>J per yard and the black beaded CM if-. Deteadai: (risini): I had th >?c y .irs ag > Witness: I also id-ratify th- p nk I> b-.s\i">b-r.— 8 yards 7 inch-id at l f p;r yard i yards o i :chcs cream riboon at 7id 1 yz- i d 10 inches black siik at 5s lid per yard; and the four parts of a bronze candlestick, which bears our private mark. It is worth lol i. I also identify GO pieces of samples of en tonne and dimity. These latter are to be made up in book form and sent to customers. They are worth about 2 lid as patchwork materials. I identify tho reel of bine silk produced as curs; it is vvoith 2.1. I also identify tbe rose spray, the rose trail, the poppy, and the tin^el-sitk bonnet ornament, and the lavender sil! They are worth for gelling purpases about 63 5d I also identify the leather hand-bag. Defendant: Good grajious I hul that three years ago, >Vitnc33 said that the bag was worth 63 lid. Defend mt I paid los for it. Witness said ili-j bag was like one he had in stock at Christans-time. He would not swear to it. Uiere was i n ither Ion in coutt at thiq point of a much more violent character than several odiers which had taken place. The Mayor sa-cl if it were repeated, the court would bs cleired. W itness said he had some black feathers in stock like Üwse produced but ho would not swear to them. ihore were borne other articles to which he would not swear 118 had hù matorirls like tiism in stock. Ihese included 30 in b'aek faille ribbon 2 yards S'.na black satin ribbon; 1 yaid 8'.ins do; 2oias d) 1 yard iilins do 2. yards do 2 yards 2iir.s do; some sarsanet silk: Mil eoue black sarsanet silk. Mr Thomas Walters asked 31 r W R EI waul, to retiro whilst his son was being cross-examined. Mr Edwards did 60, without being ordered by the Bench. Cross-examinc-u by Mr Walters, dl, witness said that tho defendant cam? to thern from Brighton. She had a gud reference. Ilis suspicions were aroused about a week before. hv dian you discharge her or ti-x her with the theft r— I spoke to my father about, it. Are you ill the habit of keeping suspectcd people in your employment •" — c aie not. c ale You suspccfed when she was goii g away on Satuiday that she had things belonging to you --I did. vi' b' t> AY by did nt you tax her with the theft like an hinest, man.'—I cannot answer tim. The defendant'«s bed-room was occupied while she WlOS absently Miss Fiorencc—that is her shop name, ller o\\ a name is Miss Davits, of the New Inn, I encoder. Her box was opened in her absence bv me tliir, was on Monday night ia the presence of my sister. Defendant became very Agitated at this point, and rose up in court, sat suddenly down, and gave vent to a shriek. Witness sa;d the box was secured bv a psdiock he opened it wi'h his own kej\ Miss Florence and Miss Williams were present when the box was opened. [ believe my father knew of inv doing it. 1^ ehew ed the things to my father on Tuesday night. I closed up the box on Mondiy night. I trad to put jack the in the same order. I did not wsh to conccal that I hiitl been at the box, but I d;d it naturally. My father laid the informa- tion for tne warrant on Wednesday, ,Iir Ttoinas Walters: Dii you knoíV tht In would swear that the only stole a baby cap and a 1LJ of ,:ilk ?-I knew he would chargo her with this afterwards. How d ) you know that ? Mr C NV Jones: The father himself can answer that when he comes in. 1 A\ itnes* I did not examine the defendant's letter in the box when I openel it. The Superin- tendent asktrd her for the key when she came back I d el not tell him that I had been at the box in tli- meantime. Now that I think of it, I think it was unfair of me to do so. Mr Thomas Walters Can you swear in the face of what my client has said that the cap ever belonged to you r-I can swear that we hud caps similar to it in stock. You cannot swear to it ?-I cimiot. [Demonstra- tion in court ] Another piece of silk like this could be had in Carmarthen. It is not specially manufactured for W R Edwards and Co. ?