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Scjal, &C. (V/IRS THOMAS TUO*80si oDa Family T^X desire to express the'C THA.. SS who have so kincHy, sympathised w» under their present ffliction ANGLESEY COUNTY COUNCIL. I NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN^ATTHE next Meeting of the above Cowvl j:ill e in the Shire Hall, LpANGE^FNl^on ■Ssrusss & S5S £ SJfSS^«-t? « Jict., cap. 81, and all persons having any Sand upon the County Fund, or H*ock, are Quired to forward the particular s thereo w Siting, to mv office, Stanley House, Holyhead, i- or before Monday, the 16th aay of April 148tazt. J. LLOYD GRIFFITH, Clerk of the Peace. a, ote.-All claims received after the taid 16th <*4y 0{* April will not bo paid until after the ^ttly Meeting of the Council. c138b70v46Sw ¡ FRANCIS CHRISTOPHER MADREN, i^rsTiant to Statute 22 and 23 Vict., cap. 35. \rOTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all Persons having any Claims and!R6™*? the Estate of Francis ^nb^pher jNren, formerly of 1, Glanymor Villas, L air ^4n0, in the County of CARNFTRVON. OF BO Deceased, who died on the 11th dAj, December, 1899, intestate, are requested to particulars thereof to Mrs lj.3, Plough Road. New Wandfaworth, London, feow, the Administratrix of the Estate and Jffects of the raid Deceased (nnder letters of S^QimiBtration granted out of the Bangor Dis- X'ctReeiBtrv of the Probate Division of the &gh Court of Justice on the 21st day of March, 00), on or before the 15th day of May next, which date Ehe will proceed to deal with Assets of the said Deceased, having regard to the Claims of which she shall have had ot'oe, and will not be liable in respect of any Claim. Dated the 10th d&y of April, 1900. CHAMBERLAIN and JOHNSON, Llandudno, ■<^8 Solicitors for the said Administratrix. URSUANT to an Order, dated the 19th day I •p- of March, 1500, of the County Court of ^narvonshire, holden at Pwllheli, made in the ^ter of the Estate of JOHN PRITOHARD, biased, and in an action Jones against flitchard, D 51, tha Creditors of, or Claimants S^inat, the estate of John Pritchard, late of ^yntirion, Morfa Nevin, in the County of Car- &0n. who died in or about the month of May, t^9, are on or before the 2nd day of May, 1900, J? 8end by poet, prepaid, to the Registrar of the ^inty Court of Carnarvonshire holden at fMlheli their Christian and Surnames, Jesses and descriptions, and in c%ses of farms J?6 names of the parties and the style or title of jf6 firm, the fall particulars of their claims, a tf^tenjent of their accounts and the nature of j 16 seourities (if any) held by them; in default they may be excluded from any benefit *be Estate. v *<Very Creditor holding any security is to »«°^Uce or transmit the same to the Registrar ljj^eaaid on or before the 2nd day of May, at 12 o'clock at noon, being the day ap- TOJ*>tea for adjudicating upon the claims. *>atea this 10th day of April, 19C0. ARTHEN OWEN OWEN, N Registrar. v ELIZABETH JONES, Deceased, ^eniact to the Law of Property Amendment ^Act, i85g JxTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all til Creditors and other Persons having any j^Una or DemandB against the Estate of g'*2abeth Jones, late of the Freemason'sArms, ^yhead, in the County of Anglesey, Widow, leased, who died on the 19th day of February, rjOi intestate, and to whose estate and effects, toners of Administratoin were granted bv or ff\ol The Principal Probate Division of Her Saiesty's High Court of Justice on the 26th day Search, 1900, to John Roberts, of