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;> Œlrncafian.è< CARDI)]j. V El\il0V AL OF DR. PARKY TO .I.\J CABDIFF. MUSICAL TUITION IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. JOSEPH PARRY, MUS. DOC. (CANTAB), LECTUUER IN MUSIC AT THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF SOUTH WALES AND MONMOUTHSHIRE, CARDIFF; &D MR D. MENDELSSOHN PARRY desire to make known to the musical public that in virtue ot their remoTal to Cardiff, they will receive all private pupils in future at BEETHOVEN CHAMBERS. 2, NEWPORT-ROAD CARDIFF (Just opposite the College), Ami at their private residence, CARTREF, 23, PLDlOGTH.ROAD, PENARTH. SUBJECTS TAUGHT will be S"ŒGING, COM- POSITION, PIANOFORTE, and the ORGA. Private Lesons to commence un )IONDA Y, October, tb bt, i8Sd. Prospectus, containing full particulars, may be had •11 application to Dr. Joseph Parry. Musical Colle!1;e of W:LIe-, Sw¡;.nsea. 1134-13226 VJT. CATHERINE'S, CARDIFF. O (FOa THE HIGHER EDUCATION OF GIRLS AND WO)!EX) KINDERGARTEN.lodtÜled on the plan 01' the best ,>choo¡s, and conduted by a trained, certificated, experienced teacher. Boys under seven admitted. Inclusive iee per term, Guineas. HLGH :SCHOOL.-OlÜ.established. but modern in organization, curriculum, and methods. Inclusive fee per term for En1ish, Modem Languages, Classics, Slatheniitics, Natural Science, Drawing,Class-Singing, Theory of Music. Needlework, Cookery, Calisthenics, anI the Sloyd Stem of Scientific Carpentry, Four or Five Guineas, according to age at entraøC8, COLLEGIATI£ DEPART:\ŒNT-Cla5ses and pri Tate lessons for Women stuùying for degrees, or doing anyother special work, University College lectures may btj attended. Fees dependent on requirements. Xbe charge for Board is from Ten to Twelve Guineas per term in addition :.0 tuition fees. For further par. ticulars, address the Principal, Mi. s TLLLl, 11, Pari- place, Cardiff. _2.2C? 12703 HARROW HOUSE HIGH SCHOOL, CARDIFF. PRINCIPALS: The Jii- MARKS, Assisted by tr",lI1ed and experienced teachers. After the summer vacation, the School will be entirely reo organised. The hours for class worÀ. WIll be frÐftt 9.1ii to 1.30, an interval beins; allowefl for urill and. recrea- tion. Afternoon attendance wdi be required for preparation. Home work will thus be lessened for elder pupils, and dispensed wÜh for younger ones. Inclusive fees fur English, Mathematics, Latin, French, Science, Drawing, Theury of Iusic, Class Singing, Drilling and eedlework, £ 3 10 per ttrm reduction for pupils uuder teu. Additional churge for board. f:.1 7s per term. Luge house, 1Vell situated, with ood recreation .-round. Prospectus on application. 12432 1264 KENSIGTON HOUSE, WINDSOR-PLACE, CARDIFF. BOARDING and DAY SCHOOL for GIRLS. PrincIpals-The Misses HA.RVEY, 4 The Autumn Term will commence 18th SEPTEMBER. COWBRIDGK THE GREAT HOUSE SCHOOL. PRINCIPALS )Irs and the Misses CULVKRWELL {Associates in Arts). The next term will bein TUESDAY, September 1-th. Pupils prepared for Oxford aml Cambridge, Locals, College of Preceptors, Royal Academy of Music, aml Trinity College. Tuition by covrespund-nce in Harmony and Counterpoint (Miss A. E. Cnlverweli. A. Ma>.) Private lessons litl classes for Oil Painting, Water Colours, &:c., 2s ód per lesson. "lolin 1e,»,ons by Professor E. T. Hoberts (Cardirt), 2 guineas per trm. 1Wta.mina.tion successes alJ.¡u"pectus of scl1001 on aDolicatiou o th", principals. 73o3 102-» SWANSEA. Â R N OLD C ol LEGE VV O ODLAN D.-TEJi RACE, CONSTITUTES HILL. SWANSEA. BOAitUING AND i.'AY SCHOOL. SPKCIAL FraTURE", A THOROUGH GROUNDING in ENGLISH UB. JEC1' cía.