Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

3 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



j R F-, U,,N, I. V,E R s uxitttMMt- ■ For commercial purposes the Ford Jjelivery Van is more economical than the horse. It is more reliable, and at once places the merchant in touch wifchja greatly inereaeiediarea of trade. The Ford Van makes the last trip of the day with the same efficiency that it has g ven in the morning. It is never too tired" to work. } I f 20 H.P. EfficiectlyTfqa'oped—Sbeel Panelled 'boly wi bli able :door$ no rear. Exrnu keighe floor'^to roof 62 ia.. exbJem3 widfk 6l ia., length hwhind elriver 50 iD., width of well 25 In. Price aV Works,;»ia*icheiter) :E-"139. For Jailer particalara and demonstration apply 80 :— W. EDWARDS, I Automobile Engineer, I | GARAGE, DENBIGH. II 11, TELEPHONE 54. | CHECK that COLD 11 IN Its ditRgarcun no may lead to parloun < oecapliraiions. T*]EO OcxaJI C.-bei'1'Y J»ai'K Congta Syrtip. tie ant reliable ef family oengk rcmcdieip. Is if pleasant to take, and reliersq Hrenthial initation, relaxes spaims. warms the cbe. loate.-i the phlegm, free* the air passages, and mikes bteatbingr easy and comfo-table. Try ift to day-money returned in tail if nob satisfied, Rexall Cherry Bark Cough Syrup. Is. -7-lti. and 2s. 6d. per bothc. 4* 1" T. d. ROBERTS, CheD:1is"t,: J I 2, Well Street, Ruthin. f f i RAIN- COATS FOR FAIR WEATHER and: FOU L, j FBOi j 37s 6d. TO 63s. A WILLIAIYIS"G RAINCOAT is in liisponKub'.e *o these wbo reqmre a light*. and fashionable garmsns. !•> II mci>ptniib.i because ib is economical. Ib »« economics bfcause it sartes the purpose of ft water preot. it acts as mvduat coat as well as wintercoat, end can be relied on to give tffioisnb selvies light op to the end. Oall and investigate its merits. w. H. WILLIAMS, 39. High Street, DENBIGH. ,t-<t'w-_{,w'-&t-<I''I!IJJ:t"o TtiE REALWE!.S U HATMA S BALSAM 1 Dit M CURES COUGHSsCOLDSjl I Invaluable in the Nursery Bflaj B Bottles 1 iS and 3 Hra B OF ALL CHEMISTS AND STORES. Mil ABSOLUTELY PURE THEREFORE BEST WV0C&1&' ttJ!I!I1! J.>¡:J' SUBSTITUTE MANUAL LABOUR BY USING txlcd]LAN & SONS Farm Yard Manure Spreader. FOR DRI LLS. I Price List with fall particulars on application, Any.Trial Arranged. ySole Agmt for the District: w L BATHES) RUTHIN, N.W. a18