No. 25, tu^g&l&nd, Holyhead, aforesaid, are hereby re to send the particulars in writing of uJJj* Claims or Demands to me, the under- oj^ed. the Solicitor for the said AcLmioistrator, w ?l before the 12th day of Jane next, after date the said Administrator will prooeed distribute the Assets of the said deceased the Persona entitled thereto, having tyPtod only to the Claims and Demands of he shall then have had notice, and he tL 1 not be liable for the Assets of the said eed or any part thereof so distributed to t)e Person or Persons of whose Claims or ^anda he shall not then have had notice, ^ted the 9th day of April, 1900. T. R. EVANS, Holyhead, ^6h67E Solicitor to the said Administrator. HUGH LESTER, Deceased, ^uant'to the Law of Property Amendment Vv°t. 1859, J\OTice IS HEREBY GIVEN that all Creditors and other persons having any or Demands against the estate of Hugh in late of Clifton Abbey Road, Llandudno, county of Carnarvon, deceased (who died ty. fche 22nd day of January, 1900, and whose Wfts Proved in the District Registry, at Ban I* of the Probate Division of Her Majesty's 19^ Court of Justice on the 5th day of April, f.|^> by Jane Lester, of Clifton Abbey Road, w^dodno, aforesaid, widow, Adoniah Evans, tas Llandudno, aforesaid, Bank Manager, and fe.^ard William Johnson, of Llandudno, afore- f4, Solicitor, the Executors therein named), hereby required to Bend the particulars m 0f their Claims or Demands to us, the to,, etsigned, the Solicitors for the said Execu- on or before the 8th day of May next, after date the said Executors will proceed to ^hp ^te the assets of the said deceased amongst to persons entitled thereto, having regard only *he Claims and Demands of which we shall had notice; and we will not be liable assets of the said deceased, or any part so distributed to any person or persons ^^bose Claims or Demands we shall not then tfbad notice. *ted this 6th day of April, 1900. CHAMBERLAIN AND JOHNSON, I Llandudno, » Solicitors for the said Executors. IMPORTANT TO CYCLISTS I is a good Saddle. |fO J AB g ADDLES (Edwards' Patent) PREVENT JERKING. Are gaaranteed to answer to their name. Read these Extracts:— Y\ Rightfully easy to ride."—"The Universal, Provider." "Most comfortable."—«• Cycling." «' Distinct Buocesa."—" The Cycle." ,1 1 can heartily recommend."—Rev D. Llojd. f Price, post free, 10s 6d from nE NO JAR SADDLE CO., BHTDWES. ANGLESEY. c283r163w egetable & Flower | SEEDS SHED POTATOS, /E^r Best 1 harden Tools Qualities I AND A A 0t m°St i Sundries, Moderate ^'ce3 | Delivered lii'ree Im r by Rail or Parcel Post. j| Illustrated Descriptive Catalogue, JVo. joS, ^3 Post Free on application. Post Free on application. tndt!5. ARMY CONTRACTS. TENDERS for the supply of BREAD and MEAT, for the period of six months, from 1st June, 1900, at the various stations in the North-Western District, will be received at the undermentioned office, until 12 o'olock noon, on Wednesday, the 25th Anril, 1900, for Meat, and on Friday, 27th April, 1900, for Bread. Forms of Tender, with list of Stations, can be obtained on application to the Assistant Adjutant General. District Head Quarter Office, Chester, 7th April, 1900. c433s CARNARVON UNION. TENDERS. THE Guardians of the above-named Union are desirous of entering into the following Contracts, viz.:— 1. For Baking Flour into Bread. 2. For the supply of Meat, Flour, Groceries, Shoes, Clogs, and other articles for the use of the Workhouse, during the six months ending 29th day of September next. 3. For fcupplying Coffins for Paupers dying in the Workhouse and in the Carnarvon Relief District for the same period. 