Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

1 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. THE MOST USEFUL AND ACCEPTABLE PRESENT TIIAT CAN BE MADE TO LADY FRIENDS, HARRIED O'R UNMARRIED, IS ONE OF WHEELER & WILSON'S NEW „ SILENT WORKING DEWING MACHINES. THEY will make Sewing com- a PFatively a pleasure, doing the work of time lrJ3an hour, and -will last a lady's life v, Better make a lady a grind handsome lla«v- once, like a first-class Sewing nr,f' than to make yearly small presents aot so useful. jlfnrh- over four hundred tlwusant Sewing and iir"-s matlufactured by the famous Wheeler \ra J. tison Sewing Machine Company, the first doin»es' raa^e Eighteen years ago, are still ber i? ^00(* work; not one of all that num- bee as ever been worn out, and not one has enwu re™rned to the Company bscause it allld not Wor k well. Machines Warranted, Instructions Gratis, JProspectns Free. OFFICE AND SALESROOM, WHEELER AND WILSON, 73, BOLD STREET, LIVERPOOL. CAUTION. GE/VSHING for a Wheeler and Wilson ,LN& Machine, and seeing one adver- A Sewing Machine place, at a ■WITH RE4UC^I°N in price, I called to see it TJIP A VIEW of purchasing I was shown JJA TTL.;ichine, and informed that I could BY,? hut at the same time was told U E salesman, that another make he ■^RP YAS A great deal tetter than the *NEDRER AN<^ Wilson, A11^ 011 HIS recom- LECN PURchased one of the make he I ]JPMMEN(LED. Soon after getting ithome TO T}F A?LE convinced that it was not equal TOTH I^ELER and Wilson, and returned AHD °TTR-ACE exchange it forthc Wheeler °Jie FV11' although it was evidently TVOULRI WAS MAC^E YEARS ago. The party D N°t exchange the Machine, though AM RTAS A premium to do so. I nOW convinced that the Wheeler and is ILH°?^-AChineadvertised!atunderprice, sell „ .AS A "decoy duck" by which te 11 mferior article. L3 HENRY HARRIS. ^SSELL STREET, LIVERPOOL. ^Y^IAD^Y5D,~T °'R WAEN, gwelais hys- yri C^, 0(* peirianau gwnio Wheeler a Wilson ^OSTYN?'E^ SWEI'THU mewn un ystordy gyda &5'da'R > .LN'WR yn y prisiau. Galwais yno o'r RHA ° BRYNU, gAN ^5T T>iod un SIYJJG'^HOD. Dangoswyd y pei1 iant imi, a MRTHYF gallwn ei gael, ond dywedwyd ddo UN UN AMSER y gwerthydd. fod gan- ori AR 0 ^EUTHURIAD a,rail oedd yn tra rhng- ERADWV^1FI^RILEOICR A Wilson—ac ar ei _gym- SYTTIPVOJ prynais un o'r gwneuthuriad a AR!FVHR.OJ^YAI* fuan wedi ei gael adref, n-id oedd yn gystal a rhai gael „ A. Wilson; aethum yn ol i'R lie i for] VT1EWID am un Wheeler a Wilson, er ei N^ID. a wnaed flynyddocdd yn ol. Ni TVNEILRT' Y RWerthydd, er cynyg arian iddo am I A*vr 1VPDI fv argvhoeddi vn a Wnad yw yr HYSBYSIAD fodpeiriant Wheeier FEROL YN /R CAE^ E* wcrthu dan y prisiau ar- i Werth,J1 ond rhywbeth i dynu sylw, ac 13 IL„,T,RP1EIL'LANT gwaelach.—HENRY HAHBIS, -L^^STREET, Liverpool. Wlq- SELLERS & Co., Manufacturers and Exporters of o KINDS OF MACHINES, Q. -j. ^hitechapel, Liverpool, • J°NES^MANAGER, Tile —— e Patent Silent Lock Stitch E*"L(} MACHINE, Price £ 6 6s. TL ^AND M-ACILINES) from 30s. a)yest Sewing Machine in the 'WORKS FIR, XT w<>rU. Eve 8 80 Needlesjitjonce. Price £ 950. SEWING MACHINES ePaired. Agents wanted. br/,nir genym ni wedi b^dydTnTaPdS 4 CTJEED oi. disease, Premature De- ti0llE. happy t0 gpt,.? years of suffering, bew^ed on recei^ ^^°Py of the Prescript ^ld»^ransttission r^Stamps for e?