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A A '777 CDChl W 6>wl «!&" iy (HALLMARKED) HANDSOME! MASSIVE! M ritEiEiB-I VllVfaBl WILL GIVE YOU ONE FREE! I TO 8ECURE IT, FILL IN THIS COUPON AMD POST IT TO ME, TO'DAYL 1 To Mr. H. SAMUEL, I FREE GIFT I "ACME" QR/.I ^Market Street, Manchester. COUPON i. £ V £ R 1 Please send me by return your ACME IflLYER 1 WATCH for which I enclose P.O. 25/- together with FREE PRIZE HpSi Sj QI?T of a SOLID SILVER ALBERT-as described above, B Yours truly, H. SAMUEL, will send this watch for SEYEH DATS FREE Vrjm 5/. INSPECTION for P.O. 5/- ONLY, and will refund deposit in UMi J I 1 n| run If watch returned. DESCRIPTION.—Solid 8ILYER (stamped) CASES, fully jewelled, fine Him I WM ? nl&ta lever movement, accurately adjusted and timed, contains 1H I I1B K imnrovements specially reserved to H. SAMUEL'S Watches and JL LIIK I prowclld by ROYAL LETTERS PATENT. SEVEN YEARS WARRANTY B|K| 3|| write for my BUYER'S GREAT FREE REFERENCE BOOK can supply JH lfK| HI vou with every want 1 Send me full particulars now! When buying Hi A JHiSH from me you DEAL DIRECT and keep the middle profits. m Lf\ MHB V^9V I GUARANTEE YOU AGAINST LOSS, DISAPPOINTMENT, OR DELAY, Hf II IBfiB DIAMONDS. GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, JEWELLERY, ELECTRO* 1 JMBU A I PU^TE CUTLERY, MUSICAI. INSTRUMENTS, GRAMOPHONE8, 4TC. I ENORMOUS SELECTION! FACTORY PRICES! FREE BONUS PRIZES! liffif ■ ■ SEND ME A POST CARD TO-DAY! ■ The IV MINUTES M i PAIN CURE ] W FREE Dr. GEORGE Hø JONES, the eminent Surgeon-Dentist, writes: | H, consider Lineel Liniment a wonderful antidote for pain. I have used H it In the course of my Dental Practice with most successful results, and | in obstinate cases where other means have failed^ to give rene/. a GEORGE JONES, Surgeon-Dentist, Great Russell Mansions, London. | LINEEL LINIMENT Cores RHEUMATISM in 5 minutes. Cures EARACHE in 5 mmutec. | Cures NEURALGIA in 5 minutes. Cures TIC in 5 minutes. » Cures LUMBAGO in 5 minutes. Cures SPRAINS in 5 minutes. Cures SCIATICA in 5 minutes. Cures BRUISES in 5 minutes. > Cures GOUT in 3 minutes. Cures CRAMP in 5 minutes, g vjur« in 5 minutes. Cures STIFFNESS in 5 minutes. » Cures FACEACHE IN D « r r KT>rjvnTJC. « Cures TOOTHACHE in 5 minutes. And MUSCULAR PAINS in & § Cures COLDS and COUGHS in three or four applications to throat and chest w Cures CHILBLAINS in two or three applications. Cures RHEUMATIC DEAFNESS in 5 minutes. € LINEEL LINIMENT! t Nearly 500,000 Free Bottles of LINEEL LINIMENT have been sent out in response to as M 1 many letters, which can be seen at the Company's Offices. And in no single instance that has u cone to our knowledge has it been known to fail in absolutely curing pain in five minutes. |J YOU ARE HOT ASKED TO B0F § Simply send a penny stamp for postage, mentioning this paper, and a Free Bottle will be by 1 1 return post. Evry day we receiT? extraordinary and grateful letters, testifying to ibe efficacy of m LINEEL L NIMENT in curing p- n. It would cost a lot of money to puSiish all these, asd it s< h much more convincing and satisfactory to send you a free bottle, so that you may tesi it yours. If. Sold by Chemists, Stores, &at 1j1\ and 2/9 per bottle. jja I IRkStf I Are the best remedy known to Medical Scicnce for Jf I IBUI" ir I ff*ll I INDIGESTION, CONSTIPATION, LIVER$ fiaiSll IN FEASRA I FI&A&B*# COMPLAINTS, and BAD COMPLEXION.