4. For supplying Books, Stationery, Forms, &c., during the year ending 25th March, 1901. 5. For the ordinary Printing Work that will be required for the Union during the year ending 25th day of Match, 1901. Information as to the amount of each article consumed in the Workhouse, during the corres- ponding period of last year, may be had of the Master, and as to the two latter at the office of the undersigned. No Tender will be received unless sent in a securely fastened envelope, with proper endorse- ment duly written thereon. Samples will be required of all artioles that can be sent, but nothing must be written or printed on the articles to give information as to the person sending the same; there should, how- ever, be a letrer or number corresponding with the letter or number on the Tender. The Tenders are to be addressed to me at the Union House, Carnarvon, and received not later than 10 o'clock on Saturday, the Fourteenth day of April instant. The Guardians do not bind themselves to acoept the lowest or any Tender. J. HENRY THOMAS, Clerk to the Guardians. Union Offices:-14, Market Street, Carnarvon. 2nd April, 1900. y461c431w jtaa, MONEY LENT PRIVATELY. From L10 UPWARDS. ON BORROWER'S OWN PROMISSORY NOTE. THE undersigned has been established for nearly 30 years, and has always conducted business under his own name. He has always endeavoured to act in a fair and straightforward maimer, and has received many hundreds of letters of appreciation and thanks from those who have dealt with him. No preliminary Fees • charged. No Bills of Sale taken. Prompt attention to inquiries. Prospectuses, terms for advances, or any information desired, will be supplied, free of charge on application either personally or by letter to GEORGE PAYNE, Accountant, ae468 3, Crescent Road, Rhyl. "IMMEDIATE CASH ACCOMMODATION OFFERED BY A PRIVATE LIVER- POOL CAPITALIST. B15 TO £ 1500 t Readily Lent at a few hours' notice for Town, a days' notice for Country, without Publicity, Money Lenders' FEES, Fuss, or Loan-office formalities. No Billa. of Sale or Securities. A PROMISSORY NOTE OR WRITTEN UN- DERTAKING TO REPAY BEING THE ONLY SECURITY REQUIRED. Repayments to extent over a period, or by tmall weekly, monthly quarterly. or half- yearly payments, to suit convenience of Borrowers. For further information call or write to the actual Lender.—W. Cameron, Mel- ville Chambers, 50, Lord Street, Liverpool. Telegrams, "Finance," Liverpool. Telephone, 1197. c78y58o NO FEES. MONEY WITHOUT SURETIES, DELAY, OR PUBLICITY, FROM ONE MONTH TO FIVE YEARS. THE NATIONAL MERCANTILE BANK, 3, Commercial Buildings, Cross-street, 1875. MANCHESTER. Capital £ 200,000. Private and prompt advances on Borrower's Note of Hand Alone, to all Persons of respec- tability and responsibility, from 220 to £2000. Repayable by easy instalments or in one sum as arranged. A guarantee given to strictest privacy. NO LAW COSTS. Advances also made on Mortgage of Leasehold or Freehold Property, Shares, Scrip, Policies, &c. j Applications from any part of England or Wales receive precisely the same attention as those applying in Manchester. For further particulars call or write to MR ROBERT JAMES, Resident Manager. Special Notice.