Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

13 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



BlOpSSil OF LLANDAFF. A (iEEB\L .ÖRDIATION Ql- I' DI-N V. ly. BK ilEI/D, J*Y THE iLGriJ }JfJH)J of. titt. Stocegr, gi- TIIE CATHEDRqL CHURCH of llJndaff, OIl SUNDAY,, the JMth of OCTOBER Next. IIE relaiitc. Papers must be sent by the Can- ■ didatc* (in covers not weighing move than one rn\vj^acil) t:> the UISIIOP, a: LUNI/OVGII'CASTI.r. N i-.v'UGL' 01' °r before the 5th ,1-iv df (,CroRl'.R iCXYT Applications«an be attended to which arrive auer\i,ar tiiae. q ,■■■„}. ^vccfertoch aniJ ^.bcrgabenni) Canal fiAbigattom "jVOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the NEXT A l.lEA R 1,Y MliETlNG. or Assembly of the Oi.ipany of Proprietors of the said Navigation, will be £ ««>• An(;kl lNN'. «n the Town of A I? ERG A- on H U US DAY, the 13th day of Oc'ToBLR nest, at 12 o'C'lock at noon. JAMES I EI lCr, Clerk to the Company. Canal Officc. OQ,| S-pt.. js^.V Mr KING'S FOURTH VISIT TO BRECON. TEETH. n [D) ,'},1lD) U 1M @- burgeon From Mr L- casuii^ of Ao. 4, Union Parade, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire. Tk ^P^CTFULLY informs the Nobility, Gentry, JL*J and Inhabitants of Rreconand its Vicinity, he is at Mr MORGAN'S, POST OrhCE" wWK0'!10 "i1 remain nit OCTOBER the-7th during TWti "I'r■ ma^ consu'led on all cases of the *eetu and Indcsructible- Teeth, made pf Stone, as wellas Natural comnlp'p CCt- 'nserted' a single 'footh to a practice „„ it'3 vc-r>' s"Pc»;ior- m«'ie he conducts his whom ""I^ason's principles throughout, and to "f Mr, Klm-:s absence' al> are to be ChiM-ciC-p6" 1 W?'' meet '^mediate attention. Childl'eti's'l'e(-,th iegiiiated, Families attended at their he rl' kut> as Mr King's visit is limited, willn U I J ,h°3e Wh0 niaV "ish to consult Lin,, JrK,u! ,r ¥B»a8ements. early to prevent disappoint CANTON, NEAR CARDIFF. Extensive Sale of Farming Stock. i!ro be olb fog Ruction, By T. WATKINS, Early in the month of NOVEMBER next, 1" HE Yaluable and Extensive f A RIING STOCK, t together with One Hundred and Fifty Tons of Pi-iin(' HAY, at CANTON, near CARDIFF, the Pro- «4,'r r ° '•srs* Wrn. Jones and Co. who are declining "farming business. ("v!k ^otl^e of tiie day of Sale will be given, and V-atalngucs issued. Cardiff, 16th -September, 1S33. EEalt for Sale. o bt Solti bJ1 5luctton, 0,,i By Mr WATKINS, ° o'Cii!3 AJFtiHY9TH Day of OCTOBER, 1835, at Twelve 0 at ELY, neát C I R Di F F, (ilamorgaushire, •T I ^ARDSofS.aoo BUSHELS of Prime PALE no v"1? remaining part of the Stock in Trade Ti '1 A,lchard Navies. I5''i 'S Ulanuf^cture of an experienced <o^i inUt £ L V ,tS,eJ* the fiucst Samples of Barley el a ve"v sun •' 6 Gi^niorgan, and will be found to be f H per,or quality. as i;iav"hp aar"P| Ij°tS ?° Bushels and upwards, Months' Credit »°n t'le t'nie Sale, and Three o' 4 10 and ,m WI'i 6 to Purchasers to the amount »>c Wed oVb?ti;e°l^tnegr8 BU" PONT-Y-POOL, MONMOUTHSHIRE. "■&o izvosic-b orb,) Gentler, v On W ^DVf,SI)iv, SEPTEMBER, 30th, 1835, by Order of the A,sirne, m'tlE Whole of the STOCK-IN-TRADE, of Mr KKVSK, DRU'ER A\D GliOCKR, of ll.Hl a Bankrupt; consisting ofa well-selected Sn!np"tt5Pf,?^1 White Calicos, Merinos, and IrUh T in -n a !)i Pocket and \ecjk Handkerchiefs. <?(/■ an(^ Brown Holland, Duck and s, dw; (> .,eC ^llstian' Stays, M.islins, Netts, Cassi'rerp" a*P?' ri'ans' Broad and Narrow Cloths, Hats and P-' a|nnr'« and Rianketin;, Waistcoatings, Ha'), '')S' .y ;i'iy-niado Clothes, Umbrellas, Hosiery, Vbe ShS bb°"S' GrOCer-V" &C' &C" prov'i^ XoP»nS "f »"e °f th° ^eSt siluations in the inl* Q;y,I)T" ot -ntvpool, and so advantageous an oc'iirc 4" y ° em^>arltiug in a lucrative business seldom FU:ixn:r'^tr w'1! have t0 take the FIXTURES and Thev]a.. a Valuation. the 29 h forviewinS thcStock,isTUESDAY, Sale *]' !,Julti*hp" Inventories and Conditions of the and on Wednp«r° ,IC(^' atu^ Sealed Tenders received; o'Clo'-k in .i,- day following-, precisely at Ten and the Pur,-1 orni|Jg, the Tenders will be opened, F.)l f ",t"aser