Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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T A! <- 4 WO p C) N0 AP ips! wri cpy /SSmi! vv JLLoD I 1885 IB HIGH-CLASS PROVISIONS-sks to Royalty) e won j> County Gold and Silver (^|b .^g-, jfpi Provision COLD p i edal (ff vC "-> "■< « • Medals & Cuns %nEBf7 [|ppj j ipfe:, H AWARDED M \V \|fil|resTCOiiECTiciOTi/ ff :1 Tn ri av THE atf to '[J V^^FRQY15'ons-.| /jf ■"■ Llt4U* ALL ™b EpS] Buildings, leading Shows, [egM %Sg/ OT And can ONLY' be obtained ^^jsSSS-' J^T ^"1 WelllllJ^tOIl n Rhyl at the ^ROStCl 'jjfisgL .^jSk Opposite Water Street. ij^K. /JP%. SotrTgpux-r B CON. N WELSBYS. Ijlilip IMPORTANT. SEE THE WINDOWS. SPECIAL OFFER. TELEPHONE No. 0183. TEA Specially blended for this district, 1/6, 1/8, & 2/- COFFEE Fresh Roasted, 1/4 & 1/6. BEST VALUE OBTAINABLE. r -=:-=" 7" ASofu b le So^p Powder OS may be used in powder or solution. Sprinkle if about where a suspicious smell is detected-in lavctories.sicKrooms. cesspools, sewers, &c. œ for disinfecting & washing bedclothes, bodviinen, bandages,- &c, to guard against contagion Mr Ik <! Where CHJ is used microbes ff§ y§ die. and there is little f\ flP^' C// TO chance of infection; /V\ m/ combines a soap w } & germicide; it is no dearer than soap. œ to scrub floors, I paintworK. linoleum. I &c,- d-e s t. roys vermin. œ in hospitals&public .1 institutions; for disinfection. HAPPINE r a soap, deodoriser. and disinfectant. /fO^^ LEVER BROS LIMITED PORT SUHLIGHT. CHESHIRE. l\ '{ ( ( ;¡ ESTABLISHED 1851. '( BlRKSEGK BANK INVESTED FUNDS TEN MILLIONS CURRENT ACCOUNTS 2q/ Interest 00/ on the minimum monthly balances, J j • O when not drawn below £ 100. 21_°/ DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS Oi 2 /Q repayable on demand. 2 /O .J STOCKS AND SHARES Purchased and sold for customer*. ,f Xfc4 BIEKBBOK ALMANACK, with full partioulan, Poat tro*. C, A. RAVENSCROFT, M»n**1ng Director. Southampton Buildings, h Chancery Lane, London, W.C. ESTABLISHED IN 1836. FOR THE PROTECTION OF TRADE I SN-Tn BS, TW-i '1 MERCANTILE OFFICES I (STUBBS' Limited), 1\ 42, QItESRAM STREET, LONDON, E.0, Subscribers, bv obtaining timely information through THE STATUS ENQUIRY DEPARTMENT, MAY AVOID MAKING BAD DEBTS Every Trader should read | SI IT BBS' WEEKLY GAZETTE, 11 With ,bi,-h ill issued a Supplement containing LIST OF CREDITORS under all the important Failures. The C om ry, (,r(, iql Registers contain more than 2s INE MILLION EN TRIES 1 Debts recovered promptly and remitted to < Subscribers on Tuesday or Friday following receipt BRANCHES at Aberdeen. Birmingham, Blackburn Bradford. Brighton, Bristol, Belfast, Cardiff, Cork, Croydon, Dublin, Dundee, Edinburgh, Exeter, Glasgow Gloucester. Hanlev, Huddersfielil, Hull, Ipsw.'ch, Leeds Leicester, [jiverjtool, London (West End), Manchester Newcastle, Norwich, Nottingham. Plymouth. Portsu outh II Beading Sheffield, Southampton, Sunderland, Swansea Wolverhampton. SUB-OFFICES—Bath, Buxton, Cambridge, Carhs'e Derby, Dumfries, Greenock, Grimsby, Halifax, Inverness Limerick, Lincoln, Londonderry, Middlesboro, Newport (Mon), Northampton, Oxford, Paisley, Perth, Preston b Stockton-on-I,&A. Torquay,Walsall,Waterford,Worcester York. TERMS—According to requirements PROSPECTUS forwarded on application to any of the vibove Offices I j? COAL! COAL!! COAL!! FOR BEST and CHEAPEST COAL From Lancashire, Staffordshire, and North Wales Collieries, GO TO WILLIAM ROBERTS, Coal, Corn and Seed Merchant, 41 High-street, Rhyl Also for Hay, Straw, Provender, Poultry Corn, Bird Seeds, Dog Biscuits & Best Baking and Pastry Flour. Best Scotch Oatmeal. B—w—- |,I ,N ,1m |B-,I ininrinifrnrr-r»T—« rm-m In Tins, Ofall 1/1 Chemists and Patent Medicine 2/9. s il"ie Vendors. Subdues Inflammation, allays irritation and heals. Have it by you. You never know when you may be cut, bruised, chafed, stung, burnt, 1 scalded or attacked by sore throat or eyes, &c. &c. t HOMOCEA for Sprains, Stiffness, Tired Limbs, EMBROCATION Rheumatism and similar ills. — 1 /1 /2 per tube. a —————————— t HOMOCEA Ltd., 33. KiNO WILLIAM STREET, LONDON, E.C.

Rhuddlan. I

Rest and be Thankful.1

Pleasant Saturday Evenings…