—This Bank is not connected with any loan societies or so-called advance com- panies trading as professional money lenders, and the usual objectionable loan office routine entirely dispensed with. Owing to our immense business throughout the country, we are able to lend money at ordinary Bank Charges, and the sum borrowed can be repaid by Easy and Long Instalments, or can remain at interest for a term of years. THE CHEQUE BANK 40 Established 1873. Capital, £ 405,933. LTD. MANKIERS-BANK OF ENGLAIND- 0 i- Trustee: The Most Hon. the Marquess of TWKEDDALB. ry,IF-man; The Rt. Hon. Sir ED. THORNTON, G.C.B., P.C, C' URRENT Accoutres OPENED. NO minimum balanoa required. Cheque Bank Cheques, being taken as cask, by Her Majesty's Government, and all over the world jure the cheapest, safest and best method of remitting money, Bt home or abroad. lEPQSITS raom Fl UPWARDSRECEIVEDATIHTERESTJ 0 Full pardculars-on application. 0 lead Office: 93. Bishopogat* St. Vlthil n London. B.C. y"j[ /CYCLES! CYCLES! xtfrjgX \J ROYAIi AJAX are magnificent value. WRITE FOR 1900 LISTS, POST Tilltr- FREE. Immense Stock. New and Secondhand. Wonderful bargains. Carriage paid. EASY PAYMENTS, from TEN SHILLINGS MONTHLY. Large dis- count for Cash. All Accessories free. Old Machines exchanged. One year's guarantee.— THE BRITISH CYCLE MANUFACTUR- ING CO., 45, Everton Road, Liverpool. Central Depot, 23, Manchester Street, Liverpool. a201 V/| ANLY MEN.—Why suffer the pains and misery caused by Nervousness, Prema- ture, Exhaustion, and Wasting Weakness? Send for my Book, which shows how every man, young and old, can be thoroughly and quickly cured without Stomach Medicine or Electricity. Specimens ol letters received and guaranteed genuine:—I cannot find words to express how thankful I am. I used to think I never would Net enred. I wish I bad seen your advertisement at first" I should have saved many pounds.—G. -p -vt » "j have carried out your instructions, and am now perfectly ivell.T. G.Sent sealed, post free, for two stamps. K J. Leigh, 92 and 93, Great Russell Street, London, W.C. Send at once and be cured. Twelve years con- 1 ^famous success, &c. I Publit AItttiiigs, &t. PWLLHELI. EASTER MONDAY. gPOBTS AND CYCLE RACES. Eveotll-5 m. Race (open). First prize, .£10 10s Od Silver Challenge Cup. presented by F. E. Andrews. Esq. (holder, Mr F. Mason). 1 m. Pursuit Race (open). 1 m. Oyole Race (Quarrymen only). 1 m. ditto (Roadster Cyoles, 291bs. or over). Hall mile Fiat Raoe. 100 Yards ditto. 100 Yards Boys. Sack Race. Pulling the Weight. Tug of War. Valuable Prizes each event. THE NANTLLE VALE SILVER BAND, Winners First Prize National Eisteddfod, will play during the Sports. F. E. YOUNG, Sport Manager, o384y406w Cardiff Road, Pwllheli. OPERA HOUSE, LLANDUDNO. FOR THREE NIGHTS ONLY! And a Matinee (if wet). MONDAY, TUESDAY, Æ WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16th, 17th, and 18th, MR GEORGE ROBERTSON'S COMPANY (By arrangement with Mr Herbert Sleath), In the Enormously Successful American Farce-Comedy: WHAT HAPPENED TO JONES, Under the direotion of Mr N. Pogose. As played 400 times at the Strand Theatre. Doors open 7 30. Commence at 8. Early Doors at 7, 6d extra to all parts. rl28s LLANDUDNO PIER COMPANY, LTD. Secretary Mr Samuel Hughes. SEASON 1900. THE COMPANY'S POPULAR CONCERTS. Morning at 11. Evening at 7 45. GRAND ORCHESTRA, Leader Mr Frederic Seigl. Conductor and Solo Pianist: Mr A. E. Bartle. Vocalist for the week commencing Ap?il 21st, Misa EDITH RANSOME, Contrelto, assisted on Saturday and Easter Monday by Mr OLLY OAKLEY, the celebrated Zither-Banjo Virtuoso. Admission to 5 30 p.m., 2d; after 5 30 p.m.. 6d. Season Tickets Front Seats, 28s; Second do., 22s. Monthly Tickets: Front Seats, 14s; Second do., lis. Weekly Tickets: To May 26th (excepting Good Friday), 2s 6d and 3s 6d. r129B dutttthm. MR JOHN W. ROBERTS, Organist, of Llanrwst, wishes to inform his numerous pupils and friends that he will still keep his con- nection up at Liandwrog, &c., &c., and is open to receive Engagements as Conductor, Adjudicator, Accompanist, &c.