Üc." anÜ niatcetaatics. Gtxid business education, including mensuration, correspondenc6., COlli- Ulerc ai knowledge, b()()k-e"pin, shorthand, amI modern language. Preparation f r Preliminary xami- nations, Pharmaceutical, Veterinary, Deuca.1, )Ifdical, Law. Society of Accountants, Railway and Civil Service, Theological and [j niver,ity Colleges. Ex- iJupil Teachers prepared for College or Certificate Examinations. Care- ful trailljll of 1xwkw:nd boys and other, whose eazly educa ion has been neglected. The health of delicate pupils car,¡fuJ.1y ",tu,Ü""¡. A class in icuJture iur farmers' sons. ;criPture lessons twice a week. A Qebatin chss once o week. :¡o 00" is properly prepareù for business without passing to rough a school like this. Fees The lowest tha¡¡can be charged consistent witiI the exceptional advantages. Boarders fror,1 24 uineas Day >cnolars from o guil1ea. per annum. The quarters begin July 26, Oct. 7,Ja.n.17.auùApri17. For turther particulars ;,¡,p¡.ùy to the PrlllcipaJ as above. 1234 CARMARTHEN. UEEN ELIZABETH GRAMMAR SCHOOL, CARMARTHEN. FOUND riD 1676. HEAD MASTER J. J. LLOYD WlLLIA)IS, M.A., MATHEMATICS E. H. HENSLEY, M. A Cambridge, 12th Wrangler. SCIENCE J. F. HAKXIN, B A., Cambridge, 2nd Class "(:i.)"" T¡;pû" WITH OTHER. EFFICIENT MASTER.S. fechooi in most healthy situation, with play-grounds attached. Preparation for ail public ex Huma.tions, Additional boarding opened HlÎ term. Successes since ovember, 1087 :-£5') Clas8Ïc:ù Exhibition, Oxford jk, London M itricuiation, two higher Ox!or.i ,r.d Oambridge certificates two distinctions ,lo. History and (;heœistry. four lower do.; fc3 rirst a/Hi second ciasse?..M.iy examination ciellctJ and Art, Souih -ton 1> in Preliminary Law BnÜ )tec.iicill, <I" for NH.cionaÏ Provincial Bank, Matriculation Trinity College, Dublin, and L1mpeter. Boys entering tUi", t-enr. eligible ivr valuable scholar- ships offered .Janu<lry. 1329 >. B.-Ill last lower certiUcate examination &. boy from this school obtai. eu highest number of first classes amoll W d:h candidates. NEXT T¡.;{.I BEGINS WED.ESDAY. Sept. 26th. Appiy Head Master. 1953 TENBY. I N T E R M ED IATJJTED L C A T ION. This, now SO much sought for in and out of Parlia- ment, is P,A;IALLY PROVIDED for in GREEN HILL TENBY. All facilities ,1' codily health, mental training. am] preparation tor Collegiate or Commercial Lire. 1186 PRINCIPAL H. GO WARD, M.A., LL.B. PONTYPRIDD. JpONTYPRIDD GRAMMAR SCHOOL. Canilidates Îor preliminary examinations in Law and Medicine, London }lauicula.tion, Civil Service 14'<J.mi nations, Banks, &c, are requested to semi name and address to F. J. M'CLUNii, Esq., 17.6 The G!1.Ill!e. Pontypridd. hAT Ii, lyrEATH.— PROPRIETARY SCHOOL. -Lv Higher KuncatioB.—Application tor terms, &c., to Archueacon of or Heali¡¡¡¡,¡.sCer. Neath. ll'L3 ULIFTOM, BRISTOL. || IG H CLASS EDU-CA TIO N. BRIGHTON HOUSE SCHOOL, REDLAN 0 PARK, CUFTOS. Established 1873 to provllle a thoroughly goodeducation at moderate terms. There wiil be tiue" vacancies for Boarders and a few vacancies tor Day Pupils, September 15th. Numes should be entered a on«-e. Large prembes near the Downs. Ths number of pupils hmited tfl 17;0 (45 boarders). An excellent table Isept. A good home ior boarders. Large stall of e3icient tutors. Four departments. Pupils admitted from eight to twenty yei4ts of *ge. All suojec,3¡;"u:Ú1: Inclusive terms. Playground, wt:ll.Et:d workshop, gymnasiiv.n, foot. hùl, hockey, cricket, and tennis dubs. :-i<:Jpa" a'oe house &i:! sanatorium. Pupils sncccessfully prepared for the Army, Navy, Civil Service, Medical anti Preliminary L. w Examuuvtions, aii well is lor thofe of the Universities, Oxford and Cambridge Locals, College of Preceptors, Science and Art Department ;»fs» for the MUisicill Examinations 0 the Roy..1 A<: 3"lemy and Trinity Prospectuses, examination ucœs>;tjil., -•eferences, and full particulars elt application to the Head Master, MR CHARLES BIGG. Appiy by letter only before September 1 th 1433 CHELTEI-B.