Papurau Newydd Cymru

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PROTESTANT ASSOCIATION OF THE CILF & CDIINTF OF .rtfoii!r, FOR DISSEMINATING A KNOWLEDGE OF THE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES OF POPERY, Aid Promoting the Great Principles of Protestantism, as Maintained by the Established Church oj England and Ireland. A MEETING of persons friendly to the objects of the above Association'wiUbe held in the LARGE ROOM, at the S URE HAI.L. HRITBFOLLD, on WEDSRSDAY. SBPTIiMBUR 9th, 18 for making known from authentic Documents, the real tenets of Popery, as now held by the Ho.n»n Catholic Hwhops and Priests of 'eland, contrasted with the principles of Protestantism, as maintained by the Established Church of England and Ireland. V ##. THE MEETING WILL BE ADDRESSED BY THE REVEREND MORTIMER O'SULLIVAN, And OTHER GENTLEMEN. THE CHAIR WILL HE TAKEN AT TWFLVE O'CLOCK PRECISELY. V Admittance to the Meeting will he by TICKETS only, application for which must be made to the Committee, at Mr WILLIAM YAPP's Broad Street, who will sit for the of distributing them from El.F.VL-N till TWo o'clock daily, from Saturday, August 29, to Tuesday, s(.pt 8, after which no 1 ickets can be issued. RESERVED SEATS FOR LADIES. rvulro of the %Ooocitition. 1. That this Association shall be called "The Protes- t<lnt Association of the City and County of Hereford." 2 That the Association shall consist of a President YitivPrp=;iJents, Committee, Treasurer, Secretary, and Members. 8- 1 h;it all persons being Members of the Established Church who shall subscribe Five Shillings annually, or Jf,ve a donation of One Guinea .at one time, shall be Members of this Association. 4. That all persons being Members of the Established Church who shall subscribe One Guinea annually, or give a Donation of Five Guineas atone time, shall be Governors of the Association, and eligible to be elected Members of the Committee- 5 All Clergymen of the Established Church who are Members of the Association shall be considered eligible to be elected Members of the Committee. 6. A Committee not exceeding twenty-four in number. ef whom five shall form a quorum, shall be annually elected to transact the business of the Association; and that the Vice- Presidents, Treasurer, and Secretary, be ex-officio Members of the Committee. 7. That the Funds of this Association shall be princi Pallv aDulied in diffusinc. bv means of Tracts and other Publications, a knowledge of the principles of Protestan- ism, as maintained by, the Established Church of England and Ireland, and of the true character and influence of Popery. 8. That every Member of the Association shall be en- titled to receive one half of his or her Subscription in the Publications disseminated by the Association, estimated at Cost Prices, and shall also be at liberty to p1\rd,a,;e such Publications, to any amount, on the same terms. 9. An Annual Meeting of the Association shall be held at such time as the Committee may determine, when a Beport of the Proeeedings of the preceding year shall be submitted, together with "Statement of the Accounts, and the Q immittee and Officers fur the ensuing year shall be elected. 10. That no ncw Rule or any alteration of an existing Ilule shll he made, except at a General Meeting uf the Association, and that no such new Rule or alteration shall be proposed at any General Meeting. unless a notice, in writing, containing a copy of the intended new Itllle or alteration, and signed by not less than five mem- bers, shall have been given to the Secretary, one month previous, to such Meeting. At a Meeting of the Committee of the Protestant Association, Tuesday, July 27, 1835, SIR E. F. SCUDAMORE STANHOPE, BART. VICE PRESIDENT, IN THE CHAIR; RESOLVED—" That the Rules of the Association be printed a«d circulated in this City and County, and the Members of the Established Church who are favourable to the objects ot the Association, be earnestly solicited to lupport it by their subscriptions and co-operation." (OIP mTI 1st—No Person to be admitted without a Ticket. 2nd—As the Meeting is not convened for Discussion, no Person, but those deputed by the Committee, will be allowed to address the Meeting.. „ 3rd.—Every Person using the privilege of a Ticket is considered as pledged to the Rules of the Meeting, and to submit to the Chair. „ F „ Subscriptions, which become due on the first of August in each year, arc requested to be paid to the ■' H. BELLAMY. Esq. to Mr WILLIAM YAPP, HONORAKY SECRETARY; „r at Messrs. MATHEWS and 1 HIL- —_——i—i"mmm™1 ^lamorganjerture (tanalllabigatíon. I'HE Company of Proprietors of the Glamorgan- n shire Canal Navigation REQUEST THE FAVOUR up THE FREIGHTEKS UPON THEIR CANAL, and all Persons interested in the Mineral and other property of the Valleys of the Taff, Rhondda, Cynoii, «argoed and all adjacent places, and in the Trade of be Port of Cardiff and Town of Merthyr Tydvil, TO "JEtr THE COMMITTEE OF THE CANAL, on "IDA Y, the 18th Instant, at the BHIDGWA i'Elt 4«MS INN, NEWBRIDGE, at Twelve for One o'clock. WILLIAM CRAWSHAY, Chairman. Y>farthfa, 4th September, 1S35. QU Ut CAIRNS and HENDERSON, SURVEYORS and |V LAND-AGENTS, CARDIFF. Railways, Canals, 'Oerals, Road-, Estates, Sec. Surveyed and Planned. LLd A[R[O- TMILI. TO BE SOLD, A GOOD Substantial Full-sized BILLIARD TABLE, in capital condition, (cloth nearly new) %villt 'Cues, Balls, and every requisite-Price J21.-To e Seen on the Premises, at the Inn, Brecon. The Table will he up for eight or ten days; any erson inclined to Purchase may have an opportunity seeing it, as it now stands, for his satisfaction, within *hat time. GLAMORGANSHIRE. fcc £ oltr Auction, the W'YNDHAM ARMS INN BRIDGEND, on SA- J,UltD4 V the 24th Day of OCTOBER, 1B35, at Three "'Clock* in'the Afternoon, (subject to the Conditions l° be then produced), A MOST Compact FREEHOLD ESTATE, called CEFN CARVAN, otherwi-c, TY'R jJ^OUGE DAVID, situate in the parish ot Sunt rides Minor, in the county of Glamorgan, about Four '"ts fnm the Market Town of Bridgend, comprising a Farm H.uisc, with convenient Outbuildings, and u,|t ->5 Acres of excellent Meadow, Pasture, and a s rtiou 0f .^raLlc Land, divided into convenient enclo- se*. c ^ls° another FREEHOLD ESTATE, nearly adjoining, J'edCAlA LLARTHOG, comprising a Farm House, 'j1 good outbuildings, and about 21 Acres of Land, •j. 01 h Farms are let to Morgan Rees and Christopher 88 e"dllts l'om year t0 year- J he veins coa'' 4 1 known in the neighbourhood, intersect these Estates be convenient for being worked, and have been p"ed and coal wrought from the latter Estate. JJQ 0r further particulars apply, (if by letter, free of 80?.'a8,,)t at the office of Messrs. Meyrick and Davies, ■citors, Merthyr Tnlvil. ^^• 4. la35.

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----------TO THE EDITOR OF…




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Family Notices