-Plas Isa, Llandwrog, near Carnarvon. o425w UNIVERSITY OF WALES. THE SIXTH MATRICULATION EX- AMINATION will commence on MON- DAY, June 25t'j, 1900. Particulars from the Registrar, University Office, Brecon, from whom Forms of Entry can be obtained. Entries must be made not later than Monday, June 4kh, 1900. c306w ——MWWW—WWM— E. D. JONES, BILLPOSTER ft TOWN CRIER, 43, Thomas Street, HOLYHEAD. N.D.-All orders punctually attended to, and most reasonable terms. !J,ailw:tUs. CAMBRIAN RAILWAYS. EASTER HOLIDAYS, 1900.—Cheap Excur- sions to Scotland.—On Thursday, April 12th, Excursion Tickets will be issued for 5 and 9 days to Edinburgh, Glasgow, Greenock, etc.. On Thursday and Saturday. April lip and 14th, Excursion Tickets will be issued to New- port (Mon.), Dowlais, NeathhMerthyr, Cardiff, and Swansea, available for return up to and in- clusive of Saturday, April 21stj except Good Friday, April 13th, and Sunday, April 3-5th. On Thursday and Saturday, April li2th and 14th, cheap 8 day Tickets will be issued from Brecon, Rhayader, and intermediate Stations, to Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester, Stockport, War-. ring-ton, Birkenhead, Crewe, Chester, Rhyl, Abergele, Sheffield, Halifax, Hudd' rsfieLd, Brad- ford, Carlisle, Windermere, etc., avrilable to return Any week-day up to and inclusive of Sat- urday, .April 21st. Cheap 8 day .Tickets will also be issued from Aberystwyth, Pwllheli, Bar- mouth, Machynlleth, Newtown, Montgomeiy, Welshpool, Oswestry, Fenns Bank, and inter- mediate Statiabs, to 3-Unchiester. Slbockport, Liverpool, Birkenhead, Chester, Warringtoxi, Sheffield, Leeds, Dewsbury, Batley, Bradford, Huddersfield, Matlock, and Buxton. The usual Week-end Tickets will be issued on Thursday, April 12th, and Saturday, April 14th, to Liverpool, Manchester, Birmingham, Wol- verhampton, Peterboro', LeIcester," Derby, Leeds, Dewsbury, Huddersfield, Bradford, Shef- field, etc. Excursion Bookings to London. — On Thurs- day, April 12th, Excursion Tickets .will be is- sued to London for 5 and 8 days. Sports and Cycle Races at Pwllheli Horse, Dog, and Poultry Show, Nevin; Eisteddfods at Barmouth, Criecieth, and Pwllheli, Easter Mon- day, April 16th.—Cheap Day Tickets will be is- sued from Aberystwyth, Machynlleth, Aber- dovey, Tomryn, and intermediate Stations, to Barmouth, Harlech, Dolgelley, Pwllheli, etc. On Monday, April 16th, Day Excursion Tick- ets will be issued from Llanidloes, Newtown, Welshpool, Oswestry, Ellesmere, 9 Fennsbtak, and intermediate Stations, to Liverpool, Man- chester, Chester, and North Wales Stations. Athletic Sports at Carnarvon. — Cheap Day Tickets will be issued from Portmadoc, Crie- cieth, and Pwllheli, on Easter Monday, April 16th. For full particulars as to Train Times, Fares, etc., see Handbills issued by the Company. All information regarding Tourist and Excursion ar- rangements on the Cambrian Railways can be obtained on application to Mr W. H. Gough, Superintendent of the Line, Oswestry. y419cm THOUSAND MILE TICKETS. THE Cambrain Railways Company issue First-class 1000 and 500 miles Tickets, the Coupons of which enable the purchasers to travel between stations on the Cambrain Railways during the period for which the tickets are available, until the Coupons are exhausted. The price of each ticket is 25 6s 1000 miles and B2 17. 