Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

19 erthygl ar y dudalen hon

The Police and their Wages.


The Police and their Wages. A CALL TO TRADE UNIONISTS. To the Editor Carmarthen Weekly Reporter- ) Sir,- While reading the account of the half-quarterly meeting of the Carmarthen Town Council which was held at the Guild- liall, on Tuesday, June 12th, I noticed that a discussion arose in connection with a motion that was introduced by the Rev Joseph Harry, re wages of the police. Consequently, as a ratepayer, and workman, and trades- uniionist, and as one who takes the. keenest interest in the welfare of the workers and who thoroughly believes that every person | ought to be paid a living wage, I really must say from a trade-union point of view, that I cannot but admire the strong and import- ant action on the part of Mr Harry in taking such a nobie part in championing the cause of the police of the Borough of Car- man-then, which, in my estimation, are so very much underpaid in comparison with other neighbouring towns. Just fancy be- coming such an important personage as » constable under the juiusdiction of the ancient Borough of Carmarthen and a posi- tion under the British Government getting such a large salary to commence Rith-21Si a week, and after six years, that is if your con- duct is exemplary, 27s, and after deductions, 25s 2d. Really, under the circumstances I cannot agree with our inuentiial Alderman Saimuel when he said that the ratepayers may object for myself I cannot believe that a single .ratepayer would make the slightest objection to a police constable who does his duty conscientiously obtaining a living wage. So that my argument may be backed up with material evidence, I should like to ask how those predominating Town Coun- cillors of ours who made such strong objec- tions in not voting for an advance in wages for the police, would they like to lie paid the mean contemptible pay that our police arc •receiving at the present time, and especially When we come to consider the distasteful nature of the duties of the police, which was so fully described by Mr Harry. I was very pleased with the wiay in which Mr Harry dealt with the different workers when he said that if his motion would be the means of stirning up the working class in the district to seek theiir rights, lie-hopcd that the Coun- cil would not lend itself in any shape or form to keeping down the rightful aspirations of the working men. I call assure all readers of your paper that I am thoroughly con- vinced that the workers of Carmarthen who arc at the present. time not receiving a living Wiage are awakening from their state of apathy, and that the day is not far distent when every man, skilled and unskilled worker, will have the freedom to say to his employer a fair day's wwfc for ia fiaur ^ay s pay, and this, in my estimation, can only be brought albout by every worker making up his mind to beome a trades-unionist, which has proved so beneficial to all workers all over the universe. They should also, in future, take a keen interest in the persons who they return for municipal honours, and not return such individuals of the, type of Alderman Rogers and Alderman fiamiuel, who have no right to dictate what is a living Avage to a police constable or any worker, as every man in my opinion l fully justified in asking for an advance in acpoidanoe with the times we live in. I also hope that every worker, after this letter, will become a meanber of the trades union which has lately been intro- duced at CaiTmairthen. as combinataon is power and unity is strength- TIM. J_

Sale of Fields t Uanflgivad.

jThe Education Bill.

(Copy of Letter of 8th May).

Ammanford Eisteddfod.



Carmarthenshire Infirmary.


I County Council Electoral…







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Family Notices

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