}I, "VTO RTHAMPTON HOU8E 11 COLLEGIATE ;-CHOOL. CHflLTENHAM.— Established 1870. PriIJc1(Ja:, Hev W. B.JWELL, assisted by a carefully-appointed Staff of Masters. Pupils are careful y prepared tor. and havt) been very successful in. the Civil Service, Oxford Local, Pharma- ceutical Society's. South Kensington Science, Trinity COllege Musical, the College of Preceptors', and other Public Examinations. Great pains eSt with back. ward pupils. Good accomm odation for Boarders, "lith Swimming Baths and Gvmnasium immeuiateiy opposite, a large playounù adjoining, anti, held ne<.r. Unlimited diet; careful moral training. Highest referenc;e8. l'erms mouerate and inclusive. Application for Prospectu,;6S or a piTSOnal interview may be made to tbe Principal. 1910 I.EOMIN8TE &, GRANGE C OLLEGJE, JLEOMINSTER. TO FILL ENLARGED PREMISES, BOARDERS TAKi N at very moderate terms, anù no increase for two years. Every educational advantage, with liberal anll kind treatment. Highest references in an points 8Cience and art: laboratory. .127 Address The PRINCIPAL. r- >- A FACT WORTH KNOWING. BEECHAM S PILLS Are admitted by thousands to tN worthabove a G CINE A a BOX for bilious and nenous disorders, such as wind pain jn the stomach, sick headh/tche, giddiness, iullness and sweiling after meals, dizz\TleS5 and drow-l1Iess, cold crull, ftu:b.ing8 of heat, losa 0;' appetite, shortness?f brea.tb, costiveness, scurvy, and blocches on the sfc1", disturbed sleep, frightful dreams, and all nervOUS and trembling sensations, dtc., 4M. 1hery ufferer is earneSÙJ invited to try one box Qf Ü1ese Pills, anu tbey will b acknowledged to be WORTH Å GUINEA A BOX. For Females of all ages thas6 Pills are invaluable. o female shuuld be WithQout them. There ÍJi no medi. cine &0 be found to equal Meecnam's Pills for removing 311Y obstructions or irregularity of the system. If taken accordin to the directioas given wiüh each box, tb6J will soon restore females of all es to sound and robust hth. For a weak stomacr, impaired digestion, and all disorders of she Liver, they act like U UIC, and a few doses will be fOUlll1 to .ork wonuera upon the most inlpO"1oaDt organs in the human machine. They the whole muscnlar sYStem, restore the long- lost complexion, brinf, oack the keen eage of appetite, and arouse into acticn, with the ROSE-BUD of health, tne whole physical 81lt;rta of tbe human frame. Thes are FACTS admitted by ttiousandsembracing all classes of society, and one ui the best guarantees to the Ner- vous and Debilitated 15 Beecham s Ptll. They haTe the we oi any patent medicine in the worjd. Preoared onlv iyv the Proprtd1;or, r. BEECHA)I. C\1enÏist, St. Helen's, Lancashire, in Boxes at Is lid and 4s 9d each. Sold by all Patent Medicine Dealers In the United Kingdom. 210 N..I). "WI "V-'°cIiiO¡¡1 are given witb saca Oox. 1131 v Unsimss ^frbrggseg. gTOCK EXCHANGE POOLS. gTOCK EXCHANGE POOLS. H. B. SMITH, gTOCK and SHARE DEALER, J J Q CANNON-STREET, LONDON, I TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS, WAY- LAND, LONDON. gTOCK EXCHANGE POOLS. ¡ H. B. SMITH'S METHOD OF CONDUCTING gTOCK EXCHANGE POOLS. gTOCK EXCHANGE POOLSi gTOCK EXCHANGE POOLS. gTOCK "EXCHANGE POOLS^ STOCK EXCHANGE POOLS. gTOCK EXCHANGE POOLS. ANOTHER POOL-CLOSED AT A PROFIT OF 40 PER CEAT. i>1 ry CHfLQUES~for PKOFIT sent out J_ 4 to Subscribers to-day, numbered 3320 to 3b3b. SINCE I commenced POOLS on July 21sfc last NO POOL has yet been CLOSED at a LOS, and 692 ptnpIe have already