6d 500 miles, being about lid per mile. Application for the 1000 or 600 mild ticket. must be made in writing, giving the full name and address of the purchaser, and accompanied by a remittance, to MrW. H. Gough, Superin- tendant of the Line, Cambrian Railways, Os- westry (cheques to be made payable to the Cam- brain Co. or order), from whom also books con- taining 100 certificates for authorising the use of the tickets by the purchaser's fann'iy* guests, or employees can be obtained, price 6d ?ach book, remittance to accompany order. C. S. DENNISS, Genern;t Manager. TO SECURE the GREATEST PUBLICITY for your Announcements, ADVERTISE 'in the,, ilEP.AIJD." FOR HIGH CLASS FURNISHING GOODS AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PKICES, FOR CASH ONLY VISIT THE COMPLETE PIONEER., ^^oVs, 9 to 19, BOLD STREET, LIVERPOOL. A BEAUTIFUL STOCK. ENORMOUS PREMISES. CALL AND INSPECT OR SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. All purchases over 40s delivered Carriage Paid to any Railway Station in Great Britain. aSS. RELIEF FROM COUGH IN TEN MINUTES I UTES Mrs A. S. BALLIN, in 1 Baby," Feb., 1898, says: Hayman's Balsam has earned an excellent repu- tation. I have tried it my- self, and found it give im- mediate relief. I had it very carefully analysed, & it can be used safely for young children & infants." SAFE FOR CHILDREN. A Gli -STOPS PRtCES 2 and A SPEbDY RliMEDY fob COUGHS. COLDS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA., WHOOPING COUGH. Ac. "I ulle a good deal irt Winter, giving it to ser. vants and others, and in. variably hear of good re- sults. My brother, who had Whooping Ccugh, and con Id not rest, found it the greatest relief." -E. M. D. 'I he Elms, Faringdon, Betka, Jane, 1898. IT STOPS COLD. #/1IIÎ'¡;HiIiiwl4 1lIIUIR- SPECIALS-FIFTEEN GUINEAS. STANDARDS-TEN GUINEAS. BKKU Ik. Liverpool Depot: 101, Bold Street. Local Agents: Connah and Co., Palace Street, Carnarvon, and Stanley Street, Holyhead. A. Deacon and Sons, Gloddaeth Street, Llandudno. a395 The Universal Remedy for^Acidi^^ StonaacH, maie3, an^ tke Sick^ Headache, Heartburn, Indigestion, Sour SrUctaUons, ness of Pregnancy. Bilious Affections. DINNEFORDS NE IA' Sold Throughout the World. N.B.-ASK FOR DINKFAFORIYS MAGNESIA. §&smzs %ddmm ♦ CARADOC ROWLAND, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, 17, CASTLE SQUARE, CARNARVON: COMMERCIAL STATIONER, SCHOOL STATIONER, AND BOOKSELLER. SPLENDID SELECTION OF LEATHER GOODS, BAGS, PURSES, WALLETS ALBUMS, &c. PHOTO FRAMES A SPECIALITY. c86N JONES AND MILLER, TAILORS AND OUTFITTERS. SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT, 1900. MESSRS JONES & MILLER have now their :EARLY SPRING DELIVERY of the NEWEST SEASONS GOODS fully installed, It comprises the Best Selections in COATINGS, SUITINGS, and TROUSERINGS. BREECHES, a Speciality. Style and Fit Guaranteed. OUTFITTING DEPARTMENTS replete with all the Newest Designs in SHIRTS, TIES, SCARFS, GLOVES, HATS, &o. LONDON HOUSE, CARNARVON. ESTABLISHED 1874. National Telephone No. 20. E. NOBLE, SODA WATER AND LEMONADE MANUFACTURER, CARN ARVON. 