declared. ^an'i'f l/c'T- Partl(;ulars' Wly to Messrs E. and J :,r'd Barn'-H ?rS lnon'C'>nrt, or to Messrs Bradley S:reot. 15 i-;0; CCountants and Auctioneers, 30, Broad IN STAFFORDSHIRE. A imp,)rtint tceehold Property for a Secure I ''na ot extent, with the Manorial Rights and Fishing. bn,sr„ AIr' GEOrgK ROBINS ully to apprize the great Capitalists that he is directed to offer O.t- auttlOtt, rf^NF fSDuY' °CT0EKR l5th' at Twelve o'clock. { y1%-rlv m?st IMPORTANT FREEHOLD The attention onh °f SlafF"rd- have the means r who would ,nveSt secure,y. »"d i«v:ted *rs i 'So, t0 a ''reat extent, are seriouslv The 1 T anal^sis tl»at follows 1 "e Iv tate mchid s— T GIITEEN !I)OED ANO SEVENTY-EIGHT T. -LCRES OF LAND, Fenee, to which may be appended n *eatl,res as are of a very rare occuirence. —1- «• ALE 1 REESiOLD—n Till: FREE, L\D-T\X REDEE)£EU, A:SD FXTRA PAROCHIAL. "'atr!*C" as the poor and county rates do not exceed 3d. "I the po i4_ on the rental, which is now estimated at TI FR°L 11 T:I'M SAND POUNDS A-YEAR. vu> ■ n adaP(ed to DAIRV and GRAZING- CoTn Laj-d'1 rescrv'nS<i full proportion for excellent It is advantageously placed in a populous district, within a very easy distance of three capital markets, and the Potteries not far off, which, it need hardly be re- .arnt is a sure and never ending source (and at high for a] I tile.Zod,,ice of this Estate- The Resideuce >s ) no means of a character to cause any apprehen- 81011S. from.the annoyance of its being over-housed and ^fT 'tt00^CSl'es< together with a walked garden and useful o ice f all the agreuiens for'a family who do not soar '"L • as .Capability Brow# would say,) there are I oppnrt,,n;ty to increase it to a size more cori- genuUo a_hrst rate establishment. THE LANDS Milt ALL HIGHLY CULTIVATE^ and occas'°nally diversified by 1 Dre !m EXTKNSIVE Woo»S AND PL W'TATIOXS lnS a'very animated surface while there are euei'i?X1:S\NnfV W°RKED.BY A W.\TER LEVEL, bv no ° "earlvif not over, the whole Estate, and it is rentil ",e?ns an\r-Probable conjecture tliat the present is bes'icU i° r6r:V <^s»'anl period, may be' doubled there and S> a Ult^u' iv'PVly of Lijae, Gravel, and Stone; A R'UL\vn ,fArSF,S THROUGH BETWEEN THREE belong ?ohTp Mlt\S 0F THE ESTATE, cation'with the opr,et^ and '» direct communi- CONVEVIN.1^1, ME\SEY CANAL, pTotit with whiru"0 te rat€»\^e several sources of PI-E\TY' n?' ^FJ°PERLY abovnds. There is T,»° Estate is AXD CAl'ITAL FISHING. M '.NChester ( distanceVf NEWCASTLE, The Farm MATLOCK. them of recent 1D l^e*^cst ctfViditioti, several tenantry verv the »»cH are few oloTu^' %n/ ^en& punct^lly paid themselves. As^rtR •1B? *t,lres thatatonce present Tecomwendthis Estat»°^,nS,S,howevef^ very desirous to tae ost especially to his Frieods and ;NŒD WORLD. prefers they sh^?1^ \0R^D. which can alone be obtain!^ i fullest demonstration, ventures ta. believe, that y 0<lar Proof, and lie survey of this .» U rotormi»g from a cartful ill .hmk hl,VOyRfiT) EST'^E, ^"R be sold to pay 3i per cl^ a which h,?h import, will h» V prospective advan- UXGERT.V1N TKxr'uT,AJ?e infinitely preferable to the To a,l «u,h?,e^J;[ « WTHUF.E PER CENTS'^l teore detailed nartipnl?. y amJ Rerloas attention. A Tn the mean time nrinoi t "ow Teady for distribution. infc-matii>nby annlica, obtain anV additional Coveiit-ganien. George Robins'* offices, N. B. Possession of t>i» n the Mantis iq hand mav be t'T' Residence., and printed particulars wilt be appended ^^mediately. To the ^CIE EtCite, VVLIICBFOR CGMPACTN^UYIED! GLAMORGANSHIRE. ~\fOTlCE IS HEREBY GIVEX, that th* J-j/ Next GENERAL QUARTbR SESSIONS of the PEâCE for .the wid-Cou.nty wilt be hukim On TUESDAY, the Twentieth day of October Next, At the Town-hail, iii. the Town of Swansea, in the said County, on tvftich da, ,'h 'Jlag;str'f:te. will meet and pro, ceed (0 Court at Elevtrfof the^clockjn the Forenoon. The Grarid Jur if wilt thenbfixirorii,ut which time all Prosecutor* and Witnesses arc d;p-ecleflto attend and prefer their Biilslif Ind,ctment, All Appeals and Traverses must be entered with the Clerk of