received protits ranging from 40 per cent. upwards, in Three Pools only, viz., 1 > CHEQUES, numbered 2501 to A V> & 2662, in theiFIRST MILWAUKEE POOL, sent out i n August 7 last. 31-ÜHEQUES-numbered 3,001 to o 3319, sent out in the MEXICAN POOL last Monday week, September 10. *) 1 CHEQUES, numbered 3,320 to JL 4 3,536, sent out in the NORTH BKI1TSH | ORDIN ARY POOL to-day. COUNTERFOILS of the CHEQUES and the PAID CHEQUES pasted in the cheque- book can be seen at the offices. ri^HE NEXT PuOL will COMMENCE on 1 FRIDAY NEXT. S-pt. 21. in "XTORTH BRITISH THREE PER CENT., .1." PREFERENCE STOCK. "XTORTH BRITISH THREE PER CENT. i.1 PREFERENCE STOCK. pOOL ADVICE. ■KlrH BRITISirTH KEE PER CENT. 1.1 PREFERENCE srocK. The Pool in North British Ordinary Stock, opened on the 6th instant, was finally cloed on -aturdav last, the 16th. The accounts show a. nett profit of 40 per cent after payment ot expenses and commission —id tat, a person subscribing £100 to the Pool re- ceives back £ 140, am1 larger and smaller amounts in proportion. Takin the duration of the Pool at ten days, this is equal to a profit of 1,500 per: cent per annum on the money invested. Cheques for the different subscribers, 217 in number, have been sent out, numberelt froUl 3,30'4 to 3,520 in. clusive. A large proportion of the stock in another Pool, namely, the Chatham Ordinary, has been closed at a good profi, and as sonn as I think it advisable to close the remainder of the stock, the Pool accounts will be adjusted and the cheques sent out in rhe usual way. J'be next Pool will commence on Friday next, the 21st instant, and the Stock I have decided to operate in is the new THRKB PER CENT. PREFERENCE TOCK OF THE NORTH BRITISH RAILWAY, brought into existence by the sphtting of the present Ordinary Stock, by which the shaie- holders receive for every £100 of the pres-nt Ordinary Stock of the New Three per Cent. Preference Stock, and £1CO Deferred Ordinary Stock. 1 he New Preference Stock is absolutely enticled to the whole of the nett enrnings of the line out of which to pay t1Jeir dividends of J per cent., and the Deferred Stock (in which is merged the Edinburgh and Glasgow, commonly called Dinas, a subsidiary line of the North British) is entitled to whatever is left over, but rhey can re- ceive nothing until the dividend on the Preference Stock is paid in full. He lings have taken place in the Preference Stock between 74 and 75, and the present price of Edin- burgh and Glasgow i:! 48 Now a Three per Cent Preference Stock in an English Raiiway of the standing of North British is a security very little behind Consols, and is hone-tly worth at the very least SO. The corresponding Preference Stocks of the London and North-Western Railway and the London and South-Western Railway, in wnich the only dif- ference IS that they carry 4 per cent, ùlvidend instead 0f 3 p.-r cent, stand at 1;s6 and 12S respectively, a. d can scarcelv be bought, they are so eagerly picked up and so flrmiy held by investors. This is, roughly, 31 for 1 per cent, of dividend, and (<11 this basis the or&h British Three per Cent. Preference is worth 93. The present ridiculously caeap price 1S a.ccoul1:.ed tur by the fact that the slock was dealt in fur the first time on Saturday last, and I have not the slightest hesitation in saying taat the stock will have a very sharp ano rapid rise to at least 85. Everybody knows that people get very much less interest for their money now i:1 everything than they used to 00. Hence the very numerous body who are continually casting about io- an investment for their money lush most eager.y after anything in the nature of a Preference Stock which can be nude to return them