Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

4 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



"CIXPRBSSION3 TN l*UL JkXPKESSIONS' IN jJiAMofm' ICINGS, "BRACELETS. a' &INGSJH JSEAOELETS. BKOOOHES, CiOOOHES.Ac- INCLUDING mVlEs>s I A Portion of (Messrs. Lippmann, 4j7* f Ginsberg, Hatton Garden, Lon- JYaVljjg.g don) the loose Diamond Stock, 5*7" ■ { amounting to £ 750, just mounted jlAVlljg.g into Rings. Brooches, and Brace- w I »ets, offering every buyer 10/- to « > t 12/-sin the^. Redaction l0/-ro 1 Q/J?s IN jp Tj EDUCTION EVERY X, M Clj^^lIoGUE~^ilEE7 ~j 30 LOW lULL, LIVERPOOL (Via Old Swan Car). AY ALLOWANCE UP TO 100 MILES £ 45 Lady's Ring. of Jb24/ln LATEST FRENCH STILE 3- Equal fuL^/ STONE LARGE DIAMONDS 8af«?ed> and JnatcWeS3 white lustrous stones, hand setting 18"ct- gold and platinum mount, u8- Will advance £ 24. APPROVAL. £ vi Large Diamond Half-Hoop. trnivll/1 *7/- LARGE SECONDHAND SUPER IIIIK Pure iil 5-STONE DIAMOND HALF- Knit Heaw il f' round, beautifully-cut, matchless !l3&s aOvann Gol(i Claw Setting, remounted, 11 ^^yaiice. APPROVAL. tor Lady's Coronet Diamond Ring. cu<klB/l n/- EQUAL-SIZE LARGE Pa.!y deflnin™ DIAMONDS, in a row setting, ^hite. hriiii eaich stone, no gold showing; strong ■miant Diamonds, 18-ct,. Gold. Advance £ 15 5:12 diamond 11 aff hoop. 5-STONED DIAMOND ia is0! 'fatchlic?AVY CLAW-SET, HALF-HOOP, 'Senrt 8°ld wbile Brazilians, stylish claw setting, 0ii?Ted. tc- u"-f written guarantee, highly recoin- atiyance £ 8 /6 ON APPROVAL— 8 diamond Ha If = hoop. lE^'19/- St^9XG- FASHIONABLE, DIAMOND «iatD r°Und sfnno F"HOOP, clear lustrous, per- Adyo.^thig. S^ eyery stone fishing Are, 18-ct. h^vy a°e £ 3/7 ON APPROVAL. Stored free. any time. DAVIES'S. — ti ^JSce^ane°us Bargains £ riCP o, TAT C Davies's aiy-^OKT, S0LID G°LD ONLY Price. 18f jSrtqspiirl gold, diamond cut links.. 10/6 ^5/" 5jOoowP l?toP'solid all through 9/8 25Jlif, diamoyd centre 7/6 tfi f00K:i5'P lte diamond, 15 carat 13/6 £ 8 XATcr \,eavy oval, Hall-marked 8/6 ?1A 0s??11 & Son, with bow brooch.. 46/- ^AOELWT1^ 8 Soli<i Heavy 18-ct. plain.. £ 1 /9/6 £ » „ 14 T\; ussel's Lever Watch combine £ 4 /10 •Mnouds aad Ruby, as Cluster 14/6 *1 t\y W,i heavy Gent's Ruby in *3 £ 2/10/- £ 20 ^ANQT^andSTUD £ 2/10/- 8°ARp gr Gent's, Solid 18-ctwide.. 35/- stoup u very large Brazilian single- t, Gold s';on<i in the world, 15ct. ^Ooou <?:ic,e.AO any time) £ 4/19 knife diamonds, on 18-ct. bar, £ 6/18/- SU t» Sold J,j< 3 large diamonds, solid t9 BROOOB: largc flawless diamond, 15 ct. £ 5/18/- £10 b 15car¡{t..nltlUe, 11 diamonds, stylish. V "'AltI\:I.RG 8 ^L2 DIAMOND BRACELET, S^O/lftL 5-STO.N E PERFECT l8-0AT>tlc% hLi 'Ia;M°ND BRACELET (near Jin thp HATT n?7?ngllt' decorations in HEAVY *AMr\vre,ty Siiwf i^SKEI) every stone warranted ArLMAT0HLBSS WHITE QUALITY S. Without (ipila"e £ 6 any time. Approval any Posit. Choice present. f8ct. ENGAGEMENT RINGS. "Law awr STYLISH HALF-HOOPS. tRlOw /2/A DIAMONDS andl Sapphires, 6 Lustrous 7-Stone, ne^t claw-set. USUALLY 921101- 221 ft. AMONDS, 6 Stones, a5J lustrous gems, IS-ct. neat claw, effective. USUALLY £ 4/10/- DIIAMONDS, 5 Pure White Best I :or Brilliants, 18ct. Claws, USUALLY S5. £ 2/jQ DIAMONDS, 5 Stones, fine white 8eriis> 18ct. claw-setting. Other r" IrHoops at 50/ 55/ and 59/ °VBft SnTT" UsaalIy 1SEBLE. ^INGS TO CHOOSE FROM. OUR PRICE £ 11/17/- t. 3 stone DIAMOND 'BAR' FE8TWI8H BROOCH. I'^ge^aws, K^if?^POOH' 2in- long. 18-carat Hall ,ad Whitest -R"is<r;.se't v>ith .3 first firewater Jlstte Diamonds, without speck i^/Rain ?,°od iiuin-p, in size' ?hape, colour and ls° beantif ? stones should view this special to mat "1 pair of Single-stone DIAMOND n?Ce. £ ia 0law sS wHVmo?ntinS in 18-carat Gold and eetfuu PrWr.«ay hook and catch. Usual ^mitted?' 1?S- 6d" Sent on approval. ^5^ALT^iUi AU1"UUK BRACELET. tl>e ANnE?^?0LII>^G0I'I) FLEXIBLE $>6,ry linllce)' stlmm^ K LJ?0;K BRACELET (widest anJ^ ■in velvet n y Qowrnment, and stamped APPROVAL. Others at ta„?l0V ^Oiihle" Patterns, viz.. Basket, l 6ct frntSxjAL pa^d-Lattice," 10/- IN THE £ ^siv^n. UnsttH0,?!- °ver 200 Bracelets to ^&5/! >rb and^ASSED VALUE. Also very <Ai» 0iirKai1^ anothov iC^ Bracelet at 35/ usually ^5 .° °thor„ Padlaot usuaIIy £ 4- Also very Ht' »Hd»S lain and I £ 2;7/-y usually £ 4/10/ Hlf^/10/ extra widp ^n?.raTed' at £ 2/15/ usually ^>lSSif vrr,Vsuallv «a n and Padlock, chased links, 8^TS!D ly OA8H BACK IF NOT AS PAYMENTS—DAVIES'S. t>^te'3 S0TED srnoiii "^4Rings 20/- ol o, °ZenTea'.Spoons and Pair—SPECIAL J)^le3,B Su«« Tongs Free. 0tt"K w?A10'- 16' °^am, Wldsst and Heaviest. Ifci., 22-OABAT GOLD. oabd, tBBB.