-It is r.ot. In further cross-examination, witness denied that such large pieces cf ribbon, trimming, etc, could be allowed as the heal iniiliner'a perquisites." He identified some of the other articles becanse they were cut off a piece bearing the private mark of the firm. He ccnld only say that he had similar things in stocs. The goods might be procured elsewhere- He could swear to nothing except it bore the private mark of the firm the candlestick sells at .O(l; it would cost between 7d and 71. The reed of silk has their private mark, it ells at 2d but the cost price is 16s lid per gross. Nothing m but the candlestick and the reel beard their private mark. Mr C W Jones: Are you in the habit of opening the boxes of your employees in their absence?-! am not. Did you ever do it before ?—I did not. Cross-examined by Mr Thomas Walters: Miss Williams is not very friendly with the defendant she was in tne room when the box Avas opened. My suspicions were not aroused by something told me by others of the assistant-. My suspicions were excited by some; green ribbon on her blouse. Defendant (rising) Is this it? That ue\er came out of your shop ? [Another deinonetrat; ti 1:1 court]. Cross-e.iismin?d by Mr Thomas Walters: No communication was made to me which led me to suspect the defendant. I was told of an empty box being* taken away by the defendant. Who told you of it r — My father die1. Then someone had made a communication to you which led you to suspect the defendant. Elizabeth McCarthy, a miliiiur's apprentice, was the next witness. About a fortnight ago defendant asked her to look under the table in the work-roim for a parcel and to take it to the young ladies house." Mr C W Jonas said no information hid been sworn exaept ii regard to tho baby's cap, and the piece c-f silk. He did not think they could go into other matters. —Mr W Morgan Griffiths concurred. Mr W R Edwards was then sent for, and swore an additional information in regard to several of the articles referred to in the pievious evidence. The gof els were valued in tha information at £3 Is llid. Elizabeth McCarthy, continuing, eaid that the parcel which she took to the young ladies house" contained some green and some corn-flower tulle. It cauie unwrapped, and she it it was similar to the go d> (produced). She also spoke to conveying a similar parcel underneath her jacket a week ago Miss Perry got all other joung lady to get a shawl to conceal the parcel which witness was earning Mr Walters asked what was ttc use of this eridcmce. There was nothing to prove the proper:y belonged to Mr vY R Edwards. Mr James John said that the carrying a-.vr.y had been den? surreptitiously. Mr Thomas Walters s^id if anything wrong hra been done, the witness was liable as nn accomplice- Jaii3 Morris, millinery saleswoman, said she hod a Crip in stock similar to that produced. Mr Wr R Edwards, the senior partner in the iirm, ^}>e evidence corroborating thai of his sun. fe Sillv swore positively to the cmdlestick and the reel* That was all he could swear positively to. Mr Thomas Walters: Is there a possibility or the*" tbinzs being in her box quite honestly? You would not liko to take away her character for a I^HSS candlestick and a reel. W'tness could nut answer this question. He had been informed that she had broken ens of the rules bv taking away things without permission. The artiels referred to was an empty pivte-btiard [j, lie had been informed of this by Miss tVif-iarcs. Mr C W Jones That is the young lady she is not friendly with. The witness said that he had been told by his son before this. Miss Williams had to leave the dinner- table some time before iu consequence of a conversa- tion which had taken place. Mr T. Walters How did you know that? Witness I was told so. The Mayor said the witness was a magistrate, and must know well enough this was not evidence. Witness, in further cross-examination, said that a box had been entered to Miss Perry's account—at least some box had. There was another demonstration in court at this point, The Bonick ordered it to be cleared, which was done for the most part. Witness said that he would not uudeitake to whether he were piesent when the box was opened.— Pressed by Mr Walters, he said he was not prepared to say he was not there to his knowledge.—Later on he said he was not present. The Bench then retired. On returning, and without bearing evidence or a speech for the defence, the Mayor said the Bench were unanimously of opinion that no jury would convict on the evidence. Prisoner was, therefore, discharged The result was received with tremendous applause. Defendant swooned away in court.

Family Notices