the merest shade over £3 per cent, per annum, and at the present price tnis stock would show a return on the money invested of about S4 3s. Immediately investors know this, and that they can purchase the stock at ttus low Value, the price will go up by leaps ¡ and bounds and experience sl1ow that on e snapped up, v-ry little of any English Railway t Preference Stock comes back upon the market, which of course keeps up tlle price. j I there; jr-1 look upon this Pool ts an opportunity I which does not ofcen occur of making an almost I certain and good proiit in a short time. | In ,support of my views, 1 cannot do better than | agaii) refer my cLeats and the public generally to j the series of articles in ihat '"Uiin nt authority, the I •' Si-atist," on the prospects of this line generally, and j the* consequence of splitting the stocks and also the Financial News," which, speakill of this new TI1.ree per cent Preference stock of the North British ill their issue of yesterday (Monday, September 17th), SIIYS At this price the return is £4 3s 8d. There is not another stock on the li-t of lir ti-h Railways return- ing anything like this percentage. The average of Preference Stocks is about £3 4s percent, per annum, and of Ordinary about i:5 goes without saying that immediately tbe attention of the i¡¡vest- ing public is attracted to thi" new stock it will ;0 up with a bound. Now is the time to pick up a perfectly sate investment returning over 4 per cent. before three months the 5tock will unuoubtedJy stand at By way oi explanation to those clients who may' not have previously received my circulars, I woui-l repeat that my first endeavour in working these Pools is, ami will be, to) remove them as far as pos- sible from the gamblin category, and to make the chance "f serious loss so small as to he praetically non- existent My clientele m.mbers some thousands. allJd 1 chink most ot them would better appreciate a con- stant succession of handsome profits during the YtJar with little risk than one huge profit, followed or (.er- hapsprecededbyastreamofdisastrousiosses. inw«>rk- in <> the two or t hree private Pools prior to sending out advice to my clients generally, my great idea w;t.s to make as much proiit as possible, irrespective of ii k but when, encouraged by my success, I sent out to all my clients advices cf Pools, I found the subscrip- tions flowing in so largely nÙ so freely that I. came to the conclusion, which was also urged upon me by many of my clients, that my ttrst object must, be to endeavour co keep ibese large sums of money us safe as possible, and treat the Pools more a, an invest- ment than a speculation, sven though the ?,ccruing profit might not be so great." To this niay be added, for the satisfaction of those clients who like to tollow In the daily journals the prices of the Pool Stock in which they may be interested, that a temporary f 11 need cause them neither anxiety nor alarm, as not only do I, when commencing purchases, hold a large protective reserve in hand, but a lower price permits avera- in" by further and cheaper purchases when deemed advisable. The Pooi will commence on xrulay ne^tt, tne inst. L 4. I Country n mittauces will be in time by oatnraay morning post, but clients will expedite the enormous labour entailed hy these Pools by sending as early as possible. Any auiouut IMJC beiBK less than jE5 can be subscribed. No liability whoever is iucuned by subscribers beyond the amount they actually remit. As in all other Pool, jadvices wia be sent out of the price at which all stoen is bought for the Pool the same day that the transactions take place. It may "ave trouble if I point out to ubscribers they