11 and 12, Great TowerlStreet, London, E.C. 17thJMay, 18&8. COPY CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS. Afnumber of samples of Aeratad Beverages received from Mr E. Noble, Carnarvon and descriptive of the various goods manractured by him. have been submitted to rigorous chemical exammation in this Laboratory, in addition to specimens of th6 materials used in the process of their production. All were fonnd to be of exceptional excellence, and of the highest purity, skilfully, and judiciously prepared, and gratifying to the taste and eye. It is a source of satisfaction for me to continue to give emphatic testimony in favour of the high purity and superior qualities of Mr Noble's goods. 8 GRANVILLE H. SHARPE, F.C.S., &c., Analyst, c575h Late Principal of the Liverpool College of Chemistry." EVAN JONES, CYCLE AGENT, 4, CASTLE SQUARE, OARNARVON, Begs to inform the Pnblio that he has OPENED A NEW CYCLE MAKING & REPAIRING WORKS AT No. 1, SKINNER STREET (LATE HUMPHREY'S PRINTING OFFICE), CALLED THE CARNARVON CYCLE WORKS. REPAIRS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE. ENAMELLING, PLATING, AND TYRE REPAIRING ON THE PREMISES. FREE WHEELS AND BACK PEDALLING BRAKES FITTED ON ALL KINDS OF BICYCLES. Agents' for the following Well-known Makers:- SINGER, OSMOND, JAMES', SUNBEAM, I I t ROVER, I ARIEL I STAR, REFEREE. I I A GRAND SELECTION OF THE ABOVE ALWAYS IN STOCK. ALSO SECOND HANDS. I Don't think you can neglect a Cough and jfl I I escape the penalty I S "FRANCISIS BALSAM' will CURE it; J J Try a i/ij Bottle to-day. For a COLD or COUGH\ m Its Effects are Marvellous. I I ONE DOSE GIVES RELIEF AND SECURES A NIGHT'S REST. I t INSIST ON HAVING I fp BANCIS'SX I \« i8AL5A" I FOR A COUGH. M SOOTHING and COMFORlf M I In all Throat and Lung Troubles. I 1HL The BEST REMEDY JF ¡ FOR BRONCHITIS, Jm WHOOPING COUGH INFLUENZA, MW ASTHMA. j ^l|k GIVES TONE 1 TO THE M6r .NO SOLD BY CHEMISTS LUNGS. MW PROPRIETORS MO EVERYWHERE. Ipk MANUFACTURE In Bottles ilk iff FRANCIS & COI 1¡ll and 2/9. WREXHAM. °. DIGKESTIjNT. YPEDDYGINIAETH OEED DDIC'FXG THEULXAD, POEN IN Y CiLbX, PXINAYIFLDAXSDOD &c, — it? l$o* NEURALGIN 1 WELLAR DDANNODD TlCL NEURALGIA, TIO DOLOREUX, Ao. Dyma'r Foddygintaetb orea o ddigon.-lB I*. KELT_Ie SAUCE.. PUB. B ASV8. TRB ULIADWT. Sauce Gwir Qymieig. I Sauce pvhataf, Y Sanoe Goren. 3io m 60 Gu bob Cbemiaft a Grocer, nea WILLIAM OWEN AND PWLLHEU, 7. ABERDEEN LINE TO AUSTRALIA. Via. Teneriffe and Cape Town in 42 days. Australasian, Oapt.T.F.Spalding,3661 t0ns,May 8 Salamis, Hapt.A.Douglas,B.N,E.,4508 lone.May 29 THE Steamers of this favourite Line sail from London as above, taking saloon and third class passengers to Teneriffe, Cape Town, and all Australian and New Zealand Ports. Fares to Australia, J314 14s to £50; to Cape Town, £9 9s to £ 50.—For particulars APPLY'TO Geo. Thompson and Co., 7, Billiter Square, London, E.G. cI28cl6 ELDER, DEMPSTER & CO* (BEAVER LINE) ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. Xi LIVERPOOL TO ST. JOHN N.D. (VIA HALIFAX.) B.S. Lake Superior .April 21st 8.8. Lake ONTARIO April 28th Passengers booked through to all parts of Canada and United States. Superior accom- modation at lowest rates for First, Second, and Third Class Passengers. Special terms to Families and Partes* intending o emigrate. Apply to ELDER, DEMPSTER & CO., African House, Water Street, Liverpool. c78o A 11 1) A N L I N E. ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. TO CANADA and the UNITED STATES J- SAILINGS from LIVERPOOL. t'[¡ivonian." St. John's, N.F.,<FE Halifax, Apr. 14 "Buenos]Ayrean,"forQuebec<FE Montreal, Apr. i1 '"Parisian," for Qcebeo and Montreal..Apr. 26 F "Phoenician," for Monte Video and Buenos Ayres. Apr. 28 fCargo only. Londonderry. Saloon from £10, 2nd Cabin JB7, Steerage B5. Through Tickets to all points at special rates. CANADA .