* Y Gwir yn erbyn y B/d." A\ i Gorcu Arf, Arf Dysg." EISTEDDFOD GADEIRIOL A GWYL FAWR GERDDOROL RHYL. A GYNHELIR YN AWST, 1870. Gellir cael Rhestr 0'1' Testynau, trwy aiifon dau Stamp at yr Ysgrifenydd- 'Ur ion—Mri. J. Rhydwen Jones, ac Arthur Rowlands, RHYL. E. RIOHARDS MANCHESTER WAREHOUSEMAN, 49, BRUNSWICK ROAD, LIVERPOOL. CALICOES, LINENS, FLANNELS, PRINTS, DIAPERS, TOWELLINGS, TABLE CLOTHS, NAPKINS, SHEETINGS, BLANKETS, GUILTS, COUNTERPANES, And all kinds of Plain Drapery Goods at Wholesale Prices. B. HYAM TAILOR, CLOTHIER, OUTFITTER, AND HATTER, 79, LORDS TREET, LIVERPOOL. BHYAM yn barchus a wa- i hodda sylwat ei Stoc ysblenydd o DDILLAD PAROD i Foneddigion, yn gyfaddas i bob crefft a galwedigaeth y gwisgoedd un ac oil wedi cael eu tori a'u gwneyd gan y gweithwyr mwyaf medrus, a gall B. Hyam sicrhau y bydd i bob dilledyn fitio cystal a phe ei gwneid wrth archiad. Cyfnewidir unrhyw ddilledyn yn union os na fydd yn foddhaol, ond iddo fod heb ei wisgo neu ei niweidio. COTIAU Yn barod i'w gwisgo mewn Brethyn Du, ag ymylau beindied- ig neu blaen, yn yr holl ddefnyddiaude- wisol newydd gydag ymylon dwblbwyth- edig. Ffitiant cystal a phe y gwneid hwynt wrth arehiad 20 B. HYAM 97, LORD-STREET, LIVERPOOL. TROWSERI Yn barod i'w gwisgo iiiewn Doeskin Du, a'r holl ddefnydd- iau dewisol newydd. Ffitiant cystal a phe y gwneid hwynt wrth archiad. 14s. B. HYAM 97, LORD STREET. LIVERPOOL GWASGrODAU Mewn Brethyn Du, a.g ymylon beindied- ig neu blaen, ac yn yr hall ddefnycldiau dewisol newydd, gydag ymylon dwbl bwythiedig. Ffitiant gysta.1 a phe y gwTi- eid hwynt wrth arch- iad. 6s. B. HYAM,. 97, LORD STREET, LIVERPOOL, Anfonir Patrwnau, ac Arweinydd i Hunan-fesuriad, yn rhad eyda'r post. ji A- N IOL.Alr's BRITISH 0 R N F U R IS PREPARED FROM RICE. RICE is the Staple Food of more than Three JLt Hundred Millions (300,000,000) of People. COLMAN'S BRITISH CORN-FLOUR, Now in Domestic Use, is unequalled for Blanc- Mange, Custards, Puddings, Cakes, Soups, dc., and is the most wholesome and easily digestible Food for Children and Invalids. TESTIMONIALS. EDWIN LANKESTER, M.D., F.R.S., says Rice-Flour is Corn-Flour, and I regard 1. this preparation of Messrs. Colman's as superior to anything of the kind now before the public." ARTHUR HILL HASSALL, M.D., observes:- I find it to be perfectly pure and most carefully manufactured; it forms an exceedingly digestible and wholesome artible of diet." CHARLES A. CAMERON, M.D., also states:— I have never tasted anything of the kind more agreeable in flavour or so easily digestible." SHERIDAN IIUSPRATI-, M.D., Professor at the Liverpool College of Chemistry, writes :— I can highly recommend it as. a palatable and very digestible and nutritious food." ——————————— Retailed by Family Grocers and, Druggists; Wholesale of the Manufacturers, J. & J. COLMAN, LONDON. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. THE ROYAL SEWING MACHINE COMPANY. DEALERS IN", AND JIAXL'KACTURERS OF "THK ROYAL," FNO:.I £ 7 5s. THE" WHEELER AND WILSON," FROM L7. THE "RAYMOND," FROM B2 1"s, TIIE "IMPROVED," Fumr C2. THE "ROYAL ALFRED," FROM £ 5. AND THE" SHAKES PEAR," FROM L4 4s. SEWING MACHINES. Beg to invite the inspection of all persons in search of a first-class machine to call at their LIVERPOOL DEPOT, 18, RENSHAW STREET, where all machines are warranted; inspection gratis, and testimonials and prospsctuses can be obtained. Wholesale and Hetail.