cailnot trallfer to a future Pool any- moneys from a Pool not finally closed. For instance, clients can transfer to this week's Pool any balance standing to their credit in the North British Ordinary pool, closed on Saturday, bu, they cannot transfer from the Chatham Ordinary Pool at present, as it is not finally closed. For the benefit of such of my clients and the public who do not thoroughly understand how I work these Pools, I am having printed an explana- tory circular, which will be sent post free on appli. cation. npHE NEXT POOL will COMMENCE I on FRIDAY NEXT, SeptemberJJli^ TuRTH BRITI-HTHREK PER CENT. PREFERENCE STOCK. STOOK EXCHANGE POOLS. H-o B- SMITH'S HTOCK EXCHANGE POOLS. TOCK EXCHANGE POOLS. ) ANOTHER POOL closkd AT A A. PROFIT OF 40 PER CENT. •>1 CHEQUES for PROFIT sent oat i^ JL 4 to subscribers to-day, numbered 3320 to 3536. SINCE I CommencedPOOLS on JuTySilst last NO POOL has yet been CLOSED at a LOSS, and 692 people have already received profits ranging from 40 per cent. upwards, in Three Pools only, viz ~g /• eJ CHEQUES, numbered 2501 to llO/i 2662, in the FIRST MILWAUKEE POOL, sent out un August 7 last. i Q1 t> CHEQUES, numbered 3,001 to A O 3,319, sent out in the MEXICAN BAIL- WAY POOL last Monday week, September 10 3,320 to /ZJL < 3,536, sent out in the NORTH BRITISH ORDINARY POOL CIOU.NTER-b OILS of the CHEQUES and the PAID CHEQUES pasted in the cheqoe-book can be seen 30t the offices. HiTnEXT POOL will COMMENCE on FRIDAY NEXT, Sept. 21, in H. B. SMITH'S yTOCK EXCHANGE POOLS. gTOCK EXCHANGE POOLS. STOOK EXCHANGE POOLS. gTOCK EXCHANGE POOLS. H. B. SMITH, gTOCK and SHARE DEALER, 110 CANN0NSTREET' L0N*>0Ni TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS, WAY- JL LAND," LONDON. 2116 Snshuss T/S Qxy(,IlD gT'» r QPENING OF PREMISES, ( it • A urUMN AND WNTER jplASHIONS AND NOVELTIES ■4 n a MANTLES, JACKETS. ULSTERS, "e MILLINERY, FURS, &0,. ko. -) MADAM, S We have pleasure In informing you that the alter- ations at the above pzeaoiaes are now complete, and are i 1 N°W OPEN. The whole of the stock we have personally selected trom the Leading Houses in Paris and London, and will be found to contain all the LATEST DESIGNS and MATERIALS for the coming season. A staff of thoroughly competent and experienced DRESS and MANTLE MAKERS, MILLINERS, < £ c., has bean engaged, and every effort made to ensure the prompt and satisfactory execution of all orden en. trusted to WI. Respectfully hoping that you will do us the favour of giving our stock an early inspection, We remain, Madam, r Your obedient Servants, JJOWARD JENKINS AND (Howard Jenkins, late Mantle Buyer at Messrs B. Evans and Co.), LIST ot DEPARTMENTS. COSTUMES, RIBBONS. MANTLES, LAOES, ULSTERS, SILKS & SATINS, MILLINERY, GLOVES. FLOWERS, UMBRELLAS, FEATHERS, FUR CAPES, SEAL JACKETS, FUR-LINED CLOAKS, CHILDREN'S JACKETS, CORSETS, HOSIERY, DRESS MATERIALS. 2028 0ARDIFF JjJXHIBITION During the above Exhibition, fJIRAPNELL AND GANE intend making SPECIAL DISPLAYS of FURNITURE AND CARPETS IN THEIR MAGNIFICENT WINDOWS AT 3 8 and 3 5, QUEEN-STREET, And will vary these from time to time in order to give all those wuo visit Cardiff durius the next two months an opportunity of seeing that REALLY GOOD FURNITURE can be had at MODERATE COST. To commence with, we shall show iu our window at 38 QUE ENS T R E E T, fJIRAPNELL AND ^JANE'S CHALLENGE DINING-ROOM SUITE:— SIDEBOARD (Solid Walnut, Bevelled Plates), OVERMANTEL, DINING TABLE, SUITE in saddlebags, comprising COUCH, GENT'S CHAIR, LADY'S CHAIR, SIX SMALL CHAIRS, FENDER (Brass rail), FIRE BRASSES, COAL BOX, THE WHOLE COMPLETE. £33 10. DELIVERED FRJE. FJIRAPNELL AND Q. A NJ. gAMUELJJROS. BOYS' CLOTHIERS, BESPOKE TAILORS, GENTLEMEN'S OUTFITTERS, HOSIERS, HATTERS, Ac. QRAND JJ I S P L A Y or A.