—Handbook, maps, rates, and fnll particulars frree on application to Allan Brothers and Co., 19, James Street, Liverpool; W. J. Parry, Coetmor Yard, Betheeda: or to W. J. Williams, Accountant, 7, Market Street, Carnarvon. a434 A M ERI CAN LINE. UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS. SOUTHAMPTON—NEW YORK SERVICE. Southampton to New York, Saturdays. Highest Class of accommodation for Saloon, Second Cabin, and Steerage Passengers. LIVERPOOL—PHILADELPHIA SERVICE. Every Wednesday, Liverpool to Philadelphia* calling at Queenstown every Thursday. Passengers and Goods are landed at Phila- delphia on the Wharf of the Pennsylvania Rail- road, which has the shortest and most direct route to all places in the Western States. Apply to RICHARDSON, SPENCE, & Co., Southampton or Liverpool, or to W. J. Williams, 7, Market Street, Carnarvon; R. R. Stythe, 39, Bangor Street, Carnarvon Mrs C. Williams, Douglas Terrace, Bethesda; Rich- ard Roberts, Bethesda; J. T. Williams, Meirion House, B. Festiniog; J. Arthur Evans and <3$., Station Chambers, Rhyl; R. C. Evans, Caxton House, Dolgelley W HI TR 8 TAR LINE. ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. LIVERPOOL to NEW YORK, VIA Queenstown. Gennanio.Wed April ) Oceasio, Wèa,2 THIRD Class passage at Low Rates, in- JL cluding Outfit free of charge, to New York, Boston, Philadelphia, or Baltimore. Apply to Robert Owen, Ship and Insurance Broker, and W. J. Williams, 7, Market Street, Carnarvon; O. E. Parry, Slate Merchant, Dol- wyddelen; David Rowlands, Penygraig; Edward Evans, 2, Pen'rallt Terrace, Llangefni; H. Hughes, 8, Market Street, Amlwch; W. D. Jones, Auctioneer and Valuer, Old Bank, Holyhead; W. O. Williams, Globe Shoe Ware- house, Star, Llanrwst; R. C. Evans, Caxton House, Dolgelley; Messrs J. Arthur Evans and Co., Station Chambers, Rhyl; William. Edwards, 7, Williams Terrace, Llanberis; W. J. Parry, Coetmor Yard, Bethesda; or to ISMAY, IMRIE and Co., Liverpool, and 34, Leadenhall Street. London, E.C. cl7 CI! NaRD LI N E. ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. LIVERPOOL, via QUEENSTOWN. TO NEW YORK. Ivernia, Sat., April 14 I Campania, Sat., May 5 Lactmia, Sat., April 21 | Ivernia, Sat., May 12 Etruria, Sat., Apr l 28 Luc-mia, Sat., May 19 TO BOSTON. Ultonia, Tues., May 8 Ultonia, Tues., Jane 151 Sylvania, Tue., June 19 Fares Saloon from £12. 2nd Cabin from £7 10s, 3rd Class Rate J35 5s and upwards, accord- ing to Steamer and Season. 10 per cent. re- duction on Return Tickets Saloon 5 5 per cent. 2nd Cabin. 3rd Class Passengers by New York Steamers booked to Boston, Philadelphia, or Baltimore, without extra charge. Outfit free. Passengers booked through, to all parts of America and Canada. Apply to The CUXARD STEAMSHIP CO., Ltd., Liverpool, or to their Agents: —MR W. J. Williams, 7, Market Street, Carnarvon: Mr R. Roberts, Old Post Office, Bethesda; Mr 0. E. Parry, Slate Merchant, Do-lwyddelen; Mr R. C. Evans, Caxton House, Dolgelley. TT WANTED, EMIGRANTS FOR CANADA. Farmers, Labourers, Servant Girls, etc For free pamphlets apply, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY, oISs 7, James Street, LiverpooL ABT METAL WORK IN GATES AND GRILLES. ? <Jt f fr! H ? IRON HURDLES, WIRE FENCING, FIELD GATES, CJORRUGATED IRON ROOFING, STC. W. H. PEAKE AND SONS. MANUFACTURERS, as 1m> 27, SEEL STREET, LIVERPOOL. THE Best B FARM itflSEEDS At Lowest Prices. 'COLC;;r ALL CARRIAGE PAID. Catalogue No. 512 free on application. DICKSONS Roya! Seed Warehouse, CHESTER. 1