—All the best kinds of machines kept in stock. Machines repaired. AGENTS WANRED. The latest novelty is the 55s. Hand Mach- ine, in a neat box, and carriage paid, for £2 lis. Please read the following testimonial- Grisiall Cochion. Bethesda, Hyd. 22ain, 1869. Syrs, Mae Y Frenhinol" oeddych yn ei dar- paru .yn Ebrill 1868, wedi oi phrofi ya dra gwcrt.hfawr. Hi yw yr oreu a'r fwyaf ym.. ddibynol yr wyf wedi weled olr hollbeirianau gwnio. Mae genyf yr hyfrydwch mawr i dytlOlavtJu fel hyn am ei baeddiant, ac yn neillduol i'w chlod ar gyfrif fod iddi bob nodwydd wedi en nodi yn gymesur. Ydwyf y: eiddoch yr. serchog, ELIZABETH WILLIAMS. P.S.—The "Pioyal Alfred" is the most beautiful and best finished Ladies' Lock Stitch Hand Machine ever made. We have several Wheeler and Wilson'sown make of machines, nearly new, that were taken last week in part payment for Royals,' will be sold cheap. And Remember the Address is 19, RENSHAW STREET LIVERPOOL. Support your own Countryman. JOHN STARKEY & Co., (2 & 14, Parker Street, Liverpool. AGENTS FOR THE FLORENCE (SEWING MACHINE, Many important adonntages possessed hy no others. rHE Reversible Feed enables the L operator to sew either way; to fasten nds of seams, saving time and thread; to rkrengthen the seam, where extra strain is iiable to come, without stopping or turning the work. The Self-adjusting Shuttle Tension enables the operator to sew good" of differ- ent thickness, making in all, without stop- page or change, the same uniform ftlld elastic stitch: to sew over heavy soiitisa-itlioiit break- ing thread or dropping stitches. It makes four kinds of stitches with aa much ease as ordin- ary machines make one, and with as little machinery. The saving of thread over mach- ines moking the chain or embroidery stitch will in one year be move than the cost of the machine. A machine sews easily 300 yards in a day of ten hours. This will take on the Florence 7; yards of [.hTe:lr1.. and on the chain stitch machine 1,SuIJ, making a difference at the present, price of thread of at least one shilling and ninepence in value per day—over £ 25 per year. With silk, the difference, is, of course much greater. £ 10 and upwards all found. gP.ITAX"S"IA gB\\I-:O M.V0UINE C01rPAXY. These Machines combine the best parts of other machines by ayoiding their dded", and with rccent spccnl improvements which nD others pœsess, render them not only th# cheapest but the best Lock-stitch machine manufactured. PRICE—(complete wiih Ornamental Bronz' Stand and Polished Circular Table) 6ii GUINEAS. Also THE GItESHAI LOCK-STITCII SEWING MACiHNB COMPANY. These machines have advantages possessed by no others. They have the reversible motion,; and are the only hand machines fastening tliip ends of seams both at the commencement and finish without, rcmivjng the work. PRICE— £ 4 10s.; with Table and Treadle- otion, £510s. Hand Machines 55s. Likewise THE TUDOH NOISELESS LOCK-STITCH SEWINO MACHINE FOR A.N'D SHOEMAKERS. NEWYDD DA I BIVINB! pAVYBODAETH S Y D D \.1 KEETH. Os dymunwch gadw cifih iecjiyd. y maegwybodaetlio'releddfautuag at ei sierhau yn hanfodol. Os ydych yn parhau yn aÜnch er gwncud yrndrech i gael adfenad ieohyd, pa both yw yr achos Dim ond hyn — diifyg gwybodaeth am y pwnge. Y mae gwaieiddiad. y dyddiau presenolynpenfod ychydig gymhorth i natur yn nghadwriaeth ac adfeiiad iechvd yn auliebgorol angenrheid- iol; a'r unig olyniad ydyw, yn inha le y mae yr hyn sydd yn angenrheidiol i'w gaeli Ya ddiau drwy ddeinyddio PKLEKAU LLYSIEUOL ADFERIADOL WORSDELL KAYE. Gwerthir hwynt gan bob Fferyllwr a Mas- nachwr fel meddyginiaethau br intebol, am Is lie, 2s 6c, a 4s 6c, yn Ystorfa Gyfanwerth, g2, Broad-street, Llundain.