the Pence before eleven o'clock of such day. All business relating to the assessment, application, or management, of the County Stock (Jr Trade, anrl to the internal regulation* of the County, will commence at half- past eleven o'clock of such dsiy. All Bill" and IJentands relating to the Public Expenditure of the County must be delivered into the office of t-he Clerk oftlicPcacc fourtceh days before tle SCssÚms" or they will not be audited and settled at such Sessions. All Persons who have any Traverse or Appeal to brillY before the Sessions, are to be prepared to proceed Oil the same on Tuesday's mining's Court. All costs given or allowed by the Court milst be taxed at the same Sessions, or they will not be'afieriwirds allowed. The several acting Magistrates fjeithin the mid County are re qwsted to return all Depositions relating to Feloniesaltd Uixdftneanors to be prosecuted at the same Session* into the office of the Clerk of Peace at Cardiff, on or befort Friday, the Sixthteenth day ot October Next. Cardiff, \9th September, WOOD, 1835- Clerk of Peace. VLONrvIOUTUSHIRE, lyrOTlCE is hereby given, that the NEXT -L V GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS of the PEACE, far the County of Monmouth, will be held at the Town Hall in, USK, on MONDAY, the Nineteenth day of October, 1835, and that the Court. wiU'mi. at Twelve o'clock at noon', when'the q,d Balijj's are to attend, and answer to their ?&&Pizes, or i; deygit i thei-eof,.tlicy will be The Court will then immediately proceed with till business relating to the assessment, application, and manage- ment of the County stock. or rite; or any fund or funds, used or apjiiiedin aid thereof, and inake o-rdeisfor payments, and consider and direct the General Business of the County. At half-past nine on Tuesday, the 20th, the (rraiid and PiTtty Juries will he called over, ahd are to answer lo their names, or in default thereof they will be fined; and all persons- hmmd iy fec'Mjnizances arc to attend, as the Court will proceed to ;tryA ppeal" 'Iraversef, and Indict- ments fa* -J&Umie*, atul -transact the other business of the Sessions. t r It is requested thaf aH recognizances taken-hp Justices of the Peacefpi- the ajwearajice oj persons at Sessions, and all depositions lAay tie returned on th ,fir"t day of the sitting of the Court, and that early instructions for Billsoj Indict- mejit be _qiren't, the Clerk of the Indictments, that the Grand Jury may not be tmnecessarily delated. Usk,%1st August, JONKS, n 1835. Clerk of the Peace. MONMOUTHSHIRE. MOST DESIRABLE FARMS NEAR ABERGAYEY, To be net, WITII POSSESSION AT CHRISTMAS NEXT. PENYCLAVVDD FARM, comprising a capital FARM- HOUSE, with all requisite Outbuildings, and 1G5 ACRES of VERY SUPERIOR MEADOW, PASTURE. AND ARABLE LAND, now held by Mr Mathew Gwatkin. BLAENGAVENNY FARM* with a good FARM HOUSE and all necessary Outbuildings, with ICO AC ES (or thereabout) of CAPITAL LAND—in the occupation of Mr Benjamin Gwatkin. PENY-PARK FARM, comprising 28:1 ACRES of USEFUL LAND, with a FARM &c., in the Parish of LLAXVHIANGEL CPCOIOlEY, within five miles of Aber-,aveiiny.-In the holding of Thomas Morgan. Penvclawdd' and Blaengavenny Farms have a most valuable Right of Common attached to them. They are in the several Parishes of LLAN ILLIO I EKTIIOLEV and CRUCO "NEY, within three miles and a half of Abergavenny, which from its vicinity to the extensive Iron Works on the Hills, is considered one of the first Markets in the Kingdom for Agricultural Produce. A Railway passing through both Farms connects them with Hereford, Abergavenny, and the Iron Works. The Land is dry and healthy for Sheep, and well calculated for the. Turnip System of Husbandry. Hespectable Tenants will meet with every enconraga- ment. For a View of the Farms apply to Charles Ellrs, at Llanvihangel Crucoriiey; and for further p«rt.iculars and Terms, to Mr Davies, Penmyarth, near Crickhowelt. The postase of all applications by letter mus: be paid. Sept 23, 1835.


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