$ Sold by Chemists, Stores, &c., at 1(1 and 2(9 per box. WRITE FOR MEDICAL LEAFLET. i The LIN EEL CO., LD., 16, Bevis Marks, London, Eat;" | « TflOPH THE LIVE.1 I ¡; v' t ,J Ii [,¡a I RTIM R" AbsolutelyCure I T T L JjHBKeBFBILIOUSNESS. H| ■ JT MB BO S'CK HEADACHE. HH I \f N Kj' TORPID LIVER. H /mm FURRED TONGUE. flB |^| | | INDIGESTION. B"^l LL INDIGESTION. INDIGESTION. B"^l LL • SALLOW SKIN 8ma„ Pi„. i i C Small Dole. They TOUCH the W Q 1T~^ aa Small Price. Genuine Wrapper Printed on s? + WHITE PAPER. BLUE LET I ERS. Look for tho Signature, v v The Physician's H H ■ I i ■ lVR A H BJl A Cure for Gout, I I k I V I |HB nB VI W M| Rheumatic Gout and Gravel. The Universal Remedy for Acidity of the „ _mos^ Stomach, Headache, Heartburn, Indigestion, Infants eChildren Sour Xructatfons, Bilious Affections. ?e5c"« FeSes,' and the MAGNESI-, A j I jf% I LIVER « STOMACH fcX% COMPLAINTS. SVMPTOMS.-Constipation-skk feelings- giddiness—headache—sluggishness—wind— un- pleasant brezth-furred tongue-low spirits-rest- *ess n'ghts-cramp -loss of appetite-indigestion- tleartl3Urn~ac'(iity-speckrs in the sight. ^^These conditions, each and all, are quickly relieved and positively cured by:— Dl*« KIM O'^S DANDELION and QUININE (Guaranteed Y Y ^\W |y Y Y without Mercury). JLjK M J^JO, XT AJLj Established la Boston, Lincolnshire, 1788, and in London, 1832. I ONE OF MANY TESTIMONIALS. Mr. RORKE. HAMPSTEAD. SIR,-I have, I trust, derived great, very great benefit from your Pills. I enclose Four-and-Sixpence, in stamps, fcr more; will you have the kindness to pack them safely? I have given away largely of my first lot; and in all cases of headache, biliousness, costivenefs, sickness, and debility, with palpitation of the heart, and giddiness or swimming in the head, I have found them to have an effect like a charm. They remove the bile more effectually than mercury, and possess the wonderiul boon of there being no fear of catching cold. I took the last two last night, and I believe them to be a most excellent family pill. Yours truly, THE REV. T. H. RS BLf I 3>L8 9 £ > n| B I C Can be obtained of all Chemists and W*X« l\l JVVI 9 r IIbIbW D>-ug Stores at 1/1J, 2;9i & 4 6 per box. Manufactured by J. RORKF. & CO., 132, York Road, Lambeth, LONDON. EDWARD WILLIAMS, HouSE AND SIGN PAINTIE,1 COLOUEEK, PA P EE-HAN GEE,, Ac., 33, NICHOLAS STREET, CHESTER "Paper-Hangings of the Newest Defeipna m Stock. Pattern Bookê: sent out to Select from. Estimates given fcr Town or Country "a z j ISAAC WILLIAMS & SON, REGISTERED T)LUMBERS, GLAZIERS, & GAS FITTERS, 1 CUPPIN STREET, CHESTER. Plumbers' Brasswork of all descriptions Patent Water Closets, Lavatories, Baths, c. Glass of all qualities and patterns kept in Stock.


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