-» ENTIRELY NEW STOCK FOR THE PRESENT AND COMING SEASON. EVERY DEPARTMENT replete with a Stock of the most Varied, Stylish, and best assorted Goods in the Kingdom. One trial will prove we are Best and Cheapest. M ÂBKET jgUILDINGS, ST, jyjARY-STREET, 0ARDIFF. 272 1315 FASH ION S. M. SAMUEL, 76, QUEEN-STREET (CROCK HERB- TOWN), CARDIFF, Is now receiving CHOICE DRESS MATERIALS in the NEWEST DESIGNS for the coming Season. AUTUMN COSTUMES made to order from 46a. NOVELTIES in JACKETS and CLOAKS. I FRENCH AND ENGLISH, MILLINERY. Seal Jaeketa, Far Cloaks. Pelerines and Boas. 916 Ball and Evening Dresses made on the shortest notice TEETH.—Complete Set One Guinea; -t. Single Tooth. 2a. bd. Five years' warranty. Dr Andrew Wilson, R.N., says They conduce greatly to health and comfort.* Re-models, repairs. Painleaa Dentistry, Gas, <fcc.—GOODMAN AND Co., 56, Queen-s; Cardiff, and 1, Old Deck-street, Newport. 13041 lU4 gnaimsa %.&&rigggg. 1 B, IFivANs AND CompANY desire to direct special attention to a GREAT DELIVERY OF NEW AND SEASONABLE G 0 ODS, BOUGHT at a REMARKABLY LOW BAT. FOR CASH, and < MARKED AT VERY ADVANTAGEOUS PRICES SO AS TO COMMAND A STIRRING SALE. THE GOODS ABOVE REFFRRED TO INCLUDE BLANKETS, FLANNELS, SHIRTINGS, SERGES TICKS, QUILTS, SHEETS, SHEETING, CALICOES, LONGCLOTHS, DRESS MATERIALS SKIRTINGS, SILKS, PLUSHES, VELVETEENS, MANTLES, JACKETS. GLOVES, RIBBONS, LACES TRIMMINGS, HOSIERY, GENTLEMEN'S MERCERY, &C., And will be ready for inspection THIS D Ay, JpRIDAY. This opportunity is strongly recommended to regular Customers and the general Public. Temple-street, Swansea, Sept. 2otb, 1888. 1046 UHAVING. EVERYONE WHO SHAVES SEA VING. should use the ALBION MILK ks AND SULPHUR SOAP, which SRA VING. yields a firm, creamy, and re- IO freshing lather, softening the SHAVING beard, preventing the irritation s so often caused to delicate skins T__ 7rt in shaving, and rendering the SHAVING. passage of a razor rapid and s easy. As a Toilet Soap, it is SHAVING, unequalled. Delicately perfumed. Sold by all dealers in Perfumery O HAVING, in Shiving Cakes and Toilet Tablets. 1171 QAVENDISH HOUSE, CHELTENHAM. NEW JQRESS jyjATERIALS. The NEW AUTUMN DRESS MATERIALS have now been received, comprising a Choice Collection of the highest class Novelties. Complete Sets of Patterns will be forwarded post free on application. CAVENDISH HOUSE COMPANY, LIMITED. CHELTENHAM. 1279 DAVID DAVIES, BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR, 161, CASTLE-ROAD, CARDIFF. REPAIRS, kC., IN ALL BRANCHES of the Trade viz —Masonry, Carpentery, Slating, Plastering, Plumbing, and Painting—immediately attended to. Drains put in thorough order. 220 Granted since 1866have eachyear THE EXCEEDED EI,000,000 sums Assured, a result maintained £ ><T4TSmARn uninterruptedly for so long a !S period by no other office in the K-' United Kingdom. POLICIES FUNDS, SIX AND THREE- QUARTER MILLIONS, in- creasing annually. STANDARD LIFE OFFICE. 57, BROAD-SI REST, fcRTSTOL. 1143 JOSEPH JULER, Local Secretary. jgJLECTRIC JgLACK H EAD. Saves labour. A rapid, brilliant BLACK polish. w I.NLDSOR CASTLE BLUE. Linen of Snowy Whiteness No Housekeeper shouid be without these matehlest articles. May be had of all Grocers, Ac. Gold Medals 1882 Paris 1886. SMITH & GREGORY, Bine and lilacs Lead Works, Bristol. 1110 c ROSSLEY'S "QTTO" Q.AS J^NGINE. OVER 38.000 IN USE. From 2 mau to 100 b.p. REFERENCES for ALL TRADES and in ALL TOWNS. Second-Hand Engines. Deferred Payment System. QROSSLEY "JgROS., J^IMITED, OPENSHAW, MANCHESTER.

Family Notices




---_--------THE NORTH WALES…





-------------LONDON LETTER.…







